CODE OF ETHICS OF THE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST (NEW VERSION) As I enter the practice of medical technology, I shall: 1. Accept the responsibilities inherent to being a professional. a. Uphold the law and shall not participate in illegal work. 2. Act in a spirit of fairness to all and in a spirit of brotherhood toward other members of the profession. 3. Accept employment from more than one employer only when there is no conflict of interest. 4. Perform my task with full confidence, absolute reliability and accuracy. 5. Share my knowledge and expertise with my colleagues. 6. Contribute to the advancement of the professional organization and other allied health organizations. 7. Restrict my praises, criticisms, views and opinions within constructive limits. 8. Treat any information I acquired in the course of my work as strictly confidential. 9. Uphold the dignity and respect of my profession and conduct myself a reputation of reliability, honesty and integrity. 10. Be dedicated to the use of clinical laboratory science to promote life and benefit mankind. 11. Report any violations of the above principles of the professional conduct to authorized agency and to the ethics committee of the organization. 12. To these principles, I hereby subscribe and pledge to conduct myself at all times in a manner befitting the dignity of my profession