Name: Danver S. Harding Christine Joy Romeo Date: June 17, 2022. Subject: CBM 121 Code: 5126 Group 9 Big Picture A Ulo a In a Nutshell Based on the definition of the most essential terms of strategic management and the learning exercises that you have done, please feel free to write your arguments or lessons learned below. I have indicated my arguments or lessons learned. YOUR TURN Danver: Strategist mostly used the outside-in view of strategy to develop long term organizational objectives of the company. However, employing both outside-in and inside-out thinking is the best way to utilize the advantage of both. Christine: A company's competitive strategy focuses on how to compete in the markets in which it operates. To put it another way, competitive strategy refers to how a company seeks to gain and sustain a competitive advantage over its competitors. Having a competitive advantage over your competitors means being more profitable in the long run.