PHASE DIAGRAMS AND THERMODYNAMIC MODELING OF SOLUTIONS PHASE DIAGRAMS AND THERMODYNAMIC MODELING OF SOLUTIONS ARTHUR D. PELTON Dep’t Chemical Engineering, Centre de Recherche en Calcul Thermochimique, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal Elsevier Radarweg 29, PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, United Kingdom 50 Hampshire Street, 5th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Cover credit: A.D. Pelton, “Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams” in “Physical Metallurgy 5th edition”, D. E. Laughlin and K. Hono (eds.), Elsevier, pp. 203-303 (2014) No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein). Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978-0-12-801494-3 For information on all Elsevier publications visit our website at Publisher: Susan Dennis Acquisition Editor: Kostas KI. Marinakis Editorial Project Manager: Carly Demetre Production Project Manager: Omer Mukthar Cover Designer: Greg Harris Typeset by SPi Global, India Dedication To Brenda ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This book is the result of over 40 years of invaluable collaboration and discussions with a long list of students and colleagues. It would have been impossible to write this book without the FactSage software and databases. I have collaborated with Chris Bale for 45 years and with Gunnar Eriksson for 40 years on the development of FactSage. I owe them an immense debt of gratitude. I am particularly indebted to my mentor Milton Blander for his inspiration and deep insights into the mysteries of the thermodynamics of solutions. Special thanks are due to Evguenia Sokolenko for her skillful and essential assistance in preparing the figures and formatting the text and equations. Finally, I wish to acknowledge the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada for financial assistance over many years. xv INTRODUCTION An understanding of phase diagrams is fundamental and essential to the study of materials science, and an understanding of thermodynamics is fundamental to an understanding of phase diagrams. A knowledge of the equilibrium state of a system under a given set of conditions is the starting point in the description of many phenomena and processes. The theme of Part I of this book is the relationship between phase diagrams and thermodynamics. To understand phase diagrams properly, it has always been necessary to understand their thermodynamic basis. However, in recent years, the relationship between thermodynamics and phase diagrams has taken on a new and important practical dimension. With the development of large evaluated databases of the thermodynamic properties of thousands of compound and solutions and of software to calculate the conditions for chemical equilibrium (by minimizing the Gibbs energy), it is possible to rapidly calculate and plot desired phase diagram sections of multicomponent systems. Most of the phase diagrams shown in this book were calculated thermodynamically with the FactSage software and databases (see FactSage in the list of websites). Several large integrated thermodynamic database computing systems have been developed in recent years. (See list of websites.) The databases of these systems have been prepared by the following procedure. For every compound and solution phase of a system, an appropriate model is first developed giving the thermodynamic properties as functions of temperature T, pressure P, and composition. Next, all available thermodynamic and phase equilibrium data from the literature for the entire system are simultaneously optimized to obtain one set of critically evaluated, self-consistent parameters of the models for all phases in two-component; three-component; and, if data are available, higher-order subsystems. Finally, the models are used to estimate the properties of multicomponent solutions from the databases of parameters of the lower-order subsystems. The Gibbs energy minimization software then accesses the databases and, for given sets of conditions (T, P, composition …), calculates the compositions and amounts of all phases at equilibrium. By calculating the equilibrium state as T, composition, P, etc. are varied systematically, the software generates the phase diagram. xvii xviii INTRODUCTION The theme of Part II is models that are currently used to represent the thermodynamic properties of a solution as functions of T, P, and composition. These models relate the thermodynamic properties to the atomic or molecular structure of the solution. Techniques of data evaluation and optimization are also outlined. However, a thorough discussion of these techniques is beyond the scope of the present work. List of Websites FactSage, Montreal, NPL-MTDATA, Pandat, SGTE, Scientific Group Thermodata Europe, Thermocalc, Stockholm, 1 INTRODUCTION A phase diagram is a graphic representation of the values of the thermodynamic variables when equilibrium is established among the phases of a system. Materials scientists are most familiar with phase diagrams that involve temperature, T, and composition as variables. Examples are T-composition phase diagrams for binary systems such as Fig. 1.1 for the Fe-Mo system, isothermal phase diagram sections of ternary systems such as Fig. 1.2 for the Zn-Mg-Al system, and isoplethal (constant composition) sections of ternary and higher-order systems such as Figs. 1.3A and 1.4. However, many useful phase diagrams can be drawn that involve variables other than T and composition. The diagram in Fig. 1.5 shows the phases present at equilibrium in the Fe-Ni-O2 system at 1200°C as the equilibrium oxygen partial pressure (i.e., chemical potential) is varied. The x-axis of this diagram is the overall molar metal ratio in the system. The phase diagram in Fig. 1.6 shows the equilibrium phases present when an equimolar Fe-Cr alloy is equilibrated at 925°C with a gas phase of varying O2 and S2 partial pressures. For systems at high pressure, P-T phase diagrams such as the diagram for the one-component Al2SiO5 system in Fig. 1.7A show the fields of stability of the various allotropes. When the pressure in Fig. 1.7A is replaced by the volume of the system as y-axis, the “corresponding” V-T phase diagram of Fig. 1.7B results. The enthalpy of the system can also be a variable in a phase diagram. In the phase diagram in Fig. 1.3B, the y-axis of Fig. 1.3A has been replaced by the molar enthalpy difference (hT h25) between the system at 25°C and a temperature T. This is the heat that must be supplied or removed to heat or cool the system adiabatically between 25°C and T. The phase diagrams shown in Figs. 1.1–1.7 are only a small sampling of the many possible types of phase diagram sections. These diagrams and several other useful types of phase diagrams will be discussed in Part I. Although these diagrams appear to have very different geometries, it will be shown that actually they all obey exactly the same geometric rules. Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Modeling of Solutions. # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 3 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 2600 Liquid Liquid + bcc bcc 1233° 1240° Mu + bcc bcc + Laves 600 bcc Sigma + bcc Sigma Mu 1100 1498° 1453° R 1368° 1250° fcc R Q 1612° P 1600 Laves Temperature (∞C) 2100 308° bcc + Mu 100 0 Fe 0.2 0.4 0.6 Mole fraction Mo 0.8 1 Mo Fig. 1.1 Temperature-composition phase diagram at P ¼ 1 bar of the Fe-Mo system (Pelton, 2014). Zn 0.7 0.6 3 0.5 3 0.5 0.6 Tau 3 0.4 MgZn 0.4 Mg2Zn3 3 0.3 Laves 0.2 0.8 Mg2Zn11 0.1 0.9 hcp 3 γ+τ 3 Mg Gamma 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 3 3 p 0.5 0.9 hcp 0.8 0.2 0.7 0.3 3 0.1 4 XZn= 0.1 fcc 0.4 Mole fraction 0.3 0.2 β AlMg 0.1 Al Fig. 1.2 Isothermal phase diagram section at 25°C and P ¼ 1 bar of the Zn-Mg-Al system (Pelton, 2014). Chapter 2 provides a review of the fundamentals of thermodynamics as required for the interpretation and calculation of phase diagrams of all types. In Chapter 3, the Gibbs phase rule is developed in a general form suitable for the understanding of phase diagrams involving a wide range of variables including chemical potentials, enthalpy, and volume. Chapter 4 provides a review of Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Liquid 625 Liquid + fcc Tau (Gamma + Phi + Tau) 125 hcp + Gamma + MgZn 25 0 (A) 0.2 fcc + Beta + Tau (fcc + Laves + Mg2Zn11) (fcc + Mg 2Zn11 + hcp) 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Molar ratio Al/(Mg+Al) 30 o 625 C o 725 C Liquid 25 Liquid + fcc 20 Liquid + Tau Liquid + hcp o 525 C 15 Liquid + fcc + Tau Tau Enthalpy (h – h25∞C) (kJ mol–1) fcc + Laves + Ta u Tau + G p mma hcp + Gamma + Phi (Beta + Tau) + Ga 225 Liquid + Gamma Beta 325 fcc + Tau amma 425 Liquid + hcp hcp + MgZn hcp + Phi + MgZn Temperature (∞C) (Liquid + Tau) 525 10 o fcc + Tau 425 C o 325 C o 5 hcp + Phi + MgZn 225 C o 125 C 0 (B) Fig. 1.3 Isoplethal phase diagram section at XZn ¼ 0.1 and P ¼ 1 bar of the Zn-Mg-Al system. (A) Temperature versus composition; (B) enthalpy versus composition (Pelton, 2014). the thermodynamics of solutions. Chapter 5 begins with a discussion of the thermodynamic origin of binary T-composition phase diagrams, presented in the classical manner involving common tangents to curves of Gibbs energy. Chapter 5 continues with a thorough discussion of all features of T-composition phase diagrams of binary systems with particular stress on the relationship between the phase diagram and the thermodynamic properties of the phases. A similar discussion of T-composition phase diagrams of ternary systems is given in Chapter 6. Isothermal and isoplethal sections and polythermal liquidus and solidus projections are discussed. 5 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 850∞C 0.3 wt.% carbon 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 bcc + M7C3 bcc + M7C3 + M23C6 bcc + fcc + M7C3 bcc + fcc + M7C3 + M23C6 fcc + M7C3 + M23C6 bcc + fcc + MC + M7C 3 Zero phase fraction lines M23C6 (mnprth) bcc (eactuj) M7C3 (gvaonqsui) fcc (dobrsk) MC (fvcbpql) m 3 bcc + MC o d bcc + fcc + MC fcc 0 2 b g 4 p q 1 2 3 4r bcs t c u c fcc + M7C3 v 0f 6 fcc + MC + M7C3 C3 fcc + MC e a 7 1 l bcc + MC + M7C3 + M23C6 c M bc C + M 2 bcc + MC + M23C6 n + Weight percent vanadium 5 bcc + M23C6 +f cc 5 fcc h i + M23C6 6 8 10 12 Weight percent chrome +M 23 C6 j 14 k 16 Fig. 1.4 Phase diagram section of the Fe-Cr-V-C system at 850°C, 0.3 wt% C, and P ¼ 1 bar (SGTE). 1200∞C –1 –3 Spinel + Fe2O3 Spinel + Monoxide log10p(O2) (bar) 6 Spinel –5 Monoxide –7 Spinel + Monoxide Spinel + fcc –9 Monoxide Monoxide + fcc Monoxide + fcc –11 fcc –13 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Molar ratio Ni/(Fe+Ni) Fig. 1.5 Phase diagram of the Fe-Ni-O2 system at 1200°C showing equilibrium oxygen pressure versus overall metal ratio (Pelton, 2014). In Chapter 7, the geometry of general phase diagram sections is developed in depth. In this chapter, the following are presented: the general rules of construction of phase diagram sections, the proper choice of axis variables and constants required to give a single-valued phase diagram section with each point of the diagram representing a unique equilibrium state, and a general 925∞C, Molar ratio Cr/(Fe+Cr) = 0.5 0 log10p(S2) (bar) –2 Pyrrhotite + FeCr2S4 –4 te oti rrh +M O3 2 Py –6 rr Py Pyrrhotite –8 tit ho S e+ el pin Pyrrhotite + fcc Pyrrhotite + bcc –10 Spinel fcc + Spinel fcc + M2O3 bcc –12 bcc + M2O3 –14 –24 –22 –20 –18 log10p(O2) (bar) –16 –14 Fig. 1.6 Phase diagram of the Fe-Cr-S2-O2 system at 925°C showing equilibrium S2 and O2 partial pressures at constant molar ratio Cr/(Cr + Fe) ¼ 0.5 (Pelton, 2014). 6 Pressure (kbar) Kyanite 5 4 Sillimanite Triple point 3 2 Andalusite 1 0 500 550 (A) R 650 Kyanite 0.046 0.048 0.050 Andalusite + Kyanite Molar volume (L mol–1) 0.044 600 Temperature (∞C) Sillimanite + Kyanite Sillimanite Q Andalusite + Sillimanite 0.052 P Andalusite (B) Fig. 1.7 (A) P-T and (B) V-T phase diagrams of Al2SiO5 (Pelton, 2014). 700 8 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION algorithm for calculating all such phase diagram sections thermodynamically. Chapter 8 begins with a discussion of the course of equilibrium solidification of binary, ternary, and multicomponent systems and includes a classification of invariant reactions. Next, nonequilibrium Scheil-Gulliver solidification is discussed in which solids, once precipitated, cease to react with the liquid or with each other. Scheil-Gulliver constituent diagrams are introduced from which one can visualize the course of Scheil-Gulliver cooling as temperature and composition are varied. The calculation and theory of these diagrams are discussed. Chapter 9 treats paraequilibrium in which, during cooling, rapidly diffusing elements reach equilibrium but more slowly diffusing elements remain essentially immobile. Paraequilibrium phase diagrams are introduced, and the application of the Phase Rule to these diagrams is developed. Chapter 10 provides an introduction to phase diagrams with second-order phase transitions and to ferromagnetic and order/ disorder transitions. In Chapter 11, phase diagrams for systems involving an aqueous phase including evaporation diagrams, classical Eh-pH diagrams (which are not true phase diagrams), and true aqueous phase diagrams are discussed. Finally, Chapter 12 provides a survey of phase diagram compilations and texts on the relationship between thermodynamics and phase diagrams. References Pelton, A.D., 2014. In: Laughlin, D.E., Hono, K. (Eds.), (Chapter 3). Physical Metallurgy. fifth ed. Elsevier, New York. List of Websites SGTE, Scientific Group Thermodata Europe, 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS CHAPTER OUTLINE 2.1 The First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics 10 2.1.1 Nomenclature 10 2.1.2 The First Law 10 2.1.3 The Second Law 11 2.1.4 The Fundamental Equation of Thermodynamics 12 2.2 Enthalpy 13 2.2.1 “Absolute” Enthalpy 16 2.2.2 Standard Enthalpy of Formation 16 2.3 Gibbs Energy 16 2.4 Equilibrium and Chemical Reactions 18 2.4.1 Equilibria Involving a Gaseous Phase 18 2.4.2 A Note on Nonideal Gases 20 2.4.3 Predominance Diagrams 22 2.5 Measuring Gibbs Energy, Enthalpy and Entropy 25 2.5.1 Measuring Gibbs Energy Change 25 2.5.2 Measuring Enthalpy Change 26 2.5.3 Measuring Entropy—The Third Law of Thermodynamics 2.6 Gibbs Energy of a Pure Compound as a Function of Temperature 27 2.7 Auxiliary Functions 28 2.8 The Chemical Potential 29 2.9 Some Other Useful Thermodynamic Equations 30 2.9.1 The Gibbs-Duhem Equation 30 2.9.2 General Auxiliary Functions 31 References 31 List of Websites 31 26 This chapter is intended to provide a review of the fundamentals of thermodynamics as required for the interpretation and calculation of phase diagrams. It is not intended to be an Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Modeling of Solutions. # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 9 10 Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS introductory treatise on the subject. The development of the thermodynamics of phase diagrams will be continued in the succeeding chapters. 2.1 The First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics If the thermodynamic system under consideration is permitted to exchange both energy and mass wth its surroundings, the system is said to be open. If energy but not mass may be exchanged, the system is said to be closed. The state of a system is defined by intensive properties, such as temperature and pressure, which are independent of the mass of the system, and by extensive properties, such as volume and internal energy, which vary directly as the mass of the system. 2.1.1 Nomenclature Extensive thermodynamic properties will be represented by uppercase symbols. For example, G ¼ Gibbs energy in J. Molar properties will be represented by lowercase symbols. For example, g ¼ G/n ¼ molar Gibbs energy in J mol1 where n is the total number of moles in the system. 2.1.2 The First Law The internal energy of a system, U, is the total thermal and chemical bond energy stored in the system. It is an extensive state property. Consider a closed system undergoing a change of state that involves an exchange of heat, dQ, and work, dW, with its surroundings. Since energy must be conserved, dUn ¼ dQ + dW (2.1) This is the First Law. The convention is adopted whereby energy passing from the surroundings to the system is positive. The subscript on dUn indicates that the system is closed (constant number of moles.) It must be stressed that dQ and dW are not changes in state properties. For a system passing from a given initial state to a given final state, dUn is independent of the process path since it is the change of a state property; however, dQ and dW are, in general, path-dependent. Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS 2.1.3 The Second Law For a rigorous and complete development of the Second Law, the reader is referred to standard texts on thermodynamics. The entropy of a system, S, is an extensive state property that is given by Boltzmann’s equation as S ¼ kB ln t (2.2) where kB is Boltzmann’s constant and t is the multiplicity of the system. Somewhat loosely, t is the number of possible equivalent microstates in a macrostate, that is, the number of quantum states of the system that are accessible under the applicable conditions of energy, volume, etc. For example, for a system that can be described by a set of single-particle energy levels, t is the number of ways of distributing the particles over the energy levels, keeping the total internal energy constant. At low temperatures, most of the particles will be in or near the ground state. Hence, t and S will be small. As the temperature and hence U increase, more energy levels become occupied. Consequently, t and S increase. For solutions, an additional contribution to t arises from the number of different possible ways of distributing the atoms or molecules over the lattice or quasi-lattice sites (see Section 4.6). Again somewhat loosely, S can be said to be a measure of the disorder of a system. During any spontaneous process, the total entropy of the universe will increase for the simple reason that disorder is more probable than order. That is, for any spontaneous process, dStotal ¼ ðdS + dSsurr Þ 0 (2.3) where dS and dSsurr are the entropy changes of the system and surroundings, respectively. The existence of a state property S that satisfies Eq. (2.3) is the essence of the Second Law. Eq. (2.3) is a necessary condition for a process to occur. However, even if Eq. (2.3) is satisfied, the process may not actually be observed if there are kinetic barriers to its occurrence. That is, the Second Law says nothing about the rate of a process that can vary from extremely rapid to infinitely slow. It should be noted that the entropy change of the system, dS, can be negative for a spontaneous process as long as the sum (dS +dSsurr) is positive. For example, during the solidification of a liquid, the entropy change of the system is negative in going from the liquid to the more ordered solid state. Nevertheless, a liquid below its melting point will freeze spontaneously because the entropy change of the surroundings is sufficiently positive due to the transfer of heat from the system to the surroundings. It should 11 12 Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS also be stressed that in passing from a given initial state to a given final state, the entropy change of the system dS is independent of the process path since it is the change of a state property. However, dSsurr is path-dependent. 2.1.4 The Fundamental Equation of Thermodynamics Consider an open system at equilibrium with its surroundings and at internal equilibrium. That is, no spontaneous irreversible processes are taking place. Suppose that a change of state occurs in which S, V (volume), and ni (number of moles of component i in the system) change by dS, dV, and dni. Such a change of state occurring at equilibrium is called a reversible process, and the corresponding heat and work terms are dQrev and dWrev. We may then write X dU ¼ ðdU=dSÞv,n dS + ðdU=dV Þs:n dV + μi dni (2.4) where μi ¼ ðdU=dni Þs,v, nj6¼i (2.5) μi is the chemical potential of component i which will be discussed in Section 2.8. The absolute temperature is given as T ¼ ðdU=dSÞv,n (2.6) We expect that temperature should be defined such that heat flows spontaneously from high to low T. To show that T as given by Eq. (2.6) is, in fact, such a thermal potential, consider two closed systems, isolated from their surroundings but in thermal contact with each other, exchanging only heat at constant volume. Let the temperatures of the systems be T1 and T2, and let T1 > T2. Suppose that heat flows from system 1 to system 2, then dU2 ¼ dU1 > 0. Therefore, from Eq. (2.6), dS ¼ dS1 + dS2 ¼ dU1 =T1 + dU2 =T2 > 0 (2.7) That is, the flow of heat from high to low temperature results in an increase in total entropy, and hence, from the Second Law, it is spontaneous. The second term in Eq. (2.4) is ( PdV), the work of reversible expansion. From Eq. (2.6), the first term in Eq. (2.4) is equal to TdS, and this is then the reversible heat: T dS ¼ dQrev (2.8) Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS That is, in the particular case of a process that occurs reversibly, (dQrev/T) is path-independent since it is equal to the change of a state property dS. Eq. (2.8) is actually the definition of entropy change in the classical development of the Second Law. Eq. (2.4) may now be written as X (2.9) dU ¼ T dS PdV + μi dni Eq. (2.9), which results from combining the first and second laws, is called the fundamental equation of thermodynamics. We have assumed that the only work term is the reversible work of expansion (sometimes called “PV work”). In general, in this book, this will be the case. If other types of work occur, then non-PV terms, dWrev(non-PV), must be added to Eq. (2.6). For example, if the process is occurring in a galvanic cell, then dWrev(non-PV) is the reversible electric work in the external circuit. Eq. (2.9) can thus be written more generally as X dU ¼ T dS PdV + μi dni + dWrevðnonPV Þ (2.10) 2.2 Enthalpy Enthalpy, H, is an extensive state property defined as H ¼ U + PV (2.11) Consider a closed system undergoing a change of state that may involve irreversible processes (such as chemical reactions). Although the overall process may be irreversible, we shall assume that any work of expansion is approximately reversible (i.e., the external and internal pressures are equal) and that there is no work other than the work of expansion. Then, from Eq. (2.1), dUn ¼ dQ PdV (2.12) From Eqs. (2.11), (2.12), it follows that dHn ¼ dQ + V dP (2.13) Furthermore, if the pressure remains constant throughout the process, then dHp ¼ dQp (2.14) Integrating both sides of Eq. (2.14) gives ΔHp ¼ Qp (2.15) That is, the enthalpy change of a closed system in passing from an initial to a final state at constant pressure is equal to the heat 13 14 Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS exchanged with the surroundings. Hence, for a process occurring at constant pressure, the heat is path-independent since it is equal to the change of a state property. This is an important result. As an example, suppose that the initial state of a system consists of 1.0 mol of C and 1.0 mol of O2 at 298.15 K at 1.0 bar pressure and that the final state is 1.0 mol of CO2 at the same temperature and pressure. The enthalpy change of this reaction is. o C + O2 ¼ CO2 ΔH298:15 ¼ 393:52kJ ΔHo298.15 (2.16) (where the superscript on indicates the standard state reaction involving pure solid graphite and CO2 and O2 at 1.0 bar pressure). Hence, an exothermic heat of 393.52 kJ will be observed, independent of the reaction path, provided only that the pressure remains constant throughout the process. For instance, during the combustion reaction, the reactants and products may attain high and unknown temperatures. However, once the CO2 product has cooled back to 298.15 K, the total heat that has been exchanged with the surroundings will be 393.52 kJ independent of the intermediate temperatures. In Fig. 2.1, the standard molar enthalpy of Fe is shown as a function of temperature. The y-axis, (hoT ho298.15), is the heat required to heat 1.0 mol of Fe from 298.15 K to a temperature T at constant pressure. As usual, the superscripts “o” indicate the standard state of pure Fe. The slope of the curve is the molar heat capacity at constant pressure: Fig. 2.1 Standard molar enthalpy of Fe (FactSage). Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS cP ¼ ðdh=dT ÞP (2.17) Heat capacities are often represented as functions of temperature by the semiempirical equation: cP ¼ a + bT + cT 2 (2.18) where a, b, and c are constants and T is in kelvins. Empirical terms with other powers Ti are often also used. From Eq. (2.17), we obtain the following expression for the heat required to heat 1.0 mol of a substance from a temperature T1 to a temperature T2 at constant P (assuming no phase changes in the interval): Tð2 ðhT2 hT1 Þ ¼ cP dT (2.19) T1 The enthalpy curve can be measured by the technique of drop calorimetry, or the heat capacity can be measured directly by adiabatic calorimetry. The standard equilibrium temperature of fusion (melting) of Fe is 1811 K as shown in Fig. 2.1. The fusion reaction is a first-order phase change since it occurs at constant temperature. The standard molar enthalpy of fusion Δhof is 13.807 kJ mol1 as shown in Fig. 2.1. It can also be seen in Fig. 2.1 that Fe undergoes two other first-order phase changes, the first from α (bcc) to γ (fcc) Fe at Toα!γ ¼ 1184.8 K and the second from γ to δ (bcc) at 1667.5 K. The enthalpy changes are, respectively, 1.013 and 0.826 kJ mol1. The Curie temperature, Tcurie ¼ 1045 K, which is also shown in Fig. 2.1, will be discussed in Chapter 10. Hence, for example, the enthalpy change upon heating 1.0 mol of pure Fe from 298.15 K to a temperature T above the melting point is given as hoT ho298:15 1184:8 ð ¼ cPα dT 1667:5 ð + Δhoα!γ + 298:15 1811 ð + 1667:5 cPγ dT + Δhoγ!δ 1184:8 cPδ dT + Δhof + ðT cPliq dT (2.20) 1811 where cαP, cγP, cδP, and cliq P are the molar heat capacities of the individual phases, each expressed by an equation similar to Eq. (2.18). In the case of Fe and other magnetic materials, additional terms must be added to cαP as will be discussed in Chapter 10. 15 16 Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS 2.2.1 “Absolute” Enthalpy No natural zero exists for the enthalpy because there is no simple natural zero for the internal energy (see Eq. (2.11)). However, by convention, the “absolute” enthalpy of a pure element in its stable state at P ¼ 1.0 bar and T ¼ 298.15 K is often set to zero. Hence, under this convention, the y-axis of Fig. 2.1 could be labeled simply as hoT. 2.2.2 Standard Enthalpy of Formation The standard molar enthalpy of formation of a compound is defined as the enthalpy of formation of 1.0 mol of the pure compound in its stable state from the pure elements in their stable states at P ¼ 1.0 bar at constant temperature. So, for example, ΔHo298.15 of the reaction in Eq. (2.16) is the standard enthalpy of formation of CO2 at 298.15 K. Under the convention that the standard enthalpies of the elements are zero at 298.15 K (Section 2.2.1), it then follows that the “absolute” standard enthalpy of a compound at 298.15 K is equal to its standard enthalpy of formation from the elements. o ¼ 393.52 kJ mol1. That is, hCO 2(298.15) 2.3 Gibbs Energy The Gibbs energy (also called the Gibbs free energy or simply the free energy), G, is defined as G ¼ H TS (2.21) As in Section 2.2, we consider a closed system and assume that the only work term is the work of expansion and that this is reversible. From Eqs. (2.13), (2.21), dGn ¼ dQ + V dP T dS SdT (2.22) Consequently, for a process occurring at constant T and P in a closed system, dGT,P,n ¼ dQP T dS ¼ dHP T dS (2.23) Consider the case where the “surroundings” are simply a heat reservoir at a temperature equal to the temperature T of the system. That is, no irreversible processes occur in the surroundings which receive only a reversible transfer of heat (dQ) at constant temperature. Therefore, from Eq. (2.8), dSsurr ¼ dQ=T (2.24) Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS Substituting into Eq. (2.23) and using Eq. (2.3) yields dGT,P,n ¼ T dSsurr T dS ¼ T dStotal 0 (2.25) Eq. (2.25) may be considered to be a special form of the Second Law for a process occurring in a closed system at constant T and P. From Eq. (2.25), such a process will be spontaneous if dG is negative. For our purposes in this book, Eq. (2.25) is the most useful form of the second law. An objection might be raised that Eq. (2.25) applies only when the surroundings are at the same temperature T as the system. However, if the surroundings are at a different temperature, we simply postulate a hypothetical heat reservoir that is at the same temperature as the system and that lies between the system and surroundings, and we consider the irreversible transfer of heat between the reservoir and the real surroundings as a second separate process. Substituting Eqs. (2.8), (2.24) into Eq. (2.25) gives dGT, P, n ¼ ðdQ dQrev Þ 0 (2.26) In Eq. (2.26), dQ is the heat of the actual process, while dQrev is the heat that would be observed were the process occurring reversibly. If the actual process is reversible, that is, if the system is at equilibrium, then dQ ¼ dQrev, and dG ¼ 0. As an example, consider the fusion of Fe in Fig. 2.1. At Tof ¼ 1811 K, solid and liquid are in equilibrium. That is, at this temperature, melting is a reversible process. Therefore, at 1811 K, dgfo ¼ dhof Tdsof ¼ 0 (2.27) where, again, the superscripts indicate the standard state of pure Fe at P ¼ 1.0 bar. Therefore, the molar entropy of fusion at 1811 K is given by Δsfo ¼ Δhof =T when T ¼ Tfo (2.28) Similar equations apply to other first-order phase changes. For example, for the α ➔ γ transition of Fe in Fig. 2.1, o o ¼ Δhoα!γ =T when T ¼ Tα!γ ¼ 1184:8K (2.29) Δsα!γ Eq. (2.28) applies only at the equilibrium melting point. At temperatures below and above this temperature, the liquid and solid are not in equilibrium. Above the melting point, Δgof < 0, and melting is a spontaneous process (liquid is more stable than solid). Below the melting point, Δgof > 0, and the reverse process (solidification) is spontaneous. As the temperature deviates 17 18 Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS progressively further from the equilibrium melting point, the magnitude of Δgof , which is the magnitude of the driving force, increases. We shall return to this subject in Section 5.1. 2.4 Equilibrium and Chemical Reactions Consider first the question of whether silica fibers in an aluminum matrix at 500°C will react to form mullite, Al6Si2O13: 13 9 SiO2 + 6Al ¼ Si + Al6 Si2 O13 2 2 (2.30) If the reaction proceeds with the formation of dξ moles of mullite, then from the stoichiometry of the reaction, dnSi ¼ (9/2) dξ, dnAl ¼ 6 dξ, and dnSiO2 ¼ 13/2 dξ. Since the four substances are essentially immiscible at 500°C, their Gibbs energies are equal to their standard molar Gibbs energies, goi (also known as the standard chemical potentials μoi as defined in Section 2.8), the standard state of a solid or liquid compound being the pure compound at P ¼ 1.0 bar. The Gibbs energy of the system then varies as 9 o 13 o o o + gSi gSiO2 6gAl ¼ ΔG o ¼ 830 kJ dG=dξ ¼ gAl 6 Si2 O13 2 2 (2.31) where ΔGo is called the standard Gibbs energy change of the reaction Eq. (2.30) at 500 °C. Since ΔG° < 0, the reaction will proceed spontaneously so as to minimize G. Equilibrium will never be attained, and the reaction will proceed to completion. 2.4.1 Equilibria Involving a Gaseous Phase An ideal gas mixture is one that obeys the ideal gas equation of state: PV ¼ nRT (2.32) where n is the total number of moles. Further, the partial pressure of each gaseous species in the ideal mixture is given by P P pi V ¼ ni RT (2.33) where n ¼ ni and P ¼ pi (Dalton’s law for ideal gases). R is the ideal gas constant. The standard state of an ideal gaseous compound is the pure compound at a pressure of 1.0 bar. (See Section 2.4.2 for the case of nonideal gases.) It can easily be shown that the partial molar Gibbs energy gi (also called the chemical potential μi as defined in Section 2.8) of a species in an ideal Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS gas mixture is given in terms of its standard molar Gibbs energy goi (also called the standard chemical potential μoi ) by gi ¼ gio + RT ln pi (2.34) The final term in Eq. (2.34) is purely entropic. As a gas expands at constant temperature, its entropy increases. Consider a gaseous mixture of H2, S2, and H2S with partial pressures pH2, pS2, and pH2S. The gases can react according to 2H2 + S2 ¼ 2H2 S (2.35) If the reaction (Eq. 2.35) proceeds to the right with the formation of 2dξ moles of H2S, then the Gibbs energy of the system varies as dG=dξ ¼ 2gH2 S 2gH2 gS2 ¼ 2gHo 2 S 2gHo 2 gSo2 + RT ð2 ln pH2 S 2 ln pH2 ln pS2 Þ ¼ 1 ¼ ΔG ΔG o + RT ln p2H2 S p2 H2 pS2 (2.36) ΔG, which is the Gibbs energy change of the reaction in Eq. (2.35), is thus a function of the partial pressures. If ΔG < 0, then the reaction will proceed to the right so as to minimize G. In a closed system, as the reaction continues with the production of H2S, pH2S will increase, while pH2 and pS2 will decrease. As a result, ΔG will become progressively less negative. Eventually, an equilibrium state will be reached when dG/dξ ¼ ΔG ¼ 0. For the equilibrium state, therefore, 1 (2.37) ΔG o ¼ RT ln K ¼ RT ln p2H2 S p2 H2 pS2 equilibrium where K, the equilibrium constant of the reaction, is the one 2 1 2 pH pS2 ) for which the system will unique value of the ratio ( pH 2S 2 be in equilibrium at the temperature T. If the initial partial pressures are such that ΔG > 0, then the reaction in Eq. (2.35) will proceed to the left in order to minimize G until the equilibrium condition of Eq. (2.37) is attained. As a further example, consider the possible precipitation of graphite from a gaseous mixture of CO and CO2. The reaction is 2CO ¼ C + CO2 (2.38) Proceeding as above, we can write dG=dξ ¼ gC + gCO2 2gCO ¼ o o gCo + gCO 2gCO + RT ln pCO2 p2 CO ¼ 2 2 ΔG o + RT ln pCO2 p2 CO ¼ ΔG ¼ RT ln K + RT ln pCO2 pCO (2.39) 19 20 Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS If (pCO2 p2 CO) is less than the equilibrium constant K, then precipitation of graphite will occur in order to decrease G. Real situations are, of course, generally more complex. To treat the deposition of solid Si from a vapor of SiI4, for example, we must consider the formation of gaseous I2, I, and SiI2 so that three independent reaction equations must be written: SiI4 ðgÞ ¼ SiðsolÞ + 2I2 ðgÞ (2.40) SiI4 ðgÞ ¼ SiI2 ðgÞ + I2 ðgÞ (2.41) I2 ðgÞ ¼ 2IðgÞ (2.42) The equilibrium state, however, is still that that minimizes the total Gibbs energy of the system. This is equivalent to satisfying simultaneously the equilibrium constants of the reactions in Eqs. (2.40)–(2.42). Equilibria involving reactants and products that are solid or liquid solutions will be discussed in Section 4.5. 2.4.2 A Note on Nonideal Gases Ideal gases were discussed in Section 2.4.1. The ideal gas equation of state, Eq. (2.32), can be derived from the kinetic theory of gases if it is assumed that the gaseous molecules do not interact with each other except through elastic collisions. Real gases approach ideal gas behavior as the pressure decreases and as the temperature increases. At higher pressures and lower temperatures, the molecules are in closer proximity, attractive and repulsive interactions become more important, and the equation of state of the gas becomes more complex than Eq. (2.32). As examples of typical deviations from ideal behavior, consider 1.0 mol of a gas at T ¼ 300 K and P ¼ 1.0 bar. From Eq. (2.32), the volume of an ideal gas is 24.94 L. For the real gases O2, CO2, and CH3CH2OH (ethanol), the volumes under these conditions deviate from the ideal value by 0.06%, 0.5%, and 5.6%, respectively, while at 300 K and P ¼ 10.0 bar, the deviations from the ideal volume (2.494 L) are 0.6%, 4.9%, and 56%, respectively. (These values were calculated from the first virial coefficient as given by the Tsonopoulos equation of state assuming no dissociation.) With larger molecules, the possibilities for intermolecular interactions are greater, and so the deviations from ideal behavior become larger. This is particularly true in the case of polar molecules such as ethanol. From these examples, it can be seen that, except in the case of the smallest molecules, deviations from ideal gas behavior must be taken into account in calculations near room temperature, particularly at elevated pressures. Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS However, at T ¼ 1000 K, the deviations from ideality are much smaller. At P ¼ 1.0 bar, the volumes of O2, CO2, and CH3CH2OH all deviate from the ideal value by <0.03% (again assuming no dissociation), and at P ¼ 10.0 bar, the deviations are still all <0.06%. In the examples used in this book, we shall deal mainly with gases with small simple molecules at elevated temperatures and at relatively low pressures. Hence, ideal gas behavior will always be assumed. Real gases are described thermodynamically by replacing Eq. (2.34) with the following equation: gi ¼ gio + RT ln fi (2.43) where fi is called the fugacity. The fugacity is a function of T and P. For an ideal gas, fi is equal to the partial pressure: fi ¼ pi. For a real gas, fi approaches pi at high T and low P. A plot of fi versus pi at constant T for a hypothetical gas is shown in Fig. 2.2. Also shown in the figure is the ideal gas line (fi ¼ pi) obtained by extrapolating the limiting slope at pi ¼ 0. The standard state of a gas is then defined as the point at pi ¼ 1.0 bar on the ideal gas line. Note that this is a hypothetical standard state. That is, at pi ¼ 1.0 bar, a real gas is not in its standard state. 2.0 1.8 1.6 al Re Fugacity fi (bar) 1.4 1.2 Id = l (f i ea p )i 1.0 Standard state 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Pressure pi (bar) Fig. 2.2 Fugacity versus partial pressure for a gas (schematic). 1.2 1.4 21 Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS For a chemical reaction as in Eq. (2.35), ΔGo is the Gibbs energy change when all gases are in their standard states. Hence, in the case of real gases, Eqs. (2.36), (2.37) apply if all the partial pressures pi are replaced by their corresponding fugacities fi. Tables or equations giving fi as a function of T and P for pure gases are obtained from their experimental equations of state. However, care must be exercised in substituting these values into the equilibrium constant equation because the fugacity of a gas depends not only on T and pi but also upon its interactions with all the other gases that are present. 2.4.3 Predominance Diagrams Predominance diagrams are a particularly simple type of phase diagram that have many applications in the fields of hot corrosion, chemical vapor deposition, etc. Furthermore, their construction clearly illustrates the principles of Gibbs energy minimization. A predominance diagram for the Cu-SO2-O2 system at 700°C is shown in Fig. 2.3. The axes are the logarithms of the partial pressures of SO2 and O2 in the gas phase. The diagram is divided into areas or domains of stability of the various solid compounds of Cu, S, and O. 700∞C 3 Cu2SO4 2 1 CuS CuSO4 Cu2S 0 Cu2O –1 Ptotal = 1.0 bar –2 5 SO u2 C log10p(SO2) (bar) 22 Point Z –7 Cu –3 –4 –20 –18 pO = 10 –2 pSO = 10 2 CuO 2 –16 –14 –12 –10 –8 log10p(O2) (bar) –6 –4 –2 0 Fig. 2.3 “Predominance” phase diagram of the Cu-SO2-O2 system at 700°C showing the solid phases at equilibrium as a function of the equilibrium SO2 and O2 partial pressures (FactSage). Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS For example, at point Z, where pSO2 ¼ 102 and pO2 ¼ 107 bar, the stable phase is Cu2O. The conditions for coexistence of two and three solid phases are indicated, respectively, by the lines and triple points on the diagram. For example, along the line separating the Cu2O and 2 3/2 p of the CuSO4 domains, the equilibrium constant K ¼ pSO 2 O2 following reaction is satisfied: Cu2 O + 2SO2 + 3=2 O2 ¼ 2CuSO4 (2.44) Hence, along this line, log K ¼ ΔG o =RT ¼ 2 log pSO2 3=2 log pO2 ¼ constant (2.45) This line is thus straight with slope (3/2)/2 ¼ 3/4. We can construct Fig. 2.3 following the procedure of Bale et al. (1986). We formulate a reaction for the formation of each solid phase, always from 1.0 mol of Cu and involving the gaseous species whose pressures are used as the axes (SO2 and O2 in this example) 1=2 Cu + 0:5O2 ¼ CuO ΔG ¼ ΔG o + RT ln pO2 1=4 Cu + 0:25O2 ¼ 0:5Cu2 O ΔG ¼ ΔG o + RT ln pO2 Cu + SO2 ¼ CuS + O2 ΔG ¼ ΔG o + RT ln pO2 p1 SO2 1 Cu + SO2 + O2 ¼ CuSO4 ΔG ¼ ΔG o + RT ln p1 SO2 pO2 (2.46) (2.47) (2.48) (2.49) and similarly for the formation of Cu2S, Cu2SO4, and Cu2SO5. The values of ΔGo are obtained from tables of thermodynamic properties. For any given values of pSO2 and pO2, ΔG for each formation reaction can then be calculated. The stable compound is simply the one with the most negative ΔG. If all the ΔG values are positive, then pure Cu is the stable compound. By reformulating Eqs. (2.46)–(2.49) in terms of, for example, S2 and O2 rather than SO2 and O2, a predominance diagram with log pS2 and log pO2 as axes can be constructed. Logarithms of ratios or products of partial pressures can also be used as axes. Along the curve shown by the crosses in Fig. 2.3, the total pressure is 1.0 bar. That is, the gas consists not only of SO2 and O2 but also of other species such as S2 whose equilibrium partial pressures can be calculated. Above this line, the total pressure is >1.0 bar even though the sum of the partial pressures of SO2 and O2 may be <1.0 bar. Caution must therefore be exercised in using such diagrams. If the total pressure is >1.0 bar, states above the Ptotal ¼ 1.0 bar line in Fig. 2.3 are inaccessible. That is, the 23 Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS 0 –50 RT ln p(O2) (kJ) 24 Cu2O(liq) CuO(sol) –100 M Cu2O(sol) –150 M –200 Cu(liq) –250 Cu(sol) –300 –350 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Temperature (∞C) Fig. 2.4 Predominance phase diagram (also known as a Gibbs energy versus T diagram, or an Ellingham diagram) for the Cu-O2 system. Points M and M are the melting points of Cu and Cu2O, respectively (FactSage). calculated diagram for a total pressure of 1.0 bar terminates at this line. A similar phase diagram of RT ln pO2 versus T for the Cu-O2 system is shown in Fig. 2.4. For the formation reaction 2Cu + ½ O2 ¼ Cu2 O (2.50) we can write 0:5 ΔG o ¼ RT ln K ¼ RT ln ðpO2 Þequilibrium ¼ ΔH o T ΔSo (2.51) The line between the Cu and Cu2O domains in Fig. 2.4 is thus a plot of twice the standard Gibbs energy of formation of Cu2O versus T. The temperatures indicated by the symbols M and M are the melting points of Cu and Cu2O, respectively. This line is thus simply a line taken from the well-known Ellingham diagram, or ΔGo versus T diagram, for the formation of oxides. However, by drawing vertical lines at the melting points of Cu and Cu2O as shown in Fig. 2.4, we convert the Ellingham diagram to a phase diagram. Stability domains for Cu(sol), Cu(liq), Cu2O(sol), Cu2O(liq), and CuO(sol) are shown as functions of T and of the imposed equilibrium pO2. The lines and triple points indicate conditions for twoand three-phase equilibria. Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS 2.5 2.5.1 Measuring Gibbs Energy, Enthalpy and Entropy Measuring Gibbs Energy Change In general, the Gibbs energy change of a process can be determined by performing measurements under equilibrium conditions. Consider the reaction in Eq. (2.38), for example. Experimentally, equilibrium is established between the solid C and the gas phase, and the equilibrium constant is then found by measuring the partial pressures of CO and CO2. Eq. (2.39) is then used to calculate ΔGo. Another common technique of establishing equilibrium is by means of an electrochemical cell. A galvanic cell is designed so that a reaction (the overall cell reaction) can occur only with the passage of an electric current through an external circuit. An external voltage is applied that is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to the cell potential, E(volts), such that no current flows. The system is then at equilibrium. With the passage of dz coulombs through the external circuit, Edz joules of work are performed. Since the process occurs at equilibrium, this is the reversible non-PV work, dWrev(non-PV). Substituting Eq. (2.11) into Eq. (2.21), differentiating and substituting Eq. (2.10) give X dG ¼ V dP SdT + μi dni + dWrevðnonPV Þ (2.52) Hence, for a closed system at constant T and P, dGT,P,n ¼ dWrevðnonPV Þ (2.53) If the cell reaction is formulated such that the advancement of the reaction by dξ moles is associated with the passage of ndz coulombs through the external circuit, then from Eq. (2.53), ΔG dξ ¼ Endz (2.54) ΔG ¼ nFE (2.55) Hence, where ΔG is the Gibbs energy change of the cell reaction; F ¼ dz/dξ ¼ 96,500 C mol1 is the Faraday constant, which is the number of coulombs in a mole of electrons; and the negative sign follows the usual electrochemical sign convention. Hence, by measuring the open-circuit voltage E, one can determine ΔG of the cell reaction. Eq. (2.55) is called the Nernst equation. 25 26 Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS 2.5.2 Measuring Enthalpy Change The enthalpy change, ΔH, of a process may be measured directly by calorimetry. Alternatively, if ΔG has been measured by an equilibration technique as in Section 2.5.1, then ΔH can be determined from the measured temperature dependence of ΔG. From Eq. (2.52), for a process in a closed system with no non-PV work at constant pressure, ðdG=dT ÞP, n ¼ S (2.56) Substitution of Eq. (2.21) into Eq. (2.56) gives ðdðG=T Þ=dð1=T ÞÞP,n ¼ H (2.57) ðdH=dT ÞP,n ¼ T ðdS=dT ÞP, n (2.58) Eqs. (2.56)–(2.58) apply to both the initial and final states of a process. Hence, ðdðΔGÞ=dT ÞP, n ¼ ΔS (2.59) ðdðΔG=T Þ=dð1=T ÞÞP, n ¼ ΔH (2.60) dððΔH Þ=dT ÞP,n ¼ T ðdðΔSÞ=dT ÞP,n (2.61) Eqs. (2.56)–(2.61) are all forms of the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation. 2.5.3 Measuring Entropy—The Third Law of Thermodynamics As is the case with the enthalpy, ΔS of a process can be determined from the measured temperature dependence of ΔG by means of Eq. (2.59). This is known as the second law method of measuring entropy. Another method of measuring entropy involves the third law of thermodynamics that states that the entropy of a perfect crystal of a pure substance at internal equilibrium at a temperature of 0 K is zero. Note that the third law is not a convention (like the convention regarding “absolute” enthalpies in Section 2.2.1). Rather, it follows from Eq. (2.2) and the concept of entropy as disorder. For a perfectly ordered system at absolute zero, t ¼ 1, and S ¼ 0. We shall first derive an expression for the change in entropy as a substance is heated. Substituting Eq. (2.19) into Eq. (2.58) and integrating gives the following expression for the entropy change as 1.0 mol of a substance is heated at constant P from T1 to T2, assuming no phase changes in the interval: Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS Tð2 ðsT2 sT1 Þ ¼ ðcP =T ÞdT (2.62) T1 The similarity to Eq. (2.19) is evident, and a plot of (sT2 sT1) versus T is similar in appearance to Fig. 2.1 with discontinuities at each first-order transition point equal to ΔsTotr ¼ ΔhTotr/TTotr where ΔhTotr, ΔsTotr, and TTotr are the standard enthalpy, entropy, and temperature of transition, respectively (see Eqs. 2.28, 2.29). So, for example, the entropy change upon heating 1.0 mol of Fe from 298.15 K to a temperature T above the melting point is given as (cf. Fig. 2.1 and Eq. 2.20) sTo o s298:15 1184:8 ð ¼ cPα =T dT + Δhoα!γ =1184:8 298:15 1667:5 ð γ cP =T dT + Δhoγ!δ =1667:5 + 1184:8 1811 ð + cPδ =T dT + Δhof =1811 + 1667:5 ðT cPliq =T dT 1811 (2.63) Setting T1 ¼ 0 in Eq. (2.62) and using the third law gives Tð2 sT 2 ¼ ðcP =T ÞdT (2.64) 0 Hence, if cP has been measured down to temperatures sufficiently close to 0 K, Eq. (2.64) can be used to calculate the absolute entropy. This is known as the third law method of measuring entropy. Note that the third law method permits the measurement of the absolute entropy of a substance, whereas the second law method permits the measurement only of entropy changes ΔS. 2.6 Gibbs Energy of a Pure Compound as a Function of Temperature From Eq. (2.21), the molar Gibbs energy upon heating a pure substance at constant P from 298 K to a temperature T is o o o o ¼ hT TsoT ho298 298s298 gT g298 o o (2.65) ðT 298Þs298 ¼ hoT ho298 T sTo s298 27 28 Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS where (hoT ho298) and (soT so298) are given by equations like Eqs. (2.20), (2.63). 2.7 Auxiliary Functions It was shown in Section 2.3 that Eq. (2.25) is a special form of the Second Law for a process occurring at constant T and P. Other special forms of the Second Law can be derived in a similar manner. It follows directly from Eqs. (2.3), (2.12), (2.24), for a process at constant V and S, that dUV, S,n ¼ T dStotal 0 (2.66) Similarly, from Eqs. (2.3), (2.13), (2.24), dHP,S,n ¼ T dStotal 0 (2.67) Eqs. (2.66), (2.67) are not of direct practical use since there is no simple means of maintaining the entropy of a system constant during a change of state. A more useful function is the Helmholtz energy, A, defined as A ¼ U TS (2.68) dAn ¼ dQ P dV T dS SdT (2.69) From Eqs. (2.12), (2.68), Then, from Eqs. 2.3 and 2.24, for processes at constants T and V, dAT,V,n ¼ T dStotal 0 (2.70) Eqs. (2.25), (2.66), (2.67), (2.70) are special forms of the second law for closed systems. In this regard, H, A, and G are sometimes called auxiliary functions. If we also consider open systems, then many other auxiliary functions can be defined as will be shown in Section 2.9.2. In Section 2.3, the very important result was derived that the equilibrium state of a system corresponds to a minimum of the Gibbs energy G. This is used as the basis of most algorithms for calculating chemical equilibria and phase diagrams. An objection might be raised that Eq. (2.25) only applies at constant T and P. What if equilibrium were approached at constant T and V, for instance? Should we not then minimize A as in Eq. (2.70)? The response is that the restrictions on Eqs. (2.25), (2.70) only apply to the paths followed during the approach to equilibrium. However, for a system at an equilibrium temperature, pressure, and volume, it clearly does not matter along which hypothetical path the approach to equilibrium occurred. The reason that most algorithms minimize G rather than other auxiliary functions is simply that it is Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS generally easiest and most convenient to express thermodynamic properties in terms of the independent variables T, P, and ni. 2.8 The Chemical Potential The chemical potential was defined in Eq. (2.5). However, this equation is not particularly useful directly since it is difficult to see how S can be held constant. Substituting Eq. (2.11) into Eq. (2.21), differentiating and substituting Eq. (2.9) gives X (2.71) dG ¼ V dP SdT + μi dni from which it can be seen that μi is also given by μi ¼ ð∂G=∂ni ÞT, P, nj6¼i (2.72) Differentiating Eq. (2.11) with substitution of Eq. (2.9) gives X dH ¼ T dS + V dP + μi dni (2.73) whence μi ¼ ð∂H=∂ni ÞT, V, nj6¼i (2.74) Similarly, it can be shown that μi ¼ ð∂A=∂ni ÞT, V, nj6¼i (2.75) Among these equations for μi, the most useful is Eq. (2.72). The chemical potential of a component i of a system is given by the increase in Gibbs energy as the component is added to the system at constant T and P while keeping the number of moles of every other component of the system constant. The chemical potentials of its components are intensive properties of a system; for a system at a given T, P, and composition, the chemical potentials are independent of the mass of the system. That is, with reference to Eq. (2.72), adding dni moles of component i to a solution of a fixed composition will result in a change in Gibbs energy dG that is independent of the total mass of the solution. The reason that this property is called a chemical potential is illustrated by the following thought experiment. Imagine two systems, I and II, at the same temperature and pressure and separated by a membrane that permits the passage of only one component, say component 1. The chemical potentials of component 1 in systems I and II are μl1 ¼ ∂ Gl/∂ nl1 and μll1 ¼ ∂ Gll/∂ nll1. Component 1 is transferred across the membrane with dnI1 ¼ dnII 1. The change in the total Gibbs energy accompanying this transfer is then (2.76) dG ¼ d GI + G II ¼ μI1 μII1 dnII1 29 30 Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS If μl1 > μll1, then d(GI +GII) is negative when dnll1 is positive. That is, the total Gibbs energy is decreased by a transfer of component 1 from system I to system II. Hence, component 1 is transferred spontaneously from a system of higher μ1 to a system of lower μ1. For this reason, μ1 is called the chemical potential of component 1. Similarly, by using the appropriate auxiliary functions, it can be shown that μi is the potential for the transfer of component i at constant T and V, at constant S and V, etc. An important principle of phase equilibrium can now be stated. When two or more phases are in equilibrium, the chemical potential of any component is the same in all phases. This criterion for phase equilibrium is thus equivalent to the criterion of minimizing G. This will be discussed further in Section 5.1. 2.9 Some Other Useful Thermodynamic Equations In this section, some other useful thermodynamic relations are derived. Consider an open system that is initially empty. That is, initially, S, V, and n are all equal to zero. We now “fill up” the system by adding a previously equilibrated mixture. The addition is made at constant T, P, and composition. Hence, it is also made at constant μi (of every component), since μi is an intensive property. The addition is continued until the entropy, volume, and number of moles of each of the components in the system are S, V, and ni. Integrating Eq. (2.9) from the initial (empty) to the final state then gives. X (2.77) U ¼ TS PV + μi ni It then follows that H ¼ TS + X ni μi X A ¼ PV + ni μi and most importantly, G¼ 2.9.1 (2.78) (2.79) X n i μi (2.80) The Gibbs-Duhem Equation By differentiation of Eq. (2.77), dU ¼ T dS + SdT PdV V dP + X ni dμi + X μi dni (2.81) Chapter 2 THERMODYNAMICS FUNDAMENTALS By comparison of Eqs. (2.9), (2.81), it follows that X SdT V dP + ni dμi ¼ 0 (2.82) This is the general Gibbs-Duhem equation. 2.9.2 General Auxiliary Functions It was stated in Section 2.7 that many auxiliary functions can be defined for open systems. Consider, for example, the auxiliary function: G 0 ¼ U ðPV Þ TS k X ni μi ¼ G 1 k X ni μ i (2.83) 1 Differentiating Eq. (2.83) with substitution of Eq. (2.71) gives dG 0 ¼ V dP SdT k X 1 ni dμi + C X μi dni (2.84) k+1 where C is the number of components in the system. It then follows that 0 dGT,P,μ <0 i ð1ik Þ, ni ðk + 1iC Þ (2.85) is the criterion for a spontaneous process at constant T, P, μi (for 1 i k), and ni (for k + 1 i C) and that equilibrium is achieved when d G0 ¼ 0. The chemical potential of a component may be held constant, for example, by equilibration with a gas phase as, for example, by fixing the partial pressure of O2, SO2, etc. Finally, it also follows that the chemical potential may be defined very generally as μi ¼ ð∂G 0 =∂ni ÞT, P, μi ð1ikÞ,ni ðk + 1iC Þ (2.86) The discussion of generalized auxiliary functions will be continued in Section 7.7. Reference Bale, C.W., Pelton, A.D., Thompson, W.T., 1986. Can. Metall. Q. 25, 107–112. List of Websites FactSage, Montreal, 31 3 THE GIBBS PHASE RULE CHAPTER OUTLINE 3.1 The Phase Rule and Binary Temperature-Composition Phase Diagrams 35 3.1.1 Three-Phase Invariants in Binary Temperature-Composition Phase Diagrams 37 3.2 Other Examples of Applications of the Phase Rule 38 Reference 40 The geometry of all types of phase diagrams is governed by the Gibbs Phase Rule that applies to any system at equilibrium: F ¼C P +2 (3.1) The phase rule will be derived in this section in a general form along with several examples. Further examples will be presented in later sections. In Eq. (3.1), C is the number of components in the system. This is the minimum number of substances required to describe the elemental composition of every phase present. As an example, for pure H2O at 25°C and 1.0 bar pressure, C ¼ 1. For a gaseous mixture of H2, O2, and H2O at high temperature, C ¼ 2. (Although there are many species present in the gas including O2, H2, H2O, and O3, these species are all at equilibrium with each other. At a given T and P, it is sufficient to know the overall elemental composition in order to be able to calculate the concentration of every species. Hence, C ¼ 2. C can never exceed the number of elements in the system.) For the systems shown in Figs. 1.1–1.7 respectively, C ¼ 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, and 1. There is generally more than one way to specify the components of a system. For example, the Fe-Si-O system could also be described as the FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2 system, the FeO-SiO2-O2 system, etc. The formulation of a phase diagram can often be Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Modeling of Solutions. # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 33 34 Chapter 3 THE GIBBS PHASE RULE simplified by a judicious definition of the components as will be discussed in Section 7.9. In Eq. (3.1), P is the number of phases present at equilibrium at a given point on the phase diagram. For example, in Fig. 1.1, at any point within the region labeled “liquid + bcc,” P ¼ 2. At any point in the region labeled “liquid,” P ¼ 1. In Eq. (3.1), F is the number of degrees of freedom or the variance of the system at a given point on the phase diagram. It is the number of variables that must be specified in order to completely specify the state of the system. Let us number the components as 1, 2, 3, …, C and designate the phases as α, β, γ, …. In most derivations of the phase rule, the only variables considered are T, P, and the compositions of the phases. However, since we also want to treat more general phase diagrams in which chemical potentials, volumes, enthalpies, etc. can also be variables, we shall extend the list of variables as follows: T ,P β β β α , X1 , X2 , …, XC1 ,… X1α , X2α , …, XC1 μ1 ,μ2 ,μ3 , … V α , V β ,V γ ,… Sα , Sβ ,Sγ ,… where Xαi is the mole fraction of component i in phase α, μi is the chemical potential of component i, and Vα and Sα are the volume and entropy of phase α. Alternatively, we may substitute mass fractions for mole fractions and enthalpies Hα, Hβ, … for Sα, Sβ, …. It must be stressed that the overall composition of the system is not a variable in the sense of the phase rule. The composition variables are the compositions of the individual phases. The total number of variables is thus equal to (2 +P(C 1) + C + 2P). (Only (C 1) independent composition variables Xi are required for each phase since the sum of the mole fractions is unity.) At equilibrium, the chemical potential μi of each component i is the same in all phases (see Section 2.8) as are T and P. μi is an intensive variable (see Section 2.8) that is a function of T, P, and composition. Hence, (3.2) μαi T , P, X1α , X2α , …, ¼ μβi T , P, X1β , X2β , …, ¼ ⋯ ¼ μi This yields PC equations relating the variables. Furthermore, the volume of each phase is a function of T, P, and composition, Vα ¼ (T, P, Xα1, Xα2, …, ), as is the entropy of the phase Chapter 3 THE GIBBS PHASE RULE (or, alternatively, the enthalpy). This yields 2P additional equations relating the variables. F is then equal to the number of variables minus the number of equations relating the variables at equilibrium: F ¼ ð2 + P ðC 1Þ + C + 2P Þ PC 2P ¼ C P + 2 (3.3) Eq. (3.1) is thereby derived. 3.1 The Phase Rule and Binary Temperature-Composition Phase Diagrams As a first example of the application of the phase rule, consider the temperature-composition (T-X) phase diagram of the Bi-Sb system at a constant applied pressure of 1.0 bar in Fig. 3.1. The abscissa of Fig. 3.1 is the composition, expressed as mole fraction of Sb, XSb. Note that XBi ¼ 1 XSb. Phase diagrams are also often drawn with the composition axis expressed as weight percent. At all compositions and temperatures in the area above the line labeled “liquidus,” a single-phase liquid solution will be observed, while at all compositions and temperatures below the line labeled “solidus,” there will be a single-phase solid solution. A sample at equilibrium at a temperature and overall composition between 700 o 630.6 Temperature (∞C) 600 Liquid 526o 0.60 Liquidus line B A 500 0.37 o 450 0.89 (Liquid + Solid) 0.80 P R Q 349o D Solidus line 400 0.16 C 0.60 300 Solid o 271.4 200 0 Bi 0.2 0.4 0.6 Mole fraction XSb 0.8 1 Sb Fig. 3.1 Temperature-composition phase diagram at P ¼ 1 bar of the Bi-Sb system (Pelton, 2014). 35 36 Chapter 3 THE GIBBS PHASE RULE these two curves will consist of a mixture of solid and liquid phases, the compositions of which are given by the liquidus and solidus compositions at that temperature. For example, a sample of overall composition XSb ¼ 0.60 at T ¼ 450°C (at point R in Fig. 3.1) will consist, at equilibrium, of a mixture of a liquid of composition XSb ¼ 0.37 (point P) and solid of composition XSb ¼ 0.80 (point Q). The line PQ is called a tie-line or conode. Binary temperature-composition phase diagrams are generally plotted at a fixed pressure, usually 1.0 bar. This eliminates one degree of freedom. In a binary system, C ¼ 2. Hence, for binary isobaric T-X diagrams, the phase rule reduces to F ¼3P (3.4) Binary T-X diagrams contain single-phase areas and two-phase areas. In the single-phase areas, F ¼ 3 1 ¼ 2. That is, temperature and composition can be specified independently. These regions are thus called bivariant. In two-phase regions, F ¼ 3 2 ¼ 1. If, say, T is specified, then the compositions of both phases are determined by the ends of the tie-lines. Two-phase regions are thus termed univariant. Note that although the overall composition can vary over a range within a two-phase region at constant T, the overall composition is not a parameter in the sense of the phase rule. Rather, it is the compositions of the individual phases at equilibrium that are the parameters to be considered in counting the number of degrees of freedom. As the overall composition is varied at 450°C between points P and Q, the compositions of the liquid and solid phases remain fixed at P and Q, and only the relative proportions of the two phases change. From a simple mass balance, we can derive the lever rule for binary systems: (moles of liquid)/(moles of solid) ¼ QR/PR where QR and PR are the lengths of the line segments. Hence, at 450°C, a sample with overall composition XSb ¼ 0.60 consists of liquid and solid phases in the molar ratio (0.80–0.60)/(0.60–0.37) ¼ 0.87. Were the composition axis expressed as weight percent, then the lever rule would give the weight ratio of the two phases. Suppose that a liquid Bi-Sb solution with composition XSb ¼ 0.60 is cooled very slowly from an initial temperature above 526°C. When the temperature has decreased to the liquidus temperature 526°C (point A), the first solid appears, with a composition at point B (XSb ¼ 0.89). As the temperature is decreased further, solid continues to precipitate with the compositions of the two phases at any temperature being given by the liquidus and solidus compositions at that temperature and with their relative proportions being given by the lever rule. Solidification is Chapter 3 THE GIBBS PHASE RULE complete at 349 °C, the last liquid to solidify having composition XSb ¼ 0.16 (point C). The process just described is known as equilibrium cooling. At any temperature during equilibrium cooling, the solid phase has a uniform (homogeneous) composition. In the preceding example, the composition of the solid phase during cooling varies along the line BQD. Hence, in order for the solid grains to have a uniform composition at any temperature, diffusion of Sb from the center to the surface of the growing grains must occur. Since solid-state diffusion is a relatively slow process, equilibrium cooling conditions are only approached if the temperature is decreased very slowly. If a sample of composition XSb ¼ 0.60 is cooled rapidly from the liquid, concentration gradients will be observed in the solid grains, with the concentration of Sb decreasing toward the surface from a maximum of XSb ¼ 0.89 (point B). Furthermore, in this case, solidification will not be complete at 349°C since at 349°C, the average concentration of Sb in the solid grains will be greater than XSb ¼ 0.60. These considerations are discussed more fully in Chapter 8. At XSb ¼ 0 and XSb ¼ 1 in Fig. 3.1, the liquidus and solidus curves meet at the equilibrium melting points or temperatures of fusion of Bi and Sb, which are Tof(Bi) ¼ 271.4°C and Tof(Sb) ¼ 630.6°C. At these two points, the number of components is reduced to 1. Hence, from the phase rule, the two-phase region becomes invariant (F ¼ 0), and solid and liquid coexist at the same temperature. The phase diagram is influenced by the total pressure, P. Unless otherwise stated, T-X diagrams are usually presented for P ¼ constant ¼ 1.0 bar. For equilibriums involving only solid and liquid phases, the phase boundaries are typically shifted only by the order of a few hundredths of a degree per bar change in P. Hence, the effect of pressure upon the phase diagram is generally negligible unless the pressure is of the order of hundreds of bars. On the other hand, if gaseous phases are involved, the effect of pressure is very important. The effect of pressure will be discussed in Section 5.2. 3.1.1 Three-Phase Invariants in Binary Temperature-Composition Phase Diagrams When three phases are at equilibrium in a binary system at constant pressure, then from Eq. (3.4), F ¼ 0. Hence, the compositions of all three phases and T are fixed, and the system is said to be invariant. An example is the line PQR in Fig. 1.1 in the T-X 37 38 Chapter 3 THE GIBBS PHASE RULE diagram of the Fe-Mo system. At any overall composition of the system lying between points P and R at 1612°C, three phases will be in equilibrium: liquid, sigma, and bcc, with compositions at points P, Q, and R, respectively. Several other invariants can also be seen in Fig. 1.1. Binary T-X diagrams and invariant reactions will be discussed in detail in Chapter 5. 3.2 Other Examples of Applications of the Phase Rule Despite its apparent simplicity, the phase rule is frequently misunderstood and incorrectly applied. In this section, a few additional illustrative examples of the application of the phase rule will be briefly presented. These examples will be elaborated upon in subsequent sections. In the single-component Al2SiO5 system (C ¼ 1) shown in Fig. 1.7, the phase rule reduces to F ¼3P (3.5) Three allotropes of Al2SiO5 are shown in the figure. In the singlephase regions, F ¼ 2. In these bivariant regions, both P and T (Fig. 1.7A) or both V and T (Fig. 1.7B) can be specified independently. When two phases are in equilibrium, F ¼ 1. Two-phase equilibrium is therefore represented by the univariant lines in the P–T phase diagram in Fig. 1.7A; when two phases are in equilibrium, T and P cannot be specified independently. When all three allotropes are in equilibrium, F ¼ 0. Three-phase equilibrium can thus only occur at the invariant triple point (530°C, 3.859 kbar) in Fig. 1.7A. The invariant triple point in Fig. 1.7A becomes the invariant line PQR at T ¼ 530°C in the V-T phase diagram in Fig. 1.7B. When the three phases are in equilibrium, the total molar volume of the system can lie anywhere on this line depending upon the relative amounts of the three phases present. However, the molar volumes of the individual allotropes are fixed at points P, Q, and R. It is the molar volumes of the individual phases that are the system variables in the sense of the phase rule. Similarly, the two-phase univariant lines in Fig. 1.7A become the two-phase univariant areas in Fig. 1.7B. The lever rule can be applied in these regions to give the ratio of the volumes of the two phases at equilibrium. As another example, consider the phase diagram section for the ternary (C ¼ 3) Zn-Mg-Al system shown in Fig. 1.3A. Since the total pressure is constant, one degree of freedom is eliminated. Consequently, Chapter 3 THE GIBBS PHASE RULE F ¼4P (3.6) Although the diagram is plotted at constant 10 mol% Zn, this is a composition variable of the entire system, not of any individual phase. That is, it is not a variable in the sense of the phase rule, and setting it constant does not reduce the number of degrees of freedom. Hence, for example, the three-phase regions in Fig. 1.3A are univariant (F ¼ 1); at any given T, the compositions of all three phases are fixed, but the three-phase region extends over a range of temperature. Ternary temperature-composition phase diagrams will be discussed in detail in Chapter 6. Finally, we shall examine some diagrams with chemical potentials as variables. As a first example, the phase diagram of the Fe-Ni-O2 system in Fig. 1.5 is a plot of the equilibrium oxygen pressure (fixed, e.g., by equilibrating the solid phases with a gas phase of fixed pO2) versus the molar ratio Ni/(Fe + Ni) at constant T and constant total hydrostatic pressure. For an ideal gas from Eq. (2.34), μi ¼ μoi + RT ln pi (3.7) μoi where is the standard-state (at pi ¼ 1.0 bar) chemical potential of the pure gas at temperature T. Hence, if T is constant, μi varies directly as ln pi. The y-axis in Fig. 1.5 thus varies directly as μO2. Fixing T and total hydrostatic pressure eliminates two degrees of freedom. Hence, F ¼ 3 P. Therefore, Fig. 1.5 has the same topology as a binary T-X diagram like Fig. 1.1, with single-phase bivariant areas, two-phase univariant areas with tie-lines, and three-phase invariant lines at fixed log pO2 and fixed compositions of the three phases. As a second example, in the isothermal predominance diagram of the Cu-SO2-O2 system in Fig. 2.3, the x- and y-axis variables vary as μO2 and μSO2. Since C ¼ 3 and T is constant, F ¼4P (3.8) The diagram has a topology similar to the P-T phase diagram of a one-component system as in Fig. 1.7A. Along the lines of the diagram, two solid phases are in equilibrium, and at the triple points, three solid phases coexist. However, a gas phase is also present everywhere. Hence, at the triple points, there are really four phases present at equilibrium, while the lines represent threephase equilibriums. Hence, the diagram is consistent with Eq. (3.8). It is instructive to look at Fig. 2.3 in another way. Suppose that we fix a constant hydrostatic pressure of 1.0 bar (e.g., by placing the system in a cylinder fitted with a piston). This removes one 39 40 Chapter 3 THE GIBBS PHASE RULE further degree of freedom, so that now F ¼ 3 P. However, as long as the total equilibrium gas pressure is less than 1.0 bar, there will be no gas phase present, and so, the diagram is consistent with the phase rule. On the other hand, above the 1.0 bar curve shown by the line of crosses on Fig. 2.3, the total gas pressure exceeds 1.0 bar. Hence, the phase diagram calculated at a total hydrostatic pressure of 1.0 bar must terminate at this curve. The phase rule may be applied to the four-component isothermal Fe-Cr-S2-O2 phase diagram in Fig. 1.6 in a similar way. Remember that fixing the molar ratio Cr/(Fe + Cr) equal to 0.5 does not eliminate a degree of freedom since this composition variable applies to the entire system, not to any individual phase. Reference Pelton, A.D., 2014. In: Laughlin, D.E., Hono, K. (Eds.), (Chapter 3). Physical Metallurgy. fifth ed. Elsevier, New York. 4 FUNDAMENTALS OF THE THERMODYNAMICS OF SOLUTIONS CHAPTER OUTLINE 4.1 Gibbs Energy of Mixing 41 4.2 Tangent Construction 43 4.3 Partial Molar Properties 43 4.4 Relative Partial Molar Properties 44 4.4.1 A Note on Standard States 45 4.5 Activity 46 4.6 Ideal Raoultian Solutions 46 4.7 Excess Properties 48 4.8 Activity Coefficients 49 4.9 Regular Solution Theory 50 4.10 Multicomponent Solutions 52 References 52 List of Websites 52 4.1 Gibbs Energy of Mixing Liquid gold and copper are completely miscible at all compositions. The Gibbs energy of 1 mol of liquid solution, g, at 1100°C is drawn in Fig. 4.1 as a function of composition expressed as mole fraction XCu of copper. (Note that XAu ¼ 1 XCu.) The curve of g varies between the standard molar Gibbs energies of pure liquid Au and Cu, goAu and goCu. From Eq. (2.72), it follows that, for a pure component, goi and μoi are identical. The function Δgm shown in Fig. 4.1 is called the molar Gibbs energy of mixing of the liquid solution. It is defined as (4.1) Δgm ¼ g XAu μoAu + XCu μoCu Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Modeling of Solutions. # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 41 Chapter 4 FUNDAMENTALS OF THE THERMODYNAMICS OF SOLUTIONS ΔmCu = RT ln aCu Gibbs energy (Joules mol−1) ° (= g°Cu) mCu Δgm ΔmAu = RT ln aAu ° ) m°Au(= gAu g mCu mAu 0 Au 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Mole fraction XCu 1 Cu Fig. 4.1 Molar Gibbs energy of liquid Au-Cu alloys at 1100°C illustrating the tangent construction (Pelton, 2014). It can be seen that Δgm is the Gibbs energy change associated with the isothermal mixing of XAu moles of pure liquid Au and XCu moles of pure liquid Cu to form 1 mol of solution according to the reaction: XAu AuðliqÞ + XCu Cu ðliqÞ ¼ 1 mole liquid solution (4.2) Note that for the solution to be stable, it is necessary that Δgm be negative. A plot of Δgm versus composition for the Au-Cu system at 1100°C is shown in Fig. 4.2. 0 –2000 –4000 ΔhAu E Δhm = hE g –6000 Joules 42 –8000 –TΔsAu ΔgAu Δgid –TΔsm –10,000 ΔhCu –TΔsCu –12,000 Δgm –14,000 –16,000 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Mole fraction Cu 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Fig. 4.2 Integral and partial molar properties in liquid Au-Cu solutions at 1100°C. Chapter 4 FUNDAMENTALS OF THE THERMODYNAMICS OF SOLUTIONS 4.2 Tangent Construction An important construction is illustrated in Fig. 4.1. If a tangent is drawn to the curve of g at a certain composition (XCu ¼ 0.4 in Fig. 4.1), then the intercepts of this tangent on the axes at XAu ¼ 1 and XCu ¼ 1 are equal to μAu and μCu, respectively, at this composition. To prove this, take Eq. (2.80) for a binary system A-B and divide by (nA + nB): g ¼ XA μA + XB μB (4.3) dg ¼ ðXA dμA + XB dμB Þ + ðμA dXA + μB dXB Þ (4.4) Differentiation gives Writing the Gibbs-Duhem equation, Eq. (2.82), at constant T and P for a binary system and dividing by (nA + nB) gives (XAdμA + XBdμB) ¼ 0. Comparison with Eq. (4.4) then gives dg ¼ μA dXA + μB dXB (4.5) Since dXA ¼ dXB, it can be seen that Eqs. (4.3), (4.5) are equivalent to the tangent construction shown in Fig. 4.1. These equations may also be rearranged to give the following useful expression for a binary system: μi ¼ g + ð1 Xi Þdg=dXi 4.3 (4.6) Partial Molar Properties The Gibbs energy of a solution is the sum of enthalpic and entropic terms, (G ¼ H TS). Differentiating with respect to ni as in Eq. (2.72) yields ð∂G=∂ni ÞT,P, nj6¼i ¼ ð∂H=∂ni ÞT,P, nj6¼i T ð∂S=∂ni ÞT,P, nj6¼i (4.7) which may be written as μi ¼ hi Tsi (4.8) where hi and si are called the partial molar enthalpy and entropy of component i in the solution. (In this terminology, μi is sometimes called the partial molar Gibbs energy, gi, of component i.) (Note that the terms in Eq. (4.7) are derivatives of the extensive properties G, H, and S, not of the molar properties g, h, and s.) As discussed in Section 2.8, μi is an intensive property. So too are hi and si. 43 44 Chapter 4 FUNDAMENTALS OF THE THERMODYNAMICS OF SOLUTIONS A plot of h versus XCu in a liquid Au-Cu solution will closely resemble Fig. 4.1 with the molar enthalpy of mixing of the liquid solution defined, similarly to Eq. (4.1), as (4.9) Δhm ¼ h XAu hoAu + XCu hoCu where hoAu and hoCu are the molar enthalpies of pure liquid Au and Cu. They are the values of hAu and hCu when XAu ¼ 1 and XCu ¼ 1, respectively. Δhm is the enthalpy associated with the mixing reaction in Eq. (4.2). A plot of Δhm versus composition for the Au-Cu liquid solution at 1100°C is shown in Fig. 4.2. An equation similar to Eq. (4.3) may be written: h ¼ XAu hAu + XCu hCu (4.10) and the tangent construction applies. That is, if a tangent is drawn to the curve of h at a given composition, then the intercepts of this tangent on the axes at XAu ¼ 1 and XCu ¼ 1 are equal to hAu and hCu, respectively, at this composition. An equation analogous to Eq. (4.6) may also be written relating hi to h. Similar equations apply for the entropy functions. The molar entropy change of the mixing reaction in Eq. (4.2) is o o (4.11) + XCu sCu Δsm ¼ s XAu sAu and on a plot of s versus composition, the tangent construction applies. A plot of ( TΔsm) versus composition is shown in Fig. 4.2. Other partial molar properties may be defined similarly to Eqs. (4.7), (4.8) by differentiation of any extensive property of a solution. For example, the partial molar volume of component i is defined as vi ¼ ð∂V =∂ni ÞT,P, nj6¼i (4.12) Equations similar to Eq. (4.10) can be written for all solution properties (h, s, v, …). That is, the molar property of a solution is equal to the weighted sum of the corresponding partial properties. However, one must not take the word “partial” too literally. An integral solution property is the result of interactions among the components. It cannot be divided into “parts” due to each component. 