Standstill Frequency Response Test Analyzer by Using Excel Macros for Educational Purposes B. VAHIDI, M. R. BANK TAVAKOLI Department of Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran Received 17 June 2009; accepted 2 January 2010 ABSTRACT: Accurate knowledge characteristics of a synchronous generator are very essential to have an idea of its operation conditions. In the presented paper generator standstill frequency response tests is used as an approach to derive dynamic models and equivalent circuits descriptive of machine behavior for dynamic studies by using Excel Macros. The method is described and applied to a case study. The extraction process for obtaining the parameters is demonstrated. Evaluation of the method with 20 senior under graduate students and 20 junior power system engineers is very positive in terms of their developing confidence in and understanding of this test and deriving the dynamic model. ß 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Comput Appl Eng Educ; Published online in Wiley InterScience (; DOI 10.1002/cae.20415 Keywords: synchronous generator; dynamic model; equivalent circuit; standstill frequency response INTRODUCTION Computer simulation plays an important role in engineering course teaching. Nowadays, a variety of software tools are available to simulate electrical circuits. Many simulations of different aspects of a power system and engineering application using software have been presented by different researchers [17]. Some researchers used other methods for teaching electrical machine [810]. A synchronous generator, being a vital piece of equipment in an electric system, requires critical attention from the standpoint of its performance under dynamic conditions; therefore, it is highly desirable to derive the dynamic model of a synchronous generator [1116]. This subject is the duty of power system engineers; therefore, the students of power system engineering should be familiar with it. Our course on electric machine III is taken by students in 15 weeks (3 h per week). In this course tests on synchronous generator and finding the parameters of equivalent circuit are taught. Before taking electric machine III they should pass two other courses called electric machine I and Correspondence to B. Vahidi ( ß 2010 Wiley Periodicals Inc. electric machine II. These two courses are about DC machines, transformer, and induction machines. In our university, the power system students, after these three courses, which are mandatory, can take another course which is called special machine. The standstill frequency response test (SSFR) is one of the most descriptive tests which is performed by power system engineers to derive the dynamic model of generator. It would be quiet helpful for students of power system engineering to become familiar with this test and also procedure of handling the data and extracting the parameter out of raw test results. Moreover, analyzing the test results and procedure of parameter derivation should create better sight trough the theory of synchronous generators. STANDSTILL FREQUENCY RESPONSE TEST SSFR testing has received much industry attention as a mean of identifying the dynamic characteristics of machine rotor flux behavior. Methods have been developed to establish equivalent circuits for the d- and q-axis of synchronous machines which closely match the measured frequency response characteristics in standstill tests [14]. Frequency response methods using the protocols of IEEE standard 115A [17] appear to have more adherents than those supporting the time method of IEEE standard 115 [18], if 1 2 VAHIDI AND TAVAKOLI set of parameters in such equations to comply well with test results. one judges popularity by the number of papers employing the frequency response approach [11]. In IEEE 115 [18] methods are described for obtaining synchronous machine parameters in the form of reactances and time constants. These are the familiar synchronous, transient and subtransient reactances as well as open circuit and short circuit, transient and subtransient time constants [17]. Difficulties with IEEE standard 115 for obtaining synchronous machine parameters in order to do dynamic modeling of machine are well discussed in introduction of this standard. The results of SSFR tests