None of the content provided within this e-book is to be deemed legal or medical advice in any way, shape or form. All decisions are yours alone and I am not responsible for your actions. This e-book is for educational purposes only. Do not take supplements or drugs without the supervision or direction of a qualified medical professional. Before deciding to use any drugs or supplements we suggest you do your own research regarding the legality and dangers of using them alongside reading these opinions (not to be deemed medical advice). DISTRIBUTION Use, distribution or disclosure by others is prohibited. This product is not to be re-sold at any time. RIGHTS RESERVED The materials contained in this product are protected by applicable copyright and trademark law. ENHANCEDINFO is the author and owner of this product. DO NOT TAKE ANY DRUG OR SUPPLEMENT WITHOUT THE APPROVAL AND SUPERVISION OF YOUR DOCTOR. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 3 ANDROGEN RECEPTOR PATHWAY ......................................................... 6 MYOSTATIN PATHWAY .................................................................... 24 MTOR PATHWAY............................................................................. 30 ESTROGEN RECEPTOR-BETA PATHWAY ............................................. 35 INSULIN PATHWAY ......................................................................... 40 GROWTH HORMONE & IGF-1 PATHWAY ............................................. 49 OTHER PATHWAYS ......................................................................... 56 CORTISOL .................................................................................... 57 NITRIC OXIDE ................................................................................ 60 INFLAMMATION ............................................................................ 63 ATP ............................................................................................... 65 AMPK ............................................................................................ 67 FINAL NOTES & SOURCES ................................................................ 69 2 Thank you for purchasing this e-book! As you probably know, I run an Instagram page and e-mail newsletter where I discuss everything there is to know about using Performance Enhancing Drugs in bodybuilding. After releasing numerous e-books on the subject and acquiring a significant following, I realized that roughly 1/3 of my audience consists of “natties” who are either planning to stay natural forever, or who are not yet ready to become enhanced bodybuilders. I wrote this e-book to offer all my “natty” followers the tools needed to optimize every major signaling pathway that is involved in muscle growth and strength without risking their health or losing their beloved “natty card”. Enhanced bodybuilders can also benefit from these tips to maximize their gains and minimize side-effects, as well as to maintain their progress between cycles/blasts. The structure of this e-book is really simple. I have divided it into different chapters, each dealing with a different muscle growth pathway. You will learn how each pathway works, how to optimize your diet, training and sleep to take full 3 advantage of it, and what supplements you can take to further maximize its muscle-building effects. This is an incredibly complex subject that even leading scientists struggle to explain, so I will not bore you to death with complicated scientific terms and information that only make it harder for you to understand what is being discussed. This is not an encyclopaedia, so I will only be explaining the basics in a format that everyone can digest and understand. I also want to make it clear that this is not a beginner’s guide to building muscle. I will not be teaching you the basics of how to lift, eat or sleep for muscle growth. This e-book is for athletes who already know how to build muscle and who have built a decent physique, but who want to take everything to the next level by using natural supplements and tweaking their diet, training and sleep. --The first chapter deals with the primary muscle-building pathway: The Androgen Receptor Pathway. In this chapter, you will learn how to optimize your hormone levels and androgen receptor density to maximize the amount of muscle your natural "steroid" hormones can build. 4 In the following chapter, we will examine the Myostatin Pathway. Essentially, myostatin acts as a limit on your muscles, much like a speed limiter on a supercar. You will learn how to reduce myostatin to break through plateaus and remove the limit on muscle growth. Then, we will delve into the complex but fascinating mTOR pathway and the various techniques and supplements you can use to maximize muscle growth. Next, we will cover the often-overlooked EstrogenReceptor Beta Pathway and the methods and supplements used to exploit this muscle-building mechanism. Afterwards, we will discuss Insulin, one of the most crucial hormones in the human body, and how to optimize insulin sensitivity for improved muscle growth and overall health. In the next chapter, we will explore the role of Growth Hormone and IGF-1 in muscle growth and how to increase secretion of both peptide hormones in a safe and natural manner. To top it all off, we will cover some of the minor yet still important physiological processes that impact muscle growth, including cortisol, inflammation, nitric oxide, and ATP production. 5 ANDROGEN RECEPTOR PATHWAY 6 The androgen receptor pathway is the main pathway through which muscle is built. Androgen receptors are found in many tissues throughout the human body, including skeletal muscle tissue, where their activation stimulates protein synthesis and leads to muscle growth in periods of calorie surplus, and muscle retention when calories are restricted. Both Anabolic Androgenic Steroids and SARMs accomplish their muscle-building effects by attaching to androgen receptors and acting as agonists (meaning that they activate androgen receptors) and increasing protein synthesis. How can you achieve a similar effect naturally? Well, you are already doing that with your natural, endogenous Testosterone. Therefore, the key to taking full advantage of this pathway without having to get enhanced is to maximize your natural Testosterone levels along with your androgen receptor density. This will ensure that you can build as much muscle as possible through the single most important pathway, while also experiencing an improvement in physical strength mood, well-being, sex drive, motivation and overall performance. 7 HOW TO MAXIMIZE YOUR TESTOSTERONE LEVELS I already wrote a detailed guide to boosting natural Testosterone levels that you can download for free by clicking here. It covers all the basics of natural Testosterone optimization, as well as delving into some more esoteric stuff that may not be strictly necessary to implement. I recommend you download it to have access to the entire repertoire of Testosterone-boosting techniques, but I will be covering the essentials in the next few pages. --The first step you must take in order to boost your natural Testosterone production is getting bloodwork done. You may already have a high Testosterone level if you are young and healthy, meaning that you would not have to worry too much about boosting your levels even further. 