4.4 Relative Partial Molar Properties The difference between the chemical potential μi (also called the partial molar Gibbs energy gi) of a component in solution and the chemical potential μoi (or goi ) of the same component in a standard state is called the relative chemical potential (or relative partial Gibbs energy), Δμi (or Δgi). It is usual to choose, as standard Chapter 4 FUNDAMENTALS OF THE THERMODYNAMICS OF SOLUTIONS state, the pure component in the same phase at the same temperature. The activity ai of the component relative to the chosen standard state is then defined in terms of Δμi by the following equation, as illustrated in Fig. 4.1: Δμi ¼ μi μoi ¼ RT ln ai (4.13) From Fig. 4.1, it can be seen that Δgm ¼ XAu ΔμAu + XCu ΔμCu ¼ RT ðXAu ln aAu + XCu ln aCu Þ (4.14) The isothermal Gibbs energy of mixing can be divided into enthalpic and entropic terms, as can the relative chemical potentials: Δgm ¼ Δhm T Δsm (4.15) Δμi ¼ Δhi T Δsi (4.16) where Δhi and Δsi are the relative partial enthalpy and entropy of component i defined as Δhi ¼ hi hoi (4.17) Δsi ¼ si sio (4.18) It follows from Eqs. (4.14)–(4.16) that Δhm ¼ XAu ΔhAu + XCu ΔhCu (4.19) Δsm ¼ XAu ΔsAu + XCu ΔsCu (4.20) Hence, if Δgm, Δhm, or Δsm is plotted versus composition, then the tangent construction gives the corresponding relative partial properties as illustrated in Fig. 4.2. 4.4.1 A Note on Standard States So far, we have defined the standard state of a solid or liquid element or compound as the pure (i.e., not dissolved in solution) solid or liquid as the case may be. (To be rigorous, we must also specify a total hydrostatic pressure of 1.0 bar.) Unless otherwise specified, this is usually the default standard state. However, other standard states may sometimes be introduced for convenience. For example, dilute solution standard states will be introduced in Sections 5.9 and 5.10. In such cases, μoi in Eq. (4.13) is the chemical potential in the chosen standard state. Hence, the numerical value of the activity ai depends not only on μi but also on the choice of standard state. When an activity is quoted, the standard state must always be specified. See Sections 5.9 and 5.10 for a further discussion of standard states. 45 46 Chapter 4 FUNDAMENTALS OF THE THERMODYNAMICS OF SOLUTIONS 4.5 Activity The activity of a component in a solution was defined by Eq. (4.13). Since ai varies monotonically with μi, it follows that when two or more phases are in equilibrium, the activity of any component is the same in all phases, provided that the activity in every phase is expressed with respect to the same standard state. For more on this subject, see Sections 5.9–5.11. The use of activities in calculations of chemical equilibrium conditions is illustrated by the following example. A liquid solution of Au and Cu at 1100 °C with XCu ¼ 0.6 is exposed to an atmosphere in which the oxygen partial pressure is pO2 ¼ 103 bar. Will Cu2O be formed? The reaction is 2CuðliqÞ + 0:5O2 ðgÞ ¼ Cu2 OðsolÞ (4.21) where the Cu (liq) is in solution. If the reaction proceeds with the formation of dn moles of Cu2O, then 2dn moles of Cu are consumed, and the Gibbs energy of the Au-Cu solution changes by 2(dGl/dnCu)dn. The total Gibbs energy of the system then varies as dG=dn ¼ μoCu2 O 0:5μO2 2 dG l =dnCu ¼ μoCu2 O 0:5μO2 2μCu ¼ μoCu2 O 0:5μoO2 2μoCu 0:5RT ln pO2 2RT ln aCu 0:5 2 ¼ ΔG o + RT ln pO a Cu ¼ ΔG 2 (4.22) where Eqs. (2.72), (3.7), and (4.13) have been used. For the reaction in Eq. (4.21) at 1100°C, ΔG° ¼ 68.73 kJ (from FactSage). The activity of Cu in the liquid alloy at XCu ¼ 0.6 is aCu ¼ 0.385 (from FactSage). Substitution into Eq. (4.22) with pO2 ¼ 103 bar gives dG=dn ¼ ΔG ¼ 7:50 kJ (4.23) Hence, under these conditions, the reaction entails a decrease in the total Gibbs energy, and so the copper will be oxidized. 4.6 Ideal Raoultian Solutions An ideal Raoultian solution is usually defined as one in which the activity of a component with respect to the pure component standard state is equal to its mole fraction: ¼ Xi aideal i (4.24) Chapter 4 FUNDAMENTALS OF THE THERMODYNAMICS OF SOLUTIONS With a judicious choice of standard state, this definition can also encompass ideal Henrian solutions, as will be discussed in Sections 5.9–5.11. This Raoultian definition of ideality is generally only applicable to simple substitutional solutions on a single lattice. There are more useful definitions for other types of solutions such as interstitial solutions, ionic solutions, solutions of defects, and polymer solutions. That is, the most convenient definition of ideality depends upon the solution model. Solution models are discussed in Part II. In the present section, Eq. (4.24) for an ideal substitutional solution will be developed with the liquid Au-Cu solution as example. In the ideal substitutional solution model, it is assumed that Au and Cu atoms are nearly alike, with nearly identical radii and electronic structures. This being the case, there will be no change in bonding energy or volume upon mixing, so that the enthalpy of mixing is zero: ¼0 Δhideal m (4.25) Furthermore, and for the same reason, the Au and Cu atoms will be randomly distributed over the lattice sites. (In the case of a liquid solution, we can think of the lattice sites as the instantaneous atomic positions.) For a random distribution of NAu gold atoms and NCu copper atoms over (NAu + NCu) sites, Boltzmann’s equation (Eq. 2.2) can be used to calculate the configurational entropy of the solution. This is the entropy associated with the spatial distribution of the particles over the lattice sites: Sconfig ¼ kB ln ðNAu + NCu Þ!=NAu !NCu ! (4.26) The configurational entropies of pure Au and Cu are zero since all lattice sites are occupied by the same element. Hence, the configconfig , will be equal to Sconfig. The urational entropy of mixing, ΔSm solution also possesses a nonconfigurational contribution to the entropy related to the distribution of phonons and electrons over vibrational and electronic energy levels. However, because of the assumed close similarity of Au and Cu, these distributions do not change when the pure components are mixed, and so, there is no nonconfigurational contribution to the entropy of mixing of an ideal solution. Hence, the entropy of mixing is equal to Sconfig. Application of Stirling’s approximation, which states that ln N! [(N ln N) N] when N is very large, yields NAu NCu ideal ¼ Sconfig ¼ kB NAu ln + NCu ln ΔSm NAu + NCu NAu + NCu (4.27) 47 48 Chapter 4 FUNDAMENTALS OF THE THERMODYNAMICS OF SOLUTIONS For 1 mol of solution, (NAu + NCu) ¼ N° where N° is Avogadro’s number. We also note that (kB N°) is equal to the ideal gas constant R. Hence, ideal Δsm ¼ RðXAu ln XAu + XCu ln XCu Þ (4.28) Therefore, since the ideal enthalpy of mixing is zero, ideal ¼ RT ðXAu ln XAu + XCu ln XCu Þ Δgm (4.29) By comparing Eqs. (4.14), (4.29), we obtain. ¼ RT ln aideal ¼ RT ln Xi Δμideal i i (4.30) Hence, Eq. (4.24) has been demonstrated for an ideal substitutional solution. Ideal solutions will be discussed further in Part II. 4.7 Excess Properties In reality, Au and Cu atoms are not identical, and so Au-Cu solutions are not perfectly ideal. The difference between a solution property and its value in an ideal solution is called an excess property. The excess Gibbs energy and excess entropy, for example, are defined as ideal g E ¼ Δgm Δgm (4.31) ideal sE ¼ Δsm Δsm (4.32) and Since the ideal enthalpy of mixing is zero, the excess enthalpy is equal to the enthalpy of mixing: ¼ Δhm hE ¼ Δhm Δhideal m (4.33) g E ¼ hE TsE ¼ Δhm TsE (4.34) Hence, The excess molar heat capacity of a solution is given as cPE ¼ dhE =dT ¼ cP X1 cPð1Þ + X2 cPð2Þ (4.35) where cP is the heat capacity of the solution and cP(1) and cP(2) are the heat capacities of the components. Note that the excess heat capacity of an ideal solution is zero. Excess partial properties are defined similarly: ¼ RT ln ai RT ln Xi μEi ¼ Δμi Δμideal i (4.36) siE ¼ Δsi Δsiideal ¼ Δsi ðR ln Xi Þ (4.37) Chapter 4 FUNDAMENTALS OF THE THERMODYNAMICS OF SOLUTIONS (where μEi is equivalent to gEi ). Also, μEi ¼ hEi TsEi ¼ Δhi TsEi (4.38) Equations analogous to Eqs. (4.14), (4.19), (4.20) relate the integral and partial excess properties. For example, in Au-Cu solutions, E E g E ¼ XAu μEAu + XCu μECu and sE ¼ XAu sAu + XCu sCu (4.39) Tangent constructions similar to that of Fig. 4.1 can thus also be employed for excess properties, and an equation analogous to Eq. (4.6) can be written: μEi ¼ g E + ð1 Xi Þdg E =dXi (4.40) Similar equations relate hEi to hE and sEi to sE. The Gibbs-Duhem equation, Eq. (2.82), also applies to excess properties. At constant T and P, XAu dμEAu + XCu dμECu ¼ 0 (4.41) and similar Gibbs-Duhem equations may be written for the partial excess enthalpies and entropies. A plot of gE versus composition in liquid Au-Cu alloys at 1100°C is shown in Fig. 4.2. If a tangent is drawn to this curve at a given composition, the intercepts of the tangent on the axes at XAu ¼ 1 and XCu ¼ 1 are equal to μEAu and μECu, respectively. In Au-Cu alloys, gE is negative. That is, Δgm is more negative than Δgideal m , and so the solution is thermodynamically more stable than an ideal solution. We thus say that Au-Cu solutions exhibit negative deviations from ideality. If gE > 0, then a solution is less stable than an ideal solution and is said to exhibit positive deviations. It can be seen in Fig. 4.2 that hE and gE are very nearly equal. That is, in liquid Au-Cu solutions, sE is very small (see Eq. 4.34). 4.8 Activity Coefficients The activity coefficient of a component in a solution is defined as γ i ¼ ai =Xi (4.42) μEi ¼ RT ln γ i (4.43) Hence, from Eq. (4.36), In an ideal solution, γ i ¼ 1, and μEi ¼ 0 for all components. If γ i < 1, . That is, the compothen μEi < 0, and from Eq. (4.36), Δμi < Δμideal i nent i is more stable in the solution than it would be in an ideal 49 50 Chapter 4 FUNDAMENTALS OF THE THERMODYNAMICS OF SOLUTIONS solution of the same composition. If γ i > 1, then μEi > 0, and the driving force for the component to enter into solution is less than in the case of an ideal solution. Activity coefficients with respect to different standard states are discussed in Sections 5.9–5.11. 4.9 Regular Solution Theory Many years ago, Van Laar (1908) showed that many observed features of simple binary solutions can be illustrated, at least qualitatively, by simple regular solution theory. A simple binary regular solution of components A and B is one for which g E ¼ XA XB ðω ηT Þ (4.44) where ω and η are parameters independent of temperature and composition. Substituting Eq. (4.44) into Eq. (4.40) yields, for the partial properties, the following: μEA ¼ XB2 ðω ηT Þ, μEB ¼ XA2 ðω ηT Þ (4.45) Several liquid and solid solutions conform approximately to regular solution behavior, particularly if gE is small. Examples may be found for alloys, molecular solutions, and ionic solutions such as molten salts and oxides, among others. (The very low values of gE observed for gaseous solutions generally conform very closely to Eq. 4.44.) To understand why this should be so, we require only a very simple model. Suppose that the atoms or molecules of the components A and B mix substitutionally on a single lattice. If the atomic (or molecular) sizes and electronic structures of A and B are similar, then the distribution will be nearly random, and the configurational entropy will be nearly ideal as in Eq. (4.28). Hence, g E ¼ Δhm TsEðnonconfigÞ E(non -config) (4.46) where s is the nonconfigurational part of the entropy of mixing (which is equal to zero in an ideal solution). Assuming that the bond energies εAA, εBB, and εAB of firstnearest-neighbor pairs are independent of temperature and composition and that the average nearest-neighbor coordination number, Z, is also constant, we calculate the enthalpy of mixing resulting from the change in the total energy of first-nearestneighbor pair bonds as follows. In 1 mol of solution, there are (N°Z/2) nearest-neighbor pair bonds, where N° is Avogadro’s number. Since the distribution is Chapter 4 FUNDAMENTALS OF THE THERMODYNAMICS OF SOLUTIONS assumed to be random, the probability that a given bond is an (A-A) bond is equal to X2A. The probabilities of (B-B) and (A-B) bonds are X2B and 2XAXB. The contribution to the molar enthalpy of mixing resulting from the change in total energy of firstnearest-neighbor bonds is then equal to the sum of the energies of the first-nearest-neighbor bonds in 1 mol of solution, minus the energy of the (A-A) bonds in XA moles of pure A and the energy of the (B-B) bonds in XB moles of pure B: ΔhFNN ¼ ðN o Z=2Þ XA2 εAA + XB2 εBB + 2XA XB εAB ðN o Z=2ÞðXA εAA + XB εBB Þ ¼ ðN o Z Þ½εAB ðεAA + εBB Þ=2XA XB (4.47) ¼ C1 XA XB where C1 is a constant. With exactly the same assumptions and arguments, we can derive equations for the enthalpy of mixing contributions resulting from the change in total energy of second-nearest-neighbor, ΔhSNN; third-nearest-neighbor, ΔhTNN; and other pair bonds. These are clearly all of the same form, CiXAXB. If we now assume that the actual observed enthalpy of mixing, Δhm, results mainly from these changes in the total energy of all pair bonds, then, Δhm ¼ ωX A XB (4.48) where ω ¼ C1 + C2 + C3 + …. If we now define σ AA, σ BB, and σ AB as the vibrational entropies of pair bonds and follow an identical argument to that just presented for the pair bond energies, we obtain sEðnonconfigÞ ¼ ðN o Z=2Þ½σ AB ðσ AA + σ BB =2Þ ¼ ηX A XB (4.49) Eq. (4.44) has thus been derived. If (A-B) bonds are stronger than (A-A) and (B-B) bonds, then (εAA σ ABT) < [(εAA σ AAT)/2 + (εB σ BBT)/2] so that (ω ηT) < 0 and gE < 0. That is, the solution is rendered more stable. If the (A-B) bonds are relatively weaker, then the solution is rendered less stable, (ω ηT) > 0 and gE > 0. Simple nonpolar molecular solutions and simple ionic solutions such as molten salts often exhibit approximately regular behavior. The assumption of additivity of the energy of pair bonds is probably reasonably realistic for van der Waals or coulomb forces. For metallic alloys, the concept of a pair bond is, at best, vague, and metallic solutions tend to exhibit larger deviations from regular behavior. 51 52 Chapter 4 FUNDAMENTALS OF THE THERMODYNAMICS OF SOLUTIONS In many solutions, it is found that | ηT | | ω | in Eq. (4.44). That is, gE Δhm ¼ ωXAXB, and so, to a first approximation, gE is independent of T. This is more often the case in nonmetallic solutions than in metallic solutions. The regular solution model will be developed further in Chapter 14. The simple regular solution model developed here will be used to illustrate several observed features of binary phase diagrams in Section 5.6. 4.10 Multicomponent Solutions The equations of this chapter have been derived with a binary solution as example. However, the equations apply equally to systems of any number of components, either with no changes or by including additional terms. For instance, in a solution of components A-B-C-D…, Eqs. (4.1), (4.14) when combined become g ¼ XA μoA + XB μoB + XC μoC + ⋯ + RT ðXA ln aA + XB ln aB + XC ln aC + ⋯Þ (4.50) References Pelton, A.D., 2014. In: Laughlin, D.E., Hono, K. (Eds.), (Chapter 3). Physical Metallurgy. fifth ed. Elsevier, New York. Van Laar, J.J., 1908. Z. Phys. Chem. 63, 216–253. List of Websites FactSage, Montreal, 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS CHAPTER OUTLINE 5.1 Temperature-Composition Phase Diagrams in Systems with Complete Solid and Liquid Miscibility 53 5.2 Binary Pressure-Composition Phase Diagrams 58 5.3 Minima and Maxima in Two-Phase Regions 59 5.4 Miscibility Gaps 61 5.5 Simple Eutectic Systems 63 5.5.1 Eutectic Microstructure and the Lever Rule 65 5.6 Thermodynamic Origin of Simple Binary Phase Diagrams Illustrated by Regular Solution Theory 65 5.7 Immiscibility—Montectics 67 5.8 Intermediate Phases 70 5.9 Limited Mutual Solubility—Ideal Henrian Solutions 73 5.10 Henry’s Law, Raoult’s Law and Standard States 76 5.11 Single Ion Activities 78 5.12 The “Activity” of a Solution 79 5.13 Geometry of Binary Temperature-Composition Phase Diagrams 80 5.14 Effects of Grain Size, Coherency, and Strain Energy 83 References 84 List of Websites 84 5.1 Temperature-Composition Phase Diagrams in Systems with Complete Solid and Liquid Miscibility In this section, we first consider the thermodynamic origin of simple “lens-shaped” phase diagrams in binary systems with complete liquid and solid miscibility. An example of such a diagram was given in Fig. 3.1. Another example is the Ge-Si phase Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Modeling of Solutions. # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 53 54 Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS Fig. 5.1 Ge-Si phase diagram at P ¼ 1 bar (based on data from Hansen, 1958) and Gibbs energy curves at three temperatures, illustrating the common tangent construction (Pelton, 2014). diagram in the lowest panel of Fig. 5.1. In the upper three panels of Fig. 5.1, the molar Gibbs energies of the solid and liquid phases, gs and gl at three temperatures, are shown to scale. As illustrated in the top panel, gs varies with composition between the standard chemical potentials of pure solid Ge and of pure solid Si, μo(s) Ge Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS l and μo(s) Si , while g varies between the standard chemical potentials o(l) of the pure liquid components, μo(l) Ge and μSi . The difference o(l) o(s) between μGe and μGe is equal to the standard molar Gibbs energy o(s) of fusion (melting) of pure Ge, Δgof(Ge) ¼ (μo(l) Ge μGe ). Similarly for o o(l) o(s) Si, Δgf(Si) ¼ (μSi μSi ). The Gibbs energy of fusion of a pure component may be written as Δgfo ¼ Δhof T Δsfo (5.1) where Δhof and Δsof are the standard molar enthalpy and entropy of fusion. Since, to a first approximation, Δhof and Δsof are independent of T (i.e., clp csp), Δgof is approximately a linear function of T. If T > Tf°, then Δgof is negative; if T < Tf°, then Δgof is positive. Hence, as seen in Fig. 5.1, as T decreases, the gs curve descends relative to gl. At 1500°C, gl < gs at all compositions. Therefore, by the principle that a system always seeks the state of minimum Gibbs energy at constant T and P, the liquid phase is stable at all compositions at 1500°C. At 1300°C, the curves of gs and gl cross. The line P1Q1, which is the common tangent to the two curves, divides the composition range into three sections. For compositions between pure Ge and P1, a single-phase liquid is the state of minimum Gibbs energy. For compositions between Q1 and pure Si, a single-phase solid solution is the stable state. Between P1 and Q1, a total Gibbs energy lying on the tangent line P1Q1 may be realized if the system adopts a state consisting of two phases with compositions at P1 and Q1 with relative proportions given by the lever rule (see Section 3.1). Since the tangent line P1Q1 lies below both gs and gl, this two-phase state is more stable than either phase alone. Furthermore, no other line joining any point on the gl curve to any point on the gs curve lies below the line P1Q1. Hence, this line represents the true equilibrium (i.e., minimum Gibbs energy) state of the system, and the compositions P1 and Q1 are the liquidus and solidus compositions at 1300°C. As T is decreased to 1100°C, the points of common tangency are displaced to higher concentrations of Ge. For T < 938°C, gs < gl at all compositions. It was shown in Fig. 4.1 that if a tangent is drawn to a Gibbs energy curve, then the intercept of this tangent on the axis at Xi ¼ 1 is equal to the chemical potential μi of component i. The common tangent construction of Fig. 5.1 thus ensures that the chemical potentials of Ge and Si are equal in the solid and liquid phases at equilibrium. That is, μlGe ¼ μsGe (5.2) μlSi ¼ μsSi (5.3) 55 56 Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS This equality of chemical potentials was shown in Section 2.8 to be a criterion for phase equilibrium. That is, the common tangent construction simultaneously minimizes the total Gibbs energy and ensures the equality of the chemical potentials, thereby showing that these are equivalent criteria for equilibrium between phases as was discussed in Section 2.8. If we rearrange Eq. (5.2), subtracting the Gibbs energy of fusion o(s) of pure Ge, Δgof(Ge) ¼ (μo(l) Ge μGe ), from each side, we obtain oðlÞ oðsÞ oðlÞ oðsÞ μlGe μGe μsGe μGe ¼ μGe μGe (5.4) Using Eq. (4.13), we can write (Eq. 5.4) as ΔμlGe ΔμsGe ¼ ΔgfoðGeÞ (5.5) RT ln alGe RT ln asGe ¼ ΔgfoðGeÞ (5.6) or where alGe is the activity of Ge (with respect to pure liquid Ge as standard state) in the liquid solution on the liquidus and asGe is the activity of Ge (with respect to pure solid Ge as standard state) in the solid solution on the solidus. Starting with Eq. (5.3), we can derive a similar expression for the other component: RT ln alSi RT ln asSi ¼ ΔgfoðSiÞ (5.7) Eqs. (5.6), (5.7) are equivalent to the common tangent construction. It should be noted that absolute values of chemical potentials o(l) cannot be defined. Hence, the relative positions of μo(l) Ge and μSi in Fig. 5.1 are arbitrary. However, this is immaterial for the preceding o(s) discussion, since displacing both μo(l) Si and μSi by the same arbio(l) o(s) trary amount relative to μGe and μGe will not alter the compositions of the points of common tangency. The shape of the two-phase (solid + liquid) “lens” on the phase diagram is determined by the Gibbs energies of fusion, Δgof of the components and by the mixing terms, Δgs and Δgl. In order to observe how the shape is influenced by varying Δgof , let us consider a hypothetical system A-B in which Δgs and Δgl are ideal Raoultian (Eq. 4.29). Let Tof(A) ¼ 800 K and Tof(B) ¼ 1200 K. Furthermore, assume that the entropies of fusion of A and B are equal and temperature-independent. The enthalpies of fusion are then given from Eq. (5.1) by the expression Δhof ¼ Tof Δsof since Δgof ¼ 0 when T ¼ Tof (see Eq. 2.28). Calculated phase diagrams for Δsof ¼ 3, 10, and 30 J mol1 K1 are shown in Fig. 5.2. A value of Δsof 10 J mol1 K1 is typical of most metals. When the components are ionic compounds such as ionic oxides and halides, Δsof can be significantly larger since there are several ions per formula unit. Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS Fig. 5.2 Phase diagram of a system A-B with ideal solid and liquid solutions. Melting points of A and B are 800 and 1200 K, respectively. Diagrams calculated for entropies of fusion Dsof(A) ¼ Dsof(B) ¼ 3, 10, and 30 J mol1 K1 (Pelton, 2014). Hence, two-phase “lenses” in binary ionic salt or oxide phase diagrams tend to be wider than those encountered in alloy systems. If we are considering vapor-liquid equilibria rather than solid-liquid equilibria, then the shape is determined by the entropy of vaporization, Δsov. Since Δsov is usually an order of magnitude larger than Δsof , two-phase (liquid + vapor) lenses tend to be very wide. For equilibria between two solid solutions of different crystal structures, the shape is determined by the entropy of solid-solid transformation, which is usually smaller than the entropy of fusion by approximately an order of magnitude. Therefore two-phase (solid + solid) lenses tend to be narrow. 57 58 Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS 5.2 Binary Pressure-Composition Phase Diagrams Let us consider liquid-vapor equilibrium in a system with complete liquid miscibility, using as example the Zn-Mg system. Curves of gv and gl can be drawn at any given T and P, as in the upper panel of Fig. 5.3, and the common tangent construction then gives the equilibrium vapor and liquid Fig. 5.3 Pressure-composition phase diagram of the Zn-Mg system at 977°C calculated for ideal vapor and liquid solutions. Upper panel illustrates common tangent construction at a constant pressure (Pelton, 2014). Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS compositions. The phase diagram depends upon the Gibbs energies of vaporization of the pure components, Δ gov(Zn) ¼ (μvZn μo(l) Zn ) ) as shown in Fig. 5.3. and Δgov(Mg) ¼ (μvMg μo(l) Mg To generate the isothermal pressure-composition (P-X) phase diagram in the lower panel of Fig. 5.3, we require the Gibbs energies of vaporization of the components as functions of P. Assuming monatomic ideal vapors and assuming that pressure has negligible effect upon the Gibbs energy of the liquid, we can write, using Eq. (3.7), ΔgvðiÞ ¼ ΔgvoðiÞ + RT ln P (5.8) where Δgov(i) is the standard Gibbs energy of vaporization (when P ¼ l.0 bar), which is given by ΔgvoðiÞ ¼ ΔhovðiÞ T ΔsvoðiÞ (5.9) For example, the standard enthalpy of vaporization of Zn is 115,310 J mol1 at its normal boiling point of 1180 K (FactSage). Assuming that Δhov(Zn) is independent of T, we calculate from Eq. (5.9) that Δsov(Zn) ¼ 115,310/1180 ¼ 97.71 J mol1 K1. From Eq. (5.8), Δgv(Zn) at any T and P is thus given by ΔgvðZnÞ ¼ ð115310 97:71T Þ + RT ln P (5.10) A similar expression can be derived for the other component, Mg. At constant temperature, then, the curve of gv in Fig. 5.3 descends relative to gl as the pressure is lowered, and the P-X phase diagram is generated by the common tangent construction. The diagram at 977°C in Fig. 5.3 was calculated under the assumption of ideal liquid and vapor mixing (gE(l) ¼ 0, gE(v) ¼ 0). P-X phase diagrams involving liquid-solid and solid-solid equilibria can be calculated in a similar fashion through the following general equation that follows from Eq. (2.71) and that gives the effect of pressure upon the Gibbs energy change for the transformation of one mole of pure component i from an α-phase to a β-phase at constant T: ΔgðiÞα!β ¼ ΔgðoiÞα!β ðP + viβ viα dP (5.11) P¼1 o Δg(i)α!β where is the standard (P ¼ l.0 bar) Gibbs energy of transformation and vβi and vαi are the molar volumes. 5.3 Minima and Maxima in Two-Phase Regions As discussed in Section 4.7, the Gibbs energy of mixing Δgm may be expressed as the sum of an ideal term Δgideal and an m 59 60 Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS excess term gE. As was shown in Section 5.1, if the solid and liquid phases are both ideal and close to ideal, a “lens-shaped” two-phase region results. However, in most systems, even approximately ideal behavior is the exception rather than the rule. Curves of gs and gl for a hypothetical system A-B are shown schematically in Fig. 5.4 at a constant temperature (below the melting points of pure A and B) such that the solid state is the stable state for both pure components. However, in this system, gE(l) < gE(s) so that gs presents a flatter curve than does gl, and there exists a central composition region in which gl < gs. Hence, there are two common tangent lines, P1Q1 and P2Q2. Such a situation gives rise to a phase diagram with a minimum in the two-phase region, as observed in the Na2CO3-K2CO3 system shown in Fig. 5.5. At a composition and temperature corresponding to the minimum point, liquid and solid of the same composition exist in equilibrium. A two-phase region with a minimum point as in Fig. 5.5 may be thought of as a two-phase “lens” that has been “pushed down” by virtue of the fact that the liquid is relatively more stable than the solid. Thermodynamically, this relative stability is expressed as gE(l) < gE(s). Conversely, if gE(l) > gE(s) to a sufficient extent, then a two-phase region with a maximum will result. Such maxima in (liquid + solid) or (solid + solid) two-phase regions are nearly always associated with the existence of an intermediate phase, as will be discussed in Section 5.9. Fig. 5.4 Isothermal Gibbs energy curves for solid and liquid phases in a system A-B in which gE(l) < gE(s). A phase diagram of the type of Fig. 5.5 results (Pelton, 2014). Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS Fig. 5.5 Temperature-composition phase diagram of the K2CO3-Na2CO3 system at P ¼ 1 bar (see FactSage). 5.4 Miscibility Gaps If g > 0, then the solution is thermodynamically less stable than an ideal solution. This can result from a large difference in size of the component atoms, ions, or molecules; from differences in bond types, valencies, and electronic structure; or from many other factors. In the Au-Ni system, gE is positive in the solid phase. In the top panel of Fig. 5.6, gE(s) is plotted at 1200 K (Hultgren et al., 1973), is also plotted at and the ideal Gibbs energy of mixing Δgideal m 1200 K. The sum of these two terms is the Gibbs energy of mixing of the solid solution, Δgsm, which is plotted at 1200 K and at other temperatures in the central panel of Fig. 5.6. Now, from Eq. (4.29), is always negative and varies directly with T, whereas gE Δgideal m generally varies less rapidly with temperature. As a result, the sum + gE becomes less negative as T decreases. However, Δgsm ¼ Δgideal m curve at XAu ¼ 1 from Eq. (4.29), the limiting slopes to the Δgideal m and XNi ¼ 1 are both infinite, whereas the limiting slopes of gE are always finite (Henry’s law; see Section 5.10). Hence, Δgsm will always be negative as XAu ! 1 and XNi ! 1 no matter how low the temperature. As a result, below a certain temperature, the curve of Δgsm will exhibit two negative “humps.” Common tangent lines P1Q1, P2Q2, and P3Q3 to the two humps at different temperatures define the ends of tie-lines of a two-phase solid-solid miscibility gap in the Au-Ni phase diagram, which is shown in the lower panel in Fig. 5.6 (Hultgren et al., 1973). The peak of the gap occurs at the critical or consolute temperature and composition, Tc and Xc. E 61 62 Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS Fig. 5.6 Phase diagram (based on data from Hultgren et al., 1973) and Gibbs energy curves of solid solutions for the Au-Ni system at P ¼ 1 bar. Letter s indicates spinodal points (Pelton, 2014). An example of a miscibility gap in a liquid phase will be given in Fig. 5.10. Below the critical temperature, the curve of Δgsm exhibits two inflection points, indicated by the letter s in Fig. 5.6. These are known as the spinodal points. On the phase diagram, their locus Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS traces out the spinodal curve. The spinodal curve is not part of the equilibrium phase diagram, but it is important in the kinetics of phase separation. When gE(s) is positive for the solid phase in a system, it is usually also the case that gE(l) < g(s) since the unfavorable factors (such as a difference in atomic dimensions) that cause gE(s) to be positive will have less of an effect upon gE(l) in the liquid phase owing to the greater flexibility of the liquid structure to accommodate different atomic sizes, valencies, etc. Hence, a solid-solid miscibility gap is often associated with a minimum in the two-phase (solid + liquid) region, as is the case in the Au-Ni system. 5.5 Simple Eutectic Systems The more positive gE is in a system, the higher is Tc, and the wider is the miscibility gap at any temperature. Suppose that gE(s) is so positive that Tc is higher than the minimum in the (solid + liquid) region. The result will be a phase diagram such as that of the Ag-Cu system shown in Fig. 5.7. The upper panel of Fig. 5.7 shows the Gibbs energy curves at 850°C. The two common tangents define two two-phase regions. As the temperature is decreased below 850°C, the gs curve descends relative to gl, and the two points of tangency P1 and P2 approach each other until, at T ¼ 780°C, P1 and P2 become coincident at the composition E. That is, at T ¼ 780°C, there is just one common tangent line contacting the two portions of the gs curve at compositions A and B and contacting the gl curve at E. This temperature is known as the eutectic temperature, TE, and the composition E is the eutectic composition. For temperatures below TE, gl lies completely above the common tangent to the two portions of the gs curve, and so for T < TE, a solid-solid miscibility gap is observed. The phase boundaries of this two-phase region are called the solvus lines. The word eutectic is from the Greek for “to melt well,” since the eutectic composition E is a minimum melting temperature. This description of the thermodynamic origin of simple eutectic phase diagrams is strictly correct only if the pure solid components A and B have the same crystal structure. Otherwise, a curve for gs that is continuous at all compositions cannot be drawn. In this case, each terminal solid solution (α and β) must have its own Gibbs energy curve (gα and gβ), and these curves do not join up with each other in the central composition region. However, a simple eutectic phase diagram as in Fig. 5.7 still results. Suppose a liquid Ag-Cu solution of composition XCu ¼ 0.22 (composition P1) is cooled from the liquid state very slowly under 63 64 Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS Fig. 5.7 Temperature-composition phase diagram at P ¼ 1 bar and Gibbs energy curves at 850°C for the Ag-Cu system. Solid Ag and Cu have the same (fcc) crystal structure (see SGTE). equilibrium conditions. At 850°C, the first solid appears with composition Q1. As T decreases further, solidification continues with the liquid composition following the liquidus curve from P1 to E and the composition of the solid phase following the solidus curve from Q1 to A. The relative proportions of the two phases at any T are given by the lever rule (Section 3.1). At a temperature just above TE, two phases are observed: a solid α of composition A called the proeutectic or primary constituent and a liquid of composition E. At a temperature just below TE, two solids with compositions A and B are observed. Therefore, at TE, during cooling, the following binary eutectic reaction occurs: liquid ! α ðsolidÞ + β ðsolidÞ (5.12) Under equilibrium conditions, the temperature will remain constant at T ¼ TE until all the liquid has solidified, and during the Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS reaction, the compositions of the three phases will remain fixed at A, B, and E. For this reason, the eutectic reaction is called an invariant reaction as was discussed in Section 3.1.1. This eutectic solidification results in a eutectic constituent of overall composition E consisting of an intimate mixture of α and β. 5.5.1 Eutectic Microstructure and the Lever Rule A binary eutectic grain is a two-phase microstructural constituent consisting of an intimate mixture of two solid phases. Common morphologies include alternating lamellae of the two phases, or globules or needles of one phase in a matrix of the other phase. 0 After equilibrium cooling of an alloy of composition X in Fig. 5.7 from above the liquidus to just below TE, the microstructure will consist of proeutectic α grains of composition A and eutectic grains of composition E. The relative amounts of these two constituents are related by the lever rule: moles eutectic consituent AX 0 ¼ 0 moles pro eutectic constituent X E (5.13) The relative amounts of the α and β phases within a eutectic grain are also related by the lever rule: moles α in eutectic EB ¼ moles β in eutectic AE (5.14) If the alloy is subsequently cooled to 500°C and annealed at this temperature until equilibrium is attained, β-phase precipitates of composition W will be formed within the proeutectic α matrix that will have the residual composition V. By the lever rule, moles β precipitated in pro eutectic grains AV ¼ moles residual α in pro eutectic grains AW (5.15) The same ratio AV/AW relates the relative amounts of β-phase precipitates and residual α-phase in the α-phase lamellae of the eutectic grains. 5.6 Thermodynamic Origin of Simple Binary Phase Diagrams Illustrated by Regular Solution Theory Many years ago, Van Laar (1908) showed that the thermodynamic origin of a great many of the observed features of binary phase diagrams can be illustrated, at least qualitatively, by simple regular solution theory as developed in Section 4.9. 65 66 Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS Fig. 5.8 shows several phase diagrams calculated for a hypothetical system A-B containing a solid and a liquid phase with melting points of Tof(A) ¼ 800 K and Tof(B) ¼ 1200 K and with entropies of fusion of both A and B set to 10 J mol1 K1 which is a Fig. 5.8 Topological changes in the phase diagram for a system A-B with regular solid and liquid phases brought about by systematic changes in the regular solution parameters os and ol. Melting points of pure A and B are 800 and 1200 K. Entropies of fusion of both A and B are 10.0 J mol1 K1 (Pelton and Thompson, 1975). Dashed curve in panel (D) is a metastable liquid miscibility gap. Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS typical value for metals. The solid and liquid phases are both regular with temperature-independent excess Gibbs energies: g EðsÞ ¼ ωs XA XB and g EðlÞ ¼ ωl XA XB (5.16) The parameters ωs and ωl have been varied systematically to generate the various panels of Fig. 5.8. In panel (N), both phases are ideal. Panels (L) to (R) exhibit minima or maxima depending upon the sign and magnitude of (gE(l) gE(s)), as was discussed in Section 5.3. In panel (H), the liquid is ideal, but positive deviations in the solid give rise to a solidsolid miscibility gap as discussed in Section 5.4. On passing from panel (H) to panel (C), an increase in gE(s) results in a widening of the miscibility gap so that the solubilities of A in solid B and of B in solid A decrease. Panels (A) to (C) illustrate that negative deviations in the liquid cause a relative stabilization of the liquid with resultant lowering of the eutectic temperature. In Fig. 5.8E, positive deviations in the liquid have given rise to a liquid-liquid miscibility gap. It is of interest to derive an equation for the consolute temperature of the miscibility gap of a regular solution. The Gibbs energy of mixing of a regular solution (assuming sE ¼ 0) is Δgm ¼ RT ðXA ln XA + XB ln XB Þ + ωXA XB (5.17) For a value of ωl ¼ 20 kJ mol1 as in Fig. 5.8E, plots of Δgm versus XB are shown in Fig. 5.9. Below 1203 K, the curves exhibit two negative humps resulting in a miscibility gap as discussed in Section 5.4. Because of the symmetry of Eq. (5.17), the gap is symmetrical about XA ¼ XB ¼ 0.5. The consolute temperature TC can be seen to be given by substituting Eq. (5.17) into the following equation and solving at XB ¼ 0.5: TC ¼ ∂2 Δgm =∂XB2 ¼ 0 (5.18) This gives TC ¼ ω=2R When ω ¼ 20 kJ mol 5.7 1 (5.19) as in Fig. 5.8E, TC ¼ 1203 K. Immiscibility—Montectics The CaO-SiO2 system shown in Fig. 5.10 exhibits a liquidliquid miscibility gap. Suppose that a liquid of composition XSiO2 ¼ 0.8 is cooled slowly from high temperatures. At T ¼ 1830°C the miscibility gap boundary is crossed, and a second liquid layer appears with a 67 68 Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS 1000 500 800 K 0 Δgm (J mol–1) –500 1000 K –1000 –1500 –2000 1203 K –2500 –3000 –3500 A 1400 K 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 B Mole fraction B Fig. 5.9 Gibbs energy of mixing for a regular solution A-B with o ¼ 20 kJ mol1. composition XSiO2 ¼ 0.96. As the temperature is lowered further, the composition of each liquid phase follows its respective phase boundary until, at 1689°C, the SiO2-rich liquid has a composition of XSiO2 ¼ 0.988 (point B), and in the CaO-rich liquid, XSiO2 ¼ 0.72 (point A). At any temperature, the relative amounts of the two phases are given by the lever rule. At 1689°C, the following invariant binary monotectic reaction occurs upon equilibrium cooling: Liquid B ! Liquid A + SiO2 ðsolidÞ (5.20) The temperature remains constant at 1689°C, and the compositions of the phases remain constant until all of liquid B is consumed. Cooling then continues with precipitation of solid SiO2, with the equilibrium liquid composition following the liquidus from point A to the eutectic E. Returning to Fig. 5.8, we see in panel (D) that the positive deviations in the liquid in this case are not large enough to produce immiscibility, but they do result in a flattening of the liquidus, which indicates a “tendency to immiscibility.” If the nucleation of the solid phases can be suppressed by sufficiently rapid cooling, Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS 69 2400 2200 Liquid o 2154 Liquid + CaO o 2017 2000 o Tc = 1895 CaO + Ca2SiO4 o Ca2SiO4(β) 1799 1400 1437 o 1300 1200 CaO + Ca2SiO4 0 CaO 0.2 o β α A o o 1464 P1 Q1 o 1463 0.4 1689 o B Liquid + cristobalite 1540 P2 Q2 CaSiO3 1600 2 Liquids (Liq + CaSiO3) Ca3Si2O7 CaO + Ca3SiO5 Ca2SiO4(α) 1800 Ca3SiO5 Temperature (°C) (Liq + Ca2SiO4) Liquid + cristobalite 2600 o 1465 o E 1437 Liquid + tridymite CaSiO3 + tridymite 0.6 0.8 Mole fraction SiO2 1 SiO2 Fig. 5.10 CaO-SiO2 phase diagram at P ¼ 1 bar and Gibbs energy curves at 1500°C illustrating Gibbs energies of fusion and the formation of the compound CaSiO3 (see FactSage; Pelton, 2001). The temperature difference between the peritectic at 1464°C and the eutectic at 1463°C has been exaggerated for the sake of clarity. then a metastable liquid-liquid miscibility gap will be observed as shown in Fig. 5.8D. For example, in the Na2O-SiO2 system, a flattened (or “S-shaped”) SiO2-liquidus heralds the existence of a metastable miscibility gap of importance in glass technology. 70 Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS 5.8 Intermediate Phases The phase diagram of the Ag-Mg system (Hultgren et al., 1973) is shown in Fig. 5.11D. An intermetallic phase, β0 , is seen centered approximately about the composition XMg ¼ 0.5. The Gibbs energy curve at 1050 K for such an intermetallic phase has the form ’ shown schematically in Fig. 5.11A. The curve gβ rises quite rapidly on either side of its minimum, which occurs near XMg ¼ 0.5. As a result, the single-phase-β0 region appears on the phase diagram only over a limited composition range. This form of the Gibbs energy curve results from the fact that when XAg XMg, a particularly stable crystal structure exists in which Ag and Mg atoms preferentially occupy different sublattices. The two common tangents 0 P1Q1 and P2Q2 give rise to a maximum in the two-phase (β + liquid) region of the phase diagram. (Although the maximum is observed very near XMg ¼ 0.5, there is no thermodynamic reason for the maximum to occur exactly at this composition.) Another intermetallic phase, the ε-phase, is also observed in the Ag-Mg system (Fig. 5.11D). The phase is associated with a peritectic invariant ABC at 744 K. The Gibbs energy curves are shown schematically at the peritectic temperature in ’ Fig. 5.11C. One common tangent line can be drawn to gl, gβ, ε and g at 744 K. Suppose that a liquid alloy of composition XMg ¼ 0.7 is cooled very slowly from the liquid state. At a temperature just above 0 744 K, a liquid phase of composition C and a β -phase of composition A are observed at equilibrium. At a temperature just below 0 744 K, the two phases at equilibrium are β of composition A and ε of composition B. The following invariant binary peritectic reaction thus occurs upon cooling: Liquid + β0 ðsolidÞ ! ε ðsolidÞ (5.21) This reaction occurs isothermally at 744 K with all three phases at fixed compositions (at points A, B, and C). For an alloy with overall composition between points A and B, the reaction proceeds until all the liquid has been consumed. In the case of an alloy with over0 all composition between B and C, the β -phase will be the first to be completely consumed. Peritectic reactions occur upon cooling generally with the formation of the product solid (ε in this example) on the surface of 0 the reactant solid (β ), thereby forming a coating that can reduce or prevent further contact between the reactant solid and liquid. Further reaction may thus be greatly retarded so that equilibrium conditions can only be achieved by extremely slow cooling. The Gibbs energy curve for the ε-phase, gε, in Fig. 5.11C rises more rapidly on either side of its minimum than does the Gibbs Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS 71 Fig. 5.11 Ag-Mg phase diagram at P ¼ 1 bar (after Hultgren et al., 1973) and Gibbs energy curves at three temperatures (Pelton, 2014). 72 Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS 0 energy gβ of the β -phase. Consequently, the width of the singlephase region over which the ε-phase exists (sometimes called its range of stoichiometry or homogeneity range) is narrower than 0 that of the β -phase. In the upper panel of Fig. 5.10 for the CaO-SiO2 system, Gibbs energy curves at 1500°C for the liquid and CaSiO3 phases are shown schematically. g0.5(CaSiO3) rises extremely rapidly on either side of its minimum. (We write g0.5(CaSiO3) for 0.5 mol of the compound in order to normalize to a basis of 1 mol of components CaO and SiO2.) As a result, the points of tangency Q1 and Q2 of the common tangents P1Q1 and P2Q2 nearly (although not exactly) coincide. Hence, the range of stoichiometry of the CaSiO3 phase is very narrow (although theoretically never zero). The two-phase regions labeled (liquid + CaSiO3) in Fig. 5.10 are the two sides of a two-phase region that passes through a maximum at 1540° C just as the (β0 + liquid) region passes through a maximum in Fig. 5.11D. Because the CaSiO3 single-phase region is extremely narrow, we refer to CaSiO3 as a stoichiometric compound. Any deviation in composition from the stoichiometric 1:1 ratio of CaO to SiO2 results in a very large increase in its Gibbs energy. The ε-phase in Fig. 5.11 is based on the stoichiometry AgMg3. The Gibbs energy curve, Fig. 5.11C, rises extremely rapidly on the Ag side of the minimum but somewhat less steeply on the Mg side. As a result, Ag is virtually insoluble in AgMg3, while Mg is sparingly soluble. Such a phase with a narrow range of homogeneity is often called a nonstoichiometric compound. At low temperatures, the β0 phase exhibits a relatively narrow range of stoichiometry about the 1:1 AgMg composition and can properly be called a compound. However, at higher temperatures, it is debatable whether a phase with such a wide range of composition should be called a “compound.” From Fig. 5.10, it can be seen that if stoichiometric CaSiO3 is heated, it will melt isothermally at 1540°C to form a liquid of the same composition. Such a compound is called congruently melting or simply a congruent compound. The compound Ca2SiO4 in Fig. 5.9 is also congruently melting. The β0 -phase in Fig. 5.11 is also congruently melting at the composition of the liquidus/solidus maximum. It should be noted with regard to congruent melting that the limiting slopes dT/dX of both branches of the liquidus at the congruent melting point (i.e., at the maximum of the two-phase region) are zero since we are dealing with a maximum in a twophase region (similar to the minimum in the two-phase region in Fig. 5.5). The AgMg3 (ε) compound in Fig. 5.11D is said to melt incongruently. If solid AgMg3 is heated, it will melt isothermally at 744 K by ’ Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS the reverse of the peritectic reaction (Eq. 5.21), to form a liquid of composition C and another solid phase, β0 , of composition A. Another example of an incongruently melting compound is Ca3Si2O7 in Fig. 5.10, which melts incongruently (or peritectically) to form liquid and Ca2SiO4 at the peritectic temperature of 1464°C. An incongruently melting compound is always associated with a peritectic. However, the converse is not necessarily true. A peritectic is not always associated with an intermediate phase. See, for example, Fig. 5.8I. For purposes of phase diagram calculations involving stoichiometric compounds such as CaSiO3, we may, to a good approximation, consider the Gibbs energy curve, g0.5(CaSiO3), in the upper panel of Fig. 5.10 to have zero width. All that is then required is the value of g0.5(CaSiO3) at the minimum. This value is usually expressed in terms of the Gibbs energy of fusion of the compound Δg f (0.5CaSiO3) or of the Gibbs energy of formation Δgform(0.5CaSiO3) of the compound from the pure solid components CaO and SiO2 according to the reaction: 0.5 CaO (sol) + 0.5 SiO2(sol) ¼ 0.5 CaSiO3(sol). Both of these quantities are interpreted graphically in Fig. 5.10. 5.9 Limited Mutual Solubility—Ideal Henrian Solutions In Section 5.5, the region of two solids in the Ag-Cu phase diagram of Fig. 5.7 was described as a miscibility gap. That is, only one continuous gs curve was assumed. If, somehow, the appearance of the liquid phase could be suppressed, the two solvus lines in Fig. 5.7, when projected upward, would meet at a critical point, above which one continuous solid solution would exist at all compositions. Such a description is justifiable only if the pure solid components have the same crystal structure, as is the case for Ag and Cu. However, consider the Ag-Mg system, Fig. 5.11, in which the terminal (Ag) solid solution is face-centered-cubic and the terminal (Mg) solid solution is hexagonal-close-packed. In this case, one continuous curve for gs cannot be drawn. Each solid phase must have its own separate Gibbs energy curve, as shown scheand μo(fcc) matically in Fig. 5.11B at 800 K. In this figure, μo(hcp) Mg Ag are the standard molar Gibbs energies of pure hcp Mg and pure is the standard molar Gibbs energy of pure fcc Ag, while μo(hcp-Mg) Ag (hypothetical) hcp Ag in the hcp-Mg phase. Since the solubility of Ag in the hcp-Mg phase is limited, we can, to a good approximation, describe it as a Henrian ideal 73 74 Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS solution. That is, when a solution is sufficiently dilute in one component, we can approximate μEsolute ¼ RT ln γ solute by its value in an infinitely dilute solution. That is, if Xsolute is small, we set γ solute ¼ γ osolute where γ osolute , the Henrian activity coefficient, is the value at Xsolute ¼ 0. That is, for sufficiently dilute solutions, we assume that γ solute is independent of composition. Physically, this means that in a very dilute solution, there is negligible interaction among solute particles because they are so far apart. Hence, each additional solute particle added to the solution makes the same contribution to the excess Gibbs energy of the solution and so μEsolute ¼ dGE/dnsolute ¼ constant. From the Gibbs-Duhem equation (Eq. 4.41), if dμEsolute ¼ 0, then E dμsolvent ¼ 0. Hence, in a Henrian solution, γ solvent is also constant and equal to its value in an infinitely dilute solution. That is, γ solvent ¼ 1, and the solvent behaves ideally. In summary, then, for dilute solutions (Xso!vent 1.0) Henry’s law applies. Henry’s law is usually defined as γ solvent 1 γ solute γ osolute ¼ constant (5.22) but see Section 5.11 for a more rigorous definition. Care must be exercised for solutions other than simple substitutional solutions. Henry’s law applies only if the ideal activity is defined correctly for the applicable solution model. Solution models are discussed in Part II. Henrian activity coefficients can usually be expressed as approximately linear functions of temperature: RT ln γ oi ¼ a bT (5.23) where a and b are constants. If data are limited, it can further be assumed that b 0 so that RT ln γ oi constant. Treating the hcp-Mg phase in the Ag-Mg system (Fig. 5.11B) as a Henrian solution, we write oð fccÞ oðhcpÞ + RT XAg ln aAg + XMg ln aMg g hcp ¼ XAg μAg + XMg μMg oð fccÞ oðhcpÞ ¼ XAg μAg + XMg μMg + RT XAg ln γ oAg XAg + XMg ln XMg (5.24) γ oAg where aAg and are the activity and activity coefficient of silver with respect to pure fcc silver as standard state. Let us now combine terms as follows: h i oð fccÞ oðhcpÞ g hcp ¼ XAg μAg + RT ln γ oAg + XMg μMg (5.25) + RT XAg ln XAg + XMg ln XMg Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS Since γ oAg is independent of composition, let us define oðhcpMgÞ μAg oð fccÞ ¼ μAg + RT ln γ oAg (5.26) and From Eqs. (5.25), (5.26), it can be seen that, relative to μo(hcp) Mg defined in this way, to the hypothetical standard state μo(hcp-Mg) Ag the hcp solution is ideal. Eqs. (5.25), (5.26) are illustrated in Fig. 5.11B. It can be seen that as γ oAg becomes larger, the point of tangency N moves to higher Mg concentrations. That is, as μo(fcc) ) becomes more positive, the solubility of Ag (μo(hcp-Mg) Ag Ag in hcp-Mg decreases. The chemical activity of a component was defined in Eq. (4.13). As discussed in Section 4.4.1, the activity depends not only on the chemical potential μi but also on the choice of the standard state chemical potential μoi . If we define the activity of Ag in the hcp solution as oð fccÞ hcp RT ln aAg ¼ μAg μAg (5.27) then this is the activity of Ag with respect to pure fcc Ag as standard state and, as just shown in the dilute Henrian region where XAg is small, aAg XAg γ oAg. On the other hand, if we define the activity of Ag as oðhcpMgÞ RT ln a0Ag ¼ μAg μAg hcp (5.28) then this is the activity relative to the hypothetical (hcp-Mg) standard state and, as just shown, in the dilute Henrian region, a0Ag XAg. That is, a0Ag as defined by Eq. (5.28) is not the same as aAg defined by Eq. (5.27) even though μhcp Ag is the same in both equations. For more on this subject, see Section 5.11. as defined by Eq. (5.26) is It must be stressed that μo(hcp-Mg) Ag is not the same as, for examsolvent-dependent. That is, μo(hcp-Mg) Ag for Ag in dilute hcp-Cd solutions. However, for purple, μo(hcp-Cd) Ag poses of developing consistent thermodynamic databases for multicomponent solution phases, it is advantageous to select one single set of values for the chemical potentials of pure elements and compounds in metastable or unstable crystal struc, which are independent of the solvent. tures, such as μo(hcp) Ag Such values, sometimes called lattice stabilities, may be obtained (i) from measurements at high pressures if the structure is stable at high pressure, (ii) as averages of the values for several solvents, or (iii) from first-principle quantum mechanical or molecular dynamic calculations. Tables (Dinsdale, 1991) of such values for many elements in metastable or unstable states have been 75 76 Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS prepared and agreed upon by the international community working in the field of phase diagram evaluation and thermodynamic database optimization. The use of such solvent-independent values, of course, means that even in very dilute solutions, nonzero excess Gibbs energy terms are usually required. 5.10 Henry’s Law, Raoult’s Law and Standard States Henry’s law is most often defined as in Eq. (5.22). However, a more correct and less restrictive definition is lim daB =dXB ¼ γ oB 6¼ ∞ (5.29) XB ¼0 The more restrictive form, Eq. (5.22), simply says that, over a composition range sufficiently close to XB ¼ 0, the solute activity aB may be approximated as lying on the line labeled “ideal Henrian” in Fig. 5.12. The Gibbs-Duhem equation, Eq. (2.82), combined with Eq. (4.13) may be written as follows XA d ln aA + XB d ln aB ¼ 0 1 mB = moB Ide al Activity aA and aB aB = 1 Ra ou ltia 0.8 n g A 0.6 = 1, aA =X A aA aB 0.4 ,a ian ult 0.2 al o Ra Ide 0 0 (5.30) 0.2 gB =X B mB = moB' B a'B =1 =1 = 1, nrian f B Ideal He 0.4 o = XB , g B = g B a'B 0.6 Mole fraction XB Fig. 5.12 Activities of A and B in a binary system A-B. 0.8 1 Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS Hence, XA daA XB dγ B 1 dXA lim ðXA d ln aA + XB d ln ðγ B XB ÞÞ ¼ lim X B ¼0 X B ¼0 aA dXA γ B dXB ¼0 (5.31) Hence, lim daA =dXA ¼ 1:0 (5.32) XA ¼1 Eq. (5.32) is Raoult’s law which is illustrated in Fig. 5.12. Consequently, over a composition range sufficiently close to XA ¼ 1, the solvent activity aA may be approximated as lying on the line labeled “ideal Raoultian γ A ¼ 1” in Fig. 5.12. That is, Henry’s law and Raoult’s law are one and the same. The Raoultian activity aB and Raoultian activity coefficient γ B are defined by RT ln aB ¼ RT lnðγ B XB Þ ¼ μB μoB (5.33) where the standard state chemical potential μoB lies on the ideal Raoultian line at XB ¼ 1 as shown in Fig. 5.12. We now define a Henrian activity a0B and a Henrian activity coefficient fB by 0 RT ln a0B ¼ RT lnðfB XB Þ ¼ μB μoB (5.34) 0 where the hypothetical standard state chemical potential μoB lies on the ideal Henrian line at XB ¼ 1 as illustrated in Fig. 5.12. We say that the standard state is pure B relative to a reference state of B at infinite dilution in A. The activity coefficient fB ¼ 1 along the Ideal Henrian line. In the actual solution in Fig. 5.12, γ B < 1 and fB > 1. By combining Eqs. (5.33), (5.34), we see that 0 (5.35) RT ln aB =a0B ¼ μoB μoB ¼ constant Hence, the ratios aB/a0B and γ B/fB are constant, independent of the composition. When XB ¼ 0, γ B/fB ¼ γ oB/1. Hence, γ B/fB ¼ aB/a0B ¼ γ oB at all compositions. That is, aB and a0B are represented by the same curve in Fig. 5.12; only the vertical scale is multiplied by a constant factor. Sometimes in dilute metallic solutions, particularly in Fe as solvent, activities are defined as a00B ¼ fB00 ðw=oÞB (5.36) 77 78 Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS where (w/o)B is the weight percentage of solute B and the activity coefficient f B00 ¼ 1 when (w/o)B ¼ 0 (i.e., the reference state is B at infinite dilution in A): 00 (5.37) RT ln a00B ¼ RT ln fB00 ðw=oÞB ¼ μB μoB 00 where μoB is the chemical potential of B in a standard state lying on an ideal Henrian line at (w/o)B ¼ 1 when the composition axis is 00 (w/o)B rather than XB. Note that μoB is a hypothetical standard state lying on the ideal Henrian line. It is not the same as μB in the actual solution at (w/o)B ¼ 1. To convert from aB00 to aB, we combine Eqs. (5.33), (5.37): f 00 ðw=oÞB o00 RT ln a00B =aB ¼ RT ln B ¼ μB μoB ¼ constant γ B XB (5.38) The constant is evaluated at a composition where fB00 and γ B are both known, namely, at XB ¼ 0 where fB00 ¼ 1 and γ B ¼ γ oB. When XB ¼ 0, (w/o)B/XB ¼ 100 MB/MA. where MA and MB are the molecular weights. Hence, at all compositions a00B =aB ¼ 100MB ¼ constant γ oB MA (5.39) In aqueous solutions, activities of solutes are generally expressed as RT ln ai ¼ RT lnðfi mi Þ ¼ μi μo∗ (5.40) i where μo∗ i is the chemical potential of solute i in a hypothetical standard state lying on an ideal Henrian line at the composition mi ¼ 1 where mi is the molality of i defined as mi ¼ moles of i per kilogram of solvent (H2O) and where fi ¼ 1 when mi ¼ 0. (See also Section 14.10.2 regarding Wagner’s interaction parameter formalism when compositions are expressed per unit mass of solvent.) 5.11 Single Ion Activities In a dilute solution of NaCl in H2O, μNaCl ¼ ∂G=∂nNaCl ¼ ∂G=∂nNa + + ∂G=∂nCl (5.41) ∂nNa + ¼ ∂nCl ¼ ∂nNaCl (5.42) where Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS The activity of NaCl relative to a one-molal standard state is aNaCl ¼ mNa + mCl fNaCl (5.43) where fNaCl ¼ 1 at infinite dilution. If we write μNa + ¼ ∂G=∂nNa + and μCl ¼ ∂G=∂nCl (5.44) aNaCl ¼ aNa + aCl ¼ ðmNa + fNa + ÞðmCl fCl Þ (5.45) then where fNaCl ¼ fNa+ fCl. However, these definitions of μNa+ and μCl do not correspond to measureable quantities since one cannot experimentally transfer a measureable amount of a singlecharged species into a solution. It is nevertheless useful in certain models such as the Debye€ ckel equations to formally calculate theoretical single-ion Hu activities and to calculate the activities of neutral components therefrom. The single-ion activities, however, are constructs of the particular solution model. 5.12 The “Activity” of a Solution Consider a system with three solution phases (α, β, and γ) and a stoichiometric compound δ, and suppose that their molar Gibbs energies at a given temperature are as shown in Fig. 5.13. At this temperature and for any overall composition between points P and Q, a two-phase mixture of the phases α and β is stable, with phase compositions P and Q, and the phases γ and δ are not present at equilibrium. At any overall system composition between points P and Q, the activity, aδ, of the stoichiometric δ-phase is given by the construction shown in the figure where aδ < 1.0. The further is μoδ above the equilibrium tangent line PQ, the smaller is the value of aδ. The activity of the compound is thus a convenient indicator of how close the compound is to being stable. If aδ is close to 1.0, then the compound might actually be observed in practice if conditions vary slightly from equilibrium or are changed slightly. It is useful to define a similar property indicating how close a solution phase such as the γ-phase is to being stable. A suggestion (Hack, 2008) is shown in the figure. A line is drawn tangent to the Gibbs energy curve of the γ-phase and parallel to the equilibrium tangent line PQ. As shown in the figure, the vertical distance RV between the two lines is equal to RT ln aγ where aγ may be called 79 Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS γ Molar Gibbs energy 80 mδ o R δ - phase RTlnaδ< 0 RTlnaγ< 0 a P 0 mδ Equilibriu 0.20 m tangen 0.40 V t line 0.60 β Q 0.80 1.00 Mole fraction B Fig. 5.13 Gibbs energy curves at constant temperature in a system A-B illustrating the definition of the “activity” of a solution phase. the “activity” of the γ-phase. This activity is constant at all overall system compositions between points P and Q. Note that this definition of the “activity” of a solution is not standard thermodynamic terminology, but is nevertheless a useful concept. When a solution phase is stable, its “activity” is equal to 1.0. The further it is from being stable, the smaller is its “activity.” The definition may be extended to ternary and higher-order systems by taking the vertical distance between the equilibrium tangent plane and a parallel plane tangent to the solution in question. 5.13 Geometry of Binary TemperatureComposition Phase Diagrams In Section 3.1.1, it was shown that when three phases are at equilibrium in a binary system at constant pressure, the system is invariant (F ¼ 0). There are two general types of three-phase invariants in binary phase diagrams. These are the eutectic-type and peritectic-type invariants as illustrated in Fig. 5.14. Let the three phases concerned be called α, β, and γ, with β as the Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS Fig. 5.14 Geometric units of binary phase diagrams, illustrating rules of construction (Pelton, 2014). central phase as shown in the figure. The phases α, β, and γ can be solid, liquid, or gaseous. At a eutectic-type invariant, the following invariant reaction occurs isothermally as the system is cooled: β!α+γ (5.46) while at a peritectic-type invariant, the invariant reaction upon cooling is α+γ!β (5.47) Some examples of eutectic-type invariants are as follows: (i) Eutectics in which α ¼ solid1, β ¼ liquid, and γ ¼ solid2. The eutectic reaction is liq ! s, + s2. (ii) Monotectics in which α ¼ liquid1, β ¼ liquid2, and γ ¼ solid. The monotectic reaction is liq2 ! liq1, + s. (iii) Eutectoids in which α ¼ solid1, β ¼ solid2, and γ ¼ solid3. The eutectoid reaction is s2 ! s1 + s3. (iv) Catatectics in which α ¼ liquid, β ¼ solid1, and γ ¼ solid2. The catatectic reaction is s1 ! liq + s2. 81 82 Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS Some examples of peritectic-type invariants are as follows: (i) Peritectics in which α ¼ liquid, β ¼ solid1, and γ ¼ solid2. The peritectic reaction is liq + s2 ! sI. (ii) Syntectics (Fig. 5.8K) in which α ¼ liquid1, β ¼ solid, and γ ¼ liquid2. The syntectic reaction is liq1 + liq2 ! s. (iii) Peritectoids in which α ¼ solid1, β ¼ solid2, and γ ¼ solid3. The peritectoid reaction is s1 + s3 ! s2. An important rule of construction that applies to invariants in binary phase diagrams is illustrated in Fig. 5.14. This extension rule states that at an invariant, the extension of a boundary of a two-phase region must pass into the adjacent two-phase region and not into a single-phase region. Examples of both correct and incorrect constructions are given in Fig. 5.14. To understand why the “incorrect extension” shown is not correct, consider that the (α + γ)/γ-phase boundary line indicates the composition of the γ-phase in equilibrium with the α-phase, as determined by the common tangent to the Gibbs energy curves. Since there is no reason for the Gibbs energy curves or their derivatives to change slope discontinuously at the invariant temperature, the extension of the (α + γ)/γ-phase boundary also represents the stable phase boundary under equilibrium conditions. Hence, for this line to extend into a region labeled as single-phase-γ is incorrect. This extension rule is a particular case of the general Schreinemakers’ rule (see Section 7.7.1). Two-phase regions in binary phase diagrams can terminate (i) on the pure component axes (at XA ¼ 1 or XB ¼ 1) at a transformation point of pure A or B, (ii) at a critical point of a miscibility gap, or (iii) at an invariant. Two-phase regions can also exhibit maxima or minima. In this case, both phase boundaries must pass through their maximum or minimum at the same point as shown in Fig. 5.14. All the geometric units of construction of binary phase diagrams have now been discussed. The phase diagram of a binary alloy system will usually exhibit several of these units. As an example, the Fe-Mo phase diagram was shown in Fig. 1.1. The invariants in this system are peritectics at 1612, 1498, and 1453°C; eutectoids at 1240, 1233, and 308°C; and peritectoids at 1368 and 1250°C. The two-phase (liquid + bcc) region passes through a minimum at XMo ¼ 0.2. Between 910 and 1390°C is a two-phase (α + γ) “γ-loop.” Pure Fe adopts the fcc γ structure between these two temperatures but exists as the bcc α-phase at higher and lower temperatures. Mo, on the other hand, is more soluble in the bcc < μo(fcc-Fe) as discussed than in the fcc structure. That is, μo(bcc-Fe) Mo Mo in Section 5.10. Therefore, small additions of Mo stabilize the bcc structure. Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS In the CaO-SiO2 phase diagram, Fig. 5.10, we observe eutectics at 1437, 1463, and 2017°C; a monotectic at 1689°C; and a peritectic at 1464°C. The compound Ca3SiO5 dissociates upon heating to CaO and Ca2SiO4 by a peritectoid reaction at 1799°C and dissociates upon cooling to CaO and Ca2SiO4 by a eutectoid reaction at 1300°C. Maxima are observed at 2154 and 1540°C. At 1465°C, there is an invariant associated with the tridymite ! cristobalite transition of SiO2. This is either a peritectic or a catatectic depending upon the relative solubility of CaO in tridymite and cristobalite. However, these solubilities are very small and unknown. At 1437°C, Ca2SiO4 undergoes an allotropic transformation. This gives rise to two invariants, one involving Ca2SiO4(α), Ca2SiO4(β), and Ca3SiO5 and the other Ca2SiO4(α), Ca2SiO4(β), and Ca3Si2O7. Since the compounds are all essentially stoichiometric, these two invariants are observed at almost exactly the same temperature of 1437°C, and it is not possible to distinguish whether they are of the eutectoid or peritectoid type. 5.14 Effects of Grain Size, Coherency, and Strain Energy The foregoing phase diagram calculations have assumed that the grain size of the solid phases is large enough that surface (interfacial) energy contributions to the Gibbs energy can be neglected. For very fine grain sizes in the submicron range, however, the interfacial energy can be appreciable and can have an influence on the phase diagram. This effect can be important in the development of materials with grain sizes in the nanometer range. Interfacial energy increases the Gibbs energy of a phase and hence decreases its thermodynamic stability. In particular, the liquidus temperature of a fine-grained solid will be lowered. If a suitable estimate can be made for the grain boundary energy, then it can be added to the Gibbs energy expression for purposes of calculating phase equilibriums. If the crystal lattice is continuous across the boundary between two solid phases, the boundary is said to be coherent. The mismatch in lattice parameters then creates a positive strain energy that increases the Gibbs energy of the system. For example, in Fig. 5.6, if the two-phase solid/solid boundary is coherent, then it is rendered less stable relative to the single-phase solid region with the result that the consolute temperature TC is decreased. If a suitable estimate of the strain energy can be made, then it can be added to the Gibbs energy expression for the purpose of calculating the phase equilibria. 83 84 Chapter 5 THERMODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF PHASE DIAGRAMS References Dinsdale, A.T., 1991. Calphad J. 15, 317–425. Hack, K., 2008. SGTE Casebook: Thermodynamics at Work, second ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Hansen, M., 1958. Constitution of Binary Alloys, second ed. McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc., New York Hultgren, R.P.D., Desai, D., Hawkins, T., Gleiser, M., Kelley, K.K., Wagman, D.D., 1973. Selected Values of Thermodynamic Properties of Binary Alloys. American Society of Metals, Metals Park, OH. Pelton, A.D., 2001. Kostorz, G. (Ed.), Phase Transformations in Materials. (Chapter 1). Wiley, Weinheim. Pelton, A.D., 2014. Laughlin, D.E., Hono, K. (Eds.), Physical Metallurgy. fifth ed. (Chapter 3). Elsevier, New York. Pelton, A.D., Thompson, W.T., 1975. Prog. Solid State Chem. 10, 119–155. Van Laar, J.J., 1908. Z. Phys. Chem. 63, 216–253. List of Websites FactSage, Montreal, SGTE, Scientific Group Thermodata Europe, 6 TERNARY TEMPERATURECOMPOSITION PHASE DIAGRAMS CHAPTER OUTLINE 6.1 The Ternary Composition Triangle 85 6.2 Ternary Space Model 86 6.3 Polythermal Projections of Liquidus Surfaces 88 6.4 Ternary Isothermal Sections 91 6.4.1 Topology of Ternary Isothermal Sections 93 6.5 Ternary Isopleths (Constant Composition Sections) 95 6.5.1 Quasibinary Phase Diagrams 96 6.6 First-Melting (Solidus) Projections of Ternary Systems 97 6.7 Phase Diagram Projections in Quaternary and Higher-Order Systems 99 6.7.1 Liquidus Projections 99 6.7.2 Solidus Projections 100 References 102 List of Websites 102 6.1 The Ternary Composition Triangle In a ternary system with components A-B-C, the sum of the mole fractions is unity, (XA +XB +XC) ¼ 1. Hence, there are two independent composition variables. A representation of composition, symmetrical with respect to all three components, may be obtained with the equilateral composition triangle as shown in Fig. 6.1 for the Bi-Sn-Cd system. Compositions at the corners of the triangle correspond to the pure components. Compositions along the edges of the triangle correspond to the three binary subsystems Bi-Sn, Sn-Cd, and Cd-Bi. Lines of constant mole fraction XBi are parallel to the Sn-Cd edge, while lines of constant XSn and Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Modeling of Solutions. # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 85 86 Chapter 6 TERNARY TEMPERATURE-COMPOSITION PHASE DIAGRAMS Fig. 6.1 Projection of the liquidus surface of the Bi-Sn-Cd system onto the ternary composition triangle. Small arrows show the crystallization path of an alloy of overall composition at point a (P ¼ 1 bar) (Pelton, 2014). Data from Bray, H.F., Bell, F.D., Harris, S.J., 1961–1962. J. Inst. Met. 90, 24. XCd are parallel to the Cd-Bi and Bi-Sn edges, respectively. For example, at point a in Fig. 6.1, XBi ¼ 0.05, XSn ¼ 0.45, and XCd ¼ 0.50. Similar equilateral composition triangles can be drawn with coordinates in terms of weight % of the three components. 6.2 Ternary Space Model A ternary temperature-composition phase diagram at constant total pressure may be plotted as a three-dimensional “space model” within a right triangular prism with the equilateral composition triangle as base and temperature as vertical axis. Such a space model for a simple eutectic ternary system A-B-C is illustrated in Fig. 6.2. The three vertical faces of the prism are found on the phase diagrams of the three binary subsystems, A-B, B-C, and C-A that, in this example, are all simple eutectic binary Chapter 6 TERNARY TEMPERATURE-COMPOSITION PHASE DIAGRAMS Fig. 6.2 Perspective view of ternary space model of a simple eutectic ternary system. e1, e2, and e3 are the binary eutectics, and E is the ternary eutectic. The base of the prism is the equilateral composition triangle (pressure ¼ constant) (Pelton, 2014). systems. The binary eutectic points are e1, e2, and e3. Within the prism, we see three liquidus surfaces descending from the melting points of pure A, B, and C. Compositions on these surfaces correspond to compositions of liquid in equilibrium with A-, B-, and C-rich solid phases. In a ternary system at constant pressure, the Gibbs Phase Rule, Eq. (3.1), becomes F ¼4P (6.1) When the liquid and one solid phase are in equilibrium, P ¼ 2. Hence, F ¼ 2, and the system is bivariant. A ternary liquidus is thus a two-dimensional surface. We may fix two variables, say T and one composition coordinate of the liquid, but then, the other liquid composition coordinate and the composition of the solid are fixed. The A- and B-liquidus surfaces in Fig. 6.2 intersect along the line e1E. Liquids with compositions along this line are therefore in equilibrium with A-rich and B-rich solid phases simultaneously. That is, P ¼ 3, and so, F ¼ 1. Such “valleys” are thus called univariant lines. The three univariant lines meet at the ternary eutectic point E at which P ¼ 4 and F ¼ 0. This is an invariant point since the temperature and the compositions of all four phases in equilibrium are fixed. 87 88 Chapter 6 TERNARY TEMPERATURE-COMPOSITION PHASE DIAGRAMS 6.3 Polythermal Projections of Liquidus Surfaces A two-dimensional representation of the ternary liquidus surface may be obtained as an orthogonal projection upon the base composition triangle. Such a polythermal projection of the liquidus of the Bi-Sn-Cd system (Bray et al., 1961-1962) is shown in Fig. 6.1. This is a simple eutectic ternary system with a space model like that shown in Fig. 6.2. The constant temperature lines in Fig. 6.1 are called liquidus isotherms. The univariant valleys are shown as heavier lines. By convention, the large arrows indicate the directions of decreasing temperature along these lines. Let us consider the sequence of events occurring during the equilibrium cooling from the liquid of an alloy of overall composition a in Fig. 6.1. Point a lies within the field of primary crystallization of Cd. That is, it lies within the composition region in Fig. 6.1 in which Cd-rich solid will be the first solid to precipitate upon cooling. As the liquid alloy is cooled, the Cd-liquidus surface is reached at T 465 K (slightly below the 473 K isotherm). A solid Cd-rich phase begins to precipitate at this temperature. Now, in this particular system, Bi and Sn are nearly insoluble in solid Cd, so that the solid phase is virtually pure Cd. (Note that this fact cannot be deduced from Fig. 6.1 alone.) Therefore, as solidification proceeds, the liquid becomes depleted in Cd, but the ratio XSn/XBi in the liquid remains constant. Hence, the composition path followed by the liquid (its crystallization path) is a straight line passing through point a and projecting to the Cd-corner of the triangle. This crystallization path is shown in Fig. 6.1 as the line ab. In the general case in which a solid solution rather than a pure component or stoichiometric compound is precipitating, the crystallization path will not be a straight line. However, for equilibrium cooling, a straight line joining a point on the crystallization path at any T to the overall composition point a will extend through the composition, on the solidus surface, of the solid phase in equilibrium with the liquid at that temperature. That is, the compositions of the two equilibrium phases and the overall system composition always lie on the same straight tie-line as is required by mass balance considerations. When the composition of the liquid has reached point b in Fig. 6.1 at T 435 K, the relative proportions of the solid Cd and liquid phases at equilibrium are given by the lever rule applied to the tie-line dab: (moles of liquid)/(moles of Cd) ¼ da/ab where da and ab are the lengths of the line segments. Upon further cooling, the liquid composition follows the univariant valley from b to E, while Cd and Sn-rich solids coprecipitate as a binary eutectic Chapter 6 TERNARY TEMPERATURE-COMPOSITION PHASE DIAGRAMS mixture. When the liquidus composition attains the ternary eutectic composition E at T 380 K, an invariant ternary eutectic reaction occurs: liquid ! s1 + s2 + s3 (6.2) where s1, s2, and s3 are the three solid phases and where the compositions of all four phases (as well as T) remain fixed until all liquid has solidified. In order to illustrate several of the features of polythermal projections of liquidus surfaces, a projection of the liquidus surface of a hypothetical system A-B-C is shown in Fig. 6.3. For the sake of simplicity, isotherms are not shown; only the univariant lines are drawn, with arrows to show the directions of decreasing temperature. The binary subsystems A-B and C-A are simple eutectic systems, while the binary subsystem B-C contains one congruently melting binary phase, ε, and one incongruently melting binary phase, δ, as shown in the insert in Fig. 6.3. The letters e Fig. 6.3 Projection of the liquidus surface of a system A-B-C. The binary subsystems A-B and C-A are simple eutectic systems. The binary phase diagram B-C is shown in the insert. All solid phases are assumed to be pure stoichiometric components or compounds. Small arrows show crystallization paths of alloys of compositions at points a and b (Pelton, 2014). 89 90 Chapter 6 TERNARY TEMPERATURE-COMPOSITION PHASE DIAGRAMS and p indicate binary eutectic and peritectic points. The δ and ε phases are called binary compounds since they have compositions within a binary subsystem. Two ternary compounds, η and ζ, with compositions within the ternary triangle, as indicated in Fig. 6.3, are also found in this system. All compounds and pure solid A, B, and C (the α-, β-, and γ-phases) are assumed to be stoichiometric (i.e., there is no solid solubility). The fields of primary crystallization of all the solids are indicated in parentheses in Fig. 6.3. The composition of the ε phase lies within its field, since it is a congruently melting compound, while the composition of the δ phase lies outside of its field since it is an incongruently melting compound. Similarly for the ternary compounds, η is a congruently melting compound, while ζ is incongruently melting. For the congruent compound η, the highest temperature on the η-liquidus occurs at the composition of η. The univariant lines meet at a number of ternary eutectic points E (three arrows converging on the point), a ternary peritectic point P (one arrow entering, two arrows leaving the point), and several 0 ternary quasi-peritectic points P (two arrows entering, one arrow leaving). Two saddle points s are also shown. These are points of maximum T along the univariant line but of minimum T on the liquidus surface along a section joining the compositions of the two solids. For example, s1 is a maximum point along the univar0 iant E1P3 but is a minimum point on the liquidus along the straight line ζs1η. Let us consider the events occurring during equilibrium cooling from the liquid of an alloy of overall composition a in Fig. 6.3. The primary crystallization product will be the ε phase. Since this is a pure stoichiometric solid, the crystallization path of the liquid will be along a straight line passing through point a and extending to the composition of ε as shown in the figure. Solidification of ε continues until the liquid attains a composition on the univariant valley. Thereafter, the liquid composition descends along the valley toward the point P’1 in coexistence with 0 ε and ζ. At point P1, the invariant ternary quasi-peritectic reaction occurs isothermally: liquid + ε ! δ + ζ (6.3) Since there are two reactants, there are two possible outcomes: (i) The liquid is completely consumed before the ε phase, and 0 solidification will be complete at the point P1; (ii) ε is completely consumed before the liquid, and solidification will continue with 0 decreasing T along the univariant line P1E1 with coprecipitation of δ and ζ until, at E1, the liquid will solidify eutectically (liquid ! δ + ζ + η). TO determine whether outcome (i) or (ii) occurs, we use the mass balance criterion that, for three-phase Chapter 6 TERNARY TEMPERATURE-COMPOSITION PHASE DIAGRAMS equilibrium, the overall composition a must always lie within the tie-triangle formed by the compositions of the three phases. Now, the triangle joining the compositions of δ, ε, and ζ does not contain the point a, but the triangle joining the compositions of δ, ζ, 0 and liquid at P1 does contain the point a. Hence, outcome (ii) occurs. An alloy of overall composition b in Fig. 6.3 solidifies with ε as primary crystallization product until the liquid composition contacts the univariant line. Thereafter, coprecipitation of ε and β occurs with the liquid composition following the univariant valley until the liquid reaches the peritectic composition P. An invariant ternary peritectic reaction then occurs isothermally: liquid + ε + β ! ζ (6.4) Since there are three reactants, there are three possible outcomes: (i) The liquid is consumed before either ε or β and solidification terminates at P, (ii) ε is consumed first and solidification then con0 tinues along the path PP3, or (iii) β is consumed first and solidifi0 cation continues along the path PP1. Which outcome actually occurs depends on whether the overall composition b lies within the tie-triangle (i) εβζ, (ii) βζP, or (iii) εζP. In the example shown, outcome (i) will occur. A polythermal projection of the liquidus surface of the Zn-MgAl system is shown in Fig. 6.4. There are 11 primary crystallization fields of nine binary solid solutions (with limited solubility of the third component) and of two ternary solid solutions. There are three ternary eutectic points, three saddle points, three ternary peritectic points, and five ternary quasi-peritectic points. 6.4 Ternary Isothermal Sections Polythermal projections of the liquidus surface do not provide information on the compositions of the solid phases at equilibrium. However, this information can be presented at any one temperature on an isothermal section such as that shown for the Bi-Sn-Cd system at 423 K in Fig. 6.5. This phase diagram is a constant temperature slice through the space model of Fig. 6.2. The liquidus lines bordering the one-phase liquid region of Fig. 6.5 are identical to the 423 K isotherms of the liquidus projection in Fig. 6.1. Point c in Fig. 6.5 is point c on the univariant line in Fig. 6.1. An alloy with overall composition in the one-phase liquid region of Fig. 6.5 at 423 K will consist of a single liquid phase. If the overall composition lies within one of the two-phase regions, then the compositions of the two phases are given by the ends of the tie-line that passes through the overall composition. For example, 91 92 Chapter 6 TERNARY TEMPERATURE-COMPOSITION PHASE DIAGRAMS Zn > 0. 9 0. 8 > P' 0. 2 400 450 0. 4 0. 6 0 50 > 0. 3 0. 7 0. 1 Mg2Zn11 0 > > 40 50 4 hcp e 400 p e E 0. 5 Laves 0. 4 500 s P' < P XZn = 0.1 550 > 0 45 0 40 4 Tau 0. 8 Phi < < 0 0 0. 9 > < s >> > >> 0 45 Gamma 0.8 e 0.7 0.6 600 P' >E > > 0. 2 > 0.9 fcc > A 0. 7 0. 3 P' < > h cp 0 50 0 55 0 60 0. 1 > < P p e< P E P' B Mg s 0. 6 p 0. 5 Mg2Zn3 MgZn 550 0.5 e e 0.4 Mole fraction 650 0.3 0.2 βAlMg 0.1 Al Fig. 6.4 Polythermal projection of the liquidus surface of the Zn-Mg-Al system at P ¼ 1 bar (T ¼ °C) (see FactSage). Fig. 6.5 Isothermal section of the Bi-Sn-Cd system at 423 K at P ¼ 1 bar. Extents of solid solubility in Bi and Sn have been exaggerated for clarity of presentation (Pelton, 2014). Data from Bray, H.F., Bell, F.D., Harris, S.J., 1961–1962. J. Inst. Met. 90, 24. Chapter 6 TERNARY TEMPERATURE-COMPOSITION PHASE DIAGRAMS a sample with overall composition p in Fig. 6.5 will consist of a liquid of composition q on the liquidus and a solid Bi-rich alloy of composition r on the solidus. The relative proportions of the two phases are given by the Lever Rule: ðmoles of liquidÞ=ðmoles of solidÞ ¼ pr=pq where pr and pq are the lengths of the tie-line segments. In the case of solid Cd, the solid phase is nearly pure Cd, so all tielines of the (Cd + liquid) region converge nearly to the corner of the triangle. In the case of the Bi- and Sn-rich solids, some solid solubility is observed. (The actual extent of this solubility is exaggerated in Fig. 6.5 for the sake of clarity of presentation.) Alloys with overall compositions rich enough in Bi or Sn to lie within the single-phase (Sn) or (Bi) regions of Fig. 6.5 will consist at 423 K of single-phase solid solutions. Alloys with overall compositions at 423 K in the two-phase (Cd + Sn) region will consist of two solid phases. Alloys with overall compositions within the three-phase triangle dcf will, at 423 K, consist of three phases: Cd- and Sn-rich solids with compositions at d and f and liquid of composition c. To understand this better, consider an alloy of composition a in Fig. 6.5, which is the same composition as the point a in Fig. 6.1. In Section 6.3, we saw that when an alloy of this composition is cooled, the liquid follows the path ab in Fig. 6.1 with primary precipitation of Cd and then follows the univariant line with coprecipitation of Cd and Sn so that at 423 K, the liquid is at the composition point c and two solid phases are in equilibrium with the liquid. 6.4.1 Topology of Ternary Isothermal Sections At constant temperature, the Gibbs energy of each phase in a ternary system is represented as a function of composition by a surface plotted in a right triangular prism (as in Fig. 6.2) with Gibbs energy as vertical axis and the composition triangle as base. Just as the compositions of phases at equilibrium in binary systems are determined by the points of contact of a common tangent line to their isothermal Gibbs energy curves (Fig. 5.1), so the compositions of phases at equilibrium in a ternary system are given by the points of contact of a common tangent plane to their isothermal Gibbs energy surfaces (or, equivalently as discussed in Section 5.1, by minimizing the total Gibbs energy of the system.) A common tangent plane can contact two Gibbs energy surfaces at an infinite number of pairs of points, thereby generating an infinite number of tie-lines within a two-phase region on an isothermal section. A common tangent plane to three Gibbs 93 94 Chapter 6 TERNARY TEMPERATURE-COMPOSITION PHASE DIAGRAMS Fig. 6.6 A tie-triangle in a ternary isothermal (and isobaric) section illustrating the lever rule and the extension rule (Schreinemakers’ rule—Sections 7.3 and 7.7.1). energy surfaces contacts each surface at a unique point, thereby generating a three-phase tie-triangle. Hence, the principal topological units of construction of an isothermal ternary phase diagram are three-phase (α + β + γ) tie-triangles as in Fig. 6.6 with their accompanying two-phase and single-phase areas. Each corner of the tie-triangle contacts a single-phase region, and from each edge of the triangle, there extends a two-phase region. The edge of the triangle is a limiting tie-line of the two-phase region. For overall compositions within the tie-triangle, the compositions of the three phases at equilibrium are fixed at the corners of the triangle. The relative proportions of the three phases are given by the lever rule of tie-triangles, which can be derived from mass balance considerations. At an overall composition q in Fig. 6.6, for example, the relative proportion of the γ-phase is given by projecting a straight line from the γ-corner of the triangle (point c) through the overall composition q to the opposite side of the triangle, point p. Then, (moles of γ)/(total moles) ¼ qplcp if compositions are expressed as mole fractions, or (weight of γ)/(total weight) ¼qp/cp if compositions are in weight percent. Isothermal ternary phase diagrams are generally composed of a number of these topological units. An example for the Zn-Mg-Al system at 25°C is shown in Fig. 1.2. At 25°C, hcp-Mg, hcp-Zn, and Mg2Zn11 are nearly stoichiometric compounds, while Mg and Zn have very limited solubility in fcc-Al. The gamma and βAlMg phases are binary compounds that exhibit very narrow ranges Chapter 6 TERNARY TEMPERATURE-COMPOSITION PHASE DIAGRAMS of stoichiometry in the Mg-Al binary system and in which Zn is very sparingly soluble. The Laves, Mg2Zn3, and MgZn phases are virtually stoichiometric binary compounds in which Al is soluble to a few percent. Their ranges of stoichiometry are thus shown in Fig. 1.2 as very narrow lines. The tau phase is a ternary phase with a small single-phase region of stoichiometry as shown. An examination of Fig. 1.2 will show that it is composed of the topological units of Fig. 6.6. An extension rule, a particular case of Schreinemakers’ rule (see Sections 7.3 and 7.7.1), for ternary tie-triangles is illustrated in Fig. 6.6 at points a and b. At each corner of the tie-triangle, the extension of the boundaries of the single-phase regions, indicated by the broken lines, must either both project into the triangle as at point a, or must both project outside the triangle as at point b. Furthermore, the angle between the boundaries must not be greater than 180°. Another important rule of construction, whose proof is evident, is that within any two-phase region, tie-lines must never cross one another. It should also be noted that equations analogous to Eqs. (5.6), (5.7) may be written relating the activities of a component at the two ends of a two-phase tie-line. 6.5 Ternary Isopleths (Constant Composition Sections) A vertical isopleth, or constant composition section, through the space model of the Bi-Sn-Cd system, is shown in Fig. 6.7. The section follows the line AB in Fig. 6.1. The phase fields in Fig. 6.7 indicate the phases that are present when an alloy with an overall composition on the line AB is equilibrated at any temperature. For example, consider the cooling, from the liquid state, of an alloy of composition a that is on the line AB (see Fig. 6.1). At T 465 K, precipitation of the solid (Cd) phase begins at point a in Fig. 6.7. At T 435 K (point b in Figs. 6.1 and 6.7), the solid (Sn) phase begins to appear. Finally, at the eutectic temperature TE, the ternary eutectic reaction (Eq. 6.2) occurs, leaving solid (Cd) + (Bi) + (Sn) at lower temperatures. The intersection of the isopleth with the univariant lines in Fig. 6.1 occurs at points f and g that are also shown in Fig. 6.7. The intersection of this isopleth with the isothermal section at 423 K is shown in Fig. 6.5. The points s, t, u, and v of Fig. 6.5 are also shown in Fig. 6.7. 95 96 Chapter 6 TERNARY TEMPERATURE-COMPOSITION PHASE DIAGRAMS Fig. 6.7 Isopleth (constant composition section) of the Bi-Sn-Cd system at P ¼ 1 bar following the line AB of Fig. 6.1. (Extents of solid solubility in the terminal solid solutions have been exaggerated for clarity of presentation.) (Pelton, 2014). It is important to note that on an isopleth, the tie-lines do not, in general, lie in the plane of the diagram. Therefore, the diagram provides information only on which phases are present, not on their compositions or relative proportions. The phase boundary lines on an isopleth do not in general indicate the compositions or relative proportions of the phases but only the temperature at which a phase appears or disappears for a given overall composition. The lever rule cannot be applied on an isoplethal section. An isoplethal section of the Zn-Mg-Al system at 10 mol% Zn is shown in Fig. 1.3A. The liquidus surface of the diagram may be compared with the liquidus surface along the line where XZn ¼ 0.1 in Fig. 6.4 and to the section at XZn ¼ 0.1 in the isothermal section at 25°C in Fig. 1.2. Point p on the two-phase (tau + gamma) field in Fig. 1.3A at 25°C corresponds to point p in Fig. 1.2 where the equilibrium compositions of the gamma and tau phases are given by the ends of the tie-line. These individual phase compositions cannot be read from Fig. 1.3A. The geometric rules that apply to isoplethal sections will be discussed in Chapter 7. 6.5.1 Quasibinary Phase Diagrams The binary CaO-SiO2 phase diagram in Fig. 5.10 is actually an isopleth of the ternary Ca-Si-O system along the line nO ¼ (nCa +2nSi). However, all tie-lines in Fig. 5.10 lie within (or virtually Chapter 6 TERNARY TEMPERATURE-COMPOSITION PHASE DIAGRAMS 97 within) the plane of the diagram because nO ¼ (nCa +2nSi) in every phase. Therefore, the diagram is called a quasi-binary phase diagram. Similarly, the K2CO3-Na2CO3 phase diagram in Fig. 5.5 is a quasi-binary isoplethal section of the quaternary K-Na-C-O system. 6.6 First-Melting (Solidus) Projections of Ternary Systems Liquidus projections of phase diagrams of ternary and higherorder systems are commonly found in the literature. Solidus projections, on the other hand, are virtually never seen, and their interpretation has been systematically discussed only recently (Eriksson et al., 2013). The liquidus projection of the Zn-Mg-Al system was shown in Fig. 6.4. The solidus projection for this system is shown in Fig. 6.8. It can be seen that for each ternary eutectic point (E), ternary peritectic point (P), and ternary quasi-peritectic point (P0 ) on the liquidus projection in Fig. 6.4, there is a corresponding isothermal tie-triangle on the solidus projection, each labeled with the temperature of the invariant reaction. For example, at a temperature just below 471°C, a solid alloy with a composition within the Zn o T C hcp 0.9 0.1 Mg2 Zn11 630 0.8 0.2 351 0.7 0.3 Laves 580 0.6 0.4 449 33 7 c+ 34 8 0.8 0.7 47 0 460 GAMMA 0.6 330 fcc 48 0 392 0.2 0.1 0.9 380 71 0.9 Mg hcp Ta u4 0.8 H I MA + PGAM p c h + 430 38 0 0.7 i Ph 371 + 49 0 0.3 34 5 La ve s 37 0 0.6 u Ta 0.4 480 fc 0.5 0.5 Mg2 Zn3 Mg12 Zn13 530 366 451 0.5 4510.4 Beta0.3 Mole fraction 0.2 0.1 fcc Al Fig. 6.8 First-melting projection of the phase diagram of the Zn-Mg-Al system (temperature in °C) (Eriksson et al., 2013). 98 Chapter 6 TERNARY TEMPERATURE-COMPOSITION PHASE DIAGRAMS triangle labeled “fcc + Laves + Tau 471” will, at thermodynamic equilibrium, consist of these three phases. This alloy will first melt isothermally (peritectically in this case) at 471°C to form a liquid phase with a composition at the peritectic point labeled A in Fig. 6.4. (To prevent the diagram from becoming too crowded, only one other tie-triangle in Fig. 6.8 has been fully labeled.) Each isothermal tie-triangle in Fig. 6.8 is surrounded on every side by nonisothermal two-solid-phase regions containing isothermal tie-lines and is in contact at every corner with nonisothermal single-solid-phase regions similar to Fig. 6.6. In each two-solid-phase region of Fig. 6.8, an equilibrated solid alloy with overall composition on a tie-line will first start to melt at the temperature of the tie-line, at which temperature the two solid phases will have compositions at the ends of the tie-line. In the singlesolid-phase regions, the isotherms indicate the solidus temperatures. (Again, only a few of the tie-line temperatures have been labeled in Fig. 6.8 in order to prevent the diagram from becoming too crowded.) Note that although the single-solid-phase regions labeled MgZn, Mg2Zn3, Mg2Zn11, beta, and phi appear in Fig. 6.8 as lines, they are actually areas of very small but finite width. It can be seen that the solidus projection in Fig. 6.8 has a topology similar to that of an isothermal section of a ternary phase diagram as discussed in Section 6.4.1. The only difference is that the two-solid-phase and single-solid-phase regions in a solidus projection are not isothermal. An isothermal section of the Zn-Mg-Al system at 340°C (just below the lowest ternary eutectic temperature) is shown in Fig. 6.9. The topological similarity to Fig. 6.8 is evident, the only difference being the appearance in Fig. 6.9 of the binary miscibility gap in the fcc phase of the Al-Zn system whose consolute temperature of 350°C lies below the solidus. The fact that solidus projections and isothermal sections have similar topologies clearly results from the fact that a tietriangle in a solidus projection at an invariant temperature T0 is identical to the corresponding tie-triangle in an isothermal section at a temperature just below T0. In the Zn-Mg-Al system, as in the large majority of systems, the solidus projection shows the temperature at which a liquid phase first appears. That is, the solidus projection is a first-melting projection. However, in a few uncommon systems that contain a catatectic invariant or retrograde solid solubility, the solidus temperature at certain compositions may not be single-valued. Over limited composition ranges in such systems, the solidus projection and the first-melting projection will not be identical, and over these ranges, the topological rules just discussed do not apply. In these exceptional cases, it is preferable to plot the first-melting projection because it is always single-valued. Chapter 6 TERNARY TEMPERATURE-COMPOSITION PHASE DIAGRAMS hcp + Mg2Zn11 + fcc M g2 Zn 11 + La ve s + fcc La fcc v es La +f ve cc s + +f Tau Ta cc u + fc c 0.7 0.4 0.6 0.3 Laves Mg 2 Zn 3 0.2 0.8 Mg 2 Zn11 hcp 0.1 0.9 Zn 0.8 i Ph 0.2 fcc + fcc 0.7 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.5 Mg12 Zn13 Mg b a 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.1 fcc ma am G i + + hcp Ph Tau + fcc Gamma 0.6 0.5 0.4 + Be ta Beta0.3 Mole fraction 0.2 0.1 Al fcc Fig. 6.9 Isothermal section at 340°C of the Zn-Mg-Al phase diagram (Eriksson et al., 2013). These exceptions, as well as first-melting projections for quaternary and higher-order systems, are discussed by Eriksson et al. (2013). 6.7 6.7.1 Phase Diagram Projections in Quaternary and Higher-Order Systems Liquidus Projections A projection of the liquidus surface of the quaternary Mg-SrBa-Ca system at a constant Ca mole fraction XCa ¼ 0.25 is shown in Fig. 6.10. The axes of the triangle show the relative amounts of Mg, Sr, and Ba. Although this diagram resembles a liquidus projection of a ternary system, it is important to note that crystallization paths like those shown in Figs. 6.1 and 6.4 cannot be drawn on this diagram. That is, at any given composition, the diagram shows only the temperature at which the first solid phase precipitates. As solidification progresses, the liquidus composition no longer lies on the surface of Fig. 6.10 since the Ca content of the liquid is no longer XCa ¼ 0.25. 99 Chapter 6 TERNARY TEMPERATURE-COMPOSITION PHASE DIAGRAMS 0.4 fcc 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.3 0.7 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.9 Sr/(Mg + Sr + Ba) bcc 0.3 0.7 0 64 0.8 0 0.2 56 0 0 40 0.9 0 40 0 0.7 48 0.8 560 640 0.9 Mg/(Mg + Sr + Ba) 48 Laves C14 0.1 100 0.6 0.5 0.4 Mole fraction 0.3 0.2 0.1 Ba/(Mg + Sr + Ba) Fig. 6.10 Projection of the liquidus surface of the Mg-Sr-Ba-Ca phase diagram at constant XCa ¼ 0.25 (temperature in °C) (FactSage). The case is different for the liquidus projection of the quaternary MgO-Cr2O3-Al2O3-O2 system shown in Fig. 6.11 since, in this diagram, it is the partial pressure of the fourth component, rather than its composition, that is held constant. Hence, crystallization paths can be drawn on the diagram. Note that compositions read from the composition triangle give only the molar ratios MgO/ (MgO + Cr2O3 + Al2O3), Cr2O3/(MgO + Cr2O3 + Al2O3), and Al2O3/ (MgO + Cr2O3 + Al2O3) on the liquidus in the four-component system. However, the liquid may be deficient in oxygen. That is, some CrO may be present. From an experimental standpoint, the composition triangle gives the relative amounts of MgO, Cr2O3, and Al2O3 in an initial mixture of the three oxides that was subsequently equilibrated with air at higher temperatures (cf. Fig. 7.15). 6.7.2 Solidus Projections The first-melting (solidus) projection of the quaternary ZnMg-Al-Y system at a constant yttrium mole fraction XY ¼ 0.05 is shown in Fig. 6.12. This diagram shows the temperatures of first melting at thermodynamic equilibrium for alloys with an overall yttrium mole fraction XY ¼ 0.05. The axes of the diagram give the molar ratios Zn/(Zn + Mg + Al), Mg/(Zn + Mg + Al), and Al/(Zn + Mg + Al). Note that the compositions of the individual solid phases cannot be read directly from the figure. The regions labeled with temperatures in Fig. 6.12 are regions in which melting occurs Chapter 6 TERNARY TEMPERATURE-COMPOSITION PHASE DIAGRAMS 101 0.3 0.7 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.9 Cr2O3 0.6 o 0.5 0.5 00 0.4 22 M2O3(corundum) 0.4 22 00 2700 o Monoxide 210 0 o o o 0.9 o 23 00 o 2400 2500 2600 0.1 0.8 0.2 0.7 0.3 0.6 Spinel o 2000 MgO 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 o 0.1 0.2 Mole fraction Al2O3 Fig. 6.11 Projection of the liquidus surface of the MgO-Cr2O3-Al2O3-O2 system at constant pO2 ¼ 0.21 bar (temperature in °C) (FactSage). Zn 0.9 0.7 0.6 440 34 46 9 3 0.5 0.5 1 34 0.4 467 452 0.4 355 0.6 0.3 467 379 a b d 46 6 364 392 468 385 0.8 0.7 0.6 h f g e 0.5 0.4 447 0.3 0.9 531 0.2 0.8 363 476 468 c 0.7 0.9 0.3 429 353 3 48 0.1 0.2 0.8 360 8 48 1 37 Mg 348 0.1 a = Tau + Al3Y b = Tau + Al3Y + Al4MgY c = Tau + Al3Y + fcc d = Tau + Al3Y + Al4MgY + fcc e = Gamma + Al4MgY f = Gamma + Al4MgY + Phi g = Gamma + Al4MgY + Tau h = Gamma + Al4MgY + Phi + Tau 0.2 0.1 Al Moles/(Zn+Mg+Al) Fig. 6.12 First-melting projection of the phase diagram of the Zn-Mg-Al-Y system at constant mole fraction of yttrium, XY ¼ 0.05 (temperature in °C) (Eriksson et al., 2013). 102 Chapter 6 TERNARY TEMPERATURE-COMPOSITION PHASE DIAGRAMS isothermally by an invariant reaction involving four solid phases. All other regions of the diagram are nonisothermal. The isotherms within these regions indicate the temperatures of first melting of alloys with one, two, or three solid phases at equilibrium. (Note that these are not tie-lines.) In order to prevent the diagram from becoming too crowded, only a few regions have been labeled. Just as ternary first-melting projections consist of the same structural units as ternary isothermal sections (see Section 6.6), quaternary and higher-order first-melting projections consist of the same structural units as quaternary and higher-order isothermal sections. See Eriksson et al. (2013) for a discussion. References Bray, H.F., Bell, F.D., Harris, S.J., 1961-1962. J. Inst. Met. 90, 24. Eriksson, G., Bale, C.W., Pelton, A.D., 2013. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 67, 63–73. Pelton, A.D., 2014. Laughlin, D.E., Hono, K. (Eds.), Physical Metallurgy. fifth ed. ch. 3. Elsevier, NY. List of Websites FactSage, Montreal, 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS CHAPTER OUTLINE 7.1 Corresponding Potentials and Extensive Variables 104 7.2 The Law of Adjoining Phase Regions 105 7.3 Nodes in Phase Diagram Sections 107 7.4 Zero Phase Fraction Lines 108 7.4.1 General Algorithm to Calculate Any Phase Diagram Section 109 7.5 Choice of Variables to Ensure That Phase Diagram Sections are Single-Valued 110 7.6 Corresponding Phase Diagrams 114 7.6.1 Enthalpy-Composition Phase Diagrams 117 7.7 The Thermodynamics of General Phase Diagram Sections 118 7.7.1 Schreinemakers’ Rule 122 7.8 Interpreting Phase Diagrams of Oxide Systems and Other Systems Involving Two or More Oxidation States of a Metal 122 7.9 Choice of Components and Choice of Variables 127 7.10 Phase Diagrams of Reciprocal Systems 128 7.11 Choice of Variables to Ensure Straight Tie-Lines 129 7.12 Other Sets of Corresponding Variable Pairs 130 7.13 Extension Rules for Polythermal Liquidus Projections 131 7.14 Phase Fraction Lines 131 References 131 List of Websites 131 Phase diagrams involving temperature and composition as variables were discussed in Chapters 5 and 6 for binary and ternary systems. In the present chapter, we shall discuss the geometry of general phase diagram sections involving these and other variables such as total pressure, chemical potentials, volume, and enthalpy for systems of any number of components. A few examples of such diagrams have already been shown in Figs. 1.1–1.7, 2.3, and 2.4. It will now be shown that all these phase diagrams, Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Modeling of Solutions. # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 103 104 Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS although seemingly quite different geometrically, actually all obey one simple set of geometric rules. The rules that will be developed apply to two-dimensional phase diagram sections in which two thermodynamic variables are plotted as axes, while other variables are held constant. We shall develop a set of sufficient conditions for the choice of axis variables and constants that ensure that the phase diagram section is single-valued, with each point on the diagram representing a unique equilibrium state. Although these rules do not apply directly to phase diagram projections such as in Figs. 6.1, 6.3, and 6.4, such diagrams can be considered to consist of portions of several phase diagram sections projected onto a common plane. A geometric rule specific to projections will be given in Section 7.13. Finally, since all single-valued phase diagram sections obey the same set of geometric rules, one single algorithm can be used for their calculation as will be demonstrated in Section 7.4.1. In Sections 7.1–7.6, we shall first present the geometric rules governing general phase diagram sections without giving detailed proofs. Rigorous proofs will follow in Sections 7.7 and 7.9. 7.1 Corresponding Potentials and Extensive Variables In a system with C components, we select the following (C + 2) thermodynamic potentials (intensive variables): T, P, μ1, μ2, … μC. For each potential, ϕi there is a corresponding extensive variable qi related by the equation: ϕi ¼ ð∂U=∂qi Þqj ðj6¼iÞ (7.1) The corresponding pairs of potentials and extensive variables are listed in Table 7.1. The corresponding pairs are found together in the terms of the fundamental equation, Eq. (2.9), and in the GibbsDuhem equation (Eq. 2.82). When a system is at equilibrium, the potential variables are the same for all phases (all phases are at the same T, P, μ1, μ2, …), but the extensive variables can differ from one phase to the next (the phases can all have different volumes, entropies, and compositions). In this regard, it is important to note the following. If the only variables that are held constant are potential variables, then the compositions of all phases will lie in the plane of the phase diagram section, and the lever rule may be applied. Some examples are found in Figs. 1.1, 1.2, and 1.5. However, if an extensive variable such as composition is held constant, then this is no Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS 105 Table 7.1 Corresponding Pairs of Potentials fi and Extensive Variables qi fi qi T S P V m1 n1 m2 n2 longer necessarily true as was discussed, for example, in Section 6.5 regarding isoplethal sections such as Figs. 1.3, 1.4, and 6.7. 7.2 The Law of Adjoining Phase Regions The following law of adjoining phase regions (Palatnik and Landau, 1956) applies to all single-valued phase diagram sections: as a phase boundary line is crossed, one and only one phase either appears or disappears. This law is clearly obeyed in any phase diagram section in which both axis variables are extensive variables such as Figs. 1.2, 1.3B, 1.4, and 6.5. When one axis variable is a potential, however, it may at first glance appear that the law is not obeyed for invariant lines. For instance, as the eutectic line is crossed in the binary Tcomposition phase diagram in Fig. 5.7, one phase disappears, and another appears. However, the eutectic line in this figure is not a simple phase boundary, but rather an infinitely narrow threephase region. This is illustrated schematically in Fig. 7.1 where L α+L α+β+L T α β+L β α+β A XB B Fig. 7.1 An isobaric temperature-composition phase diagram with the eutectic line “opened up” to show that it is an infinitely narrow three-phase region (Pelton, 2001). … … mC nC 106 Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS the three-phase region has been “opened up” to show that the region is enclosed by upper and lower phase boundaries that are coincident. In passing from the (β + L) to the (α + β) region, for example, we first pass through the (α + β + L) region. Hence, the law of adjoining phase regions is obeyed. The three-phase region is infinitely narrow because all three phases at equilibrium must be at the same temperature. Another example is seen in the isoplethal section in Fig. 6.7. At the ternary eutectic temperature, TE, there is an infinitely narrow horizontal fourphase invariant region (L + (Bi) + (Cd) + (Sn)). As yet another example, the y-axis of Fig. 1.5 is the chemical potential of oxygen which is the same in all phases at equilibrium. This diagram exhibits two infinitely narrow horizontal three-phase invariant regions. Similarly, if both axis variables are potentials, there may be several infinitely narrow univariant phase regions. For example, in the P-T diagram of Fig. 1.7A, all lines are infinitely narrow two-phase regions bounded on either side by coincident phase boundaries as shown schematically in Fig. 7.2 where all twophase regions have been “opened up.” The three-phase invariant triple point is then seen to be a degenerate three-phase triangle. Other examples of diagrams in which both axis variables are potentials are seen in Figs. 1.6, 2.3, and 2.4. All lines in Figs. 2.3 and 2.4 are infinitely narrow two-phase univariant regions. In Fig. 1.6, some lines are infinitely narrow threephase univariant regions, while others are simple phase boundaries. β α+β P β+γ α + β+ γ α α+β γ T Fig. 7.2 A P-T diagram in a one-component system “opened up” to show that the two-phase lines are infinitely narrow two-phase regions (Pelton, 2001). Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS 7.3 Nodes in Phase Diagram Sections All phase boundary lines in any single-valued phase diagram section meet at nodes where exactly four lines converge as illustrated in Fig. 7.3. N phases (α1, α2, … αN), where N 1, are common to all four regions. Two additional phases, β and γ, are disposed as shown in Fig. 7.3, giving rise to two (N + 1)-phase regions and one (N + 2)-phase region. At every node, the generalized Schreinemakers’ rule requires that the extensions of the boundaries of the N-phase region must either both lie within the (N + 1)-phase regions as in Fig. 7.3 or both lie within the (N + 2)-phase region. The generalized Schreinemakers’ rule will be proved in Section 7.7.1. An examination of Fig. 1.4, for example, reveals that all nodes involve exactly four boundary lines. Schreinemakers’ rule is illustrated on this figure by the dashed extensions of the phase boundaries at the nodes labeled a, b, and c and in Fig. 6.7 by the dashed extension lines at nodes f and g. For phase diagrams in which one or both axis variables are potentials, it might at first glance seem that fewer than four boundaries converge at some nodes. However, all nodes can still be seen to involve exactly four-phase boundary lines when all infinitely narrow phase regions are “opened up” as in Figs. 7.1 and 7.2. The extension rule illustrated in Fig. 6.6 for tie-triangles in ternary isothermal sections can be seen to be a particular case of Schreinemakers’ rule, as can the extension rules show in Fig. 5.14 for binary T-composition phase diagrams. Finally, an extension rule for triple points on P-T phase diagrams is illustrated in Fig. 1.7A; the extension of each univariant line must pass into the opposite bivariant region. This rule, which can be seen to apply to Figs. 2.3 and 2.4 as well, is also a particular case of Schreinemakers’ rule. (α1 + α2 + … + αn) (α1 + α2 + … + αn) +β p (α1 + α2 + … + αn) +γ (α1 + α2 + … + αn) +β+γ Fig. 7.3 A node in a general phase diagram section showing the zero-phasefraction lines of the b and g phases. Schreinemakers’ rule is obeyed (Pelton, 2001). 107 108 Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS An objection might be raised that a minimum or a maximum in a two-phase region in a binary temperature-composition phase diagram, as in Figs. 5.5, 5.10 and 5.11, represents an exception to Schreinemakers’ rule. However, the extremum in such cases is not actually a node where four-phase boundaries converge, but rather a point where two boundaries touch. Such extrema in which two-phase boundaries touch with zero slope may occur for a C-phase region in a phase diagram of a C-component system when one axis is a potential. For example, in an isobaric temperature-composition phase diagram of a four-component system, we may observe a maximum or a minimum in a fourphase region separating two three-phase regions. A similar maximum or minimum in a (C-n)-phase region, where n > 0, may also occur along particular composition paths. This will be discussed in more detail in Section 8.3. Other apparent exceptions to Schreinemakers’ rule (such as five boundaries meeting at a node) can occur in special limiting cases, for example if an isoplethal section of a ternary system passes exactly through a ternary eutectic composition. 7.4 Zero Phase Fraction Lines All phase boundaries on any single-valued phase diagram section are zero-phase-fraction (ZPF) lines, an extremely useful concept introduced by Morral and coworkers (Bramblett and Morral, 1984; Morral, 1984; Gupta et al., 1986) which is a direct consequence of the law of adjoining phase regions. There is one ZPF line associated with each phase. On one side of its ZPF line, the phase occurs, while on the other side, it does not, as illustrated by the colored lines in Fig. 1.4. There is a ZPF line for each of the five phases in Fig. 1.4. The five ZPF lines account for all the phase boundaries on the two-dimensional section. Phase diagram sections plotted on triangular coordinates as in Figs. 1.2 and 6.5 similarly consist of one ZPF line for each phase. With reference to Fig. 7.3, it can be seen that at every node, two ZPF lines cross each other. In the case of phase diagrams in which one or both axis variables are potentials, certain phase boundaries may be coincident as was discussed in Section 7.2. Hence, ZPF lines for two different phases may be coincident over part of their lengths as is illustrated in Fig. 7.4. In Figs. 2.3 and 2.4, every line on the diagrams is actually two coincident ZPF lines. Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS a 2800 Zero phase fraction lines α (abcd) Liquid (aecf) β (fbeg) Liquid Temperature (°C) 2600 Liquid + α e 2400 b L+β c Solid α 2200 f Solid β 2 Solids (α + β) 2000 1800 1600 g 0 MgO 0.2 0.4 0.6 Mole fraction XCaO 0.8 d 1 CaO Fig. 7.4 Binary T-composition phase diagram at P ¼ 1 bar of the MgO-CaO system showing zero-phase-fraction (ZPF) lines of the phases (Pelton, 2014). 7.4.1 General Algorithm to Calculate Any Phase Diagram Section Since all single-valued phase diagram sections obey the same geometric rules described in Sections 7.1–7.3, one single general algorithm can be used to calculate any phase diagram section thermodynamically. As discussed in Section 2.3, the equilibrium state of a system (i.e., the amount and composition of every phase) can be calculated for a given set of conditions (T, P, overall composition, chemical potentials, etc.) by software that minimizes the total Gibbs energy of the system, retrieving the thermodynamic data for each phase from databases. To calculate any phase diagram section, one first specifies the desired axis variables and their limits, as well as the constants of the diagram. The software then scans the four edges of the diagram, using Gibbs energy minimization to find the ends of each ZPF line. Next, each ZPF line is calculated and tracked from one end to the other using Gibbs energy minimization to determine the locus of points at which the phase is just on the verge of appearing. Should a ZPF line not intersect any edge of the diagram, it will be discovered by the program while it is tracing one of the other ZPF lines. When ZPF lines for all phases have been drawn, the diagram is complete. This is the algorithm used by the FactSage system software which 109 110 Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS has been used to calculate most of the phase diagrams shown in this book. In a ternary liquidus projection as in Fig. 6.4, the univariant lines are “double ZPF lines” along which the liquid is stable and two solid phases are also stable but present in zero amounts. The univariant lines can be calculated by a procedure similar to that used for calculating phase diagram sections except that temperature and composition must be varied simultaneously as the double ZPF lines are tracked across the diagram. A similar procedure is used to calculate first-melting projections as in Fig. 6.8. 7.5 Choice of Variables to Ensure That Phase Diagram Sections are Single-Valued In a system of C components, a two-dimensional phase diagram section is obtained by choosing two axis variables and holding (C 1) other variables constant. However, not every choice of variables will result in a single-valued phase diagram with a unique equilibrium state at every point. For example, on the PV diagram for H2O shown schematically in Fig. 7.5, at any point in the area where the (S + L) and (L + G) regions overlap, there are two possible equilibrium states of the system. Similarly, the diagram of S2 pressure versus the mole fraction of Ni at constant T and P in the Cu-Ni-S2 system in Fig. 7.6 exhibits a region in which there are two possible equilibrium states. P S+L L+G S+G V Fig. 7.5 Schematic P-V diagram for H2O. This is not a single-valued phase diagram section (Pelton, 2001). Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS 111 −15 log10p(S2)(bar) −15.5 Cu2S + Ni3S2 −16 fcc + Cu2S −16.5 fcc + Ni3S2 −17 −17.5 −18 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Mole fraction nNi/(nCu+nNi+nS2) Fig. 7.6 Equilibrium S2 pressure versus mole fraction of Ni in the Cu-Ni-S2 system at 427°C. This is not a single-valued phase diagram (Pelton, 2014). In order to ensure that a phase diagram section is single-valued at every point, the following procedure for the choice of variables is sufficient: (1) From each corresponding pair (ϕi and qi) in Table 7.1, select either ϕi or qi, but not both. At least one of the selected variables must be an extensive variable qi. (2) Define the size of the system as some function of the selected extensive variables. (Examples: (n1 + n2) ¼ constant, n2 ¼ constant, or V ¼ constant.) Then, normalize the chosen extensive variables. (3) The chosen potentials and normalized extensive variables are then the (C + 1) independent phase diagram variables. Two of these are selected as axes, and the others are held constant. Note that this procedure constitutes a set of sufficient (but not necessary) conditions for the diagram to be single-valued. That is, a diagram that violates these conditions may still be single-valued, but there is no assurance that this will be the case. The procedure is illustrated by the following examples. In each example, the selected variables, one from each conjugate pair, are underlined. 112 Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS System Fe-Mo (Fig. 1.1): P μFe μMo ϕi : T qi : S V nFe nMo Size: (nFe + nMo). Phase diagram variables: T, P, nMo/(nFe + nMo) ¼ XMo. System Fe-Cr-S2-O2 (Fig. 1.6): P μFe μCu μS2 μO2 ϕi : T qi : S V nFe nCu nS2 nO2 Size: (nFe + nCu). Phase diagram variables: T, P, μO2, μS2, nCr/(nFe + nCr). System Zn-Mg-Al isopleth (Fig. 1.3A): ϕi : T P μZn μMg μAl qi : S V nZn nMg nAl Size: (nMg + nAl). Phase diagram variables: T, P, nAl/(nMg + nAl), nZn/(nMg + nAl) ¼ XZn/ (1 XZn). System Fe-Cr-V-C (Fig. 1.4): ϕi : T P μFe μCr μV μC qi : S V mFe mCr mV mC Size: (mFe + mCr + mV + mC) ¼ m. Phase diagram variables: T, P, mC/m, mV/m, mCr/m. Note that it is permissible to replace the masses of the constituents in moles ni by the masses in other mass units mi. System Mg-Al-Ce-Mn-Y-Zn (Fig. 7.7): ϕi : T P μMg μAl μCe μMn μY μZn qi : S V mMg mAl mCe mMn mY mZn Size: (mMg + mAl + mCe + mMn + mY + mZn) ¼ m. Phase diagram variables: T, P, mMg/m, mAl/m, mCe/m, mMn/m, mY/m, mZn/m. System Al2SiO5 (Fig. 1.7B): P μAl2 SiO5 ϕi : T qi : S V nAl2 SiO5 Size: nAl2SiO5. Phase diagram variables: T, V/nAl2SiO5. Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS System Cu-Ni-S2 (Fig. 7.8): P μCu μNi μS2 ϕi : T qi : S V nCu nNi nS2 Size: (nCu + nNi). Phase diagram variables: T, P, μS2, nNi/(nCu + nNi). This choice of variables for the Cu-Ni-S2 system gives the single-valued phase diagram in Fig. 7.8. For the same system in Fig. 7.6, an incorrect choice of variables was made, leading to a diagram that is not single-valued. The x-axis variable of Fig. 7.6 contains the term nS2. That is, both variables (μS2 and nS2) of the same corresponding pair were selected, thereby violating the first selection rule. Similarly, the selection of both variables (P and V) from the same corresponding pair results in the diagram of Fig. 7.5 that is not single-valued. Similar examples of phase diagrams that are not single-valued have been presented by Hillert (1997). Other examples of applying the procedure for choosing variables will be given in Sections 7.8–7.10. In several of the phase diagrams in this chapter, log pi or RT In pi is substituted for μi as an axis variable or constant. From Eq. (3.7), it can be seen that this substitution can clearly be made if T is constant. However, even when T is an axis variable of the phase diagram as in Fig. 2.4, this substitution is still permissible since μoi is a monotonic function of T. The substitution of logpi (Mg) + (Mn) + Al2Y Liquid + (Mg) Liquid + (Mn,Al) 600 Temperature ( °C) Liquid Liquid + (Mn) Liquid + Al2Y + (Mg) + (Mn,Al) Liquid + (Mn,Al) + (Mg) + Al3Y Liquid + (Mn,Al) + (Mg) + Al4MgY 400 (Mg) + Al4MgY + (Mn,Al) + Al11Ce3 (Mg) + Al4MgY + (Mn,Al) + Gamma + Al11Ce3 200 (Mg) + Al3Y + (Mn,Al) + Gamma + Al11Ce3 0 0 4 8 12 Weight percent Al 16 20 Fig. 7.7 Isoplethal section of the Mg-Al-Ce-Mn-Y-Zn system at 0.05% Ce, 0.5% Mn, 0.1% Y, and 1.0% Zn (weight %) at P ¼ 1 bar (FactSage). 113 Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS 427°C −15 Cu2S + Ni3S2 log10p(S2) (bar) 114 fcc + Ni3S2 −16 fcc + Cu2S −17 fcc −18 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Molar ratio nNi/(nCu+nNi) 0.8 1 Fig. 7.8 Equilibrium S2 pressure versus molar ratio nNi/(nCu +nNi) in the Cu-Ni-S2 system at 427°C. This is a single-valued phase diagram (Pelton, 2014). or RT ln pi for μi results in a progressive expansion and displacement of the axis with increasing T that preserves the overall geometry of the diagram. 7.6 Corresponding Phase Diagrams If a potential axis, ϕi, of a phase diagram section is replaced by its normalized conjugate variable qi, then the new diagram and the original diagram may be said to be corresponding phase diagrams. An example is seen in Fig. 1.7, where the P-axis of Fig. 1.7A is replaced by the V-axis of Fig. 1.7B. Another example is shown in Fig. 7.9 for the Fe-O system. Placing corresponding diagrams beside each other as in Figs. 1.7 and 7.9 is useful because the information contained in the two diagrams is complementary. Note how the invariant triple points of one diagram of each pair correspond to the invariant lines of the other. Note also that as ϕi, increases, qi increases. That is, in passing from left to right at constant T across the two diagrams in Fig. 7.9, the same sequence of phase regions is encountered. This is a general result of the thermodynamic stability criterion that will be discussed in Section 7.7. A set of corresponding phase diagrams for a multicomponent system with components 1, 2, 3, …,C are shown in Fig. 7.10. The potentials ϕ4, ϕ5, … ϕC+2 are held constant. The size of the system (in the sense of Section 7.5) is q3. The invariant triple points of Liquid iron + liquid oxide Liquid iron 1900 Liquid iron Liquid oxide δ-Iron 1700 Temperature (K) Liquid oxide Wustite Wustite 1500 γ-Iron + Wustite 1300 1100 Wustite + Magnetite α-Iron + Wustite 900 α-Iron + Magnetite 700 0 γ-Iron Hematite + Magnetite 0.50 0.54 Magnetite α-Iron Hematite + Oxygen 0.58 Hematite 0.62 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 −1 RT ln pO2 (kJ mol ) Mole fraction XO Fig. 7.9 Corresponding T-XO and T (mO2 mOo2 ) phase diagrams of the Fe-O system. Data from Muan, A., Osborn, E.F., 1965. q1/q3 Phase Equilibria Among Oxides in Steelmaking. Addison Wesley, Reading, MA. (C) (D) β F1 α α (A) β q2/q3 (B) F2 Fig. 7.10 A corresponding set of phase diagrams for a C-component system when the potentials f4, f5, …, fC+2 are constant. From Pelton, A.D., Schmalzried, H., 1973. Metall. Trans. 4, 1395–1404. 116 Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS Fig. 7.10B correspond to the invariant lines of Fig. 7.10A and D and to the invariant tie-triangles of Fig. 7.10C. The critical points of Fig. 7.10B where the two-phase regions terminate correspond to the critical points of the “miscibility gaps” in Figs 7.10A, C, and D. A set of corresponding phase diagrams for the Fe-Cr-O2 system at T ¼ 1300°C are shown in Fig. 7.11. Fig. 7.11B is a plot of μCr versus μO2. Fig. 7.11A is similar to Fig. 1.5. Fig. 7.11C is a plot of nO/(nFe + nCr) versus nCr/(nFe + nCr) where the size of the system Fig. 7.11 Corresponding phase diagrams of the Fe-Cr-O2 system at 1300°C. From Pelton, A.D., Schmalzried, H., 1973. Metall. Trans. 4, 1395–1404. Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS is defined by (nFe + nCr). The coordinates of Fig. 7.11C are known as Ja€necke coordinates. Fig. 7.11C may be “folded up” to give the more familiar isothermal ternary section of Fig. 7.11D plotted on the equilateral composition triangle. 7.6.1 Enthalpy-Composition Phase Diagrams The T-composition phase diagram of the Mg-Si system is shown in Fig. 7.12A. A corresponding phase diagram could be constructed by replacing the T-axis by the molar entropy because (T,S) is a corresponding pair in Table 7.1, although such a diagram would not be of much practical interest. However, just as (dS/dT) > 0 at 1425 Liquid Temperature (°C) 1225 Liquid + Si 1025 Liquid + Mg2Si 825 Liquid + Mg2Si 625 Mg2Si + Si 425 Mg + Mg2Si 225 25 0 (A) 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Mole fraction XSi 2425°C 2025°C 5°C 222 Si 1625 1825°C °C C ° 1425 80 Liquid 70 60 50 Liquid + Mg 40 Liquid + Mg2Si 30 20 10 Liquid + Si Liquid + Mg2Si °C 25 12 Enthalpy (h - h25°C) (kJ mol-1) 90 (B) 0.2 Mg 10 25 ° C Liquid + Mg2Si + Si Liquid + Mg + Mg2Si Mg + Mg2Si 825°C 625°C Mg2Si + Si 425°C 225°C 0 Fig. 7.12 Corresponding T-composition and enthalpy-composition phase diagrams of the Mg-Si system at P ¼ 1 bar. The enthalpy axis is referred to the enthalpy of the system at equilibrium at 25°C (Pelton, 2014). 117 118 Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS constant P and composition, so also is (dH/dT) > 0. Hence, an H-composition phase diagram will have the same geometry as an S-composition diagram. (This will be demonstrated more rigorously in Section 7.12.) Fig. 7.12B is the enthalpy-composition phase diagram corresponding to the T-composition diagram of Fig. 7.12A. The y-axis is (h h25) where h25 is the molar enthalpy of the system in equilibrium at 25°C. Referencing the enthalpy to h25 slightly distorts the geometry of the diagram because h25 is a function of composition. In particular, the tie-lines are no longer necessarily perfectly straight lines. However, this choice of reference renders the diagram more practically useful since the y-axis variable then directly gives the heat that must be added or removed to heat or cool the system between 25°C and any temperature T. The isothermal lines shown in Fig. 7.12B are not part of the phase diagram but have been calculated and plotted to make the diagram more useful. It should be stressed that Fig. 7.12B is a phase diagram section obeying all the geometric rules of phase diagram sections discussed in Sections 7.1–7.4. It consists of ZPF lines and can be calculated using the same algorithm as for any other phase diagram section as discussed in Section 7.4.1. Note that the three-phase tie-triangles are isothermal. Another H-composition phase diagram is shown in Fig. 1.3B for the Zn-Mg-Al system along the isoplethal section where XZn ¼ 0.1. 7.7 The Thermodynamics of General Phase Diagram Sections This section provides a more rigorous derivation of the geometry of general phase diagram sections that was discussed in Sections 7.2–7.6. In Section 2.9.2, a general auxiliary function G0 was introduced. Let us now define an even more general auxiliary function, B, as follows: B¼U m X ϕi qi 0 m ðC + 2Þ (7.2) i¼1 where the ϕi and qi include all corresponding pairs in Table 7.1 (if m ¼ 0, then B ¼U). Following the same reasoning as in Section 2.9.2, we obtain for a system at equilibrium dB ¼ m X 1 qi dϕi + C +2 X m+1 ϕi dqi (7.3) Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS α β Coexistence f3 line β α f2 β α f1 Fig. 7.13 f1-f2-f3 surfaces of a and b phases in a C-component system when f4, f5, …, fC+2 are constant. Reprinted with permission from Hillert, M., 2008. Phase Equilibria, Phase Diagrams and Phase Transformations—Their Thermodynamic Basis, second ed. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. and the equilibrium state at constant ϕi (0 i m) and qi (m + 1 i C + 2) is approached by minimizing B: dBϕi ð0imÞ,qi ðm + 1iC + 2Þ 0 (7.4) Fig. 7.13 is a plot of the ϕ1-ϕ2-ϕ3 surfaces of two phases, α and β, in a C-component system when ϕ4, ϕ5, …, ϕC+2 are all held constant. For example, in a one-component system, Fig. 7.13 would be a plot of the P-T-μ surfaces. Let us now choose a pair of values ϕ1 and ϕ2 and derive the condition for equilibrium. Since all potentials except ϕ3 are now fixed, the appropriate auxiliary function, from Eqs. (7.2), (2.77) (see also Eqs. 2.80, 2.83), is B ¼ q3ϕ3. Furthermore, let us fix the size of the system by setting q3 constant. Then, from Eq. (7.4), the equilibrium state for any given pair of values of ϕ1 and ϕ2 is given by setting dB ¼ q3dϕ3, ¼ 0 that is by minimizing ϕ3. This is illustrated in Fig. 7.13 where the base plane of the figure is the ϕ1-ϕ2 phase diagram of the system at constant ϕ4, ϕ5 …, ϕC +2 (Hillert, 2008). For example, in a one-component system, if ϕ1, ϕ2, and ϕ3 are P, T, and μ, respectively, then the P-T phase diagram is given by minimizing μ, which is the molar Gibbs energy of the one-component system. Clearly therefore, a ϕ1-ϕ2 diagram at constant ϕ4, ϕ5, …, ϕC+2 is single-valued. As another example, consider the T μO2 phase diagram of the Fe-O system at constant hydrostatic pressure in Fig. 7.9. The potentials of the system are T, P, μO2, and μFe. At constant P and for any given values of T and μO2, the equilibrium state of the system is given by minimizing μFe. Similarly, the predominance 119 120 Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS diagram of the Cu-SO2-O2 system in Fig. 2.3 can be calculated by minimizing μCu. This can be shown to be equivalent to the procedure described in Section 2.4.3. A general ϕ1-ϕ2 phase diagram at constant ϕ4, ϕ5, …, ϕC+2 was shown in Fig. 7.10B. The size of the system is defined by fixing q3. We wish now to show that, when Fig. 7.10B is “opened up” by replacing ϕ2 by q2 to give the corresponding phase diagram in Fig. 7.10A, the sequence of phase regions encountered in moving horizontally across Fig. 7.10A is the same as in Fig. 7.10B. For example, when the two-phase (α + β) line in Fig. 7.10B is “opened” up to form the two-phase (α + β) region in Fig. 7.10A, the α and β phases remain on the left and right sides, respectively, of the two-phase region. We first derive the general thermodynamic stability criterion for a single-phase region. Imagine two bordering microscopic regions, I and II, within a homogeneous phase and suppose that a local fluctuation occurs in which an amount dqn > 0 of the extensive property qn is transferred from region I to region II at constant ϕi (0 i m) and constant qi (m + 1 i C + 2) where i 6¼ n. Suppose that, as a result of the transfer, ϕn increases in region I and decreases in region II, that is, that (dϕn/dqn) < 0. A potential gradient is thus set up with ϕIn > ϕnII. From Eq. (7.3), further transfer of qn from region I to II then results in a decrease in B: dB ¼ (ϕII ϕI) dqn < 0. From Eq. (7.4), equilibrium is approached by minimizing B. Hence, the fluctuation grows, with continual transfer from region I to region II. That is, the phase is unstable. Therefore, the criterion for a phase to be thermodynamically stable is dϕn =dqn > 0 (7.5) for any choice of constant ϕi or qi constraints (i 6¼ n). Since ϕn ¼ (∂ B/∂ qn), the stability criterion can also be written as 2 ∂ B=∂q2n ϕi ð0imÞ ,qi ðm + 1iC + 2Þ;i6¼n > 0 (7.6) An important example is illustrated in Fig. 5.6 for the solid phase of the Au-Ni system. In this case, the appropriate auxiliary function is the Gibbs energy, G. In the central composition regions of the Gibbs energy curves in Fig. 5.6, between the spinodal points indicated by the letter s, (∂2G/∂ n2Ni)T, P, nFe < 0. Hence, at compositions between the spinodal points, microscopic composition fluctuations will grow since this leads to a decrease in the total Gibbs energy of the system. Hence, the phase is unstable and phase separation can occur by spinodal decomposition. Other well-known examples of the stability criterion are (dT/dS) > 0 (entropy increases with temperature) and (dP/d( V)) > 0 (pressure increases with decreasing volume). Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS Returning now to Fig. 7.10, it can be seen from Eq. (7.5) that moving horizontally across a single-phase region in Fig. 7.10B corresponds to moving in the same direction across the same region in Fig. 7.10A. Furthermore, in the two-phase (α + β) region, suppose that ϕ2 is increased by an amount dϕ2 > 0 keeping all other potentials except ϕ3 constant, thereby displacing the system into the single-phase β region. From the Gibbs-Duhem equation, Eq. (2.82), dϕα3 ¼ ðq2 =q3 Þα dϕ2 and dϕβ3 ¼ ðq2 =q3 Þβ dϕ2 (7.7) where (q2/q3)α and (q2/q3)β are the values at the boundaries of the two-phase region. Since, as has just been shown, the equilibrium state is given by minimizing ϕ3, it follows that (7.8) d ϕβ3 ϕα3 =dϕ2 ¼ ðq2 =q3 Þα ðq2 =q3 Þβ < 0 Hence, the α-phase and β-phase regions lie to the left and right, respectively, of the (α + β) region in Fig. 7.10A, and so, Fig. 7.10A is single-valued. Since the stability criterion also applies when extensive variables are held constant, it can similarly be shown that when Fig. 7.10A is “opened up” by replacing the ϕ1 axis by q1/q3 to give Fig. 7.10A, the sequence of the phase regions encountered as the diagram is traversed vertically is the same as in Fig. 7.10A and that Fig. 7.10C is single-valued. Finally, it can be shown that the phase diagrams will remain single-valued if a constant ϕ4 is replaced by q4/q3. Fig. 7.10A, for example, is a section at constant ϕ4 through a three-dimensional ϕ1-ϕ4-(q2/q3) diagram that may be “opened up” by replacing ϕ4 by (q4/q3) to give a ϕ1-(q4/q3)-(q2/q3) diagram that is necessarily single-valued because of the stability criterion. Hence, sections through this diagram at constant (q4/q3) will also be single-valued. Consider now the node in a general phase diagram section shown in Fig. 7.3. At any point on either phase boundary of the (α1 + α2 + … + αN) region, one additional phase, β or γ, becomes stable. Since there is no thermodynamic reason why more than one additional phase should become stable at exactly the same point, the law of adjoining phase regions (Section 7.2) is evident. These phase boundaries intersect at the node, below which there must clearly be a region in which β and γ are simultaneously stable. If the x-axis of the diagram is an extensive variable, then this region will have a finite width since there is no thermodynamic reason for the β-phase to become unstable at exactly the same point that the γ-phase becomes stable. It then follows that exactly four 121 122 Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS boundaries meet at a node. Of course, if the x-axis is a potential variable, then the two-phase boundaries of the (α1 + α2 + … + αN + β + γ) region will necessarily be coincident. 7.7.1 Schreinemakers’ Rule Schreinemakers’ rule (Schreinemakers, 1915; Pelton 1995), which was discussed in Section 7.3, will now be proved for the general case. Consider the point p in Fig. 7.3 that lies in the (α1 + α2 + … + αN + γ) region arbitrarily close to the node. If precipitation of γ was prohibited by kinetic constraints, point p would lie in the (α1 + α2 + … + αN + β) region since it lies below the dashed extension of the phase boundary line as shown on the figure. Let B be the appropriate auxiliary function. If precipitation of γ is prohibited, then dB/dnβ < 0, where dnβ is the amount of β-phase (of fixed composition) that precipitates. That is, precipitation of β decreases B. If γ is permitted to precipitate, then precipitation of β is prevented. Therefore, d dB >0 (7.9) dnγ dnβ Since the order of differentiation does not matter, d dB >0 dnB dnγ (7.10) Hence, the extension of the other boundary of the (α1 + α2 + … + αN) region must pass into the (α1 + α2 + … + αN + β) region as shown in Fig. 7.3. Similarly, it can be shown that if the extension of one boundary of the (α1 + α2 + … + αN) region passes into the (α1 + α2 + … + αN + β + γ) region, then so must the extension of the other (Pelton, 1995). It was shown in Section 6.6 that solidus projections have the same topology as isothermal sections. Hence, Schreinemakers’ rule also applies to the tie-triangles of solidus projections. 7.8 Interpreting Phase Diagrams of Oxide Systems and Other Systems Involving Two or More Oxidation States of a Metal Three-phase diagrams for the Fe-Si-O2 system are shown in Figs. 7.14–7.16. Diagrams of these types are often a source of confusion. Fig. 7.14 is often called the “phase diagram of the Fe3O4-SiO2 system.” However, it is not a binary phase diagram nor is it a quasi-binary phase diagram. Rather, it is an isoplethal section Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS 2000 Temperature (°C) 1800 2 Liquids Liquid 1600 Liquid + SiO2 (cristobalite) Liquid + Spinel 1400 Liquid + SiO2 (tridymite) Liquid + Spinel + SiO2 1200 Spinel + SiO2 + Fe2SiO4 1000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Molar ratio SiO2/(Fe3O4+SiO2) Fig. 7.14 Isoplethal section across the Fe3O4-SiO2 join of the Fe-Si-O2 system (P ¼ 1 bar) (Pelton, 2014). 2000 Temperature (°C) 1800 Liquid 2 Liquids Liquid + SiO2 (cristobalite) 1600 Liquid + SiO2 (tridymite) Spinel + Liquid Spinel + SiO2 1400 1200 SiO2 + Fe2O3 1000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Molar ratio SiO2/(Fe2O3+SiO2) Fig. 7.15 “Fe2O3-SiO2 phase diagram in air” (pO2 ¼ 0.21 bar) (Pelton, 2014). across the Fe3O4-SiO2 join of the Fe-Si-O2 composition triangle. As with any isoplethal section, tie-lines in Fig. 7.14 do not necessarily lie in the plane of the diagram. That is, the x-axis gives only the overall composition of the system, not the compositions of individual phases. In general, the lever rule does not apply. In the scheme of Section 7.5, Fig. 7.14 is described as follows: P μFe3 O4 μSiO2 μO2 ϕi : T qi : S V nFe3 O4 nSiO2 nO2 123 Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS Size: (nFe3O4 + nSiO2) Phase diagram variables: T, P, nSiO2/(nFe3O4 + nSiO2), nO2/(nFe3O4 + nSiO2), with nO2/(nFe3O4 + nSiO2) ¼ 0. Note that the components have been defined judiciously as Fe3O4-SiO2-O2 rather than Fe-Si-O2. While this is not necessary, it clearly simplifies the description. Fig. 7.15 is often called the “Fe2O3-SiO2 phase diagram at constant pO2.” This diagram is actually a ternary section along a constant pO2 line as shown schematically in Fig. 7.17. Note that the position of this line for any give pO2 will vary with temperature. At lower temperatures, the line approaches the Fe2O3-SiO2 join. Since pO2 is the same in all phases at equilibrium, the compositions of all phases and the overall composition lie along the constant pO2 line. Hence, Fig. 7.15 has the same topology as binary T-composition phase diagrams. All tie-lines lie in the plane of the diagram as illustrated in Fig. 7.17, and the lever rule applies. In the scheme of Section 7.5, Fig. 7.15 is described as P μFe2 O3 μSiO2 μO2 ϕi : T qi : S V nFe2 O3 nSiO2 nO2 Size: (nFe2O3 + nSiO2) Phase diagram variables: T, P, nSiO2/(nFe2O3 + nSiO2), μO2. 2000 Liquid oxide + Fe(liq) 1800 2 Liquid oxides 1600 Temperature (°C) 124 Liquid oxide + Fe(liq) + SiO2 (cristobalite) Liquid oxide + Fe(δ) + SiO2 (cristobalite) Liquid oxide + Fe(δ) 1400 1200 Liquid oxide + Fe(δ) + SiO2 (tridymite) Liquid oxide + Fe(γ) Monoxide + Liquid oxide + Fe(γ) Liquid oxide + Fe(γ) + SiO2 (tridymite) Fe2SiO4 + Fe(γ) + SiO2 (tridymite) Monoxide + Fe2SiO4 + Fe(γ) 1000 Fe2SiO4 + Fe(α) + SiO2 (tridymite) 800 Monoxide + Fe2SiO4 + Fe(α) Fe(α) + Fe2SiO4 + SiO2 (high quartz) 600 Spinel + Fe2SiO4 + Fe(α) 400 0 0.2 Fe(α) + Fe2SiO4 + SiO2 (low quartz) 0.4 0.6 0.8 Molar ratio SiO2/(FeO+SiO2) Fig. 7.16 “FeO-SiO2 phase diagram at Fe saturation” (Pelton, 2014). 1 Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS O2 Fe2O3 SiO2 Fe3O4 PO2 = 0.21 bar FeO Tie-line Fe Si Fig. 7.17 Constant pO2 line in the Fe-Si-O2 system illustrating the construction and interpretation of Fig. 7.15 (Pelton, 2014). The phase boundary lines in Fig. 7.15 give the ratio nSiO2/ (nFe2O3 + nSiO2) in the individual phases of the Fe2O3-SiO2-O2 system at equilibrium. However, they do not give the total composition of the phases that may be deficient in oxygen. That is, some of the Fe may be present in a phase as FeO. Fig. 7.15 may also be visualized as a projection of the equilibrium phase boundaries from the O2-corner of the composition triangle onto the Fe2O3-SiO2 join as illustrated in Fig. 7.17. From an experimental standpoint, the x-axis of Fig. 7.15 represents the relative amounts of an initial mixture of Fe2O3 and SiO2 that was charged into an apparatus at room temperature and that was subsequently equilibrated with air at higher temperatures. Fig. 7.16 is often called the “FeO-SiO2 phase diagram at Fe saturation.” Usually, this diagram is drawn without indicating the presence of Fe in each phase field, although metallic Fe is always present as a separate phase. The horizontal lines in Fig. 7.16 that indicate the allotropic transformation temperatures and melting point of Fe are also generally not drawn. Diagrams such as Fig. 7.16 are best regarded and calculated as isoplethal sections with excess Fe. Fig. 7.16 was calculated by the following scheme: P μFeO μSiO2 μFe ϕi : T qi : S V nFeO nSiO2 nFe 125 Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS Size: (nFeO + nSiO2) Phase diagram variables: T, P, nSiO2/(nFeO + nSiO2), nFe/(nFeO + nSiO2) with nFe/(nFeO + nSiO2) ¼ 0.0001. That is, the components of the system have been defined as FeO, SiO2, and Fe with a sufficient excess of Fe so as to always give a metallic phase at equilibrium. Note that the phase boundary compositions in Fig. 7.16 give only the ratio nSiO2/(nFeO + nSiO2) in each phase but not the total compositions of the phases which may contain an excess or a deficit of iron relative to the FeO-SiO2 join. In this system, the solubility of Si in Fe is very small and so has a negligible effect on the phase diagram. However, in other systems such as Fe-Zn-O2, the metallic phase at equilibrium could even contain more Zn than Fe, depending upon the conditions. As a final example, consider the isothermal section of the Pb-PbO-ZnO-Fe3O4-SiO2-CaO system at Pb-saturation shown in Fig. 7.18. The scheme for this diagram is ϕi : T P μPb μPbO μZnO μFe3 O4 μSiO2 μCaO qi : S V mPb mPbO mZnO mFe3 O4 mSiO2 mCaO Size: (mPbO + mZnO + mFe3O4 + mSiO2 + mCaO) ¼ m Phase diagram variables: T, P, μPb, mCaO/m, mSiO2/m, mPbO/ mZnO, mPbO/mFe3O4. PbO/ZnO=6.52 PbO+ZnO+Fe3O4 PbO/Fe3O4=3.60 10 Lead saturation L+S+Z 5 3O 4 D=α'Ca2SiO4 Zn O+ Fe 90 C=lime L+D+Z 85 +Z L+C+D O+ Pb % M=melilite L+S 20 L L+M 80 SiO L+C Z=zincite 10 95 % Wt 80 L=liquid S=spinel L+Z L+C+Z 90 Wt 95 D L+ L+C+D 75 L+D+M 126 90 10 20 Wt % CaO Fig. 7.18 Isothermal section of the Pb-PbO-ZnO-Fe3O4-SiO2-CaO system at Pb-saturation at 1150°C. Curves are phase fraction lines (in weight %) of the liquid phase ( Jak et al., 2000). Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS Since the saturating metallic phase is nearly pure liquid Pb, it is a sufficiently good approximation to plot the diagram at a constant activity of Pb of 1.0. The “phase fraction lines” in Fig. 7.18 are discussed in Section 7.14. 7.9 Choice of Components and Choice of Variables As was discussed in Chapter 3, the components of a given system may be defined in different ways. A judicious selection can simplify the choice of variables for a phase diagram as has just been illustrated in Section 7.8. As another example, the selection of variables for the isothermal log pSO2-log pO2 phase diagram of the Cu-SO2-O2 system in Fig. 2.3 according to the scheme of Section 7.5 is clearly simplified if the components are formally selected as Cu-SO2-O2 rather than, for example, as Cu-S-O. In certain cases, different choices of variables can result in different phase diagrams. For the same system as in Fig. 2.3, suppose that we wish to plot an isothermal predominance diagram with log pSO2 as y-axis but with log aCu as the x-axis. The gas phase will consist principally of O2, S2, and SO2 species. As the composition of the gas phase varies at constant total pressure from pure O2 to pure S2, the partial pressure of SO2 passes through a maximum where the gas phase consists mainly of SO2. Therefore, for the phase diagram to be single-valued, the log pSO2 axis must encompass gaseous mixtures that consist mainly either of (O2 + SO2) or of (SO2 + S2), but not both. Let us define the components as Cu-SO2O2 and choose the phase diagram variables as follows: P μCu μSO2 μO2 ϕi : T qi : S V nCu nSO2 nO2 Size: nO2 Phase diagram variables: T, P, μCu, μSO2, nO2. As pSO2 increases at constant T, P, and nO2, pO2 decreases, while pS2 always remains small. The phase diagram then essentially encompasses only the Cu-SO2-O2 subsystem of the Cu-S2-O2 system. A phase field for Cu2O will appear on the diagram, for example, but there will be no field for Cu2S. If, on the other hand, we choose the components as Cu-SO2-S2 with the size of the system defined as nS2 ¼ constant, then pS2 varies along the pSO2 axis, while pO2 always remains small. The phase diagram then encompasses only the Cu-SO2-S2 subsystem. A phase field for Cu2S appears, but there will be no field for Cu2O. 127 Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS This example serves to illustrate again how the procedure for choosing variables given in Section 7.5 provides sufficient conditions for a phase diagram to be single-valued. 7.10 Phase Diagrams of Reciprocal Systems A phase diagram section at T ¼ 750°C and P ¼ 1.0 bar of the reciprocal salt system NaCl-CaCl2-NaF-CaF2 is shown in Fig. 7.19. A reciprocal salt system is one consisting or two or more cations and two or more anions. Since excess Na, Ca, F, and Cl are virtually insoluble in the ionic salts, this system is, to a very close approximation, a quasi-ternary isoplethal section of the Na-CaCl-F system in which ðnF + nCl Þ ¼ ð2nCa + nNa Þ (7.11) That is, the total cationic charge is equal to the total anionic charge. The compositions of all phases lie in the plane of the diagram and so the lever rule applies. The corners of the composition square in Fig. 7.19 represent the pure salts, while the edges of the square represent compositions in common-ion quasi-binary systems. The choice of phase CaF2 NaF 1 Liquid + NaF + CaF2 Liquid + NaF 2 Ca 2 Liquid + CaF2 aC ls .s )+ Li qu id qu 0.4 (NaCl s.s) Li )+ + Liquid .s ls aC (N 0.2 C + Liq u aF + F id 0.6 Liquid + CaF2 (NaCl s.s) + CaF2 id 0.8 Molar ratio F/(F+Cl) Liquid (N 128 (NaCl s.s) + Liquid 0 0 NaCl 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 CaCl2 Molar ratio 2Ca/(F+Cl) = 2Ca/(2Ca + Na) Fig. 7.19 Phase diagram at T ¼ 750°C and P ¼ 1 bar of the reciprocal system NaCl-CaCl2-NaF-CaF2 (FactSage). Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS diagram variables is most simply formulated using the procedure of Section 7.5, as follows: P μNa μCa μF μCl ϕi : T qi : S V nNa nCa nF nCl Size: (nF + nCl) ¼ (2nCa + nNa) Phase diagram variables: T , P,nF =ðnF + nCl Þ,2nCa =ð2nCa + nNa Þ, ð2nCa + nNa Þ=ðnF + nCl Þ ¼ 1 The axis variables of Fig. 7.19 are sometimes called “charge equivalent ionic fractions” in which the number of moles of each ion is weighted by its absolute charge. Note that if Na, Ca, F, or Cl were actually significantly soluble in the salts, the diagram could still be plotted as in Fig. 7.19, but it would then no longer be a quasi-ternary section, and tie-lines would not necessarily lie in the plane of the diagram nor would the lever rule apply. 7.11 Choice of Variables to Ensure Straight Tie-Lines Fig. 7.19 could have been drawn with the axis variables chosen instead as nF/(nF +nCl) and nCa/(nCa +nNa), that is as molar ionic fractions rather than charge equivalent ionic fractions. In this case, the diagram would be a distorted version of Fig. 7.19 but would still be a valid phase diagram obeying all the geometric rules. However, tie-lines in two-phase regions would no longer be straight lines. That is, a straight line joining the compositions of two phases at equilibrium would not pass through the overall composition of the system. It is clearly desirable from a practical standpoint that tie-lines be straight. It can be shown, through simple mass balance considerations (Pelton and Thompson, 1975), that the tie-lines of a phase diagram in which both axes are composition variables will only be straight lines if the denominators of the two composition variable ratios are the same. This is the case in Fig. 7.19 where the denominators are the same because of the condition of Eq. (7.11). For another example, see Fig. 7.10C. It can thus be appreciated that the procedure of Section 7.5 provides a sufficient condition for tie-lines to be straight by the stratagem of normalizing all composition variables with respect to the same system “size.” It can also be shown (Pelton and Thompson, 1975) that ternary phase diagram sections plotted on a composition triangle always have straight tie-lines. 129 130 Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS 7.12 Other Sets of Corresponding Variable Pairs The set of corresponding variable pairs in Table 7.1 is only one of several possible sets. Substituting S from Eq. (2.78) into the Gibbs-Duhem equation, Eq. (2.82), and rearranging terms yield X (7.12) Hdð1=T Þ ðV =T ÞdP + ni d ðμi =T Þ ¼ 0 Hence, another set of corresponding variable pairs is that given in Table 7.2. With this set of conjugate variable pairs replacing those in Table 7.1, the same procedure as described in Section 7.5 can be used to choose variables to construct single-valued phase diagrams. For example, the procedure for the H-composition phase diagram in Fig. 7.12B is as follows: P μMg =T μSi =T ϕi : 1=T nSi qi : H V =T nMg Size: (nMg + nSi) Phase diagram variables: H, P, nMg/(nMg + nSi). This demonstrates that Fig. 7.12B is, in fact, a single-valued phase diagram. Although in this particular case, an S-composition phase diagram would also be single-valued, and very similar in form to Fig. 7.12B, H cannot simply be substituted for S in Table 7.1 in all cases. Many other sets of conjugate variable pairs can be obtained through appropriate thermodynamic manipulation. The set shown in Table 7.2 and many other such sets have been discussed by Hillert (1997). For example, (A/T,T/P), (TU/P,1/T), and (μi/T, ni) are one such set. In conjunction with the selection rules of Section 7.5, all these sets of conjugate pairs can be used to construct single-valued phase diagram sections. However, such diagrams would probably be of very limited practical utility. Table 7.2 Other Corresponding Pairs of Potentials fi and Extensive Variables qi fi qi 1/T H P V/T m1/T n1 m2/T n2 … … mC/T nC Chapter 7 GENERAL PHASE DIAGRAM SECTIONS 7.13 Extension Rules for Polythermal Liquidus Projections An extension rule for the univariant lines on polythermal projections is illustrated in Fig. 6.4 at point A. At any intersection point of three univariant lines, the extension of each univariant line passes between the other two. The proof, although straightforward, is rather lengthy and so will not be reproduced here. 7.14 Phase Fraction Lines In Section 7.4, the concept of zero-phase-fraction lines was introduced. It is often of practical interest to plot phase fraction lines for fractions other than zero. As an example, in Fig. 7.18, 95%, 90%, etc. phase fraction lines for the liquid phase are shown. For instance, along the 80% phase fraction line, 20% (by weight) of the system is in the solid state. For a discussion of phase fraction lines, see Bramblett and Morral (1984). References Bramblett, T.R., Morral, J.E., 1984. Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams 5, 433. Gupta, H., Morral, J.E., Nowotny, H., 1986. Scr. Metall. 20, 889–894. Hillert, M., 1997. J. Phase Equilib. 18, 249–263. Hillert, M., 2008. Phase Equilibria, Phase Diagrams and Phase Transformations— Their Thermodynamic Basis, second ed. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. Jak, E., Decterov, S.A., Zhao, B., Pelton, A.D., Hayes, P.C., 2000. Metall. Mater. Trans. 31B, 621–630. Morral, J.E., 1984. Scripta Metall. 18, 407–410. Muan, A., Osborn, E.F., 1965. Phase Equilibria Among Oxides in Steelmaking. Addison Wesley, Reading, MA. Palatnik, L.S., Landau, A.I., 1956. Zh. Fiz. Khim. 30, 2399. Pelton, A.D., Schmalzried, H., 1973. Metall. Trans. 4, 1395–1404. Pelton, A.D., 1995. J. Phase Equilib. 16, 501–503. Pelton, A.D., 2001. In: Kostorz, G. (Ed.), Phase Transformations in Materials. Wiley, Weinheim (Chapter 1). Pelton, A.D., 2014. Laughlin, D.E., Hono, K. (Eds.), Physical Metallurgy. fifth ed. (Chapter 3). Elsevier, New York. Pelton, A.D., Thompson, W.T., 1975. Prog. Solid State Chem. 10, 119–155. Schreinemakers, F.A.H., 1915. Proc. K. Akad. Wet. 18, 116. Amsterdam (Section of Sciences). List of Websites FactSage, Montreal, 131 8 EQUILIBRIUM AND SCHEIL-GULLIVER SOLIDIFICATION CHAPTER OUTLINE 8.1 Equilibrium Solidification 133 8.2 General Nomenclature for Invariant and Other Reactions 8.3 Quasi-Invariant Reactions 135 8.4 Nonequilibrium Scheil-Gulliver Solidification 136 8.5 Scheil-Gulliver Constituent Diagrams 137 8.5.1 Binary Systems 137 8.5.2 Ternary Systems 140 8.5.3 Topology and Calculation of Scheil-Gulliver Constituent Diagrams 147 References 148 List of Websites 148 8.1 134 Equilibrium Solidification The course of equilibrium solidification can be followed through the use of isoplethal sections, such as that for the six-component Mg alloy shown in Fig. 7.7. Polythermal liquidus projections are also useful in this respect. Consider an alloy with composition 80 mol% Mg, 15% Al, and 5% Zn at point B in Fig. 6.4. As this alloy is cooled at equilibrium, solid hcp Mg begins to precipitate at the liquidus temperature that is just below 500°C. The liquid composition then follows the crystallization path shown in Fig. 6.4 until it attains a composition on the univariant line. The liquid composition then follows the univariant line toward the point P0 with coprecipitation of hcp and the gamma phase. (For a discussion of equilibrium crystallization paths, see Section 6.3.) At point P0, a quasi-peritectic reaction occurs. All the foregoing information can be deduced from Fig. 6.4. However, from this diagram alone, it is not possible to Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Modeling of Solutions. # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 133 Chapter 8 EQUILIBRIUM AND SCHEIL-GULLIVER SOLIDIFICATION 100 80 Mass percent 134 uid Liq 60 40 hc Gamma 20 0 p Phi 300 350 400 450 500 550 Temperature (°C) Fig. 8.1 Calculated amounts of phases present during equilibrium cooling of an alloy of composition 85 mol% Mg, 15% Al, and 5% Zn (point B in Fig. 6.4) (see FactSage). determine the amounts and compositions of the various phases at equilibrium because the extent of the solid solutions is not shown nor, for the same reason, is it possible to determine whether solidification is complete at the point P0 or whether the liquid persists to lower temperatures. However, with thermodynamic calculations, this information is readily obtained. Software is available, with tabular or graphic display, to calculate the amounts and compositions of every phase during equilibrium solidification and to display the sequence of reactions during solidification. In the current example, the reaction sequence, calculated using the FactSage software and databases, is Liq: ! hcp 498 405° C, bivariant Liq: ! hcp + γ 405 364° C, univariant γ + Liq: ! ϕ + hcp 364° C, invariant The solidification is calculated to terminate at 364 °C with complete consumption of the liquid by the quasi-peritectic reaction. A graphic display of the calculated amounts of all phases during equilibrium cooling is shown in Fig. 8.1. 8.2 General Nomenclature for Invariant and Other Reactions As discussed in Section 5.13, in a binary isobaric temperaturecomposition phase diagram, there are two possible types of Chapter 8 EQUILIBRIUM AND SCHEIL-GULLIVER SOLIDIFICATION invariant reactions: “eutectic type” (β ! α + γ) and “peritectic type” (α + γ ! β). In a ternary system, there are “eutectic-type” (α ! β + γ + δ), “peritectic-type” (α + β + γ ! δ), and “quasi-peritectic-type” (α + β ! γ + δ) invariants (Section 6.3). In a system of C components, the number of types of isobaric invariant reactions is equal to C. A reaction with one reactant, such as (α ! β + γ + δ), is clearly a “eutectic-type” invariant reaction, but in general, there is no standard terminology. These reactions may be conveniently described according to the numbers of reactants and products (in the direction that occurs upon cooling). Hence, the reaction (α + β ! γ + δ + ε) is a 2 ! 3 reaction, the reaction (α ! β + γ + δ) is a 1 ! 3 reaction, and so on. A similar terminology can be used for univariant, bivariant, and other isobaric reactions. For example, a 1 ! 2 reaction (α ! β + γ) is invariant in a binary system but univariant in a ternary system. The ternary peritectic-type 3 ! 1 reaction (α + β + γ ! δ) is invariant in a ternary system, univariant in a quaternary system, bivariant in a quinary system, etc. 8.3 Quasi-Invariant Reactions According to the Phase Rule, an invariant reaction occurs in a C-component system when (C + 1) phases are at equilibrium at constant pressure. Apparent exceptions are observed where an isothermal reaction occurs even though fewer than (C + 1) phases are present. However, these are just limiting cases. An example is shown in Fig. 5.5. A liquid with a composition exactly at the liquidus/solidus minimum in a binary system will solidify isothermally to give a single solid phase of the same composition. Similarly, at a maximum in a two-phase region in a binary system, the liquid solidifies isothermally to give a single solid phase, for example, at the congruent melting points of the β0 phase in Fig. 5.11 and of the Ca2SiO4 and CaSiO3 compounds in Fig. 5.10. Such maxima are also associated with congruently melting compounds in ternary and higher-order systems, for example, the compound η in Fig. 6.3. In a ternary system, a minimum point may be observed on a univariant line as shown in Fig. 8.2. In this hypothetical system, there are two solid phases: pure stoichiometric A and a solid solution of B and C in which A is only slightly soluble. The A-B and C-A binary subsystems thus have simple eutectic phase diagrams, while the B-C system resembles Fig. 3.1. A liquid with a composition at the minimum point m on the univariant line joining the two binary eutectic points e1 and e2 will solidify isothermally to give solid A and a solid solution of composition at point p. Point 135 Chapter 8 EQUILIBRIUM AND SCHEIL-GULLIVER SOLIDIFICATION A Tie-line 136 e1 B m p e2 C Solid solution Fig. 8.2 Liquidus projection of a system A-B-C with a minimum on the univariant line joining the binary eutectic points e1 and e2. Solid phases are stoichiometric A and a binary solid solution B-C (Pelton, 2014). m is a local liquidus minimum, but the isothermal solidification at point m is not a ternary eutectic reaction since the latter involves three solid phases. Similar quasi-invariant reactions can also occur at liquidus minima in higher-order systems. At point m in Fig. 8.2, the eutectic quasi-invariant reaction Liq ! α + β occurs isothermally. A line joining two binary peritectic points p1 and p2 in a ternary system can also pass through a minimum at which an isothermal peritectic quasi-invariant reaction occurs: Liq + α ! β. Another example of a quasi-invariant reaction occurs at saddle points such as the points s in Figs. 6.3 and 6.4. Saddle points occur at maxima on univariant lines. A ternary liquid with a composition exactly at a saddle point will solidify isothermally, at constant composition, to give the two solid phases with which it is in equilibrium. Higher-order saddle points can be found in systems where C 4. 8.4 Nonequilibrium Scheil-Gulliver Solidification During cooling of an alloy from the liquid state at complete thermodynamic equilibrium, all solid solution phases remain homogeneous through internal diffusion, and all peritectic reactions proceed to completion. Such conditions are generally approached only when the cooling rate is extremely slow. In practice, conditions often approach more closely to those of Chapter 8 EQUILIBRIUM AND SCHEIL-GULLIVER SOLIDIFICATION Scheil-Gulliver cooling (Scheil, 1942) in which solids, once precipitated, cease to react with the liquid or with each other; there is no diffusion in the solids; the liquid phase remains homogeneous; and the liquid is in equilibrium with the surfaces of the solid phases. The course of Scheil-Gulliver solidification can be calculated by thermodynamic database computing systems (FactSage, Thermo-Calc, Pandat). To calculate the course of Scheil-Gulliver cooling at a fixed overall composition, the following simulation strategy is adopted. At a given overall composition, the liquidus temperature is first calculated by decreasing the temperature incrementally and performing equilibrium calculations with each decrease until a solid phase is observed to precipitate. Then, starting at the liquidus, the temperature is decreased by an increment ΔT, and the compositions and amounts of precipitated solids at equilibrium with the liquid are calculated. These solids are then “removed” from further equilibrium calculations, but their compositions and amounts are retained in memory. The remaining liquid is then cooled by successive increments ΔT, and the process is repeated until all the liquid has solidified. Generally, a value of ΔT ¼ 5 K is sufficient to give a good approximation to ScheilGulliver cooling conditions, but occasionally, a smaller value may be required. In this way, Scheil-Gulliver cooling can be simulated, and plots of the amounts of the phases versus temperature during cooling similar to Fig. 8.1 can be drawn but only at one composition at a time. By analogy with equilibrium phase diagrams that apply to equilibrium cooling, it would be very useful to calculate and plot Scheil-Gulliver constituent diagrams, which would permit one to better visualize the course of Scheil-Gulliver solidification as temperature and composition are varied. The theory and calculation of such diagrams have been presented in a recent article (Pelton et al., 2017). 8.5 8.5.1 Scheil-Gulliver Constituent Diagrams Binary Systems The equilibrium phase diagram and Scheil-Gulliver constituent diagram of the Al-Li system are shown in Figs. 8.3 and 8.4, respectively. The composition paths followed by the liquid phase during solidification of alloys of overall compositions XLi ¼ 0.10 and XLi ¼ 0.65 are shown. In the case of equilibrium cooling of an alloy of composition XLi ¼ 0.10 in Fig. 8.3, solidification begins on the liquidus at 918 K with precipitation of a primary fcc phase, and solidification 137 Chapter 8 EQUILIBRIUM AND SCHEIL-GULLIVER SOLIDIFICATION 1000 918 XLi = 0.65 XLi = 0.10 901 904 900 Liquid + AlLi fcc 800 793 AlLi 700 Liquid + Al2Li3 600 604 fcc + AlLi Al2Li3 500 400 Liquid + Al4Li9 452 bcc Al4Li9 T (K) Liquid 874 Al2Li3 + Al4Li9 138 bcc + Al 300 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 4Li9 0.8 1 Mole fraction Li Fig. 8.3 Calculated equilibrium phase diagram of the Al-Li system illustrating course of equilibrium solidification of alloys of compositions XLi ¼ 0.10 and XLi ¼ 0.65 (Pelton et al., 2017). 1000 XLi = 0.10 918 Liq + AlLi Liq + fcc 874 800 Liq + AlLi 700 AlLi + eut (fcc + AlLi) 793 fcc + eut (fcc + AlLi) T (K) 901 600 500 400 Liq + AlLi + Al2Li3 604 Liq + bcc Liq + Al2Li3 Liq + Al4Li9 900 XLi = 0.65 Liquid Liq + AlLi + Al2Li3 + Al4Li9 452 AlLi + Al2Li3 + Al4Li9 + eut ( Al4Li9 + bcc) bcc + eut 300 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Mole fraction Li 0.8 1 Fig. 8.4 Calculated Scheil-Gulliver constituent diagram of the Al-Li system illustrating course of Scheil-Gulliver solidification of alloys of compositions XLi ¼ 0.10 and XLi ¼ 0.65 (Pelton et al., 2017). Chapter 8 EQUILIBRIUM AND SCHEIL-GULLIVER SOLIDIFICATION is complete at 904 K when the alloy consists of a single homogeneous solid phase with composition XLi ¼ 0.10. In the case of Scheil-Gulliver cooling of the same alloy in Fig. 8.4, precipitation of the primary fcc constituent begins on the liquidus at 918 K and continues down to the eutectic temperature of 874 K where the following eutectic reaction occurs isothermally until all the liquid has been consumed: Liquid ! fcc + AlLi (8.1) Hence, at all temperatures below 874 K at XLi ¼ 0.10, the microstructural constituents are an inhomogeneous fcc primary constituent and a eutectic constituent (fcc + AlLi) as shown in Fig. 8.4. In the case of equilibrium cooling of an alloy of composition XLi ¼ 0.65 in Fig. 8.3, solidification begins on the liquidus at 901 K. The primary AlLi solution precipitates between 901 and 793 K. At 793 K, the peritectic reaction Liquid + AlLi ! Al2 Li3 (8.2) occurs isothermally until all the AlLi phase has been consumed. Cooling then continues between 793 and 604 K with precipitation of Al2Li3. At 604 K, the peritectic reaction Liquid + Al2 Li3 ! Al4 Li9 (8.3) occurs isothermally until all the liquid has been consumed, and solidification is complete at 604 K. In the case of Scheil-Gulliver cooling in Fig. 8.4, primary precipitation of AlLi occurs between 901 and 793 K. Since peritectic reactions cannot occur during Scheil-Gulliver cooling, the reaction in Eq. (8.2) does not take place, and the primary AlLi constituent remains unchanged at all temperatures below 793 K. Between 793 and 604 K, Al2Li3 precipitates. At 604 K, the peritectic reaction (Eq. 8.3) does not occur, and all the Al2Li3 that precipitated remains unchanged at all temperatures below 604 K. Between 604 and 452 K, precipitation of Al4Li9 occurs. At the eutectic temperature of 452 K, the eutectic reaction Liquid ! Al4 Li9 + bcc (8.4) occurs isothermally, and solidification is complete at this temperature. As a result, on the Scheil-Gulliver constituent diagram in Fig. 8.4 at XLi ¼ 0.65 at all temperatures below 452 K, there is a region showing four microstructural constituents: primary AlLi (inhomogeneous), Al2Li3, Al4Li9, and (Al4Li9 + bcc) eutectic. The fields on a Scheil-Gulliver constituent diagram are labeled not with the names of phases but with the names of the microstructural constituents that may be stoichiometric compounds (Al2Li3 139 Chapter 8 EQUILIBRIUM AND SCHEIL-GULLIVER SOLIDIFICATION and Al4Li9), inhomogeneous solutions (AlLi), or eutectic constituents. Hence, Scheil-Gulliver diagrams are more properly called “constituent diagrams” rather than phase diagrams. In general, unlike equilibrium phase diagrams, Scheil-Gulliver constituent diagrams do not indicate the compositions or relative amounts of the solid solution constituents. For example, at a given temperature above 793 K in Fig. 8.4, the average composition of the AlLi constituent cannot be read directly from the diagram. Furthermore, the relative amounts of the constituents cannot be read directly from the diagrams (i.e., the lever rule does not apply). However, this information can be readily calculated and displayed. 8.5.2 Ternary Systems It can be appreciated from Figs. 8.3 and 8.4 that, with some experience, one could construct a Scheil-Gulliver constituent diagram for a binary system “by inspection” from the corresponding equilibrium phase diagram. However, this is no longer true in ternary or higher-order systems. As an example, the Au-Bi-Sb system is chosen because it permits several features of ternary ScheilGulliver constituent diagrams to be illustrated in a single system. The projection of the liquidus surface is shown in Fig. 8.5. In this 0.8 0.7 800 0. 3 A 0.2 AuSb2 Equilibrium crystallization path Scheil-Gulliver crystallization path 0.1 0.9 Sb D 0.4 0.6 p 0.5 0.4 0. 6 X (651) 0.3 dra 0.2 600 569.2 P 70 0 0.9 fcc 0.8 10 00 l AuSb2 80 0 Au 2B E i 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.7 he bo Au 0.9 om Rh 12 00 0.5 700 e 0.1 140 0.4 Au2Bi Mole fraction p 0.3 512.3 0.2 e 0.1 Bi Fig. 8.5 Calculated liquidus projection of the Au-Bi-Sb system (temperatures in kelvin). Crystallization paths during equilibrium cooling (black circles) and ScheilGulliver cooling (blue diamonds) are shown for two alloys (A and D) whose compositions are given in Table 8.1 (Pelton et al., 2017). Chapter 8 EQUILIBRIUM AND SCHEIL-GULLIVER SOLIDIFICATION system, the following four solid phases are observed: a Au-rich fcc phase in which Sb is very slightly soluble; a binary Bi-Sb rhombohedral phase, miscible above 443 K at all Bi/Sb ratios, in which the solubility of Au is negligible; a stoichiometric Au2Bi phase in which the solubility of Sb is negligible; and an AuSb2 phase exhibiting a solubility of up to 12.5 mol% Au2Bi. In Fig. 8.5, lowercase e and p indicate binary eutectic and peritectic compositions. Uppercase E and P indicate ternary eutectic and peritectic points at 512.3 and 569.2 K, respectively. Consider the point A in Fig. 8.5 whose coordinates (Sb 70-Au 28.5-Bi 1.5) are shown in Table 8.1. The calculated crystallization path during equilibrium cooling is shown in the diagram by the black circles. A calculated summary of the reaction steps during equilibrium cooling is shown in Table 8.1. The liquidus is reached at 765.4 K. Next, the rhombohedral phase precipitates until the liquid composition reaches the univariant line at 729.7 K. The liquid composition then follows the univariant line as the following peritectic reaction occurs: Liquid + Rhombohedral ! AuSb2 (8.5) Solidification ceases at 704.8 K when the liquid has been completely consumed. The course of Scheil-Gulliver solidification starting at point A is very different. The calculated crystallization path is shown in Fig. 8.5 by the blue diamonds, and a calculated summary of the reaction steps is shown in Table 8.1. Precipitation of the rhombohedral phase follows virtually the same crystallization path as in equilibrium cooling because, at this composition, the rhombohedral phase is nearly pure Sb. However, when the liquid composition reaches the univariant line at 729.7 K, the peritectic reaction (Eq. 8.5) is prohibited. Hence, the crystallization path continues across the AuSb2 phase field with precipitation of the AuSb2 solution down to 578.3 K. It then follows the univariant line from 578.3 to 569.2 K with precipitation of a binary (AuSb2 + fcc) eutectic. The ternary peritectic reaction at 569.2 K is prohibited; hence, the crystallization path continues along the univariant line with precipitation of a binary (AuSb2 + Au2Bi) eutectic down to the ternary eutectic point at 512.3 K where the ternary eutectic reaction occurs isothermally until all the liquid is consumed. As a second example, consider point D in Fig. 8.5 whose composition is given in Table 8.1. The calculated crystallization paths for equilibrium solidification (black circles) and Scheil-Gulliver solidification (blue diamonds) are shown in Fig. 8.5, and the reaction steps are summarized in Table 8.1. As can be seen in the figure, the equilibrium and Scheil-Gulliver paths diverge during the 141 142 Chapter 8 EQUILIBRIUM AND SCHEIL-GULLIVER SOLIDIFICATION Table 8.1 Calculated Steps During Scheil-Gulliver and Equilibrium Cooling From the Liquid State to Final Disappearance of the Liquid at Several Compositions Shown in Figs. 8.5 and 8.6 Scheil-Gulliver Cooling Point A: Sb70-Au28.5-Bi1.5 Liquid cooling LIQ ! RHOMBO LIQ ! AuSb2 LIQ ! AuSb2 + FCC (e1) LIQ ! AuSb2 + Au2Bi (e3) LIQ ! AuSb2 + Au2Bi + RHOMBO (E) Point B: Sb70-Au26-Bi4 Liquid cooling LIQ ! RHOMBO LIQ ! AuSb2 LIQ ! AuSb2 + Au2Bi (e3) LIQ ! AuSb2 + Au2Bi + RHOMBO (E) Point C: Sb70-Au20-Bi10 Liquid cooling LIQ ! RHOMBO LIQ ! AuSb2 LIQ ! AuSb2 + RHOMBO (e4) LIQ ! AuSb2 + Au2Bi + RHOMBO (E) Point D: Sb70-Au5-Bi25 Liquid cooling LIQ ! RHOMBO LIQ ! RHOMBO + AuSb2 (e4) LIQ ! AuSb2 + Au2Bi + RHOMBO (E) Point E: Sb70-Au0.2-Bi29.8 Liquid cooling LIQ ! RHOMBO LIQ ! RHOMBO + Au2Bi (e4) LIQ ! AuSb2 + Au2Bi + RHOMBO (E) Equilibrium Cooling (1000–765.4 K) (765.4–729.7 K) (729.7–578.3 K) (578.3–569.2 K) (569.2–512.3 K) (512.3 K isothermal) Point A: Sb70-Au28.5-Bi1.5 Liquid cooling LIQ ! RHOMBO LIQ + RHOMBO ! AuSb2 (1000–765.4 K) (765.4–729.7 K) (729.7–704. 8 K) Point D: Sb70-Au5-Bi25 Liquid cooling LIQ ! RHOMBO LIQ ! RHOMBO + AuSb2 (e4) (1000–816.4 K) (816.4–648.7 K) (648.7–616.1 K) (1000–770.9 K) (770.9–723.5 K) (723.5–538.5 K) (538.5–512.3 K) (512.3 K isothermal) (1000–783 K) (783.8–706.2 K) (706.2–547.9 K) (547.9–512.3 K) (512.3 K isothermal) (1000–816.4 K) (816.4–630.9 K) (630.9–512.3 K) (512.3 K isothermal) (1000–826.7 K) (826.7–513.5 K) (513.5–512.3 K) (512.3 K isothermal) Chapter 8 EQUILIBRIUM AND SCHEIL-GULLIVER SOLIDIFICATION precipitation of the rhombohedral solution because the solid solution remains homogeneous during equilibrium cooling, whereas during Scheil-Gulliver cooling, only the surfaces of the solid grains are in equilibrium with the liquid. After reaching the univariant line, the crystallization paths in both the equilibrium and Scheil-Gulliver cases follow the univariant line as the following binary eutectic reaction occurs: Liquid ! Rhombohedral + AuSb2 (8.6) (Note that at temperatures above point X on the univariant line in Fig. 8.5, the univariant reaction is peritectic (Eq. 8.5), whereas at temperatures below 651 K, the reaction is eutectic (Eq. 8.6). In the case of equilibrium cooling, the reaction in Eq. (8.6) proceeds until all the liquid is consumed at 616.1 K. In the case of ScheilGulliver cooling, the reaction (Eq. 8.6) continues down to the ternary eutectic temperature. On the liquidus surface in Fig. 8.6, the Scheil-Gulliver crystallization paths at compositions A and D from Fig. 8.5 are repeated along with Scheil-Gulliver paths at three additional compositions (B, C, and E) whose compositions and reaction paths are shown in 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 l dra 0.4 he 750 0.3 D E bo p C om A B Rh AuSb2 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.9 Sb 0.4 0.6 AuSb2 e 0.3 0.2 0.1 60 0 (569.2) 0.9 fcc 0 0 0.8 70 65 0.7 X Au 2 Bi Au 0.9 0.8 0.7 Au2Bi 0.6 0.5 0.4 p 0.3 (512.3) 0.2 e 0.1 Bi Mole fraction Fig. 8.6 Calculated liquidus projection of the Au-Bi-Sb system (temperatures in kelvin). Crystallization paths during Scheil-Gulliver cooling are shown for five alloys (A, B, C, D, and E) whose compositions are given in Table 8.1 (Pelton et al., 2017). 143 144 Chapter 8 EQUILIBRIUM AND SCHEIL-GULLIVER SOLIDIFICATION Table 8.2 Microstructural Constituents in the Au-Bi-Sb System after Scheil-Gulliver Cooling is Complete Fcc (solution) AuSb2 (solution) Au2Bi Rhombohedral (solution) e1 ¼ (fcc + AuSb2) eutectic e2 ¼ (Au2Bi + rhombo) eutectic e3 ¼ (Au2Bi + AuSb2) eutectic e4 ¼ (AuSb2 + rhombo) eutectic E ¼ (Au2Bi + AuSb2 + rhombo) eutectic Table 8.1. All the crystallization paths continue to the ternary eutectic point at 512.3 K. Necessarily, in any Scheil-Gulliver solidification, the final disappearance of the liquid will always occur at a local minimum on the liquidus surface. (In this regard, see also Fig. 8.4.) The possible microstructural constituents that can result from Scheil-Gulliver cooling of alloys in the Au-Bi-Sb system are listed in Table 8.2. These include four single-phase constituents, four binary eutectic constituents (denoted as e1, e2, e3, and e4), and one ternary eutectic constituent (denoted as E). The calculated Scheil-Gulliver constituent diagram of the Au-Bi-Sb system at 450 K is shown in Fig. 8.7. This diagram shows the constituents present after Scheil-Gulliver cooling from above the liquidus to a temperature below the final disappearance of the liquid phase. Fig. 8.8 is a superposition of Figs. 8.6 and 8.7. For example, point A lies in the region labeled (Rh + AuSb2 + e1 + e3 + E), and as can be seen from Table 8.1, these are the five constituents present after complete solidification of this alloy. Similarly, points B, C, D, and E can be seen to lie in the regions consistent with the precipitation sequences shown in Table 8.1. For comparison with Fig. 8.7, the equilibrium isothermal phase diagram for the system at 450 K is shown in Fig. 8.9. In Fig. 8.10 is a calculated isoplethal Scheil-Gulliver constituent diagram along a join at constant mole fraction XSb ¼ 0.70. The compositions of points A, B, C, D, and E, which all lie at XSb ¼ 0.70, are shown along the x-axis in Fig. 8.10. Scheil-Gulliver cooling proceeds down vertical (constant composition) lines in this diagram. The transition temperatures at the compositions Chapter 8 EQUILIBRIUM AND SCHEIL-GULLIVER SOLIDIFICATION 145 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.7 e4 E 0.8 + 0.2 0.6 + 2 Bi 0.7 +e 3 2Bi + e3 + E 0.6 0.5 0.9 0.1 0.5 +E 2 +E 0.8 e4 Sb + e3 E 0.9 Rh + e2 + E Au f fcc + Au 0.4 Au Sb 2 e3 + +E fcc + Au Au + Rh e4 + E Au e1 + + e3 0.3 uSb 2 + b2 + AuS e1 cc + 0.2 Rh + A Rh + AuSb2 + e3 + E 0.8 Rh + AuSb2 + e1 + e3 + E 0.1 0.9 Sb +E 0.4 0.3 2Bi + e2 + E Mole fraction 0.2 Bi 0.1 Au2Bi + e2 + E Fig. 8.7 Calculated isothermal Scheil-Gulliver constituent diagram of the Au-Bi-Sb system at 450 K (Pelton et al., 2017). D E C 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 AB 0.3 0.7 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.9 Sb 0.4 Au 0.9 0.1 0.8 0.2 0.7 0.3 0.6 X 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Mole fraction Fig. 8.8 Superposition of Figs. 8.6 and 8.7 (Pelton et al., 2017). 0.3 0.2 0.1 Bi 146 Chapter 8 EQUILIBRIUM AND SCHEIL-GULLIVER SOLIDIFICATION 0.2 o Rh 0.8 0.1 0.9 Sb 0.7 0.3 o mb he 0.6 l+A 0.5 b2 0.4 b2 + Au 2 Bi + fcc 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.1 0.9 AuS 0.8 0.2 0.6 0.9 0.5 uS AuSb2 + fcc Au 0.4 dra AuSb2 AuSb2 + Au2Bi + Rhombo 0.7 0.6 Au2Bi 0.5 0.4 Mole fraction 0.3 0.2 0.1 Bi Au2Bi + Rhombo Fig. 8.9 Calculated isothermal equilibrium phase diagram of the Au-Bi-Sb system at 450 K (Pelton et al., 2017). 900 L 800 L + Rh L + Rh + AuSb2 + e1 600 L + Rh + AuSb2 L + Rh + e2 L + Rh + AuSb2 + e1 + e3 Rh + AuSb2 + e1 + e3 + E 500 400 A 300 0 Rh + AuSb2 + e3 + E L + Rh + AuSb2 + e3 L + Rh + AuSb2 + e4 Rh + e4 + E Rh + AuSb2 + e4 + E B 0.05 D C 0.1 L + Rh + e4 0.15 Mole fraction Bi 0.2 0.25 Rh + e2 + E T (K) 700 E 0.3 Fig. 8.10 Calculated isoplethal Scheil-Gulliver constituent diagram of the Au-Bi-Sb system at XSb ¼ 0.70. Compositions of points A, B, C, D, and E as in Table 8.1 and Fig. 8.8 (Pelton et al., 2017). Chapter 8 EQUILIBRIUM AND SCHEIL-GULLIVER SOLIDIFICATION 147 900 Liquid 800 Liquid + Rhombohedral T (K) 700 Liquid + Rhom bohedral + Au Sb2 600 Rhombohedral + AuSb2 500 400 Rhombohedral + Rhombohedral 300 D A 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 Mole fraction Bi Fig. 8.11 Calculated isoplethal equilibrium phase diagram of the Au-Bi-Sb system at XSb ¼ 0.70. Compositions of points A and D as in Table 8.1 and Fig. 8.5 (Pelton et al., 2017). A, B, C, D, and E can be seen to correspond to the temperatures shown in Table 8.1. For comparison, the equilibrium isoplethal phase diagram along the same join is shown in Fig. 8.11 along with the compositions of points A and D. 8.5.3 Topology and Calculation of Scheil-Gulliver Constituent Diagrams For equilibrium phase diagrams, the law of adjoining phase regions was discussed in Section 7.2. For Scheil-Gulliver constituent diagrams, an analogous law of adjoining constituent regions may be postulated: as a constituent boundary is crossed, one and only one constituent appears or disappears, again with the proviso that some lines on a diagram can actually be two coincident or nearly coincident boundaries. For example, the vertical line descending from the eutectic point at XLi ¼ 0.23 in Fig. 8.4 is actually two coincident boundaries on either side of an infinitely narrow single-constituent ((fcc + AlLi) eutectic) region, and the line between the regions labeled (Rh+ AuSb2 + e3 + E) and (Rh + AuSb2 + e4 + E) in Fig. 8.7 is actually two boundaries on either side of an infinitely narrow (Rh+ AuSb2 + E) region. As a consequence of the law of adjoining phase regions, as discussed in Section 7.4, an equilibrium phase diagram consists of a 148 Chapter 8 EQUILIBRIUM AND SCHEIL-GULLIVER SOLIDIFICATION collection of zero-phase-fraction (ZPF) lines, one for each phase, and a general algorithm for calculating phase boundaries, based on this concept, was discussed in Section 7.4.1. Similarly, as a consequence of the law of adjoining constituent regions, a Scheil-Gulliver constituent diagram consists of a collection of zero constituent fraction (ZCF) lines, one for each constituent. Hence, a strategy analogous to that employed for constructing equilibrium phase diagrams can be used to calculate Scheil-Gulliver constituent diagrams. The software first scans around the frame of the diagram to find the ends of the ZCF lines. It then tracks and plots each ZCF line from one end to the other, keeping the constituent just on the verge of appearing (i.e., thermodynamically stable but at zero amount). Once all the ZCF lines have been calculated, the diagram is complete. It may be noted that some ZCF lines are also ZPF lines. However, this is not necessarily the case; that is, the regions on both side of a ZCF line may contain the same phases but not the same constituents. For example, the line descending vertically from the eutectic composition at XLi ¼ 0.23 in Fig. 8.4 is not a ZPF line. Clearly, in an isoplethal Scheil-Gulliver constituent diagram in which the vertical axis is temperature, as the temperature decreases along a vertical path at constant composition, one additional solid constituent appears as each boundary is crossed, and solid constituents that are already present at higher temperatures never disappear. Also, clearly, below the temperature of final disappearance of the liquid, Scheil-Gulliver constituent diagrams are independent of temperature since all solid-state reactions such as eutectoid and peritectoid reactions and phase separation are prohibited. However, caution should be exercised in interpreting ScheilGulliver constituent diagrams at room temperature since massive transformations, martensitic transformations, and spinodal decomposition can occur even during Scheil-Gulliver cooling but are not shown in the diagrams. References Pelton, A.D., 2014. In: Laughlin, D.E., Hono, K. (Eds.), Physical Metallurgy. fifth ed. (Chapter 3). Elsevier, New York. Pelton, A.D., Eriksson, G., Bale, C.W., 2017. Metall. Mater. Trans. 48, 3113–3129. Scheil, E., 1942. J. Inst. Met. 34, 70–72. List of Websites FactSage, Montreal, Pandat, Thermo-Calc, Stockholm, 9 PARAEQUILIBRIUM PHASE DIAGRAMS AND MINIMUM GIBBS ENERGY DIAGRAMS CHAPTER OUTLINE 9.1 The Geometry of Paraequilibrium Phase Diagram Sections 9.2 Minimum Gibbs Energy Phase Diagrams 155 References 158 150 In certain solid systems, some elements diffuse much faster than others. Hence, if an initially homogeneous single-phase system at high temperature is rapidly cooled and then held at a lower temperature, a temporary paraequilibrium state may result in which the rapidly diffusing elements have reached equilibrium but the more slowly diffusing elements have remained essentially immobile (Hultgren, 1947; Hillert, 2008; Kozeschnik and Vitek, 2000). The best known and most industrially important example occurs when homogeneous austenite is quenched and annealed; interstitial elements such as C and N are much more mobile than the metallic elements. Of course, in reality, some diffusion of the metallic elements will always occur, so that paraequilibrium is a limiting state that is never fully realized but may, nevertheless, be reasonably closely approached in many cases. At paraequilibrium, the ratios of the slowly diffusing elements are the same in all phases and are equal to their ratios in the initial single-phase high-temperature alloy. Hence, the calculation of paraequilibrium only involves modifying the Gibbs energy minimization algorithm by the addition of this constraint. For a complete discussion, see Pelton et al. (2014). Paraequilibrium phase diagram sections can subsequently be calculated by exactly the same procedure as is used to calculate full equilibrium phase diagrams as was discussed in Section 7.4.1. Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Modeling of Solutions. # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 149 150 Chapter 9 PARAEQUILIBRIUM PHASE DIAGRAMS AND MINIMUM GIBBS ENERGY DIAGRAMS 9.1 The Geometry of Paraequilibrium Phase Diagram Sections In this section, the application of the Phase Rule to paraequilibrium phase diagrams is discussed as described in the recent article by Pelton et al. (2014). Since a paraequilibrium calculation only involves adding an additional constraint, the law of adjoining phase regions (LAPR) for equilibrium phase diagram sections (see Section 7.2) also applies to paraequilibrium phase diagram sections. In the Fe-Cr-C system at elevated temperatures, the range of homogeneous austenite (fcc) extends from pure Fe to approximately 8 mol% C and 15 mol% Cr. Alloys with compositions in this range, when cooled rapidly and then held at a lower temperature, may exhibit a temporary paraequilibrium state. A vertical section of the full equilibrium Fe-Cr-C phase diagram section is shown in Fig. 9.1 where the molar ratio C/(Fe + Cr) is plotted versus temperature, T, at a constant molar metal ratio Cr/(Fe + Cr) ¼ 0.04. In Fig. 9.1 and other figures in this section, M23C6, M7C3, and cementite are solutions of Fe and Cr carbides. On all these calculated diagrams, the formation of graphite has been suppressed. 1100 1000 fcc fcc + Cementite + M7C3 900 fcc + bcc M7C3 + fcc T (°C) 800 fcc + bcc + M bcc a 700 c 7C3 b 751° M7C3 + bcc bcc + Cementite + M7C3 600 M7C3 + bcc + Cr3C2 500 489° f e C6 3 M2 d C3 M7 bcc + Cementite + Cr3C2 bc M23C6 + bcc + c 300 bcc + Cr3C2 + 400 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 Molar ratio C/(Fe+Cr) Fig. 9.1 Full equilibrium phase diagram section of the Fe-Cr-C system. Molar ratio C/(Fe + Cr) versus T at constant molar ratio Cr/(Fe + Cr) ¼ 0.04 (formation of graphite suppressed) (Pelton et al., 2014). Chapter 9 PARAEQUILIBRIUM PHASE DIAGRAMS AND MINIMUM GIBBS ENERGY DIAGRAMS 151 1100 1000 900 fcc a T (°C) 800 b 700 Cementite + fcc fcc + bcc d c 706.3° bcc 600 Cementite + bcc 500 400 300 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 Molar ratio C/(Fe+Cr) Fig. 9.2 Paraequilibrium phase diagram section of the Fe-Cr-C system when C is the only diffusing element. Molar ratio C/(Fe + Cr) versus T at constant molar ratio Cr/(Fe + Cr) ¼ 0.04 (formation of graphite suppressed) (Pelton et al., 2014). In Fig. 9.2 is shown the paraequilibrium phase diagram for exactly the same section as in Fig. 9.1, calculated for the case where C is the only diffusing element. Since the molar ratio Cr/(Fe + Cr) ¼ 0.04 is now constant and the same in every phase, the diagram in this particular example resembles a full equilibrium T-composition phase diagram of a two-component system, the “components” being Fe0.96Cr0.04 and C. The three-phase (fcc+bcc+cementite) region bcd now appears as an isothermal invariant, similar to a binary eutectoid. The x-axis in Fig. 9.2 is the molar ratio C/(Fe + Cr), not the carbon mole fraction XC ¼ C/(Fe + Cr + C). Similarly, the diagram is calculated at constant ratio Cr/(Fe + Cr), not at constant Cr mole fraction XCr ¼ Cr/(Fe + Cr + C). If the diagram is recalculated at constant XCr ¼ 0.04 with the x-axis as XC, it will be nearly identical to Fig. 9.2 since the C content is very small. However, the threephase region will no longer be isothermal because now the ratio of the nondiffusing elements Cr/(Fe + Cr) varies with XC and so the diagram can no longer be considered to be that of a pseudobinary system. This T-XC paraequilibrium diagram at constant XCr is plotted in Fig. 9.3 where the temperature axis has been greatly expanded to show clearly that the three-phase field is not isothermal. Note, however, that the three-phase field is still infinitely 152 Chapter 9 PARAEQUILIBRIUM PHASE DIAGRAMS AND MINIMUM GIBBS ENERGY DIAGRAMS 707 706.8 fcc 706.6 fcc + bcc 706.4 Cementite + fcc T (°C) 706.2 bcc 706 705.8 705.6 Cementite + bcc 705.4 705.2 705 0 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.03 XC = C/(C+Fe+Cr) molar ratio 0.05 0.06 Fig. 9.3 Paraequilibrium phase diagram section of the Fe-Cr-C system when C is the only diffusing element. Mole fraction XC versus T at constant mole fraction XCr ¼ 0.04 (formation of graphite suppressed) (Pelton et al., 2014). narrow. At any value of XC, the molar ratio Cr/(Fe + Cr) has a fixed value that must be the same in every phase. This additional constraint removes a degree of freedom so that from the Phase Rule (Eq. 3.1), for the three-phase paraequilibrium, F ¼ 0. In other words, at any given XC, there is only one temperature where the three phases can coexist, but this temperature varies with XC. The LAPR clearly applies to both Figs. 9.2 and 9.3 as, indeed, it does to all paraequilibrium phase diagram sections. Another isothermal paraequilibrium phase diagram section of the Fe-Cr-C system is shown in Fig. 9.4 where the molar ratio Cr/(Fe + Cr) is plotted versus the molar ratio C/(Fe + Cr) at constant T ¼ 775°C. Tie-lines are horizontal in this diagram since all phases at paraequilibrium have the same Cr/(Fe + Cr) ratio. Since this ratio is the same in all phases, it acts, as far as the geometry of the diagrams is concerned, like a “potential variable” (such as T, pressure, or chemical potential (see Section 7.1)), which is the same in all phases at equilibrium, rather than like a normal composition variable, which, in general, is not the same in phases at equilibrium. Indeed, Fig. 9.4 clearly has the same topology as a full equilibrium binary T-composition phase diagram. When the ratios C/(Fe + Cr) and Cr/(Fe + Cr) are replaced by XC ¼ C/(Fe + Cr + C) and XCr ¼ Cr/(Fe + Cr + C), respectively, a Chapter 9 PARAEQUILIBRIUM PHASE DIAGRAMS AND MINIMUM GIBBS ENERGY DIAGRAMS 153 0.25 bcc M23C6 + bcc Molar ratio Cr/(Fe+Cr) 0.2 fcc + bcc M23C6 + fcc 0.15 fcc 0.1 Cementite + fcc 0.05 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Molar ratio C/(Fe+Cr) Fig. 9.4 Paraequilibrium phase diagram section of the Fe-Cr-C system when C is the only diffusing element. Molar ratio C/(Fe + Cr) versus molar ratio Cr/(Fe + Cr) at constant T ¼ 775°C. Tie-lines are shown (formation of graphite suppressed) (Pelton et al., 2014). topologically similar diagram results; however, the tie-lines and the invariant lines are no longer horizontal, but lie along loci of constant Cr/(Fe + Cr) ratio. Nevertheless, the three-phase fields are still infinitely narrow, and of course, the LAPR applies. Yet another section of the paraequilibrium phase diagram of the Fe-Cr-C system is shown in Fig. 9.5. At a constant molar ratio C/(Fe + Cr) ¼ 0.05, temperature is plotted versus the molar ratio Cr/(Fe + Cr). Both axis variables, T and Cr/(Fe + Cr), are the same in all phases at paraequilibrium. That is, as just stated, the ratio Cr/(Fe + Cr) acts like a “potential variable.” From the Phase Rule, Eq. (3.1), when three phases are at equilibrium at constant pressure, F ¼ 3–3 + 1 ¼ 1. Hence, the three-phase fields that separate the two-phase fields in Fig. 9.5 are infinitely narrow univariant lines. The molar ratio C/(Fe + Cr) is a “normal” composition variable that need not be the same in all phases at equilibrium. Hence, keeping this ratio constant does not decrease the number of degrees of freedom. Note that the lines in Fig. 9.5 separating the fcc field from the (fcc + cementite) and (fcc + M23C6) fields are not infinitely narrow three-phase univariant lines but, rather, are simple phase boundaries. The point in Fig. 9.5 where the four 154 Chapter 9 PARAEQUILIBRIUM PHASE DIAGRAMS AND MINIMUM GIBBS ENERGY DIAGRAMS 1000 950 fcc 900 T (°C) 850 800 fcc + Cementite fcc + M23C6 750 700 650 bcc + M23C6 bcc + Cementite 600 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 Molar ratio Cr/(Fe+Cr) Fig. 9.5 Paraequilibrium phase diagram section of the Fe-Cr-C system when C is the only diffusing element. Molar ratio Cr/(Fe + Cr) versus T at constant molar ratio C/(Fe + Cr) ¼ 0.05 (formation of graphite suppressed) (Pelton et al., 2014). univariant lines converge is an infinitely small four-phase invariant field. The LAPR applies. Figure 9.6 is a paraequilibrium phase diagram section for the four-component Fe-Cr-C-N system for the case when both C and N, but not Fe or Cr, diffuse. Temperature is plotted versus the molar ratio Cr/(Fe + Cr) with the two composition variable C/ (Fe + Cr) and N/(Fe + Cr) constant. From the Phase Rule, when four phases are at equilibrium at constant pressure, F ¼ 4 4 + 1 ¼ 1. Hence, four-phase fields appear as infinitely narrow univariant lines. In Fig. 9.6, the four-phase univariant regions are the (fcc + bcc + cementite + M23C6) and (fcc + bcc + cementite + M2(C,N)) lines. The other lines in Fig. 9.6 are simple phase boundaries. From the preceding examples, it can be seen that paraequilibrium phase diagram sections obey exactly the same rules as equilibrium phase diagrams with the following proviso. Since the molar ratios of nondiffusing elements are the same in all phases at paraequilibrium, these ratios act, as far as the geometry of the diagram is concerned, like “potential” variables (such as T, pressure, or chemical potentials) rather than like “normal” composition variables that need not be the same in all phases. Furthermore and for the same reason, holding a ratio of nondiffusing Chapter 9 PARAEQUILIBRIUM PHASE DIAGRAMS AND MINIMUM GIBBS ENERGY DIAGRAMS 155 900 800 fcc 700 T (°C) fcc + bcc 600 fcc + bcc + M23C6 fcc + bcc + Cementite 500 400 bcc + Cementite + M2(C, N) 300 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 Molar ratio Cr/(Fe+Cr) Fig. 9.6 Paraequilibrium phase diagram section of the Fe-Cr-C-N system when C and N are the only diffusing elements. Molar ratio Cr/(Fe + Cr) versus T at constant molar ratios C/(Fe + Cr) ¼ N/(Fe + Cr) ¼ 0.02 (formation of graphite suppressed) (Pelton et al., 2014). elements constant decreases the number of degrees of freedom of the system by 1, whereas holding a “normal” composition variable constant does not. In the preceding examples, all compositions are expressed as molar ratios. However, replacing molar ratios by mass ratios will, of course, have no effect on the topology of the diagrams. 9.2 Minimum Gibbs Energy Phase Diagrams If a paraequilibrium calculation is performed under the constraint that no elements diffuse, then the ratios of all elements remain the same as in the initial homogeneous high-temperature state. Hence, such a calculation will simply yield the single homogeneous phase with the minimum Gibbs energy at the temperature and overall composition of the calculation. Such calculations are of practical interest in physical vapor deposition (PVD) when deposition from the vapor phase is so rapid that phase separation does not occur, resulting in a single-phase solid deposit. The full equilibrium phase diagram of the Ni-Cr system is shown in Fig. 9.7. The corresponding minimum Gibbs energy diagram is shown in Fig. 9.8. Clearly, two-phase fields appear as 156 Chapter 9 PARAEQUILIBRIUM PHASE DIAGRAMS AND MINIMUM GIBBS ENERGY DIAGRAMS 1900 1700 Liquid T (°C) 1500 1300 bcc 1345° fcc 1100 fcc + bcc 900 700 500 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 XCr = Cr/(Ni+Cr) molar ratio 0.8 1 Fig. 9.7 Full equilibrium phase diagram of the Ni-Cr system. Mole fraction Cr versus T (Pelton et al., 2014). 1900 1700 Liquid 1500 T (°C) 1331° 1300 bcc fcc 1100 900 700 500 Sigma 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 XCr = Cr/(Ni+Cr) molar ratio Fig. 9.8 Minimum Gibbs energy phase diagram of the Ni-Cr system. Mole fraction Cr versus T (Pelton et al., 2014). Chapter 9 PARAEQUILIBRIUM PHASE DIAGRAMS AND MINIMUM GIBBS ENERGY DIAGRAMS 0.3 0.7 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.9 Fe 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 bcc 0.6 0.4 fcc Ni bcc 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.8 0.2 0.7 0.3 Sigma Cr Mole fraction Fig. 9.9 Minimum Gibbs energy phase diagram section of the Fe-Ni-Cr system at 600°C (Pelton et al., 2014). univariant lines. These lines are the loci of the intersections of the curves of Gibbs energy versus composition and are sometimes called To lines. Each To line in Fig. 9.8 lies within the corresponding two-phase region in Fig. 9.7. As can be seen in Fig. 9.8, at lower temperatures, the sigma phase is the phase with the lowest Gibbs energy in alloys containing approximately 63%–73% Cr, even though this phase does not appear in the equilibrium phase diagram. This was pointed out previously by Saunders and Miodownik (1986) and Spencer (2001) who noted that sigma deposits have been observed in vapor-deposited Ni-Cr samples over this approximate composition range at 25°C. Another example of a calculated minimum Gibbs energy phase diagram is shown in Fig. 9.9. Clearly, minimum Gibbs energy phase diagrams obey the geometric rules summarized at the end of Section 9.1. 157 158 Chapter 9 PARAEQUILIBRIUM PHASE DIAGRAMS AND MINIMUM GIBBS ENERGY DIAGRAMS References Hillert, M., 2008. Phase Equilibria, Phase Diagrams and Phase Transformations— Their Thermodynamic Basis, second ed. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. Hultgren, A., 1947. Trans. ASM 39, 915. Kozeschnik, E., Vitek, J.M., 2000. Calphad J. 24, 495–502. Pelton, A.D., Koukkari, P., Pajarre, R., Eriksson, G., 2014. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 72, 16–22. Saunders, N., Miodownik, A.P., 1986. J. Mater. Res. 1, 38–46. Spencer, P., 2001. Z. Metallkd. 92, 1145–1150. 10 SECOND-ORDER AND HIGHER-ORDER TRANSITIONS CHAPTER OUTLINE 10.1 Equations for Thermodynamic Properties due to Magnetic Ordering 163 References 164 List of Websites 164 All the transitions discussed until now have been first-order transitions. When a first-order phase boundary is crossed, a new phase appears with extensive properties that are discontinuous with those of the other phases. An example of a transition that is not first order is the ferromagnetic to paramagnetic transition of Fe, Co, Ni, and other ferromagnetic materials that contain unpaired electron spins. Below its Curie temperature, Tcurie ¼ 1043 K (770°C) (see Fig. 2.1), Fe is ferromagnetic since its spins tend to be aligned parallel to one another. This alignment occurs because it lowers the internal energy of the system. At 0 K at equilibrium, the spins are fully aligned. As the temperature increases, the spins become progressively less aligned, since this disordering increases the entropy of the system, until at Tcurie the disordering is complete and the material becomes paramagnetic. There is no two-phase region, and no abrupt change occurs at Tcurie which is simply the temperature at which the disordering becomes complete. The following model is vastly oversimplified and is presented only as the simplest possible model illustrating the essential features of a second-order phase transition. Suppose that we may speak of localized spins and, furthermore, that a spin is oriented either “up” or “down.” Let the fraction of “up” and “down” spins be ξ and (1 ξ). Suppose further that when two neighboring spins are aligned, a stabilizing internal Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Modeling of Solutions. # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 159 160 Chapter 10 SECOND-ORDER AND HIGHER-ORDER TRANSITIONS energy contribution ε < 0 results. Assuming that the spins are randomly distributed, the probability of two “up” spins being aligned is ξ2 and of two “down” spins being aligned is (1 ξ)2. The resultant contribution to the molar Gibbs energy is h i (10.1) g ¼ RT ðξ ln ξ + ð1 ξÞ ln ð1 ξÞÞ + ξ2 + ð1 ξÞ2 ε The equilibrium value of ξ is that that minimizes g. Setting dg/dξ ¼ 0 gives ξ=ð1 ξÞ ¼ exp ð2ð1 2ξÞε=RT Þ (10.2) At T ¼ 0 K, ξ ¼ 0 (or, equivalently, ξ ¼ 1). That is, the spins are completely aligned. A plot of ξ versus T from Eq. (10.2) shows that ξ increases with T, attaining the value ξ ¼ ½ when T ¼ ε/R. At all higher temperatures, ξ ¼ ½, which is the only solution of Eq. (10.2) above Tcurie ¼ ε/R. As the spins become progressively more disordered with increasing temperature below Tcurie, energy is absorbed, thereby increasing the heat capacity. Most of the disordering occurs over a fairly small range of temperature below Tcurie. This can be seen in Fig. 2.1 where the slope of the enthalpy curve increases just below Tcurie and then quite abruptly decreases again above this temperature. In this extremely simple model, there is a discontinuity in the slope cP ¼ dh/dT at Tcurie. That is, there is a discontinuity in the second derivative of the Gibbs energy. Such a transition is called a second-order transition. In Fig. 10.1, the heat capacity of α-Fe (FactSage), which is the slope of Fig. 2.1, is shown. It can be seen that, although cP decreases rapidly above the Curie temperature, the decrease is not discontinuous. This is due to the fact that some short-range ordering persists above Tcurie so that the transformation is not exactly second order. Transitions involving discontinuities in the third, fourth, and other derivatives of G are called third-order, fourth-order, etc. transitions. For more details on magnetism, see Section 10.1. The T-composition phase diagram of the Fe-Ni system is shown in Fig. 10.2. The Curie temperature varies with composition as it traverses the bcc phase field as a line. Nickel also undergoes a magnetic transition at its Curie temperature of 360°C. The approximately second-order transition line crosses the fcc phase field as shown. At point P in Fig. 10.2, the second-order transition line widens into a two-phase miscibility gap, and the magnetic transition becomes first order. Point P is called a tricritical point. (It may be noted that some other versions of the Fe-Ni phase diagram do not show a tricritical point (Massalski et al., 2001).) Chapter 10 SECOND-ORDER AND HIGHER-ORDER TRANSITIONS 62.5 60 Tcurie 57.5 55 52.5 cp (J mol-1 K-1) 50 Actual cP 47.5 45 42.5 40 37.5 35 32.5 cP without magnetic contribution 30 27.5 25 22.5 20 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 T (K) Fig. 10.1 Heat capacity of a-Fe (FactSage). 1000 Tcurie(bcc) 900 Tcurie(fcc) 600 bcc Temperature (∞C) C) 800 770° 700 500 P fcc 400 504° L12 (ordered) 360° 300 200 100 0 0 Fe 0.2 0.4 0.6 Mole fraction Ni 0.8 1 Ni Fig. 10.2 Temperature-composition phase diagram of the Fe-Ni system at P ¼ 1 bar showing the magnetic transformations (see SGTE; Massalski et al., 2001) (FactSage). 161 Chapter 10 SECOND-ORDER AND HIGHER-ORDER TRANSITIONS 1600 Liquid 1400 bcc - A2 (disordered) 1200 fcc Al5Fe4 1000 Al5Fe2 Temperature (° C) 800 Al61Fe31 162 600 B2 (ordered body-centered) Al13Fe4 0 Al 0.2 0.4 0.6 Mole fraction Fe 0.8 1 Fe Fig. 10.3 Temperature-composition phase diagram of the Al-Fe system at P ¼ 1 bar showing the B2 ! A2 order–disorder transition (see SGTE) (FactSage). The magnetic transition is an example of an order-disorder transition. Another important type of order-disorder transition involves an ordering of the crystal structure. An example is seen in the Al-Fe system in Fig. 10.3. At low temperatures, the body-centered phase B2 exhibits long-range ordering (LRO). Two sublattices can be distinguished, one consisting of the corner sites of the unit cells and the other of the body-centered sites. The Al atoms preferentially occupy one sublattice, while the Fe atoms preferentially occupy the other. This is the ordered B2 (CsCl) structure. As the temperature increases, the phase becomes progressively disordered, with more and more Al atoms moving to the Fe sublattice and vice versa until, at the transition line, the disordering becomes complete, with the Al and Fe atoms distributed equally over both sublattices. At this point, the two sublattices become indistinguishable, the LRO disappears, and the structure becomes the A2 (bcc) structure. As with the magnetic transition, there is no two-phase region and no abrupt change at the transition line which is simply the temperature at which the disordering becomes complete. As with the magnetic transition, most of the disordering takes place over a fairly small range of temperature just below the transition line. The heat capacity thus increases as the transition line is approached from below and then decreases sharply as the line is crossed. The transition is thus second-order or approximately second-order. Chapter 10 SECOND-ORDER AND HIGHER-ORDER TRANSITIONS The B2/A2 transition line may terminate at a tricritical point like point P of Fig. 10.2. Although it is not shown in Fig. 10.3, there is most likely a tricritical point near 660°C. Order–disorder transitions need not necessarily be of second or higher order. In Fig. 10.2, the L12 phase has an ordered facecentered structure with the Ni atoms preferentially occupying the face-centered sites of the unit cells and the Fe atoms the corner sites. This structure transforms to the disordered fcc (A1) structure by a first-order transition with a discontinuous increase in enthalpy at the congruent point (504°C). There is some controversy as to whether or not reported higher-order transition lines in many systems may actually be very narrow two-phase regions. Although there is no LRO in the high-temperature disordered structures, appreciable short-range ordering remains. For example, in the disordered A2 phase in the Al-Fe system, nearestneighbor (Fe-Al) pairs are still preferred. Modeling of ordered phases and of order-disorder transitions is discussed in Section 18.2. 10.1 Equations for Thermodynamic Properties due to Magnetic Ordering Inden (2001) and Hillert and Jarl (1978) have proposed the following empirical equation for the contribution of ferromagnetic ordering to the Gibbs energy of magnetic phases: Gmag ¼ RT ln ðβ + 1Þg ðτÞ where τ ¼ T Tcurie (10.3) and β is the magnetic moment 1 τ3 1 79τ 474 1 τ9 τ15 + + + 1 p 1 where g ðτÞ ¼ 140p 497 6 135 600 D when τ 1 1 τ5 τ15 τ25 g ðτ Þ ¼ + + when τ > 1 D 10 315 1500 and where D ¼ 518 11692 1 + p 1 1125 15975 (10.4) (10.5) (10.6) where p ¼ 0.28 for fcc phases and p ¼ 0.40 for bcc phases. The magnetic moment, β, is an adjustable parameter that depends upon the particular compound. 163 164 Chapter 10 SECOND-ORDER AND HIGHER-ORDER TRANSITIONS Temperature derivatives of Eq. (10.3) then give the magnetic contributions to the entropy, enthalpy, and heat capacity. These contributions are then added to expressions for the properties of the hypothetical magnetically disordered (paramagnetic) phase. In Fig. 10.1, a plot of cP of paramagnetic α-Fe is shown, which is given by an equation of the form of Eq. (2.18), along with a plot of the actual heat capacity that includes the magnetic contribution. The semiempirical expression of Eq. (10.3) has been shown to provide a reasonably good representation of the magnetic contribution to the thermodynamic properties of many magnetic phases with only the two adjustable parameters Tcurie and β. Essentially, the same equation can be used for the contribution of antiferromagnetic ordering to the thermodynamic properties, the adjustable parameters being the magnetic moment and the el transition temperature. antiferromagnetic/paramagnetic Ne References Hillert, M., Jarl, M., 1978. Calphad J. 2, 227–238. Inden, G., 2001. Atomic ordering. In: Kostorz, G. (Ed.), Phase Transformations in Materials. (Chapter 8). Wiley VCH, Weinheim. Massalski, T.B., Okamoto, H., Subramanian, P.R., Kacprzak, L., 2001. Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, In: second ed. American Society of Metals, Metals Park, OH. List of Websites FactSage, Montreal. SGTE, Scientific Group Thermodata Europe, 11 PHASE DIAGRAMS OF SYSTEMS WITH AN AQUEOUS PHASE CHAPTER OUTLINE 11.1 Evaporation Paths 165 11.2 Eh-pH Diagrams 167 11.3 True Aqueous Phase Diagrams 172 11.3.1 Other Examples of True Aqueous Phase Diagram Sections 11.3.2 Re-plotting the Diagrams in Eh-pH Coordinates 180 11.3.3 Summary 181 References 182 List of Websites 182 11.1 176 Evaporation Paths The isothermal phase diagram section at 125°C of the H2OKNO3-NaNO3 system is shown in Fig. 11.1. The gas phase is not shown. There are three solid phases: NaNO3 and two KNO3-rich solid solutions with different crystal structures called K1 and K2. Suppose that we begin with an unsaturated liquid solution of composition A and that H2O is subsequently gradually removed by evaporation. During evaporation, the overall composition of the system follows the line AB. When the overall composition reaches point C, precipitation of essentially pure NaNO3 commences. During this initial precipitation, the liquid composition follows the liquidus (also known in aqueous chemistry as the saturation limit) from point C to point D as shown by the arrows. The overall system composition is now at point E. Thereafter, coprecipitation of NaNO3 and phase K1 occurs: Liquid ðat point DÞ➔NaNO3 + K1 ðat point FÞ + H2 O ðgasÞ (11.1) During this reaction, the compositions of the liquid and K1 remain constant at points D and F, respectively. The reaction (Eq.11.1) Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Modeling of Solutions. # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 165 166 Chapter 11 PHASE DIAGRAMS OF SYSTEMS WITH AN AQUEOUS PHASE 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.7 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.9 H2O 0.6 0.4 Liquid A 0.2 Liquid + K2 Liquid + NaNO3 N D Liquid + K1 0.9 0.1 K 0.8 C I Liquid + K1 + K2 0.7 0.3 G E Liquid + K1 + NaNO3 KNO3 J L M0.9 H 0.8 F 0.7 0.6 0.5 Mass fraction 0.4 B 0.3 0.2 0.1 NaNO3 Fig. 11.1 Isothermal section at 125°C of the H2O-NaNO3-KNO3 system (FactSage) (gas phase suppressed) showing equilibrium evaporation paths. continues until the overall composition is at point B and all the H2O has been removed. Suppose now that the initial composition is at point G. During evaporation, the overall system composition follows the line GH. We shall first consider the case of equilibrium evaporation in which the system remains at complete thermodynamic equilibrium. When the overall composition reaches point I, precipitation of the K2 phase begins. The first precipitate has a composition at point J at the end of the tie-line IJ. As the liquid follows the liquidus (saturation limit) from point I to point K, the composition of the K2 phase passes from point J to point L, remaining homogeneous via solid-state diffusion. When the liquid reaches point K, the following reaction occurs: Liquid ðat point KÞ + K2 ðat point LÞ➔K1ðat point MÞ + H2 O ðgasÞ (11.2) until all the K2 phase has been consumed. Subsequently, the liquid follows the liquidus from point K to point N at the end of the Chapter 11 PHASE DIAGRAMS OF SYSTEMS WITH AN AQUEOUS PHASE tie-line HN. At this point, all the H2O has been removed, and there is a single homogeneous solid K1 solution of composition H. In practice, equilibrium conditions will rarely be attained. Let us now consider the limiting nonequilibrium case in which no solid-state diffusion occurs in the solid precipitates; that is, once precipitated, a solid does not change its composition. Precipitation of K2 commences when the liquid composition reaches point I and subsequently the liquid composition follows the saturation limit from point I to point K. When the liquid is at point K, the solid phase is now inhomogeneous with a composition varying from point J to point L. The reaction in Eq. (11.2) now does not occur. The liquid continues along the liquidus from point K to point D with precipitation of a K1 phase whose composition varies from point M to point F. With the liquid at point D, coprecipitation of NaNO3 and of K1 of composition F then occurs by the reaction in Eq. (11.1) until all the H2O has been removed. The final solids then consist of an inhomogeneous K2 phase, an inhomogeneous K1 phase, and a coprecipitated mixture of K1 and NaNO3. This limiting nonequilibrium evaporation is clearly analogous to Scheil-Gulliver cooling as discussed in Section 8.4, with reaction in Eqs. (11.1), (11.2) being analogous to eutectic and peritectic reactions, respectively. 11.2 Eh-pH Diagrams Phase equilibria in systems containing an aqueous phase are frequently depicted in classical Eh-pH diagrams, many of which have been collected for practical applications in Pourbaix’s Atlas (Pourbaix, 1974). The construction and uses of classical Eh-pH diagrams have been discussed by Huang (2016) and by Woods et al. (1987). A classical Eh-pH diagram (also called a Pourbaix diagram) for the H2O-Fe system at 298.15 K is shown in Fig. 11.2 with the molalities (moles per kilogram of H2O) of all Fe-containing aqueous species set to m ¼ 106. The x-axis is the pH of the aqueous solution, and the y-axis is the redox potential Eh relative to a standard hydrogen electrode. This is not a true phase diagram section in the sense of the rules enunciated in Chapter 7. Rather, it is a “predominance diagram” inasmuch as the fields labeled “aqueous with Fe3+, aqueous with Fe2+, and aqueous with FeOH+” are actually all part of just one single-phase aqueous region. The three areas shown in the figure are the areas in which the predominant (highest concentration) Fe-containing solutes are Fe3+, Fe2+, and FeOH+. In a true phase diagram, the lines CA and BD would not appear. The diagram in Fig. 11.2 was calculated by fictitiously 167 168 Chapter 11 PHASE DIAGRAMS OF SYSTEMS WITH AN AQUEOUS PHASE 1.6 1.4 1.2 Aqueous with Fe[3+] Aqueous + Fe2O3(s) 1.0 0.8 C A Eh (volts) 0.6 O2 (1 0.4 0.2 Aqueous with Fe[2+] 0 B −0.2 −0.4 Aqueous + Fe3O4(s) Aqueous with FeOH[+] −0.6 E D −0.8 H2 (1 Aqueous + Fe(OH)2(s) −1.0 −1.2 −2 bar) bar) Aqueous + Fe(s) 0 2 4 6 pH 8 10 12 14 Fig. 11.2 Classical Eh-pH diagram of the H2O-Fe system at 298.15 K with molalities of all Fe-containing aqueous species set to m ¼ 106 (FactSage). treating the “aqueous with Fe3 +” region as a separate “phase” in which Fe3+ is the only Fe-containing ion (at m ¼ 106) and similarly for the other two regions. An Eh-pH diagram is thus similar to the predominance diagram of the Cu-SO2-O2 system in Fig. 2.3. It should also be pointed out that in a two-phase region such as the “aqueous + Fe2O3” field, the concentration of Fe-containing species in the aqueous phase is less than m ¼ 106 since most of the Fe is precipitated in the solid phase. That is, m ¼ 106 applies only when no solid phases are present. (Usually, on EhpH diagrams, two-phase (aqueous + solid) regions are labeled with just the name of the solid phase, e.g., simply as “Fe2O3,” the presence of the aqueous phase being understood.) Classical Eh-pH diagrams are calculated by assuming that the aqueous phase is an ideal Henrian solution (see Section 5.10) in which there are no interactions among solute species. Nonideality cannot be taken into account because it would then be necessary to specify the concentrations of all solute species. In Fig. 11.2, for + example, ions such as Cl, NO 3 , and Na that may be present in the aqueous solution are not specified. That is, electric neutrality of the aqueous phase is generally not a condition of the Chapter 11 PHASE DIAGRAMS OF SYSTEMS WITH AN AQUEOUS PHASE calculations. However, this is permissible as long as the solution is an ideal Henrian solution since then the diagram is independent of the concentrations of solute species other than those containing Fe. The standard state for a solute species in an aqueous solution is generally taken by convention to be an ideal Henrian solution in which the molality of the species is m ¼ 1.0 (see Sections 5.10 and 5.11). Hence, in an ideal aqueous solution, the activity of a solute species is equal to its molality. The x-axis of Fig. 11.2 is the pH defined as pH ¼ log 10 aH + (11.3) + where aH+ is the activity of the H ion (equal to mH+ in Eh-pH diagrams). The y-axis in Fig. 11.2 is the redox potential Eh relative to a standard hydrogen (H2/H+) electrode with pH2 ¼ 1.0 bar and aH+ ¼ 1.0. Suppose, for example, that an electrochemical cell is constructed with one electrode being a standard hydrogen electrode, and the other electrode placed in the aqueous solution. If a potential Eh < 0.7097 V (point C in Fig. 11.2) is applied between the electrodes, then Fe2+ ions will be predominant. That is, the equilibrium Fe2 + + H + ¼ Fe3 + + 0:5 H2 ðgasÞ (11.4) is shifted to the left. If Eh > 0.7097 V, then the reaction is shifted to the right, and Fe3+ ions predominate. Consider now an electrochemical cell with one electrode being a standard hydrogen electrode (pH2 ¼ 1.0 and aH+ ¼ 1.0), and the other a hydrogen electrode with a hydrogen pressure pH2 in a solution where the hydrogen ion activity is aH+. The cell reaction is for which H + ðat activity aH + Þ + 0:5 H2 ðat pH2 ¼ 1Þ ¼ 0:5 H2 ðat pH2 Þ + H + ðat activity aH + ¼ 1Þ (11.5) 0:5 =aH + ΔG ¼ ΔGo + RT ln pH 2 (11.6) Since ΔGo ¼ 0, using the Nernst equation (Eq. 2.55), we may write Eh ¼ ðRT =F Þð0:5 ln pH2 ln aH + Þ ¼ ð2:303RT =F Þð0:5 log 10 pH2 pHÞ (11.7) Since H2O is always present, the effective hydrogen and oxygen partial pressures are coupled through the equilibrium: H2 OðaqÞ ¼ H2 ðgÞ + 0:5 O2 ðgÞ (11.8) 169 170 Chapter 11 PHASE DIAGRAMS OF SYSTEMS WITH AN AQUEOUS PHASE for which the equilibrium constant is 0:5 K ¼ pH2 pO =aH2 O 2 (11.9) where aH2O is the activity of H2O (approximately equal to 1.0 in dilute solutions) and where (aq) and (g) indicate species in the aqueous phase and gaseous species, respectively. Substituting Eq. (11.9) into Eq. (11.7) gives Eh ¼ ð2:303RT =F Þð0:25log 10 pO2 pH 0:5 log K 0:25 log aH2 O Þ (11.10) Hence, imposing an effective hydrogen pressure Eq. (11.7) or effective O2 pressure (Eq. 11.10) by equilibration with a gaseous atmosphere or by other means is equivalent to imposing a voltage Eh relative to a standard hydrogen electrode. Eqs. (11.10), (11.7) are illustrated in Figs. 11.3 and 11.4, respectively. Along the dashed lines in Fig. 11.2, pH2 and pO2 calculated from Eqs. (11.7), (11.10) are equal to 1.0 bar. If the total pressure is 1.0 bar, then at applied potentials Eh above the O2(1 bar) line, Eh = 1 Eh = 0.8 Eh = 1 −10 Eh = 0.6 Eh = 0.8 log10 p(O2) (bar) −20 Eh = 0.4 Eh = 0.6 −30 Eh = 0.2 pH = 1 −40 pH = 2 −50 pH = 3 Eh = 0.4 pH = 4 pH = 5 pH = 6 pH = 7 pH = 8 pH = 9 Eh = 0 pH = 10 pH = 11 pH = 12 Eh = 0.2 Eh = −0.2 −60 Eh = 0 Eh = −0.4 Eh = −0.2 −70 Eh = −0.4 Eh = −0.6 −80 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 pH Fig. 11.3 The relationships among Eh, pH, and the oxygen potential logpO2 at T ¼ 298.15 K from Eq. (11.10) when the activity of H2O ¼ 1.0 (Pelton et al., 2018). Chapter 11 PHASE DIAGRAMS OF SYSTEMS WITH AN AQUEOUS PHASE Eh = −0.4 −5 171 Eh = −0.6 Eh = −0.2 log10 p(H2) (bar) Eh = −0.4 Eh = 0 −10 Eh = −0.2 −15 pH = 1 Eh = 0.2 pH = 2 pH = 3 pH = 4 pH = 5 pH = 6 pH = 7 pH = 8 Eh = 0.4 −20 pH = 9 pH = 10 pH = 11 pH = 12 Eh = 0 Eh = 0.2 Eh = 0.6 Eh = 0.4 −25 Eh = 0.6 Eh = 0.8 −30 0 2 4 8 6 10 12 pH Fig. 11.4 The relationships among Eh, pH, and the hydrogen potential log log pH2 at T ¼ 298.15 K from Eq. (11.7) (Pelton et al., 2018). O2 gas will be evolved, and below the H2(1 bar) line, H2 gas will be evolved. So, for instance, it is not possible to electrochemically reduce Fe2+ in aqueous solution to Fe metal since H2 will be evolved instead. That is, H2O is only thermodynamically stable between the dashed lines. As a sample calculation, we calculate the slope of the line BE in Fig. 11.2 along which FeOH+ as the predominant Fe-containing species at m ¼ 106 is in equilibrium with Fe3O4. The equilibrium may be written as. 3FeOH + + 2H + + H2 O ¼ Fe3 O4 + 5H + + H2 (11.11) with ΔG o ¼ RT ln K ¼ RT ½ð ln pH2 2 ln aH + Þ + 5ð2:303Þ log 10 aH + 3 ln mFeOH + (11.12) From Eqs. (11.3), (11.7), the slope of line BE is thus 5(2.303)RT/ 2F ¼ 6.76. 172 Chapter 11 PHASE DIAGRAMS OF SYSTEMS WITH AN AQUEOUS PHASE 11.3 True Aqueous Phase Diagrams In order to address the limitations of classical Eh-pH diagrams as discussed in the preceding section, we may consider the thermodynamic criteria for true phase diagram sections as enunciated in Chapter 7 and apply these criteria to systems with an aqueous phase, as has been discussed in a recent article (Pelton et al., 2018). After defining electrically neutral components of the system, one defines the “size” of the system as the mass (or number of moles) of one or more components. The axis variables and constants of the diagram are then temperature, T, mass (or molar) ratios and relative chemical potentials of electrically neutral components. (As discussed in Chapter 7, in the general case, other properties such as pressure, volume, and enthalpy can be axis variables or constants, but these will not be considered here.) If the criteria and rules described in Section 7.5 are followed, then not only will the diagram be a true phase diagram section but also it will consist of ZPF lines as discussed in Section 7.4 and can therefore be calculated using the same general algorithm that is used for all true phase diagram sections as described in Section 7.4.1. The algorithm is general and versatile, permitting the calculation of diagrams with a variety of axis variables under a wide variety of constraints for real (i.e., nonideal) solutions and for any number of components. Although the redox potentials Eh and pH are not axis variables of true phase diagram sections, software can calculate and plot iso-Eh and isopH lines on the diagrams. A classical Eh-pH diagram for the Cu-H2O system with mCu ¼ 107 is shown in Fig. 11.5. We shall now calculate a similar true phase diagram section. Fig. 11.6 is a calculated phase diagram section for the H2O-O2HCl-NaOH-Cu system. Data were retrieved automatically from the FactSage databases for aqueous solutions and for pure compounds. The “size” of the system (see Section 7.5) is 1.0 mass unit of H2O, as initially defined before the system reaches equilibrium. The diagram is calculated at a constant total overall Cu molality mCu ¼ 107 mol/kg H2O and at a constant total overall molality (mHCl + mNaOH) ¼ 0.1 mol/kg H2O. The x-axis is the total overall molar ratio NaOH/(HCl + NaOH). The y-axis is the oxygen potential, logpO2, which is related to Eh by Eq. (11.10). The aqueous phase diagram in Fig. 11.6 and the classic Pourbaix diagram in Fig. 11.5 can be seen to have corresponding domains and topologies. However, the phase boundaries (black lines) in Fig. 11.6 are true phase boundaries and are all ZPF lines. 1.2 1.0 0.8 Point A Eh (volts) 0.6 Cu[2+] CuO(s) 0.4 O 2 0.2 Cu[+] 0 (1 b ar) Point C Cu2O(s) Point B −0.2 −0.4 Cu(s) −0.6 −0.8 −1.0 H2 ( 1 ba r) −2 2 0 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 pH Fig. 11.5 Classical Eh-pH (Pourbaix) diagram of the Cu-H2O system at T ¼ 298.15 K at a Cu molality ¼ 107. Dashed lines show limits at which O2 or H2 pressures exceed 1.0 bar. The aqueous phase is only thermodynamically stable between these lines (points A, B, and C correspond to the points in Fig. 11.6) (FactSage). Eh = 0.6 −10 −20 Eh = 0.8 pH = 4 Eh = 0.8 pH = 6 pH = 5 Point A log p(O2) (bar) Eh = 0.6 pH = 8 pH = 9 −30 aqueous CuO + aqueous Eh = 0.2 Point C Eh = 0.4 −40 Eh = 0.4 pH = 7 pH = 10 Eh = 0 −50 Eh = 0.2 pH = 4 −60 pH = 7 pH = 6 pH = 5 Point B Cu2O + aqueous Eh = 0 Eh = −0.2 Cu + aqueous −70 Eh = −0.4 Eh = −0.4 Eh = −0.2 −80 0.4994 0.4996 0.4998 0.5 0.5002 Molar ratio NaOH/(HCl+NaOH) 0.5004 0.5006 Fig. 11.6 True phase diagram section of the aqueous system H2O-O2-HCl-NaOH-Cu at T ¼ 298.15 K at a constant total overall Cu molality ¼ 107 mol/kg H2O and a constant total overall molality of (HCl +NaOH) ¼ 0.1 mol/kg H2O. x-axis is the molar ratio NaOH/(HCl + NaOH). y-axis is the oxygen potential. Iso-Eh and isopH lines are calculated (Pelton et al., 2018). 174 Chapter 11 PHASE DIAGRAMS OF SYSTEMS WITH AN AQUEOUS PHASE The diagram in Fig. 11.6 can be considered to be that of a system consisting of the following electroneutral components: 1.0 Kg H2O, 107 mol Cu, 0.1 mol (HCl + NaOH), and a variable amount of oxygen as determined by pO2. The region labeled simply as Cu2O on the Eh-pH predominance diagram in Fig. 11.5 is, on the true phase diagram of Fig. 11.6, labeled as Cu2O + aqueous because the aqueous phase is still present. The total amount of Cu in the aqueous solution and solid Cu2O taken together is 107 mol. The molality of Cu in the aqueous phase is thus equal to 107 only in the single-phase aqueous field. The boundary of the single-phase aqueous field is the solubility limit of Cu when mCu in the aqueous phase is 107. The line separating the Cu+ and Cu2+ fields in Fig. 11.5 does not appear in Fig. 11.6 because this is actually all one single-phase aqueous region. (However, it will be shown later how the position of this line can be calculated.) Eh and pH are not proper axis variables or constants of a true phase diagram since they are not relative chemical potentials of neutral components of the system. However, at any point on the diagram, the software can calculate the equilibrium composition of the aqueous phase and the H+ ion activity. Since Eh and pH are related to the H+ ion activity and pO2 by Eqs. (11.3), (11.10), the automatic calculation and plotting of iso-Eh and isopH lines on a calculated diagram are straightforward. These lines have been plotted in Fig. 11.6. After a diagram has been calculated and displayed, the equilibrium amounts and compositions of all phases can be rapidly and easily calculated at any point on the diagram. For example, using the FactSage software with Fig. 11.6 on the screen, by placing the cursor at point A (coordinates x ¼ 0.4995 and y ¼ 20.00) and “clicking” or alternatively by entering the coordinates of the point on a drop-down menu, one generates the output shown in Table 11.1 that gives the equilibrium composition of the aqueous solution at this point in the single-phase region. It can be seen that at this oxidation potential, the Cu is almost entirely in the 2 + oxidation state as Cu2+. The values of Eh and pH at the point are also calculated and displayed. The output generated by repeating the calculation at point B (x ¼ 0.4995 and y ¼ 60.00) is also shown in Table 11.1. At this lower oxidation potential, it can be seen that the dissolved Cu is mainly in the 1 + oxidation state as CuCl1 2 complex ions. These results may be compared with the classical Eh-pH diagram in Fig. 11.5 where the regions of predominance of the 1+ and 2+ states and the positions of the points A, B, and C are shown. Point C (coordinates x ¼ 0.5001 and y ¼ 35.00) in Fig. 11.6 lies in the two-phase (aqueous + CuO) region. The total amount of Cu Chapter 11 PHASE DIAGRAMS OF SYSTEMS WITH AN AQUEOUS PHASE Table 11.1 Calculated Equilibrium States at Points in Fig. 11.6 Point A: log p(O2)/bar ¼ 20, NaOH/(HCl + NaOH) (mol/mol) ¼ 0.4995 1.0000 mol (18.036 g) aqueous solution Molalities 5.0005E 02 4.9905E 02 9.9711E 05 9.9911E 08 9.8934E 11 3.7501E 14 9.1944E 17 +………………… (Eh ¼ 0.696 V, pH 4.001) Point B: log p(O2)/bar ¼ 60, NaOH/(HCl + NaOH) (mol/mol) ¼ 0.4995 1.0000 mol (18.036 g) aqueous solution Molalities 5.0005E 02 4.9905E 02 9.9811E 05 9.9640E 08 2.4430E 10 9.8835E 11 2.6573E 11 +………………… (Eh ¼ 0.105 V, pH 4.001) Point C: log p(O2)/bar ¼ 35, NaOH/(HCl + NaOH) (mol/mol) ¼ 0.5001 1.0000 mol (18.036 g) aqueous solution Molalities 4.9965E 02 4.9945E 02 1.9987E 05 4.9357E 10 4.1338E 09 1.0160E 11 9.7177E 12 +………………… (Eh ¼ 0.161 V, pH 9.307) +1.7220E-09 mol (1.3698E-07 g) CuO solid Cl Na+ H+ Cu2+ OH CuCl 2 Cu+ Cl Na+ H+ CuCl 2 Cu+ OH Cu2+ Na+ Cl OH H+ CuCl 2 Cu+ Cu2+ Species lists have been truncated to show only those species with the highest concentrations. 