are now accepted as an alternative means to time—honored sudden short circuit test for the determination of parameters of synchronous machines. Whilst the sudden short circuit test can only provide information on the parameters of second order models in direct axis whereas SSFR tests provide information on both the direct and quadrature axis parameters, there are also limitations in the application of SSFR tests. The excitation is limited to very low levels and because the tests are carried out at standstill, the damper winding connections do not have any centrifugal force on them making the contact resistance different to that with the machine running [16]. This must affect the damper winding time constants and therefore the measured frequency response. Accepting these limitations, SSFR tests still have an important role to play in the determination of the machine parameters [16]. ð2Þ sGðsÞ ¼ Gð0Þ ð1 þ Tg1 sÞ ð1 þ Tg2 sÞð1 þ Tg3 sÞ ð3Þ ra ð4Þ pffiffiffi 3 Ifd 2 Id ð5Þ Vq Iq gq ð7Þ For configuration of Figure 2, gq ¼ 1.5. It is possible to calculate Rd and Rq out of measured Zd(s)and Zq(s) which is different from armature resistance because of jX fd jX c 2 rfd I fd jX d 2 E fd rd 1 rd 2 jX q1 jX q 2 jX q 3 rq1 rq 2 rq 3 jX l jX aq Figure 1 Vd Id gd Zq ðsÞ ¼ jX ad Vd Vq ð1 þ T1q sÞð1 þ T2q sÞ ð1 þ T3q sÞð1 þ T4q sÞ The value of gd depends on the configuration of armature windings during the test. For configuration of Figure 2, gd ¼ 2. For d- and q-axis tests assume the field winding is in open circuit condition. Therefore the armature to field transfer impedance (Zaf0(s)) and the q-axis operational impedance (Zq(s)) are pffiffiffi 3 Efd Zaf0 ðsÞ ¼ ð6Þ 2 Id jX d 1 Iq Lq ðsÞ ¼ Lq ð0Þ sGðsÞ ¼ jX c1 jX l ð1Þ Zd ðsÞ ¼ Structures of synchronous machines can be represented by the standard, SSFR2 (second order), and SSFR3 (third order) models. The SSFR3 model is shown in Figure 1. SSFR2 model structure can be obtained from SSFR3 model by reducing the number of damper windings and neglecting JXc2. The models of Figure 1 are based on the reciprocal per unit system in which all parameters are referred to the stator [13]. Following formulas for characteristics transfer functions are relevant for SSFR2 equivalent circuit. Our aim is to find the best ra ð1 þ T1d sÞð1 þ T2d sÞ ð1 þ T3d sÞð1 þ T4d sÞ where, s ¼ jo ¼ j2pf Windings connections for SSFR tests are shown in Figure 2. Assume that for d-axis test (field winding is in short circuit condition), voltage and currents are measured:where Vd is the armature voltage; Id is the armature current; Ifd is the exciting winding current. then, EQUIVALENT CIRCUITS AND PARAMETERS DERIVATION Id Ld ðsÞ ¼ Ld ð0Þ Third order (SSFR3) models for d- and q-axis. STANDSTILL FREQUENCY RESPONSE TEST a Nfd 1 Zaf0 ¼ lim Lad Na s Nfda ¼ Iq A 3 ð14Þ s!0 I fd Rfd ¼ lim sGðsÞ s ð15Þ s!0 E fd Vq Lad 2 3 Nfda Initialization bI To start curve fitting procedure, the initial values should be set in advance. Based on the fact that there are some values provided by manufacturer (or typical values) for standard machine parameters (transient and subtransient reactances and time constants), by using (16) to (26) good initial values for parameters of equivalent circuits in Figures 1 and 2 would be calculated. In order to obtain feasible initial values for the parameters, the values of Canay reactances (Fig. 1) are assumed to be zero. Following equations are utilized to set the initial values for equivalent circuit parameters by use of available machine transient and subtransient parameters. B C d A I fd Xfd ¼ ðXd Xl ÞðXd0 Xl Þ Xd Xd0 ð16Þ Xd1 ¼ ðXd0 Xl ÞðXd00 Xl Þ Xd0 Xd00 ð17Þ Xd2 ¼ ðXd00 Xl ÞðXd000 Xl Þ Xd00 Xd000 ð18Þ rd1 ¼ 1 Xd00 ðXd0 Xl Þ2 2pfTd00 Xd0 ðXd0 Xd00 Þ ð19Þ rd2 ¼ 1 Xd000 ðXd00 Xl Þ2 2pfTd000 Xd00 ðXd00 X 000 Þ ð20Þ Xq1 ¼ ðXq Xl ÞðXq0 Xl Þ Xq Xq0 ð21Þ ð9Þ Xq2 ¼ ðXq0 Xl ÞðXq00 Xl Þ Xq0 Xq00 ð22Þ In next step, the values of Ld(0) and Lq(0) are extracted and from these values the Lad and Laq are computed Xq3 ¼ ðXq00 Xl ÞðXq000 Xl Þ Xq00 Xq000 ð23Þ rq1 ¼ 1 Xq0 ðXq Xl Þ2 2pfTq0 Xq ðXq Xq0 Þ ð24Þ rq2 ¼ 2 1 Xq00 ðXq0 Xl Þ 2pfTq00 Xq0 ðXq0 Xd00 Þ ð25Þ 2 1 Xq000 ðXq00 Xl Þ 2pfTq000 Xq00 ðXq00 Xq000 Þ ð26Þ E fd Vd C B Figure 2 Windings connections for SSFR test: a) q-axis test and b) d-axis test. temperature in test conditions and test wiring resistances Rd ¼ lim Zd ðsÞ; s ! 