8 Perhaps your levels are incredibly low and that is why you struggle to put on muscle and get stronger, and you need to make drastic lifestyle changes to fix that. Without getting bloodwork done, you simply cannot know where you stand and whether it is necessary for you to try and boost your Testosterone levels. It would not be an exaggeration to claim that boosting your Testosterone levels from low to high can feel like hopping on a cycle. Many men are oblivious to what it feels like to have high Testosterone levels and they do not realize that they are missing out not only on potential gains, but also on a better quality of life. The aforementioned e-book contains a detailed explanation of what markers you need to get tested and how to interpret your current levels, so use that as a reference when you get tested. So, let’s get right into how to boost your Testosterone levels… There are 4 things you need to optimize: Your diet, your training, your sleep and your supplementation. 9 OPTIMIZING YOUR DIET If you want your Testosterone levels to be as high as possible, you need to get rid of some foods, incorporate new foods and most importantly, NOT be on a calorie deficit, as that would limit how high your levels can go. However, there is an exception to that rule. Your current bodyfat percentage also dictates how high your Testosterone levels can go. If you are over 20% bodyfat, you need to cut down to around 12-15% in order for your Testosterone levels to be as high as possible. Here are the 5 diet changes you need to implement in order to maximize your Testosterone levels: 1 – INCREASE YOUR FAT INTAKE You want to incorporate more healthy fats into your diet from sources like avocado, eggs, butter, cheese, beef, and olive oil. Dietary cholesterol is the building-block of Testosterone, so you want to eat foods that are rich in it (the raw egg meme for high Testosterone is actually very true!). 10 However, you want to avoid trans fats such as those found in seed oils, fried food and other processed foods, as they will not only not have a positive impact on Testosterone, but they will also make you unhealthy in the long run. 2 – DECREASE YOUR SUGAR INTAKE Processed sugar is not only addictive and bad for your insulin sensitivity (which we will go into later in this ebook), but it is also terrible for your Testosterone levels. Make fruit your only source of sugar and avoid any food containing processed sugars. 3 – AVOID ALCOHOL Drinking alcohol can have a devastating effect on your Testosterone levels while also inhibiting protein synthesis, meaning that its negative effect on muscle growth is twofold. Avoid it at all costs if you are serious about making progress. 4 – PROTEIN & CARB INTAKE Protein itself will not impact Testosterone levels significantly, but this is an e-book about maximizing 11 muscle growth naturally so needless to say you must eat 1g of protein per pound of lean bodyweight. Regarding carbs, multiple studies have analyzed the effects of different carb intakes on hormone levels. For the most part, carb intake does not make a significant difference. Low carb + high fat diets are good for Testosterone, and so are high carb + high fat diets. 5 – INCORPORATE CURCIFEROUS VEGGIES Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower are rich in Indole-3-Carbinol, a precursor the natural aromatase inhibitor known as Diindolylmethane. Diindolylmethane (DIM) has been shown to decrease excess estrogen levels and improve estrogen metabolism, meaning that they can improve your testosterone-to-estrogen ratio. They may also be able to increase free testosterone slightly. Add them in moderation, as abusing them can have a negative effect on your hormones. 12 OPTIMIZING YOUR TRAINING The way you train is the second variable you must optimize. Not just because training hard and consistently is the foundation of building muscle, but also because the way you train can affect how high your Testosterone levels will rise, which also dictates how fast you can gain muscle. Here are the 4 changes you must implement: 1 – ADJUST YOUR CARDIO Cardio is incredibly important, but it can hinder your Testosterone levels if you let it put you in a calorie deficit. HIIT cardio has been shown to increase Testosterone, so focus on that instead of regular endurance exercise. 2 – PRIORITIZE COMPOUND LIFTS Squats, bench press, deadlifts, overhead press and other compound movements will have a stronger positive impact on your Testosterone levels than isolation exercises. 13 3 – TRAIN IN THE EVENING Believe it or not, training in the evening has been shown to produce a greater increase in Testosterone levels than training in the morning. 4 – HAVE SEX ON A REGULAR BASIS Having sex 2 to 3 times a week will not only be good for your mood, but it will also have a positive impact on your Testosterone levels (although living with your partner may actually decrease them according to some studies). 14 OPTIMIZING YOUR SLEEP Your testes produce the most Testosterone during your REM sleep. It is no secret that the better your sleep quality is, the more Testosterone you will produce. Besides that, good sleep is crucial for muscle growth, recovery, longevity and overall health. Here’s what you can do to optimize it. 1 – GET 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night This is rather simple, but most people fail to hit these numbers consistently because they struggle to stick to a solid schedule and they are often tempted to stay up late. Set a clear schedule and do your best to stick to it. You may not sleep through it all at first, but if you follow the next 2 tips chances are you will soon be able to. 2 – IMPROVE SLEEP HYGIENE Unless you always fall asleep within minutes of hitting the sack, you better pay attention to this part. 15 Firstly, you need to avoid screens for one hour before going to sleep (unless you have blue-light-blocking glasses), as the blue light generated by screens inhibits Melatonin production. Secondly, you need to make sure your room is as dark as possible and not too hot. Finally, you have to train your body/mind to associate the bed with sleep. If you tend to lay on your bed during the day while scrolling on your phone, reading or playing videogames, you are training your body/mind to associate the bed with those activities. If you ONLY lay on your bed to sleep, you will find it a lot easier to fall asleep within minutes. --If these tips don’t help, you may have to resort to sleep supplements. 2mg of Melatonin 30 minutes before bed bed should help you fall asleep a lot faster, but you can also experiment with CBD oil (20 to 40mg), LTryptophan (500mg) and L-Theanine (200mg). 3 – OPTIMIZE REM SLEEP REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is the deep phase of sleep during which you dream and your body does the most repairing, growing and production of hormones. 16 It is also crucial for retaining whatever we have learnt during the day, protecting the brain from neurodegeneration, processing emotions and a bunch of other important aspects of physical and mental health. If you are following all the dieting, training and sleeping tips you have read about so far, chances are your REM sleep will be just fine, but you can take supplements like Magnesium (500mg) and Vitamin B6 (100mg) to improve it (along with Melatonin and some of the other supplements mentioned in the previous section). 