Uploaded by steve

Alpha Anywhere Orientation

TrainingCamp 2021
I am not covering everything!
A lot of what I will cover is worthy of a full hour
training session. We will be skimming, picking out
important details.
Make notes and request future training sessions!
Although time is short, please jump in to add detail I
might miss (I do not use every feature).
Others on our team will be jumping in here and
there to provide content.
mission and resources
Alpha Software
Mission: Software Design, Sales and Support*
 Website: alphasoftware.com
 Documentation, Webinars, Users Forum, Video library, etc.
Mission: Support Developer Community
 Website: iadn.com
 Webinars, Users Forum, Video Library**, etc.
* My description
** Requires subscription
 Alpha
Anywhere Developer
 Desktop
 Web
and Mobile
 Community Version – free to use, Alpha Cloud account
 Alpha
Anywhere Server
 Standard
You MUST ensure the Server and published object
(i.e., Alpha Developer) are using the same versions.
Standard Server
 Windows
Server OS
IIS Server ()
Alpha Cloud ()
Load Balancer
Software-based load balancer
 ZebraHost load balancer
Installation, updates and tech notes
Universal Installer (automatic)
Alpha Versions (here)
Alpha Release Notes (here)
Bug reporting (bugs@alphasoftware.com)
 You
must provide a complete and professional report provide an example, attach test UX as necessary, etc.
AA IDE – control panel (old)
View > Settings > License
View > Settings > Preferences > HTML Editor >
Default Tab – set to Source
Nearly everything on the "old" control tab is legacy
or redundant to the web project control panel
 Quickly explain tabs --
web projects control panel
Publishing Profiles
 Right-click
setup (note, support files option)
 Same for Misc
Start/Stop Development Server
Web node on the menu (AKA, Dev Server setup)
 Normally
accept defaults
 Same setup form as the live server
Publish buttons (there are several of them)
 Review options ----
web security panel
web security settings
Settings depend on what you are building
 Traditional
web app
 Mobile Web app
 UX or TabbedUI based-login vs "traditional" login
 What else do YOU set?
  Review the options ---
project properties
project properties
Most of this can be left as default
Most common
 Project
Style (Alpha, vs legacy styles)
 AEX file list
 Download/upload allowed filenames
What else do YOU set?
 Review other options ----
menu > tools
menu > tools
Alpha ADO Connection String
 Review connection string dialog ----
components – the grid
The Grid – quick, nearly automatic database table
setup for CRUD.
The Grid – although handy, not the current focus for
Alpha projects, use the UX.
 review a grid setup ----
components – everything else but the UX
 review the other components --- review the other file types -- show the TabbedUI
general environment
Component and other lists
File right-click
 Publish
 Security
 Restore
 show other options ----
components – the UX
 show the UX general features --- Controls
 Properties
 Binding
(not always used)
 Events (server, client)
 Code (js, js actions, xbasic)
 Show example without panels (password request)
 Show example with panels (simple dashboard)
component – more UX
 Show UX main menu features
 Move
 Move objects to location
 Copy-paste properties to multiple objects
 The incredible Find feature
 The Menu node
 Library
 Grabbing,
storing and moving controls
 And something else, what was it? Jay?
login options
Traditional login dialog
UX integrated login
TabbedUI integrated login
object properties
 show UX object properties ---
what else?
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