0 Rq ¼ lim Zq ðsÞ; s ! 0 ð8Þ The d-axis operational inductance (Ld(s)) and q-axis operational inductance (Lq(s)) are then computed using following equations d Ld ðsÞ ¼ Zd ðsÞR s Zq ðsÞRq Lq ðsÞ ¼ s Ld ð0Þ ¼ lim Ld ðsÞ ð10Þ s!0 Lq ð0Þ ¼ lim Lq ðsÞ ð11Þ s!0 Lad ¼ Ld ð0Þ Ll ð12Þ Laq ¼ Lq ð0Þ Ll ð13Þ where, Ll is the leakage inductance of armature which is available from manufacturer’s data. The armature to field transfer ratio and field circuit resistance at test conditions (Rfd) are as follows. These values will be kept constant during curve fitting procedure. rd3 ¼ In order to start the curve fitting process all resistances and inductances are converted to actual values according to following bases. 4 VAHIDI AND TAVAKOLI Vn2 Sn ð27Þ Vn2 on Sn ð28Þ Rbase ¼ Lbase ¼ where Sn is the rated power of generator; Vn is the rated voltage of generator; on ¼ j2pfn. The overall procedure of parameter derivation from test results is shown in Figure 3. The sinusoidal voltage and current curves needs to be pre-processed to obtain the main component phase and amplitude. This can be done by using Fourier Transformation. Characteristic transfer functions, that is, Zd(s), sG(s), Zaf0(s), Zq(s), Ld(s), and Lq(s) are then calculated for all tested frequency range. Before starting curve fitting procedure, some independent parameters should be derived based on abovementioned characteristic transfer functions. These parameters are Rd, Rq, Ld(0), Lq(0), Lad, Laq, Rfd, and Nfda. Using these fixed values and initial values for other parameters of equivalent circuit of Figure 1, the curve fitting procedure started. Finally, after the procedure reached a reasonable mean square error in all points of tested frequency range between predicted values of transfer functions in model and test results, final values are obtained and corrected and machine transient and subtransient parameters are calculated. Curve Fitting Procedure The curve fitting procedure is required here to tune the machine parameters in such a way to represent a suitable frequency response of the machine in tested frequency range. Because the direct and quadrature axis are independent, two goal functions are defined. For direct axis, the sum of all squared errors between the model predictions (which depends on equivalent circuit parameters) and test results of Zd(s) and sG(s) for all tested points is defined as the goal function. Similarly, the square error between model and test results of Zq(s) for all tested frequency range is defined as the goal function for quadrature axis curve fitting procedure. A direct searching method is utilized to find the parameter set which results in minimum error based on the above-mentioned goal functions [19]. In this method, all the parameters are changed one by one in small steps around its starting values while other parameters are kept constant. The goal functions are evaluated until reaching minimum (local optimum) on this parameter. Nevertheless, the initial values in this method are very important because bad initialization may lead to very high iterations [19]. Therefore, it is important to use proper initial values for parameters, that is, the procedure which is described in the Initialization Section. Figure 4, shows the curve fitting algorithm. Calculating the Transient and Subtransient Parameters The outcome of the curve fitting procedure would be the values of equivalent circuit parameters of synchronous generator. From these values, transient and subtransient reactances and time constants of the machine should be calculated because they are most common representing parameters of the machine. To do so, following formulas are used to calculate the reactances and time constants. Xd ¼ Xl þ Xad ð29Þ Xd0 ¼ Xl þ Xad kXfd ð30Þ Xd00 ¼ Xl þ Xad kfXc1 þ Xd1 kXfd g ð31Þ Xd000 ¼ Xl þ Xad kfXc1 þ Xd1 k½Xc2 þ Xd2 kXfd g ð32Þ Xq ¼ Xl þ Xaq ð33Þ Xq0 ¼ Xl þ Xaq Xq1 ð34Þ Xq00 ¼ Xl þ Xaq Xq1 Xq2 ð35Þ Xq000 ¼ Xl þ Xaq Xq1 Xq2 Xq3 ð36Þ Xfd þ Xl kXad 2pfrfd ð37Þ Xfd kðXc1 þ Xl kÞðXad Þ þ Xd1 2pfrd1 ð38Þ Td0 ¼ Figure 3 The flowchart of overall parameter derivation from test results. Td00 ¼ STANDSTILL FREQUENCY RESPONSE TEST Figure 4 Td000 ¼ Curve fitting procedure. Xfd kbXc2 þ Xd1 kðXc1 þ Xl kXad Þc þ Xd2 2pfrd2 ð39Þ Xl kXaq þ Xq1 2pfrq1 ð40Þ Tq0 ¼ Xl kXaq Xq1 þ Xq2 00 Tq ¼ 2pfrq2 Tq000 ¼ Xl kXaq Xq1 Xq2 þ Xq3 2pfrq3 5 ð41Þ on air gap line of no-load curve. The modified rfd (rfd mod) is also computed from (44). Tcoef þ Top 3 Na 2 rfd mod ¼ rfd meas ð44Þ Tcoef þ Ttest 2 Nfd where Top is the field winding temperature in normal operation; Ttest is the field winding temperature during SSFR test; rfd meas is the measured value of field winding resistance; Tcoef is the correction factor, that is, 234.5 for copper winding and 225 for aluminum winding. ð42Þ After curve fitting Xad and rfd should be corrected due to the low excitation level of the test and also the effect of deviation of test temperature from normal operational temperature. Xadu is the corrected value for Xad (which is computed from the test results in low excitation level) and is computed from (43). rffiffiffi 3 Na Vn Xadu ¼ ð43Þ 2 Nfd Ifdo on where Ifdo is the field current which can produce the rated voltage METHOD VALIDATION BASED THE TEST RESULTS OF AN ACTUAL CASE In order to further confirm the accuracy of the proposed method the SSFR test is conducted on a power plant generator and the test results are used to extract the machine parameters. The Microsoft Excel Macro utility is used to create a stand-alone module for SSFR test result analyzing. This Utility is then used by students and junior engineers to evaluate the test results. Nominal parameters of tested generator are shown in Table 1. 6 VAHIDI AND TAVAKOLI Table 1 Nominal Parameters of Tested Generator Rated power Rated voltage Rated frequency Field current for producing rated voltage on air gap line Leakage inductance 147.775 MVA 13.8 50 kV Hz 491 0.095 A pu A test circuit same as Figure 2a is prepared for the generator. The rotor position is changed until the induced voltage in open circuit exciting winding be <30 mV due to the armature current of 10 A (in this condition the rotor is in q-axis position). Then, armature current kept constant (10 A) and test is repeated at different frequencies. After q-axis test, without changing the rotor position, d-axis test is conducted according to Figure 2b for two cases: Table 3 cd cq Correction Factors of Impedances 2 1.5 Table 4 Generator Measured Resistances and Temperature During Test Armature resistance per phase 0.00141 X Direct measuring of field resistance 0.1015 X Environment temperature during test 278C Generator windings temperature during normal operation 1008C Winding conductor material cu (1) Field winding was in open circuit condition. (2) Field winding was in short circuit condition. Recorded voltages and currents are imported to MATLAB for pre-processing and de-noising. Afterwards, the amplitudes, phases of voltages and currents in all tested frequencies are imported to the program which is prepared in Microsoft Excel. Base values for converting the currents, Impedances and inductances are shown in Table 2. With regard to Figure 2, the correction factors for characteristic impedances of d- and q-axis are as Table 3, see Equations (4) and (7) for more details. The generator measured resistances and also site temperature during test are shown in Table 4 which are used for final correction of results. After evaluating the Zd, Zq, sG(s) and Zaf0, Nafd, and Rfd can be computed by using Figures 5 and 6 and Equations (14) and (15) (slopes obtained out of these figures should be divided by 2p to calculate the values in Eqs. 14 and 15). Focusing on low frequency values of Zd and Zq and extrapolation (Fig. 7), Rd and Rq will be extracted. After computing Rd and Rq the inductances of d- and q-axis (Ld(s) and Lq(s)) can be computed from Equation (9). Ld(0) and Lq(0), Lad, Nafd, and Rfd are then extracted in a similar manner from Equations (12), (14), and (15). These parameters are tabulated in Table 5. Only in this step, curve fitting procedure begins. The procedure is continued until the goal function changes in consequent iteration become small enough (1e-3 in our case). Typical transient and subtransient parameters which are used for initialization and corresponding computed equivalent circuit parameters (see Eqs. 1626) are shown in Table 6. Table 2 Figure 5 Zaf0 amplitude versus frequency. Figure 6 sG(s) amplitude versus frequency. Base Values Parameters Base value Armature current Armature impedance Armature inductance Field current (nominal turn ratio) Field impedance (nominal turn ratio) Field inductance (nominal turn ratio) 6182.46 A 1.289 X 0.0041 H 1044.186 A 135.53 X 0.431 H STANDSTILL FREQUENCY RESPONSE TEST Figure 7 Calculating the resistances from Zd and Zq in low frequencies. 