17 OPTIMIZING SUPPLEMENTATION If your diet, training and sleep are in check, chances are your Testosterone levels will be quite good. However, you can take things to the next level with supplements like these… 1 – VITAMIN d3 Vitamin D deficiency is the norm in most Western countries. We spend all day indoors and/or we live in places where the sun is not always shining, so our body does not get to produce Vitamin D on its own. Even though you should try to increase your sun exposure (15 to 20 minutes a day should be enough), the most pragmatic solution to Vitamin D deficiency is to supplement with Vitamin D3 at 8000iu a day along with 200mcg of Vitamin K2 a day. 2 – ZINC This key mineral is often lacking in modern man’s diet. Studies have shown that it plays a key role in Testosterone production, and anecdotal reports show not only a significant increase in the levels of this 18 hormone, but also an increase in sperm volume. Supplement with 25 to 30mg a day. 3 – MAGNESIUM Magnesium is another mineral that is sorely lacking in modern diets. It will not only help with sleep (what it is known for), but it will also contribute to healthy Testosterone levels. Take 500mg before bed. --Other supplements that you should consider looking into are D-Aspartic Acid, which has been shown to improve Testosterone levels and fertility in hypogonadal men (take 3g a day), and Ashwagandha which has also been shown to boost Testosterone levels to a small but noticeable extent (Take 600mg Ashwagandha extract a day). Finally, consider taking 6mg Boron a day (2 weeks on, 1 week off) if bloodwork shows low Free Testosterone levels relative to your Total Testosterone. --You have just learned about the non-negotiables that you must implement if you want to maximize your Testosterone levels, but you can find additional tips and information in my free guide. Download here! 19 HOW TO MAXIMIZE AR DENSITY NATURALLY Maximizing our natural androgen (Testosterone) levels to maximize muscle growth is only one part of the equation. Increasing the amount of androgen receptors in muscle tissue allows us to take full advantage of our increased Testosterone levels and is the ultimate way to maximize the amount of muscle mass we can grow through the androgen receptor pathway. Studies have shown that the higher our AR density, the easier it is to grow muscle mass. Our default AR density depends largely on genetics and explains why some people respond better to synthetic androgens like AAS and SARMs than others. It also determines how easy it is for natural athletes to grow muscle mass with their own natural Testosterone. No matter how high your Testosterone levels are, you will not get very big if your AR density is low. Measuring your own AR density is out of the question, but that does not mean you should not try to increase it through all means possible if you want to maximize the amount of muscle you can gain naturally. 20 INTENSITY & PATIENCE Science has shown that lifting heavy weights increases androgen receptor density over time. In other words, your AR density has been increasing ever since you started lifting, and it will continue to increase over time if you keep training hard. I know this advice does not help much because it is not a pill you can take, but it reinforces the importance of weightlifting as the foundation of muscle growth. L-CARNITINE L-Carnitine is a natural amino acid that can be found in nearly every cell in the human body. One of its main functions is to transport fatty acids into the mitochondria to be used for energy. In other words, it improves metabolic function which in turn improves weight loss and energy levels. (You can find more information about its fat-burning properties and how to use it for that purpose in the Fat-Burner Handbook). A lesser-known property of L-Carnitine is that it can increase AR density in skeletal muscle and make ARs more sensitive to androgens like Testosterone. 21 L-Carnitine is commonly sold in pills or oral solutions despite its oral bioavailability being quite low at around 10%. Injectable formulations exist and they are preferable. Do not worry: L-Carnitine is a natural amino acid and injecting it will not revoke your “natural” card (if that is something you are worried about). If you are willing to inject it I suggest you pin anywhere from 200 to 400mg a day subcutaneously or intramuscularly for up to 2 months at a time to experience an increase in AR density and then just “cruise” on oral L-Carnitine to keep your AR density elevated. If you are not willing to inject it, you can simply take 4 to 5 grams orally every day indefinitely. L-Carnitine is very safe, but oral supplementation has been shown to increase TMAO levels. TMAO is linked to heart disease, so eat some raw garlic every day to inhibit it (raw garlic contains allicin which has been shown to inhibit TMAO). All in all, L-Carnitine is a safe and effective way to increase androgen receptor density over time. You will not see dramatic results in a short period of time, but it will definitely help you gain more muscle naturally in the long run, especially if you also optimize your 22 Testosterone levels and every other variable discussed in this e-book. --This wraps up the section on the androgen receptor pathway. As you can see, the formula is very simple: High Testosterone + High AR density = Increased natural muscle growth. Thankfully, this is just one of the many pathways you can take advantage of in your quest to maximize natural muscle growth. Keep reading this e-book to find more ways to get bigger & stronger naturally. 23 MYOSTATIN PATHWAY 24 Myostatin is a member of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) family of signaling proteins. It is produced by muscle cells and released into the bloodstream, where it travels to other muscle cells and binds to receptors on their surface. This binding triggers a signaling cascade that leads to the inhibition of muscle growth and development. Myostatin acts as a negative regulator of muscle mass, meaning that it helps to keep muscle growth in check and prevent excessive muscle development. But why does myostatin even exist? What is the point of having a “built-in” muscle growth limiter? Well, from an evolutionary point of view carrying excess muscle mass is not desirable. An overly muscular physique requires the heart to work too hard (which can cause it to grow and eventually faily), it reduces mobility and it requires an exorbitant amount of calories to be maintained. However, bodybuilders do not care about that. Myostatin-inhibiting PEDs are slowly becoming popular because they allow bodybuilders to effectively remove the limit on how big they can get. In fact, some of the biggest and strongest men the world has ever seen are believed to have a mutation in their myostatin gene that results in decreased myostatin levels. 25 There are two ways to reduce myostatin levels to the point where they are no longer an impediment to muscle growth: • The first one is to undergo gene therapy to alter the myostatin gene and achieve a decreased myostatin production. This procedure is expensive and inaccessible to most people, so it is not what bodybuilders resort to (although I believe that they will in the future when this kind of treatment becomes more readily available). • The second one is to use myostatin-inhibiting drugs and supplements. Most of these compounds work by imitating the effects of follistatin, or by increasing its natural production. Follistatin is a protein that inhibits myostatin, so the more follistatin we have, the less myostatin we have. The most powerful myostatin inhibitors on the market are not what we would consider “natty-friendly”. Fortunately, there are some easy, cheap and natural solutions to decrease myostatin levels. Keep reading to find out what they are and how to implement them. 26 LIFTING FOR LOW MYOSTATIN The way you lift has a strong impact on your myostatin levels. After all, your body will modulate whatever physiological process it needs to modulate in order to adapt to how you train. Here is how you should train if you want to decrease myostatin as much as possible: • Just give it your all. Studies have shown that highintensity resistance training reduces myostatin levels. In other words, train hard, and train often. • Opt for full-body workouts. Upper Body and Lower Body workouts have been shown to produce a greater follistatin increase than regular workout splits. Training both Upper Body and Lower Body in the same session doubles the increase in follistatin. • Embrace the pain. High concentrations of lactic acid have been shown to increase follistatin levels. This can be achieved by doing less weight for more reps, slowing down on the negatives, doing supersets and embracing the “burn” that comes with that. • Do not neglect