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General and Local Anesthetic Agents Presentation

General and Local
anaesthetic agents
Mr. Kamwela
On completion of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Explain information related to local anesthetics
2. Demonstrate understanding of general anesthetics
3. describe the four stages of general anesthesia.
4. Identify drugs that are used in conjunction with
General anaesthesia is the absence of sensation
associated with a reversible loss of consciousness.
General anaesthesia usually involves the
administration of different drugs for:
1. premedication
2. induction of anaesthesia
3. maintenance of anaesthesia
1. relief from anxiety; benzodiazepines
2. reduction in secretions and vagal reflexes;
3. Postoperative antiemesis; antiemetics
4. pain relief; opioid analgesics, NSAIDs
Modern anesthetics act very rapidly and achieve
deep anesthesia quickly.
With older and more slowly acting anesthetics, the
progressively greater depth of central depression
associated with increasing dose or time of exposure is
traditionally described as stages of anesthesia.
Stage 1: Analgesia
In stage 1, the patient has decreased awareness of pain,
sometimes with amnesia.
Consciousness may be impaired but is not lost.
Stage 2: Disinhibition
In stage 2, the patient appears to be delirious and excited.
Amnesia occurs, reflexes are enhanced, and respiration is
typically irregular; retching and incontinence may occur.
Stage 3: Surgical Anesthesia
In stage 3, the patient is unconscious and has no pain
reflexes; respiration is very regular, and blood pressure is
Stage 4: Medullary Depression
In stage 4, the patient develops severe respiratory and
cardiovascular depression that requires mechanical and
pharmacologic support to prevent death.
Inhalation agents
Inhaled anesthetics have varying potency in
proportion to their lipid solubility.
MAC (minimal alveolar anesthetic concentration) is
defined as the alveolar concentration of an inhaled
anesthetic that is required to prevent a response to a
standardized painful stimulus in 50% of patients
MAC is a measure of potency: ED50.
The more lipid soluble the anesthetic, the lower the
MAC and the greater the potency
Inhalation agents
The main factors that determine the speed of
induction and recovery
1. Properties of the anaesthetic:
blood: gas partition coefficient (i.e. solubility in
oil: gas partition coefficient (i.e. solubility in fat)
2. Physiological factors:
alveolar ventilation rate
cardiac output
Inhalation agents
was the first fluorinated volatile anaesthetic.
Potentiates GABA action on GABAA receptors and opens K+
channels to reduce neuronal activity, especially in cerebral
cortex, thalamus and hippocampus.
Lipid solubility important for action.
Inhalation agents
Given by inhalation with oxygen.
Rate of equilibration with body and onset of
anaesthesia depends on the ‘blood/gas solubility’.
Halothane has a medium onset of action.
Mostly eliminated unchanged by the lungs.
Inhalation agents
Clinical use
Maintenance, and less frequently induction, of general
• It has been largely replaced by less toxic agents e.g
sevoflurane and isoflurane.
Adverse effects
Cardiac and respiratory depression. Cardiac dysrhythmias.
Post-operative nausea and vomiting.
Rarely malignant hyperthermia and liver damage (due to
Inhalation agents
Nitrous oxide
CNS depression, unconsciousness (in combination
with other anaesthetics). Analgesia. Euphoria
Administered by inhalation.
Low blood/gas partition coefficient results in rapid
onset of action.
Eliminated unchanged via lungs. No metabolism.
Inhalation agents
Reduces opening of NMDA receptor channels.
Increases opening of potassium channels.
No action on GABAA receptors.
Analgesic action inhibited by opioid antagonists,
suggesting release of endogenous opioids.
Inhalation agents
Clinical use
General anaesthesia.
Because of low potency will not produce full surgical anaesthesia
by itself; must be combined with more potent agents.
In subanaesthetic doses used as analgesic for childbirth and
emergency pain relief.
Adverse effects
Postoperative nausea and vomiting, and prolonged exposure to
nitrous oxide may result in bone marrow depression.
Oxygen may be required during recovery due to possibility of
‘diffusion anoxia’.
Inhalation agents
is the most widely used volatile anaesthetic.