7 Figure 8 model). The actual and fitted curves for Ld(s) magnitude (second order Figure 9 model). The actual and fitted curves for Ld(s) angle (second order The outcome of the above procedure which is repeated for SSFR2 and SSFR3 equivalent circuits reveals this fact that test results of the generator are better achieved by second order model for d-axis and third order model for q-axis. Figures 813 show the results. The actual and per-unit values for the parameters of equivalent circuits are shown in Table 7. The reactances and time constants of machine are shown in Table 8. STUDENTS FEEDBACK The methodology described in the present paper has explained for 20 senior undergraduate students in power system group and 20 Table 5 Values of Parameters That Are Computed From Transfer Functions of Machine Rd 0.0014 Ohm Rq 0.0017 Ohm Ld(0) 0.0077 Henry Lq(0) 0.0073 Henry Lad 0.00728 Henry lim[sG(s)/s] 0.3407 1/Henry lim[Zaf0/s] 0.0915 sec Nafd 12.56 Rfd 0.00255 Ohm Table 6 Initial Values for Computation Parameter Value Unit Parameter Value Unit Xd Xd0 Xd00 Xd000 Xq Xq0 Xq00 Xq000 Td0 Td00 Td000 Tq0 Tq00 Tq000 2.29 0.28 0.19 0.15 2.12 0.39 0.19 0.12 0.88 0.021 0.02 0.15 0.021 0.01 pu pu pu pu pu pu pu pu s s s s s s Lfd Rd1 Ld1 Rd2 Ld2 Lc1 Lc2 Rq1 Lq1 Rq2 Lq2 Rq3 Lq3 0.00083 0.0504 0.00080 0.0365 0.00053 0 0 0.0119 0.00142 0.0414 0.00057 0.0334 0.00014 Henry Ohm Henry Ohm Henry Henry Henry Ohm Henry Ohm Henry Ohm Henry Figure 10 The actual and fitted curves for sG(s) amplitude (second order model). 8 VAHIDI AND TAVAKOLI Figure 11 model). Figure 12 model). The actual and fitted curves for sG(s) angle (second order The actual and fitted curves for Lq(s) magnitude (third order Table 7 Actual and Per-Unit Values for Equivalent Circuits Parameter Actual value d-axis Rfd Lfd Lc2 Lc1 Rd1 Ld1 Ladu (test) Ladu (modified) Ll Ra q-axis Rq3 Lq3 Rq2 Lq2 Rq1 Lq1 Laqu (test) Laqu (modified) Ll Ra Per-unit value 0.00123 0.0006 0 0 0.0720 0.0009 0.0073 0.0087 0.00039 0.00141 Ohm Henry Henry Henry Ohm Henry Henry Henry Henry Ohm 0.00096 0.1463 0 0 0.0559 0.2194 1.7821 2.1266 0.0950 0.0011 0.05010 0.0019 0.07868 0.00075 0.01669 0.0015 0.0069 0.0082 0.00039 0.00141 Ohm Henry Ohm Henry Ohm Henry Henry Henry Henry Ohm 0.0389 0.4580 0.0610 0.1822 0.0129 0.3798 1.6846 2.0103 0.0950 0.0011 junior power system engineers. All the senior under graduate students and junior engineers have passed electric machine courses (I, II, and III). They used the methodology and filled a questionnaire form. The questionnaire consisted of four questions shown in Table 9. The students and engineers graded them as 1 (poor), 2 (not much), 3 (good), and 4 (very good). Figure 14 shows the global results obtained from the students’ questionnaire. Figure 15 shows the global results obtained from the engineers’ questionnaire. Table 10 shows the average scores for each question out of students’ feedback. Table 11 shows the average scores for each question out of engineers’ feedback. CONCLUSION Present paper has outlined and illustrated an approach to derive dynamic model and equivalent circuit parameters of machine. The test results are manipulated in MATLAB and a stand-alone Table 8 Figure 13 model). The actual and fitted curves for Lq(s) angle (third order Reactances and Time Constants of Machine Parameter Value Unit Xd0 Xd00 Xd0 Td0 Xd Xd000 Tq000 Xq00 Tq00 Xq0 Tq0 Xq 0.1793 0.0157 0.2318 0.7882 2.2216 0.1876 0.0418 0.2110 0.0133 0.4145 0.1156 2.1053 pu s pu s pu pu s pu s pu s pu STANDSTILL FREQUENCY RESPONSE TEST Table 9 Questionnaire Answered by the Students and Engineers Questions Score 1. I had previous knowledge of Microsoft Excel Macro utility 2. The content of this practical is valuable for an engineer 3. Are you understanding the concept of machine dynamic model better after using this utility 4. Are you more familiar with the test after using this utility 9 utility which is written in Microsoft Excel Macro environment. By Using this method, with very low cost and effort, the SSFR test and principles of