cardio. Aerobic exercise is linked to a decrease in myostatin levels as well. 27 NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS The following natural supplements have been found to decrease myostatin levels to a noticeable extent: • L-Leucine: This essential amino acid plays a key role in promoting protein synthesis, healing wounds and regulating blood sugar levels. It has also been linked to an increase in follistatin levels. Supplement with 5g of L-Leucine a day. NOTE: Leucine also promotes mTOR activation. More on that in the “mTOR Pathway” chapter of this e-book. • Creatine: Creatine should not require an explanation as it is probably the most popular natural muscle-building supplement on the market. You will learn more about it in the final chapter of this e-book, but everything you need to know about Creatine in relation to myostatin is that it can decrease it. Take 5g a day. • Epicatechin: This flavonoid found in Green Tea, chocolate and grapes has been shown to produce a significant decrease in myostatin levels. There is little evidence that it works when taken orally, but it may be worth a shot. Take 750mg a day. 28 CONS OF LOW MYOSTATIN The main drawback to having low myostatin is that connective tissues like joints, tendons and ligaments become significantly weaker, thereby reducing physical strength and increasing the chances of suffering an injury in the gym. While the tips in this chapter will not cause a crazy drop in myostatin (you would have to use actual synthetic drug to achieve that), you still have to be careful when training and you have to avoid ego-lifting along with any other action that can increase your chances of getting injured. --This concludes the section on Myostatin Inhibition. Unfortunately, the most powerful myostatin inhibitors known to man (YK-11, ACE-031, FST-344) are not compatible with natural bodybuilding, so natural athletes are unable to reduce myostatin to the same extent as enhanced athletes. Still, I believe that following the training principles and supplementing with the natural compounds outlined in this chapter is a sure-fire way to gain more muscle without risking one’s health. 29 Mtor PATHWAY 30 The mTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin) pathway is a complex network of signaling pathways that play a crucial role in regulating muscle growth and strength. mTOR is a protein kinase that acts as a central controller of cellular metabolism and is activated by various stimuli, including growth factors, amino acids, and energy levels. When activated, mTOR promotes the synthesis of proteins, including muscle proteins, which leads to muscle growth and hypertrophy. It is also known to activate insulin and insulin-like growth Factors (IGF-1) receptors throughout the body. There are two mTOR complexes: mTORC1 and mTORC2: • mTORC1 is activated by growth factors such as insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). These targets stimulate the translation of mRNA into protein, leading to an increase in muscle mass. • mTORC2 is activated by mechanical stimuli, such as resistance exercise. In addition to its role in muscle growth, mTOR also plays a role in other processes such as glucose metabolism, fat synthesis, and immune function. 31 Dysregulation of the mTOR pathway has been linked to several diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and obesity. mTOR activation is not something many bodybuilders actively try to do, but it does not take a lot of effort. As you are about to find out, some of the same tips that you can implement to decrease your myostatin also work to activate mTOR. LIFTING FOR mTOR ACTIVATION The same training instructions covered in the Myostatin section apply. In other words, mTOR (specifically mTORC2) is activated by intense, high-frequency resistance exercise. NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS Having a protein-rich diet is necessary for mTOR activation, but the one amino-acid that truly makes a difference is none other than Leucine. The same amino-acid that is linked to a decrease in myostatin also appears to be the leading activator of mTOR from a single 5g dose a day. 32 Interestingly, Creatine is also linked to mTOR (mTORC1) activation when dosed at 5g a day. Other supplements that may activate mTOR include: • Beta-Hydroxy Beta-Methylbutyrate (HMB): HMB is the metabolite of Leucine that appears to be responsible for mTOR activation. Using it instead of (or in conjunction with) Leucine may provide a stronger effect. The recommended HMB dose is 3 to 6g a day. • Magnesium: Magnesium is a mineral that requires no introduction. It is essential for various bodily functions, including protein synthesis, nerve function, and muscle function. It may also be involved in the activation of mTOR according to animal studies. The recommended Magnesium dose is 500mg a day. RISKS OF MTOR ACTIVATION Sadly, excess mTOR activation decreases appetite, accelerates aging, exacerbates autoimmune diseases, decreases insulin sensitivity, promotes neurodegenerative diseases, increases adipose tissue accumulation, inhibits autophagy and increases the chances of kidney disease. 33 We want mTOR to be balanced, not too high and not too low. Following the tips in this chapter will allow you to achieve considerable mTOR activation while still remaining in safe territory, so you do not need to fear the aforementioned side-effects. --This concludes the chapter on the mTOR pathway. As you can see, there is a lot of overlap between mTOR activation and myostatin inhibition, so many of the tips that apply to one pathway also apply to the other. mTOR is also activated by IGF-1 and insulin, two peptide hormones that we are going to delve into later in this e-book. 34 ESTROGEN RECEPTOR-BETA PATHWAY 35 Estrogen is a steroid hormone that is primarily associated with the female reproductive system and the development of female secondary sex characteristics. However, estrogen is also present in men and plays a key role in our bodies. In men, estrogen is mainly produced by the aromatization of Testosterone. It is responsible for maintaining bone density, regulating mood, lowering cholesterol levels, promoting a healthy sex drive/sexual function, protecting the brain and growing muscle mass. The estrogen receptor beta (ER-β) is a specific type of estrogen receptor that is found in muscle tissue and is believed to play a role in the estrogen-mediated effects on muscle growth and physical strength. Studies have shown that activation of ER-β in muscle cells can stimulate the production of proteins that are important for muscle growth and repair, such as myogenin and myocyte enhancer factor 2C (MEF2C). It can also increase the expression of genes involved in muscle development and function, such as musclespecific ring finger 1 (MuRF1) and calpain-3. In other words, estrogen also plays a role in the development of muscle mass (which is why enhanced bodybuilders typically let their estrogen sit at the upper end of the reference range when bulking up). 36 But how do we do that? Well, the obvious answer would be that we need to have good estrogen levels in order to get as much ER-β activation as possible. However, having exceedingly high estrogen levels is not desirable as they would result in the development of gynecomastia, moodiness, sexual dysfunction, water retention, acne and other negative symptoms. Having strong yet balanced estrogen levels can be achieved by having a healthy body fat percentage (12 to 15% is the sweetspot) and by optimizing Testosterone levels (as explained in the Androgen Receptor chapter of this e-book). Fortunately, activating ER-β without the need to play around with estrogen is possible. NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS Some supplements have been shown to exert musclebuilding effects by acting through this pathway: • Milk Thistle (Silymarin): This supplement is commonly used by enhanced bodybuilder who want to protect their liver during a cycle of SARMs or oral AAS. However, one of its key components is an ER-β agonist known as Silibinin. 