It is more soluble in blood than sevoflurane or enflurane
(blood/gas ratio = 1.4) and so onset and recovery are slower.
It causes dose related hypotension by decreasing systemic
vascular resistance.
Only 0.2% of the absorbed dose is metabolized and none of
the metabolites has been associated with hepatotoxicity.
Inhalation agents
has a low blood gas coefficient (0.6) and emergence and
recovery from anaesthesia are rapid.
This may necessitate early postoperative pain relief.
It is very pleasant to breath and is a good choice if an
inhalation agent is required for induction, for example, in
Intravenous agents
Ultrashort-acting anaesthetics.
I.v. injection.
Very lipid soluble allowing rapid CNS penetration.
Rapid onset (20s) and short acting (5–10min).
Short duration due to rapid redistribution in body,
particularly to muscle.
Thiopental is slowly metabolised (T0.5 8–10h)
Intravenous agents
Binds to particular site (different to benzodiazepine binding
site) on GABAA receptor to enhance opening of intrinsic Clchannel by GABA.
Higher concentrations directly activate receptor.
Clinical use
Anaesthesia for short procedures and to induce anaesthesia
for subsequent maintenance with volatile agents.
Intravenous agents
by slow intravenous injection usually as a 2.5% (25 mg/mL)
ADULT over 18 years, initially 100–150 mg (reduced in
elderly) over 10–15 seconds (longer in elderly), followed by
further quantity if necessary according to response after 30–
60 seconds; or up to 4 mg/kg (max500 mg);
CHILD 1 month–18 years, initially up to 4 mg/kg, then 1
mg/kg repeated as necessary (max. total dose 7 mg/kg)
Intravenous agents
Adverse effects
Cardiovascular and respiratory depression
reconstituted solution is highly alkaline—
extravasation causes tissue necrosis and severe pain
Intravenous agents
takes effect more slowly (1–2 min) than thiopental
Dissociative anesthetic
NMDA-receptor antagonist
high incidence of dysphoria, hallucinations, etc.
during recovery,
Cardiovascular stimulation, increased intracranial
Intravenous agents
By intramuscular injection, short procedures, initially 6.5–13
mg/kg, adjusted according to response (10 mg/kg usually
produces 12–25 minutes of surgical anaesthesia)
Diagnostic manoeuvres and procedures not involving
intense pain, initially 4 mg/kg
By intravenous injection over at least 60 seconds, short
procedures, initially 1–4.5 mg/kg, adjusted according to
response (2 mg/kg usually produces 5–10 minutes of surgical
Intravenous agents
is the most widely used intravenous anaesthetic.
It induces anaesthesia within 30 s.
Recovery from propofol is rapid without nausea or hangover.
Propofol is inactivated by redistribution and glucuronide
conjugation in the liver.
The rapid elimination of propofol prevents significant
cumulation and recovery from continuous infusion is
relatively fast.
Local anaesthetic agents
Local Anaesthetics: What are They?
Produce reversible blockade of nerve impulse
generation and transmission
Leads to loss of sensation in affected organs or
regions of the body without loss of consciousness
Weak bases, 2o or 3o aromatic amines that are poorly
water soluble;
Most exist as amphiphilic cations
Basic Structure
Structures include 3
regions: aromatic ring,
intermediate (-CH-)n chain,
and amine moiety;
The aromatic ring is linked
to the intermediate chain
via an amide or ester link as
Local Anesthetics
Local anesthetics provide regional anesthesia.
Drugs come in 2 types.
1. Esters include procaine, cocaine, benzocaine, which
are metabolized by plasma and tissue esterases.
2. Amides include lidocaine, bupivacaine,
mepivacaine which metabolized by liver amidases.
