EC ENGR 101A Problem Set#6 Due 2/28/23, 11:59PM Problem #1 (20 points) a 灬9 1 1 国 四 Iwate Gaussian Surfaces foreach slab separately Right Slabi xc At x 咒 2E.ME Left Slab i At 0 2E.TN fy 2a i 三⽚ 恐 以V X a 142些 恐 a Because Ē from No Points ⼀⼥ Ē fromYo points til E 0 Within left slabi 2E.IR within night Slab i 之⼼ 不忙 When a 1所 恕 i E 㑎 Edi 恐 仙州 㥈 是9 t E Edi ⼼以 E Yiit 恕 划 1 E浞 巡出 t Ii 些 ⼼ 筑 器 Ki ⼗ 恕 it Paid x 义⼩ til 您 ⼼ idx 1 Problem #2 (30 points) Poisson’s Equation and Dielectric relaxation Consider a leaky parallel-plate capacitor with area A, thickness d, and a lossy dielectric with permittivity ε and non-zero (but small) Ohmic conductivity σ. At time t = 0, there is a free volume charge density ρ(x,t=0) =ρ0 x /d inside the dielectric (0<x<d). You may neglect any fringing fields (i.e. assume width >> d) to use a 1D model. The two perfectly conducting plates of the capacitor are short-circuited together. a) At time t=0, what is the potential V(x,t=0) and the electric field E(x,t=0) in between the conducting plates? Use Poisson’s equation for the dielectric and apply the boundary conditions set by the plates. (You can ignore any time dependence and conductivity for the initial condition at time t=0, because any free charge hasn’t had time to react yet). b) Given this initial condition, what is the charge density ρ(x,t) as a function of time? To solve this, use the charge continuity equation that we discussed in class, and substitute Ohm’s law to obtain a first order partial differential equation that describes the time evolution of ρ(x,t). (It is discussed in Chapter 6.9-6.10). c) Use your expression for ρ(x,t) and find E(x,t) as a function of time. d) What is the surface charge density ρs at x=0 and x=d as a function of time? e) What is the short circuit current i(t) as a function of time? 2 Problem #3 (30 points) Semiconductor pn junctions The junction between positively (p)-doped and negatively (n)-doped silicon is at the heart of modern semiconductor devices, including p-n diodes and transistors. We can model an “abrupt” junction as a dielectric material (ε = 11.9ε0 for silicon) with four regions with charge density ρ(x). In this expression, ρ0 is a constant charge density, and x0 is a length of the depletion region on the p-side (-x0<x<0) and n-side (0<x<x0). The problem has planar symmetry, so there is no variation of ρ in the y or z directions. Without worrying about the physics of how these charge distributions are created, we can find the electric field and scalar potential within the junction region. a) The Electric field is zero in the regions x<-x0 and x>x0. Derive a piecewise expression for E(x) in the region between –x0<x<0 and 0<x<x0. b) Find an expression for the scalar potential V(x) in the region –x0<x<x0. You may assume that V(-x0) = 0. c) The potential difference V(x0)-V(-x0) is known as the “built-in potential” of a semiconductor junction. Using the values ρ0=160 C/m3, and x0=0.65μm what is the built-in potential for this junction? (While it is not necessary to know this to solve the problem, this charge distribution is created at the interface between n-doped and p-doped semiconductor. The positive charge is created by ionized donor atom