37 According to animal and human studies, Milk Thistle can improve recovery, stimulate muscle hypertrophy and boost endurance. Take 500 to 750mg of Milk Thistle extract every day. • Beta-Ecdysterone: This insect hormone is marketed as a legal, natural steroid that can build strength and muscle with no side-effects. There is a lot of controversy regarding its effectiveness, but studies have shown that it can stimulate muscle growth and recovery by acting on the ER-β. Take 500mg to 2g a day. • Turkesterone: Turkesterone is a plant analogue of Ecdysterone that plants produce as a defense mechanism against insects. Its structure is nearly identical to that of Ecysterone, and so are its effects. Data indicates that it can also build a muscle mass through the same pathway. Take 500mg to 2g a day. RISKS OF ER-β ACTIVATION There appear to be no risks associated with the use of the aforementioned supplements for the activation of the estrogen receptor beta. As mentioned before, however, increasing estrogen with the purpose of 38 building muscle can have negative consequences that are not worth the modest increase in muscle growth. --- This concludes the chapter on the ER-β pathway. Despite very few people being aware that this musclebuilding pathway exists, hundreds of thousands of natural bodybuilders have been taking advantage of it to build a modest but valuable amount of muscle with popular supplements like β-Ecdysterone and Turkesterone. 39 INSULIN PATHWAY 40 Insulin is a peptide hormone that is produced by the pancreas and plays a critical role in the regulation of glucose metabolism. Insulin shuttles glucose (blood sugar) from the bloodstream into cells, where it can be used for energy or stored for later use. In addition to its role in glucose metabolism, this peptide hormone also plays a role in protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism. Insulin is one of the most anabolic hormones in the body, hence why some enhanced bodybuilders inject exogenous insulin to grow at a faster rate and get stronger. This hormone increases the transport of amino acids into muscle cells, stimulating muscle protein synthesis and promoting muscle growth. Insulin also inhibits the breakdown of muscle protein, meaning that it has an anti-catabolic effect. It is worth noting that high insulin levels can also promote the storage of fat because it does not discriminate between muscle and adipose tissue when it comes to storing glucose. For this reason, taking advantage of the insulin pathway to grow more muscle is done not by increasing our insulin production, but by increasing our sensitivity to insulin. 41 Insulin sensitivity refers to the ability of cells in the body to respond to insulin and take up glucose from the bloodstream. People who are insulin sensitive have a higher capacity to clear glucose from the bloodstream. This is beneficial because it prevents the accumulation of glucose in the bloodstream, which would otherwise lead to high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia). Insulin sensitivity also makes cells more efficient at using glucose for energy, and it improves the response of muscle tissue to insulin, leading to increased anabolic activity. On the other hand, people who are insulin resistant (meaning that they have low insulin sensitivity) have a reduced ability to respond to insulin and take up glucose from the bloodstream. This results in higher blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) and forces the pancreas to produce more insulin in order to make up for the lack of sensitivity. Insulin resistance can lead to diseases like type 2 diabetes, obesity, inflammation, hypertension, dyslipidemia and heart disease. Therefore, being insulin sensitive is necessary not only to build more muscle, but also to stay healthy and have a better quality of life down the line. Here is how you can become more insulin sensitive… 42 DIET optimization Improving insulin sensitivity is quite easy, but most people today are not as insulin sensitive as they should be due to a lack of exercise, bad eating habits and poor sleep quality. As a natural bodybuilder, chances are you already have a decent degree of insulin sensitivity (unless you are dirty bulking on junk food) because you do resistance training on a regular basis, something that has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity. Chances are you also sleep well (be sure to check out the tips in the Androgen Receptor Pathway section of this e-book if you don’t) and are not fat, so the only thing left for you to do to further improve your insulin sensitivity is to tweak your diet. These are the diet principles you need to follow in order to optimize your insulin sensitivity: • Eat whole foods: Unprocessed whole foods should be the foundation of your diet. A good rule of thumb for optimal insulin sensitivity is to eat things that you can either gather from nature or hunt: Eggs, meat, fish, fruit (mainly fruit that is high in fiber), legumes, nuts, vegetables, etc… 43 • Avoid high glycemic index carbs: These carbs are absorbed very rapidly and tend to cause a sudden spike in blood sugar levels. Examples of high glycemic index carbs are anything made out of wheat, any food or drink containing processed sugars, white rice, corn and some fruits like watermelon. You want most of your carbs to have a low glycemic index score so that they are absorbed slowly and without causing a sudden blood sugar & insulin spike. This will not only keep you insulin sensitive, but it will also help you prevent the typical lethargy and brain fog that occurs after eating a bunch of bread, pasta or other high glycemic index meals. NOTE: High glycemic index carbohydrates can still serve a purpose. Eating them together with protein after a workout is a great way to replenish depleted glycogen stores rapidly and stimulate protein synthesis. I suggest you google the glycemic index (GI) for more information. • Avoid seed oils: Seed oils like sunflower oil and soybean oil (among others) are present in most processed food. These oils have been linked to a myriad of health problems including insulin resistance, so avoid them at all costs. 44 • Consider fasting: Fasting is a double-edged sword. While it can be incredibly helpful for losing fat and improving insulin sensitivity, it can make it harder for a bodybuilder to eat enough calories to grow, so this would only be helpful in a cutting context. If you implement this advice, I can guarantee that you will not only build more muscle and get stronger at the gym, but you will also feel better, you will have an easier time burning fat, you will have more energy, you will be healthier, you will live longer and your quality of life as a whole will improve. NOTE: A sure-fire way to know whether your insulin sensitivity is improving or not is to use a glucometer to measure your fasted blood glucose every morning. You want your fasted blood glucose levels to be below 100mg/dl, preferably closer to 80mg/dl. If your fasted blood glucose levels are between 100 and 125mg/dl, you are insulin resistant and at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. If your levels are over 125mg/dl, chances are you are already diabetic. This is a solid indicator of optimal insulin sensitivity because it proves that your body is efficient at shuttling glucose where it is needed instead of letting it build up in your blood (which is what insulin resistance causes). 