DEVELOPMENTAL READING 01 Stages of Reading Dev’t 01 Emergent Reader PREREADING STAGE Enhance his oral language development to a equal to or greater than the level of materials for beginning reading. Trained auditory and visual discrimination, listens to, tells and discusses stories and learns basic work and study habits. 02 Beginning Reader INITIAL READING Begins to use picture, context, and configuration clues to recognize words and then goes on to beginning construction in phonetic and structural analysis techniques. Learns how to use and handle books. Begins to develop skills in finding main ideas, anticipating outcomes, making inferences, finding details, and noting sequence. 03 Transitional Reader RAPID PROGRESS Extends his use of a variety of word recognition techniques. Extends vocab and comprehension skills. Begins to read independently for information and pleasure. 04 Intermediate Reader EXTENDED READING Uses word recognition techniques automatically, and is almost completely independent in reading. Extends his reference-use skills (dictionary) Uses library independently. Begins to use reading as a tool in problem solving. 04 Advanced Reader REFINEMENT IN READING ABILITIES… Has acquired independence in locating and utilizing a variety of materials Aware of varied purposes of reading Developed skills in critical evaluation of material read. Reading interest are extended. 02 MODELS of READING What do you think is the meaning of this sign?