175 176 Chapter 11 PHASE DIAGRAMS OF SYSTEMS WITH AN AQUEOUS PHASE in the aqueous and CuO phases taken together is 107 mol/kg of H2O. The calculated equilibrium phase assemblage at point C is shown in Table 11.1. It can be seen that the aqueous phase contains very little Cu since nearly all the Cu has precipitated to form CuO. Note that the equilibrium system composition in Table 11.1 for point C is given per mole of aqueous solution at equilibrium. A small amount of H2O (approximately 0.1 mol per initial kilogram of H2O) has been formed by the reaction of the NaOH and HCl. The total amount of Cu in the aqueous plus solid CuO phases taken together is 107 mol/kg of H2O initially present before the reaction. On the classical Eh-pH diagram in Fig. 11.5, there are dashed lines showing the limits at which pO2 and pH2 exceed 1.0 bar. The aqueous phase is only thermodynamically stable between these lines. In Fig. 11.6, the limit of pO2 ¼ 1.0 bar is simply the horizontal x-axis at logpO2 ¼ 0. The limit of pH2 ¼ 1.0 bar is also a line at constant pO2 in Fig. 11.6 that can be calculated from Eq. (11.9) as logpO2 ¼ 2 log K (setting aH2O 1.0). Alternatively, one could recalculate the diagram with logpH2 as the vertical axis as will be shown later in Fig. 11.8. 11.3.1 Other Examples of True Aqueous Phase Diagram Sections The diagram of Fig. 11.7 is similar to Fig. 11.6 except that the total Cu content is higher. As a result, fields with solid CuCl appear. As well, this figure was calculated with the GEOPIGSUPCRT (2008) aqueous database, and the activities of ions at finite concentrations (i.e., not at infinite dilution) were calculated by means of the Debye-Davies equation. Fig. 11.8 is similar to Fig. 11.7 except that the y-axis is now the hydrogen potential logpH2. Fig. 11.8 is essentially Fig. 11.7 with the y-axis inverted as can be seen from Eq. (11.9). Classical Eh-pH diagrams for systems with two or more metallic elements can generally only be approximated by superimposing the diagrams for the individual elements. This restriction no longer holds in the case of true aqueous phase diagrams. In Fig. 11.9 is a calculated diagram for the H2O-O2-HCl-Cu-Au system with total overall molalities of Cu and Au, each equal to 0.01 mol/kg H2O. The nonideal GEOPIG-SUPCRT (2008) database was used for the aqueous phase, and aqueous ion activities were calculated with the Debye-Davies equation. Data for the solid fcc solution between Au and Cu were taken from the SGTE solution Chapter 11 PHASE DIAGRAMS OF SYSTEMS WITH AN AQUEOUS PHASE 177 Eh = 1 −10 Aqueous Eh = 0.8 log p(O2) (bar) −20 −30 Eh = 0.6 pH = 3 pH = 4 pH = 11 pH = 10 pH = 5 Eh = 0.4 pH = 12 Eh = 0.2 pH = 8 Eh = 0 Eh = 0.4 −40 CuCl + Cu2O + aqueous Eh = 0.2 −50 pH = 3 pH = 4 CuCl + aqueous −60 CuO + aqueous CuCl + Cu + aqueous Cu2O + aqueous Eh = −0.2 pH = 5 pH = 10 pH = 11 pH = 2 Eh = −0.4 pH = 12 Cu + aqueous −70 Eh = 0 −80 0.44 0.46 Eh = −0.6 0.48 0.5 0.52 Molar ratio NaOH/(HCl+NaOH) 0.54 0.56 Fig. 11.7 Same as Fig. 11.6 except at a Cu molality ¼ 0.005, with the nonideal GEOPIG-SUPCRT (2008) database used for the aqueous phase and with activities calculated from the Debye-Davies equation (Pelton et al., 2018). Eh = −0.6 Eh = 0 −5 Aqueous + Cu pH = 11 Eh = −0.4 −15 Aqueous + CuCl −20 −25 Aqueous log p(H2) (bar) −10 pH = 3 CuCl + Cu pH = 4 pH = 9 + aqueous Eh = 0.2 CuCl + Cu2O + aqueous pH = 4 Eh = −0.2 Aqueous + Cu2O Eh = 0 Eh = 0.4 pH = 6 Eh = 0.6 −30 pH = 5 pH = 10 pH = 11 Eh = 0.2 Aqueous + CuO −35 −40Eh = 1 0.44 pH = 3 Eh = 0.8 0.46 0.48 Eh = 0.4 0.5 0.52 Molar ratio NaOH/(HCl+NaOH) Fig. 11.8 Same as Fig. 11.7 except the y-axis is the H2 potential (Pelton et al., 2018). 0.54 0.56 178 Chapter 11 PHASE DIAGRAMS OF SYSTEMS WITH AN AQUEOUS PHASE 0 Aqueous −10 −20 Eh = 0.6 Eh = 0.8 pH = 1 log p(O2) (bar) Eh = 0.8 Eh = 1 Eh = 1 pH = 2 −30 pH = 3 pH = 4 Aqueous + fcc + CuO Eh = 0.4 Eh = 0.6 Aqueous + fcc −40 Aqueous + Au3Cu + CuO pH = 5 Aqueous + Au3Cu + Cu2O pH = 5 Aqueous + Au3Cu + fcc Eh = 0.4 −50 pH = 1 −60 pH = 3 pH = 2 Eh = 0.2 Aqueous + Au3Cu Eh = 0.2 Aqueous + AuCu + Au3Cu −70 Eh = 0 Eh = 0 −80 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 -log (HCl/H2O) (mol/kg) 3 3.5 4 Fig. 11.9 True phase diagram section of the H2O-O2-HCl-Cu-Au system at T ¼ 298.15 K at total overall molalities of Cu and Au ¼ 0.01 mol/kg. fcc phase is a nonideal Cu-Au alloy with data taken from the SGTE solution database (see SGTE). y-axis is the oxygen potential. x-axis is log10 mHCl where mHCl ¼ total overall molality of HCl (mol/kg H2O) (Pelton et al., 2018). database (see SGTE). At low temperatures, the fcc phase shows disordered but nonideal mixing at high Au or high Cu concentrations. In the intermediate range of compositions, three ordered fcc phases occur: Au3Cu, AuCu, and AuCu3. These have been approximated as stoichiometric compounds in the calculation. The single-phase aqueous region only appears at very low pH and high oxygen potential (high Eh) where Au enters the solution mainly as AuCl2 and AuCl3 2 ions. The y-axis of a calculated diagram is not limited to logpO2 or logpH2. For example, Fig. 11.10 shows the solubility of Cu in an aqueous solution as a function of HCl content at a constant oxygen potential. Temperature could also be selected as an axis variable. Aqueous solutions can become acidified by exposure to CO2 through the formation of HCO3 ions. Fig. 11.11 shows the phase equilibria in the H2O-O2-CO2-Cu system at a total Cu molality of 107 as a function of logpO2 and logpCO2. By performing an equilibrium calculation at any point on the diagram, one can calculate −1.2 Aqueous + CuCl + Cu2O log10(Cu/H2O) (mol/kg) −1.4 Eh = 0.34 Eh = 0.3 pH = 3 Eh = 0.38 pH = 2 Aq Eh = 0.4 ue −1.6 −1.8 Aqueous + Cu2O ou s + −2 Eh = 0.4 −2.2 −2.4 Cu Eh = 0.26 Cl Eh = 0.38 pH = 2 Eh = 0.36 pH = 4 Eh = 0.34 Eh = 0.28 Eh = 0.32 pH = 3 Aqueous Eh = 0.42 −2.6 −2.8 −3 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 2.4 1.8 2 2.2 -log10(HCl/H2O) (mol/kg) 2.6 2.8 3 Fig. 11.10 True phase diagram section of the H2O-O2-HCl-Cu system at T ¼ 298.15 K at a constant oxygen potential pO2 ¼ 1050 bar. x-axis is log10 mHCl where mHCl ¼ total overall molality of HCl (mol/kg H2O). y-axis is log10 mCu where mCu is the total overall molality of Cu (Pelton et al., 2018). −20 Eh = 0.6 −25 Eh = 0.4 −30 pH = 7 CuO+ aqueous pH = 6 −35 log p(O2) (bar) Eh = 0.4 −40 Eh = 0.2 pH = 5 aqueous −45 Eh = 0.2 Cu2O + aqueous −50 pH = 7 −55 Eh = 0 Cu + aqueous −60 −65 −10 −9 −8 −7 pH = 5 pH = 6 −5 −6 log p(CO2) (bar) Eh = 0 −4 −3 −2 −1 Fig. 11.11 True phase diagram section of the H2O-O2-CO2-Cu system at T ¼ 298.15 K and a constant total overall molality of Cu ¼ 107 mol/kg H2O. x- and y-axes give the equilibrium O2 and CO2 pressures (Pelton et al., 2018). 180 Chapter 11 PHASE DIAGRAMS OF SYSTEMS WITH AN AQUEOUS PHASE −20 Eh = 0.8 −25 Eh = 0.8 Eh = 0.6 Aqueous + CuO log10 p(O2) (bar) −30 Eh = 0.4 −35 Eh = 0.6 −40 pH = 5 Aqueous −45 pH = 2 pH = 1 Aqueous + Cu2O pH = 3 pH = 4 Eh = 0.4 −50 Cu2O + CuCl + Aqueous Aqueous + Cu −55 Aqueous + CuCl −60 0 0.5 1 CuCl + Cu + Aqueous Eh = 0.2 1.5 2 2.5 -log10(HCl/H2O) (mol/kg) 3 3.5 4 Fig. 11.12 True phase diagram section of the H2O-O2-CO2-Cu-HCl system at T ¼ 298.15 K, a total overall Cu molality ¼ 0.003 mol/kg H2O, and a constant CO2 pressure ¼ 0.01 bar. y-axis is the oxygen potential. x-axis is log10 mHCl where mHCl ¼ total overall molality of HCl (mol/kg H2O) (Pelton et al., 2018). the equilibrium HCO3 ion concentration and the concentration of dissolved neutral CO2 species and CO3 2 ions in the aqueous solution. Fig. 11.12 illustrates phase equilibria that could be associated with the corrosion of Cu in acidic chloride solutions at a CO2 partial pressure (0.01 bar) and redox potentials typical of the conditions encountered in the corrosion of some ancient bronzes (Chase et al., 2007). At a higher pCO2 ¼ 0.1 bar, the corrosion products are Cu2CO3(OH)2 (malachite) or Cu2O, depending upon logpO2 (or Eh). 11.3.2 Re-plotting the Diagrams in Eh-pH Coordinates Every phase boundary of a true aqueous phase diagram consists of a series of (pH, Eh) coordinates. Hence, after a true phase diagram has been calculated, the phase boundaries can be replotted in Eh-pH coordinates. As an example, Fig. 11.6 is Chapter 11 PHASE DIAGRAMS OF SYSTEMS WITH AN AQUEOUS PHASE 181 0.6 0.5 Aqueous + CuO Eh (volts) 0.4 Aqueous 0.3 0.2 0.1 Aqueous + Cu2O 0 −0.1 Aqueous + Cu −0.2 4 5 6 7 pH 8 9 10 Fig. 11.13 Fig. 11.6 replotted in Eh-pH coordinates. System H2O-O2-HCl-NaOH-Cu at T ¼ 298.15 K at a constant total overall Cu molality ¼ 107 mol/kg H2O and a constant total overall molality of (HCl + NaOH) ¼ 0.1 mol/kg H2O. pH determined by varying the ratio NaOH/(HCl + NaOH). Note that this is not a classical Eh-pH diagram (Pelton et al., 2018). replotted in Eh-pH coordinates in Fig. 11.13. It must be stressed that such a diagram cannot be called “the Eh-pH diagram of the H2O-Cu system” because it is dependent upon the fact that the pH is determined by the presence of NaOH and HCl and by their molalities. As an additional example, Fig. 11.11 is replotted in Eh-pH coordinates in Fig. 11.14. 11.3.3 Summary In summary, it can be seen that true aqueous phase diagram sections containing calculated isopH and iso-Eh lines show the phase equilibria as a function of Eh and pH, as do classical EhpH (Pourbaix) diagrams, while providing much more information and flexibility inasmuch as a very wide choice of axis variables and constants is available, the number of components is not limited, and the diagrams can be calculated for real nonideal concentrated aqueous solutions. As well, software permits the easy calculation and display of the equilibrium amounts and compositions of 182 Chapter 11 PHASE DIAGRAMS OF SYSTEMS WITH AN AQUEOUS PHASE CuO + aqueous 0.25 Eh (volts) Aqueous 0.2 0.15 Cu2O + aqueous 0.1 Cu + aqueous 0.05 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 pH Fig. 11.14 Fig. 11.11 replotted in Eh-pH coordinates. System H2O-O2-CO2-Cu at T ¼ 298.15 K and a constant total overall molality of Cu ¼ 107 mol/kg H2O. Eh and pH determined by varying O2 and CO2 partial pressures. Note that this is not a classical Eh-pH diagram (Pelton et al., 2018). every phase at any point on a calculated diagram. Finally, once calculated, the diagrams can be replotted in Eh-pH coordinates. References Chase, W.T., Notis, M., Pelton, A.D., 2007. Proc. ICOM Conversation Committee Working Group on Metals, Amsterdam. Huang, H.-H., 2016. Metals (Basel, Switzerland). 6, 23/21–23/30. Pelton, A.D., Eriksson, G., Hack, K., Bale, C.W., 2018. Monatsh. Chem. 149, 395–409. Pourbaix, M.J.N., 1974. Atlas of Electrochemical Equilibrium in Aqueous Solutions. NACE, Houston TX. CEBELCOR, Brussels. Woods, R., Yoon, R.H., Young, C.A., 1987. Int. J. Miner. Process. 20, 109–120. List of Websites FactSage, Montreal, GEOPIG-SUPCRT Database, 2008. slop07.dat. SGTE, Scientific Group Thermodata Europe, SGTE Solution database, 2017. 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PHASE DIAGRAMS CHAPTER OUTLINE 12.1 Phase Diagram Compilations 12.2 Further Reading 184 References 184 List of Websites 185 12.1 183 Phase Diagram Compilations From 1979 to the early 1990s, the American Society for Metals undertook a project to evaluate critically all binary and ternary alloy phase diagrams. All available literature on phase equilibria, crystal structures and, often, thermodynamic properties were critically evaluated in detail by international experts. Many evaluations have appeared in the Journal of Phase Equilibria (formerly Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams), (ASM Intl., Materials Park, OH), which continues to publish phase diagram evaluations. Condensed critical evaluations of 4700 binary alloy phase diagrams have been published in three volumes (Massalski et al., 2001). The ternary phase diagrams of 7380 alloy systems have also been published in a 10-volume compilation (Villars et al., 1995). Both binary and ternary phase diagrams from these compilations are available on the website of the ASM alloy phase diagram center (see American Society for Metals). Many of the evaluations have also been published by ASM as monographs on phase diagrams involving a particular metal as a component. The Scientific Group Thermodata Europe (SGTE) group has produced several subvolumes within volume 19 of the Landolt-B€ rnstein series (SGTE, 1999–2009) of compilations of thermodyo namic data for inorganic materials and of phase diagrams and integral and partial thermodynamic quantities of binary alloys. Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Modeling of Solutions. # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 183 184 Chapter 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PHASE DIAGRAMS Phase diagrams for over 9000 binary, ternary, and multicomponent ceramic systems (including oxides, halides, carbonates, and sulfates) have been compiled in the multivolume series, Phase Diagrams for Ceramists (Levin et al., 1964). Earlier volumes were noncritical compilations. However, more recent volumes have included critical commentaries. See also the Am. Ceram. Soc./ NIST website for an online version. Hundreds of critically evaluated and optimized phase diagrams of metallic, oxide, salt, and sulfide systems may be downloaded from the FactSage website. 12.2 Further Reading A text by Hillert (2008) provides an in-depth thermodynamic treatment of phase equilibriums and solution modeling. A classical discussion of phase diagrams in metallurgy was given by Rhines (1956). Prince (1966) presents a detailed treatment of the geometry of multicomponent phase diagrams. A series of five volumes edited by Alper (1970–1978) discusses many aspects of phase diagrams in materials science. Bergeron and Risbud (1984) give an introduction to phase diagrams, with particular attention to applications in ceramic systems. In the Calphad Journal (Pergamon) and in the Journal of Phase Equilibria (ASM Intl., Materials Park, OH), many articles on the relationships between thermodynamics and phase diagrams are to be found. The SGTE Casebook (Hack, 2008) illustrates, through many examples, how thermodynamic calculations can be used as a basic tool in the development and optimization of materials and processes of many different types. References Alper, A.M., 1970–1978. Phase Diagrams – Materials Science and Technology. vol. 1–5. Academic, New York. Bergeron, C.G., Risbud, S.H., 1984. Introduction to Phase Equilibria in Ceramics. American Ceramic Society, Columbus, Ohio. Hack, K., 2008. SGTE Casebook: Thermodynamics at Work, second ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Hillert, M., 2008. Phase Equilibria, Phase Diagrams and Phase Transformations – Their Thermodynamic Basis, second ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Levin, E.M., Robbins, C.R., McMurdie, H.F., 1964. Phase Diagrams for Ceramists. Am. Ceramic Soc., Columbus, OH (Supplements to 2018). Massalski, T.B., Okamoto, H., Subramanian, P.R., Kacprzak, L., 2001. Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, second ed. American Society of Metals, Metals Park, OH. Chapter 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PHASE DIAGRAMS Prince, A., 1966. Alloy Phase Equilibria. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Rhines, F.N., 1956. Phase Diagrams in Metallurgy. McGraw-Hill, New York. € r Werkstoffchemie, RWTH, Aachen, ThermoSGTE group, 1999–2009. Lehrstuhl fu €rnstein Group IV. vol. 19. dynamic Properties of Inorganic Materials, Landolt-Bo Springer, Berlin. Villars, P., Prince, A., Okamoto, H., 1995. Handbook of Ternary Alloy Phase Diagrams. American Society of Metals, Metals Park, OH, pp. 887–891. List of Websites American Ceramic Society/NIST, American Society for Metals, alloy phase diagram center, www1.asminternational. org/asmenterprise/apd. FactSage, Montreal, 185 INTRODUCTION 13 As discussed in the general introduction, the last 40 years has witnessed a rapid development of large evaluated optimized thermodynamic databases and of software that accesses these databases to calculate phase diagrams by Gibbs energy minimization. The databases for multicomponent solution phases are prepared by first developing an appropriate mathematical model, based upon the structure of the solution, that gives the thermodynamic properties as functions of temperature and composition for every phase of a system. Next, all available thermodynamic data (calorimetric data, activity measurements, etc.) and phase equilibrium data from the literature for the entire system are evaluated and simultaneously “optimized” to obtain one set of critically evaluated self-consistent parameters of the models for all phases in two-component and, if data are available, in threecomponent and higher-order systems. Finally, the models are used to estimate the properties of multicomponent solutions from the databases of parameters of lower-order subsystems. More recently, experimental data are being supplemented by “virtual data” from first principles and molecular dynamics calculations. The optimized model equations are consistent with thermodynamic principles and with theories of solutions. The phase diagrams can be calculated from these thermodynamic equations. Hence, one set of self-consistent equations describes simultaneously all the thermodynamic properties and the phase diagrams. This technique of analysis greatly reduces the amount of experimental data needed to fully characterize a system. All data can be tested for internal consistency. The data can be interpolated and extrapolated more accurately. All the thermodynamic properties and the phase diagram can be represented and stored by means of a relatively small set of coefficients. This technique permits the estimation of phase diagrams of multicomponent systems based upon data from lower-order subsystems and allows any desired phase diagram section or Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Modeling of Solutions. # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 189 190 Chapter 13 INTRODUCTION projection to be calculated and displayed rapidly. As an example, in Fig. 7.7 is a calculated phase diagram section for a sixcomponent system that might be of interest in the design of new Mg alloys. This diagram can be calculated on a laptop computer in about 1 min. Hence, many sections of a multicomponent system can be quickly generated for study. The computer calculation of phase diagrams presents many additional advantages. For example, metastable phase boundaries can be readily calculated by simply removing one or more stable phases from the calculation. Another advantage is the possibility of calculating phase compositions at points on an isoplethal section. For instance, compositions of individual phases at equilibrium cannot be read directly from Fig. 7.7. However, with the calculated diagram on the computer screen and with appropriate software (see FactSage), one can simply place the cursor at any desired point on the diagram and “click” in order to calculate the amounts and compositions of all phases in equilibrium at that point. Other software can follow the course of equilibrium cooling or of nonequilibrium Scheil-Gulliver cooling as was discussed in Chapter 8. And, of course, the thermodynamic databases permit the calculation of chemical potentials that are essential for calculating kinetic phenomena such as diffusion. Coupling thermodynamic databases and software with databases of diffusion coefficients and software for calculating diffusion (as with the Dictra program of Thermo-Calc (see Thermo-Calc)) provides a powerful tool for the study of the heat treatment of alloys. Among the largest integrated database computing systems with applications in metallurgy and materials science are Thermo-Calc, FactSage, MTDATA, and Pandat. (See list of websites.) These systems all combine large evaluated and optimized databases with advanced Gibbs energy minimization software. As well, the SGTE group (SGTE, 2017) has developed a large database for metallic systems. All these databases are extensive. For example, the SGTE alloy database contains optimized data for 79 components involving hundreds of solution phases and stoichiometric compounds, 603 completely assessed and optimized binary systems, and 156 optimized ternary and higher-order systems involving 319 solution phases and 1166 stoichiometric compounds. Equally extensive optimized databases have been developed for systems of oxides, salts, etc. (See Thermo-Calc, FactSage, MTDATA, and Pandat). The theme of Part II is models that are currently used to represent the thermodynamic properties of solutions as functions Chapter 13 INTRODUCTION of T, P, and composition. These models relate the thermodynamic properties to the atomic or molecular structure of the solution. Techniques of data evaluation and optimization are also outlined. However, a thorough discussion of these techniques is beyond the scope of the present work. List of Websites FactSage, Montreal, NPL-MTDATA, Pandat, SGTE, Scientific Group Thermodata Europe, SGTE Solution Database, 2017. Thermo-Calc, Stockholm, 191 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGGWILLIAMS—BW) MODELS CHAPTER OUTLINE 14.1 Ideal Raoultian Solutions 194 14.2 Regular Solution Theory: Binary Systems 195 14.3 Polynomial Expansion of the Excess Gibbs Energy: Binary Systems 196 14.3.1 Respecting the Gibbs-Helmholz Equation 197 14.3.2 Redlich-Kister Polynomials 198 14.3.3 A Shortcoming of Polynomial Expansions 198 14.3.4 A Caveat for Optimizations When Data Are Available Only Over a Limited Composition Range 199 14.4 Solutions With Two or More Sublattices But With Only One Sublattice of Variable Composition 200 14.4.1 Asymmetric Common-Ion Molten Salt Solutions: Temkin Model 200 14.5 Solutions With Limited Solubility: Lattice Stabilities 201 14.6 Darken’s Quadratic Formalism 202 14.7 Introduction to Coupled Thermodynamic/Phase Diagram Optimization: Binary Systems 203 14.7.1 Optimization Algorithms 206 14.7.2 Use of “Virtual Data” 206 14.8 Multicomponent Systems 207 14.8.1 Kohler Model vs Muggianu Model 212 14.8.2 Sample Calculation: The KF-LiF-NaF System 213 14.8.3 Ternary Polynomial Terms 214 14.8.4 Extension to Systems of Four or More Components 216 14.8.5 Corresponding Expressions for Partial Properties 219 14.9 Liquid Solutions: Coordination Equivalent Fractions 219 14.9.1 Extension to Multicomponent Solutions 222 14.10 Wagner’s Interaction Parameter Formalism and the Unified Interaction Parameter Formalism 222 Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Modeling of Solutions. # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 193 194 Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS 14.10.1 Approximation for ε23 224 14.10.2 Interaction Parameter Formalism With Molar Ratios 14.11 Thermal Vacancies 226 References 226 225 We begin with models based on a single lattice. We further begin with random-mixing Bragg-Williams (BW) or “point approximation” models in which species are distributed randomly over the lattice sites with no correlation among their positions. This subject was introduced in Section 4.6 where it was shown that the ideal configurational entropy of mixing, that is, the entropy of mixing associated with the random spatial distribution of the species on the lattice, is given by Eq. (4.28) which can clearly be generalized to systems with more than two components as Δsideal ¼ RðX1 ln X1 + X2 ln X2 + X3 ln X3 + ::…Þ (14.1) where the site fraction Xi is the fraction of the lattice sites occupied by species i. (Note: In this chapter, it will often be more convenient to designate the components of a solution as 1-2-3- … rather than A-B-C- … as was done in Chapter 4.) 14.1 Ideal Raoultian Solutions As discussed in Section 4.6, for a substitutional solution in which the mixing species are nearly alike with nearly identical radii and electronic structures, there will be little change in bonding energy or volume upon mixing. As a result, the enthalpy of mixing will be small. Furthermore, there will be little change in the vibrational and electronic energy levels upon mixing. Hence, the nonconfigurational entropy of mixing resulting from the distribution of phonons and electrons over these levels will be small. Also, and for the same reasons, the species will be nearly randomly distributed over the lattice sites. That is, the excess configurational entropy will be small. A solution in which the enthalpy of mixing is zero and the entropy of mixing is equal to the random-mixing configurational entropy, Eq. (14.1), is called an ideal Raoultian solution. Its Gibbs energy of mixing thus results entirely from the ideal random configurational entropy: ideal ¼ RT ðX1 ln X1 + X2 ln X2 + X3 ln X3 + ::…Þ Δgm (14.2) As a general rule, one expects solutions to approach more closely to ideal behavior (i) at higher temperatures since high Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS temperature favors the entropy term in Eq. (4.15) and random mixing maximizes the configurational entropy, (ii) in liquid more than in solid solutions because atoms of different sizes can mix with less strain when not constrained to a rigid solid lattice, and (iii) if the species that are mixing are chemically similar and (iv) of similar size. Generally speaking, the assumption of ideal solution behavior for a solid or liquid solution is rarely satisfactory as a quantitative model unless all these criteria are very closely met. For example, although liquid Au-Cu solutions at 1100°C satisfy the first three of these criteria, it can be seen from Fig. 4.2 that the Gibbs energy of mixing is approximately twice as large as Δgideal. 14.2 Regular Solution Theory: Binary Systems Regular solution theory was introduced in Section 4.9 as a first approximation to deviations from ideal behavior. The criteria for approximately regular solution behavior are the same as criteria (i)–(iv) as just presented in Section 14.1. If these criteria are reasonably closely met, the distribution might intuitively be expected to be nearly random such that the configurational entropy of mixing is given by Eq. (14.1). A quantitative confirmation of this intuitive approximation will be given in Section 16.2. Based on a pair-bond concept of lattice energy and vibrational entropy, it was shown in Section 4.9 that the enthalpy of mixing, nonconfigurational entropy, and excess Gibbs energy of mixing in a binary system should, to a first approximation, be approximately parabolic functions of composition as in Eqs. (4.48), (4.49), with maxima or minima at the equimolar composition. As an example, plots of Δhm and gE for liquid Au-Cu solutions were shown in Fig. 4.2. It can be seen that the curves are quite close to parabolic with minima near XAu ¼ XCu ¼ 0.5. If gE for this solution is approximated by the regular solution expression gE ¼ 27,000 XAuXCu J mol1, the deviation from the curve in Fig. 4.2 is never >690 J mol1. As discussed in Section 4.9, the excess entropy is the sum of a configurational term due to deviations from the random spatial distribution of the species and a nonconfigurational term: sE ¼ sEðconfigÞ + sEðnonconfigÞ (14.3) However, it must be stressed that it is not possible to separate these two terms by any measurement of a macroscopic property. In regular solution theory, sE(config) is assumed to be zero. 195 196 Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS However, experimentally, only the total excess entropy, sE, can be measured. The separation into configurational and nonconfigurational terms is an artifact of the model being used. Furthermore, even though sE might be reasonably closely fitted to a model equation of the parabolic form of Eq. (4.49), this does not necessarily mean that the excess entropy is all, or even mainly, nonconfigurational. 14.3 Polynomial Expansion of the Excess Gibbs Energy: Binary Systems The excess Gibbs energy of a binary solution of components 1–2 may be expressed as a polynomial expansion in the site fractions as follows: g E ¼ α12 X1 X2 where the “α-function” α12 is given by X i L 12 ðX1 X2 Þi α12 ¼ (14.4) (14.5) i0 with the ideal entropy and ideal Gibbs energy of mixing being given by Eqs. (14.1), (14.2). The coefficients iL12 are independent of composition but may be functions of temperature. If we write i L 12 ¼ i h 12 T i s 12 (14.6) where ih12 and is12 are coefficients (which are not necessarily independent of temperature), then Xi h 12 ðX1 X2 Þi (14.7) Δhm ¼ X1 X2 i0 and s E ¼ X1 X2 X i s 12 ðX1 X2 Þi (14.8) i0 As many terms may be included in the series in Eq. (14.5) as are required to fit the experimental data for a given solution. If the series is truncated after the first term, then gE ¼ 0L12X1X2, and the solution is regular. If the series is truncated after the second term, then (14.9) g E ¼ X1 X2 0 L 12 + 1 L 12 ðX1 X2 ÞÞ and the solution is called “subregular.” Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS The polynomial expansion is not a purely mathematical equation with no physical basis. It is clearly an extension of regular solution theory. Hence, for a polynomial expansion to adequately represent gE of a solution without requiring an excessive number of terms and for it to permit reasonable interpolations and extrapolations to compositions where data are not available, the solution should approximately fulfill the basic physical assumptions of regular solution theory. That is, the distribution of species on the lattice sites should not deviate too far from a random distribution, and the pair-bond approximation should be reasonably valid. This caveat is particularly important when one uses the model to estimate thermodynamic properties of a multicomponent solution from the optimized properties of its binary subsystems as will be discussed in Section 14.8. As an example, the available thermodynamic data for liquid Au-Cu solutions are well represented (SGTE, 2017) by the following three-term equation: g E =XAu XCu ¼ ð27900 1:000T Þ + 4730ðXAu XCu Þ + ð3500 + 3:500T ÞðXAu XCu Þ2 J mol1 (14.10) Eq. (14.10) was used to generate the functions plotted in Fig. 4.2. The equations for the partial excess Gibbs energies (also called the excess chemical potentials) corresponding to Eqs. (14.4), (14.5) are h i X i L 12 ðX1 X2 Þi + 2iX 1 ðX1 X2 Þi1 (14.11) μE1 ¼ X22 i0 μE2 ¼ X12 X i h i L 12 ðX1 X2 Þi 2iX 2 ðX1 X2 Þi1 (14.12) i0 Similar equations give the partial enthalpies of mixing and excess entropies in terms of the coefficients of Eqs. (14.7), (14.8). 14.3.1 Respecting the Gibbs-Helmholz Equation It merits pointing out that the temperature derivatives of the enthalpy of mixing and excess entropy are related by the GibbsHelmholtz equation, Eq. (2.58). Accordingly, the temperature dependencies of the coefficients ih12 and is12 of Eqs. (14.7), (14.8) are not independent of each other. Suppose, for example, that the empirical temperature dependence of a coefficient iL12 is as follows: i L 12 ¼ a bT cT ln T (14.13) 197 198 Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS where the coefficients a, b, and c are independent of T. Clearly, if c ¼ 0, then a ¼ ih12, and b ¼ is12. If c 6¼ 0, then from the GibbsHelmholtz equation, i h 12 ¼ a + cT (14.14) s 12 ¼ b + c ð ln T + 1Þ (14.15) and i 14.3.2 Redlich-Kister Polynomials The functions (X1 X2)i in Eq. (14.5) are called Redlich-Kister polynomials. Rather than using Redlich-Kister polynomials, one might expand α12 in terms of the site fractions as follows: X X ij j Q12 X1i X2 (14.16) α12 ¼ i0 j0 Clearly, the set of coefficients Qij12 can be calculated from the set L12 and vice versa. That is, in principle, Eqs. (14.5), (14.16) are equivalent. However, a disadvantage of the expansion of Eq. (14.16) is that the base functions Xi1Xj2 become very small for higher values of i or j when X1 or X2 is small. As a result, the coefficients Qij12 tend to become very large for larger values of i or j, thereby requiring the retention of a large number of significant digits. Furthermore, and for the same reason, the coefficients are highly correlated. That is, adding an additional term to an expansion can completely change the numerical values of the preceding coefficients even if the additional term only changes gE slightly. Redlich-Kister polynomials, on the other hand, are much less strongly correlated, and as i and j become larger, the values of the coefficients iL12 tend to become smaller. For a detailed treatment of this subject and the use of other polynomial functions such as orthogonal Legendre polynomials, see Pelton and Bale (1986). i 14.3.3 A Shortcoming of Polynomial Expansions Regular solution theory predicts a curve of gE versus composition that is parabolic with an extremum at X1 ¼ X2 ¼ 0.5. For many solutions, the observed gE function is approximately parabolic, but the extremum is shifted from the equimolar composition. In order to represent such a function, one might Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS consider adding a second “subregular” term to the expansion as in Eq. (14.9). The problem with this is that as the ratio 1L12/0L12 becomes larger, the curve becomes distorted and can even change sign. For example, suppose that 0L12 > 0, 1L12 > 0, and 1 L12/0L12 ¼ 1.5. The maximum value of gE is then shifted to X1 ¼ 0.69, but gE becomes negative when X2 > 0.71. One way to shift the composition of the extremum without severely distorting the parabolic shape of the curve is to replace the molar fractions in Eqs. (14.4), (14.5) by “coordination equivalent fractions” as discussed in Section 14.9. As will be discussed in Section 14.9, for liquid solutions this can be rationalized as resulting from a variation of coordination number with composition. Although this rationalization does not apply to solid solutions, polynomial expansions in terms of equivalent fractions might nevertheless be useful empirically in some cases for solid as well as for liquid solutions. 14.3.4 A Caveat for Optimizations When Data Are Available Only Over a Limited Composition Range If the coefficients iL12 of the integral property gE in Eq. (14.5) are known, then the expressions for the partial properties μE1 and μE2 in Eqs. (14.11), (14.12) are complete because they are obtained by differentiation. Suppose, however, that the only available data in a solution are for the partial property μE1 of component 1 over a limited composition range. For example, suppose that in a binary system, only the liquidus in equilibrium with pure solid component 1 has been measured over a composition range extending from X1 ¼ 1. If the Gibbs energy of fusion is known and there is negligible solubility in the solid phase, then Eq. (5.5) can be used to calculate μE1 in the liquid as a function of composition along the liquidus. If we further assume that sE1 0, then μE1 is independent of temperature. We can then fit μE1 to Eq. (14.11) to obtain the empirical parameters iL12. We might now be tempted to calculate μE2 by substituting these parameters into Eq. (14.12). However, this can give rise to very serious errors. The Gibbs-Duhem equation may be written: X1 dμE1 + X2 dμE2 ¼ 0 (14.17) This is a differential equation. If μE1 is known as a function of composition, then μE2 can only be calculated within a constant of integration. That is, μE2 is in fact given by Eq. (14.12) but with the addition of a constant C that can only be evaluated if a value 199 200 Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS of μE2 is known from an independent measurement at some composition within the range over which μE1 has been measured. Errors introduced by assuming that C ¼ 0 can often be very large. In this regard, see also Section 14.6. 14.4 Solutions With Two or More Sublattices But With Only One Sublattice of Variable Composition Systems with two or more sublattices are the subject of Chapter 15. However, it may be noted that the equations of a multisublattice model reduce to those of a single-sublattice model when only one sublattice is of variable composition. For example, solid and liquid MgO-CaO solutions can be modeled by assuming an anionic sublattice occupied only by O2– ions, while Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions mix on a cationic sublattice. In this case, the model is mathematically the same as that of a single-sublattice substitutional model because the site fractions XMg and XCa of the ions on the cationic sublattice are numerically equal to the overall component mole fractions XMgO and XCaO. Solid and liquid MgO-CaO solutions have been shown (Wu et al., 1993) to be well represented by simple polynomial expansions as in Eqs. (14.5), (14.16). 14.4.1 Asymmetric Common-Ion Molten Salt Solutions: Temkin Model Consider a molten salt solution such as MgCl2-KCl in which the components share a common anion. Such a solution is termed “asymmetrical” since Mg2+ and K+ ions have different charges. In a solid asymmetrical salt solution, dissolution can only occur with the formation of lattice defects such as cation vacancies or interstitial ions, and the components cannot be completely miscible at all compositions since they have different crystal structures. However, liquid MgCl2 and KCl are miscible at all compositions, and evidence shows (see, e.g., Blander, 1964) that the Temkin model applies, whereby the Mg2+ and K+ ions mix randomly on a cationic sublattice with the number of lattice sites varying with composition so as to be always equal to the number of cations in solution. That is, there is no formation of lattice defects. Hence, the model is mathematically the same as that of a single-lattice substitutional model, since the cationic site fractions XMg and XK are numerically equal to the component mole fractions XMgCl2 and XKCl. Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS 14.5 Solutions With Limited Solubility: Lattice Stabilities The concept of a dilute Henrian solution was introduced in Section 5.9 using the example of the Mg-rich hcp phase in the Ag-Mg system. In this quite dilute solution, the activity coefficient of Ag, γ oAg, relative to pure fcc Ag as standard state is approximately independent of composition. By combining terms as in Eqs. (5.25), (5.26), it was shown that the hcp solution is then ideal relative to a . hypothetical standard state of pure Ag with Gibbs energy μo(hcp-Mg) Ag as defined by Eq. (5.26) As pointed out in Section 5.9, μo(hcp-Mg) Ag is not the same as, for is solvent-dependent. That is, μo(hcp-Mg) Ag for Ag in dilute hcp Cd solutions. However, example, μo(hcp-Cd) Ag for purposes of developing consistent thermodynamic databases for multicomponent solution phases, it is advantageous to select one single set of values for the chemical potentials of pure elements and compounds in metastable or unstable crystal struc) that are independent of the solvent. Such tures (e.g., μo(hcp) Ag values, sometimes called lattice stabilities, may be obtained (i) from measurements at high pressures if the structure is stable at high pressure, (ii) as averages of the values for several solvents, or (iii) from first-principle quantum mechanical or molecular dynamics calculations. Tables (Dinsdale, 1991) of such values for many elements in metastable or unstable states have been prepared and agreed upon by the international community working in the field of phase diagram evaluation and thermodynamic database optimization. Hence, for the hcp solution in the Ag-Mg system, we would write the following: oðhcpÞ oðhcpÞ + XMg μMg + RT XAg ln XAg + XMg ln XMg + g E g ¼ XAg μAg (14.18) In this case, we say that hcp Mg and hcp Ag are the end-members of the solution (as opposed to Eq. (5.24) where hcp Mg and fcc Ag are the end-members). gE in Eq. (14.18) can be expressed by a polynomial expansion, and in this way the equation is extended to compositions beyond the dilute Henrian region. However, even if the equation is only required to apply to very dilute solutions, at least one nonzero coefficient in the polynomial expansion of gE will usually be is now solventrequired because the standard state μo(hcp) Ag independent. That is, it is no longer an adjustable model parameter. However, gE will still generally be smaller than if fcc Ag was chosen as standard state. 201 202 Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS 14.6 Darken’s Quadratic Formalism Some physical insight into regular solution theory and lattice stabilities is provided by Darken’s quadratic formalism. In several binary solutions with complete miscibility of the end-members 1 and 2, Darken (1967a, 1967b) observed that the Gibbs energy of solutions relatively rich in component 1 is often well represented by the following equation: (14.19) g ¼ X1 μo1 + X2 μo2 + C2 + ðω1 η1 T ÞX1 X2 where C2 is a constant. By substitution into Eq. (4.40), this gives μE1 ¼ ðω1 η1 T ÞX22 (14.20) μE2 ¼ ðω1 η1 T ÞX12 + C2 (14.21) When C2 ¼ 0, Eqs. (14.20), (14.21) reduce to the regular solution equations (Eq. 4.45). From the discussion in Section 5.9, it can be seen that Eq. (14.19) is equivalent to defining a new hypothetical standard state for component 2 with Gibbs energy (μo2 + C2). Similarly, for solutions rich in component 2, the Gibbs energy is given by (14.22) g ¼ X1 μo1 + C1 + X2 μo2 + ðω2 η2 T ÞX1 X2 which is equivalent to defining a new hypothetical standard state for component 1 with Gibbs energy (μo1 + C1).. As an example, the phase diagram of the AgCl-Ag2S system is shown in Fig. 14.1. The experimental points in the figure and experimental data for the enthalpy of liquid mixing are well reproduced with the following expressions for the Gibbs energy of the liquid phase (Brookes et al., 1978): When XAg2S < 0.45: g ¼ XAgCl μoAgCl + XAg2 S μoAg2 S 1033 + 9100XAgCl XAg2 S J mol1 (14.23) When XAg2S > 0.55: g ¼ XAgCl μoAgCl + CAgCl + XAg2 S μoAg2 S + 9260XAgCl XAg2 S J mol1 (14.24) There are insufficient data to permit the constant CAgCl to be determined. This can be interpreted as (μAg2So 1033) being the molar Gibbs energy of hypothetical pure liquid Ag2S with the structure of AgCl. That is, at AgCl-rich compositions, the solute Ag2S is incorporated into a solution that retains the structure of liquid AgCl for Ag2S contents up to approximately XAg2S ¼ 0.45. Similarly, at Ag2S-rich Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS 900 800 Liquid T (∞C) 700 600 500 Liquid + Ag2S Liquid + AgCl 400 300 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Mole fraction Ag2S 0.8 1 Fig. 14.1 AgCl-Ag2S phase diagram. Experimental points from Bell and Flengas (1964). Calculated liquidus from Eqs. (14.23), (14.24). compositions, the structure of liquid Ag2S is retained for AgCl contents up to approximately XAgCl ¼ 0.45. And both terminal phases are approximately regular solutions. The narrow transition region between these two terminal regular solutions is evident even from a cursory examination of the phase diagram. Eqs. (14.23), (14.24) do not apply in the transition region. That is, Darken’s formalism does not provide a single equation for the Gibbs energy that applies at all compositions. Hence, it is unfortunately not well suited for the development of general databases of thermodynamic properties. 14.7 Introduction to Coupled Thermodynamic/Phase Diagram Optimization: Binary Systems The concept and purpose of coupled thermodynamic/phase diagram optimization were discussed in Chapter 13. In the present section, we present an example of an optimization of a binary system using single-sublattice Bragg-Williams models as discussed in Sections 14.3–14.5. Other examples, using other models, will be given in later chapters. A great many optimizations have been published since 1977 in the Calphad Journal (Pergamon Press). 203 Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS The NaNO3-KNO3 system has been evaluated and optimized by Robelin et al. (2015) who provide full details of the procedure. Only an outline will be presented here as an example of an optimization. This system has been the subject of several experimental investigations. The many measurements of the phase diagram, obtained by a variety of experimental techniques, are shown in Fig. 14.2. (The most recent studies indicate that the IIA ➔ IA transition is actually second-order. However, Robelin et al. modeled it as first-order as shown in the figure.) Enthalpies of liquid mixing (Kleppa, 1960) are shown in Fig. 14.3. (These data were obtained at either 619 or 721 K, but the temperature dependence of Δhm was found to be negligible.) Measurements of partial enthalpies of mixing in liquid solutions and of heat contents (hT h298.15) for equimolar mixtures between T ¼ 300 and 717 K are also available. These data were also taken into account in the optimizations by Robelin et al. As can be seen in Fig. 14.2, there are four equilibrium solid solutions in the system (IA, IIA, IB, and IIB). All four solid phases and the liquid phase were modeled assuming that NO 3 ions occupy an anionic sublattice while Na+ and K+ ions are distributed randomly on a cationic sublattice. Hence, as discussed in Section 14.4, a single-sublattice model can be used. The Gibbs energies of the stable end-members (μNaNO3o(LIQ), o(IA) , μNaNO3o(IIA), μKNO3o(LIQ), μKNO3o(IB), and μKNO3o(IIB)) were μNaNO3 evaluated from enthalpy and Cp data for pure NaNO3 and KNO3 650 600 Liquid 550 T (K) 204 500 IA IB 450 400 IIA IIB 350 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.7 Mole fraction XKNO3 0.8 0.9 1.0 Fig. 14.2 Optimized phase diagram of the NaNO3-KNO3 system (Robelin et al., 2015. For references for experimental points, see this reference). Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS 0 Δhm (J·mol-1) −100 −200 −300 −400 −500 −600 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Mole fraction XKNO3 0.8 0.9 1.0 Fig. 14.3 Enthalpy of liquid-liquid mixing in the NaNO3-KNO3 system (Kleppa, 1960) (circles, 619 K; triangles, 721 K). and were expressed as functions of T as described in Section 2.6. The evaluated functions are given by Robelin et al. (2015). The four solid solutions were modeled as ideal Henrian solutions as discussed in Section 5.9. For example, for the IB solution, oðIBÞ oðIBÞ g ðIBÞ ¼ XKNO3 μKNO3 + XNaNO3 μNaNO3 + RT ðXKNO3 ln XKNO3 + XNaNO3 ln XNaNO3 Þ (14.25) oðIBÞ where μNaNO3 , the molar Gibbs energy of the unstable endmember NaNO3 with the IB crystal structure, was optimized as an adjustable parameter: oðIBÞ oðIAÞ μNaNO3 ¼ μNaNO3 + ð6171 3:347T Þ J mol1 (14.26) The Gibbs energies of the unstable end-members of the other three solid solutions were similarly optimized as oðIIBÞ oðIIAÞ μNaNO3 ¼ μNaNO3 + 7950 J mol1 oðIAÞ oðIBÞ μKNO3 ¼ μKNO3 + ð690 + 9:623T Þ J mol1 oðIIAÞ oðIIBÞ μKNO3 ¼ μKNO3 + 8368 J mol1 (14.27) (14.28) (14.29) For the liquid solution, Robelin et al. used the modified quasichemical model (to be discussed in Chapter 16) in order to take short-range ordering into account. However, short-range ordering 205 206 Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS is very small in this solution. Hence, we have reoptimized the liquid using a subregular Bragg-Williams model with g E ¼ XNaNO3 XKNO3 ð1860 143ðXNaNO3 XKNO3 ÞÞ J mol1 (14.30) The parameters of Eqs. (14.26)–(14.30) are those that best reproduce all the available data simultaneously. The phase diagram and liquid enthalpy of mixing calculated from the optimized equations are compared with the experimental data in Figs. 14.2 and 14.3. The other calorimetric data mentioned above are also well reproduced. 14.7.1 Optimization Algorithms Several algorithms have been developed to perform thermodynamic optimizations using least squares, Bayesian, and other techniques (e.g., see Bale and Pelton, 1983; Lukas et al., 1977; €rner et al., 1980; Ko € nigsberger and Eriksson, 1995). In general, Do however, it is not possible to have a single universal objective method. The preferred optimization procedure will vary from system to system depending upon the type and accuracy of the available data, the number of data points, the number of phases present, etc. Furthermore, no purely objective statistical criterion exists for determining when an optimization “best” represents the data. Optimizations necessarily involve a large degree of subjective judgment and much trial and error. 14.7.2 Use of “Virtual Data” In the absence of experimental thermodynamic data, “virtual data” from first-principles quantum mechanical calculations and molecular dynamics calculations can be used. As the accuracy of these calculations has improved in recent years, their use in thermodynamic optimizations has increased apace. Such calculations are most accurate, and have found their widest application, in estimating the enthalpies of compounds and unstable end-members of solutions (see Section 14.5). However, estimates of entropies and heat capacities of compounds and even of some solution properties are becoming increasingly possible. Several commercial software packages are available for performing first-principles and molecular dynamics calculations. Density functional theory codes with pseudopotential include VASP (Kresse and Joubert, 1999), Quantum ESPRESSO (Giannozzi et al., 2009), ABINIT (Gonze et al., 2002), and CASTEP (Segall et al., 2002). For a density functional theory code with full potential, see WIEN2k (Blaha et al., 1990). For an ab initio Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS molecular dynamics code, see VASP (Kresse and Furthmuller, 1996), and for a classical molecular dynamics code, see LAMMPS (Plimpton, 1995). For discussions of first-principles and molecular dynamics techniques, see these references and Turchi et al. (2007). Many optimizations employing virtual data have been published in recent years in the Calphad Journal (Pergamon Press). 14.8 Multicomponent Systems Among the 70 metallic elements, 80!/3!67! ¼ 54,740 ternary systems and 916,895 quaternary systems are formed. In view of the amount of work involved in measuring even one isothermal section of a relatively simple ternary phase diagram, it is of much practical importance to have a means of estimating ternary and higher-order phase diagrams. In most ternary systems, experimental data are very limited or entirely lacking. For a solution phase in a ternary system with components 1-2-3, one first performs evaluations/optimizations on the three binary subsystems in order to obtain the binary model parameters. Next, a model is used, along with reasonable assumptions, to estimate the thermodynamic properties of the ternary solution. If some experimental data are available for the ternary system, they can be used to refine the calculations through the addition of optimized ternary model parameters. Suppose that gE of each binary subsystem of a ternary solution has been modeled by a polynomial expansion as in Eqs. (14.4), and either (14.5) or (14.16). Then, for the ternary solution, several “geometric” models can be proposed. The concept of geometric models was introduced by Larry Kaufman. For a general detailed discussion, see Chartrand and Pelton (2000) and Pelton (2001). Some geometric models are illustrated in Fig. 14.4. In each model, gE in the ternary solution at a composition point p is estimated from the excess Gibbs energies in the three binary subsystems at points a, b, and c by the following equation: g E ¼ X1 X2 α12ðaÞ + X2 X3 α23ðbÞ + X3 X1 α31ðcÞ + ðternary termsÞ (14.31) where α12(a), α23(b), and α31(c) are the binary α-functions (see Eqs. 14.4, 14.5) evaluated at points a, b, and c. The “ternary terms” in Eq. (14.31) are polynomials that are identically zero in the three binary subsystems (see Section 14.8.3). The empirical coefficients of these ternary terms may be optimized in order to fit ternary experimental data. However, the ternary coefficients should be 207 208 Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS 1 1 c a X2 = Constant (X1 + X2) p b 2 3 Kohler model (A) X1 = Constant p a c b 2 3 Kohler / Toop model (B) 1 1 (1 + X1 − X2)/2 = Constant or (X1 − X2) = Constant c a b 2 p a p 3 b 2 Muggianu model 3 Muggianu /Toop model (C) (D) 1 1 a c a 2 (E) c p p b A weird model c 3 2 (F) b 3 Another weird model Fig. 14.4 Some “geometric” models for estimating ternary thermodynamic properties from optimized binary data (Pelton, 2001). Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS small. That is, Eq. (14.31) with no ternary terms should provide a reasonable first estimate of gE in the ternary solution. Eq. (14.31) is based on the polynomial expansion model (Section 14.3) which is an extension of regular solution theory. Hence, Eq. (14.31) without ternary terms can only be expected to provide a good estimate of gE when the solution can reasonably be approximated as a random substitutional solution on a single sublattice with relatively weak interactions where the lattice energy is approximately given as the sum of pair-bond energies (see Section 4.9). If large ternary terms are required in order to fit the ternary data, then this is an indication that the polynomial model is not up to the task and interpolations and extrapolations to compositions and temperatures where data are not available or to quaternary and higher-order systems will probably be inaccurate. For more complex solutions involving, for example, shortrange order or long-range order, other models should be used as will be discussed in Chapter 16. That is, the “geometric” models are not purely mathematical models as is sometimes stated. They are physical models based upon regular solution theory. A purely “mathematical” model can have very little predictive ability. If, at a given temperature, all three binary α-functions in Eq. (14.31) are constant, independent of composition, then all the geometric models are clearly identical. The Kohler (Kohler, 1960) and Muggianu (Muggianu et al., 1975) models in Fig. 14.4A and C are “symmetrical” models, whereas the Kohler/Toop (Toop, 1965) and Muggianu/Toop models in Fig. 14.4B and D are “asymmetrical” models inasmuch as one component (component 1 in Fig. 14.4B and D) is singled out. In these two asymmetrical models, α12 and α31 are assumed to be constant along lines where X1 is constant. That is, replacing component 2 by component 3 is assumed to have no effect on the energy, α12, of forming (1–2) pair-bonds and similarly for (3–1) pairs. An asymmetrical model is thus more physically reasonable than a symmetrical model if components 2 and 3 are chemically similar while component 1 is chemically different, for example in the systems SiO2-CaO-MgO, S-Fe-Cu, Na-Au-Ag, and AlCl3NaCl-KCl. (where the asymmetrical component has been written first in each example). When gE is large and α12 and α31 depend strongly upon composition, a symmetrical and an asymmetrical model will give very different results. As an example, consider a solution with α12 ¼ α31 ¼ 50(1 X1) kJ mol1 and α23 ¼ 0. That is, the binary solutions 1–2 and 3–1 have identical properties, and the 2–3 solution is ideal. Clearly, one would expect gE in the ternary system to 209 Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS be nearly constant at constant X1 as is predicted by the asymmetrical models. However, when the symmetrical Kohler model is applied to this solution, an obviously incorrect region of immiscibility is calculated as shown in Fig. 14.5 (Pelton, 2001). Similar incorrect results are obtained with the symmetrical Muggianu model. Therefore, we disagree with the common tendency to use the symmetrical Muggianu model for nearly all solutions. In many systems, an asymmetrical model is more appropriate and can result in very different ternary Gibbs energy functions. As well as the four models illustrated in Fig. 14.4A–D, many other geometric models might be proposed. Two of these are shown in Fig. 14.4E and F. In general, rather than speaking of a single model for an entire ternary 1-2-3 solution, we should instead define the approximation used for each of the three αmn functions. For example, in Fig. 14.4E and F, a “Kohler-type” approximation is used for α23, and a “Muggianu-type” approximation is used for α31. For α12, a “Toop-type” approximation along lines of constant X1 is used in Fig. 14.4E, while a “Toop-type” approximation along lines of constant X2 is used in Fig. 14.4F. Since each function αmn can be approximated in four different ways, there are 64 such possible geometric ternary models. However, probably only the four models in Fig. 14.4A–D are of practical importance. Suppose that data for the three binary subsystems of a ternary system have been optimized to give binary coefficients iLmn of Eq. (14.5) or Qijmn of Eq. (14.16) and that we wish to estimate gE in the ternary solution by means of Eq. (14.31) having chosen which type of approximation we wish to use for each of the three αij functions. m kJ =− 50 X 2 1X 2 2 k 2 phases X3 X1 50 =− Jm E − ol 12 1 2 g 13 ol −1 1 gE 210 gE =0 23 3 Fig. 14.5 Spurious miscibility gap calculated with the Kohler model at 973 K in a solution with a12 ¼ a31 ¼ 50(1 X1) kJ mol1 and a23 ¼ 0 (Pelton, 2001). Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS Say, for example, that we have chosen to use a Kohler-type approximation for α12 as in Fig. 14.4A. Along the line ap in Fig. 14.4A, the ratio X2/(X1 + X2) is constant. Furthermore, this ratio is equal to X2 at point a where (X1 + X2) ¼ 1. Therefore, the function α12(a) in Eq. (14.31) can be written: X X1 X2 i i α12ðaÞ ¼ L 12 (14.32) X1 + X2 i0 where iL12 are the binary coefficients of Eq. (14.5). Alternatively, if the 1–2 binary system was optimized with an expansion as in Eq. (14.16), then α12(a) in Eq. (14.31) is written: X X ij X1 i X2 j α12ðaÞ ¼ Q12 (14.33) X1 + X2 X1 + X2 i0 j 0 where Qij12 are the binary coefficients of Eq. (14.16). That is, α12(a), as given in Eq. (14.32) or (14.33), is constant along the line ap in Fig. 14.4A. Similarly, if we have chosen to use Kohler-type approximations for α23 and α31, then these would be written in terms of the ratios X3/(X2 + X3) and X3/(X3 + X1), respectively. Now, suppose instead that we have chosen to approximate α12 by a Toop-type approximation along lines of constant X1 as in Fig. 14.4B, D, and E. In this case, α12(a) is set constant along these lines of constant X1 by means of the substitution: X X i i L 12 ðX1 ð1 X1 ÞÞi ¼ L 12 ð2X1 1Þi (14.34) α12ðaÞ ¼ i0 i0 or α12ðaÞ ¼ X X i0 j 0 ij Q12 X1i ð1 X1 Þj (14.35) Finally, suppose that we have chosen to approximate α12 by a Muggianu-type approximation as in Fig. 14.4C. We note that (X1 X2) is constant along the line ap in Fig. 14.4C. Hence, if α12 in the binary system has been expressed by a Redlich-Kister polynomial as in Eq. (14.5), then, as was pointed out by Hillert (1980), Eq. (14.5) can be substituted directly into Eq. (14.31) with no change. Because of this particularly simple substitution, the Muggianu model is sometimes referred to as the “MuggianuRedlich-Kister model.” However, this is a misnomer. The use of the Muggianu model does not require that the binary α-functions be expressed as Redlich-Kister polynomials. For example, if α12 is expressed as a general polynomial as in Eq. (14.16), then we note that the functions (1 + X1 X2)/2 and (1 X1 + X2)/2 are both 211 212 Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS constant along the line ap in Fig. 14.4C and that these are equal to X1 and X2, respectively, in the 1–2 binary system. Hence, in order that α12(a) be constant along the line ap, we make the substitution: X X ij 1 + X1 X2 i 1 X1 + X2 j α12ðaÞ ¼ Q12 (14.36) 2 2 i0 j 0 Conversely, the use of the Kohler or Kohler/Toop models does not preclude expressing the binary α-functions as Redlich-Kister polynomials, as has just been shown in Eqs. (14.32), (14.34). In summary, the choice among using the Kohler, Toop, or Muggianu approximations is not related to the use of Redlich-Kister polynomials. 14.8.1 Kohler Model vs Muggianu Model The Kohler model assumes that the energy α12 of forming (1–2) pair-bonds in the ternary solution is constant at constant X1/X2 ratio, whereas the Muggianu model sets this energy equal to its value at the geometrically closest binary composition. From a physical standpoint, the former assumption seems intuitively more justifiable. Nevertheless, for most concentrated solutions, the Kohler and Muggianu models will give quite similar results. However, in dilute solutions, the Kohler model is to be preferred for the reason illustrated in Fig. 14.6 (Chartrand and Pelton, 2000). In a ternary solution dilute in component 1, the Kohler model estimates values of α12(a) and α31(c) from values in the binary systems at compositions that are also dilute in component 1, as seems reasonable. On the other hand, the Muggianu model uses values from the binary systems at compositions that can be far from dilute. Hence, the Kohler model presents an advantage and no obvious disadvantages vis-à-vis the Muggianu model. Therefore, we 1 1 c a a 2 (A) p b Kohler c p 3 2 (B) b Muggianu 3 Fig. 14.6 The Kohler and Muggianu models applied at a composition dilute in component 1 (Chartrand and Pelton, 2000). Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS prefer the Kohler model over the Muggianu model and the Kohler/ Toop model over the Muggianu/Toop model. 14.8.2 Sample Calculation: The KF-LiF-NaF System All three binary subsystems of the NaF-KF-LiF system are simple eutectic systems with no intermediate compounds and limited solubility in the terminal solid solutions (<9 mol% LiF in NaF, <5 mol% NaF in KF, and <1% in all other terminal solutions). The three binary systems have been optimized (Sangster and Pelton, 1987) taking into account all available data for the phase diagrams and calorimetric measurements of enthalpies of mixing in the liquid solutions. For the binary liquid phases, two- or threeterm polynomial expansions as in Eq. (14.16) were used. The thermodynamic properties of the ternary liquid solution were estimated from Eq. (14.31) with the symmetrical Kohler approximation as in Fig. 14.4A with no ternary terms. The ternary liquidus projection calculated in this way solely from the binary model parameters is shown in Fig. 14.7. The calculated 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.9 KF 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.3 KF 500 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.6 o 467 600 700 LiF 800 0.9 900 0.1 NaF 0.8 0.2 NaF 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Mole fraction 0.3 0.2 0.1 LiF Fig. 14.7 Liquidus projection of the LiF-NaF-KF system calculated by the Kohler approximation solely from the optimized binary model parameters (temperature in °C). 213 214 Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS ternary eutectic liquid at XKF ¼ 0.42, XLiF ¼ 0.47, and XNaF ¼ 0.11 at 467°C is nearly within the experimental error limits of the reported (Hoffman, 1958) value of XKF ¼ 0.41, XLiF ¼ 0.47, and XNaF ¼ 0.12 at 457°C. Given the good agreement between the measured and calculated eutectic liquid composition and temperature, it is safe to assume that the calculated isotherms on Fig. 14.7 are of similar accuracy. In this system, gE of the liquid phase is relatively small in all binary subsystems (with a minimum of approximately 4.7 kJ mol1 in the NaF-LiF system.) Furthermore, the solution in question is a liquid, the species are chemically similar, and approximating the energy of the solution as the sum of pair-bond energies is reasonable for coulombic interactions in an ionic liquid. That is, the criteria for a solution to be approximately regular (see Section 14.2) are satisfied, and as a result, the calculations based on Eq. (14.31) agree well with the measurements. In other solutions where the criteria for regular solution behavior are not so closely met, the use of a geometric model may be expected to yield less accurate results. However, if a few experimental ternary data are available, they can be used to refine the model as is discussed in the following section. 14.8.3 Ternary Polynomial Terms If experimental ternary data are available, then they may be included in the optimization to give empirical “ternary terms” in Eq. (14.31). These terms are identically zero in all binary subsystems. Terms such as ijk j Q123 X1i X2 X3k (14.37) where i 1, j 1, and k 1 and Qijk 123 is an empirical coefficient are frequently used. However, such terms have little theoretical justification, and it is not clear how such ternary terms should be extrapolated into systems of four or more components. From a physical standpoint, such terms might be related to the energies of triplet interactions. However, the regular solution model is a pair-bond approximation model. Hence, it would seem better to include ternary terms that are designed to represent the effect of a third component, 3, upon the energy α12 of the pairbond formation energy. Terms as in Expression 14.37 are ill-suited to this purpose since, when i>1 or j > 1, the terms rapidly become very small as X3 is increased. Consequently, if α12 is given by a Kohler-type approximation in the 1-2-3 ternary system as in Fig. 14.4A, it Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS has been proposed (Chartrand and Pelton, 2000) to employ ternary terms of the following form: ! i j X1 X2 ijk k X3 (14.38) X1 X2 Q12ð3Þ X1 + X2 X1 + X2 (cf. Eq. 14.33) where i 0, j 0, k 1, and Qijk 12(3) are ternary coefficients. Alternatively, this could be written in Redlich-Kister form (cf. Eq. 14.32): " # X1 X2 i k ik L12ð3Þ X3 (14.39) X1 X2 X1 + X2 where i 0, k 1, and ikL12(3) are ternary coefficients. If α12 is given in the 1-2-3 ternary system by a Toop-type approximation along lines of constant X1 as in Fig. 14.4B and D, then it has been proposed (Chartrand and Pelton, 2000) to represent the effect of component 3 upon α12 by terms of the form (cf. Eq. 14.35) k ! X3 ijk i j X1 X2 Q12ð3Þ ðX1 Þ ð1 X1 Þ (14.40) X2 + X3 or in Redlich-Kister form (cf. Eq. 14.34) as " k # X3 i ik L12ð3Þ ð2X1 1Þ X1 X2 X2 + X3 (14.41) In the case where α12 is given by a Muggianu-type approximation, it has been proposed (Pelton, 2001) to include terms of the form h i X1 X2 ik L12ð3Þ ðX1 X2 Þi X3k (14.42) or alternatively (cf. Eq. 14.36) ! 1 + X1 X2 i 1 X1 + X2 j k ijk X3 X1 X2 Q12ð3Þ 2 2 (14.43) Note that in any ternary system 1-2-3, three types of ternary terms may thus be included: terms giving the effect of component 3 upon α12 as in Eqs. (14.38)–(14.43), terms giving the effect of component 1 upon α23, and terms giving the effect of component 2 upon α31. Finally, it may be noted that it is a common practice when using the Muggianu model for all three αmn functions to include ternary terms of the form (Hillert, 2008) i L 123 X1 X2 X3 ðð1 X1 X2 X3 Þ=3 + Xi Þ (14.44) 215 216 Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS In a ternary system (where (X1 + X2 + X3) ¼ 1), these terms are simply a special case of the general form of Expression 14.37. 14.8.4 Extension to Systems of Four or More Components Suppose that all binary and ternary subsystems of a multicomponent solution of components 1-2-3-4-5- … have been optimized and we wish to estimate the properties of the multicomponent solution. In this regard, it may be noted that estimating the properties of a C-component system from the optimized parameters of its (C 1)-component subsystems becomes increasingly more exact as C becomes larger. For example, if all the ternary subsystems of a four-component system have been experimentally investigated and if optimized ternary model parameters have been obtained, then the estimation of the properties of the four-component solution is generally reasonable. Binary Terms Suppose that a Kohler-type approximation has been used for α12 in all ternary subsystems 1-2-k (k ¼ 3, 4, 5, …) of a multicomponent solution as in Fig. 14.4A. It is then reasonable to assume that α12 remains constant along lines of constant ratio X1/(X1 + X2) in the multicomponent system just as in the ternary subsystems. Hence, Eqs. (14.32) or (14.33) can be used directly in the multicomponent system. Similarly, if a Muggianu-type approximation has been used for α12 in all 1–2-k ternary subsystems as in Fig. 14.4C, then Eqs. (14.5) or (14.36) can be used directly in the multicomponent solution. Suppose instead that a Toop-type approximation with component 1 as the asymmetrical component has been used for α12 in all subsystems 1–2-k as in Fig. 14.4B or D. In this case, it is reasonable to assume that α12 remains constant along lines of constant X1 in the multicomponent solution just as in the ternary subsystems. Hence, Eqs. (14.34) or (14.35) can be used directly. The situation is less clear when different geometric models have been used for α12 in different 1–2-k ternary subsystems. In the general case, the following rational method of extending the Kohler, Toop, and Muggianu models to multicomponent solutions has been proposed (Pelton, 2001). The equations reduce to the model equations used for each ternary subsystem. We define X Xk (14.45) ξij ¼ Xi + k Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS where the summation is over the components k of all ternary subsystems i-j-k in which αij is given by a Toop-type approximation along lines of constant Xj. We also define X σ ij ¼ σ ji ¼ 1 Xk (14.46) k where the summation is over the components k of all ternary subsystems i-j-k in which αij is given by a Kohler-type approximation. Then, αij in the multicomponent system is given by replacing Xi and Xj in Eq. (14.5) by (ξij ξji)/σ ij to give (e.g., for the case of α12) X ξ ξ21 i i α12 ¼ L 12 12 (14.47) σ 12 i0 or alternatively Xi and Xj in Eq. (14.16) by by replacing ξ ξ ξ ξ 1 + ijσ ij ji =2 and 1 + jiσij ij =2, respectively. As an example, consider a five-component system in which the models for α12 in the three 1–2-k subsystems are depicted schematically in Fig. 14.8. From Eqs. (14.45), (14.46), ξ12 ¼ X1 ξ21 ¼ X2 + X4 σ 12 ¼ σ 21 ¼ 1 X3 (14.48) Hence, from Eq. (14.47), α12 ¼ X i0 i X1 X2 X4 i L 12 1 X3 (14.49) It can be verified that Eq. (14.49) reduces to Eqs. (14.32), (14.34), and (14.5) in the 1-2-3, 1-2-4, and 1-2-5 subsystems, respectively. It can also be seen that α12 remains constant as X2 is replaced by X4 keeping X1, X3, and X5 constant in the five-component system just as in the 1-2-4 subsystem. 1 2 Kohler 1 1 3 2 Toop 4 2 Muggianu 5 Fig. 14.8 Schematic of models used for a12 in the 1-2-3, 1-2-4, and 1-2-5 ternary subsystems of a hypothetical five-component system. 217 218 Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS These equations are incorporated into the FactSage thermodynamic software (see FactSage). One needs only to specify the geometric model (Kohler, Toop, or Muggianu) used for αij in each ternary subsystem. This gives complete flexibility in the choice of geometric models. In any multicomponent system, any one of the 64 possible combinations (as in Fig. 14.4) can be used for any ternary subsystem. Ternary Terms For purposes of extending the ternary terms of Eqs. (14.38)– (14.43) into multicomponent systems, the following equations have been proposed (Pelton, 2001): (i) If α12 in the 1-2-3 system is given by a Kohler-type or a Muggianu-type approximation, then the following ternary terms may be included: " ik X1 X2 L12ð3Þ ξ12 ξ21 σ 12 # i X3 ð1 ξ12 ξ21 Þ k1 (14.50) or 2 0 1 ξ12 ξ21 i 1 + 6 B C σ 12 6 ijk B C X1 X2 6Q A 4 12ð3Þ @ 2 3 1 ξ21 ξ12 j 7 C σ 12 7 C X ð1 ξ ξ21 Þk1 7 3 12 A 5 2 0 B1 + B @ (14.51) (ii) If α12 in the 1-2-3 system is given by a Toop-type approximation along lines of constant X1, then the following ternary terms may be included: " X1 X2 ik L12ð3Þ ξ12 ξ21 σ 12 i X3 ξ21 # X2 k1 1 ξ21 (14.52) or 2 1 0 ξ12 ξ21 i 1 + 6 C σ 12 6 ijk B C B X1 X2 6Q A 4 12ð3Þ @ 2 3 1 0 ξ21 ξ12 j k1 7 1 + C B X3 X σ 12 7 C B 7 1 2 A ξ @ 5 2 ξ21 21 (14.53) Eqs. (14.50)–(14.53) reduce to Eqs. (14.38)–(14.43) in the 1-2-3 ternary system. Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS One might consider proposing a factor Xk3 rather than X3 (1 ξ12 ξ21)k1 in Eqs. (14.50), (14.51). Consider, however, a multicomponent system in which the effects of components 3, 4, and 5 upon α12 are identical. That is, ikL12(3) ¼ ikL12(4) ¼ ikL12(5) (or, alterijk ijk natively, Qijk 12(3) ¼ Q12(4) ¼ Q12(5)). In the multicomponent system, the effects should to a first approximation be additive, and so the sum of the three ternary terms should clearly contain the factor (X3 + X4 + X5)k not (Xk3 + Xk4 + Xk5). This will be the case only if the ternary terms are defined as in Eqs. (14.50), (14.51). A similar argument justifies the form of Eqs. (14.52), (14.53) and the form of Eq. (14.44) proposed by Hillert (2008). These generalizations permit several geometric models to be combined within one multicomponent database. For example, very many ternary systems have been evaluated/optimized by many researchers with the Muggianu model. If future optimizations of other ternary systems are performed with the Kohler or Toop models, then all systems can be immediately combined within one large multicomponent database. No reoptimization is required. That is, the fact that certain subsystems have already been optimized with one model does preclude other models being used for other subsystems. 14.8.5 Corresponding Expressions for Partial Properties The equations derived in Section 14.8 are for the integral excess Gibbs energy. Explicit equations for the corresponding partial excess Gibbs energies of the components can be easily calculated therefrom. These calculations may be facilitated by the following particularly simple equation (Sundman and Agren, 1981): C X Xj ∂g E =∂Xj giE ¼ g E + ∂g E =∂Xi (14.54) j¼1 where gE is expressed as a function of X1, X2, X3, …, XC in a C-component system and the partial differentials are calculated as if all C mole fractions were independent variables (even though, in reality, only (C 1) are independent). 14.9 Liquid Solutions: Coordination Equivalent Fractions The excess Gibbs energy of liquid Mg-Sn solutions at 800°C ( Jung et al., 2007) is shown in Fig. 14.9. The minimum is not far from the composition XSn ¼ 1/3, whereas a regular solution model 219 Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS 0 −2 −4 gE (kJ mol−1) 220 −6 −8 −10 −12 −14 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Mole fraction XSn 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Fig. 14.9 Molar excess Gibbs energy of liquid Mg-Sn solutions at 800°C from Jung et al. (2007). with one constant parameter gives an extremum at the equimolar composition. As discussed in Section 14.3.3, it is difficult to represent a curve such as that in Fig. 14.9 by a polynomial expansion as in Eqs. (14.5) or (14.16) without the use of many terms because adding terms in order to shift the composition of the minimum also distorts the shape of the curve. In Section 4.9, regular solution theory was developed under the assumption of the additivity of pair-bond energies. In this derivation, it was assumed that the coordination number Z of the solution is independent of composition. However, this is not necessarily true in the case of liquid solutions. Let Z1 and Z2 be the nearest-neighbor coordination numbers of species (atoms or molecules) 1 and 2, respectively. We define coordination equivalent fractions Y1 and Y2 as Y1 ¼ Z1 X1 =ðZ1 X1 + Z2 X2 Þ (14.55) Y2 ¼ Z2 X2 =ðZ1 X1 + Z2 X2 Þ (14.56) The total number of bonds in 1 mol of solution is equal to No (Z1X1 + Z2X2)/2 where N° is Avogadro’s number. The contribution to the molar enthalpy of mixing resulting from the change in energy of the first-nearest-neighbor bonds upon mixing is then equal to ΔhFNN ¼ ðN o ðZ1 X1 + Z2 X2 Þ=2Þ Y12 ε11 + Y22 ε22 + 2Y1 Y2 ε12 (14.57) ðN o Z1 =2ÞX1 ε11 ðN o Z2 =2ÞX2 ε22 ¼ ðZ1 X1 + Z2 X2 Þ½ε12 ðε11 + ε22 Þ=2Y1 Y2 Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS where εij is defined as in Eq. (4.47). Assuming a similar equation for sE(nonconfig) as in Eq. (4.49) and assuming that the ratios Z2/Z1 for second-nearest-neighbor, third-nearest-neighbor, etc. bonds are the same as for first-nearest-neighbors, the resultant expression for gE is g E ¼ ðZ1 X1 + Z2 X2 ÞY1 Y2 α012 (14.58) When Z1 ¼ Z2 ¼ Z, Eq. (14.58) reduces to gE ¼ ZX1X2α012, which is identical to Eq. (14.4) except that the constant factor Z is not included in the function α012 as it was in the function α12 in Eq. (14.4). If α012 is independent of composition, then a plot of E g /(Z1X1 + Z2X2) versus Y2 will be parabolic with an extremum at Y1 ¼ Y2 ¼ 0.5, that is, at the composition where X2 ¼ Z1/(Z1 + Z2). In liquid Mg-Sn solutions, if we set (ZSn/ZMg) ¼ 2.0, the resulting plot of α0MgSnYMgYSn ¼ gE/(XMg + 2XSn) versus YSn shown in Fig. 14.10 has a minimum very near YMg ¼ YSn ¼ 0.5. (Since the composition of the minimum depends only on the ratio ZSn/ ZMg, we have arbitrarily set ZMg ¼ 1 and ZMg ¼ 2.) The function α012 can be expressed as a power series as in Eqs. (14.5) or (14.16) but with the mole fractions Xi replaced by Yi: X i L12 ðY1 Y2 Þi (14.59) α012 ¼ i0 YMgYSn a′MgSn = gE/(XMg + 2XSn) (kJ mol−1) 0 −2 −4 −6 −8 −10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Coordination equivalent fraction YSn Fig. 14.10 Fig. 14.9 replotted as gE/(XMg + 2XSn) ¼ a0MgSnYMgYSn versus coordination equivalent fraction of Sn. 221 222 Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS or α012 ¼ XX ij j Q12 Y1i Y2 (14.60) i0 j0 Only a few empirical coefficients are now required to represent the excess Gibbs energy function. 