45 NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS While the previous dieting tips are more than enough for the vast majority of people to improve their insulin sensitivity, large bodybuilders who have to eat 3.5k+ calories a day may find it hard to hit their macro and calorie intake goals without consuming large amounts of carbs and spiking their glucose levels. In fact, insulin resistance is one of the leading reasons why bodybuilders hit plateaus. Have you ever wondered why so many bodybuilders struggle to put on muscle past a certain point and only seem to gain fat instead? Years of eating an incredibly carb-heavy diet have resulted in these bodybuilders becoming insulin resistant, meaning that their body is not capable of managing the excess glucose that comes from their carb-heavy diet (so it has to get stored as fat). Bodybuilders with a family history of diabetes who have a genetic predisposition to high blood sugar levels may also find it hard to stay insulin resistant with the previous diet tips alone. The solution for these men is not to decrease carb intake, but to opt for lower glycemic index carbs while 46 also supplementing with ONE of the following compounds: • Chromium Picolinate: This supplement containing the mineral chromium and picolinic acid is one of the most widely used natural treatments for high blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. Scientific data also suggests that it may contribute to weight loss and muscle growth. Take 200mcg before every carb-heavy meal. • Berberine: Berberine is a natural ingredient found in barberries that has been shown to be extremely effective at decreasing blood sugar levels and treating insulin resistance. Also linked to weight loss and muscle growth, although it has been proven to inhibit mTOR. Take 500mg before every carb-heavy meal. • Metformin: Metformin is a prescription drug although it could be considered a “natural solution” because it is derived from the galega officinalis plant. This is the most popular drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes because it is the most effective orally bioavailable solution for high blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. It is also linked to weight loss and longevity, but like Berberine it may also inhibit mTOR. Take 500mg twice a day. 47 RISKS OF INSULIN OPTIMIZATION Some of the aforementioned tips can lead to what is known as hypoglycemia, a condition in which blood sugar levels drop too low and one starts sweating and feels dizzy, irritable, hungry and anxious. Using a glucometer can help one identify hypoglycemia with greater accuracy (levels below 70mg/dl). Hypoglycemia can be treated within minutes by consuming high glycemic index carbs (sugary drinks work best in this scenario), but it is not to be underestimated. If it occurs, you are probably not eating enough carbs and/or you are abusing the supplements that can decrease blood sugar levels, so adjust your diet / supplementation to ensure your blood sugar levels stay in the correct range (between 80 and 100mg/dl if fasted or between 100mg/dl and 125mg/dl if you have food in your system). --- This concludes the chapter on the Insulin pathway. As you can see, improving insulin sensitivity will not only maximize your ability to gain muscle and lose fat, but it will also improve your overall health, life expectancy and quality of life. 48 GROWTH HORMONE & IGF-1 PATHWAY 49 Growth hormone (GH) is a peptide hormone that is produced and secreted by the pituitary gland. It is responsible for stimulating growth and cell reproduction, as well as promoting lipid metabolism and the use of fat for energy. GH also has anabolic effect in muscle and bone tissue. Additionally, it regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and it is also involved in the metabolism of electrolytes. Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) is a peptide hormone that is structurally similar to insulin and is produced in the liver in response to GH and estradiol. IGF-1 is involved in growth and repair of tissues in the body, and it also plays a role in the regulation of cell growth, proliferation and differentiation. It also has anabolic effects and stimulates the uptake of glucose and amino acids by cells. Enhanced bodybuilders have been using exogenous Growth Hormone for decades, and IGF-1 preparations have been growing in popularity in recent years. Besides leading increased strength and hypertrophy (the growth in size of existing muscle cells), GH and IGF-1 are believed to induce hyperplasia, which is the growth of new muscle cells. It is impossible to match the doses used by enhanced bodybuilders through natural means, but with the tips 50 you are about to learn, you will most certainly be able to increase the production of these hormones to a noticeable extent. Because IGF-1 production largely depends on Growth Hormone and estradiol production, we will only be focusing on how to increase GH levels (estradiol optimization is covered in previous chapters). LIFESTYLE FACTORS Before attempting to use supplements, it is important to optimize one’s lifestyle to be conducive towards GH production. Studies have shown that resistance exercise, aerobic exercise and sleep quality are linked to GH secretion. Because I have already covered tips on how to optimize training and sleep quality in previous chapters (specifically in the Androgen Receptor Pathway chapter), I will not be repeating myself here. Here are some lifestyle changes that can increase GH: • The easiest lifestyle change you can implement today to increase your GH production is to avoid eating carbs for 1 hour before bed. 51 Eating carbs can increase blood sugar levels and the secretion of insulin, which is known to inhibit GH production. Since we produce the most GH while sleeping, it is important to avoid anything that can hinder it before we go to sleep. If you absolutely must eat carbs before bed, supplement with Chromium Picolinate or Berberine right before you go to sleep to keep your blood sugar and insulin levels down and prevent the inhibition of GH (check out the previous chapter to learn more about insulin). • Sauna usage has been found to increase GH production to a very significant extent. Dr. Andrew Huberman’s protocol appears to provide the best results, and it consists in the following: Once a week, 30 minutes of sauna, followed by 5 minutes outside, then 30 minutes again. For even more gains in GH, you can repeat the same process 3 to 4 hours later (so a total of 4 x 30 minute sauna sessions in a single day, 1x a week). • Fasting has been shown to produce a dramatic increase in GH secretion. Unfortunately, fasting is not conducive towards building muscle, so I do not recommend this approach. 52 NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS There is some scientific data to suggest that the following supplements can help increase Growth Hormone (and by extension IGF-1) levels: • Vitamin A: Vitamin A deficiency may be linked to decreased GH production according to a study on GH deficient children. It has also been shown to increase IGF-1 levels (but not GH) in oxen. Supplementing with Vitamin A may have an effect on your GH or IGF-1 levels if you are deficient in it (about 50% of adults are), so take 10,000iu a day if you want to give it a shot. • Arginine, Ornithine and Citrulline: Studies have shown that L-Arginine supplementation can increase GH and IGF-1 expression. Similar effects have been observed after Ornithine and Arginine supplementation (both amino acids are closely related to Arginine). Take 5 to 10g of any of these amino acids per day before a workout for better pumps as well (I would personally pick Citrulline). • Glycine: There is limited but reliable evidence to suggest that Glycine supplementation can increase Growth Hormone secretion in healthy 53 adults while also improving sleep quality. Take 5g before every night before bed. • Alpha-GPC: This natural nootropic supplement is a precursor to acetylcholine that has been shown to increase GH secretion as well as