parameter derivation of dynamic model of synchronous generator can be taught to senior students. It can also serve as useful preparatory exercises for power system junior engineers in this field. Evaluation of the project involving 20 students and 20 junior engineers indicates benefits of this project for learning and mastering the subject. NOMENCLATURE Efd f fn G(0) gd gq Id Ifd Ifdo Figure 14 Answers of students to the questionnaire. Iq Lad Laq Lbase Ld(0) Ld(s) Ll Lq(0) Lq(s) Na Nfd Nfda ra Rbase Rd Figure 15 Answers of engineers’ to the questionnaire. Table 10 Average Score Obtained From Students’ Answers Average score Question Question Question Question Total 1 2 3 4 3.15 2.85 3.05 2.75 2.95 Table 11 Average Score Obtained From Answers of Engineers Average score Question Question Question Question Total 1 2 3 4 2.85 3.4 2.95 3.05 3.06 rd1 rd2 Rfd rfd rfd meas rfd mod Rq rq1 rq2 rq3 s sG(s) Sn Td0 Tq0 Td000 Tq000 Td00 Tq00 T1d, T2d, T3d, T4d T1q, T2q, T3q, T4q field voltage frequency nominal frequency current transfer function at zero Hz d-axis connection configuration factor q-axis connection configuration factor current flowing in d-axis field current field current to produce nominal voltage at air gap line of no load curve current flowing in q-axis d-axis magnetizing inductance q-axis magnetizing inductance armature base inductance d-axis inductance at zero Hz d-axis inductance function armature leakage inductance q-axis inductance at zero Hz q-axis inductance function armature number of turns field number of turns field to armature turns ratio stator resistance armature base resistance armature resistance extracted from d-axis impedance first damper resistance in d-axis second damper resistance in d-axis field resistance calculated from test results field resistance measured field resistance corrected field resistance armature resistance extracted from q-axis impedance first damper resistance in q-axis second damper resistance in q-axis third damper resistance in q-axis Laplace transform parameter current transfer function of field to armature nominal apparent power d-axis transient short circuit time constant q-axis transient short circuit time constant d-axis \sub-subtransient short circuit time constant q-axis sub-subtransient short circuit time constant d-axis subtransient short circuit time constant q-axis subtransient short circuit time constant time constants in d-axis inductance function time constants in d-axis inductance function 10 VAHIDI AND TAVAKOLI Tcoef Tg1, Tg2, Tg3 Top Ttest Vd Vn Vq o on Xd0 Xq0 Xd000 Xq000 Xd00 Xq00 Xad Xadu Xaq Xc1, Xc2 Xd Xd1 Xd2 Xfd XL Xq Xq1 Xq2 Xq3 Zaf0(s) Zd(s) Zq(s) temperature correction factor time constants in current transfer function winding temperature at operation winding temperature at test condition voltage across d-axis nominal voltage voltage across q-axis angular speed nominal angular frequency d-axis transient reactance q-axis transient reactance d-axis sub-subtransient reactance q-axis sub-subtransient reactance d-axis subtransient \,\,reactance q-axis subtransient reactance magnetizing reactance in d-axis d-axis corrected unsaturated magnetizing reactance magnetizing reactance in q-axis Canay reactances d-axis reactance first damper reactance in d-axis second damper reactance in d-axis field reactance armature leakage reactance q-axis reactance first damper reactance in q-axis second damper reactance in q-axis third damper reactance in q-axis armature to field transfer impedance function d-axis impedance function q-axis impedance function REFERENCES [1] J. 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His main fields of research are high voltage, electrical insulation, power system transient, lightning protection, and pulse power technology. He has authored and co-authored 170 papers and five books on high voltage engineering and power system. Mohammad Reza Bank Tavakoli was born in Kerman, Iran, in 1981. He received the BS in electrical engineering from Tehran University, Tehran, Iran, in 2003 and MS degree in electrical engineering from Amirkabir University of Technology, in 2005. Presently, he is a PhD student at the department of electrical engineering of Amirkabir University of Technology. His main fields of research are power system dynamics and component modeling.