14.9.1 Extension to Multicomponent Solutions In a ternary liquid solution, Eq. (14.31) becomes g E =ðZ1 X1 + Z2 X2 + Z3 X3 Þ ¼ Y1 Y2 α012 + Y2 Y3 α023 + Y3 Y1 α031 + ðternary termsÞ where Zi are the coordination numbers and X Y i ¼ Z i X i = Zi X i (14.61) (14.62) All equations of Sections 14.8, 14.8.1–14.8.5 now apply with all Xi replaced by Yi and all αij replaced by αij0 . 14.10 Wagner’s Interaction Parameter Formalism and the Unified Interaction Parameter Formalism In 1962, Wagner (1962) proposed the following well-known first-order interaction parameter formalism for dilute solutions of components 1-2-3- … -C where component 1 is the solvent: ln γ i ¼ ln γ oi + εi2 X2 + εi3 X3 + … + εiC XC ði 2Þ γ oi (14.63) where is the limiting Henrian activity coefficient of component i at infinite dilution when X1 ¼ 1. The formalism has been used extensively, particularly by metallurgists for solid and liquid solutions of alloying elements in Fe and other metals, due to its simplicity and straightforward interpretation whereby the first-order interaction parameter εij shows the effect of component j upon the activity coefficient of component i. Tables of values of εij and γ oi for many elements in molten and solid Fe and in other metal solvents can be found in the literature (Sigworth and Elliott, 1974a, 1974b). Second-order terms ρiiX2i , ρjiX2j , ρi,j i XiXj are also sometimes included. Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS From the Gibbs-Duhem equation (Eq. 2.82) applied at X1 ¼ 1, it can be shown that εij ¼ εji (14.64) and also that ln γ 1 ¼ C X C 1X εij Xi Xj 2 i¼2 j¼2 (14.65) Wagner’s formalism has sometimes been misapplied. Confusion has arisen because Eqs. (14.63), (14.65) only obey the GibbsDuhem equation in the limit of infinite dilution and because the formalism does not obey the following necessary thermodynamic relationship except at infinite dilution: (14.66) ∂ ln γ i =∂nj ¼ ∂ ln γ j =∂ni This problem has been resolved (Pelton and Bale, 1986; Bale and Pelton, 1990; Pelton, 1997) by showing that Wagner’s formalism is a limiting case of Darken’s quadratic formalism (see Section 14.6). For a ternary system 1-2-3 with component 1 as solvent, Darken’s formalism can be written as (Pelton, 1997) g E =RT ¼ ðα12 X1 X2 + α23 X2 X3 + α31 X3 X1 Þ + ðC2 X2 + C3 X3 Þ (14.67) with partial properties given by ln γ1 ¼ α12 X22 + α13 X32 + ðα12 + α13 α23 ÞX2 X3 (14.68) ln γ2 ¼ ðα12 + C2 Þ 2α12 X2 ðα12 + α31 α23 ÞX3 + α12 X22 + α31 X32 + ðα12 + α31 α23 ÞX2 X3 (14.69) ln γ3 ¼ ðα31 + C3 Þ 2α31 X3 ðα12 + α31 α23 ÞX2 + α12 X22 + α31 X32 + ðα12 + α31 α23 ÞX2 X3 (14.70) where the constants C2 and C3 are related to changes in standard states as explained in Section 14.6. By comparing Eqs. (14.68)–(14.70) with Eqs. (14.63), (14.65), it can be seen that Wagner’s formalism is identical to Darken’s formalism if the quadratic terms (terms in X22, X23, and X2X3) are neglected. That is, ln γoi ¼ ðα1i + Ci Þ εij ¼ 2α1i i ¼ 2, 3 i ¼ 2, 3 ε23 ¼ ðα12 + α31 α23 Þ (14.71) (14.72) (14.73) 223 224 Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS By substituting Eqs. (14.71)–(14.73) into Eqs. (14.68)–(14.70), the following equations of the unified interaction parameter formalism are obtained: ε ε33 2 22 2 X2 + X3 + ε23 X2 X3 (14.74) ln γ 1 ¼ 2 2 ε ε33 2 22 2 X2 + X3 + ε23 X2 X3 ln γ 2 ¼ ln γ o2 + ε22 X2 + ε23 X3 2 2 (14.75) ¼ ln γ 02 + ε22 X2 + ε23 X3 + ð ln γ 1 Þ ln γ 3 ¼ ln γ 03 + ε32 X2 + ε33 X3 + ð ln γ 1 Þ (14.76) where lnγ 1 in Eqs. (14.75), (14.76) is given by Eq. (14.74) and ε23 ¼ ε32. Eqs. (14.74)–(14.76) are identical to Wagner’s formalism in the limit of infinite dilution (at X1 ¼ 1) where the quadratic terms become vanishingly small relative to the linear terms. Existing tabulated values of εij and γ 0i can be used directly in Eqs. (14.74)–(14.76), and there are no additional parameters. Maintaining the quadratic terms in Eqs. (14.74)–(14.76) ensures that the equations are consistent with the Gibbs-Duhem equation and with Eq. (14.66) at all compositions. Eqs. (14.74)–(14.76) can clearly be extended to systems of more than three components simply by adding additional terms as discussed by Bale and Pelton (1990) and Pelton (1997). The same authors also extend the unified formalism to second-order and higher-order terms. Wagner’s formalism and the unified interaction parameter formalism are clearly based on regular solution theory, that is, upon the assumption of random mixing of species. In solutions where the distribution is far from random, the formalisms do not apply. A case in point is solutions of a highly reactive metal M, such as Al and Ca, along with oxygen in liquid Fe. In such solutions, the M and O atoms are not distributed randomly, but have a very strong tendency to form associated MO pairs. This topic will be discussed in Section 18.4. 14.10.1 Approximation for e23 If ε22 and ε33 have been determined from measurements in the 1–2 and 1–3 binary systems and one wishes to estimate the properties of the ternary solution, then, as a first approximation, one might assume that (2–3) interactions are negligible. Because ε23 is an “interaction parameter,” one might then propose setting ε23 ¼ 0. However, it is clear from Eq. (14.67) that it is α23 that should Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS be set to zero. From Eqs. (14.72), (14.73), then, it follows that a better first approximation to ε23 is ε23 ¼ ðε22 + ε33 Þ=2 14.10.2 (14.77) Interaction Parameter Formalism With Molar Ratios Another means of rendering the interaction parameter formalism consistent with the Gibbs-Duhem equation and with Eq. (14.66) is to replace the mole fractions Xi in the expansions by the molar ratios yi ¼ Xi/X1 (where 1 ¼ solvent), as proposed by Schuhmann (1985): ln γ i ¼ ln γ 0i + C X εij yj ði 2Þ (14.78) j¼2 ln γ 1 ¼ 1=2 C X εij yi yj (14.79) i, j¼2 Eqs. (14.78), (14.74) are very similar to Eqs. (14.74)–(14.76) with the important exception that the (lnγ 1) terms of Eqs. (14.75), (14.76) do not appear in Eq. (14.78). It can easily be shown that Eqs. (14.78), (14.79) satisfy Eq. (14.66) and the Gibbs-Duhem equation. Furthermore, the simple relationship of Eq. (14.64) can also be shown to apply. Similar expansions are used in the well-known Pitzer equation (Harvie et al., 1984) for aqueous solutions. Here, the composition variables are the molalities mi ¼ (yi/y1)(1000/M1), where M1 is the molecular weight of the solvent. An advantage of the interaction parameter formalism with molar ratios is that Eqs. (14.78), (14.79) can be written with weight ratios (mi/m1) in place of the molar ratios yi, because weight ratios vary directly as molar ratios: (mi/m1) ¼ yi(Mi/M1), where (Mi/M1) is the ratio of molecular weights. It is only necessary to multiply each interaction parameter by a constant. This conversion is not so simple when mole fractions are used because weight fractions do not vary directly as mole fractions. The disadvantage of the molar ratio representation is that it is not consistent with the quadratic formalism and so, for simple substitutional solutions at least, it is less likely to provide as good a fit to experimental data and to extrapolate as well as Eqs. (14.74)–(14.76). 225 226 Chapter 14 SINGLE-LATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS 14.11 Thermal Vacancies The introduction of vacancies on a lattice increases the entropy. Consequently, even a pure substance at equilibrium will contain vacancies. Consider 1 mol of a metal A containing nVa moles of vacant lattice sites. If the concentration of vacancies is small, we may assume that the interaction among vacancies is negligible and that the system can thus be treated as an ideal solution of 1.0 mol of atoms A and nVa mol of vacancies on (1 + nVa) lattice sites with a Gibbs energy: ∗ nVa 1 o (14.80) + ln g ¼ gA + nVa gVa + RT nVa ln 1 + nVa 1 + nVa where g∗A is the Gibbs energy of hypothetical pure A containing no vacancies and the parameter goVa is the molar nonconfigurational Gibbs energy of forming vacancies at infinite dilution in pure A, where goVa > 0. The equilibrium number of vacancies is that which minimizes g: o + RT ln dg=dnVa ¼ gVa nVa ¼0 1 + nVa (14.81) The number of vacancies per mole of A at equilibrium is thus given by o =RT (14.82) nVa =ð1 + nVa Þ ¼ exp gVa Hence, the vacancy concentration varies exponentially with temperature. The Gibbs energy of pure A at equilibrium, goA, is then given by substituting nVa from Eq. (14.82) into Eq. (14.80). References Bale, C.W., Pelton, A.D., 1983. Metall. Trans. B 14B, 77–83. Bale, C.W., Pelton, A.D., 1990. Metall. Trans. A. 21A, 1997–2002. Bell, M.C., Flengas, S.N., 1964. J. Electrochem. Soc. 111, 569–575. Blaha, P., Schwarz, K., Sorantin, P., Trickey, S.B., 1990. Comput. Phys. Commun. 59, 399–415. Blander, M., 1964. Molten Salt Chemistry. InterScience, NY. Brookes, H.C., Coppens, H.J., Pelton, A.D., 1978. Trans. Faraday Soc. 74, 2193–2199. Chartrand, P., Pelton, A.D., 2000. J. Phase Equilib. 21, 141–147. Darken, L.S., 1967a. Trans. Metall. Soc. AIME 239, 80–89. Darken, L.S., 1967b. Trans. Metall. Soc. AIME 239, 90–96. Dinsdale, A.T., 1991. Calphad J. 15, 317–425. €rner, P., Henig, E.T., Krieg, H., Lukas, H.L., Petzow, G., 1980. Calphad J. Do 4, 241–254. 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Soc. 76, 2065–2075. 227 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGGWILLIAMS—BW) MODELS CHAPTER OUTLINE 15.1 Case of a Two-Sublattice (A,B)(X,Y) Solution 231 15.1.1 Reciprocal Excess Terms 235 15.2 Activities of the End-Members 239 15.3 The Compound Energy Formalism (CEF) 240 15.3.1 Interstitial Solutions 240 15.3.2 Nonstoichiometric Compounds 241 15.3.3 Ceramic Solutions 246 15.4 Asymmetric Molten Ionic Solutions: Temkin Model 15.4.1 Solid vs Liquid Asymmetric Ionic Solutions 251 References 252 List of Website 252 249 In many compounds and solutions, one can distinguish two or more sublattices. In a simple solid ionic salt solution, for example, cations are found on one sublattice and anions on another. In steel, the metal atoms reside on one sublattice, while an interstitial sublattice is occupied by C atoms and vacancies. In ceramic oxides, one often finds more than two sublattices; in a spinel solution, for example, some cations occupy a tetrahedrally coordinated sublattice and others an octahedrally coordinated sublattice, while oxygen ions reside on a third. When one can distinguish two or more sublattices, the compound or solution is said to exhibit long-range ordering (LRO). In principle, of course, a liquid cannot exhibit long-range ordering. However, in ionic liquids, it is generally the case that cations are surrounded almost exclusively by anions as nearest neighbors and vice versa. Therefore, for practical purposes of modeling, it is usually much simpler to treat such solutions as formally Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Modeling of Solutions. # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 229 230 Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS consisting of cationic and anionic quasi-sublattices. In fact, the sublattice models discussed in this chapter were first developed in the 1960s (see, for instance, Blander, 1964) for applications to molten salt solutions and were only later applied to solid solutions. In this chapter, multiple sublattice models will be developed under the assumption of random mixing of the species on each sublattice (Bragg-Williams (BW) approximation). A polynomial first approximation to account for first-nearest-neighbor shortrange ordering will also be developed, but a more complete treatment of short-range ordering will be left until later chapters. It will be assumed throughout most of the chapter that the ratio of the number of sites on the different sublattices is constant. This is always true in solid solutions but is not necessarily the case in liquid solutions such as, for example, liquid NaCl-CaCl2 solutions. The case of variable site ratios for liquid ionic solutions will be discussed in Section 15.4. As an example of a solution with multiple sublattices, consider the following three-sublattice model: (A,B,C, …)3(X,Y,Z, …)2(P,Q, R, …). In this standard notation, the species (atoms, ions, molecules, vacancies) A,B,C, … occupy the first sublattice, while species X,Y,Z, … and P,Q,R, … occupy the second and third sublattices, respectively. Note that in general, the same species may occupy more than one sublattice. For instance, A and P could be the same species. In this example, the number of sites on the sublattices is in the ratio 3:2:1. For the sake of simplicity, we shall develop model equations for this specific example, but the extension to site ratios other than 3:2:1 or to more than three sublattices should be obvious. We define Xi0 as the site fraction of species i on the first sublattice: Xi0 ¼ ni =ðnA + nB + nC + …Þ (15.1) where ni is the number of moles of i on the first sublattice where P ( Xi0 ¼ 1). Site fractions Xi00 and Xi000 of species on the second and third sublattices are defined similarly. (Note that in the current literature, the symbol yi is often used for site fractions instead of Xi.) The following equation is written for the molar Gibbs energy of the solution: h i g ¼ XA0 XX00 XP000 gAo3 X2 P + XA0 XY00 XP000 gAo3 Y 2 P + … + XC0 XZ00 XR000 qoC3 Z2 R + … " # X X X + RT 3 Xi0 ln Xi0 + 2 Xj00 ln Xj00 + Xk000 ln Xk000 + h i j k E E E E XX00 XP000 gABC…:X:P + XY00 XP000 gABC…:Y:P + … + XA0 XP000 gA:XYZ…:P + … + XC0 XX00 gC:X:PQR… +… i + ½Reciprocal excess terms (15.2) Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS Inside the first set of square brackets in Eq. (15.2), there is one term for each end-member of the solution. An end-member is defined as a “compound” in which each sublattice is occupied by only one species. For example, in the end-member A3X2Q, the three sublattices are occupied solely by A, X, and Q species, respectively. If, for instance, there are three species on each of the three sublattices, that is, (A,B,C)3(X,Y,Z)2(P,Q,R), then there are exactly 27 endmembers. The goi are the Gibbs energies of the end-members. Some end-members may be real stable compounds, but others may be metastable, unstable, or even completely fictitious, in which case the goi are adjustable model parameters. The factors Xi0 Xj00 Xk000 are the probabilities that a set of randomly selected sites, one on each contain i, j, and k species, respectively. PP P sublattice, (Note that i j k Xi0 Xj00 Xk000 ¼ 1.) The first set of square brackets in Eq. (15.2) is called the mechanical mixing energy. Inside the second set of square brackets in Eq. (15.2) are the configurational entropy terms for random mixing of the species on each sublattice. The terms inside the third set of square brackets in Eq. (15.2) are excess Gibbs energy terms resulting from interactions among species on the same sublattice. For example, the factor gEABC…:X:P is the excess Gibbs energy arising from interactions among the species A,B,C, … on the first sublattice when the second and third sublattices are occupied only by X and P species, respectively. This factor is weighted in Eq. (15.2) by XX00 XP000 which is the probability of finding X and P species on the second and third sublattices, respectively. If, for instance, there are three species on each of three sublattices, that is, (A,B,C)3(X,Y,Z)2(P,Q,R), then there are exactly 27 such excess Gibbs energy terms. The factor E is obtained from an evaluation/optimization of the gABC…:X:P (A,B,C, …)3(X)2(P) subsystem and is a function of XA0 , XB0 , XC0 , … as described in Chapter 14 where, in this subsystem, these site fractions are numerically equal to the mole fractions of the endmembers A3X2P, B3X2P, C3X2P, …, respectively (see Section 14.4.) 15.1 Case of a Two-Sublattice (A,B)(X,Y) Solution In a simple two-sublattice solution (A,B)(X,Y) with constant site ratio 1:1, Eq. (15.2) becomes o o o o + XA0 XY00 gAY + XB0 XX00 gBX + XB0 XY00 gBY g ¼ XA0 XX00 gAX + RT XA0 ln XA0 + XB0 ln XB0 + XX00 ln XX00 + XY00 ln XY00 + XX00 XA0 XB0 αAB:X + XY00 XA0 XB0 αAB:Y + XA0 XX00 XY00 αA:XY + XB0 XX00 XY00 αB:XY + ½Reciprocal excess terms (15.3) 231 232 Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS The factors XA0 XB0 αAB:X, etc. are the excess Gibbs energies in the (A, B)(X), (A,B)(Y), (A)(X,Y), and (B)(X,Y) binary subsystems. For example, in the AX-BX subsystem where XA ¼ XAX and XB ¼ XBX (see Eq. 14.4), E XA0 XB0 αAB:X ¼ XAX XBX αAXBX ¼ gAXBX (15.4) where the α-function is given by a polynomial expansion as in Eq. (14.5): X i i L AB:X X 0A XB0 (15.5) αAB:X ¼ i An example of such a ternary reciprocal solution (a solution with two species on each of two sublattices) is the liquid (Li,K)(F,Br) solution with Li+ and K+ ions on the cation sublattice and F and Br ions on the anion sublattice. The reported phase diagram of the LiF-NaF-LiBr-KBr system is shown in Fig. 15.1A. (See Section 7.10 for a description of the coordinate system of such diagrams.) A liquid-liquid “island” miscibility gap is observed closely centered along the LiF-KBr diagonal of the composition square with two-phase liquid-liquid tie-lines approximately parallel to this diagonal. The existence of the gap indicates positive deviations from ideal mixing behavior along the diagonal. As a second example, the reported phase diagram of the NaF-KF-NaCl-KCl system is shown in Fig. 15.2A. Although no liquid-liquid miscibility gap is observed, the liquidus isotherms along the NaF-KCl diagonal are widely spaced. (That is, in the NaF-KCl pseudobinary system, the liquidus is flat as in Fig. 5.8D.) Again, this is indicative of positive deviations from ideality along the diagonal. Such positive deviations are a feature of all ternary reciprocal solutions and may be explained as follows. Consider only the first (“mechanical mixing energy”) term in square brackets in Eq. (15.3). Along the diagonal line AX-BY, XB0 ¼ XY00 ¼ (1 XA0 ) ¼ (1 XX00 ) ¼ XBY ¼ (1 XAX) where XAX and XBY are the mole fractions along the diagonal line. Hence, along this diagonal, the first term in Eq. (15.3) is equal to o o XAX gAX XAX XBY ΔG exchange + XBY gBY (15.6) where ΔGexchange is the Gibbs energy change for the following exchange reaction among the pure end-member salts: o o o o AY + BX ¼ AX + BY; ΔGexchange ¼ gBY + gAX gBX gAY (15.7) Therefore, when ΔGexchange < 0, AX and BY are called the stable pair, the AX-BY diagonal is called the stable diagonal, the second term in Eq. (15.6) is positive, and positive deviations will be LiF KF e 80 0 70 0 0 60 0 50 00 5 0 70 0 60 0 84 0 87 0 90 0 93 3 95 0 80 465 E2 e 70 0 60 0 e 50 0 0 40 0 50 (A) E 320 e LiBr KBr LiF KF e 80 0 0 60 E 60 0 70 0 70 0 0 80 . . . . . . 70 0 . 0 . . . . . . 60 e . . . 50 0 0 70 . . 0 50 400 E (B) LiBr KBr Mole % KF e LiF 0 80 0 70 800 E 0 0 70 60 0 60 e 70 0 70 0 0 60 e 0 50 50 0 (C) LiBr 400 E e Mole % KBr Fig. 15.1 Liquidus projection of the (Li,K)(F,Br) reciprocal ternary system: (A) As reported by Margheritis et al. (1979). (B) Calculated from Eqs. (15.12), (15.13) with De ¼DGexchange. (C) Calculated as in (B) but including the correction for the effect of FNN SRO on the binary gE terms. Reprinted with permission from Dessureault, Y., Pelton, A. D., 1991. Contribution to the quasichemical model of reciprocal molten salt solutions. J. Chim. Phys. 88, 1811–1830. 234 Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS Fig. 15.2 Liquidus projection of the (Na,K)(F,Cl) reciprocal ternary system: (A) As reported by Berezina et al. (1963). (B) Calculated from Eqs. (15.12), (15.13) with De ¼ DGexchange. Reprinted with permission from Dessureault, Y., Pelton, A. D., 1991. Contribution to the quasichemical model of reciprocal molten salt solutions. J. Chim. Phys. 88, 1811–1830. Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS observed along this line. By a similar derivation, negative deviations will be observed along the AY-BX diagonal. In liquid (Li,K)(F,Br) solutions (where BY ¼ KBr), ΔGexchange ¼ 75.2 kJ mol1 at 700°C (FactSage). Hence, LiF and KBr are the stable pair. Mixing pure LiF and KBr is thermodynamically unfavorable because it involves the formation of Li+Br and K+-F first-nearest-neighbor pairs at the expense of the energetically preferable Li+-F and K+-Br pairs. Since ΔGexchange is sufficiently negative, an island miscibility gap centered on the stable diagonal results as in Fig. 15.1. In liquid (Na,K)(F,Cl) solutions, (where BY ¼ KCl), ΔGexchange ¼ 23.5 kJ mol1 at 700°C (FactSage). Hence, NaF and KCl are the stable pair, and positive deviations are found along the stable diagonal. However, since ΔGexchange is less negative, no miscibility gap is observed. It must be stressed that the occurrence of positive deviations along the stable diagonal arises mainly because of the ΔGexchange term and will be observed even if all the excess Gibbs energy terms in Eq. (15.3) are equal to zero. With the Gibbs energies of the pure end-member salts and the gE terms for the binary subsystems taken from the literature (FactSage; Dessureault and Pelton, 1991), the Gibbs energy of the liquid (Li,K)(F,Br) solution was calculated from Eq. (15.3) with the reciprocal excess terms set to zero. An island miscibility gap centered along the LiF-KBr diagonal was indeed predicted as expected, but the calculated consolute temperature was 2100°C, which is much higher than the observed consolute temperature of 953°C. That is, the positive deviations are overestimated. This is a general result for all ternary reciprocal solutions that was first explained by Blander and Braunstein (1960) as follows. 15.1.1 Reciprocal Excess Terms As explained in the preceding section, positive deviations along the stable AX-BY diagonal arise because the mixing of AX and BY results in the formation of energetically unfavorable (A-Y) and (B-X) first-nearest-neighbor (FNN) pairs. In a random mixture of the species on their sublattices, the probabilities of (A-Y) and (B-X) FNN pairs are XA0 XY00 and XB0 XX00 , respectively. However, the Gibbs energy of the solution can be decreased if the number of unfavorable pairs is decreased through the formation of first-nearest-neighbor short-range ordering (SRO). Let the fractions of unfavorable (A-Y) and (B-X) pairs be decreased to (XA0 XY00 y) and (XB0 XX00 y), while the fractions of favorable (A-X) and (B-Y) pairs are increased accordingly to (XA0 XX00 + y) and (XB0 XY00 + y) where y indicates the degree of SRO 235 236 Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS and y > 0. Let the energies of the FNN (i-j) bonds be denoted by εij. The Gibbs energy of the solution is then modeled as 0 00 0 00 g ¼ XA XX + y εAX + XA XY y εAY + XB0 XX00 y εBX + XB0 XY00 + y εBY o o o o εAX + XA0 XY00 gAY εAY + XB0 XX00 gBX εBX + X 0B XY00 gBY εBY + X 0A XX00 gAX + ZRT ½ XA0 XX00 + y ln XA0 XX00 + y + XA0 XY00 y ln XA0 XY00 y (15.8) + XB0 XX00 y ln X 0B XX00 y + XB0 XY00 + y ln XB0 XY00 + y + ZRT ½ XA0 XX00 + y ln XA0 XX00 + XA0 XY00 y ln XA0 XY00 + XB0 XX00 y lnX 0B XX00 + XB0 XY00 + y lnX 0B XY00 + RT XA0 ln XA0 + XB0 ln XB0 + XX00 ln XX00 + XY00 ln XY00 + g E The first term in square brackets is the energy of the FNN pairbonds. The second term is the remaining part of the mechanical mixing term due to second-nearest-neighbor, third-nearestneighbor, and other pair-bonds. (When y ¼ 0, the first two terms in square brackets sum to the first bracketed term in Eq. (15.3).) In 1 mol of solution (i.e., one mole of species on each sublattice), let there by Z FNN bonds. That is, Z is the FNN coordination number. The third square-bracketed term in Eq. (15.8) is a configurational entropy term given by randomly distributing the (A-X), (A-Y), (B-X), and (B-Y) FNN bonds over the Z “bond sites.” However, this term overestimates the actual entropy of the solution since, for example, if one bond emanating from a central A species is an (A-X) bond, then all other bonds emanating from the same site must be either (A-X) or (A-Y) bonds. To approximately account for this constraint, the fourth square-bracketed term in Eq. (15.8) is a correction term designed so that the two entropic terms together reduce to the ideal configurational entropy term of Eq. (15.3) when there is no SRO (when y ¼ 0). (Although this correction is approximate in two and three dimensions, it can be shown to be exact for a one-dimensional lattice.) Calculating the equilibrium amount of SRO by setting dg/dy ¼ 0 in Eq. (15.8) and assuming that gE is not a function of y, we obtain the following equation: 1 + y=XA0 XX00 1 + y=XB0 XY00 ¼ exp ðΔε=ZRT Þ (15.9) 1 y=XA0 XY00 1 y=XB0 XX00 where Δε ¼ εAX + εBY εAY εBX (15.10) Taking the logarithm of both sides of Eq. (15.9) and approximating the logarithmic terms as first-order Taylor expansions (i.e., setting ln(1 + y/XAXX) y/XAXX) when y is small) gives the following expansion for y: Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS y XA0 XB0 XX00 XY00 ðΔε=ZRT Þ (15.11) Substituting Eq. (15.11) into Eq. (15.8) and again approximating the logarithmic terms as Taylor expansions then gives an expression for the Gibbs energy of the solution identical to Eq. (15.3) with ½Reciprocal excess term ¼ XA0 XB0 XX00 XY00 LAB:XY (15.12) where LAB:XY ¼ Δε2 =2ZRT (15.13) Note that LAB:XY is always negative. Hence, this reciprocal excess term that results from SRO always decreases the positive deviations from ideality along the stable diagonal. The phase diagram for the (Na,K)(F,Cl) system shown in Fig. 15.2B was calculated (Dessureault and Pelton, 1991) from Eq. (15.3) for the liquid solution, with data for the end-member Gibbs energies and binary gE terms of the liquid solution taken from the literature (FactSage; Dessureault and Pelton, 1991), with Z ¼ 6 and with Eqs. (15.12) and (15.13) for the reciprocal excess term, further assuming, as did Blander and Braunstein (1960), that Δε ΔGexchange. Agreement with the reported diagram in Fig. 15.2A is excellent. Similar good agreement is observed in other reciprocal ternary molten salt solutions when j ΔGexchange j is relatively small. Unfortunately, this is no longer true when j ΔGexchange j is relatively large. Fig. 15.1B shows the phase diagram of the (Li,K)(F,Br) system calculated similarly, with Eqs. (15.12), (15.13) for the reciprocal excess term and assuming that Δε ΔGexchange. The calculated consolute temperature has indeed been reduced by the inclusion of the reciprocal excess term, but in the central region of the composition square, it has been reduced far too much. In fact, it has been decreased so much that the calculated miscibility gap has been split in two. Closer to the edges of the composition square where the factor XA0 XB0 XX00 XY00 in Eq. (15.12) is relatively small, the agreement with the experimental phase diagram is better. Similar results are seen (Dessureault and Pelton, 1991) in other ternary reciprocal molten salt solutions when jΔGexchange j is large. The failure of the model in the central composition region is due partly to the use of the first-order Taylor expansion in evaluating y, but as shown by Dessureault and Pelton, it is mainly due to the effect of FNN SRO on the binary gE terms in Eq. (15.3) as follows. Consider the term XA0 XB0 αAB:X in Eq. (15.3). This is the excess Gibbs energy in the binary AX-BX system that is related in regular solution theory (Section 4.9) to the energy change of the pair 237 238 Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS exchange reaction among (A-A), (B-B), and (A-B) second-nearestneighbor pairs on the same sublattice: ðA ðX Þ AÞ + ðB ðX Þ BÞ ¼ 2ðA ðX Þ BÞ (15.14) where the notation indicates that the other sublattice is occupied solely by X species. Now, in Eq. (15.3), this term is multiplied by XX00 because, in a randomly mixed solution, the probability of an A-(X)-B grouping is XX00 XA0 XB0 . However, when j ΔGexchange j is large, FNN SRO produces clusters of the energetically favorable (A-X) and (B-Y) FNN pairs as has just been discussed, thereby reducing the number of A-(X)-B groupings and increasing the number of A-(X)-A and B-(X)-B groupings, the effect being greatest near the middle of the composition square. Hence, Eq. (15.3) overestimates the importance of the binary excess Gibbs energy terms, particularly in the central composition region. Empirically, in molten salt systems, the binary excess terms are usually negative. Eq. (15.3) thus usually overestimates the stability of the ternary reciprocal solution, particularly in the central composition region. Dessureault and Pelton (1991) proposed that the term ðX 0 X 00 + yÞ ðXB0 XX00 y Þ XX00 XA0 XB0 αAB:X in Eq. (15.3) be replaced by XX00 A XX00 X 00 X X where y is the FNN SRO parameter from Eq. (15.11) and where (XA0 XX00 + y)/XX00 and (XB0 XX00 y)/XX00 are the conditional probabilities that a cationic sublattice site is occupied by an A or a B cation, respectively, given that a neighboring anionic sublattice site is occupied by an X anion and similarly for the other binary excess terms. With this replacement in Eq. (15.3) and solving for y exactly by an iterative technique, Dessureault and Pelton calculated the phase diagram of the (Li,K)(F,Br) system shown in Fig. 15.1C that is in fair agreement with the reported diagram. Unfortunately, this correction does not readily lend itself to being approximated by explicit polynomial terms as was the case for the reciprocal excess term in Eq. (15.12). Furthermore, it does not take second-nearest-neighbor SRO into account, and extension to multicomponent solutions and to solutions with more than two sublattices is complex. For systems with two sublattices, it has been superseded by the modified quasichemical model in the quadruplet approximation, which will be described in Chapter 17. In the remainder of the present chapter, we shall not consider this correction further. Clearly, however, as can be seen from the foregoing example, the effect can be very important when j ΔGexchange j and the binary α-functions in Eq. (15.3) are large and when the site fractions of the species involved are all of the same order (i.e., near the center of the composition square). Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS The value of the parameter LAB:XY in Eq. (15.12) can be optimized to reproduce available experimental data. However, in light of the above arguments, even if no data are available, the parameter should not be set to zero but should be estimated by Eq. (15.13) (and also, in general, by setting Δε ¼ ΔGexchange). The preceding arguments can be extended to the more general case of the first example in this chapter, an (A,B,C, …)3(X,Y, Z, …)2(P,Q,R, …) solution, to show that the reciprocal excess terms in Eq. (15.2) should take the approximate form XP000 (XA0 XB0 XX00 XY00 )LAB:XY:P, etc., where, to a first approximation, ! 2 exchange =2ZRT (15.15) LAB:XY:P exp ΔGAB:XY:P where ΔGexchange AB:XY:P is the Gibbs energy change of the following exchange reaction among end-members: A3 Y 2 P + B3 X 2 P ¼ A3 X 2 P + B3 Y 2 P 15.2 (15.16) Activities of the End-Members For an (A,B)(X,Y) solution, the extensive Gibbs energy is given by G ¼ (nA + nB)g ¼ (nX + nY )g with g given by Eq. (15.3). The partial molar Gibbs energy of the end-member AX is then calculated as gAX ¼ ∂G/∂ nAX, noting that ∂ nAX ¼ ∂ nA ¼ ∂nX. This gives the following: o E gAX gAX ¼ RT ln aAX ¼ RT ln XA0 XX00 XB0 XY00 ΔGexchange + gAX (15.17) with ΔG given by Eq. (15.7). When ΔG < 0, AX is a member of the stable pair, and the term ( XB0 XY00 ΔGexchange) contributes to positive deviations along the stable diagonal of the reciprocal ternary system as has already been discussed. If 0 00 ΔGexchange ¼ 0 and gEAX ¼ 0, then aideal AX ¼ XA XX , the product of the site fractions. In solutions rich in AX, it follows from Eq. (15.17) that lim XAX !1 aAX ¼ XA0 XX00 , which may be considered to be the form of Raoult’s law applicable to this two-sublattice solution. Extension of these calculations to the more general example of the (A,B,C, …)3(X,Y,Z, …)2(P,Q,R, …) solution given earlier gives Raoult’s limiting law as 3 00 2 000 XB XP lim aA3 X2 P ¼ XA0 (15.18) exchange exchange XA3 X 2 P !1 and similarly for the other end-members. 239 240 Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS 15.3 The Compound Energy Formalism (CEF) An end-member was defined earlier as a “compound” in which each sublattice is fully occupied by only one species. In the example of the (Li,K)(F,Br) solution given in Section 15.1, all four endmembers are real stable compounds. However, in many solutions, some end-members can be metastable, unstable, or even hypothetical compounds. In some cases, as will be shown in Section 15.3.3, an end-member can even carry a net electric charge. In such cases, the Gibbs energy of an end-member by itself may have little or no direct physical significance. However, combinations of the end-member Gibbs energies will have physical significance, and it is these combinations that are the actual model parameters. Although models for any solution can be formulated explicitly in terms of the actual model parameters, this results in a different model equation for each different type of solution. On the other hand, as pointed out by Hillert and coworkers (Hillert and Staffansson, 1970; Hillert et al., 1988; Barry et al., 1992), formulating the Gibbs energy functions of solutions formally in terms of the end-member Gibbs energies as in Eq. (15.2) provides a single formalism applicable to a wide variety of types of solution. In using this compound energy formalism (CEF), one must always take care to distinguish between the formalism parameters (the end-member Gibbs energies) and the actual physical model parameters. In particular when estimating parameters, it is the model parameters, never the formalism parameters, which should be approximated. 15.3.1 Interstitial Solutions Consider an fcc solution (Fe,Cr)(C,Va) where Fe and Cr are distributed randomly on the first (metal) sublattice and C atoms and vacancies, denoted Va, are randomly distributed on the second (octahedral interstitial) sublattice. In the framework of the CEF, the molar Gibbs energy is written as 0 00 o 0 o 0 00 o 0 o XVa gFeVa + XFe XC00 gFeC + XCr XVa gCrVa + XCr XC00 gCrC g ¼ XFe 0 E 0 0 0 00 00 ln XFe + XCr ln XCr + XC00 ln XC00 + XVa ln XVa + RT XFe +g (15.19) The end-members FeVa and CrVa are pure fcc Fe and Cr. The endmembers FeC and CrC are hypothetical compounds in which all the interstitial sites are occupied by C atoms. The solution is shown schematically on the composition square in Fig. 15.3. Since Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS CrC X″C FeC Region of solubility FeVa X′Cr CrVa Fig. 15.3 Composition square of the fcc (Fe,Cr)(C,Va) solution. C is only soluble to a limited extent in the fcc lattice as shown on the figure, the end-member Gibbs energies, goFeC and goCrC, are adjustable parameters that can be obtained by optimization using data from this composition region. It should be noted that the molar Gibbs energy in Eq. (15.19) applies for 1 mol of sites on each sublattice and that XFe0 ¼ nFe/ (nFe + nCr) and XVa00 ¼ nVa/(nC + nVa) ¼ nVa/(nFe + nCr). Therefore, in the binary (Fe)(C,Va) system (where nCr ¼ 0) at high concentration of Fe, the limiting activity of Fe from Eq. (15.17) 0 00 XVa ¼ nVa =nFe ¼ ðnFe nC Þ=nFe ¼ ð1 nC =nFe Þ, is lim XFe !1 aFe ¼ XFe which is the form of Raoult’s law applicable to the interstitial solution. 15.3.2 Nonstoichiometric Compounds Nonstoichiometric compounds are generally treated by sublattice models. Consider the compound AmδBn+δ. The sublattices normally occupied by A and B atoms will be called, respectively, the A-sublattice and the B-sublattice. Deviations from stoichiometry (where δ ¼ 0) can occur through the formation of point defects such as substitutional defects (A atoms on B-sites and vice versa), vacant sites, or atoms on interstitial sublattice sites. Generally, one type of defect will predominate for solutions with an excess of A, and another type will predominate for solutions with excess B. These are called the majority defects. 241 Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS Consider first a solution in which the majority defects are A atoms on B-sites and B atoms on A-sites. An example is the Laves C14 phase Mg2δY1+δ. In the framework of the CEF, the compound is represented as (A, B)m (B, A)n with h i g ¼ XA0 XB00 gAom Bn + XA0 XA00 gAom An + XB0 XA00 gBom An + XB0 XB00 gBom Bn + mRT XA0 ln XA0 + XB0 ln XB0 + nRT XA00 ln XA00 + XB00 ln XB00 + g E (15.20) As an example, let us set m ¼ 2 and n ¼ 1 as for the A2δB1+δ phase shown on the phase diagram in Fig. 15.4. We simplify the notation by letting XB0 ¼ x and XA00 ¼ y, thereby representing the phase as (A1xBx)2(AyB1y) with h i g ¼ ð1 xÞð1 y ÞgAo2 B + ð1 xÞyg oA2 A + xð1 y ÞgBo2 B + xygBo2 A + 2RT ðx ln x + ð1 xÞ ln ð1 xÞÞ + RT ðy ln y + ð1 y Þ ln ð1 y ÞÞ + g E (15.21) The solution is represented schematically on the composition square in Fig. 15.5. In Eq. (15.21), g oA2B is the Gibbs energy of the hypothetical defect-free compound (A)2(B). We define Δg1 ¼ gAo2 A gAo2 B (15.22) Δg2 ¼ gBo2 B gAo2 B (15.23) and A A2-δ B1+δ Liquid T 242 A2B Mole fraction B B Fig. 15.4 Phase diagram of a binary system with a nonstoichiometric A2dB1+d compound. Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS B2A X B′ = x B2B ) x(d =0 2 y= Equilibrium stoichiometric compound Equilibrium line A2B X A″= y A 2A Fig. 15.5 Composition square of a nonstoichiometric intermetallic compound A2dB1+d with substitutional defects: (A,B)2(B,A). These are the model parameters. One sometimes sees gAo 2A set equal to (3goA + (a bT)) where goA is the molar Gibbs energy of pure A (and a and b are adjustable parameters.) However, there is no real justification for this. The end-member A2A does not have the crystal structure of pure A, but is a hypothetical two-sublattice compound (A)2(A) with the crystal structure of A2B. It is preferable to set the model parameter Δg1 ¼ (a1 b1T) so that from Eq. (15.22), gAo2 A ¼ gAo2 B + ða1 b1 T Þ (15.24) and similarly, with Δg2 ¼ (a2 b2T), gBo2 B ¼ gAo2 B + ða2 b2 T Þ (15.25) Similarly, gBo 2A should be set by identifying (gBo 2A gAo2B) ¼ (Δgo1 + Δgo2 ) as the Gibbs energy of forming of both majority defects simultaneously, whereby gBo2 A ¼ gAo2 A + gBo2 B gAo2 B (15.26) Substituting into Eq. (15.21) and rearranging terms then yields the following equation written in terms of the model parameters: g ¼ gAo2 B + yΔg1 + xΔg2 + 2RT ðx ln x + ð1 xÞ ln ð1 xÞÞ (15.27) + RT ðy ln y + ð1 y Þ ln ð1 y ÞÞ + g E 243 Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS g 244 goA B(defect free) 2 A A2B Mole fraction B B Fig. 15.6 Gibbs energy function of nonstoichiometric A2dB1+d (at constant T) corresponding to the phase diagram of Fig. 15.4. with Δg1 ≫ 0 and Δg2 ≫ 0, a Gibbs energy function as in Fig. 15.6 results, rising steeply on either side of its minimum and resulting in the phase diagram of Fig. 15.5 (see Section 5.8). If, furthermore, Δg2 > Δg1, then the function rises more steeply on the B-rich side of the minimum (as shown schematically in Fig. 15.6), and hence, the range of stoichiometry of the phase is wider on the A-rich side than on the B-rich side (as shown schematically in Fig. 15.4). It is instructive to calculate the equilibrium defect concentrations by setting (∂ g/∂ x)δ ¼ 0 at a constant overall A/B ratio (i.e., keeping δ constant in A2δB1+δ.) It can be seen from the formula (A1xBx)2(AyB1y) that δ ¼ (2x y). Hence, (∂ y)δ ¼ 2(∂ x)δ. Assuming that d gE/dx 0, this gives the following equation for the equilibrium defect concentrations: xy=ð1 xÞð1 y Þ ¼ exp ðð2Δg1 + Δg2 Þ=2RT Þ (15.28) which is the equilibrium constant for the site exchange reaction: AAsite + BBsite ¼ ABsite + BAsite (15.29) Solutions of Eq. (15.28) lie along the “equilibrium line” in Fig. 15.5. Solving Eq. (15.28) when δ ¼ 0 (y ¼ 2x) gives the equilibrium defect concentrations at the stoichiometric A2B composition. Substitution into Eq. (15.27) then gives the Gibbs energy of the actual stoichiometric compound at equilibrium which is less than the Gibbs energy gAo2B of the hypothetical defect-free end-member as shown in Fig. 15.6 (cf. Section 14.11). Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS In the second example, the majority defects in A2–δ B1+δ are assumed to be vacancies on the B-sublattice and substitutional B atoms on interstitial sublattice sites, that is (A)2(B1–xVax) (ByVa1–y) where the third sublattice is the interstitial sublattice. (The number of interstitial sublattice sites is assumed to be equal to the number of B-lattice sites.) When y ¼ 0, the interstitial sublattice contains only vacancies. The Gibbs energy in the framework of the CEF is written: h i g ¼ ð1 xÞð1 y ÞgAo2 BVa + ð1 xÞyg oA2 BB + xð1 y ÞgAo2 VaVa + xyg oA2 VaB + RT ðx ln x + ð1 xÞ ln ð1 xÞ + y ln y + ð1 y Þ ln ð1 y ÞÞ + g E (15.30) The model parameters in this case are the Gibbs energy of the defect-free stoichiometric A2B, gAo2BVa, and the parameters: Δg1 ¼ gAo2 BB gAo2 BVa and Δg2 ¼ gAo2 VaVa gAo2 BVa (15.31) As in the preceding example, gAo2VaB of the hypothetical endmember containing both defects should be set to gAo2 VaB ¼ gAo2 BB + gAo2 VaVa gAo2 BVa (15.32) Eq. (15.30) can be rearranged to give an equation very similar to Eq. (15.27), and setting (∂ g/∂ x)δ ¼ 0 gives an equilibrium constant very similar to Eq. (15.28). Other defect models such as (A1xVax)2(B1yVay) or (A)2 (B1xAx)(ByVa1y) also all result in very similar Gibbs energy functions (like Fig. 15.6) and very similar phase diagrams (like Fig. 15.4). Therefore, it is generally not possible to deduce the correct defect model solely from the experimental phase diagram and thermodynamic properties. It should be mentioned that for a solution such as (A,Va)(B,Va) with vacancies on both sublattices, one end-member Gibbs energy is necessarily goVaVa. One often sees this formalism parameter set equal to zero since (Va)(Va), which is sometimes humorously called “vacanconium,” contains “nothing.” In light of the preceding discussion, however, it can be appreciated that it should rather be given by o o o o ¼ gAVa + gVaB gAB gVaVa (15.33) Clearly, the foregoing examples can be generalized to other stoichiometries AmBn or to different ratios of available interstitial sites, etc., and the extension to multicomponent solutions is relatively straightforward. 245 246 Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS 15.3.3 Ceramic Solutions As shown by Hillert et al. (1988), Sundman (1991), and Barry et al. (1992), the CEF is particularly powerful when applied to ceramic solutions in which there are two or more distinct cationic sublattices. As an example, consider the spinel solution (A,B,E)(A,B,E)2O4 in which A2+ and B2+ are divalent cations and E3+ is a trivalent cation. The spinel structure can be derived from the fcc close packing of the oxygen anions. The first, or tetrahedral, sublattice consists of one-eighth of the tetrahedral interstices, and the second, or octahedral, sublattice consists of half of the octahedral interstices. There are thus twice as many octahedral as tetrahedral sublattice sites. A simple spinel AE2O4 is called “normal” if all the tetrahedral sites are occupied by A cations and all the octahedral sites by E cations: (A)(E)2O4. If all the tetrahedral and half the octahedral sites are occupied by E cations, the spinel is termed “inverse”: (E)(AE)2O4. In a real spinel, the A and E cations are distributed on both sublattices. Since all anionic sites are occupied by oxygen ions, we need only to concern ourselves with the distribution of cations between the two cationic sublattices. (Note that A and E could be the same element; for example, A ¼ Fe2+, and E ¼ Fe3+.) Within the framework of the CEF, the Gibbs energy of (A,B,E) (A,B,E)2O4 is given as ! XX X X g¼ Xi0 Xj00 gijo + RT Xi0 ln Xi0 + 2 Xj00 ln Xj00 i + j XXX i j i Xi0 Xj0 Xk00 Lij:k j + Xk0 Xi00 Xj00 Lk:ij (15.34) k (where reciprocal excess terms have been neglected). The following treatment follows that of Degterov et al. (2001) which is similar to that of Sundman (1991) and of Barry et al. (1992). Consider first a simple spinel (A,E)(A,E)2O4 with four endmembers: + (A)(E)2O4, (A)(A)2O2 4 , (E)(E)2O4 , and (E)(A)2O4 , abbreviated as AE, AA, EE, and EA. Three of these end-members bear a net electric charge and are thus clearly fictional “compounds.” The reciprocal composition square is shown in Fig. 15.7. Only points along the neutral line are physically realizable. The actual equilibrium spinel composition lies at the point of minimum Gibbs energy on this line. The Gibbs energy of the purely inverse spinel (E)(A,E)2O4 at one end of the neutral line is equal to 0.5(goEE + goEA) + 2RT(XA00 ln XA00 + XE00 ln XE00 ). Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS + EA– X′E Ne ut line ral EE (inverse) E(AE) Equilibrium AE2O4 AE (normal) X″A AA2– Fig. 15.7 Composition square of a simple spinel (A,E)(A,E)2O4. Degterov et al. (2001) proposed the following physically meaningful model parameters: o IAE ¼ gEE o gAE (15.35) o o + gEA 2gAE (15.36) o o o o + gEE gEA gAE ΔAE ¼ gAA (15.37) Since all physical solutions lie on the neutral line, the Gibbs energy of one of the charged end-members can be chosen arbitrarily. Let us set o o ¼ gAE gEA (15.38) The parameter IAE is the main factor in determining the degree of inversion of the real spinel. (It may be noted that older terminology for spinels refers to the “site exchange energy” which is the energy change of the “site exchange reaction” AT + EO ¼ ET + AO where the subscripts T and O indicate tetrahedral and octahedral sites. The parameter IAE is equal to twice this site exchange energy.) The parameter ΔAE is the exchange Gibbs energy of the following reciprocal reaction among end-members (cf. Eq. 15.7): AE + EA ¼ AA + EE (15.39) Given values of the model parameters, the end-member Gibbs energies (the formalism parameters) can be calculated from 247 248 Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS Eqs. (15.35)–(15.38). Substitution into Eq. (15.34) and minimization of the Gibbs energy then permits the composition of the equilibrium real spinel on the neutral line to be calculated. For an (A,B,E)(A,B,E)2O4 spinel solution, Degterov et al. proposed the following model parameters in addition to those in Eqs. (15.35)–(15.37): o gBE (15.40) o o o + gEB 2gBE IBE ¼ gEE (15.41) o o o o + gEE gEB gBE ΔBE ¼ gBB (15.42) o o o o + gEB gEA gAB ΔEAB ¼ gAA (15.43) o ΔEBA ¼ gBB (15.44) o o o + gEA gEB gBA The nine end-member Gibbs energies can be calculated from the eight model parameters in Eqs. (15.35)–(15.37) and (15.40)– (15.44) along with Eq. (15.38). Note that goEB is fully determined by these nine equations. That is, in a general multicomponent spinel solution, only one charged end-member Gibbs energy can be chosen arbitrarily. Degterov et al. adopted the suggestion of Sundman (1991) to set goAE ¼ goEA when A ¼ Fe2+ and E ¼ Fe3+. In Eq. (15.34), there are 9 end-member Gibbs energy parameters and 18 excess Lij:k and Lk:ij parameters (and even more if the latter are composition-dependent.) In multicomponent solutions, the number of possible parameters increases rapidly as the number of components increases. The amount of experimental data is almost always insufficient to permit all possible parameters to be optimized. Hence, the most important parameters should be optimized first, followed by less important parameters as the availability of data permits. Finally, the least important parameters can be estimated. Degterov et al. recommend the following list of types of parameters in order of decreasing priority: (i) goAE of normal endmembers, (ii) inversion energy parameters IAE, (iii) reciprocal exchange parameters ΔAE, (iv) reciprocal exchange parameters ΔEAB, and finally (v) L parameters. And of course, when parameters are being estimated, one should always estimate model parameters, never formalism parameters; for example, whereas one might of necessity set a ΔEAB parameter to zero, one should never set an end-member Gibbs energy to zero. Barry et al. (1992) demonstrated that different sets of parameters can give identical descriptions of the properties of a simple AE2O4 spinel. However, as pointed out by Degterov et al. (2001), when the properties of a simple spinel are extrapolated into a multicomponent spinel solution, these different sets of parameters Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS may no longer necessarily give equivalent Gibbs energy functions, thus resulting in different models. For example, for the simple spinel (A, E) (A, E)2O4, if we set LAE:A ¼ LAE:E and LA:AE ¼ LE:AE ¼ 0, substitute Eqs. (15.35)–(15.38) into Eq. (15.34), and collect terms, then along the neutral line in Fig. 15.7 where XA00 ¼ XE0 /2, 1 o g ¼ gAE + IAE XE0 =2 + ΔAE XE0 1 XE0 + LAE:A XE0 1 XE0 2 (15.45) The final two terms in Eq. (15.45) are equivalent in the simple spinel, but will not give equivalent Gibbs energy functions when extrapolated into a multicomponent solution. Degterov et al. also propose a consistent set of model parameters for the case of oxygen-deficient spinels with vacancies on the octahedral sublattice, (A,B,E)(A,B,E,Va)2O4, and they discuss the case where the spinel solution can encompass the composition (E)(E5/6Va1/6)2O4 that corresponds to 4/3 mol of γ-E2O3 that has a spinel-related structure. (The best known example being γ-Al2O3.) The considerations discussed in the present section have been applied by Degterov et al. (2001) to the evaluation and optimization of the Fe-Zn-O system. The CEF has found broad applications in many ceramic solutions other than spinels. The considerations and caveats presented in the present section for spinel solutions also apply in these solutions. Ceramic solutions to which the CEF has been applied include olivines (Ca,Mg,Fe,Mn,Co,Zn,Ni,Cr)(Ca,Mg,Fe,Mn,Co,Zn,Ni, Cr)(Si)(O)4, pyroxenes (Ca,Mg,Fe,Ni,Zn,Mn,Na)(Mg,Fe2+,Fe3+,Al,Ni,Zn, 3+ Mn)(Al,Fe ,Si)(Si)(O)6, melilites (Ca,Ba,Pb,Na)2(Zn,Mg,Ni,Fe2+,Fe3+,Al,B)(Fe3+,Al,B, Si)2(O)7, mullite (Al,Fe)2(Al,Si,B,Fe)(O,Va)5. 15.4 Asymmetric Molten Ionic Solutions: Temkin Model The liquid (Li,K)(F,Br) and (Na,K)(F,Cl) solutions in Figs. 15.1 and 15.2 are called symmetrical salt solutions since all ions on the same sublattice have the same charge. An example of an asymmetrical salt solution is the liquid (Na,Ca)(F,Cl) solution shown in Fig. 7.19 and discussed in Section 7.10 in which the Na+ and Ca2+ ions have different charges. The definition of a mole of such a solution can be made in different ways. Hence, in order to avoid 249 250 Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS ambiguity, it is preferable to define composition variables per charge equivalent of solution rather than per mole, where one charge equivalent of a solution is defined as containing 1 mol of positive charge on the cation sublattice and 1 mol of negative charge on the anion sublattice. To this end, we define charge equivalent site fractions as X (15.46) Yi0 ¼ qi = qi Xi where qi is the charge on ion i and the summation is over all ions on the same sublattice. In a symmetrical salt solution, Yi0 ¼ Xi. Note that charge equivalent site fractions Yi0 must not be confused with the coordination equivalent fractions Yi defined in Eqs. (14.55), (14.56). Hence, in the (Na,Ca)(F,Cl) solution, YCa0 ¼ 2nCa/(2nCa + nNa) ¼ (1 YNa0 ), and YCl0 ¼ nCl/(nF + nCl) ¼ (1 YF0 ) where ni is the number of moles of ion i and where, from charge balance considerations, (2nCa + nNa) ¼ (nF + nCl). As discussed in Section 14.4.1, the liquid solution is modeled with the Temkin model, whereby the cations and anions mix randomly on their respective quasi-sublattices regardless of their charges, and the ratio of the number of cation sites to the number of anion sites varies with composition. Consider a general asymmetrical ternary reciprocal salt solution (A,B)(X,Y) with ionic charges qi, which are not all the same. The probability of an (A-X) nearest-neighbor pair-bond is then YA0YX0 . The Gibbs energy per charge equivalent of solution is then given, as originally proposed by Blander (1964), as o o o o + YA0 YY0 gA=Y + YB0 YX0 gB=X + YB0 YY0 gB=Y g ¼ YA0 YX0 gA=X h i + RT ðqA XA + qB XB Þ1 ðXA ln XA + XB ln XB Þ + ðqX XX + qX XY Þ1 ðXX ln XX + XY ln XY Þ + ½YX0 YA0 YB0 αAB:X + YY0 YA0 YB0 αAB:Y + YA0 YX0 YY0 αA:XY + YB0 YX0 YY0 αB:XY + YA0 YB0 YX0 YY0 LAB:XY (15.47) goi/j where is the Gibbs energy of one equivalent of the chargeneutral end-member i/j. For example, goCa/Cl is the Gibbs energy of 0.5 mol of CaCl2. When all ions are monovalent, Eq. (15.47) reduces to Eq. (15.3). Note that the ideal entropy of mixing terms are written in terms of the site fractions Xi, not in terms of Yi0 , and that (qAXA + qBXB) ¼ (qXXX + qYXY ) is the number of charge equivalents per mole of lattice sites on the sublattices. The binary excess terms in Eq. (15.47) have been written in terms of the charge equivalent Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS fractions Yi0 as in the original formulation by Blander (1964), but this is not necessary in the general case. Furthermore, the αfunctions may also be expanded as polynomials in Yi0 , but again, this is not necessary in general; expansions in terms of the site fractions Xi or the coordination equivalent fractions Yi could also be used. The coefficient LAB:XY in the reciprocal excess term in Eq. (15.47) may be optimized from experimental data or may be estimated from Eqs. (15.12) and (15.13) with Δε ΔGexchange, which is the Gibbs energy of the exchange reaction involving one charge equivalent of each end-member, that is, A=Y + B=X ¼ A=X + B=Y The extension to multicomponent solutions is straightforward and has been given in detail by Pelton (1988). 15.4.1 Solid vs Liquid Asymmetric Ionic Solutions The phase diagram of the BaF2-LaF3 system is shown in Fig. 15.8. The maximum in the solidus/liquidus at BaF2-rich compositions can be explained as resulting from entropic stabilization of the solid phase relative to the liquid phase due to the formation of vacant cation sites in the solid. That is, the dissolution of two moles of LaF3 in solid BaF2 occurs by the replacement of three moles of BaF2 through the substitution of two La3+ ions for two Ba2+ ions and the formation of a vacant cation site. In relatively dilute solutions, the two La3+ ions and the vacancy will be approximately randomly distributed, resulting in a larger entropy and hence lower Gibbs energy, than in the liquid solution in which no lattice vacancies are formed (Temkin model). At higher LaF3 concentrations, the La3+ ions and vacancies will tend to form Liquid T (oC) 1450 1400 Solid 1350 1300 0 BaF2 20 40 60 Mole percent LaF3 80 100 LaF3 Fig. 15.8 BaF2-LaF3 phase diagram (Nafziger and Riazance, 1972) illustrating entropic stabilization of the solid phase relative to the liquid. 251 252 Chapter 15 MULTIPLE-SUBLATTICE RANDOM-MIXING (BRAGG-WILLIAMS—BW) MODELS associates due to coulombic attraction, thereby lowering the entropy. A similar phenomenon is observed in other asymmetrical molten salt systems. References Barry, T.I., Dinsdale, A.T., Gisby, J.A., Hallstedt, B., Hillert, M., Jansson, B., Jonsson, S., Sundman, B., Taylor, J.R., 1992. J. Phase Equilib. 13, 459–475. Berezina, S.I., Bergman, A.G., Bakumskaya, E.L., 1963. Zh. Neorg. Khim. 8, 2140–2143. Blander, M., 1964. Molten Salt Chemistry. Interscience, New York. Blander, M., Braunstein, J., 1960. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 79, 838–852. Degterov, S.A., Jak, E., Hayes, P.C., Pelton, A.D., 2001. Metall. Mater. Trans. 32B, 643–657. Dessureault, Y., Pelton, A.D., 1991. J. Chim. Phys. 88, 1811–1830. Hillert, M., Jansson, B., Sundman, B., 1988. Z. Metallkd. 79, 81–87. Hillert, M., Staffansson, L.-I., 1970. Acta Chem. Scand. 24, 3618–3626. Margheritis, C., Flor, G., Sinistri, C., 1979. Z. Naturforsch. 34A, 836–839. Nafziger, R.H., Riazance, N., 1972. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 55, 130–134. Pelton, A.D., 1988. Calphad J. 12, 127–142. Sundman, B., 1991. J. Phase Equilib. 12, 127–140. List of Website FactSage, Montreal, 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) CHAPTER OUTLINE 16.1 Associate Models 257 16.2 The Modified Quasichemical Model (MQM) 260 16.2.1 Combining the Quasichemical and Bragg-Williams Models 264 16.2.2 Expansion of ΔgAB as a Polynomial 268 16.2.3 Composition-Dependent Coordination Numbers 269 16.2.4 Example of an Optimization Using the MQM—The Mg-Sn System 270 16.3 Second-Nearest-Neighbor Short-Range Ordering in Ionic Liquids 272 16.3.1 Complex Anion Model 273 16.3.2 Modified Quasichemical Model 274 16.4 Short-Range Ordering and Positive Deviations From Ideal Mixing 274 16.5 Approximating Short-Range Ordering with a Polynomial Expansion 277 16.6 Modified Quasichemical Model—Multicomponent Systems 278 16.6.1 Interpolation Formulae 280 16.7 The MQM Equations in Closed Explicit Form 286 16.8 Combining Bragg-Williams and MQM Models in One Multicomponent Database 287 16.9 Comparison of the Bragg-Williams, Associated and Modified Quasichemical Models in Predicting Ternary Properties From Binary Properties 288 16.10 The Two-Sublattice “Ionic Liquid” Model 292 References 293 List of Websites 294 The molar enthalpy of mixing of liquid Al-Ca alloys is shown in Fig. 16.1. The function is negative and “V-shaped” with nearly linear terminal segments, whereas solutions that are approximately Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Modeling of Solutions. # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 253 Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) Δh (kJ mol−1) 0 Notin et al. (1982) 680°C 765°C Sommer et al. (1983) 852°C 857°C 907°C 917°C −10 −20 −30 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Ca Al Mole fraction Ca Fig. 16.1 Enthalpy of mixing in liquid Al-Ca solutions (FactSage). 2 Kawakami, 1930: claorimetry, 800°C Eremenko and Lukashenko, 1963: emf, 650°C Steiner et al., 1964: vapor, 770°C Eldridge et al., 1967: vapor, 770°C Sharma, 1970: vapor, 800°C Nayak and Oelsen, 1971: calorimetry, 800°C Sommer et al., 1980: calorimetry, 800°C 0 −2 −4 Dh (kJ mol-1) 254 −6 −8 −10 −12 800°C −14 650°C −16 −18 −20 0.0 Mg 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Mole fraction Sn 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Sn Fig. 16.2 Optimized ( Jung et al., 2007) enthalpy of liquid Mg-Sn solutions along with experimental data. (For references for the data, see Jung et al., 2007.) regular have approximately parabolic enthalpy functions. As a second example, the molar enthalpy and entropy of mixing of liquid Mg-Sn alloys are shown in Figs. 16.2 and 16.3. Again, the enthalpy function is negative and V-shaped, while the entropy curve is “m-shaped.” A third example is shown in Figs. 16.4 and 16.5 for Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) 6.00 Δs (J mol−1 K−1) 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0 Mg 0.20 0.40 0.60 Mole fraction Sn 0.80 Sn Fig. 16.3 Optimized ( Jung et al., 2007) entropy of mixing of liquid Mg-Sn solutions at 800°C. 0 Litovskii et al. (1986), 1600oC Δh (kJ mol−1) −10 −20 −30 −40 0 Al 0.2 0.4 0.6 Mole fraction Sc 0.8 1 Sc Fig. 16.4 Calculated optimized enthalpy of mixing in liquid Al-Sc solutions at 1600°C. Reprinted with permission from Pelton, A.D., Kang, Y.-B., 2007. Int. J. Mater. Res. 98, 907–917. liquid Al-Sc alloys in which the V-shape of the enthalpy function is somewhat less pronounced. The partial enthalpy functions corresponding to Fig. 16.4 are shown in Fig. 16.6; they have the typical form of titration curves. These shapes of the thermodynamic functions in Figs. 16.1– 16.6 are characteristic of solutions exhibiting short-range ordering 255 Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) 6 Δs (J mol−1 K−1) Ideal (random mixing) 4 2 0 0.2 0 Al 0.4 0.6 0.8 Mole fraction Sc 1 Sc Fig. 16.5 Calculated optimized entropy of mixing in liquid Al-Sc solutions at 1600°C. Reprinted with permission from Pelton, A.D., Kang, Y.-B., 2007. Int. J. Mater. Res. 98, 907–917. 0 ΔhAl and ΔhSc (kJ mol−1) 256 −50 −100 Litovskii et al. (1986), 1600°C −150 0 Al 0.2 0.4 0.6 Mole fraction Sc 0.8 1 Sc Fig. 16.6 Partial optimized enthalpies of mixing in liquid Al-Sc solutions at 1600°C. Reprinted with permission from Pelton, A.D., Kang, Y.-B., 2007. Int. J. Mater. Res. 98, 907–917. (SRO), with the minima in Δh and Δs occurring near the compositions of maximum SRO (Al2Ca, Mg2Sn, and AlSc in these examples). It is difficult to reproduce such curves with a random-mixing Bragg-Williams model and a polynomial expansion for gE as in Eqs. (14.4), (14.5). Furthermore, even if a reasonable fit is obtained Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) by employing a large number of adjustable parameters in the expansion, subsequent estimations of the properties of ternary and higher-order solutions from the binary model parameters will generally be poor. If the degree of SRO is appreciable, it should be accounted for explicitly in the solution model. 16.1 Associate Models To account for SRO, associate (also called “molecular”) models are often used. In the simplest case, a binary liquid is considered to contain AB “associates” (or molecules) and unassociated A and B atoms. The species are at internal equilibrium: o o ¼ ΔhoASS T ΔsASS (16.1) A + B ¼ AB; ΔgASS where ΔgoASS is the enthalpy change of this association reaction per mole of AB associates: o o (16.2) ¼ gAB gAo gBo ΔgASS where ΔgoAB is the Gibbs energy of 1.0 mol of a hypothetical solution consisting only of AB associates. The mass balance equations are nA ¼ n0A + n0AB (16.3) nB ¼ n0B + n0AB (16.4) where nA and nB are the number of moles of the components (i.e., the end-members) and nAB0 , nA0 , and nB0 are the number of moles of AB associates and of unassociated A and B atoms. We define XA0 as the mole fraction of unassociated A atoms according to XA0 ¼ n0A = n0A + n0B + n0AB (16.5) and similarly for XB0 and XAB0 . The model assumes that the three species are randomly distributed on the sites of a single lattice, or quasi-lattice in the case of liquids. Hence, the configurational entropy of mixing is given by 0 (16.6) ΔSconfig ¼ R n0A ln XA0 + n0B ln XB0 + n0AB ln XAB The Gibbs energy of the solution is given by o G ¼ nA gAo + nB gBo T ΔSconfig + n0AB ΔgASS + GE (16.7) Minimizing the Gibbs energy at constant overall composition (i.e., constant nA and nB) under the constraints of Eqs. (16.3), (16.4) then permits the calculation of the equilibrium amounts nA0 , nB0 , and nAB0 . The molar enthalpy and entropy of mixing per mole of components are then given as Δh ¼ n0AB ΔhoASS =ðnA + nB Þ (16.8) 257 Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) and o Δs ¼ ΔSconfig + n0AB ΔsASS = ð nA + n B Þ (16.9) and the following equilibrium constant for the reaction in Eq. (16.1) may be written: 0 o = XA0 XB0 ¼ exp ΔgASS =RT (16.10) XAB As ΔgoASS becomes progressively more negative, the equilibrium in the reaction in Eq. (16.1) is displaced progressively to the right, and the amount of SRO increases. Calculated curves of Δh at 1000°C are shown for several negative values of ΔhoASS in Fig. 16.7 for the case when ΔsoASS ¼ 0 and when ΔgoASS ¼ ΔhoASS is constant. For relatively small negative values of ΔhoASS, the curves of Δh are approximately parabolic and close to those calculated with the Bragg-Williams regular solution model with no associates. For large negative ΔhoASS values, the Δh curves take on the V-shape characteristic of SRO. When ΔhoASS ¼ 80 kJ mol1, for example, a solution at the equimolar composition XA ¼ XB ¼ 0.5 consists almost entirely of AB associates with very few unassociated A and B atoms. At such a high degree of SRO, every atom of B added to an A-rich solution produces on average nearly exactly one AB associate. Hence, XAB0 increases linearly with XB, and through Eq. (16.7), the graph of Δh versus XB is nearly a straight line. The corresponding curves of Δsconfig are shown in Fig. 16.8. For very negative values of ΔgoASS ¼ ΔhoASS, the solution at XA ¼ XB ¼ 0.5 10 0 Δh ASS = −5 kJ mol−1 o −20 −10 Δh (kJ mol−1) 258 −40 −20 −30 −40 −50 −80 kJ mol−1 0 A 0.2 0.4 0.6 Mole fraction B 0.8 1 B Fig. 16.7 Enthalpy of mixing of a solution A-B at 1000°C calculated from the associate model with the constant values of DhoASS shown and with DsoASS ¼ 0. Reprinted with permission from Pelton, A.D., Kang, Y.-B., 2007. Int. J. Mater. Res. 98, 907–917. Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) 8 Δh ASS = 0 kJ mol−1 o −5 −20 Δsconfig (J mol−1 K−1) 6 Ideal (random mixing) 4 −40 2 −80 kJ mol−1 0 0 A 0.2 0.4 0.6 Mole fraction B 0.8 1 B Fig. 16.8 Configurational entropy of mixing of a solution A-B at 1000°C calculated from the associate model with the constant values of DhoASS shown and with DsoASS ¼ 0. Reprinted with permission from Pelton, A.D., Kang, Y.-B., 2007. Int. J. Mater. Res. 98, 907–917. is highly ordered, and Δsconfig is close to zero. As ΔhoASS becomes less negative, the entropy becomes more positive as expected. However, it can be seen that the associate model does not reduce to the ideal random-mixing model when ΔgoASS ¼ 0, because when ΔgoASS ¼ 0, XAB0 is not equal to zero. The model only reduces to an ideal solution when ΔgoASS ¼ ∞. This has sometimes been termed € ck et al., 1989). an “entropy paradox” (Lu Substituting Eqs. (16.2)–(16.4) into Eq. (16.7) and rearranging terms give o T ΔSconfig + G E (16.11) G ¼ n0A gAo + n0B gBo + n0AB gAB with ΔSconfig from Eq. (16.6). Hence, the solution can be treated formally as a “ternary” random Bragg-Williams solution (A, B, AB) with the end-members being unassociated A, unassociated B, and AB and with goAB given by Eq. (16.2). Excess Gibbs energy terms can be included to account for pairwise interactions among unassociated A, unassociated B, and AB species: 0 0 αA, AB + XB0 XAB αB,AB + XA0 XB0 αA,B + ðternary termsÞ g E ¼ XA0 XAB where gE is the excess Gibbs energy per mole of end-members (not per overall mole of A + B). The α-functions can be expanded as polynomials in XA0 , XB0 , and XAB0 , and the model can be extended to multicomponent solutions (A,B,C, …,AB, AC, BC, …) with the same equations and software as described in Chapter 14. 259 260 Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) In many binary liquid solutions, the Δ h and Δ sconfig functions often exhibit minima near compositions other than the equimolar composition. Examples were given for the Al-Ca and Mg-Sn solutions in Figs. 16.1–16.4. Such solutions can be modeled by postulating associates with other AmBn stoichiometries (Al2Ca and Mg2Sn in these examples). Despite its mathematical simplicity, the associate model has serious weaknesses. Firstly, although solution properties can usually be well represented by an associate model when ΔgoASS < 0, the model is not applicable to solutions with positive deviations from ideality as has just been discussed. Secondly, predictions of the properties of ternary and higher-order solutions from binary model parameters are generally poor as will be demonstrated in Section 16.9. These weaknesses result from the fact that, in most real solutions, the associate model is not physically realistic. That is, SRO in most solutions does not actually result from the formation of AmBn “molecules.” 16.2 The Modified Quasichemical Model (MQM) A more physically realistic treatment of SRO in most solutions is provided by the modified quasichemical model (MQM) in the pair approximation. The quasichemical model as first proposed by Guggenheim (1935) and by Fowler and Guggenheim (1939) has been extended and modified in a series of articles by Pelton and Blander (1984), Blander and Pelton (1987); Pelton et al. (2000), Pelton and Chartrand (2001), Chartrand and Pelton (2001), and Pelton et al. (2001). In this model, in a liquid binary solution, atoms or molecules A and B are distributed over the sites of a lattice (or quasi-lattice in the case of a liquid). The following pair-exchange reaction is considered: ðA AÞ + ðB BÞ ¼ 2ðA BÞ; ΔgAB ¼ ðΔhAB T ΔsAB Þ (16.12) where (i-j) represents a first-nearest-neighbor (FNN) pair. The nonconfigurational Gibbs energy change for the formation of two moles of (A-B) pairs is ΔgAB. Let nA and nB be the number of moles of A and B and nij be the number of moles of (i-j) pairs. (nAB and nBA represent the same quantity and can be used interchangeably.) Let ZA and ZB be the first-nearest-neighbor (FNN) coordination numbers of A and B. It follows that ZA nA ¼ 2nAA + nAB (16.13) ZB nB ¼ 2nBB + nAB (16.14) Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) (Clearly, in the case of solid solutions, ZA ¼ ZB necessarily.) We also introduce pair fractions Xij: Xij ¼ nij =ðnAA + nBB + nAB Þ (16.15) overall mole (or site) fractions: X A ¼ n A = ð nA + nB Þ ¼ 1 X B (16.16) and “coordination-equivalent” fractions defined as in Eqs. (14.55), (14.56): YA ¼ ZA nA =ðZA nA + ZB nB Þ ¼ ZA XA =ðZA XA + ZB XB Þ ¼ 1 YB (16.17) If ZA ¼ ZB, then YA ¼ XA and YB ¼ XB. Substitution of Eqs. (16.13), (16.14) into Eqs. (16.15), (16.7) gives YA ¼ XAA + XAB =2 (16.18) YB ¼ XBB + XAB =2 (16.19) The Gibbs energy of the solution is given by G ¼ nA gAo + nB gBo T ΔSconfig + ðnAB =2ÞΔgAB goA (16.20) and goB are config the molar Gibbs energies of the pure compowhere is the configurational entropy of mixing given nents and ΔS by randomly distributing the (A-A), (B-B), and (A-B) pairs: ΔSconfig ¼ RðnAA ln XAA + nBB ln XBB + nAB ln XAB Þ + RðnAA ln YA2 + nBB ln YB2 + nAB ln 2YA YB Þ RðnA ln XA + nB ln XB Þ (16.21) Because no exact mathematical expression is known for the entropy of this distribution in three dimensions, Eq. (16.21) is an approximate equation. The first bracketed term in Eq. (16.21) is the entropy of an unrestricted random distribution of the pairs. However, this term overestimates the entropy since, for example, if an (A-A) pair emanates from a central A atom, then all other pairs emanating from this atom can only be either (A-A) or (A-B) pairs. An approximate correction is applied by noting that when ΔgAB is equal to zero, there should be no SRO, and the A and B atoms should be randomly distributed over the lattice sites. Since the numbers of pairs emanating from A and B atoms are ZAnA and ZBnB, respectively, the probability in a random Bragg-Williams solution that a given pair has both ends emanating from an A atom is given by XAA ¼ [ZAnA/(ZAnA + ZBnB)]2 ¼ YA2. Similarly, XBB ¼ Y2B, and XAB ¼ 2YAYB. Hence, the second and third bracketed terms in Eq. (16.21) are added to ensure that the entropy expression reduces 261 262 Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) to that of a randomly mixed Bragg-Williams solution in the limit when there is no SRO. Although Eq. (16.21) is only approximate in three dimensions, it can be shown to be exact (Ising model) for a one-dimensional lattice (Pelton and Blander, 1984; Pelton and Kang, 2007). Therefore, one must choose between using a one-dimensional model (i.e., by setting Z ¼ 2) with an exact mathematical expression for the entropy and using a three-dimensional model with an approximate entropy expression. This is an important consideration that will be examined in later sections in this chapter. The equilibrium distribution is calculated by setting ð∂G=∂nAB ÞnA ,nB ¼ 0 (16.22) at constant nA and nB, subject to the constraints of Eqs. (16.13), (16.14). This gives (Pelton and Blander, 1984) XAB =ðXAA XBB Þ ¼ 4 exp ðΔgAB =RT Þ (16.23) For a given value of ΔgAB, the solution of Eq. (16.23) together with Eqs. (16.13), (16.14) gives nAA, nBB, and nAB that can then be substituted into Eqs. (16.20), (16.23). Eq. (16.23) is the equilibrium constant for the “quasichemical reaction” in Eq. (16.12). When ΔgAB ¼ 0, Eq. (16.23) is satisfied by the Bragg-Williams limit: XAA ¼YA2, XBB ¼ Y2B, and XAB ¼ 2YAYB. As ΔgAB becomes progressively more negative, the reaction in Eq. (16.12) is shifted progressively to the right, and the calculated enthalpy and configurational entropy of mixing assume, respectively, the negative “V”- and “m”-shape characteristic of SRO. Calculated enthalpies and configurational entropies of mixing for the case when ZA ¼ ZB ¼ 2 and ΔgAB is constant, independent of temperature and composition, are shown in Figs. 16.9 and 16.10. (Note that when ΔgAB is independent of temperature, the entropy of mixing is necessarily entirely configurational since ΔsAB ¼ 0 in Eq. (16.12).) Furthermore, when ΔgAB is small, the MQM can be shown to approach the regular solution model as follows. From Eqs. (16.13), (16.14), the total number of pairs in the solution, (nAA + nBB + nAB), is equal to (ZAnA + ZBnB)/2. When ΔgAB is small and there is little SRO, XAB 2YAYB as discussed above. Hence, nAB is approximately equal to (ZAnA + ZBnB)/2)2YAYB. Also, in this case, the configurational entropy is approximately equal to the random Bragg-Williams value. Substitution into Eq. (16.20) and division by (nA + nB) then gives, per mole of solution, for small ΔgAB, ðX Z + X B Z B Þ g XA gAo + XB gBo + RT ðXA lnXA + XB lnXB Þ + A A YA YB ΔgAB 2 (16.24) Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) 263 10 0 Δh (kJ mol−1) ΔgAB = −5 kJ mol−1 −10 −20 −20 −40 −30 −40 −50 0 A −80 kJ mol−1 0.2 0.4 0.6 Mole fraction B 0.8 1 B Fig. 16.9 Enthalpy of mixing of a solution A-B at 1000°C calculated from the modified quasichemical model with the constant values of DgAB shown when ZA ¼ ZB ¼ 2. Reprinted with permission from Pelton, A.D., Kang, Y.-B., 2007. Int. J. Mater. Res. 98, 907–917. 8 Ideal (ΔgAB = 0 kJ mol−1) random mixing Δsconfig (J mol−1 K−1) 6 −5 −20 4 −40 2 −80 kJ mol−1 0 0 A 0.2 0.4 0.6 Mole fraction B 0.8 1 B Fig. 16.10 Configurational entropy of mixing of a solution A-B at 1000°C calculated from the quasichemical model with the constant values of DgAB shown when ZA ¼ ZB ¼ 2. Reprinted with permission from Pelton, A.D., Kang, Y.-B., 2007. Int. J. Mater. Res. 98, 907–917. 264 Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) For a rigorous proof, it must be shown that the ratio of the first two term in Eq. (16.21) to the last term in Eq. (16.20) approaches zero as ΔgAB approaches zero. By setting XAB ¼ (2YAYB + y), expanding the logarithmic terms in Eq. (16.21) as a Taylor series, and letting y ! 0, this ratio can be shown to be of the order of (YAYBΔgAB/RT). Eq. (16.24) is the regular solution polynomial expansion in Eq. (14.58) for a solution with coordination numbers ZA and ZB, and ΔgAB/2 is then the α0 -function that may be expanded as a polynomial as in Eqs. (14.59), (14.60). The composition, XB, of maximum SRO is determined by the ratio (ZB/ZA). For example, in liquid Al-Sc solutions, Figs. 16.4–16.6, the maximum SRO occurs near XAl ¼ XSc ¼ 1/2 where Al atoms are predominantly surrounded by Sc atoms and vice versa. Hence, we set ZAl ¼ ZSc. In Al-Ca solutions, Fig. 16.1, on the other hand, maximum SRO occurs near the composition corresponding to Al2Ca where XCa ¼ 1/3. Hence, we set ZCa ¼ 2ZAl. As a result, YCa ¼ 1/2 when XCa ¼ 1/3. That is, in general, we choose a ratio ZB/ZA such that the composition of maximum SRO occurs at YA ¼YB ¼ 1/2. Of course, this only applies to liquid solutions. In solid solutions, necessarily, ZA ¼ ZB. When ZA ¼ ZB ¼ 2 and ΔgAB ≪ 0, the solution exhibits virtually complete SRO at XA ¼ XB ¼ 0.5. That is, at this composition, there are only (A-B) pairs in solution, and from Eq. (16.21), Δsconfig ¼ 0. When ZA 6¼ ZB and ΔgAB ≪ 0, the solution exhibits virtually complete SRO when XA/XB ¼ ZB/ZA. It can be shown (Pelton and Blander, 1984) from Eq. (16.21) that Δsconfig is equal to zero at this composition when ZB ¼ ð ln ð1 + XA =XB ÞÞ + ðXA =XB Þ ln ð1 + XB =XA ÞÞ= ln 2 (16.25) For example, when the composition of maximum SRO is at XA/XB ¼ 2 (i.e., at the composition A2B), Eq. (16.25) gives ZB ¼ 2.754 and ZA ¼ 1.377. 16.2.1 Combining the Quasichemical and BraggWilliams Models Experience from examining a great many systems shows that the quasichemical model with Z ¼ 2 frequently gives calculated Δh functions in which the negative V-shape is too sharp. (The same observation applies for the associate model of Section 16.1.) In Fig. 16.11, the curve labeled as Z ¼ 2 with (αAB0 / ΔgAB ¼ 0) was calculated with one constant quasichemical coefficient ΔgAB chosen so that the curve reproduces the experimental points at low values of XSc. At higher values of XSc, however, this calculated curve clearly gives a function with too sharp a minimum. This can be attributed to the fact that Eq. (16.20) of the quasichemical model assumes that the enthalpy of mixing is due only Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) Litovskii et al. (1986), 1600°C Δh (kJ mol−1) 0 −20 −40 Z = 12 (a′AB/ΔgAB = 0) (a′AB/ΔgAB = 1.25) (Z = 2) Z=6 (a′AB/ΔgAB = 0) (a′AB/ΔgAB = 0.5) (Z = 2) Z=2 (a′AB/ΔgAB = 0) −60 0 Al 0.2 0.4 0.6 Mole fraction Sc 0.8 1 Sc Fig. 16.11 Enthalpy of mixing in liquid Al-Sc solutions at 1600°C. Curves calculated from the quasichemical model from Eq. (16.26) for various ratios (aAB0 /DgAB) with Z ¼ 2 and for various values of Z with aAB0 ¼ 0. Reprinted with permission from Pelton, A.D., Kang, Y.