mental clarity, focus and physical performance. Take 400mg 3 times a day. • GABA: Supplementing with this natural neurotransmitter has been shown to not only improve sleep quality and relaxation, but to also improve the secretion of GH in response to physical exercise. Take 3g every night before bed. • Ursolic Acid / Holy Basil Extract: This compound found in apples, cranberries and other fruits and plants has been proven to aid in muscle growth by enhancing the response of muscle tissue to IGF-1. Take 200mg 3 times a day. Using 3 or 4 of these supplements should be more than enough to experience a significant boost in GH and IGF-1 production if lifestyle factors are optimized, but these are some more supplements that may also increase Growth Hormone and/or IGF-1: Lysine, Creatine, Melatonin, Zinc, DHEA, Resveratrol and others… 54 RISKS OF INCREASED GH & IGF-1 Long-term exposure to high levels of Growth Hormone and IGF-1 can have devastating consequences like acromegaly, increased chances of growing tumors (not because GH & IGF-1 cause it, but because they help existing tumors thrive), diabetes, cardiac hypertrophy and more. Fortunately, these side-effects are only really an issue in people who take high doses of these peptide hormones exogenously for extended periods of time. You are unlikely to get your GH & IGF-1 levels into dangerous territory by following the lifestyle tips and taking the supplements described in this chapter. --This concludes the chapter on Growth Hormone and IGF-1. Even though you will not be able to increase your levels to the point where they are comparable to what enhanced bodybuilders are injecting, you will most certainly see an improvement in your physical appearance and ability to grow muscle, recover, sleep and lose fat if you implement the tips we have just covered for an extended period of time. 55 OTHER PATHWAYS 56 CORTISOL Cortisol is a hormone that is released in response to stress and has many functions in the body, including regulation of metabolism, immunity and blood pressure. Cortisol also affects muscle tissue by breaking down proteins in the muscles and converting them into glucose to provide the body with energy. This catabolic effect of cortisol can lead to muscle wasting and decreased muscle mass over time, especially if cortisol levels remain elevated for prolonged periods. Cortisol levels naturally fluctuate throughout the day and can increase during physical activity, including exercise. While this increase can have a negative impact on muscle growth, it can also help stimulate the body's response to physical stress and promote adaptation. The key is to balance cortisol levels and ensure that they do not remain elevated for extended periods. In other words, being stressed all the time makes it harder for us to gain muscle when bulking up, and to keep muscle when cutting. Keep reading to find out how to keep cortisol (stress) levels under control. 57 LIFESTYLE FACTORS If you implement the diet, training and sleeping tips discussed in previous chapters of this e-book, you are already doing a lot to keep your cortisol in check. Still, most people today are stressed not because they don’t sleep enough or they don’t work out, but because they have lives they hate and are always worrying about schedules, deadlines and making their boss happy. I realize that telling someone with a truly stressful life to just chill and meditate may sound like a joke, but science has shown that the following activities can drastically reduce stress (and cortisol) levels in people with hectic lives: • • • • • • Meditating for 10 to 20 minutes a day. Practicing mindfulness. Deep breathing exercises. Reading. Listening to relaxing music. Praying. Before you write these off as pointless practices, I suggest you try a few for a couple of weeks. I can guarantee you will see results. 58 NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS Meditation is not good enough for you? Here are some natural anxiolytic supplements that can decrease your cortisol levels and help you manage stress: • Ashwagandha: This herb is commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine to reduce stress and anxiety. It may also improve testosterone levels and libido. Take 500mg of Ashwagandha extract a day. • L-Theanine: L-Theanine is an amino acid found in tea leaves (it is the reason why Green Tea has an anxiolytic effect). It increases the levels of neurotransmitters like GABA, resulting in improved sleep quality and decreased cortisol levels.Take 200mg up to 3 times a day (stacks very well with Caffeine for improved focus without jitters or anxiety). • Valerian Root. Valerian root has been used for centuries to reduce anxiety, stress, and insomnia, and, like L-Theanine, is believed to work by increasing levels of the neurotransmitter GABA. 500mg a day, preferably before bed. Other supplements that may decrease cortisol are: Kava, Bacopa, Rhodiola, Pro-Biotics and Magnesium. 59 NITRIC OXIDE Nitric oxide (NO) is a signaling molecule involved in various physiological processes, including muscle growth. NO acts as a vasodilator, meaning it relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow to muscles during exercise. This increased blood flow delivers more oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, which enhances “pumps”, improves muscle endurance and stimulates muscle growth through the process of protein synthesis. In fact, most pre-workout supplements contain NOboosting supplements (some of which we will cover in the following pages). Nitric Oxide is also responsible for normalizing blood pressure levels (by dilating blood vessels), improving immune response, ensuring optimal brain function, decreasing inflammation and improving erectile function. Unfortunately, excess NO can cause oxidative stress and cell damage, but you are unlikely to reach dangerous levels of NO with the tips we are about to discuss. 60 LIFESTYLE FACTORS Other than living a healthy lifestyle, the first thing that comes to mind when trying to improve nitric oxide levels is to eat foods high in nitrates (like beets, lettuce, spinach and arugula). The problem with this approach is that high levels of nitrates have been linked to cancer development, methemoglobinemia and digestive problems, so I do not recommend it at all. NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS The following natural supplements are incredibly effective at increasing NO levels: • L-Citrulline: This amino acid found in Watermelon is a precursor to Arginine, which is known to increase NO synthesis. It can also increase GH as explained in the previous chapter. Take 5 to 10g a day before a workout. NOTE: Citrulline Malate is not the same as LCitrulline. The former mixes the latter with Malic Acid, which has been shown to improve muscle recovery. If you take Citrulline Malate instead of LCitrulline, take 8 to 10g before a workout. 61 • L-Arginine: Arginine is involved in the synthesis of NO and can also increase GH. Even though LCitrulline is a precursor to Arginine, L-Citrulline supplementation has been found to be more effective than L-Arginine supplementation. If you choose to take it, dose it at 5 to 10g a day before a workout as well. Studies have shown that combining NO precursors like Citrulline or Arginine with antioxidants can delay NO breakdown and maintain high levels of NO for longer. Combining Citrulline or Arginine with antioxidant supplements like N-Acetyl Cysteine (at 1g a day) or Vitamin C (at 1g a day) may enhance their effects while also preventing the oxidative stress that high levels of NO can potentially cause. 