The Aromatic Ring
Confers hydrophobicity to the molecule
The more hydrophobic it is, the more potent and
longer the duration of action
Lipid solubility increases access to site of action,
decreases metabolic breakdown, and increases
Intermediate Chain
Consist of 2 or 3 hydrocarbon chains connected to
the aromatic ring by amide(-N-C-) or ester(-C-O-)
Ester LA are rapidly hydrolysed by plasma
pseudocholinesterases, while amides are more stable
Most topical LA are esters, while the majority of LA
injectables are amides
Amino Terminal
Ionisable group responsible for the hydrophilicity of
the molecule;
Confers amphilicity to the LA molecule
This ionized group interacts with the receptor ion
channel to inhibit impulse generation or propagation
Mechanisms of LA action
Inhibition of nerve generation and propagation result
from blockade of Na+ flux through ion channels
LA molecules diffuse through the membrane into the
cytoplasm where the hydrophilic amino group
interacts with the ion channel proteins
Amphiphilic nature of the LA molecules enhances
incorporation into membrane interphases
Mechanisms of LA action
Nerve fiber sensitivity
Nerve fibers most sensitive to blockade are of smaller
diameter and have high firing rates
The order of sensitivity is:
type B and C > type Aδ > type Aβ and Aγ > type Aα
Recovery is in reverse order
The usual routes of administration include topical
application (eg, nasal mucosa, wound [incision site]
margins), injection in the vicinity of peripheral nerve
endings (perineural infiltration) and major nerve
trunks (blocks), and injection into the epidural or
subarachnoid spaces surrounding the spinal cord
tooth extraction
Initial assessment of minor surgery
Measurement of IOP using applanation tonometry
Removal of foreign bodies from the eye
Ocular surgery
Correction of strabismus
Topical Local Anaesthetics-Eye
Often prepared as solution of their hydrochloride salts
Efficacy determined by their ability to suppress corneal activity
Efficacy is defined as the maximum effective concentration
(MEC) i.e. the concentration at which maximal suppression is
obtained, beyond which no further increase in suppression is
In clinical practice, optimum effective concentration is used, i.e.
the dose used to achieve therapeutic objective with minimal side
 0.5% tetracaine is less irritating to the eye than the maximum effective
concentration of 1% and thus is better suited for clinical use.
An ester of para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA)
Available as 0.5 % and 1 % solutions
Onset of action 10 –20 seconds
Duration of action 10 –20 mins
DO NOT inject, can cause significant systemic toxicity
Used primarily for tonometry and minor superficial
May be used for cataract surgery and lens implantation
Side Effects include stinging and burning, allergic reactions,
and ultrastructural damage to the corneal membranes
Tetracaine drops are used in ophthalmology to
anaesthetize the cornea, but less toxic drugs such as;
oxybuprocaine and proxymetacaine, which cause
much less initial stinging, are better.
Injectable LAs
Used for more extensive ophthalmic procedures
For infiltration or regional block anaesthesia
1 % solution of lidocaine (preservative-free) injected into the
anterior chamber for cataract surgery
Duration of action varies depending on binding to nerve
protein, dose, clearance form site, blood flow
is the most widely used agent.
It acts more rapidly and is more stable than most other local
When given with epinephrine, its action lasts about 90 min.
has a slow onset (up to 30 min) but a very long duration of
action, up to 8 h when used for nerve blocks.
 It is often used in pregnancy to produce continuous
epidural blockade during labour.
It is also the main drug used for spinal anaesthesia
Some LA’s have intrinsic vasodilatory properties
This reduces potency and duration of action
Lidocaine has vasodilatory action; it duration of
action is shorter than that of mepivacaine
Use of LAs with Vasoconstrictors
Vasoconstrictors such as adrenaline may be added to prolong
duration of action, localise action, delay systemic absorption, and
systemic toxicity
Long acting LAs do not benefit from vasoconstrictors
Undesirable effects of vasoconstrictors include:
 Hypoxia
 Tissue necrosis
 Delayed wound healing
 Intense vasoconstriction
 Anxiety, restlessness, tremor, palpitation, tachycardia, etc
Rang HP, Dale M.M. Ritter J.M. Moore P.K. (2015). Pharmacology 8th
Edition. Churchill Livingstone. UK. ISBN 978-0-7020-3471-8.
McKay G.A., Reid J.L., Walters M.R. (2013). Lecture notes: Clinical
Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 9th Edition. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN
Katzung B.G. (2011). Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 12th edition.
McGraw Hill, Medical Publishing Division. New York. ISBN