-B., 2007. Int. J. Mater. Res. 98, 907–917. to changes in FNN interactions upon mixing. In reality, all lattice interactions contribute to the enthalpy of mixing. If we assume that SRO is significant only between first-nearest-neighbors, then the remaining lattice contributions to Δh can be approximated by a Bragg-Williams term of the form of Eq. (14.58). That is, the quasichemical expression of Eq. (16.20) is replaced by G ¼ nA gAo + nB gBo T ΔSconfig + ðnAB =2ÞΔgAB + ðZA nA + ZB nB ÞYA YB α0AB (16.26) with ΔSconfig from Eq. (16.21), where the term in ΔgAB accounts for first-nearest-neighbor interactions and SRO and the term in αAB0 accounts for the remaining lattice interactions. The other equations of the quasichemical model remain unchanged. Note that the quasichemical equilibrium constant, Eq. (16.23), still depends only upon ΔgAB. Hence, when ΔgAB ¼ 0, the configurational entropy reduces to the Bragg-Williams expression. Figs. 16.12 and 16.13 show curves of Δh and Δsconfig calculated with Z ¼ 2 for various ratios αAB0 /ΔgAB where the (constant) values of αAB0 and ΔgAB in each case were chosen to give the same value of Δh at its minimum. The trends in these figures are clear. In Fig. 16.11 are shown curves calculated with Z ¼ 2 for the Al-Sc system for different ratios (αAB0 /ΔgAB). With (αAB0 /ΔgAB) ¼ 1.25 (αAB0 ¼ 42,630 J mol1 and ΔgAB ¼ 34,104 J mol1), a very good fit to all the experimental points is obtained. 265 Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) 0 Δh (kJ mol−1) −20 Z=2 (a′AB/ΔgAB = 0) = 0.0 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 40 ∞ (Bragg-Williams limit) −40 −60 0 A 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Mole fraction B 1 B Fig. 16.12 Enthalpy of mixing of a solution A-B at 1000°C calculated from Eq. (16.26) with constant parameters aAB0 and DgAB in the ratios shown. Reprinted with permission from Pelton, A.D., Kang, Y.-B., 2007. Int. J. Mater. Res. 98, 907–917. Z=2 a′AB/ΔgAB = ∞ ideal (Bragg-Williams limit) 6 4.0 Δsconfig (J mol−1 K−1) 266 4 2.0 1.0 ‘ 0.5 0.25 2 0.0 0 0 A 0.2 0.4 0.6 Mole fraction B 0.8 1 B Fig. 16.13 Configurational entropy of mixing of a solution A-B at 1000°C calculated from Eq. (16.26) with constant parameters aAB0 and DgAB in the ratios shown. Reprinted with permission from Pelton, A.D., Kang, Y.-B., 2007. Int. J. Mater. Res. 98, 907–917. An alternative strategy for making the calculated Δh function less sharply V-shaped is to choose values of Z > 2 with αAB0 ¼ 0. As Z is made larger, the number of bonds per mole of solution increases, the entropy thereby becomes more important relative to the enthalpy (through the factor Z in Eq. (16.24)), and the Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) 0 Δh (kJ mol−1) Z=2 6 12 60 ∞ (Bragg-Williams limit) −20 −40 −60 0 A 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Mole fraction B 1 B Fig. 16.14 Enthalpy of mixing of a solution A-B at 1000°C calculated from Eq. (16.26) with various constant parameters DgAB with different values of Z. Reprinted with permission from Pelton, A.D., Kang, Y.-B., 2007. Int. J. Mater. Res. 98, 907–917. 8 Z = ∞ ideal (Bragg-Williams limit) Δsconfig (J mol−1 K−1) 6 Z = 60 4 2 Z = 12 Z=2 0 −2 Z=6 0 A 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Mole fraction B 1 B Fig. 16.15 Configurational entropy mixing for a solution A-B at 1000°C calculated from the quasichemical model with different values of Z with the same constant parameters DgAB as in the corresponding curves in Fig. 16.14. Reprinted with permission from Pelton, A.D., Kang, Y.-B., 2007. Int. J. Mater. Res. 98, 907–917. degree of SRO for a given values of ΔgAB decreases. Figs. 16.14 and 16.15 show curves of Δh and Δsconfig calculated with different values of Z, with a constant value of ΔgAB ¼ ΔhAB chosen in each case to give the same value of Δh at its minimum. The curves for 267 268 Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) Δh in Fig. 16.14 are very similar to those in Fig. 16.12. However, the entropy functions in Fig. 16.15 differ from those in Fig. 16.13. As Z is increased above 2.0, the entropy at first decreases and can even become negative, before eventually increasing for large values of Z. Clearly, a negative configurational entropy of mixing is physically unrealistic and arises from the aforementioned fact that Eq. (16.24) is exact only when Z ¼ 2 (i.e., for a one-dimensional lattice). In general, because the entropy expression of Eq. (16.24) is an approximation in three dimensions, the coordination numbers ZA and ZB are nonphysical and should be considered to be parameters of the model. In Fig. 16.11 are shown Δh curves calculated for the Al-Sc system with Z ¼ 6 and Z ¼ 12 with constant values of ΔgAB ¼ ΔhAB with αAB0 ¼ 0. These are almost identical to the curves calculated with Z ¼ 2 and (αAB0 /ΔgAB) ¼ 0.5 and 1.25, respectively. 16.2.2 Expansion of DgAB as a Polynomial In order to permit the MQM to be used for fitting data in real systems, additional empirical parameters may be introduced by expanding ΔgAB as a polynomial in the fractions Yi as X ij j o + qAB YAi YB (16.27) ΔgAB ¼ ΔgAB ði + jÞ1 P o + i1 i l AB ðYA YB Þi . or in Redlich-Kister form as ΔgAB ¼ ΔgAB Where ΔgoAB, ΔgijAB, and ilAB are the adjustable parameters of the model and are, in general, functions of temperature. As has been discussed above, when ΔgAB is small and there is consequently little SRO, Eqs. (16.20), (16.21) reduce to Eq. (16.24), and so, in the limit, the coefficients ΔgoAB/2, qijAB/2, and ilAB/2 become numerically equal to the coefficients QijAB and iLAB of a polynomial expansion of gE as in Eqs. (14.59), (14.60). Alternatively, ΔgAB can be expanded as a polynomial in terms of the pair fractions XAA and XBB rather than in terms of the equivalent fractions. That is, X X 0j j o i0 i ΔgAB ¼ ΔgAB + gAB XAA + gAB XBB (16.28) i1 j1 0j where, ΔgoAB, Δgi0 AB, and ΔgAB are the parameters of the model and may be functions of temperature. In Eq. (16.28), ΔgAB is “configuration-dependent” rather than simply composition-dependent as in Eq. (16.27). This presents a significant practical advantage for solutions with a large degree of SRO. When YB < 1/2, XBB is very j small in such solutions. Hence, the terms (g0j ABXBB) in Eq. (16.28) have little effect on the Gibbs energy, and so, in this composition region, only the parameters gi0 AB are important. Similarly, for YB > 1/2, only the parameters g0j AB are important. Hence, for Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) curve-fitting purposes, the solution can effectively be split into two nearly independent subsystems. This generally results in significantly improved with fewer coefficients. P fits, Cross terms gijABXiAAXjBB with i 1 and j 1 can also be included in Eq. (16.28). Usually, however, this provides no advantage in practice. When ΔgAB is small, XAA YA2, XBB Y2B, XAB 2YAYB, and Eq. (16.28) reduces to Eq. (14.60) in the limit. For example, if we 01 set g10 AB ¼ gAB and set all coefficients for i 2 and j 2 equal to zero, then for small ΔgAB, 2 o o 01 01 01 + 2gAB + gAB YB YA2 ¼ ΔgAB gAB YB (16.29) ΔgAB ΔgAB This is equivalent to Eq. (14.60) for a two-coefficient (subregular) polynomial expansion. 16.2.3 Composition-Dependent Coordination Numbers The quasichemical model can be rendered more flexible through the introduction of composition-dependent coordination numbers. There are a number of drawbacks to the use of constant coordination numbers. If a solution exhibits a high degree of SRO at, for example, XB ¼ 1/3, then ZB must equal 2ZA near this composition. However, this should not require that ZB in pure liquid B be necessarily equal to 2ZA in pure A. Furthermore, from a more practical standpoint, for the development of databases for multicomponent solutions, consider a ternary liquid solution A-B-C in which we have chosen the ratios (ZB/ZA) and (ZC/ZB) to correspond to the observed compositions of maximum SRO in the A-B and B-C binary subsystems. If we are restricted to constant coordination numbers, then the ratio (ZC/ZA) is now fixed. However, this may not necessarily correspond to the observed composition of maximum SRO in the C-A subsystem. Finally, as discussed above, Eq. (16.21) is an approximate expression for the configurational entropy that is only exact in one dimension. Consider the case when ZA ¼ ZB ¼ Z and ΔgAB ≪ 0. The solution is then completely ordered at XA ¼ XB ¼ 1/2 (where XAB ¼ 1), and the configurational entropy should be zero at this composition. However, as discussed above, this is only true when Z ¼ 2. Therefore, for highly ordered solutions, better results are expected if coordination numbers approximately equal to 2.0 are used, even though this value is nonphysical in three dimensions. On the other hand, for solutions with only a small degree of ordering and particularly for solutions with ΔgAB > 0 that exhibit clustering (as will be discussed in Section 16.4), larger values of ZA and ZB of the order of 6 have been found to be necessary to yield good fits. 269 270 Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) However, if one is restricted to constant coordination numbers, then a problem again arises for multicomponent solutions. If binary solutions A-B are highly ordered while binary solutions B-C exhibit a tendency to immiscibility, then we should choose Z 2 in the A-B system but Z 6 in the B-C system. However, with constant coordination numbers, this is not possible if we want one consistent set of parameters for the A-B-C ternary solution. Accordingly, we permit ZA and ZB to vary with composition as follows: 1 1 2nAA 1 nAB + A (16.30) ¼ A 2nAA + nAB ZA ZAA ZAB 2nAA + nAB 1 1 2nBB 1 nAB + B (16.31) ¼ B 2nBB + nAB ZB ZBB ZBA 2nBB + nAB where ZAAA and ZAAB are the values of ZA when all nearest neighbors of an A are As and when all nearest neighbors of an A are Bs, respectively, and where ZBBB and ZBBA are defined similarly. Substitution into Eqs. (16.13), (16.14) gives A A nA ¼ 2nAA =ZAA + nAB =ZAB (16.32) B B + nAB =ZBA nB ¼ 2nBB =ZBB (16.33) Eqs. (16.17)–(16.19) remain unchanged. The composition dependence of Eqs. (16.30), (16.31) was chosen because it results in the simple linear relationships of Eqs. (16.32), (16.33). This simplifies subsequent calculations, particularly calculations of chemical potentials and calculations in multicomponent solutions. The composition of maximum short-range ordering is determined by the ratio (ZBBA/ZAAB). Values of ZBBA and ZAAB are unique to the A-B binary system, while the value of ZAAA is common to all systems containing A as a component. Clearly, of course, in the case of solid solutions, ZAAA ¼ ZBBB ¼ ZAAB ¼ ZBBA necessarily. 16.2.4 Example of an Optimization Using the MQM—The Mg-Sn System As an example of an optimization using the MQM, the optimization of the Mg-Sn binary system by Jung et al. (2007) is reproduced here. The phase diagram with data points from several investigators is shown in Fig. 16.16. The data have been thoroughly reviewed by Nayeb-Hashemi and Clark (1988). Enthalpies of liquid-liquid mixing and activities of Mg in the liquid phase as reported by several investigators are shown in Figs. 16.2 and 16.17, respectively. These data have been reviewed by Jung et al. (2007). Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) 271 1000 Grube, 1905 Kurnakow and Stepanow, 1905 Navak and Oelsen, 1968 Raynor, 1940 783 900 700 600 Liquid 563 500 a-Mg Mg2Sn Temperature (°C) 800 Steiner et al., 1964 Heycock and Neville, 1890 Ellmer et al., 1973 Vosskuhler, 1941 Grube and Vosskuhler, 1934 Willey, 1948 Hume-Rothery, 1926 400 300 L + Sn 200 200 100 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Mg 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Mole fraction Sn 1.0 Sn Fig. 16.16 Optimized ( Jung et al., 2007) Mg-Sn phase diagram with experimental data points. (For references for the data, see Jung et al., 2007.) 1.0 0.9 Eldridge et al., 1966: Isopiestic Moser et al., 1990: EMF Eckert et al., 1982: EMF Sharma, 1970: EMF Egan, 1974, EMF 0.8 0.7 Activity Sn Mg 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 Mg 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Mole fraction Sn 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Sn Fig. 16.17 Optimized ( Jung et al., 2007) activities of Mg and Sn in liquid Mg-Sn solutions and experimental data points at 800°C. (For references for the data, see Jung et al., 2007.) 272 Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) Data for the elements were taken from the compilation of Dinsdale (1991). The entropy of Mg2Sn at 298.15 K was taken as 108.815 J mol1 K from the recommended value of Jelinek et al. (1967), which was derived from their low-temperature heatcapacity data obtained by adiabatic calorimetry. Experimental values of Δho298.15 of Mg2Sn as reported by six different investigators vary from 81 to 66 kJmol1. Jung et al. selected an optimized value of 80.000 kJ mol1 as giving the best simultaneous reproduction of all the data for the system. The temperature of fusion was taken as 783°C with an enthalpy of fusion of 58.100kJ mol1 in agreement with the most recent experimental data. The heat capacity of Mg2Sn was approximated by the Neumann-Kopp rule: cP ðMg2 SnÞ ¼ 2cP ðMgÞ + cP ðSnÞ (16.34) This gives good agreement with the measurements of Sommer et al. (1983) over the range 700 < T < 900°C. The α-Mg solid solution was modeled with a one-sublattice Bragg-Williams model: o o 2 + XSn gSn + 20920 80333XMg XSn Jmol1 g ðα MgÞ ¼ XMg gMg (16.35) A sharp negative peak in the liquid enthalpy of mixing near XSn ¼ 1/3 is evident in Fig. 16.2. Accordingly, the MQM was used Mg with ZSn SnMg/ZMgSn ¼ 2.0. No additional Bragg-Williams term was used; that is, αMgSn0 in Eq. (16.26) was set to zero. The following values of the coordination numbers were selected: Sn Sn Mg ZMg MgMg ¼ ZSnSn ¼ 6, ZSnMg ¼ 6, and ZMgSn ¼ 3. The MQM pairexchange Gibbs energy, ΔgMgSn, was optimized as in Eq. (16.28) as ΔgMgSn ¼ ð18409:6 3:7656 T Þ 2 + 4602:4 XMgMg 2719:6 XMgMg 2510:4 XSnSn Jmol1 (16.36) The calculated optimized phase diagram, enthalpy of liquid-liquid mixing, and activities in the liquid are compared with the experimental data in Figs. 16.16, 16.2, and 16.17, respectively. The calculated optimized entropy of liquid-liquid mixing is shown in Fig. 16.3. 16.3 Second-Nearest-Neighbor Short-Range Ordering in Ionic Liquids Many ionic liquids exhibit second-nearest-neighbor (SNN) SRO. For example, the enthalpy of liquid-liquid mixing of KClCoCl2 molten salt solutions shown in Fig. 16.18 exhibits the negative “V-shape” characteristic of SRO with a minimum near Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) 0.0 −2.0 Δh (kJ mol-1) −4.0 −6.0 −8.0 −10.0 −12.0 −14.0 −16.0 −18.0 −20.0 0.0 KCl 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Mole fraction CoCl2 0.8 0.9 1.0 CoCl2 Fig. 16.18 Enthalpy of liquid-liquid mixing in KCl-CoCl2 solutions at 800°C (FactSage). XCoCl2 ¼ 1/3. Many other molten ACl-MCl2 solutions (where A ¼ alkali and M ¼ Mg, Fe, Ni, etc.) exhibit similar V-shaped enthalpy functions with minima near XMCl2 ¼ 1/3. Other examples are liquid ACl-AlCl3 solutions (A ¼ alkali) with minima near XAlCl3 ¼ 0.5, molten ACl-ZrCl4 (A ¼ alkali) solutions with minima near XZrCl4 ¼ 1/3, MO-SiO2 solutions (M ¼ alkaline earth, Fe, Mn, Co, etc.) with strong V-shaped minima near XSiO2 ¼ 1/3, and A2O-SiO2 (A ¼ alkali) solutions with minima near XSiO2 ¼ 1/5. In all these solutions, the entropies of liquid-liquid mixing exhibit the “m-shape” characteristic of SRO. 16.3.1 Complex Anion Model This behavior has sometimes been attributed to the formation of “complex anions” such as CoCl4 2 , AlCl4 , ZrCl6 2 , and SiO4 4 . For example, the KCl-CoCl2 solution in Fig. 16.18 could be modeled as a Bragg-Williams reciprocal solution (K+,Co2+) (Cl, CoCl4 2 ) with K+ and Co2+ ions mixing randomly on a cationic sublattice and Cl and CoCl4 2 ions mixing randomly on an anionic sublattice. In this model, in the case of very strong ¼ 1/3 will consist mainly of complexing, the solution at XCoCl2 K+ and CoCl4 2 ions, that is, K2 2 + CoCl4 2 . This model thus accounts qualitatively for the V-shaped enthalpy and m-shaped entropy of mixing. For a quantitative treatment, one must postulate partial dissociation of the complex ions: CoCl4 2 ¼ Co2 + + 4Cl (16.37) 273 274 Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) The model thus necessitates the postulate of “two kinds of cobalt” in solution: complexed cobalt as CoCl4 2 and uncomplexed Co2+ ions. Pure CoCl2 must be modeled as (Co2+)(CoCl4 2 ). That is, we must suppose that some cobalt ions form complex ions with their surrounding chlorine ions while other cobalt ions, which also have chlorine ions as nearest neighbors, are not complexed. Hence, although the concept of a complex anion may be physically realistic in a neutral solvent such as water, it cannot be satisfactorily defined in a molten salt solution. 16.3.2 Modified Quasichemical Model As an alternative to the complex anion model, molten KCl-CoCl2 solutions can be modeled with the MQM as (K,Co)(Cl) with SRO between SNN cation-cation pairs on the cationic sublattice. That is, the anionic sublattice is occupied solely by Cl ions, and SNN (K-(Cl)-Co) bonds are favored over (K-(Co)-K) and (Co-(Cl)-Co) bonds. The pair-exchange reaction in Eq. (16.12) becomes. ðK ðClÞ KÞ + ðCo ðClÞ CoÞ ¼ 2ðK ðClÞ CoÞ; ΔgKCo (16.38) K Co K with ZCo CoK/ZKCo ¼ 2, where ZCoK and ZKCo are the SNN coordination numbers. Good optimizations in many AX-MX2 solutions (A ¼ alkali, X ¼ halogen, and M ¼ alkaline earth, Fe, Co, Ni, etc.) have K M A been obtained (FactSage) with ZM MM ¼ ZKK ¼ ZMA ¼ 6 and ZAM ¼ 3. Since ΔgKCo of the reaction in Eq. (16.38) is very negative, most Co ions in solution when XCoCl2 1/3 (and even at somewhat higher CoCl2 contents) are surrounded mainly by K+ ions in their second coordination shells as illustrated schematically in Fig. 16.19. With a first-nearest-neighbor cation-anion coordination number of 4, it can be seen from the figure that relatively isolated CoCl2 4 groupings occur, even though the model does not treat these groupings explicitly as complex anions. Similarly, the MQM involving SNN cation-cation SRO has been applied to many other ionic liquids such as molten silicate solutions like CaO-SiO2 that are treated in Section 18.1 and to solutions of AlF3 with alkali and alkaline earth fluorides that are discussed in Section 18.3. 16.4 Short-Range Ordering and Positive Deviations From Ideal Mixing As discussed in Sections 5.4 and 5.6, in a binary solution with components A-B, if gE is sufficiently positive, then, at lower temperatures, the Gibbs energy function exhibits two minima resulting in a miscibility gap. With a Bragg-Williams model as in Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) K+ K+ Cl− Co2+ Cl− Co2+ Cl− K+ K+ Cl− K+ Co2+ K+ Fig. 16.19 Short-range ordering in molten KCl-CoCl2 solutions. Section 14.3, a miscibility gap results if gE is sufficiently positive. The solution then separates into A-rich and B-rich phases in order to decrease the number of energetically unfavorable nearestneighbor (A-B) pairs. In Fig. 16.20 are shown experimental data points along the boundary of the liquid-liquid miscibility gap in the Ga-Pb system. Also shown is the miscibility gap calculated (Kang and Pelton, 2013) with the Bragg-Williams model, Eq. (14.5) with αGaPb ¼ 17950 + 1506ðXGa XPb Þ J mol1 (16.39) where the two parameters were chosen so as to reproduce the measured monotectic temperature and compositions. Clearly, the consolute temperature of the calculated gap is much too high. This is the case in most systems with miscibility gaps. The calculated gaps can only be made lower and flatter by adding many empirical terms to the expansion for αAB, including temperature-dependent (i.e., excess entropy) terms. However, in most systems with liquid miscibility gaps, only limited data are available. Very often, the boundaries of the gaps have been measured only at temperatures near the monotectic, not near the consolute temperature, and calorimetric data for the mixing enthalpies are lacking. Hence, if empirical parameters are optimized, based only upon the measured compositions of the boundaries of a miscibility gap at lower temperatures, the 275 276 Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) Ga-Pb System 700 Liquid 600 Temperature (°C) 500 Liquid1+ Liquid2 BW model (Eqn16.39) MQM (Eqn16.40) BW model corrected for sro (Eqn16.41) 400 300 Liquid +Pb(s) 200 100 Puschin et al. (1932) Mathon et al. (1996), Onset of Cp change Greenwood (1958–59) Mathonet al. (1996), Inflection of Cp change Predel (1959) Plevachuk et al. (2003), Acoustic Viscometric Electrical conductivity 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Mole fraction Pb 0.8 1.0 Fig. 16.20 Equilibrium diagram of the Ga-Pb system with liquid miscibility gap optimized with different models. (For references for experimental data points, see Kang and Pelton, 2013.) resultant calculated critical temperature will be much too high. Many such examples can be found in the literature. Moreover, even if a complete set of experimental data for a binary system is available and these data have been adequately represented by an empirical expansion for αAB with many terms, subsequent attempts to use these binary parameters to estimate thermodynamic properties of ternary and higher-order systems will usually give unsatisfactory results. With the modified quasichemical model, the flattening of the gap can be attributed to SRO. If the Gibbs energy change ΔgAB of the pair-exchange reaction in Eq. (16.12) is positive, then (A-A) and (B-B) pairs are favored over (A-B) pairs. In a random-mixing BW model, the probabilities of (A-A), (B-B), and (A-B) pairs are necessarily always YA2, Y2B, and 2YAYB, respectively. Hence, the system can only reduce the number of energetically unfavorable (A-B) pairs by separating into an A-rich and a B-rich phase. In the MQM, however, clustering of A and B can occur within a single-phase solution, thereby permitting an increase in the number of favorable (A-A) and (B-B) pairs without necessitating separation into two phases. Such clustering will be most pronounced and have the greatest effect in lowering the Gibbs energy, in the central composition region where XA XB. In the dilute terminal Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) composition regions, the configurational entropy terms predominate, and so, the solution tends toward random mixing. As a result, the SRO has the largest effect on lowering the gap in the central region, thereby producing the observed flattened shape. The miscibility gap in the Ga-Pb system, calculated (Kang and Pelton, 2013) with the MQM with ZGa ¼ ZPb ¼ 6 and with ΔgGaPb ¼ ð1=3Þð18263 + 1506ðXGa XPb ÞÞ J mol1 (16.40) is shown in Fig. 16.20. The two parameters were chosen so as to reproduce the observed monotectic temperature and compositions. The observed gap at higher temperatures is well predicted, as are experimental calorimetric enthalpies of liquid-liquid mixing (see Kang and Pelton, 2013). Note that the coefficients of Eq. (16.40) are temperature-independent. This shows that the entropy is well represented by the configurational entropy expression of the MQM; nonconfigurational terms are not required. It may also be noted that the parameters of Eqs. (16.39), (16.40) are very similar apart from the factor of 1/3 ¼ Z/2 that results from the fact that ΔgAB in Eq. (16.12) is the Gibbs energy for the formation of two moles of (A-B) pairs, whereas αAB in Eq. (14.5) is the Gibbs energy for the formation of Z ¼ 6 mol of (A-B) pairs (see Eq. 4.47). Examples for other binary systems with miscibility gaps are given by Kang and Pelton (2013). It is interesting that the MQM with Z ¼ 2 never results in a calculated miscibility gap, even for extremely large positive values of ΔgAB. As ΔgAB becomes very large, the Gibbs energy of mixing approaches zero at all compositions, but never exhibits two minima. See Pelton and Kang (2007) for a demonstration. That is, in a one-dimensional lattice, clustering within a single phase is sufficient to minimize the Gibbs energy without separation into two phases. If one imagines a one-dimensional lattice with long clusters (strings) of A and B atoms, then the boundary between an A-cluster and a B-cluster consists of a single (A-B) pair. In a two- or three-dimensional lattice on the other hand, boundaries between A and B clusters contain many (A-B) pairs, even when the clusters are large. Hence, separation into two phases is required in order to reduce sufficiently the number of energetically unfavorable (A-B) pairs. 16.5 Approximating Short-Range Ordering with a Polynomial Expansion Kang and Pelton (2013) have derived a polynomial expansion for gE within the Bragg-Williams model that approximates SRO in binary systems as long as deviations from ideal random mixing are not too large. Following the method of Førland (1964), the pair 277 278 Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) fractions are written as XAA ¼ (X2A + y), XBB ¼ (X2B + y) and XAB ¼ (2XAXB 2y) (for the case where ZA ¼ ZB). These functions are then substituted into the MQM Eqs. (16.20), (16.21), and the logarithmic terms are expanded as second-order Taylor expansions. The resultant approximate quasichemical expression for the molar Gibbs energy is g ¼ XA gAo + XB gBo + RT ðXA ln XA + XB ln XB Þ + αAB XA XB α2AB XA2 XB2 =ZRT (16.41) which is in Bragg-Williams form. The final term in Eq. (16.41), which is always negative, is an approximate correction for SRO. The function αAB may be expanded as a polynomial as in Eq. (14.5). The factor Z should generally be set equal to 6. The miscibility gap in the Ga-Pb system, calculated with Eq. (16.41) with the expression for αAB of Eq. (16.39), is shown in Fig. 16.20. 16.6 Modified Quasichemical Model—Multicomponent Systems In a multicomponent solution, there is a pair-exchange reaction like Eq. (16.12) for each nearest-neighbor pair: ðm mÞ + ðn nÞ ¼ 2ðm nÞ; Δgmn ðm, n ¼ 1, 2, 3, …, N Þ (16.42) Let nm and Zm be the number of moles and coordination number of component m, and let nmn be the number of moles of (m-n) pairs (where nmn and nnm represent the same quantity and can be used interchangeably). Then, by generalizing Eqs. (16.13), (16.14), Zm nm ¼ 2nmm + X nmn (16.43) n>m Pair fractions Xmn, overall mole (or site) fractions Xm, and coordination-equivalent fractions Ym are defined by generalizing Eqs. (16.15)–(16.17) as X Xmn ¼ nmn = nij (16.44) X (16.45) X m ¼ n m = ni X X Ym ¼ Zm nm = ðZi ni Þ ¼ Zm Xm = ðZi Xi Þ (16.46) Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) (where Xmn and Xnm represent the same quantity and can be used interchangeably). Substitution of Eq. (16.43) into Eqs. (16.44), (16.46) gives, by generalizing Eqs. (16.18), (16.19), X Xmn =2 (16.47) Ym ¼ Xmm + n>m The Gibbs energy of the solution is given by X X o G¼ nm gm T ΔSconfig + nmn ðΔgmn =2Þ (16.48) n>m where, by generalizing Eq. (16.21), ΔSconfig is given as X ΔSconfig ¼ R nm ln Xm R X nmm ln Xmm =Ym2 + X ! nmn ln ðXmn =2Ym Yn Þ m>n (16.49) In each m-n binary system, the energy parameter Δgmn of Eq. (16.48) may be expanded as an empirical polynomial in the component fractions Ym as in Eq. (16.27): X o j Δgmn ¼ Δgmn + qimn Ymi Ynj (16.50) ð i + jÞ1 or o + Δgmn ¼ Δgmn X i lmn ðYn Ym Þi (16.51) i1 or by an expansion in terms of the pair fractions Xmm and Xnn as in Eq. (16.28): X o ij i j + gmn Xmm Xnn (16.52) Δgmn ¼ Δgmn ði + jÞ 1 By generalizing Eqs. (16.30), (16.31), composition-dependent coordination numbers are introduced: ! 1 1 2n11 X n1j X ¼ + (16.53) 1 Z1 Z11 Z1 n1j 2n11 + j6¼1 1j j6¼1 1 1 X ¼ Z2 n2j 2n22 + j6¼2 2n22 X n2j + 2 Z22 Z2 j6¼2 2j ! (16.54) etc. (Note that Z112 and Z121 represent the same quantity and can be used interchangeably.) 279 280 Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) Zm mm is a constant for each pure component m and is the same for all solutions containing m. The composition of maximum short-range ordering in each binary subsystem is determined by n the ratio Zm mn/Znm. Substitution into Eq. (16.43) gives X m m nm ¼ 2nmm =Zmm + nmn =Zmn (16.55) n>m We now define standard Gibbs energies gomm and gomn as o o m ¼ 2gm =Zmm gmm o gmn o ¼ Δgmn =2 + o m gm =Zmn (16.56) + n gno =Znm (16.57) where Δgomn is the binary parameter from Eqs. (16.50), (16.51), or (16.52). Substitution into Eq. (16.48) then gives o o o o + n12 g12 + n22 g22 + n13 g13 +⋯ G ¼ n11 g11 X o ðnmn =2Þ Δgmn Δgmn T ΔSconfig + (16.58) n>m with ΔS given by Eq. (16.49) Pand Δgmn by Eq. (16.50), (16.51), or (16.52). Dividing though by nij gives o o o o + X12 g12 + X22 g22 + X13 g13 +⋯ g ðper mole of pairsÞ ¼ X11 g11 config + RT ðX11 ln X11 + X12 ln X12 + X22 ln X22 + ⋯Þ X 2Xm ln Xm X11 ln Y12 X22 ln Y22 + RT Zm X12 ln ð2Y1 Y2 Þ ⋯ + g E (16.59) where gE ¼ X12 X13 o o + + ::: Δg12 Δg12 Δg13 Δg13 2 2 (16.60) Eqs. (16.50)–(16.52) only apply in the binary subsystems. It is now required to write expressions for Δgmn for compositions within the N-component system for use in Eq. (16.58). To this end, we employ a strategy similar to that described in Section 14.8. 16.6.1 Interpolation Formulae When Dgmn in a Binary System is Given by Eq. (16.50) or (16.51) Suppose Δg12 in the 1-2 binary subsystem has been expressed as a polynomial in the fractions Y1 and Y2 by Eq. (16.50). We now want an expression for Δg12 in a multicomponent solution. We consider first a ternary system 1-2-3. Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) 281 Symmetric Model With the symmetrical model illustrated in Fig. 16.21A (cf. Fig. 14.4A), Δg12 in the ternary solution is given by 2 o Δg12 ¼ 4Δg12 + + X X ði + jÞ1 ijk q12ð3Þ k1 ij q12 Y1 Y1 + Y2 Y1 Y1 + Y2 i i Y2 Y1 + Y 2 Y2 Y1 + Y2 j j 3 5 Y3k (16.61) i0 j0 where the first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (16.61) is constant along the line 3-a in Fig. 16.21A and equal to Δg12 in the 1-2 binary system at point a (where (Y1 + Y2) ¼ 1). That is, it is assumed that the binary 1-2 pair-exchange energy is constant at constant Y1/Y2 ratio. The second summation in Eq. (16.61) consists of “ternary terms” that are all zero in the 1-2 binary system and that give the effect of the presence of component 3 upon the energy Δg12 of the 1-2 pair interactions. The empirical ternary coefficients qijk 12(3) are found by optimization of experimental ternary data. Similar equations give Δg23 and Δg31 with the binary terms equal to their values at points b and c, respectively, in ijk Fig. 16.21A and with ternary coefficients qijk 23(1) and q31(2) that give the effect of the presence of component 1 upon the pair energy Δg23 and of component 2 upon Δg31, respectively. As discussed in Section 14.8.3, this functional form for the ternary terms is preferable to expressions such as Yi1Yj2Yk3. Alternatively, if Δg12 is expressed in the 1-2 binary system by a Redlich-Kister expansion as in Eq. (16.51), then the first 1 1 c a p 2 (A) b Y2 (Y1 + Y2) a = constant 3 2 Y1 = constant p b c 3 (B) Fig. 16.21 (A) Symmetrical (left) and (B) asymmetrical (right) schemes for interpolation from binary to ternary solutions. 282 Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) summation in Eq. (16.61) is replaced by Xi i1 Y1 Y2 i l12 , which Y1 + Y2 is also constant along the line 3-a and equal to Δg12 at point a. Asymmetric Model With the asymmetrical model illustrated in Fig. 16.21B (cf. Fig. 14.4B), Δg12 in the ternary solution is given by 2 o Δg12 ¼ 4Δg12 + + X 3 X ij ði + jÞ1 q12 Y1i ð1 Y1 Þj 5 ijk q12ð3Þ Y1i ð1 Y1 Þj k1 Y3 Y2 + Y3 k (16.62) i0 j0 where the binary terms are constant along the line ac and equal to their values at point a in Fig. 16.21B. A similar expression is written for Δg31, while Δg23 is given by an expression similar to Eq. (16.61). If Δg12 is expressed in the binary system by a Redlich-Kister expansion, then the binary terms in Eq. (16.62) are replaced by Xi l 12 ð2Y1 1Þi : i1 Multicomponent Solutions In order to extend this symmetrical/asymmetrical dichotomy to N-component solutions while still maintaining complete flexibility to treat any ternary subsystem as symmetrical or asymmetrical, we define, as in Eq. (14.45), X Yk (16.63) ξij ¼ Yi + k where the summation is over all components k in asymmetrical i-j-k ternary subsystems in which j is the asymmetrical component. This is best presented by an example. For the five-component system in Fig. 16.22, the ternary subsystems 1-2-3 and 1-2-5 are asymmetrical with 1 and 5, respectively, as asymmetrical components, while the system 1-2-4 is symmetrical and so on, as illustrated schematically in the figure. In this example, then, ξ21 ¼ Y2 + Y3 ξ12 ¼ Y1 ξ13 ¼ Y1 + Y4 ξ31 ¼ Y3 + Y2 ξ14 ¼ Y1 ξ41 ¼ Y4 ξ15 ¼ Y1 + Y2 ξ51 ¼ Y5 ξ23 ¼ Y2 + Y5 ξ32 ¼ Y3 + Y4 (16.64) ξ24 ¼ Y2 ξ42 ¼ Y4 + Y3 ξ25 ¼ Y2 + Y1 + Y4 ξ52 ¼ Y5 ξ34 ¼ Y3 ξ43 ¼ Y4 + Y1 ξ35 ¼ Y3 ξ53 ¼ Y5 + Y2 ξ45 ¼ Y4 + Y2 ξ54 ¼ Y5 Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) 1 2 1 3 2 1 4 1 4 2 2 5 3 1 5 3 2 4 1 4 3 2 3 5 4 283 5 3 5 4 5 Fig. 16.22 A five-component example solution illustrating which ternary subsystems are to be treated with a symmetrical model and which are to be treated with an asymmetrical model. The dots indicate the asymmetrical components. Then, in the multicomponent solution, X ξ12 i ξ21 j i j X ξ12 i ξ21 j o Δg12 ¼ Δg12 + q12 + ξ12 + ξ21 ξ12 + ξ21 ξ12 + ξ21 ξ12 + ξ21 ði + jÞ1 i0 j0 " k1 X l ijk q12ðlÞ Yl ð1 ξ12 ξ21 Þk1 # X ijk Ym Y2 k1 X ijk Yn Y1 k1 1 1 + q12ðmÞ + q12ðnÞ ξ21 ξ21 ξ12 ξ12 m n (16.65) where the summations of ternary terms are over (i) all components l in 1-2-l ternary subsystems that are either symmetrical or in which l is the asymmetrical component, (ii) all components m in 1-2-m subsystems in which 1 is the asymmetrical component, and (iii) over all components n in 1-2-n subsystems in which 2 is the asymmetrical component. Eq. (16.65) reduces to Eq. (16.61) in symmetrical ternary subsystems (where (Y1 + Y2 + Y3) ¼ 1) and to Eq. (16.62) in asymmetrical ternary subsystems, as can be verified by substitution of Eq. (16.64). The form of the ternary terms in Eq. (16.65) has been chosen such that if two components, say 3 and 4, have the same ijk effect upon Δg12 (i.e., if qijk 12(3) ¼ q12(4)), then the effect of the presence of both 3 and 4 will be additive as was discussed in Section 14.8.4. If a Redlich-Kister expansion as in Eq. (16.51) is used 284 Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) in the 1-2 binary system, then the binary X i terms (the first summation) in Eq. (16.65) are replaced by l 12 ½ðξ12 ξ21 Þ=ðξ12 + ξ21 Þi. i1 As a special example of Eq. (16.63), suppose all components are grouped as either “acids” (group I) or “bases” (group II), where a ternary system is symmetrical if all three components are in the same group, and asymmetrical otherwise. It then follows from the definition of ξij that ξ12 ¼ Y1 and ξ12/(ξ P 12 + ξ21 ) ¼ Y1/(Y1 + Y2 ) if 1 and 2 are in the same group, while ξ12 ¼ group I Yi ¼ ξI and also ξ12/(ξ12 + ξ21) ¼ ξI if 1 and 2 are in groups I and II, respectively. When Dgmn in a Binary System is Given by Eq. (16.52) Suppose that Δg12 in the binary system has been expressed as in Eq. (16.52) by a polynomial in terms of the pair fractions. Let us consider first a ternary system 1-2-3. Symmetric Model In a symmetrical ternary system as in Fig. 16.21A, the following equation for Δg12 is proposed: i j X ij X11 X22 o Δg12 ¼ Δg12 + g12 X11 + X12 + X22 X11 + X12 + X22 ði + jÞ1 + X i0 ijk g12ð3Þ X11 X11 + X12 + X22 i X22 X11 + X12 + X22 j Y3k j0 k1 (16.66) As with Eq. (16.52), in practice, it is usually sufficient to include only terms with i ¼ 0 or with j ¼ 0. The form of this expression has been chosen for the following reason. As Δg12, Δg23, and Δg31 become small, the solution approaches ideality and Y11 ! Y21 , Y22 ! Y22 and Y12 ! 2Y1Y2. In this case, X11/(X11 + X12 + X22) ! [Y1/(Y1 + Y2)]2, and Eq. (16.66) approaches Eq. (16.61) that, in the limit, becomes the Kohler equation (Section 14.8) for symmetrical ternary systems. From Eq. (16.47), it can be seen that the factor Y3 in the ternary terms in Eq. (16.66) is equal to (X33 + X31/2 + X23/2). In principle, the effect of these three terms upon Δg12 could easily be represented by three independent ternary coefficients. However, this additional complexity is probably not required. Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) Asymmetric Model In an asymmetrical ternary system as in Fig. 16.21B, the following equation is proposed: X ij o i Δg12 ¼ Δg12 + g12 X11 ðX22 + X23 + X33 Þj ði + jÞ1 + X i0 j0 k1 ijk i g12ð3Þ X11 ðX22 j + X23 + X33 Þ Y3 Y2 + Y3 k (16.67) In the limit of ideality, this equation reduces to Eq. (16.62) that, in the limit, becomes the Kohler/Toop equation (Section 14.8) for asymmetrical ternary systems. Multicomponent Solutions To extend this symmetrical/asymmetrical dichotomy to multicomponent solutions, we define X X X X Xij = Xij (16.68) χ 12 ¼ i¼1, k j¼1, k i¼1, 2, k , l j¼1, 2, k , l where k represents all values of k in 1-2-k asymmetrical ternary subsystems in which 2 is the asymmetrical component and l represents all values of l in asymmetrical 1-2-l subsystems in which 1 is the asymmetrical component. χ ij is analogous to the ratio ξij/(ξij + ξji) defined by Eq. (16.63) and used in Eq. (16.65). Taking the example of Fig. 16.22, from Eq. (16.64), ξ23 ðY 2 + Y 5 Þ ¼ ξ23 + ξ32 ðY2 + Y5 Þ + ðY3 + Y4 Þ (16.69) whereas χ 23 ¼ ðX22 + X55 Þ + X25 ðX22 + X55 Þ + ðX33 + X44 Þ + X25 + X23 + X24 + X53 + X54 + X34 (16.70) That is, starting from Eq. (16.69), we can write the expression for χ 23 in Eq. (16.70) by replacing the sums (Yi + Yj + Yk + …) in the numerator and denominator of Eq. (16.69) by the sum of (Xii + Xjj + Xkk + ⋯) plus all cross terms (Xij + Xik + Xjk + ⋯). In the case where all components are grouped as either “acids” (group I) or “bases” (group II), it follows from the definitions and + X12 + X22) if components 1 and from Eq. (16.47) that χ 12 ¼ X11/(X11 P 2 are in the same group and χ 12 ¼ group I Yi ¼ ξI if components 1 and 2 are in groups I and II, respectively. 285 286 Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) In the multicomponent system, o Δg12 ¼ Δg12 + X ði + jÞ 1 j ij χ i12 χ 21 g12 + X " j χ i12 χ 21 i0 X l ijk g12ðlÞ Yl ð1 ξ12 ξ21 Þk1 j0 k1 + X m ijk g12ðmÞ Ym ξ21 Y2 1 ξ21 k1 + X n ijk g12ðnÞ Yn ξ12 Y1 1 ξ12 k1 # (16.71) where the summations over l, m, and n are as was described following Eq. (16.65). Eq. (16.71) reduces to the correct symmetrical or asymmetrical ternary equation, either Eq. (16.66) or (16.67), in any ternary subsystem. The analogy to Eq. (16.65) is evident. If the quasichemical and Bragg-Williams models are combined as discussed in Section 16.2.1, then the following additional Bragg-Williams excess term is added to Eq. (16.48): X X E ¼ Zi n i Ym Yn α0mn (16.72) GBW m6¼n Interpolation formulas to estimate the binary αmn0 parameters within the multicomponent solution are then as discussed in Section 14.8. 16.7 The MQM Equations in Closed Explicit Form Substitution of Eq. (16.65) or (16.71) into Eq. (16.58) gives an equation for G in terms of the pair fractions Xmn. For any overall composition given by (n1, n2, …, nN), the equilibrium pair fractions are then calculated by minimizing G subject to the mass balance constraints of Eq. (16.55). This Gibbs energy minimization is greatly facilitated by the form of Eq. (16.58). When expressed per mole of pairs as in Eq. (16.59), the Gibbs energy equation is identical, apart from the second configurational entropy term to the equations of Chapter 14 for the Gibbs energy of a randomly mixed solution of the end-members mn whose Gibbs energies are given by Eqs. (16.56), (16.57). The “excess” terms in Eq. (16.60) are polynomials in the fractions Xmn since Δgmn from Eq. (16.65) or (16.71) is expressed only in terms of Xmn (Ym being given in terms of Xmn by Eq. 16.47). Therefore, the same existing algorithms and computer subroutines that are used for Bragg-Williams polynomial models can be used directly for the quasichemical model by simply including the extra entropy terms. That is, a significant Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) simplification is achieved by formally considering the mn pairs as the end-members of the solution. A further computational simplification can be achieved by formally treating these end-members as “associates” or n m n1=Z n . For example, if Zm “molecules” m1=Zmn mm ¼ 6, Znn ¼ 6, nm m n Zmn ¼ 3, and Znm ¼ 6, then the formal components would be m2/6, n2/6, and m1/3n1/6. Setting nm1=Z m mn n1=Z n nm ¼ nmn (16.73) and substituting into Eq. (16.55) gives X m nm ¼ 2nm2=Z m =Zmn + n n6¼m m1=Z m mn mn n1=Z n nm (16.74) which then becomes a “true” chemical (as opposed to a quasichemical) mass balance in that the number of moles of m is the same on both sides of the equation. The fact that Eq. (16.59) is written solely in terms of the fractions Xmn of the end-members mn permits the chemical potentials to be easily calculated in closed explicit form. The chemical potential of m is given by Pelton et al. (2000): m =2 ð∂G=∂nmm Þnij (16.75) μm ¼ ð∂G=∂nm Þni ¼ Zmm Hence, o μm ¼ gm m Zmm Xmm E RT ln 2 + gmm + RT ln XA + 2 Ym (16.76) where the partial excess term gEmm can be calculated in the usual way from the polynomial expansion for gE in Eq. (16.60): X E gmm ¼ g E + ∂g E =∂Xmm Xij ∂g E =∂Xij (16.77) ðij6¼mmÞ where Eq. (16.47) is used to express Ym in terms of Xmn. 16.8 Combining Bragg-Williams and MQM Models in One Multicomponent Database If the Bragg-Williams excess term of Eq. (16.72) is added to Eq. (16.48) and if further all quasichemical parameters Δgmn are set to zero, the Bragg-Williams terms then will have no effect upon the calculated pair distributions, and so, the Gibbs energy minimization will result in a random mixture. That is, the second entropy term in Eq. (16.59) will automatically become zero, and the result 287 288 Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) will be the same as if a Bragg-Williams expression had been used for G. Hence, the same model algorithm that is used for the quasichemical model can be used for the random-mixing BraggWilliams model. The major importance of this fact is that it is now possible to mix models in one multicomponent solution database. This is of much practical value. If some binary subsystems of a multicomponent solution have been optimized with the MQM while others have been optimized with a Bragg-Williams model, all the model parameters can be combined in one database for the multicomponent solution without necessitating the reoptimization of any systems. For further discussion on this point, see Pelton and Chartrand (2001). 16.9 Comparison of the Bragg-Williams, Associated and Modified Quasichemical Models in Predicting Ternary Properties From Binary Properties The choice of a model must be based not only on how well it reproduces data in binary systems but also on how well it predicts and represents properties of ternary solutions. Consider a ternary solution with components A, B, and C in which the binary solution A-B exhibits a strong tendency to SRO at the AxBy composition, while the B-C and C-A binary solutions are less strongly ordered. In such a case, positive deviations from ideal mixing behavior will be observed, centered along the AxBy-C join. An example is the Al-Sc-Mg system in which Al-Sc liquid solutions exhibit SRO centered around the AlSc composition (see Figs. 16.4–16.6). The liquidus surface (Pelton and Kang, 2007) of this system is shown in Fig. 16.23. Positive deviations along and near the AlSc-Mg join are manifested by the flat liquidus surfaces (witnessed by the widely spaced isotherms) of the AlSc, AlSc2, and € bner et al., Al2Sc compounds. Experimental liquidus points (Gro 1999) along the Al2Sc-Mg join are shown in Fig. 16.24. Indeed, if the SRO in the A-B binary solution is sufficiently stronger than in the B-C and C-A binary solutions, a miscibility gap will be observed, centered along the AxBy-C join. The positive deviations (tendency to immiscibility) along the join are simply explained as follows. Since (A-B) nearest-neighbor pairs are energetically favored, the solution exhibits a tendency to separate into an AxBy-rich and a C-rich solution in order to maximize the number of such pairs. Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) 289 Sc 0.2 0.4 AlSc2 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.8 (Sc) AlSc 0.8 0.2 Al2Sc Al3Sc 0.2 Al 0.4 0.6 0.8 Mg Mole fraction Fig. 16.23 Optimized polythermal liquidus projection of the Al-Sc-Mg system. Reprinted with permission from Pelton, A.D., Kang, Y.-B., 2007. Int. J. Mater. Res. 98, 907–917. Temperature (°C) 1500 Liquid Bragg-Williams model Quasichemical model (Z = 6) 1000 Al2Sc + Liquid Associate model 500 Al2Sc + Mg Gröbner et al. (1999) 00 Al2Sc 0.2 0.4 0.6 Atomic fraction Mg 0.8 1 Mg €bner et al., 1999) compared Fig. 16.24 Al2Sc-Mg join in the Al-Mg-Sc phase diagram. Experimental liquidus points (Gro with calculations from optimized binary parameters with various models. Reprinted with permission from Pelton, A.D., Kang, Y.-B., 2007. Int. J. Mater. Res. 98, 907–917. Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) Consider the simplest case of a solution A-B-C in which the B-C and C-A binary solutions are ideal while the A-B binary solution has strong negative derivations centered at the equimolar composition AB with a minimum value of gEAB ¼ 40 kJ mol1 in the binary solution at XA ¼ XB ¼ 0.5. If a Bragg-Williams regular solution model is used for this example, then in Eq. (14.4) αAB ¼ 40/(0.5)(0.5) ¼ 160 kJ mol1 while αBC ¼ αCA ¼ 0. In the ternary solution, we set g E ¼ XA XB αAB + XB XC αBC + XC XA αCA (16.78) combined with an ideal entropy of mixing. The resultant calculated miscibility gap, centered on the AB-C join, with tie-lines aligned with the join, is shown as the “Bragg-Williams model” in Fig. 16.25. It is instructive to calculate the expression for the excess Gibbs energy along the join when XC moles of liquid C are mixed with (1 XC) moles of the equimolar solution A0.5B0.5. In the present example, this becomes gAE0:5 B0:5 C ¼ XA XB αAB ð1 XC Þ XA XB =ðXA + XB Þ2 αAB ¼ XC ð1 XC ÞðαAB =4Þ (16.79) 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.2 A Bragg-Williams model Z = 60 Z = 12 Z=6 Z=4 0.4 0.6 AB B 0.2 0.8 290 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Mole fraction C Fig. 16.25 Miscibility gaps calculated for an A-B-C system at 1100°C from the Bragg-Williams model and from the MQM when the B-C and C-A binary solutions are ideal and the A-B binary solution has a minimum excess Gibbs energy of 40 kJ mol1 at the equimolar composition. Calculations from the MQM for various values of Z. Tie-lines are aligned with the AB-C join. Reprinted with permission from Pelton, A.D., Kang, Y.-B., 2007. Int. J. Mater. Res. 98, 907–917. Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) where the substitution XA ¼ XB ¼ (1 XC)/2, which holds along the AB-C join, has been made. That is, along the join, the solution behaves like a regular solution of A0.5B0.5 and C, with a regular solution parameter equal to ( αAB/4). Experience with many systems has shown that, in general, the positive deviations (and tendency to immiscibility) along the join as predicted by the Bragg-Williams model are too large. For example, in Fig. 16.24 is shown the Al2Sc-Mg phase diagram section calculated solely from optimized binary parameters when the Bragg-Williams model is used. The model predicts a miscibility gap where none is observed. The reason for this overestimation of the positive deviations is that SRO is ignored. In reality, through ordering, the solution can increase the number of (A-B) pairs above that of a randomly mixed solution, thereby decreasing its Gibbs energy and hence decreasing the driving force to separate into two phases. One might therefore conclude that accounting for SRO through the use of the associate model would improve the predictions in the ternary system. Exactly the opposite is true; if the SRO in the A-B binary solution is modeled with the associate model, no positive deviations whatsoever are predicted along the AxBy-C ternary join. In fact, in the limit of very strong SRO in the A-B binary solution and ideal mixing in the B-C and C-A liquids, the associate model simply predicts that, along the AxBy-C join, the solution is an ideal mixture of AxBy associates and C atoms randomly distributed on the quasi-lattice. For example, in Fig. 16.24 is shown the Al2Sc-Mg phase diagram section calculated from optimized binary parameters when the associate model is used. This failure of the associate model to predict the observed positive deviations and tendency to immiscibility in ternary systems with SRO is the strongest argument against its use. When the modified quasichemical model is applied to the example of Fig. 16.25, the parameter ΔgAB ≪ 0, and ΔgBC ¼ ΔgCA ¼ 0. In Fig. 16.25 are shown miscibility gaps calculated with various values of Z where the value of the (constant) parameter ΔgAB was adjusted in each case to give the same minimum value of ΔgEAB ¼ 40 kJ mol1 in the A-B system. As Z is decreased, the critical temperature of the calculated gap decreases, and the gap changes shape, becoming narrower and elongated along the AB-C join in accordance with the shape of observed gaps. At the same time, the calculated gap becomes “flatter” similar to the case of binary miscibility gaps discussed in Section 16.4. Fig. 16.24 shows the Al2Sc-Mg phase diagram section calculated solely from optimized binary parameters when the quasichemical model with Z ¼ 6 is used. Similar examples for ternary oxide slags have been shown and discussed by Pelton (2004). 291 292 Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) 16.10 The Two-Sublattice “Ionic Liquid” Model A different model for treating SRO in liquid solutions was introduced by Hillert et al. (1985) and has become known as the “ionic liquid model,” although it is applicable to nonionic liquids as well. Although it is a two-sublattice model, it can be used to treat SRO in binary metallic solutions and so is introduced in this chapter. The model is best introduced by an example. Molten Mg-Bi solutions show a strong tendency to SRO around the composition Mg3Bi2, with negative V-shaped enthalpy of mixing and m-shaped entropy of mixing functions. In the ionic liquid model, the solu2+ 2 0 tion is modeled as (Mg2+)2+x2y(Bi3 x Va1xy Biy )2. That is, Mg 3 ions occupy a cationic sublattice, while Bi ions, charged vacancies, and neutral Bi0 atoms occupy an anionic sublattice. The number of lattice sites varies with composition. In this example, the number of anionic sites is constant, but in the general case, the number of sites on both sublattices can vary with composition. The species on each sublattice are distributed randomly. The overall mole fraction of Bi is XBi ¼ ð2x + 2y Þ=ðð2x + 2y Þ + ð2 + x 2y ÞÞ ¼ 2ðx + y Þ=ð3x + 2Þ (16.80) Hence, when XBi ¼ 1, y ¼ 1, and x ¼ 0. When XBi ¼ 0, x ¼ 0, and 2 (pure Mg), (2) y ¼ 0. The end-members are thus (1) Mg2+ 2 Va 2+ 3 Mg0Bi2 (pure Bi), and (3) Mg3 Bi2 (completely ordered Mg3Bi2 with x ¼ 2 and y ¼ 0). Let the anionic site fractions of the end-members be X1 ¼ XVa2 ¼ ð1 x y Þ (16.81) X2 ¼ XBi0 ¼ y (16.82) X3 ¼ XBi3 ¼ x (16.83) Then, the Gibbs energy of the solution per mole of atoms is given by g ¼ X1 g10 + X2 g20 + X3 g30 + 2RT ðX1 ln X1 + X2 ln X2 + X3 ln X3 Þ + ðα12 X1 X2 + α23 X2 X3 + α31 X3 X1 Þ (16.84) goi where the are the Gibbs energies of the end-members per mole of atoms and the final term in parentheses is an excess Gibbs energy. At any given overall composition, the variables x and y are related by Eq. (16.80). The equilibrium values of x and y are found by minimizing the Gibbs energy. When the model parameter Chapter 16 SINGLE-LATTICE MODELS WITH SHORT-RANGE ORDERING (SRO) go3 ≪ 0, the solution at XBi ¼ 2/5 consists almost entirely of 3– Mg2+ 3 Bi2 (i.e., X1 0 and X2 0), and the enthalpy and entropy of mixing have the V-shape and m-shape characteristic of SRO. Similarly to the case of the associate model in Section 16.1, the ionic liquid model does not reduce to an ideal solution expression when go3 ¼ 0 but only when go3 ¼ ∞ (when x ¼ 0 at all compositions). If one sets go3 ¼ ∞ (or simply removes Bi3 as a species), the model 0 reduces to (Mg2+)22y(Va2 1y Biy )2. The configurational entropy of mixing then formally results from the random distribution of Va2 and Bi0 species on the anionic sublattice. While numerically identical to the ideal entropy expression for the random mixing of Mg and Bi atoms on a single sublattice, this is physically unrealistic, as is the requirement that there are “two kinds of Bi,” namely, Bi0 atoms and Bi3 ions. The model is developed in detail by Hillert et al. (1985) and by Sundman (1991) who give examples of applications to multicomponent solutions. An example of the application to a ternary molten oxide solution will be given in Section 18.1.3. References Blander, M., Pelton, A.D., 1987. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 51, 85–95. Chartrand, P., Pelton, A.D., 2001. Metall. Mater. Trans. 32A, 1397–1407. Dinsdale, A.T., 1991. Calphad J. 15, 317. Førland, T., 1964. Fused Salts. In: Sundheim, B.R. (Ed.), McGraw Hill, NY, pp. 86–89. Fowler, R.H., Guggenheim, E.A., 1939. Statistical Thermodynamics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p. 350. € bner, J., Schmid-Fetzer, R., Pisch, A., Cacciamani, G., Riani, P., Parodi, N., Gro Borzone, G., Saccone, A., Ferro, R., 1999. Z. Metallkd. 90, 872–880. Guggenheim, E.A., 1935. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A148, 304–312. Hillert, M., Jansson, B., Sundman, B., Agren, J., 1985. Metall. Trans. 16A, 261–266. Jelinek, F.J., Shickell, W.D., Gerstein, B.C., 1967. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 28, 267–270. Jung, I.-H., Kang, D.-H., Park, W.-J., Kim, N.J., Ahn, S., 2007. Calphad J. 31, 192–200. Kang, Y.-B., Pelton, A.D., 2013. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 60, 19–24. Litovskii, V.V., Valishev, M.G., Esin, Y.O., Gel’d, P.V., Petrushevskii, M.S., 1986. Russ. J. Phys. 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Pelton, A.D., Kang, Y.-B., 2007. Int. J. Mater. Res. 98, 907–917. Sommer, F., Lee, J.-J., Predel, B., 1983. Z. Metallkd. 74, 100–104. Sundman, B., 1991. Calphad J. 15, 109–119. List of Websites FactSage, Montreal. 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES CHAPTER OUTLINE 17.1 Introduction 295 17.2 Definitions, Coordination Numbers 296 17.3 Formal Treatment of Quadruplets as “Complexes” or Molecules” 300 17.3.1. Choice of Zmij/kl 302 17.4 Gibbs Energy Equation 303 17.5 The Configurational Entropy 305 17.5.1. Default Values of ζi/j 307 17.6 Second-Nearest-Neighbor Interaction Terms 308 17.6.1. The Quasichemical Model in a “Complex” Formalism 17.6.2. Combining Different Models in One Database 313 17.7 Summary of Model 314 17.8 Sample Calculations 317 References 318 17.1 312 Introduction Chapter 16 discussed the modified quasichemical model (MQM) in the pair approximation for short-range ordering (SRO) between species on a single sublattice. As was shown, the singlesublattice model also applies to solutions with two sublattices when one sublattice is occupied by only one species as in (A,B) (X) solutions. In this case, the SRO is between second-nearestneighbor (SNN) pairs on the same sublattice. In Chapter 15, Section 15.1.1, a two-sublattice model was developed in which SRO between first-nearest-neighbor (FNN) pairs was treated approximately. Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Modeling of Solutions. # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 295 296 Chapter 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES In the present chapter, the MQM is developed in a quadruplet approximation for solutions with two sublattices to account simultaneously for FNN (intersublattice) and SNN (intrasublattice) SRO and the coupling between them (Pelton et al., 2001). When one sublattice is occupied by only one species or is empty, the model equations reduce exactly to the single-sublattice MQM equations of Chapter 16. As in previous chapters, the coordination numbers of sites on the sublattices are permitted to vary with composition, thereby making the model suited to the treatment of liquid solutions such as molten salts. However, the model also applies to solid solutions if the numbers of sublattice sites and coordination numbers are held constant. 17.2 Definitions, Coordination Numbers The solution consists of two sublattices, I and II. Let A,B,C, … and X,Y,Z, … be the species that reside on sublattices I and II, respectively: (A,B,C, …)(X,Y,Z, …). In a salt solution, for example, A,B,C, … are the cations, and X,Y,Z, … are the anions, and in this chapter, we shall refer to them as “cations” and “anions.” However, the model is also applicable to other solutions. For example, in a solid spinel solution, sublattices I and II would be associated with the tetrahedral and octahedral cationic sublattices. Although there is a third anionic sublattice, as long as this is occupied by only one species, O2, the present model can be applied. In other applications, lattice vacancies could also be considered as “species,” or the same chemical species could occupy both sublattices. For instance, in an ordered Cu-Au alloy, Cu and Au reside mainly on the I and II sublattices, respectively. However, due to substitutional disordering, some Cu is found on the II sublattice and some Au on the I sublattice. That is, in this example, A and X would both be Cu, and B and Y would both be Au (see Section 18.2). When sublattice II is occupied only by X species, then the single-sublattice MQM, as developed in Chapter 16, considers the formation of SNN (A-[X]-B) pairs from SNN (A[X]A) and (B-[X]-B) pairs according to ðA ½X AÞ + ðB ½X BÞ ¼ 2ðA ½X BÞ; ΔgAB=X (17.1) The entropy expression in Chapter 16 was obtained by distributing the pairs over “pair positions.” ΔgAB/X is the empirical parameter of the model, which may be composition-dependent. If ΔgAB/X ¼ 0, then ideal random mixing results. If ΔgAB/X < 0, then the reaction in Eq. (17.1) is displaced to the right, and SRO results with (A[X]B) pairs predominant. Similarly, when sublattice I is occupied only Chapter 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES by A species, the model considers the formation of (X-[A]-Y) SNN pairs according to ðX ½A X Þ + ðY ½A Y Þ ¼ 2ðX ½A Y Þ; ΔgA=XY (17.2) As discussed in Section 15.1, FNN (intersublattice) SRO involves the following exchange reaction among FNN pairs: exchage ðA X Þ + ðB Y Þ ¼ ðA Y Þ + ðB X Þ; ΔgAB=XY (17.3) < 0, The FNN pairs are distributed over pair positions. If Δgexchange AB/XY then there is FNN SRO with (AY) and (BX) pairs predominating. As a result, the probability of an (A[X]B) SNN pair is less than in a random mixture, and so, the contribution of the (A[X]B) SNN energy ΔgAB/X to the total Gibbs energy of the solution is reduced. As shown in Section 15.1.1, this effect becomes very important when |Δgexchange | is greater than about 50 kJ mol1. With the quasichemical model in the pair approximation (either FNN or SNN pairs), it is not possible to treat both FNN and SNN SRO simultaneously. For example, for systems such as (K,Co)(Cl,F), a large degree of SNN SRO is observed in the binary KCl-CoCl2 and KF-CoF2 subsystems (see Section 16.3), and this cannot be neglected in a quantitative model. In the present chapter, therefore, we consider the distribution, not of pairs, but of “quadruplets”: A2X2, ABX2, A2XY, ABXY, etc. As illustrated in Fig. 17.1, each quadruplet consists of two SNN cations and two SNN anions, the cations and anions being mutual first-nearest neighbors. Both FNN and SNN SRO can thereby be treated simultaneously. In a solid, all possible configurations of the quadruplets on the sublattices could be considered, as is done in the cluster variation method (CVM) (see Section 18.2), and this is necessary for the full quantitative modeling of order-disorder phenomena. However, this additional complexity is neither necessary nor possible in the case of liquid solutions and can also be reasonably neglected in the modeling of solid solutions with a limited amount of SRO. A X A X A Y X A X B X B A2X2 ABX2 Fig. 17.1 Some quadruplets (Pelton et al., 2001). ABXY 297 298 Chapter 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES Let ni (i ¼ A,B, … X,Y …) be the number of moles of species i; nA/X the number of moles of FNN (A-X) pairs; and nA2/X2, nAB/X2, nAB/XY, etc. the number of moles of A2X2, ABX2, ABXY, and other quadruplets. (Note that nAB/X2 and nBA/X2 represent the same quantity and can be used interchangeably.) Let ZA be the SNN coordination number of A (i.e., the number of SNN pairs emanating from an A). Since each quadruplet contains just one SNN pair, ZA is also the number of quadruplets emanating from an A. ZX is defined similarly. Then, ZA nA ¼ 2nA2 =X2 + 2nA2 =Y 2 + 2nA2 =XY + 2nAB=X2 + nAB=Y 2 + nAB=XY + … (17.4) ZX nX ¼ 2nA2 =X2 + 2nB2 =X2 + 2nAB=X2 + nA2 =XY + nB2 =XY + nAB=XY + … (17.5) Overall mole (or site) fractions Xi, FNN pair fractions Xi/j, and quadruplet fractions Xij/kl are defined as X X ¼ n X = ð nX + n Y + … Þ (17.6) X A ¼ n A = ð nA + nB + … Þ XA=X ¼ nA=X = nA=X + nB=X + nA=Y + … (17.7) X (17.8) XAB=XY ¼ nAB=XY = nij=kl P where nij/kl is the total number of moles of quadruplets. From Eqs. (17.4), (17.5), X 2 nij=kl ¼ ðZA nA + ZB nB + …Þ ¼ ðZX nX + ZY nY + …Þ (17.9) Note that in the (A,B,C, …)(X) subsystem, nij/X2 and Xij/X2 are identical to the mole numbers and mole fractions nij and Xij of SNN pairs as defined in Chapter 16. Coordination equivalent site fractions, Yi are defined as YA ¼ ZA nA =ðZA nA + ZB nB + …Þ YX ¼ ZX nX =ðZX nX + ZY nY + …Þ (17.10) These are called “coordination equivalent” fractions to distin0 guish them from “charge equivalent” site fractions Yi in which the ni are weighted by the ionic charges qi (or valences) rather than by the coordination numbers: YA0 ¼ qA nA =ðqA nA + qB nB + …Þ (17.11) YX0 ¼ qX nX =ðqX nX + qY nY + …Þ (17.12) Substitution of Eq. (17.10) into Eqs. (17.4), (17.5) gives YA ¼ XA2 =X2 + XA2 =Y 2 + XA2 =XY + 0:5XAB=X2 + 0:5XAB=XY + … (17.13) YX ¼ XA2 =X2 + XB2 =X2 + XAB=X2 + 0:5XA2 =XY + 0:5XAB=XY + … (17.14) Chapter 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES In a solid solution, it is clearly required that ZA ¼ ZB ¼ ZC ¼ … and that ZX ¼ ZY ¼ ZZ ¼ …. However, in a liquid, this is not necessary, and furthermore, the coordination numbers can vary with composition. As shown in Section 16.2.3, the use of variable coordination numbers provides the necessary flexibility to fix the compositions of maximum SRO in each (A,B)(X) and (A)(XY) subsystem. Let ZAAB/XY be the SNN coordination number of an A species when (hypothetically) all A species exist in ABXY quadruplets. We then let 2nA2 =X2 2nA2 =Y 2 2nA2 =XY nAB=X2 nAB=XY + A + A + A + A ZAA2 =X2 ZA2 =Y 2 ZA2 =XY ZAB=X ZAB=XY 2 1 ¼ ZA 2nA2 =X2 + 2nA2 =Y 2 + 2nA2 =XY + nAB=X2 + nAB=XY + … 2nA2 =X2 2nB2 =X2 2nAB=X2 nA2 =XY nAB=XY + X + X + + X ZAX2 =X2 ZB2 =X2 ZAB=X2 ZAX2 =XY ZAB=XY 1 ¼ ZX 2nA2 =X2 + 2nB2 =X2 + 2nAB=X2 + nA2 =XY + nAB=XY + … (17.15) (17.16) This composition dependence is chosen because substitution of Eqs. (17.15), (17.16) into Eqs. (17.4), (17.5) yields the following simple relations: nA ¼ 2nA2 =X2 2nA2 =Y 2 2nA2 =XY nAB=X2 nAB=XY + A + A + A + A +… ZAA2 =X2 ZA2 =Y 2 ZA2 =XY ZAB=X ZAB=XY 2 (17.17) nX ¼ 2nA2 =X2 2nA2 =Y 2 2nA2 =XY nAB=X2 nAB=XY + X + X + + X +… ZAX2 =X2 ZB2 =X2 ZAB=X2 ZAX2 =XY ZAB=XY (17.18) Note that in the (A,B,C, …)(X) subsystem, where sublattice II is occupied only by X species, the Ziij/X2 are identical to the SNN coordination numbers Ziji as defined in Chapter 16. We now define parameters ζi/j as the number of quadruplets emanating from an i/j FNN pair. Hence, ζ A=X nA=X ¼ 4nA2 =X2 + 2nAB=X2 + 2nA2 =XY + nAB=XY + … (17.19) and similarly for the other ζ i/j. In general, ζ A/X, ζ B/X, ζ A/Y, … can have different values and can even vary with composition, but this makes the model unnecessarily complex. Hence, for the moment and for the development of most of the terms of the model, we shall assume that all the ζ i/j are equal to the same constant value ζ. However, in Section 17.5, we shall permit the ζ i/j to have different values in order to provide additional flexibility in the model terms most affected by the ζ i/j values. It follows from Eq. (17.19) that when ζ ¼ constant, the total numbers of pairs and quadruplets are related by 299 300 Chapter 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES ζ X X ni=j ¼ 4 nij=kl (17.20) and since each quadruplet contains two FNN pairs and one SNN pair emanating from a given ion, it follows that Zi =zi ¼ ζ=2 (17.21) where zi is the FNN coordination number of ion i, and that the coordination equivalent fractions of Eqs. (17.13), (17.14) are also given by YA ¼ zA nA =ðzA nA + zB nB + …Þ (17.22) and similarly for YX. 17.3 Formal Treatment of Quadruplets as “Complexes” or “Molecules” This section is a generalization of the strategy discussed in Section 16.7 for the single-sublattice MQM. The quadruplet ABXY may be treated formally as the A Y B1/ZBAB/XYX1/ZXAB/XYY1/ZAB/XY . Similarly, “complex” or “molecule” A1/ZAB/XY A X2/ZXA2/X2, etc. For an A2X2 quadruplet is formally treated as A2/ZA2/X2 example, in molten KCl-CoCl2 solutions, if we were to choose Cl ZKKCo/Cl2 ¼ 3, ZCo KCo/Cl2 ¼ 6, and ZKCo/Cl2 ¼ 3, then the quadruplet KCoCl2 is formally treated as a K1/3Co1/6Cl2/3 complex. It must be stressed that this is only a formalism. The entropy expression in the quasichemical model (see Section 17.4) is not obtained by distributing the quadruplets as if they were molecules (as is, in fact, done in “associate models”). It is not essential that this formalism be used. However, it aids in the conceptualization and in many derivations. For example, if nA2/X2, nA2/XY, etc. in Eq. (17.17) are replaced by nA2=ZA X2=ZX , nA2=ZA =X1=ZX Y 1=ZY , etc., then A2=X 2 A2=X 2 A2=XY A2=XY A2=XY the number of moles of A is the same on both sides of the equation which thereby becomes a “normal” mass balance equation. Furthermore, it can be seen that all quadruplets such as K1/3Co1/6Cl2/3 in a molten salt solution must be electrically neutral. This stoichiometry represents the composition of a hypothetical solution formed exclusively of these quadruplets and containing one mole of quadruplets. That is, one mole of KCoCl2 quadruplets contains 1/3 mol K+, 1/6 mol Co2+, and 2/3 mol Cl. In general, for a molten salt solution, if qA, qB, …, qX are the absolute cationic and anionic charges (or valences), then Chapter 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES A the charge neutrality condition for ABXY (i.e., A1/ZAB/XY B1/ZBAB/XY Y X1/ZXAB/XYY1/ZAB/XY ) quadruplets is as follows: qA A ZAB=XY + qB B ZAB=XY ¼ qX X ZAB=XY + qY Y ZAB=XY (17.23) This equation also holds when A ¼ B and/or when X ¼ Y. The previous example of K+1/3 Co2+ 1/6 Cl2/3 clearly satisfies Eq. (17.23). In the most general form of the model, it is not essential for Eq. (17.23) to be satisfied. However, in practice, for liquid solutions that can be described as consisting of two quasi sublattices, this equation will almost always be satisfied. Fig. 17.2 shows a traditional composition square of a reciprocal ternary (A,B)(X,Y) system. One charge equivalent of each pure component is shown at each corner. For example, in the (Na, Ca)(F,SO4) system, where the absolute ionic charges are qA ¼ 1, qB ¼ 2, qX ¼ 1, and qY ¼ 2, the components would be NaF, Ca1/2F, Na(SO4)1/2, and Ca1/2(SO4)1/2. The axes are the charge equivalent 0 0 fractions YA and YX of Eqs. (17.11), (17.12) (not to be confused with YA and YX in Eq. (17.10)). The formal compositions of quadruplets A B1/ZBAB/X2X2/ZXAB/X2 are found on the sides of the square such as A1/ZAB/X2 as shown in Fig. 17.2. A1/q Y1/q A “A2XY” Y “A2Y2” A1/q X1/q A X “A2X2” = A2 a X2 A X “ABX2”= A1 y “ABY2” Y¢A = qAnA/(qAnA+ qBnB ) ZA2/X2 “B2Y2” “ABXY” = A1 B1 X1 Y1 ZA2/X2 X2 B1 A x ZAB B /X2 ZAB X /X2 ZAB /X2 A B Y X ZAB/XY ZAB/XY ZAB/XY ZAB/XY b B1/q Y1/q “B2XY” B Y Y¢X = qXnX/(qXnX+qYnY) “B2X2” B1/q X1/q B X Fig. 17.2 Composition square of an (A,B)(X,Y) reciprocal ternary system showing formal “compositions” of the various quadruplets (Pelton et al., 2001). 301 302 Chapter 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES 17.3.1 Choice of Zm ij/kl For a solid solution, it is required that all cationic coordination i be equal and that all anionic coordination numbers numbers Zij/kl k A and Zij/kl be equal. For liquid solutions on the other hand, ZAB/X 2 B ZAB/X2 are chosen to correspond to the composition of maximum SNN SRO in the (A,B)(X) binary subsystem as discussed in Section 16.2.3. For example, for KCl-CoCl2 solutions, SRO is at a maximum near the composition K2CoCl4 as was shown in K Fig. 16.18. Hence, we set ZCo KCo/Cl2/ZKCo/Cl2 ¼ 2.0. As discussed in Chapter 16, since the quasichemical expression for the entropy (see Section 17.4) is, of necessity, only approximate, it is not necessary that the absolute values of m used in the model correspond exactly to the actual coordiZij/kl nation numbers. In fact, it is found that better representations are frequently obtained with intentionally nonphysical values m since one can thereby partially compensate for the error of Zij/kl caused by the entropy approximation. However, it is essential m correspond to the compositions of that the ratios of the Zij/kl maximum SRO as discussed above. In principle, the coordination numbers Zm AB/XY for the “reciprocal” ABXY quadruplets (A 6¼ B and X 6¼ Y) could be chosen to reflect a tendency to SRO at some particular composition in the reciprocal (A,B)(X,Y) solutions. However, in most cases, there will be no such tendency, and one can set the value of Zm AB/XY as an “average” of the values in the A2XY, B2XY, ABX2, and ABY2 quadruplets. It is suggested that this be done by defining the “composition” 0 of the ABXYquadruplets as lying at the average of the values of YX of 0 the quadruplets A2XYand B2XYand at the average of the values of YA of the quadruplets ABX2 and ABY2 as illustrated on Fig. 17.2. This construction corresponds to the following “default” values: 1 A ZAB=XY 1 X ZAB=XY ¼ ¼ X ZAB=X 2 A qX ZAB=X 2 ZAA2 =XY qA ZAX2 =XY + + Y ZAB=Y 2 A qY ZAB=Y 2 ZBB2 =XY ! F ! qB ZBX2 =XY (17.24) F and similarly for ZBAB/XY and ZYAB/XY, where F ¼ 1=8 qX X ZAB=X 2 + qY Y ZAB=Y 2 + qA ZAA2 =XY + qB ZBB2 =XY ! (17.25) Chapter 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES 17.4 Gibbs Energy Equation We now define gAo2 =X2 ! ! 2qA 2qX o ¼ ¼ g go ZAA2 =X2 A1=qA X1=qx ZAX2 =X2 A1=qA X1=qx (17.26) where goA1/qAX1/qx is the standard Gibbs energy of the pure component per charge equivalent. For Al2O3, for example, ! ! 6 4 o o o gAl2 =O2 ¼ (17.27) gAl1=3 =O1=2 ¼ gAl O Al 1=3 =O1=2 Z ZAl Al2 =O2 2 =O2 That is, goAl2/O2 is the standard Gibbs energy of Al2O3 per mole of Al2O2 quadruplets. If goA/X is defined as the standard Gibbs energy per mole of FNN pairs, then it follows that o (17.28) gAo2 =X2 ¼ 4=ζ A=X gA=X The Gibbs energy of the solution is given by the model as G ¼ nA2 =x2 gAo2 =X2 + nB2 =x2 gBo2 =X2 + nA2 =Y 2 gAo2 =Y 2 + … (17.29) + nAB=X2 gAB=X2 + nAB=Y 2 gAB=Y 2 + nA2 =XY gA2 =XY + … + nAB=XY gAB=XY + … T ΔSconfig where gAB/X2, gAB/XY, etc. are the Gibbs energies of one mole of the quadruplets. Consider the following reaction for the formation of quadruplets: ðA2 X 2 Þquad + ðB2 X 2 Þquad ¼ 2ðABX 2 Þquad ; ΔgAB=X2 (17.30) for which the Gibbs energy change is ΔgAB/X2. If we do not use the shorthand notation, then Eq. (17.30) is written as ! ! ZAA2 =X2 ZBB2 =X2 A2=ZA X 2=ZX + B2=ZB X 2=ZX A B A2 =X 2 A2 =X 2 B2 =X 2 B2 =X 2 ZAB=X ZAB=X 2 2 (17.31) ¼ 2A1=ZA B1=ZB X 2=ZX AB=X 2 AB=X 2 AB=X 2 When ΔgAB/X2 ¼ 0, the binary (A,B)(X) solution is ideal. In this case, ! ! ZAA2 =X2 ZBB2 =X2 o 2gAB=X2 ¼ (17.32) gA2 =X2 + gBo2 =X2 A B ZAB=X Z AB=X 2 2 Now, ΔgAB/X2 is an empirical parameter of the model. It may be expressed as 303 304 Chapter 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES o o ΔgAB=X2 ¼ ΔgAB=X + Δg Δg AB=X 2 AB=X 2 2 (17.33) where ΔgoAB/X2 is a constant, independent of composition, and (ΔgAB/X2 ΔgoAB/X2) is expanded as an empirical polynomial in the quadruplet fractions Xij/kl. As will be discussed in Section 17.5, ΔgAB/X2 in the (A,B,C, …) (X) subsystem is identical to ΔgAB/X of the reaction in Eq. (17.1) in this subsystem, and ΔgoAB/X2 and the coefficients of the polynomial expansion of (ΔgAB/X2 ΔgoAB/X2) are all numerically equal to the coefficients obtained from optimization of data in this subsystem as described in Section 16.2.2. We now define the “standard molar Gibbs energy of the ABX2 quadruplets” as o 2gAB=X 2 ¼ ZAA2 =X2 A ZAB=X 2 ! gAo2 =X2 + ZBB2 =X2 ! o gBo2 =X2 + ΔgAB=X 2 B ZAB=X 2 (17.34) Similarly, for the quadruplet formation reaction, ðA2 X 2 Þquad + ðA2 Y 2 Þquad ¼ 2ðA2 XY Þquad ; ΔgA2 =XY (17.35) we define 2gAo2 =XY ¼ ZAX2 =X2 ZAX2 =XY ! gAo2 =X2 + ZAY2 =Y 2 ZAY2 =XY ! gAo2 =Y 2 + ΔgAo2 =XY (17.36) In order to now define ΔgoAB/XY for the reciprocal ABXY quadruplet, consider that in an ideal solution, gAB/XY (when normalized per charge equivalent) would vary linearly with composition on Fig. 17.2 between points x and y and between points a and b. This linear variation is added to the sum of ΔgoAB/X2, ΔgoAB/Y2, ΔgoA2/XY, and ΔgoB2/XY (which were included in Eqs. (17.34), (17.36)) corrected to the same molar basis, and finally, we add the compositionindependent term ΔgoAB/XY of the Gibbs energy change ΔgAB/XY of the quadruplet formation reaction: 1=2ðABX 2 + ABY 2 + A2 XY + B2 XY Þ ¼ 2ðABXY Þ; ΔgAB=XY o o ¼ ΔgAB=XY + ΔgAB=XY ΔgAB=XY (17.37) ΔgAB/XY is an empirical parameter of the model, obtained from optimization of data for the reciprocal (A,B)(X,Y) system as discussed in Section 17.5. In the ideal case, ΔgAB/XY ¼ 0. The resultant definition of goAB/XY is Chapter 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES o gAB=XY ¼ qX qY !1 + Y X ZAB=XY ZAB=XY " qX ZAA2 =X2 qX ZBB2 =X2 o :g + :gBo2 =X2 =X A A X B X 2 2 2ZAB=XY ZAB=XY 2ZAB=XY ZAB=XY # B qY ZAA2 =Y 2 q Z Y B =Y 2 2 :gAo2 =Y 2 + :gBo2 =Y 2 + A Y B Y 2ZAB=XY ZAB=XY 2ZAB=XY ZAB=XY " X Y ZAB=X ZAB=Y ZAA2 =XY 2 o o + Δg + ΔgAo2 =XY + 1=4 X 2 ΔgAB=X AB=Y Y A 2 2 ZAB=XY ZAB=XY ZAB=XY # ZBB2 =XY o o + B Δg (17.38) + ΔgAB=XY ZAB=XY B2 =XY Eq. (17.38) also applies if all goij/kl and Δgoij/kl factors are replaced by gij/kl and Δgij/kl. Note that Eq. (17.23) applies and that the definition in Eq. (17.7) holds, even if one does not choose to define ZiAB/XY as in Eq. (17.24). Substitution of Eqs. (17.34), (17.36), and (17.38) into Eq. (17.29) gives 2 3 o o G ¼4nA2 =X 2 gAo =X + … + nAB=X 2 gAB=X + nA2 =XY gAo =XY + … + nAB=XY gAB=XY + …5 2 2 2 2 2 + 1=24nAB=X 2 + 2 X ZAB=X 2 0 2 @ nAB=XY X ZAB=XY nAB=XZ + X ZAB=XZ 13 + …A5 Δg AB=X 2 o ΔgAB=X 2 0 13 ZAA =XY nAB=XY nAC=XY o @ A5 Δg + 1=24nA2 =XY + 2 + + … Δg A =XY 2 =XY A A A 2 2 ZAB=XY ZAC=XY + 1=2… " + 1=2 o nAB=XY ΔgAB=XY ΔgAB=XY o + nAB=YZ ΔgAB=YZ ΔgAB=YZ T ΔSconfig 17.5 # +… (17.39) The Configurational Entropy In Eq. (17.39), ΔSconfig is given by distributing all the quadruplets randomly over “quadruplet positions.” Unfortunately, an exact mathematical expression for this is unknown, and P so, approximations must be made. Letting ΔSconfig equal R (nij/kl lnXij/kl) would 305 306 Chapter 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES clearly overcount the number of possible configurations. The following approximate expression is proposed: ΔSconfig =R ¼ðnA ln XA + nB ln XB + … + nX ln XX + nY ln XY + …Þ XA=X XB=X XA=Y + nB=X ln + nA=Y ln +… + nA=X ln FA FX FB FX FA FY XA2 =X 2 XAB=X 2 + nA2 =X 2 ln + … + nAB=X 2 ln 3 3=2 3=2 1=2 1=2 X =YA YX 2X X =Y Y Y A=X A=X B=X A B XA2 =XY . + nA2 =XY ln 3=2 3=2 1=2 1=2 2X X YA YX YY A=X A=Y + …nAB=XY ln XAB=XY . +… 3=4 3=4 3=4 3=4 1=2 1=2 1=2 1=2 4X X X X YA YB YX YY X ! A=X B=X A=Y B=Y (17.40) where FA ¼ XA=X + XA=Y + XA=Z + … FX ¼ XA=X + XB=X + XC=X + … (17.41) Within the final set of parentheses in Eq. (17.40), the quadruplet fractions Xij/kl are divided by their values when there is no SNN SRO. In a one-dimensional lattice, there are four distinguishable types of quadruplets: AXBY, AYBX, BXAY, and BYAX. The probability of an AXBY quadruplet when there is no SNN SRO is equal to XA/X(XB/X/YX)(XB/Y/YB) where XA/X is the probability of an A/X FNN pair, (XB/X/YX) is the conditional probability of a B/X pair given that one member of the pair is an X, and (XB/Y/YB) is the conditional probability of a B/Y pair given that one member of the pair is a B. Similarly, the probability of an AYBX quadruplet when there is no SNN SRO is XA/Y(XB/Y/YY )(XB/X/YB) and similarly for the BXAY and BYAX quadruplets. In the onedimensional case, this give rise to four configurational entropy terms: nAXBY ln XAXBY = XA=X XBX XBY =YX YB + nAYBX ln XAYBX =ðXAY XBY XBX =YY YB Þ + … (17.42) In three dimensions, the four quadruplets are indistinguishable. Therefore, we set nAXBY ¼ nAYBX ¼ nBXAY ¼ nBYAX ¼ nAB=XY =4 (17.43) XAXBY ¼ XAYBX ¼ XBXAY ¼ XBYAX ¼ XAB=XY =4 (17.44) and Substitution into Eq. (17.42) then gives an entropy term, Chapter 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES 3/4 3/4 3/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 nAB/XY ln[XAB/XY/(4X3/4 A/XXB/XXA/YXB/Y/YA YB YX YY )], which is the final term within the final set of parentheses in Eq. (17.40). The other terms in Eq. (17.40) within the final set of parentheses are derived similarly for the cases where X ¼ Y and/or A ¼ B. For the sake of simplicity in these terms, it is assumed that all the ζ i/j have the same constant value ζ. The actual numerical value of ζ is then not required since all the ζ factors are cancel out. Consequently, the terms within the final set of parentheses in Eq. (17.40) sum to zero when there is no SNN SRO. The terms within the second set of parentheses in Eq. (17.40) are related to the configurational entropy when FNN pairs are distributed randomlyPover FNN pair positions. Letting this entropy equal to R nA/X ln XA/X would clearly overcount the number of possible configurations. Each pair fraction Xi/j within the second set of parentheses is thus divided by its value in an ideal random solution. In the case where all ζ i/j have the same value ζ, the P terms within the second set of parentheses would be given by nij ln Xij/YiYj, and all factors ζ would cancel out. However, in order to provide more flexibility, the values of ni/j are calculated from Eq. (17.19) permitting different values of ζ i/j, and the Xi/j factors are given by X Xi=j ¼ ni=j ni=j (17.45) and the factors Fi are given by Eq. (17.41). If all ζ i/j have the same value, then Fi ¼ Yi. Hence, the terms within the second set of parentheses in Eq. (17.40) sum to zero when there is no FNN SRO. Finally, the terms within the first set of parentheses in Eq. (17.39) give the ideal configurational entropy when there is neither FNN nor SNN SRO. Eq. (17.40), while still necessarily an approximation, is an improvement on the expression given for the configurational entropy in the original article by Pelton et al. (2001). 