62 INFLAMMATION Inflammation plays a complex role in muscle growth and can both promote and hinder muscle growth, depending on the type and duration of the inflammatory response: • Acute inflammation: This is the kind of transient inflammation that occurs in response to physical exercise or an injury. This type of inflammation triggers the release of growth factors and cytokines that promote muscle growth, repair, and adaptation. • Chronic inflammation: Chronic or persistent inflammation, on the other hand, can interfere with muscle growth by reducing muscle protein synthesis, damaging muscle fibers, and impairing muscle function. Not to mention the devastating effect it can have on a person’s overall health. Other than lifting hard, there is not much you can do “lifestyle-wise” to increase acute inflammation. However, there is a natural supplement called Arachidonic Acid (AA) which is purported to grow muscle by exacerbating the inflammation of muscle tissue in response to resistance exercise. 63 Arachidonic acid is a polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid that is found in animal-based foods, such as meat and eggs, as well as in some plant-based oils. In the body, arachidonic acid converted into several different bioactive compounds like prostaglandins, thromboxanes and leukotrienes, which play important roles in inflammation. Studies have shown that supplementation with arachidonic acid can enhance muscle growth and improve muscle function in response to resistance training, and anecdotal reports show that it can also cause insane “pumps” and increased muscle soreness. The recommended dose is 2000mg (2g) a day before a workout. I personally would only use it 2 or 3 times a week to prevent chronic inflammation. Something else you can do to keep inflammation under control while using AA is to supplement with Omega-3s in the form of Fish Oil or Krill Oil (up to 3g a day). 64 ATP ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is a molecule that provides energy for various cellular processes, including muscle contraction. During exercise and muscle contraction, ATP is broken down into ADP (adenosine diphosphate), releasing energy that the muscle fibers use to perform work. In terms of muscle growth, ATP is essential for supporting the energy demands of the muscle fibers during exercise and recovery. Adequate ATP availability is important for promoting muscle protein synthesis and for supporting the cellular processes involved in repairing muscle tissue. Besides having a healthy lifestyle, the most reliable way to increase ATP production is to supplement with Creatine. Creatine is a naturally occurring substance that is found in small amounts in certain foods, such as meat and fish, and can also be produced in the liver and kidneys. Creatine increases ATP levels in the body by improving the efficiency of the body's energy system. Creatine is stored in the muscles and can be converted into 65 phosphocreatine (PCr), which acts as a high-energy reserve that can be used to support energy-intensive processes, such as muscle contraction. During high-intensity, short-duration exercises, the body's demand for energy increases, leading to a rapid depletion of ATP stores. The stored PCr can then be broken down to rapidly regenerate ATP, allowing for the continuation of high-intensity exercise. This improved efficiency of the energy system can result in greater exercise performance and improved muscle growth. In addition, increasing muscle creatine stores can also help to improve muscle hydration, which can further enhance muscle function and muscle fullness. There are different types of Creatine, but the most effective one is Creatine Monohydrate. Dose it at 5g a day with plenty of water. Contrary to popular belief, there is no need to go through a “loading phase” where 20g are taken every day for a couple of weeks. 66 AMPK NOTE: AMPK could have been included in the Insulin pathway chapter, but I figured that covering it separately would provide a better insight into how it works. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a key energy sensor in the body that helps regulate energy balance in cells. It is activated by high levels of AMP, which is produced when cellular energy levels are low. When activated, AMPK stimulates glucose uptake and utilization, fatty acid oxidation, and decreases fatty acid synthesis, thereby increasing energy availability in the cell. In the context of muscle building, AMPK activation has been shown to promote muscle growth and improve exercise performance. AMPK activation increases the activity of key signaling pathways involved in muscle growth and to enhance the cellular response to exercise stimuli, leading to an increase in muscle size and strength. Additionally, AMPK activation will improve insulin sensitivity, meaning that this muscle-building 67 mechanism is closely intertwined with the Insulin pathway. In fact, AMPK activation can be achieved through many of the same lifestyle changes that improve insulin sensitivity, and by some of the same supplements that we covered in the Insulin chapter. One is Berberine, which despite having a negative effect on mTOR signaling does have a clear positive effect on muscle growth (by both stimulating AMPK and improving insulin sensitivity). Take 500mg before every carb-dense meal. The exact same can be said about Metformin, which can be dosed at 500mg twice a day. Other supplements that have been shown to improve AMPK activation (and insulin sensitivity) are Resveratrol, Quercetin and Curcumin. 68 FINAL NOTES & SOURCES 69 I want to thank you for having purchased and read through this e-book. I look forward to hearing back from you with feedback on whether these tips helped you achieve a better physique in a safe & natural way. However, I want to use this opportunity to make something very clear: The information in this e-book should not be seen as medical advice. You should not use any supplements or drugs without the approval and supervision of your doctor. If you enjoyed this e-book and you would like to read more of my content, check out the following e-books: THE SARM HANDBOOK: This e-book is a comprehensive guide to using SARMs and similar research chemicals like MK-677, Cardarine and SR9009. A must read if you want to learn how to run SARM cycles in a sustainable way. Click here to grab it at a special price! --THE ANABOLIC HANDBOOK: The ultimate guide to Anabolic Steroids. Whether you are already using Steroids or you are you considering using them, this ebook will teach you everything you need to know to take them in the safest & most effective way possible. Click here to grab it at a special price! 70 THE FAT-BURNER HANDBOOK: Interested in getting shredded? This Handbook covers both natural and synthetic fat-burning drugs that you can use to melt fat and get shredded as quickly as possible, and it teaches you the exact cycle protocols you must implement to stay healthy while doing so. Click here to grab it at a special price! --THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO MALE ENHANCEMENT: This e-book covers both natural supplements and pharmaceutical drugs that can be used to improve libido, sexual function and overall performance in the bed. Click here to grab it! --THE PEPTIDE HANDBOOK: Peptides are wonderful compounds that can improve healing, grow muscle mass, aid with fat loss, improve skin quality and much more… The Peptide Handbook will teach you how to use them in the smartest way possible. Click here to grab it at a special price! 71 SOURCES Even though most supplements in this e-book can be bought from traditional supplement stores and Amazon, certain compounds are harder to find (the most effective ones, actually). Here are reliable sources for all of them: INJECTABLE L-CARNITINE (oral available anywhere) Click here to get it & save 20% w/ code INFO20 TURKESTERONE Click here to get it & save 10% w/ code SARMSINFO METFORMIN Click here to get it & save 20% w/ code INFO20 ARACHIDONIC ACID Click here to get it & save 15% w/ code INFO15 EPICATECHIN Click here to get it & save 15% w/ code INFO15 72