Uploaded by Nurbu Lama

all good things must come to an end.

I’ve been thinking about how to word this for a long time now.
Lots of tears and late nights contemplating everything have led to this decision. It’s
almost as if it was a feeling that had always existed under the surface, but I was too
afraid to ever address it.
For the past two years I've been running this brand. Together we’ve done some
amazing things like build a school in Malawi And raise over $10,000+ for mental health
nonprofits. These have no doubt been some of the best years of my life:
From being on the news for the first time, To meeting the people who ordered the first
ever item in hawaii, and my friends coming over to help pack orders until 3 am on our
first black friday, these are all moments I’ll forever be beyond grateful for.
But, at the same time - this chapter has presented some of the most difficult moments
I’ve had to face - especially within past few months and it's pushed me to depths i've
never experienced before.
After countless nights with anxiety attacks and depressive episodes I came to the
realization that something needs to change.
So on May 18th (my 20th birthday), we will be having our final keep it wholesome
release. It’s a reasons to smile design and by far the best we’ve put out. The details are
something I’m so proud of.
I tried, I tried so hard and I’ll forever be sorry that I couldn’t keep going, but I’ve finally
realized that it isn’t worth losing myself in order to make this continue on. It’s
bittersweet, but I’m honestly so proud of myself.
Because in a way it feels like i’m taking my own advice for the first time and finally
putting myself first.
The store will remain open until most things sell (including random old items from the
warehouse) - then the rest will be donated or given away.
And of course I’ll still be here, focusing on creating YouTube content.
Love you guys
Thank you so much for the incredible support these past 2+ years.
As always keep it wholesome.