cores, and the negative charge is created by ionized acceptor atom cores. The values given above are typical for a Si p-n junction with doping levels NA=ND=1015 cm-3. This material is covered in great detail in EC ENGR 2.) d) There are other types of junctions where the charge distribution is not so abrupt. These are called “graded” junctions. Find E(x) and V(x) for the following charge 3 distribution: where G is a constant of units (C/m5) Problem #4 (20 points) Hint: Remove one of the conductor planes by reflecting a charge about it, then remove the reflecting both the charges (original and image charge) around the other conductor plane. 4 Problem #5 (30 points) (c) Find the surface charge density "! ($) on the surface of the sphere. (d) Consider the expression for an electric dipole given in Ulaby chapter 4, "⃗⋅%& & = '() !% " . We see above that we can obtain our solution for &((, $) by considering the sum of a constant field term and a dipole term. What is the equivalent dipole moment *⃗ required to obtain our solution in part b? 5 with Maxwell Equation Reneen ta and a ˋE E些 it it E Left Slab i At xc At x hi liza 2E.TN 2E.ME 0 咒 fy 2a i 三⽚ 恐 恐 a 2 笀 笀 ⼀ 2 笀 I Alternative Method Above 142些 Ē fromYo points til E 0 偿 Edi Iijima E ǜxdxtf 器 恐 U 2a. E E 笀 Because Ē from No Points ⼀⼥ 信 it if c 1所 恕 Edi iii Halt c At At za E Iwate Gaussian Surfaces foreach slab Separately end La 可ˋE 芒 E Right Slabi Between a dxt at 是 tait 巡笜 Ii 些 ⼼ 纛 i 恕 it Paid fi 义⼩ t 2G ⼼ id t 㑎恐 ⼀点ㄨ ⼩ 些 tal 恐 a 是 ci 2岱 ⼼ ⼀ ii nai ⿏⼀ 器 器 器 i器 c V _f岱 text D Assume the lowerplate is o potential V4 D 0 Because the Upperplateis Shorted Udi C ii Ütcd Here.V4 七 01 ⽐州 灬 V is 岱 Ǜtǜx if Yi Ji 䘡 是 袋 Eat tap Set Ě 2 OTE ⼀ ia iaiil.nlc 这 ⼀ it é i P 烂 P当 E KEE É is purely in thedirectionof X T.EE et总 您 恐 Yffxtx 些声 Plug in Edit 4 笓您 o En⼆ I Poet I 䇥⼼ ⼀ ⼼划 if ⼆ 只⼀ upperSurfacei E c ⼼1 ⼆ 是 憔 ie ǙÜ 此 E⼼ 4 c d 式 It 装ǛǗÜI E 哭 哭 ⼀ ina Iet It if 0 A Id Jd.A YET划 i 旨 x 开⼼ Y E It At x_x i E o E Y iConsidertheĒfromtwo regionsseparatelyi reoxcx.it2 ⽉ ire xxcoiE.LA 些 恐 within eachregion 0 X X i Heightiyo E 炎⽕ E 监 2 zxjE.LA P 从2E⼼ 是 以 义 After AwinningDirectioni iER 災 义 Combine with Ē from underregioni E 坒 义 㖌 E ⼀ ⼀ a o i 义 At C xo.EC c 1 e fIE 以 Vx vlil coivxi d If If OCXCXoiUxi II f ÜIÜ E.dlizi fiy ii ii td iii xxco vlxi.EE经 GRAt 不E E 2 E N9x8.854 ㄨ⼼ 灬 ㄓ o 不E Y E Y E点 ⼈ 义 如2E⼼灲 1.054x⼼ Builtin Potentiali 0.6414V 4140 c At x E when xo.EC 袋 袋 ⼀ ex so ⼀ To E At X Xo E 0 E 垈 i E it C iiocxcx l dI Continued 巡 了i Assume 以ㄨ o o i when i 货袋 台 Iǜtii ⼩炎 it co VG V4 个袋 哭 dx 恕 tG I.GE 愁必 以11 愁 憇 袋 兜 xioi when Oc x ⽐1 ⼀ ⼀ ⼀ ⼀ if 装 ⼩ Go Y E E i9 There are three Imagechangesi a 0 ⼀did I Glo d d a ⼼ did I i_a EVE4 iyiimiufmii ditizt.HN 㸠州 in 闷 惢 ⼼㖄 了 㠩 i品 i品 BcosaitiisatDIHR.io晶 sint晶仍⼼以24 仳 ⼼ 叫 1 050 Tv i 录122 til 晁 sinolBSinui 21310501123 tR2siul iklz.BG CRSinal R42RCC0SO 2BsinocosG R2_242sina.oso 0 Hence lbi ua ˇ⽐ G is if a Solution to Laplace Equation tacos at D o GIER cos o GivenRosa Z i C E 2 E D 0 是 a Bid Eo ciiyiyTYei E.cosolitlil.GE E 您 iv É ⼩ For Diii ⼼ Ǜǜ Thedipolecomponent in abovesolutioni UR01 dE 皆 p Lmao id E 惢⼼ 2 恐 ⼗ Easa At Boundary En GET 0 B_d C Ē2 tE.RSin011⻔ in a'Eoff.E.sing ǛC tE.cosay i Is yizàE.ffutE.io050