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Flying Start Program Materials

Flying Start 2020-2021
Course directors- you need to edit this slide to list all the items the students on this course and stage will
If your students do not receive flying start remove this slide altogether- but still tell them about BibliU as
they will have access to this
You will receive the following materials
• Digital Textbooks: [List your digital textbooks here]
• Other Materials: [List clothing, art supplies, etc.]
• 1,000 Printing Credits
Effective Learning
Many textbooks are available
on BibliU thanks to Coventry
University’s Flying Start
Course specific texts for students to keep
Any key essential readings provided as part of Flying Start for your course ,
will be available for you to keep.
Discovery Layer: Books that can be used by any student
BibliU's unique 'Discovery Layer' will mean that ALL students and staff can access most
of the eBooks in the system during the year. This gives them access to hundreds of
This will also be available to students who are enrolled in courses
Books to help students thrive
In response to a large number of students using their book vouchers to buy
'support' books to help with areas such as careers, study skills and, mental
health, we are now providing books on these topics that have been
recommended by experts from across the university.
Students can use the books they need to help them thrive.
Access the app through the BibliU website
Need Support?
In-app or email
Use the in-app help function or
email support@bibliu.com
Flying Start
Email Flying Start
Select “Coventry University” from the “Through your
University” dropdown
Click the purple arrow next to the drop down
Enter your Coventry University email and password
Companion Apps
BibliU has desktop, Android and iOS (Apple) companion apps.
Apple iOS app store
Google Play Store
MacOS, Windows & Linux
BibliU Features