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PT ENGLISH 2 Q2.docx

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region ___________
DIVISION OF __________
___________ District
Pangalan: __________________________________________________ Petsa: __________________
Baitang/Pangkat: ____________________________________________ Iskor: __________________
Direction: Read the story carefully. Be ready to answer the questions below. Write only the letter of
the correct answer.
The Dog and the Shadow
It happened that the dog had got a piece of meat and was carrying it home in his mouth to
eat it in piece. Now on his way home he had to cross a plank lying across a running brook. As he
crossed, he looked down and saw his own shadow reflected in the water beneath. Thinking it was
another dog with another piece of meat, he made up his mind to have that also. So he made a snap
at the shadow in the water, but as he opened his mouth, the piece of meat fell out, dropped into
the water and was never seen more.
1. Where did the story happen?
A. in the brook
2. What was the dog carrying home?
A. candy
3. What did he see in the water?
A. his own reflection
4. Who was in the water?
A. another dog
B. in a sea
C. in the lake
B. meat
C. fish
B. a boy swimming
C. a girl dancing
B. his own reflection
C. a swimming fish
Direction: Study the picture below. Write the letter of the name of each picture..
A. book
B. hook
A. gate
B. lake
C. school
D. nook
A. tire
A. teeth
B. kite
B. feet
C. cage
D. cake
C. bike
D. like
C. knee
D. leg
Direction: Identify the action word used in each sentence.
9. The boys play basketball.
10. Armando climbs the tree.
11. My father cleans our car.
12. Francis drinks plenty of water
Direction: Write the past form of the verb written below.
13. dance = ________________
14. wash = _______________
Direction: Look at the words inside the box. Write them down under the proper heading.
15. Public Schools in San Nicolas
16. Philippine Hero
Direction: Read the rhymes below. Write the words that rhyme to each other.
17. Jack and Jill
When up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
18. Jack fell down
And broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after.
Direction: Read the activity below. Number the activity below in the correct order.
It was Saturday. It was clean-up day at home for Mila and Noel. Number the activities below in
the correct order. Write 1-5.
______ They watered the plants.
______ Noel and Mila woke up early.
______ They ate breakfast.
______ They went to the garden.
______ Father was looking at them.
Direction: Choose the letter of the antonyms of the underlined word.
24. The girl won first place in the Math quiz. The girl is so jolly. She is _________.
A. sad
B. happy
C. mad
D. angry
25. Luis ran fast that’s why he got first place in track and field contest.
A. quick
B. slow
C. tiny
D. best
26. Rita wears a beautiful dress on her birthday.
A. clean
B. ugly
C. pretty
D. white
Direction: Complete the sentence by choosing the correct form of the verb from the cloud below.
27. Lito _________________ his lessons yesterday.
28. My sister _____________ the dishes.
29. Mother is _________________ breakfast now.
30. Sam and Arnold ___________ fruits and vegetables.