Uploaded by Keithlene Aguilar

Racial Discrimination: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Racial discrimination is a pervasive problem in our country that must be addressed. It is when
someone is treated unfairly because of their race or other characteristics such as gender, religion or
disability. It may be intentional or unintentional and can often result in low aspirations, poor educational
outcomes, limited health care access, social isolation and lack of housing opportunities. It is a global
problem that includes countries that are racially homogeneous or have a racial minority that definitely
requires to address this indirectly by promoting policies aimed at increasing social equity and
opportunity for racial minorities.
A solution to this problem must be systemic and it is imperative that we promote unity among
all races. The most effective way to eliminate racial discrimination is to make sure all people can obtain
the education and employment they need to compete for jobs, invest in the economy and contribute to
society. The steps in addressing racial discrimination is coming to terms with it. Although it's not always
easy to accept, we must recognize that racial discrimination is as much as part of our society as other
human rights problems, such as gender-based violence.
Although, Racism is a complex layered problem that cannot be solved overnight if you take the
time to know what racial discrimination is and recognize the existence, we might be able to reverse it.
We cannot simply say that racism does not exist; we must actively fight against it. We can also focus on
real solutions for racial discrimination by calling out inappropriate comments, such as calling someone
with dark skin “dark-skinned” or saying the words “stereotypical black people.
Overall, racial discrimination takes many forms, from subtle prejudice to outright violence
People of color, brown people and indigenous peoples face discrimination every day. Racial
discrimination is a serious problem. Even so, there are still steps that we can take to help solve this
problem. We just have to acknowledge that it exists and understand why this happens to educate
ourselves about what we can do to raise awareness about this crucial issue, then maybe one day we can
find a solution to end racial discrimination once and for all.