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Intro to Earth Science Lab 1.docx

Intro to Earth Science Lab-1
Lab Activity Sheet (LAS)
The introduction to Earth Science LAS provides you with resources to complete the questions below and learn
about the concept of density and the use of the scientific method. The LAS is due on the day of the exam one.
See canvas for the scheduled time that the LAS can be uploaded. I encourage students to begin by reading
through the actual lab that we complete in the regular face to face lab. Then, watch the various you-tube
videos which explain the content material within the regular lab. After viewing the you-tube videos, answer the
following sections on LAS. Questions in each section are designed to strengthen your comprehension of
content. When the LAS is complete, you can upload the completed assignment to canvas before the due date.
If you have questions, I encourage you to participate in the 16 hours/week zoom hours (times specified in the
syllabus) and ASK! Questions on the LAS will be reflected on the Lab exam. DO NOT COPY OTHER
STUDENT WORK -- DO NOT CUT AND PASTE. I will be looking for this and as explained in the syllabus, all
parties involved will receive zeros! Be responsible for your own education --- take ownership
Intro to Earth Science Lab (actual Lab we do in class)
What is Density
“Fun” Facts about Density
The Scientific Method
1. Important Definitions --- Complete the definition for each term below
Water displacement
density of water
Density Concepts
Write 5 of your own definitions of new terms you have learned from the lab, videos ect..
In your own words, provide an explanation of density with two examples
What is the difference between density and weight?
A piece of gold is split into several smaller pieces. Explain why the density does not change.
How will one know if an object will float in water using density. Provide two examples.
Provide 5 of your own examples of calculating density. In other words, make up your own density
8. Using the concept of density, explain how a snow globe works.
9. Using the concept of density, explain why a 3-ton redwood tree will float in a lake
10. How would one measure the density of an irregular object? In other words for example, how would you
determine if you necklace is real gold or not???
11. How does the property of density describe the formation of the earth’s interior (Use the chemical
differentiation concept explained in lecture
12. Density Activity:
a. Access a glass container, beaker or some type of see-through container
b. Fill the container with three liquids --water, vinegar and oil.
c. Observe the three liquids
d. Answer the following questions
1. What happened? When putting the liquids into the container
2. What do you think would happen if the container were flipped up side
down? Explain your answer
3. LIst in order from most dense to least dense of the liquids
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4. A petroleum geologist depends on this behavior of liquids to locate pools
of oil below the earth’s surface. Explain why.
5. TAKE a picture and attach to your LAS
Scientific Method
1. Why is the scientific method important not only to the science world, but in your personal life?
2. Write the steps involved in the scientific method and explain how each step is related to one another to
match your answer in question 1.
3. How would you describe the relationship between technological advances and the scientific method?
Scientific Method Activity:
4. Write a paragraph about an experience you had where you tried something and failed. Then you tried
again and failed and maybe again and failed. But at last in your experience, you succeeded. Once you
have completed your paragraph answer the questions below.
1. Analyze your paragraph and identify the use of steps from the scientific method.
2. Would you agree or disagree that folks use the scientific method in their lives,
almost on a daily basis? Explain.
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