17.5.1 Default Values of zi/j If the exchange Gibbs energy for the reaction in Eq. (17.3) is very positive, then at the midpoint of the stable diagonal of the compositions square (Fig. 17.2), there will be only A2X2 and B2Y2 quadruplets and only A/X and B/Y FNN pairs. Hence, ΔSconfig should be equal to zero at this point. By making the appropriate substitutions in Eq. (17.40), it can be shown that this condition is satisfied when ZAA2 =X2 ¼ ZBB2 =Y 2 (17.46) 307 308 Chapter 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES ZAX2 =X2 ¼ ZBY2 =Y 2 ζ A=X ¼ 2ZAA2 =X2 ZAX2 =X2 = ZAA2 =X2 + ZAX2 =X2 and (17.47) (17.48) ζ B=Y ¼ 2ZBB2 =Y 2 ZBY2 =Y 2 = ZBB2 =Y 2 + ZBY2 =Y 2 (17.49) Even when Eqs. (17.45), (17.47) do not apply, it is proposed that Eqs. (17.48), (17.49) still be used as initial default values of ζ A/X and ζ B/Y and similarly for ζ A/Y and ζ B/X. 17.6 Second-Nearest-Neighbor Interaction Terms ΔgAB/X2 is an empirical parameter of the model, obtained by optimization of data in the (A,B,C, …)(X) subsystem, which is related to the Gibbs energy of the formation of SNN pairs according to the reactions in Eqs. (17.30) or (17.1). As in Eq. (16.71), in this subsystem, ΔgAB/X2 is expanded as o ΔgAB=X2 ¼ΔgAB=X + 2 X j ði + jÞ1 ij χ iAB=X2 χ BA=X2 gAB=X2 + X j χ iAB=X2 χ BA=X2 i0 j0 " k1 X k1 ijk gABðlÞ=X2 Yl 1 ξAB=X2 ξBA=X2 l + X m + X n ijk gABðmÞ=X2 ijk gABðnÞ=X2 ! Ym ξBA=X2 Yn ξAB=X2 1 ! 1 !k1 YB ξBA=X2 YA (17.50) !k1 # ξAB=X2 where the summations over l, m, and n are as described previously. Eq. (17.50) may be compared with Eq. (17.33). The empirical coefficients ΔgoAB/X2 and gijAB/X2 are found by optimization of data in the (A,B)(X) binary system, the other terms in Eq. (17.50) all being equal to zero in this binary system. For example, if Chapter 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES all gijAB/X2 are zero and if ΔgoAB/X2 is small, then the model approaches regular solution behavior, with ΔgoAB/X2 as the regular solution parameter. The coefficients gAB(C)/X2ijk are ternary parameters, which should not be large, that give the influence of the presence of a third cation, C, upon the energy of formation of SNN (A-[X]-B) pairs. These are found by optimization of available data in the (A,B,C)(X) ternary system. In the absence of such data, these coefficients can be set to zero. The variables, χ AB/X2, χ BA/X2, ξAB/X2, and ξBA/X2 were defined in Eqs. (16.63), (16.68). They are functions of the quadruplet fractions Xij/X2, which are equal to the SNN bond fractions Xij in the (A,B,C, …)(X) subsystem. In the multicomponent (A,B,C, …)(X,Y,Z, …) system, the definition of χ 12 in Eq. (16.68) is replaced by χ 12=X2 ¼ X X i¼1, k j¼1, k X Xij=X2 + 0:5 X i¼1, 2, k , l j¼1, 2, k, l X ! Xij=Xm m Xij=X2 + 0:5 X ! Xij=Xm (17.51) m (where in this notation, A, B, C, … are replaced by 1, 2, 3, ….) (Note that P in the original article by Pelton et al. (2001), the factors m Xij=Xm were not included in this equation.) The coefficients ΔgoAB/X2, gijAB/X2, and gijk AB(C)/X2 are identical to the coefficients ΔgoAB, gijAB, and gijk AB(C) of Chapter 16 in which the quasichemical model was developed and applied for the case where sublattice II is occupied solely by X species. Eq. (17.50) applies to the (A,B,C, …)(X) subsystem. The factors χ AB/X2 and χ BA/X2 remain unchanged in the multicomponent system. In the (A,B,C, …)(X) subsystem, from Eq. (17.13), the equivalent fraction Yi is equal to (Xi2/X2 + 0.5 (XiA/X2 + XiB/X2 + …)), which is equal to Xi/X in this subsystem. In the multicomponent system, we assume that the ternary terms in Eq. (17.50) are constant along lines of constant Xi/X/YX (where YX ¼ 1 in the (A,B,C, …) (X) system). Therefore, the factors Yi in Eq. (17.50) are replaced by Xi/X/YX. The factors ξAB/X2 and ξBA/X2 were defined in Eq. (17.18) as sums of YA, YB, YC…. Hence, in Eq. (17.50), these are replaced by the corresponding sums of XA/X/YX, XB/X/YX, XC/X/YX, etc. 309 310 Chapter 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES Finally, then, ΔgAB/X2 is given in the multicomponent system by X j ij o + χ iAB=X2 χ BA=X2 gAB=X2 ΔgAB=X2 ¼ΔgAB=X 2 ði + jÞ1 + X " j χ iAB=X2 χ BA=X2 X l i0 ijk gABðlÞ=X2 k1 Xl=X 1 ξAB=X2 ξBA=X2 YX j0 k1 + X m + X n + ijk gABðmÞ=X2 ijk gABðnÞ=X2 X Y6¼X ! !k1 Xm=X XB=X 1 YX ξBA=X2 YX ξBA=X2 ! !k1 Xn=X XA=X 1 YX ξAB=X2 YX ξAB=X2 # ijk gAB=X2 ðY Þ YY ð1 YX Þk1 (17.52) where χ AB/X2 and χ BA/X2 are ratios as defined in Eq. (17.51) and where ξAB/X2 and ξBA/X2, which were defined in Eq. (16.63) as sums of YA, YB, YC…, are now the corresponding sums of XA/X/YX, XB/X/YX, etc. The final term in Eq. (17.52) is zero in the (A,B,C, …)(X) system. The empirical coefficients gijk AB/X2(Y) are reciprocal ternary coefficients giving the effect of the presence of a Y anion upon the energy of the formation of ABX2 quadruplets. These coefficients, which should not be large, are found by optimization of available data for the (A,B)(X,Y) reciprocal ternary subsystem. In the absence of such data, these coefficients may be set to zero. A similar expansion of ΔgA2/XY for the formation of A2XY quadruplets may be written: X j ij χ iA2 =XY χ A2 =YX gA2 =XY ΔgA2 =XY ¼ΔgAo2 =XY + ði + jÞ1 + X χ iA2 =XY i0 j0 k1 + X m + ijk gA2 =XY ðmÞ X n + X B6¼A ijk " j χ A2 =XY gA2 =XY ðnÞ X l ijk gA2 =XY ðlÞ k1 XA=l 1 ξA2 =XY ξA2 =YX YA ! !k1 XA=m XA=Y 1 YA ξA2 =YX YY ξA2 =YX ! !k1 XA=n XA=X 1 YA ξA2 =XY YA ξA2 =XY # ijk gA2 ðBÞ=XY YB ð1 YA Þk1 (17.53) Chapter 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES In Eq. (17.50), ΔgAB/X2 in the (A,B,C, …)(X) system is expanded as a polynomial in the quadruplet fractions Xij/X2 that are equal to the SNN pair fractions in this subsystem. Alternatively, as discussed in Chapter 16, Eq. (16.65), ΔgAB/X2 may be expanded in terms of the equivalent fractions YA, YB, YC…. The general expression is !i !j ξAB=X2 ξBA=X2 ij + qAB=X2 ξ + ξ ξ + ξ AB=X BA=X AB=X BA=X 2 2 2 2 ði + jÞ1 !i !j X ξAB=X2 ξBA=X2 + ξAB=X2 + ξBA=X2 ξAB=X2 + ξBA=X2 o ΔgAB=X2 ¼ΔgAB=X 2 X i0 j0 " k1 X l + k1 ijk qABðlÞ=X2 Yl 1 ξAB=X2 ξBA=X2 X m + X n ijk qABðmÞ=X2 ijk qABðnÞ=X2 ! Ym ξBA=X2 Yn ξAB=X2 1 ! 1 !k1 YB ξBA=X2 YA ξAB=X2 !k1 # (17.54) If a Redlich-Kister polynomial was used in the (A,B)(X) binary system, in Eq. (17.54) are replaced by Pi then the binary terms l12[(ξ12 ξ21)/(ξ12 + ξ21)]i. Eq. (17.54) is clearly very similar to Eq. (17.50). If the (A,B,C, …) (X) system was optimized using this expansion, then Eq. 17.54 can be substituted into Eq. (17.39) after first replacing all Yi by Xi/X/YX, replacing all ξAB/X2 and ξBA/X2 by the corresponding sums of Xi/X/ YX, and after adding reciprocal ternary terms if required, just as was done in Eq. (17.52). In order to provide more flexibility in optimizing data in reciprocal systems, the parameter ΔgAB/XY for the reaction in Eq. (17.37) can also be expanded as follows and substituted into Eq. (17.39): X o i i i i ΔgAB=XY ¼ΔgAB=XY + ðgAB=XY ðAX Þ XA2 =X 2 + gAB=XY ðBX Þ XB2 =X 2 i1 (17.55) i i i + gAB=XY ðAY Þ XAi 2 =Y 2 + gAB=XY ðBY Þ XB2 =Y 2 Þ where ΔgoAB/XY, giAB/XY(AX), etc. are additional empirical parameters obtained by optimization of available data for the reciprocal ternary (A,B)(X,Y) system. In the absence of such data, these terms should be set to zero. 311 312 Chapter 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES 17.6.1 The Quasichemical Model in a “Complex” Formalism As discussed in Section 17.2, if the quadruplets ABXY are formally treated as “complexes” or “molecules” A1=Z A B1=Z B X 1=Z X Y 1=Z Y , then the mass balances of AB=XY AB=XY AB=XY AB=XY Eqs. (17.17), (17.18) become “normal” mass balances rather than quasichemical mass balances. Furthermore, all the parameters Δgij/kl in Eq. (17.39) were shown in Section 17.5 to be expressible solely in terms of the quadruplet fractions Xij/kl. (The pair fractions Xi/j and equivalent fractions of Eqs. (17.52), (17.53) can be expanded in terms of the Xij/kl through the use of Eqs. (17.13), (17.14), (17.19), and (17.20).) Hence, apart from the ( TΔSconfig) term, Eq. (17.39) is of the same form as an expression for the Gibbs energy of a mixture of molecules A1/ZAAB/XYB1/ZBAB/XYX1/ZXAB/XYY1/ZYAB/XY on a single lattice, with the nonconfigurational “excess” terms expressed as polynomials in the mole fractions XAB/XY of these molecules. Thus, the same existing algorithms and computer subroutines that are commonly used for simple polynomial solution models can be used directly for the quasichemical model merely by including the additional configurational entropy terms. Furthermore, the fact that Eq. (17.39) can be written solely in terms of the fractions Xij/kl of the quadruplet “end-members” permits the chemical potentials to be easily calculated in closed explicit form. By the same argument as that of Section 16.7, the chemical potential of the actual component A1/qAX1/qX is given in terms of the chemical potential μA2/X2 of the quadruplet A2X2 by μA1=q X1=q ¼ μA2 =X2 ZAA2 =X2 =2qA ¼ μA2 =X2 ZAX2 =X2 =2qX (17.56) A X where μA2 =X2 ¼ ð∂G=∂nA2 X2 Þnij=kl (17.57) Substitution of Eq. (17.39) into Eq. (17.57) then gives 0 1 X X 2 lnX 2 lnX 4 A =X A=X 2 2 A X A + gE μA2 =X 2 ¼ gAo =X + RT @ A + X + ln 3 + ln A2 X 2 2 2 FA FX ZA =X ZA =X X A=X =YA YX ζ 2 2 2 2 (17.58) where gEA2/X2 is calculated from the nonconfigurational “gE” polynomial terms of Eq. (17.39) in the usual way: X gAE2 =X2 ¼ g E + ∂g E =∂X A2 =X2 Xij=kl ∂g E =∂Xij=kl (17.59) ij=kl6¼A2 =X 2 Chapter 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES 17.6.2 Combining Different Models in One Database Many binary and ternary common-ion systems (A,B,C, …)(X) have already been evaluated and optimized by using a randommixing (Bragg-Williams) expression for ΔSconfig and by expanding the excess Gibbs energy as a simple polynomial in the mole fractions as discussed in Chapter 14. For example, in a binary (A,B) (X) system, this is equivalent to writing o o + nB=X gB=X + RT ðnA ln X A + nB ln X B Þ + nAB=X2 ΔgAB=X2 G ¼ nA=X gA=X (17.60) P with nAB/X2 now equal to ( nij/kl)XA/XXB/X and with ΔgAB/X2 expanded as in Eq. (14.60) as X ij j qAB=X2 YAi YB (17.61) ΔgAB=X2 ¼ qoo AB=X 2 + ði + jÞ1 or as in Eq. (14.59) as ΔgAB=X2 ¼ o l AB=X2 + X i lAB=X2 ðYA YB Þi (17.62) i1 For example, if all qijAB/X2 or ilAB/X2 coefficients are zero, then this is a simple regular solution. Ideally, of course, all these systems should be reoptimized with the quasichemical model. However, this would entail a great deal of work. For systems in which ΔgAB/X2 is relatively small, the neglect of SRO involving SNN (A-[X]-B) pairs will give rise only to small errors. Hence, it would be very useful to be able to combine the large existing databases of evaluated simple polynomial coefficients for such subsystems with the quasichemical coefficients obtained by optimization of other subsystems where SRO is more important, in order to produce one large database for the multicomponent solution. It was shown in Section 16.8 how this combination of coefficients can be achieved for (A,B,C, …)(X) systems. In the present case, if a binary (A,B)(X) system has been optimized using a simple Bragg-Williams entropy and a polynomial expansion as in Eq. (17.61) or (17.62), then the coefficients of these equations can be substituted directly into Eq. (17.54) with ΔgoAB/X2 replaced o by qoo AB/X2 or lAB/X2. This is also true for simple polynomial ternary coefficients qijk AB(C)/X2 as described in Chapter 14. It is required that A A ¼ Z and that ZBAB/X2 ¼ ZBB2/X2. The term ZAB/X A2/X2 2 X ZAB=X n o +… ΔgAB=X2 ΔgAB=X 0:5 nAB=X2 + 2 2 ZAB=XY in Eq. (17.39) X 2 AB=XY P XA=X XB=X ΔgAB=X2, and the term ΔgoAB/X2 must is replaced by nij=kl YX 313 314 Chapter 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES be removed from Eqs. (17.34), (17.38). It is also recommended that if any binary subsystem of the (A,B)(X,Y) system has been optimized with a simple polynomial expansion, then all coefficients in the expansion for ΔgAB/XY in Eq. (17.55) be set to zero. 17.7 Summary of Model A quasichemical model for treating short-range ordering (SRO) in the quadruplet approximation has been proposed for solutions with two sublattices. Both SRO of first-nearest-neighbor pairs and SRO of second-nearest-neighbor pairs are taken into account. If one sublattice is occupied by only one species or is empty, then the present model reduces exactly to the quasichemical model for SRO on one sublattice in the pair approximation as developed in Chapter 16. Also, by means of a minor alteration to the entropy expression, the Gibbs energy expression can be made identical to that of a randomly mixed (Bragg-Williams) solution with a simple polynomial expansion for the excess Gibbs energy as in Chapter 14. This is of much practical importance because the large existing databases of evaluated simple polynomial coefficients of certain subsystems can thereby be combined in one database with the quasichemical coefficients of other subsystems, in order to produce one large database for a multicomponent solution. The model is well suited to liquid solutions where the ratio of the numbers of sites on the two sublattices can vary with composition. Further flexibility is provided by permitting coordination numbers to vary with composition. Nevertheless, the model also applies to solid solutions if the numbers of lattice sites and coordination numbers are held constant. The model can thus be combined with the compound energy formalism (Section 15.3) to treat a wide range of types of solution (slags, mattes, ceramics, salts, and alloys), point defects, order-disorder phenomena, nonstoichiometric phases, etc. If SRO is not included (by assuming Bragg-Williams random-mixing entropy as just mentioned), the model reduces exactly to the compound energy formalism for two (or one) sublattices. That is, several different models are limiting cases of the present model. These models can thus all be treated with the same algorithms, the coefficients can all be stored in the same multicomponent databases, and different models for different subsystems can be combined in many cases. NaCl LiCl (606o) NaCl.LiCl o 620 576 546 o Na β 0 α 570o 60 676o LiCl 50 53 o 6 49 o 4 70 0 . aC Cl . Li l iC lL Cl 2N NaCl 55 4o o 46 2NaCl.LiCl (800o) 0 498o 0 o 670 70 65 0 0 LiF 70 0 80 582o 0 90 NaF 80 0 0 652o NaF (990o) LiF (848o) Mol. % Fig. 17.3 (Li,Na)(F,Cl) system. Experimental liquidus projection of Bergman et al. (1964) (temperature in °C). 900 Gabcova et al., Chem. Zvesti, 30(6), 796–804, 1976 850 Haendler et al., J.Electrochem. Soc., 106, 264–268, 1959 848°C Vereshchagina, Zh. Neorg. Khim., 7, 873, 1962 Bergman et al., Zh. Neorg. Khim., 8(9), 2144–2147, 1963 Temperature (°C) Bergman et al., Russ. J. Inorg. Chem., 9(5), 663, 1964 800 801°C Margheritis et al., Z. Naturforsch. A, 28(8), 1329–1334, 1973 Liquid 750 Liquid + LiF(s) 700 Liquid + NaCl-LiCl(ss) 681°C 650 Liquid + NaCl-LiCl(ss) + LiF(s) NaF-[LiF](ss) + NaCl-LiCl(ss) + LiF(s) 600 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Mole fraction NaCl Fig. 17.4 LiF-NaCl join of the (Li,Na)(F,Cl) system optimized with the MQM (Chartrand and Pelton, 2001). (For references for data points, see Chartrand and Pelton, 2001.) NaCl 0.2 (801°C) 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.8 494 500 55 0 NaCl-LiCl(ss) 0.6 685 60 0 00 65 0 7 681 70 0 0.4 0.4 65 0 LiF(s) 0 70 0 75 0 75 0.2 610 85 0 80 0.2 0.6 NaF-[LiF](ss) Equivalent fraction Cl / (F + Cl) (610°C) 550 600 650 0 75 LiCl min. 554 0.8 0 0 90 80 0 0 95 0.2 NaF 0.4 646 0.6 0.8 Equivalent fraction Li / (Na + Li) (996°C) LiF (848°C) Fig. 17.5 (Li,Na)(F,Cl) system. Liquidus projection optimized with the MQM (Chartrand and Pelton, 2001). (NaF)2 CaF2 814o (996o) (1418o) 13 00 0 95 12 00 β 0 α 11 00 0 735o 80 0 85 700 10 00 652o 680o 664o CaFCl Equivalent fraction 90 650 602o 90 600 (NaCl)2 (801o) 504o Equivalent fraction 70 0 486o 60 0 650 700 784o 750 0 CaCl2 (772°) Fig. 17.6 (Na,Ca)(F,Cl) system. Experimental liquidus projection of Bukhalova (1959) (temperature in °C). Chapter 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES 0.2 1151 1100 0 75 750 0.2 600 600 550 550 65 0 600 70 0 0 80 735 70 0 CaFCl(s) 650 700 650 50 60 0 70 0 0.4 0.2 0 90 0 85 0 70 7 0 485 652 0.8 0.6 504 CaCl2(s) Equivalent fraction 2Ca / (Na + 2Ca) 0.4 0.2 (801°C) 00 10 0 95 668 785 NaCl-[CaCl2](ss) (NaCl)2 1 05 CaF2(s) 0.6 CaFCl 0.4 0.6 80 0 0.8 0.8 Equivalent fraction F / (Cl + F) CaF2(s2) NaF(s) 685 12 50 00 0 85 (1418°C) 13 0 90 CaF2 0.8 1151 0.6 1200 0 95 0.4 814 65 0 70 75 0 0 (NaF)2 (996°C) CaCl2 (772°C) Fig. 17.7 (Na,Ca)(F,Cl) system. Liquidus projection optimized with the MQM (Chartrand and Pelton, 2001). By formally treating the quadruplets as the “components” of the solution, a significant computational simplification is realized. 17.8 Sample Calculations An experimental liquidus projection of the (Li,Na)(F,Cl) system is shown in Fig. 17.3. The phase diagram along the LiF-NaCl join has also been measured by several authors as shown in Fig. 17.4. The corresponding diagrams calculated with the two-sublattice MQM (Chartrand and Pelton, 2001) are shown in Figs. 17.4 and 17.5. A very small ternary reciprocal parameter was introduced in the optimization: ΔgLiNa=FCl ¼ 393:3 + 3765:6XLi2 F2 J mol1 (17.63) (The binary compounds 2NaClLiCl and NaClLiCl shown on the experimental diagram of Fig. 17.3 have not been observed in more recent studies of the NaCl-LiCl binary system.) 317 318 Chapter 17 MODELING SHORT-RANGE ORDERING WITH TWO SUBLATTICES Experimental and calculated liquidus projections of the (Na, Ca)(F,Cl) system are shown in Figs. 17.6 and 17.7, respectively. A small ternary reciprocal parameter was introduced: ΔgNaCa=FCl ¼ 2719:6 + 5020XCa2 F2 J mol1 (17.64) The two-sublattice MQM has been used successfully in the optimization of the liquid phases in a variety of systems including metals, oxides, salts, and sulfides (see FactSage). References Bergman, A.G., Kozachenko, E.L., Berezina, S.I., 1964. Russ. J. Inorg. Chem. 9, 663. Bukhalova, G.A., 1959. Zh. Neorg. Chem. 4, 121. Chartrand, P., Pelton, A.D., 2001. Metall. Mater. Trans. 32A, 1417–1430. Pelton, A.D., Chartrand, P., Eriksson, G., 2001. Metall. Mater. Trans. 32A, 1409–1416. 18 SOME APPLICATIONS CHAPTER OUTLINE 18.1 Molten Oxide Solutions 319 18.1.1 The Modified Quasichemical Model (MQM) 324 18.1.2 Associate Model 325 18.1.3 Reciprocal Ionic Liquid Model 326 18.1.4 Cell Model 327 18.1.5 The Charge Compensation Effect: Amphoteric Oxides 327 18.1.6 Other Network Forming (Acidic) Oxides 328 18.1.7 Nonoxide Anions in Oxide Melts 330 18.2 Order-Disorder Transitions 333 18.3 Liquid Solutions With More Than One Composition of Short-Range Ordering 341 18.4 Deoxidation Equilibria in Steel 342 18.5 Magnetic Contributions to the Thermodynamic Properties of Solutions 346 18.6 Limiting Liquidus Slope in Dilute Solutions 346 References 349 List of Websites 350 18.1 Molten Oxide Solutions Molten oxides are generally classified as basic, acidic, or amphoteric. So-called basic oxides (Na2O, CaO, FeO, Cu2O, …) are ionic liquids like molten salts, consisting of metal cations and O2– anions. Acidic oxides (SiO2, B2O3, P2O5, …) contain networks of metal atoms joined by oxygen “bridges.” In liquid SiO2, each Si is bonded through an oxygen “bridge” to four other silicons as illustrated in Fig. 18.1, which is a two-dimensional schematic; the four SidO bonds are actually oriented tetrahedrally around each silicon in a three-dimensional network. The bonds are mainly covalent. The structure of binary liquid solutions of a basic oxide like CaO with SiO2 is illustrated in Fig. 18.2. Basic melts (those rich Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Modeling of Solutions. # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 319 320 Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS O O Si O O O O O O O Si O Si O Si O Si O Si O O O O O O O O Si O Si O Si O Si O Si O O O O O O O O O Si O Si O Si O Si O Si O Si O Si O O O O O O O Si O O Fig. 18.1 Schematic of structure of liquid SiO2. (The oxygens are actually tetrahedrally oriented around each Si.) Composition CaO Ca2SiO4 SiO2 Mainly Ca2+, O2-, SiO44- Mainly Ca2+, SiO44- (orthosilicate ions) O Si Si O O Si Si O Linear + Branched chain polymers O- Ca2+ O- OSi O- O- O2Ca2+ Ca2+ O2- Ring polymers OSi O- Ca2+ O- Si O Si O Si O Si O 3-Dimensional network O Si O Si Fig. 18.2 Structure of liquid CaO-SiO2 solutions. in CaO) consist mainly of Ca2+, O2, and SiO4 4 (orthosilicate) ions. As the SiO2 content increases, linear dimers, O3SidOdSiO3; linear trimers, O3SidOdSiO2dOdSiO3; and eventually longer linear and branched chain polymers are formed. At even higher SiO2 contents, ring polymers and eventually a three-dimensional network structure are formed. If we consider the evolution of the structure starting with pure SiO2 and progressively adding CaO, then at first each addition of a Ca2+ O2– pair breaks a SidOdSi bridge as illustrated in Fig.18.3. The reaction can be written as Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS O0 + O2− = 2 O− Q4 structural units (black) Q3 structural units (red/bold) O O Si O O O O O − OO− O O Si O Si O O O O Si O Si O Si O Si + Ca 2+ O Na− − O O O OO O Si Si O Si O Si O Si O O Na + O O O O O O O Si O Si O Si O Si O Si O Si O Si O O O O O O O Si O O Fig. 18.3 SiO2 network modification by basic oxides. ðSi O SiÞ + Ca2 + O2 ¼ 2 Si O + Ca2 + (18.1) or simply as O0 + O2 ¼ 2 O 0 2– (18.2) where O and O represent a bridging oxygen and an oxygen anion, respectively, and O– represents an oxygen bonded to a single Si in a “broken bridge.” The broken bridge is then a center of negative charge, and the Ca2+ cation will tend to remain in its vicinity. As more CaO is added, more bridges are broken until eventually the three-dimensional network collapses. The terms “basic” and “acidic” are borrowed from aqueous chemistry. From Eq. (18.1), CaO can be considered to be an “electron donor” or base, and SiO2 can be considered to be an “electron acceptor” or acid. Acidic and basic oxides are also called network formers and network modifiers, respectively. The structural changes with composition can be characterized by the amounts of so-called Qi species, which are silicons bonded to i bridging and (4-i) nonbridging oxygens. Thus, a Si in an SiO4 4 ion is a Q0 species, and all silicons in pure SiO2 are Q4 species. The fractions of Qi species in PbO-SiO2 melts as measured by NMR (Fayon et al., 1998) are shown in Fig. 18.4. The Gibbs energy of the reaction in Eq. (18.2) is very negative. Consequently, the enthalpy of mixing is negative as shown in Fig. 18.5 with a minimum near XSiO2 ¼ 1/3 which is the composition Ca2SiO4. The entropy of mixing, Fig. 18.6, also exhibits a minimum near XSiO2 ¼ 1/3 as this is the composition of maximum ordering. The phase diagram of the CaO-SiO2 system is shown 321 Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS 1.0 PbO-SiO2 1998, Fayon et al. by NMR Q0-species Q1-species Q2-species Q3-species Q4-species 0.9 Fraction of Qi-species 0.8 0.7 Q0 0.6 Q4 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Q1 0.0 0.0 Q3 Q2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Mole fraction SiO2 Fig. 18.4 Fractions of Qi species in PbO-SiO2 melts measured (Fayon et al., 1998) by NMR and calculated (Kim et al., 2012) from the modified quasichemical model. 0 Enthalpy of mixing (kJ mol−1) 322 −20 MgO-SiO2 −40 −60 CaO-SiO2 −80 O2 Si rO S −100 −120 0.0 BaO-SiO2 0.2 0.4 0.6 Mole fraction SiO2 0.8 1.0 Fig. 18.5 Enthalpy of mixing in liquid alkaline-earth silicates (FactSage). in Fig. 18.7. The large negative deviations from ideal liquid mixing result in a very low minimum eutectic temperature of 1463°C. In SiO2-rich solutions, there is a liquid miscibility gap that can be attributed to the difference in bonding characteristics between Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS 10 Entropy of mixing (J mol−1 K−1) 8 CaO-SiO2 6 4 2 SiO O- MgO-SiO2 Sr 2 0 −2 −4 −6 −8 −10 BaO-SiO2 0 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 Mole fraction SiO2 Fig. 18.6 Entropy of mixing in liquid alkaline-earth silicates (FactSage). 2700 2400 2572 o Liquid + CaO 2100 2154 o 2017° 1800 1500 1437° 2 Liquids 0.423 1464° 0.718 1540° 1463° 0.613 Ca2SiO4 900 847° 1465° 1437° SiO2(trid) + CaSiO3 1125° 0.988 1689 ASlag-liq + SiO2(crist) 1300° 1200 1895° 1723° Liquid o Ca2SiO4 1799 Ca3SiO5 Temperature (°C) 0.296 CaO + Ca2SiO4 CaSiO3 + SiO2(trid) 1125° 867° CaSiO3 Ca3Si2O7 Ca2SiO4 SiO2(s2) + CaSiO3(quartz) 600 575° CaSiO3(s) + SiO2(quartz) 300 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Mole fraction SiO2 Fig. 18.7 Calculated CaO-SiO2 phase diagram (FactSage). 0.8 1 323 324 Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS solutions very rich in SiO2 that are mainly covalently bonded and solutions less rich in SiO2 that have an increasingly ionic character. This results in the positive “hump” in the enthalpy of mixing curve at high SiO2 contents seen in Fig. 18.5 that, in turn, gives rise to the miscibility gap. 18.1.1 The Modified Quasichemical Model (MQM) Molten MO-SiO2 solutions (M ¼ Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, …) can be modeled by the single-sublattice MQM (Chapter 16) as (M,Si) (O) with short-range ordering (SRO) between second-nearestneighbor (SNN) pairs on the metal sublattice with the following pair-exchange reaction: ðM O MÞ + ðSi O SiÞ ¼ 2ðM Si OÞ; ΔgMSi (18.3) Note the similarity to Eq. (18.2). When the ratio of SNN coordination numbers ZSi/ZM ¼ 2, the composition of maximum SRO is at XSiO2 ¼ 1/3. The model is analogous to that discussed for liquid KCl-CoCl2 solutions in Section 16.3.2. Since ΔgMSi is very negative, most Si atoms in solutions where XSiO2 1/3, and even at somewhat higher SiO2 contents, are surrounded in their second coordination shells mainly by M2+ ions as illustrated in Fig. 18.2. It can be seen that relatively isolated orthosilicate SiO4 4 groupings occur even though the model does not treat these groupings explicitly as complex anions. Many binary oxide systems have been optimized with the MQM being used for the liquid phase (FactSage). In the CaOSiO2 system, all available data have been optimized (Eriksson et al., 1994) with the following expression for the quasichemical parameter of Eq. (18.3) for the liquid phase: 5 ΔgMSi ¼ ð158218 + 19:456T Þ 37932YSiO2 901485YSiO 2 7 + ð439893 133:888ÞYSiO J mol1 2 (18.4) with ZSi ¼ 2.7548 and ZCa ¼ 1.3774 (see Eq. 16.25). The terms in Y5 and Y7 are required to reproduce the miscibility gap at high XSiO2. The enthalpy and entropy in Figs. 18.5 and 18.6 and the phase diagram of Fig. 18.7 were calculated from this optimization. Optimized enthalpies and entropies of liquid mixing for other alkaline earth-SiO2 systems (FactSage) are also shown in Figs. 18.5 and 18.6. For systems A2O-SiO2 such as Na2O-SiO2, the MQM has been applied with a second coordination number ratio ZSi/ZA ¼ 4. This model assumes that all A+ ions are distributed independently. However, this is not true at very high SiO2 contents where two A+ ions will tend to congregate around a broken oxygen bridge Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS because of coulombic attraction as illustrated in Fig. 18.3. The observed limiting slope of the SiO2 liquidus at XSiO2 ¼ 1.0 thus corresponds to a “one-new-particle limiting slope” (See Section 18.6), whereas the MQM necessarily gives a two-particle limiting slope. However, this weakness of the model only occurs at the highest SiO2 contents. From the optimized parameters of the MQM model, one can calculate the fraction XSiSi of SNN (SidOdSi) pairs (i.e., oxygen bridges) at any composition, and from this, the number of Qi species can be calculated. For details of the procedure, see Kim et al. (2012). Plots of Qi vs composition calculated from the optimized (FactSage) MQM parameters for PbO-SiO2 liquid solutions are compared with the experimental data in Fig. 18.4. The only data used in the optimization were phase equilibrium and thermodynamic data. The NMR measurements of Qi were not used to obtain the optimized model parameters. The liquidus surface of the ternary CaO-MgO-SiO2 system, calculated from optimized MQM parameters, is shown in Fig. 18.8. Very good agreement with the measured phase diagram was obtained with three small ternary model parameters. Short-range ordering is stronger in CaO-SiO2 melts than in MgO-SiO2 melts as witnessed by the relative values of Δh in Fig. 18.5. Hence, as discussed in Section 16.9, there are positive deviations from ideality and a resultant tendency to immiscibility along the Ca2SiO4MgO join due to the relative stability of (CadSi plus MgdMg) SNN pairs compared with (MgdSi plus CadCa) pairs. This is witnessed by the widely spaced isotherms along this join in Fig. 18.8 and is predicted by the MQM as discussed in Section 16.9. It is also instructive to consider that since Ca2SiO4 and Mg2SiO4 liquids are both very highly ordered, the orthosilicate compositions consist 2+ and Mg2+ cations. Hence, the primarily of SiO4 4 anions and Ca trapezoidal region outlined in Fig. 18.8 can be considered to be approximately a reciprocal ionic system (Ca,Mg)(O,SiO4) with Ca2SiO4-MgO as the stable diagonal along which a tendency to immiscibility occurs as discussed in Section 15.1. 18.1.2 Associate Model Liquid MO-SiO2 binary solutions can be modeled by a singlelattice associate model as (CaO, Ca2SiO4, SiO2). While good optimizations can be obtained in binary systems, the associate model gives poor predictions of the properties of ternary systems for the reasons enunciated in Section 16.9. In Fig. 18.8, for example, the associate model predicts that Ca2SiO4 associates mix randomly with MgO along the Ca2SiO4–MgO join. That is, the positive 325 326 Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS SiO2 (1723) 2 liquids 1689 Crist 1600 1687 CaSiO3 P-Woll (1540) Ca3Si2O7 1411 14631461 1391 1392 1464 α-Ca2SiO4 (2154) α 2100 2017 1923 200 1900 0 0 1962 2002100 Woll 1336 Trid 1331 1395 1369 1370 1409 Diop 1438 1382 (1392) 1370 1363 1410 1388 1361 1366 Pig opx 1366 1370 00 4 Aker 00 1 15 (1454) 00 16 1438 1429 1453 1576 1507 ppx 1548 MgSiO3 00 17 Fors 1516 1558 18 00 1465 1437 Mg2SiO4 (1888) 1863 Mont Merw 2200 Ca3SiO5 2300 (1799) 2400 24 00 MgO CaO 2500 2600 25 00 2700 2374 CaO MgO Mole fraction (2572) (2825) Fig. 18.8 Calculated CaO-MgO-SiO2 phase diagram (FactSage) (temperatures in °C). deviations and resultant tendency to immiscibility along the join are not predicted, resulting in a calculated liquidus temperature up to several hundred degrees too low, which can only be remedied by including large ternary model parameters. 18.1.3 Reciprocal Ionic Liquid Model A variation of the ionic liquid model discussed in Section 16.10 has been applied (see Thermo-Calc) to molten silicate solutions. For example, the CaO-MgO-SiO2 system is modeled as Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS 0 (Ca2+,Mg2+)(O2,SiO4 4 , SiO2) with Ca and Mg cations distributed randomly on one sublattice and O2– ions, SiO4 4 ions, and neutral SiO02 species randomly distributed on a second sublattice. The following equilibrium is established: SiO02 + 2O2 ¼ SiO4 4 ; ΔG < 0 (18.5) Note the similarity to Eq. (18.2). For basic solutions within the trapezoidal region outlined in Fig. 18.8, the model reduces approximately to that of a reciprocal ionic system (Ca,Mg)(O, SiO4) with the ions mixing randomly on their sublattices and with Ca2SiO4-MgO as the stable diagonal. Hence, the positive deviations and tendency to immiscibility along the join are predicted. However, they are overestimated because SRO is neglected. The effect of SRO can be accounted for approximately by the inclusion of ternary parameters such as XCa XMg XO XSiO4 i LCa,Mg:O, SiO4 (see Section 15.1.1). The model has been used with success to prepare large optimized databases for multicomponent oxide systems (see Thermo-Calc). 18.1.4 Cell Model A “cell model” for molten silicates has been described by Gaye and Welfringer (1984) and has been applied with success to develop databases for multicomponent systems (IRSID-Arcelor database. See SGTE). The solution is considered to consist of “cells” [M1-O-M2] that mix essentially ideally, with equilibria among the cells such as ½Mg O Mg + ½Si O Si ¼ 2½Mg O Si; ΔG < 0 (18.6) The close similarity to Eqs. (18.2), (18.3) is evident. The model is conceptually quite similar to the MQM. It correctly predicts the positive deviations along the Ca2SiO4-MgO join in Fig. 18.8 and accounts for SRO. 18.1.5 The Charge Compensation Effect: Amphoteric Oxides Binary liquid Al2O3-SiO2 solutions exhibit small positive deviations from ideal mixing behavior. However, when a basic oxide such as Na2O or CaO is added to the binary solution, the phase is greatly stabilized. Part of the liquidus surface of the Na2OAl2O3-SiO2 system is shown in Fig. 18.9. The precipitous drop of the liquidus temperature as Na2O is added to binary Al2O3-SiO2 solutions is a result of this stabilization. This phenomenon is 327 Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS SiO2 (1723°) Cristobalite 1465° 160 0 1595° 1400 Tridymite 1200 1078° 867° 1000 Quartz 803° Na6Si8O19 Na2Si2O5 1120° Albite 3 NaAlSiO4 O Al 2 Weight % 0 160 1090° 773° 0 150 Al)O 2 0 140 (N a 1200 Na2SiO3 720° 723° NaAlSi3O8 llite Mu 875° 800 809° 1076° Na 2O 328 Fig. 18.9 Na2O-SiO2-Al2O3 phase diagram (liquidus projection) (FactSage) (temperatures in °C). known as the charge compensation effect and is explained as follows. Normally, Al, which is trivalent, cannot replace tetravalent Si in the SiO2 network. However, when Na+ ions are present, they can compensate the charge difference as illustrated in Fig. 18.10, thereby allowing Al to replace Si in the network. Essentially, NaAl pairs act as an independent species. In this sense, Al2O3 can be considered to be “amphoteric,” sometimes behaving like an acid and entering the network and sometimes behaving like a base. Along the SiO2-NaAlSi3O8 join, Fig. 18.11, the SiO2-liquidus can be calculated very closely by modeling the liquid as an ideal solution of SiO2 and (NaAl)O2. The ternary Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2 system has been optimized by modeling the liquid phase as (Na,Al,Si,NaAl)(O) with the singlesublattice MQM (Chartrand and Pelton, 1999). 18.1.6 Other Network Forming (Acidic) Oxides Liquid solutions of B2O3 with basic oxides can be modeled in the basic composition regions as containing mainly O2– and BO3 3 ions, that is, as (Ca)(O,BO3) or (Na)(O,BO3). At more acidic compositions, richer in B2O3 than Ca3(BO3)2 or (Na)3(BO3), the liquid Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS + Al 3+ Na Si4+ Bridging oxygen Al 3+ can replace Si 4+ Na+ or K + compensates the charge 2 Al 3+ replace 2 Si 4+ Ca 2+ or Mg 2+ compensates the charge Fig. 18.10 Silicate systems with amphoteric Al2O3. The charge compensation effect. 1800 1723° 1700 Schairer and Bowen Temperature (°C) 1600 1500 crist. trid. 1465° Liquid 1400 1300 1200 1120° 1178° 1100 Albite + Tridymite 1000 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Weight fraction silica 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Fig. 18.11 Albite (NaAlSi3O8)-SiO2 join of the Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2 phase diagram (Schairer and Bowen, 1956). structures become very complex; boron can be trigonally bonded to three oxygens and can also at least partially be bonded to four oxygens as at the composition NaBO2. Certain compositions such as the tetraborate composition Na2B8O13 are particularly stable, and charge compensation effects play a role. In the presence of 329 330 Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS SiO2 and Al2O3, the structure becomes even more complex. Progress in modeling liquid borate solutions through a combination of the MQM and associate models has been reported (Decterov, 2018). Molten phosphate solutions are equally complex. Recent progress in modeling has been reported by Jung (2018). 18.1.7 Nonoxide Anions in Oxide Melts Most solutes in molten oxide solutions dissolve ionically. For 2 example, CO2 and SO3 dissolve by forming CO2 3 and SO4 ions. Anions that have been studied in molten silicates include S2, 2 2 3 3 4 SO2 4 , CO3 , P , N , CN , C , C2 , F , Cl , and I . Molten solutions such as MnO-SiO2-MnS have been modeled over the entire composition range with the two-sublattice MQM as (Mn, Si)(O,S) (Kang and Pelton, 2009). Molten oxyfluoride solutions have similarly been modeled ( Jung, 2018) up to high fluoride concentrations. For relatively dilute solutions of anions in molten oxides, a simplified model, the Reddy-Blander Capacity Model (Reddy and Blander, 1987), has proved successful. We take as example sulfide solutes in molten binary AnO-SiO2 solutions. The exchange of oxygen and sulfur between an oxide melt and other phases at low oxygen potentials can be written in terms of the following equilibrium: An OðliqÞ + 0:5 S2 ðgasÞ ¼ An SðliqÞ + 0:5 O2 ðgasÞ; ΔG o ¼ RT ln K (18.7) where AnO and AnS are melt components, A being a cation such as Ca, Mg, Na or Al. An equilibrium constant may be written for the following reaction: K ¼ ðaAn S =aAn O ÞðpO2 =pS2 Þ0:5 ¼ exp ðΔG o =RT Þ (18.8) where aAnS and aAnO are the component activities. The standard Gibbs energy change of the reaction can be obtained from data for pure liquid AnO and AnS. The activity of AnO is known as a function of composition and temperature in many binary AnO-SiO2 systems as a result of extensive experimental data and critical evaluations and optimizations. If the amount of sulfide in the solution is relatively small, the oxide activities remain close to their values in the sulfide-free melt. Hence, Eq. (18.8) can be used to calculate the sulfide activity. The sulfide Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS solubility can then be calculated from the capacity model that relates the sulfide activity to the sulfide concentration as follows. For AnO-AnS-SiO2 solutions dilute in AnS and in the basic composition region where XSiO2 1/3, an extremely simple approximate model is proposed, namely, that the only species in solution are A(2/n)+ cations and O2– and SiO4 4 anions, along with a small amount of S2 anions. The three kinds of anions are assumed to form an ideal solution on an anionic sublattice: 2 2 (A(2/n)+)(SiO4 4 ,O ,S ). In one mole of AnO-SiO2 solution, there 2 ions, and are thus XSiO2 moles of SiO4 4 , XAnS moles of S 2– (XAnO 2XSiO2) moles of O ions for a total of (XAnO XSiO2 + XAnS) moles of anions. The activity of AnS relative to pure liquid AnS as standard state is thus (18.9) aAn S ¼ XAn S γ oAn S =ðXAn O XSiO2 + XAn S Þ where γ oAnS is a Henrian activity coefficient that, in general, can vary with composition. However, an ideal solution is assumed, and so, γ oAnS ¼ 1 is assumed at all compositions. For acidic solutions where XSiO2 1/3, a very simple approximate model is again assumed (Pelton, 1999). The concentration of O2– ions in acid solutions is considered to be negligible. There are thus two types of oxygen: first, “bridging” oxygens bonded to two silicon atoms (Si-O-Si) and, second, oxygens singly bonded to one silicon atom. Every silicon is bonded to four oxygens to form a silicate tetrahedron. There are thus (2XSiO2 XAnO) moles of bridging oxygens per mole of solution. For instance, at XSiO2 ¼ 1/3, there are no bridging oxygens, all silicate tetrahedra being SiO4 4 anions, while at XSiO2 ¼ 1, all oxygens are bridging oxygens. Sulfur is assumed to enter the solution as S2 ions that share sites with the silicate tetrahedra. The molar configurational entropy of mixing is then calculated as follows. In a first step, XAnO moles of S2 ions and XSiO2 moles of silicate tetrahedra are distributed randomly on a quasi-lattice. In a second step, the oxygen bridges are distributed randomly between neighboring silicate tetrahedra. In one mole of solution, the number of quasi-lattice sites is (XSiO2 + XAnS). The probability that two neighboring sites are both occupied by silicate tetrahedra is (XSiO2/(XSiO2 + XAnS))2. The number of potential bridge positions is thus given by n1 ¼ 2X2SiO2/(XSiO2 + XAnS), where the coordination number has been taken as 4. The second step consists of distributing the n2 ¼ (2XSiO2 XAnO) moles of oxygen bridges randomly over these n1 positions. The molar configurational entropy of mixing is therefore 331 332 Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS XA n S XSiO2 + XSiO2 ln Δs ¼ R XAn S ln ðXSiO2 + XAn S Þ ðXSiO2 + XAn S Þ n2 ð n 1 n2 Þ (18.10) + ðn1 n2 Þ ln R n2 ln n1 n1 Eq. (18.10) can be differentiated to give the partial entropy of AnS, from which aAnS can be calculated in the limit as XAnS ! 0 as follows. Let the solution consist of nSiO2 moles of SiO2, nAnO moles of AnO, and nAnS moles of AnS. The total entropy is then given by ΔS ¼ (nSiO2 + nAnO + nAnS) Δs, where Δs is the molar entropy from Eq. (18.10). By substituting Xi ¼ ni/(nSiO2 + nAnO + nAnS), where i ¼ SiO2, AnO, or AnS, an expression for ΔS can be written in terms of the mole numbers. The partial molar entropy of AnS is then given by the thermodynamic relationship ΔsAnS ¼ (∂ ΔStotal/∂ nAnS), where the partial derivative is calculated at constant nSiO2 and nAnO. Assuming ideal behavior, we set RT ln aAnS ¼ TΔsAnS. In the limit as XAnS ! 0, this gives aA n S ¼ XA n S 2XSiO2 ðXSiO2 + XAn S Þ 1 XSiO2 2 γ oAn S (18.11) for XSiO2 1/3, with the factor γ oAnS to account for deviations from ideal behavior. Again, ideality is assumed, and γ oAnS is set equal to 1.0. It may be noted that Eqs. (18.9) and (18.11) are identical when XSiO2 ¼ 1/3. Eqs. (18.9), (18.11) can thus be used to calculate the sulfide solubility XAnS when the sulfide activity has been calculated from Eq. (18.8). It has been shown (Pelton et al., 1993) that predicted sulfide solubilities agree within experimental undertainties with measurements in binary AnO-SiO2 melts when A ¼ Mn, Fe, Ca, and Mg. The calculations for MnO-SiO2 melts are reproduced and compared with measurements in Fig. 18.12. Data for ΔGo of Eq. (18.7) and aMnO were taken from FactSage. It should be stressed that these are a priori predictions of the model since it was assumed that γ oMnS ¼ 1.0 at all compositions. That is, the model has no adjustable parameters. In Fig. 18.12, the sulfide solubilities have been normalized as sulfide capacities CS as defined by Fincham and Richardson (1954): 0:5 CS ¼ ðwt % SÞ pO2 =pS2 (18.12) where CS is constant at a given oxide composition as long as the sulfide content is small. The sulfide capacity model has been applied with success to the binary melts AnO-Al2O3, AnO-TiO2, and AnO-ZrO2 by simply Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS Fig. 18.12 Sulfide capacities in MnO-SiO2 melts predicted from Reddy-Blander Capacity Model compared with measured points. (For references to experimental points, see Pelton et al., 1993.) replacing XSiO2 in Eqs. (18.9) and (18.11) by XAlO1.5, XTiO2, or XZrO2 and has been extended to multicomponent oxide solutions dilute in sulfide (Pelton et al., 1993). Finally, the capacity model has been modified to permit similar a priori predictions of the solubilities of sulfates, phosphates, carbonates, and halides in oxide melts (Pelton, 1999). 18.2 Order-Disorder Transitions Order-disorder transactions were introduced in Chapter 10. An example is the B2 ! A2 transition in the bcc phase of the Al-Fe system in Fig. 10.2. At low temperatures, the bcc phase exhibits longrange ordering (LRO). Two sublattices can be distinguished, one consisting of the corner sites of the unit cells and the other of the body-centered sites. The Al atoms preferentially occupy one sublattice, while the Fe atoms preferentially occupy the other. This is the ordered B2 (CsCl) structure. As the temperature increases, the phase becomes progressively disordered, with more and more Al atoms moving to the Fe-sublattice and vice versa until, at the transition line, the disordering becomes complete with the Al and Fe atoms distributed equally over both sublattices. At this point the two sublattices become indistinguishable, the LRO disappears, and the structure becomes the A2 (bcc) structure. The transition is second order, with no two-phase (ordered + disordered) region in the phase diagram. 333 Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS Consider a binary solution of components A and B with two sublattices, with an equal number of sites on each and with A and B atoms on both sublattices: (A,B)(A,B). Using the compound energy formalism (CEF), Section 15.3, we write in the simplest case o o o o + XB0 XB00 gBB + XA0 XB00 gAB + XB0 X 0 0A gBA g ¼ XA0 XA00 gAA (18.13) +RT XA0 ln XA0 + XB0 ln XB0 + XA00 ln XA00 + XB00 ln XB00 The similarity to the two-sublattice (A,B)(X,Y) solution discussed in Section 15.1 is evident. Site fractions can be represented on a “reciprocal” composition square as in Fig. 18.13. Lines of constant overall component mole fractions XB ¼ (1 – XA) are shown on the figure. Since the two sublattices are identical, we set goAB ¼ goBA and define o o o o ΔG exchange ¼ gAB + gBA gAA gBB <0 (18.14) (B)(A) 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.8 (B)(B) 0.9 XB 0.9 0.8 0.8 9 0. 0.9 = b XB = 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 8 0. h = 0.4 7 0. XB 0.4 = 6 0. XB XB X'B = 0.3 0.3 5 0. XB g D is or de re d 0.1 = 2 0. 3 0. 0.2 a XB = 1 0. 0.1 0.2 ered = (A)(A) 4 0. 0.2 = Ord XB XB 0.1 334 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 (A)(B) X''B Fig. 18.13 Composition square for a solution (A,B)(A,B). Axes are site fractions. Lines of constant overall component fraction XB are shown. Phase boundary shown by heavy line is the calculated order/disorder transition composition at 800 K from Eq. 18.15 when DGexchange ¼ 33.3 kJ mol1. Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS 335 Hence, (A-B) and (B-A) nearest-neighbor pairs are energetically favored, and so, at lower temperatures where the entropic terms are less important, the solution is ordered, with one sublattice occupied principally by A atoms and the other by B atoms. As the temperature increases, the entropic terms become progressively more important with more and more B atoms on A-sites and vice versa. Consider the stoichiometric AB composition where XA ¼ XB ¼ 0.5 and where through the mass balance, XB0 ¼ XA00 . At this composition, let us define an LRO parameter α ¼ XB0 ¼ (1 XA0 ) ¼ XA00 ¼ (1 X B00 ). Substitution into Eq. (18.13) then gives, along the stoichiometric line, o o + 2RT ðα ln α + ð1 αÞ ln ð1 αÞÞ + ð1 αÞgAB g ¼ αgBA (18.15) αð1 αÞ ΔG exchange (The formal similarity of Eq. (18.15) to the Gibbs energy equation of a simple regular solution is noteworthy.) When α ¼ 0, the solution is completely ordered as (A)(B). (Equivalently, when α ¼ 1, the solution is completely ordered as (B)(A).) When α ¼ 0.5, the solution is completely disordered as (A0.5B0.5)(A0.5B0.5). Plots of g from Eq. (18.15) vs α along the equimolar line XA ¼ XB ¼ 0.5 when ΔGexchange ¼ 33.3 kJ mol1 are shown in Fig. 18.14. 2.0 1.5 60 1.0 0K g - (αg°BA + (1 − α)g°AB) (kJ mol-1) 0.5 0.0 -0.5 d c 800 K -1.0 -1.5 a b -2.0 -2.5 -3.0 e 1000 K -3.5 -4.0 -4.5 -5.0 -5.5 -6.0 (A)(B) f 0.1 0.2 0.3 1200 K 0.5 0.6 0.4 (A0.5B0.5)(B0.5A0.5) 0.7 a 0.8 0.9 (B)(A) Fig. 18.14 Relative g from Eq. (18.15) vs a at the equimolar composition XA ¼ XB ¼ 0.5 in a solution (A,B)(B,A) when DGexchange ¼ 33.3 kJ mol1. Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS The equilibrium value of α is that that minimizes g: that is, at 800 K, either point a or point b (which are equivalent); at 600 K, either of the equivalent points c or d; and at 1000 and 1200 K, points e and f at α ¼ 0.5. (The formal similarity of Fig. 18.14 to Fig. 5.9 for a simple regular solution is noteworthy.) A plot of the equilibrium value of α vs Tat the equimolar composition when α 0.5 is shown in Fig. 18.15. At 300 K, the solution is virtually completely ordered. As T increases, it becomes progressively more disordered until it becomes completely disordered above T ¼ 1000 K which is the second-order order-disorder transition temperature when XA ¼ XB ¼ 0.5. Unlike short-range order (SRO) that theoretically only disappears completely at T ¼ ∞, LRO disappears completely above a finite temperature. Taking now Eq. (18.13) with ΔGexchange ¼ 33.3 kJ mol1 and calculating the locus of points of minimum Gibbs energy at 800 K, the heavy line on Fig. 18.13 is generated. The formal similarity of Figs. 18.13–18.15 may be noted. If the order-disorder transition temperatures are plotted as a function of XB, the phase diagram of Fig. 18.16 is generated with a second-order transition boundary. Points a, e, g, and h on Fig. 18.16 correspond to those on Figs. 18.13–18.15. Fig. 18.16 may be compared with the secondorder B2 ! A2 transition line in the Fe-Al system in Fig. 10.2. 0.5 e f 0.4 a 336 0.3 a 0.2 0.1 c 0.0 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 T(K) Fig. 18.15 Plot of equilibrium value of a at the equimolar composition XA ¼ XB ¼ 0.5 in a solution (A,B)(B,A) vs T setting dg/da ¼ 0 in Eq. 18.15 when DGexchange ¼ 33.3 kJ mol1. Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS 1050 1000 e Disordered 950 Ordered T(K) 900 850 g 800 a h 750 700 650 600 A 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Overall component mole fraction XB B Fig. 18.16 Second-order order-disorder transition boundary in a solution (A,B)(B,A) from Eq. 18.13 with DGexchange ¼ 33.3 kJ mol1. 1200 Liquid 1000 T(°C) 800 Disordered fcc 600 400 L10 200 L12 L12 0 Au 0.2 0.4 0.6 Mole fraction cu 0.8 Cu Fig. 18.17 Au-Cu phase diagram (FactSage). Order-disorder transitions can also be first order. The phase diagram of the Au-Cu system is shown in Fig. 18.17. There are three ordered fcc solutions, each exhibiting a first-order transition to the disordered fcc phase. 337 338 Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS In the L10 phase, the corner sites and the sites on one pair of opposing faces of the fcc unit cell constitute one sublattice, while the sites on the other two pairs of opposing faces constitute a second sublattice with the same number of lattice sites. In the simplest case, we model the phase as (A,B)(B,A) with the Gibbs energy given by Eq. (18.13) with one additional term: XA0 XA00 XB0 XB00 LAB:BA, with LAB:BA < 0. This term is sharply negative near the center of the composition square in Fig. 18.13. At the stoichiometric composition XA ¼ XB ¼ 0.5, g is then given by Eq. (18.15) with the additional term α2(1 α)2 LAB:BA. With ΔGexchange ¼ 70 kJ mol1 and LAB:BA ¼ 100.0 kJ mol1, plots of g vs α are shown in Fig. 18.18. At 950 K, an ordered phase at point a (or, equivalently, at point b) has the lowest Gibbs energy. At 1050 K, a disordered phase at point f has the lowest Gibbs energy. At 1000 K, an ordered phase at point c (or equivalently at point d) transforms isothermally to a disordered phase with α ¼ 0.5 at point e by a first-order transition. The calculated phase diagram of T vs overall mole fraction XB is shown in Fig. 18.19. The term XA0 XA00 XB0 XB00 LAB:BA may be compared with the reciprocal excess term in Eq. (15.12) that was shown in Section 15.1.1 to be an approximate correction to account for SRO. Through 1000 800 950 K G − (αg°BA + (1− α)g°AB) (J mol−1) 600 400 200 1000 K 0 −200 −400 b a c e d 1050 K −600 −800 f −1000 0 (A)(B) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (A0.5B0.5)(B0.5A0.5) 0.6 a 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 (B)(A) Fig. 18.18 Relative g from Eq. (18.15) with the additional term XA0 XA00 XB0 XB00 LAB:BA vs a at the equimolar composition XA ¼ XB ¼ 0.5 in a solution (A,B)(B,A) when DGexchange ¼ 70 kJ mol1 and LAB:BA ¼ 100 kJ mol1. Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS 1050 Disordered 1000 T(K) 950 900 850 Ordered 800 A 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Overall component mole fraction XB B Fig. 18.19 First-order order-disorder transition in a solution (A,B)(B,A) from Eq. 18.13 with DGexchange ¼ 70 kJ mol1 and with the additional term XA0 XA00 XB0 XB00 LAB:BA with LAB:BA ¼ 100 kJ mol1. the formation of SRO, the number of energetically favorable nearest-neighbor (A-B) bonds can be increased within the disordered solution, thereby stabilizing the disordered phase relative to the ordered phase in the central composition region. However, the magnitude of the factor LAB:BA required to produce a first-order transition (100 KJ mol1 when ΔGexchange ¼ 70 kJ mol1 in the present example) is approximately twice than that given by Eq. (15.13) (assuming Δε ¼ ΔGexchange) if simple pairwise FNN SRO alone were responsible for the stabilization of the disordered phase. In real systems such as Fe-Al or Au-Cu, the bcc B2 and fcc L10 phases can be quantitatively modeled with a two-sublattice CEF model through the addition of several empirical interaction terms for interactions within a sublattice (i LAB:B, i LAB:A , etc.) and between sublattices (LAB:BA). However, it is better to use the two-sublattice MQM in the quadruplet approximation (Chapter 17) in which FNN and SNN SRO and the coupling between them are explicitly taken into account. When this model is used, go of the reciprocal quadruplet end-member ABAB must be chosen to be more negative than that given by the default expression of Eq. (17.38) if a first-order transition is to result. In the ordered L12 phases in Fig. 18.17, the corner sites of the fcc unit cells are occupied predominantly by one element, while the face-centered sites are occupied predominantly by the other. 339 340 Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS The phases could then each be modeled as two-sublattice solutions as in the case of the L10 phase but with the number of sites on the sublattices in the ratio 3:1. The foregoing discussion has been intended only as an introduction to the modeling of order-disorder transitions. Clearly, modeling each of the three ordered fcc phase in the Au-Cu system with a two-sublattice model is incorrect. In a proper treatment, the three ordered phases and the disordered solution must all be treated as a single fcc phase with four sublattices, namely, the corner sites of the unit cells and the sites on each pair of opposing faces. (Similarly, correct modeling of both the B2 and DO3 ordered bcc phases requires a four-sublattice model.) Successful four-sublattice models have been developed with the CEF with many empirical interaction terms, including polynomial terms to account for SRO. See, for example, Kusoffsky et al. (2002) and Abe and Sundman (2003). However, a better modeling requires that SRO between and within sublattices and their coupling be explicitly taken into account. In this regard, the cluster variation method (CVM) of Kikuchi (1951), Kikuchi and Sato (1974) has proved successful. See also Inden (2001). This model is conceptually similar to the MQM discussed in Chapter 17. “Clusters” (tetrahedra, octahedra, …) involving atoms on the sites of four sublattices are distributed, taking explicit account of their relative positions in the fcc structure, (i.e., taking account of whether they share corners, edges, or faces.) The entropy expression is derived by a procedure similar to that used in the two-sublattice MQM, Section 17.5. That is, roughly speaking, an entropy term is written for the distribution of the largest structural units (tetrahedra, octahedra, …) with the fraction of each unit divided by its value in a random mixture of smaller structural units (pairs, triplets, …); a second entropic term is then written for the distribution of these smaller units, with the fraction of each unit divided by its value in a random mixture of even smaller units; etc. The resultant entropy expression is necessarily approximate as in the case of the MQM. Due to its mathematical complexity, particularly for multicomponent systems, the CVM has only been applied so far to a few systems. The CEF is used for most multicomponent ordered phases in most current large database computing systems. A simplified CVM model called the cluster-site approximation (CSA) has been proposed by Oates and coworkers (Oates and Wenzl, 1996; Oates et al., 1999; Cao et al., 2007). In this model, the clusters are not permitted to share edges or bonds. The resultant approximate entropy expression is significantly simpler and more mathematically tractable than that of the CVM. Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS 18.3 Liquid Solutions With More Than One Composition of Short-Range Ordering As discussed in Chapter 14, in a binary solution, a composition of maximum SRO is characterized by a relatively sharp minimum in a plot of gE vs composition. The presence of such minima can be rendered more evident by calculating the excess stability function proposed by Darken (1967): (18.16) ES ¼ ∂2 g E =∂X 2 T ,P Each relatively sharp minimum in gE translates into a maximum in the ES function. The excess stability function of liquid K-Te alloys is shown in Fig. 18.20 (Petric et al., 1988). Peaks are observed near the compositions KTe and KTe7. A small hump near XK ¼ 0.37 is also seen. That is, there is clearly more than one composition of SRO. 550 500 450 400 Excess stability (kJ) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 −50 −100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Atom % K Fig. 18.20 Excess stability function of liquid K-Te solutions at 773 K (Petric et al., 1988). 341 342 Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS Liquid Fe-O solutions exhibit a strong tendency to SRO near the compositions corresponding to FeO and Fe2O3. The solutions have been modeled (Hidayat et al., 2015) over the entire composition range by the single-sublattice MQM as (FeII, FeIII, O), with two oxidation states of iron. The species are not considered to be charged so that the condition of electroneutrality is not imposed. Hence, for example, pure metallic iron consists almost entirely of FeII. The number of (FeII-O) pairs passes through a maximum close to the FeO composition, while (FeIII-O) pairs are most abundant near the Fe2O3 composition. That is, there is a drastic shift from the FeII to the FeIII oxidation state near the FeO composition. The model has been extended (Shishin et al., 2015) to molten FedCudOdS solutions. Molten cryolite solutions, NaF-AlF3, have been modeled in a similar fashion (Chartrand and Pelton, 2002) with a singlesublattice MQM and assuming both four-coordinate and fivecoordinate Al. (In a complex anion model, this would correspond 2 to the formation of AlF 4 and AlF5 complex ions in contrast to the common assumption of primarily AlF3 6 ions.) In order to reproduce the data in solutions very rich in AlF3, an additional dimeric Al2 species was included. This is an example of combining the MQM with an associate model. Another such example was given previously in Section 18.1.5 in regard to the charge compensation effect in Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2 melts that were modeled as (Na,Al,Si, NaAl)(O) with NaAl associates. Other examples of liquid solutions modeled with more than one composition of SRO are complex aluminoborosilicates (Decterov, 2018) and molten phosphate solutions ( Jung, 2018). 18.4 Deoxidation Equilibria in Steel Dissolved oxygen is removed from molten steel by the addition of deoxidants such as Al and Mg that precipitate the oxygen as solid oxides. In Al deoxidation, for example, for the equilibrium among dissolved Al and O and solid Al2O3, 2Al + 3O ¼ Al2 O3 (18.17) the equilibrium constant is K ¼ ðXAl γ Al Þ2 ðXO γ O Þ3 (18.18) where XAl and XO are the concentrations of dissolved Al and O. If the solution of Al and O in Fe is an ideal Henrian solution, then γ Al ¼ γ oAl and γ O ¼ γ oO where γ oAl and γ oO are the limiting Henrian activity coefficients at infinite dilution. XO then continually decreases as XAl increases. Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS Deviations from ideal Henrian behavior are usually treated by the interaction parameter formalism (Section 14.10). The problem with this approach is that the deoxidizing metals have a strong affinity for oxygen, and even in dilute solutions, there is a strong tendency toward SRO with metal and oxygen atoms as preferential nearest neighbors. That is, much of the observed deviations from ideal behavior are due to deviations of the configurational entropy from ideality, whereas the interaction parameter formalism attributes the deviations entirely to enthalpy and nonconfigurational entropy. The SRO can be taken into account by means of the single-lattice MQM (Section 16.2). However, a simple alternative approach as proposed by Jung et al. (2004) postulates the formation of dissolved metal oxide associates and treats the solution with an associate model as in Section 16.1. In Al deoxidation, for example, the formation of dissolved Al*O and Al2*O associate “molecules” is proposed: o Al + O ¼ Al∗ O; ΔgAl ∗O (18.19) o 2Al + O ¼ Al2 ∗ O; ΔgAl 2∗O (18.20) The solution is then considered to be a Henrian solution of dissolved Al, O, Al*O, and Al2*O species with an ideal configurational entropy. The parameters of the model are the Gibbs energies of the association reactions in Eqs. (18.19), (18.20) and interaction parameters between the dissolved species such as εM,M, εM,O, εM,M∗O, and εO,M∗O. Curves for the Al deoxidation of Fe are shown in Fig. 18.21. Total dissolved oxygen (as Al + Al*O + Al2*O) and total dissolved Al (as Al + Al*O + 2Al2*O) in equilibrium with Al2O3 are plotted. The calculations were performed with the associate model with constant (i.e., temperature-independent) values of ΔgoAl∗O and ΔgoAl2∗O of Eqs. (18.19), (18.20) relative to the ideal Henrian standard states as the only adjustable model parameters. Small interaction parameters εAl,Al and εO,O were taken from the literature. No other interaction parameters were required. Agreement with experimental data is very good. The assumption of the higher associate Al2*O only has a visible effect on the calculated curves when log (wt% total Al) > 0.3. Previously, Sigworth and Elliott (1974) modeled the solution without considering the formation of associates. A very negative temperature-dependent parameter εO,Al was required. The deoxidation equilibrium at 1600 °C calculated by their model is also shown in Fig. 18.21. Clearly, their model cannot be extrapolated beyond the composition range of the data. On the other hand, with the associate model, extrapolations both in temperature and composition are reasonable. 343 Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS 0.0 Saturated with Al2O3 −0.5 −2.0 16 95 16 Gokcen and Chipman [11] 1866°C McLean and Bell[12] 1760°C 1823°C 1696°C 1723°C 66 −1.5 18 17 17 23 23 60 18 −1.0 log[wt% total O] 344 00 °C −2.5 −3.0 −3.5 1600°C Fruehan [13] Seo et al [18] Janke and Fischer [15] Dimitrov et al [17] −4.0 −4.0 −3.5 −3.0 −2.5 −2.0 −1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 log[wt% total Al] Fig. 18.21 Total dissolved oxygen and total dissolved Al contents of liquid Fe in equilibrium with solid Al2O3. Lines calculated from associate model ( Jung et al., 2004). Dashed line from Sigworth and Elliott (1974). For references for experimental data, see Jung et al. (2004). An interesting feature of Fig. 18.21 is the “deoxidation minimum.” Beyond a certain point, further additions of Al actually increase the dissolved oxygen content. This can be explained as follows. At higher total Al contents, most of the dissolved oxygen is in the form of Al*O associates because ΔgoAl∗O in Eq. (19.18) is very negative. The main deoxidation equilibrium then becomes 3Al∗ O ¼ Al2 O3 + Al (18.21) Consequently, an increase in the concentration of dissolved Al results in an increase in the concentration of Al*O and hence in the total amount of dissolved oxygen. Another example of the application of the associate model is shown in the equilibrium curve for Mg deoxidation in Fig. 18.22. Previous attempts to model this equilibrium and the similar equilibrium for Ca deoxidation, with the interaction parameter formalism under the assumption of ideal mixing of dissolved Mg and O, have failed, even with many large first- and second-order interaction parameters. With the associate model, however, the curves in Fig. 18.22 were calculated with only one temperature-independent adjustable parameter, namely, ΔgoMg∗O, for the formation of dissolved Mg*O associates: o Mg + O ¼ Mg∗ O; ΔgMg ∗O No interaction parameters were required. (18.22) Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS 100 90 Han et al. [30] 70 wt ppm total O Seo and Kim [31] 1550°C 1600°C 1650°C 80 60 50 Saturated with MgO 40 30 20 1650°C 10 0 0 50 100 200 250 150 Wt ppm total Mg 1600°C 1550°C 350 300 400 Fig. 18.22 Total dissolved oxygen and total dissolved Mg contents of liquid Fe in equilibrium with solid MgO. Lines calculated from associate model ( Jung et al., 2004). For references for experimental data, see Jung et al. (2004). The shape of the curves may be explained as follows. Because ΔgoMg∗O < < 0, the reaction in Eq. (18.22) is displaced very strongly to the right. Hence, a solution will contain either dissolved Mg*O and O species (but virtually no Mg species) or dissolved Mg*O and Mg species (but virtually no O species). Suppose we start with Fe containing a high concentration of dissolved oxygen at 1650°C and begin adding Mg. At first, the Mg reacts with the oxygen to form Mg*O associates, leaving virtually no free Mg in solution. When the concentration of Mg*O reaches approximately 25 ppm, it attains equilibrium with solid MgO: Mg∗ O ¼ MgO (18.23) As more Mg is added, it reacts with dissolved oxygen to precipitate MgO. The concentration of dissolved oxygen thus decreases, while the concentration of Mg*O remains constant, and consequently, the concentration of total dissolved Mg remains nearly constant. This results in the nearly vertical section of the curve in Fig. 18.22. When the total dissolved oxygen content has been reduced to approximately 13 ppm, the concentrations of free dissolved Mg and O are both extremely low, and Mg*O associates are virtually the only species in solution. Further addition of Mg thus serves only to increase the free Mg concentration, with virtually no further precipitation of MgO; hence the nearly horizontal section of the curve in Fig. 18.22. 345 346 Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS 18.5 Magnetic Contributions to the Thermodynamic Properties of Solutions An expression for the magnetic contributions to the Gibbs energy of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic compounds was given in Section 10.1. For binary solutions with components A and B, the same equation can be applied with Tcurie and β varying between their values in pure A and B with purely empirical excess terms expressed as Redlich-Kister polynomials: X i m AB ðX A X B Þi (18.24) Tcurie ¼ XA TcurieðAÞ + XB TcurieðBÞ + XA XB i0 where the mAB are empirical parameters, and similarly for β. For ternary and higher-order solutions, Tcurie and β can be estimated from the binary parameters by the same interpolation equations as discussed in Chapter 14. i 18.6 Limiting Liquidus Slope in Dilute Solutions The limiting slope of the liquidus line at XB ¼ 0 in a binary system of components A and B can provide useful information on the structure of the liquid solution since, as will be shown, it is independent of the details of the particular solution model and of the excess properties. The liquidus of a binary solution A-B in the A-rich concentration region is shown in Fig. 18.23. We assume no solubility of B in solid A. It will be shown that the limiting liquidus slope at XB ¼ 0 is given by 2 (18.25) lim ðdXB =dT Þ ¼ ΔhofðAÞ = TfoðAÞ νtotal X B ¼0 where and Δhof(A) are the melting point and enthalpy of fusion of A at the melting point and νtotal is the total number of “new” independently distributed species (atoms, molecules, ions, point defects, etc.) not already in the solvent A that are introduced per formula unit of solute B. Let the solution consist of nA moles of A and nB moles of B. Suppose that the nB moles of solute introduce n1 moles of new species 1, n2 moles of new species 2, etc. that are not already in the solvent, and let Tof(A) ni ¼ νi nB (18.26) Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS T°f(A) Liquid Temperature Limiting liquidus slope at XB = 0 Liquid + Solid A A Mole fraction XB Fig. 18.23 Limiting liquidus slope in a binary system A-B. As examples, for liquid solvents: Example 1: Example 2: Solvent ¼ KNO3 Solute ¼ CaCl2 n1 ¼ nCa2 + ¼ nCaCl2 ν1 ¼ 1 n2 ¼ nCl ¼ 2nCaCl2 ν2 ¼ 2 νtotal ¼ 3 Solvent ¼ KCl Solute ¼ CaCl2 Assume no vacancies in the liquid solution (Temkin model) n1 ¼ nCa2 + ¼ nCaCl2 ν1 ¼ 1 νtotal ¼ 1 (Cl is already in the solvent, so it is not “new”) Example 3: Solvent ¼ KCl Solute ¼ CaCl2 Assume that cation vacancies are introduced and that the Ca2+ ions and vacancies are not associated n1 ¼ nCa2 + ¼ nCaCl2 ν1 ¼ 1 n2 ¼ nVa ¼ nCaCl2 ν2 ¼ 1 νtotal ¼ 2 347 348 Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS Example 4: Example 5: Solvent ¼ Fe Solute ¼ O2 (dissolves monatomically) n1 ¼ nO ¼ 2nO2 ν1 ¼ 2 νtotal ¼ 2 Solvent ¼ H2O Solute ¼ O2 (dissolves molecularly) n 1 ¼ nO 2 ¼ nO 2 ν1 ¼ 1 νtotal ¼ 1 If Δhof(A), Tof(A), and the limiting slope are known and if it is known that the solubility of B in solid A is negligible, then Eq. (18.25) permits νtotal to be determined. It is not necessary to know the values of any excess properties nor to assume any details of the solution model. (For example, it does not matter if the species are distributed substitutionally or interstitially.) For instance, measurements of the limiting slope of the KCl-liquidus in the KCl-CaCl2 system permit one to determine rapidly whether Example 2 or Example 3 is correct. (Example 2 is correct. CaCl2 additions do not introduce vacancies into liquid KCl as they do when added to solid KCl.) Alternatively, if Δhof(A), Tof(A), and νtotal are known, then Eq. (18.25) permits one to verify whether or not the solubility of B in solid A is negligible. If it is not, then the measured limiting liquidus will lie above that calculated by Eq. (18.25). Finally, if Tof(A), νtotal, and the limiting slope are known and if it is known that the solubility in the solid is negligible, then Eq. (18.25) permits Δhof(A) to be calculated. This is a particularly useful technique when Tof(A) is very high and calorimetric measurements are difficult. The following derivation of Eq. (18.25) is that of Blander (1964). In very dilute solutions, the solute species are randomly distributed and so far apart that they do not interact with one another. Hence, Henry’s law applies with the enthalpy and nonconfigurational entropy given by H ¼ nA hoA + nB h∗B (18.27) Sconfig ¼ nA sAo + nB sB∗ (18.28) where hoA and soA are the molar enthalpy and entropy of pure A and h∗B and s∗B are constants. The partial molar and relative partial molar enthalpy of A are given by. hA ¼ ∂H=∂nA ¼ hoA ΔhA ¼ hA hoA ¼ 0 (18.29) Chapter 18 SOME APPLICATIONS and similarly, Δsnonconfig ¼ 0. A Let NA ¼ nA N 0 (18.30) N B ¼ nB N 0 (18.31) N i ¼ ni N 0 (18.32) 0 where N is Avogadro’s number. Let the number of ways of placing a (new) species i in solution be βiNA where βi ¼ constant. Then, the multiplicity of the very dilute solution is given by h i (18.33) t ¼ ðβ1 NA ÞN1 ðβ2 NA ÞN2 ðβ3 NA ÞN3 … =ðN1 !N2 !N3 !…Þ The configurational entropy of mixing is given by X X X X ΔSconfig =kB ¼ ln t ¼ Ni ln NA + Ni ln βi Ni ln Ni + Ni X X X X ¼ νi NB ln NA + νi NB ln βi νi NB ln ðνi NB Þ + ðνi NB Þ (18.34) where Stirling’s approximation has been applied. The relative partial configurational entropy of A is X config ¼ ∂ΔSconfig =∂nA nB ¼ kN 0 ðnB =nA Þ νi (18.35) ΔsA and config lim ΔsA X B ¼0 ¼ RX B νtotal (18.36) Since, in the limit, ΔhA and Δsnonconfig are both zero, it follows that A (18.37) lim μA μoA ¼ lim RTX B νtotal ¼ RT ofðAÞ νtotal dX B X B ¼0 X B ¼0 Note that all the constants βi have dropped out. From Eq. (5.5) along the liquidus when there is no solubility in the solid phase, lim μA μoA ¼ lim ΔhofðAÞ =R T TfoðAÞ =TfoðAÞ X B ¼0 X B ¼0 ¼ ΔhofðAÞ =RT ofðAÞ dT (18.38) Substitution of Eq. (18.37) into Eq. (18.38) then gives Eq. (18.25). 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Exercise 2 (Chapter 2) The internal energy change of a chemical reaction can be measured in a bomb calorimeter in which one measures the heat evolved during the reaction in a sealed container at constant volume. From Eq. (2.12), this heat is equal to ΔU of the reaction. For the following reaction, ΔUo298 was measured in a bomb calorimeter and was found to be equal to 1140 kJ per mole of Fe3C. Fe3 C ðsolÞ + 3 O2 ðgÞ ¼ Fe3 O4 ðsolÞ + CO2 ðgÞ o Calculate ΔH298 of the reaction which is the heat evolved if the reaction were to occur at constant pressure (Eq. 2.15). Exercise 3 (Chapter 2) Limestone, CaCO3, at 25°C is charged into an electric kiln where calcination (decomposition into CaO and CO2) occurs. The products leave the kiln at 800°C. Ignoring heat losses, Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Modeling of Solutions. # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 351 352 Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS calculate how much electric energy must be supplied to produce 1.00 mol of CaO. Data: o ¼ 177:8 kJ CaO + CO2 ¼ CaCO3 ΔH298 cP ðCaOÞ ¼ 48:83 + 4:52 103 T 6:53 105 T 2 Jmol1 K1 cP ðCO2 Þ ¼ 44:14 + 9:04 103 T 8:54 105 T 2 Jmol1 K1 Exercise 4 (Chapter 2) A bath of pure liquid Al is supercooled to 900 K. Solidification begins at 900 K and proceeds adiabatically. That is, the process is sufficiently rapid that heat losses are negligible. Hence, during solidification, the temperature of the bath increases until it reaches the equilibrium melting point Tof ¼ 932 K, at which point solidification ceases. Calculate the fraction of the Al that solidifies. Data: Δhof ¼ 10:750 kJ mol1 at Tfo ¼ 932 K cP ðliquidÞ ¼ 29:29 J mol1 K1 : Exercise 5 (Chapter 2) 3.00 mol of an ideal gas are at 27°C, and P ¼ 20.0 bar. The gas expands to a final pressure of 2.0 bar. Calculate ΔS of the gas and ΔStotal for each of the following paths: (a) Reversible isothermal expansion. (b) Isothermal expansion against an external pressure of 2.0 bar. Exercise 6 (Chapter 2) (a) 1.00 mol Zn solidifies isothermally at its equilibrium melting point (420°C) in equilibrium with its surroundings. (b) 1.00 mol of supercooled liquid Zn at 400°C solidifies isothermally. For each case, calculate ΔS, ΔSsurr, and ΔStotal. Data: Δhof ¼ 7280Jmol1 at Tfo ¼ 420°C cP ðsolÞ ¼ 29:25Jmol1 K1 cP ðliqÞ ¼ 31:38Jmol1 K1 Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS Exercise 7 (Chapter 2) A mixture of SrCO3 (sol) and SrO (sol) is placed in a sealed evacuated container and heated to 850°C. The pressure in the container is 3.25 103 bar. The experiment is repeated with C (sol) as well as SrCO3 (sol) and SrO (sol) in the container. The pressure is now 0.225 bar. Calculate ΔGo of the following reaction at 850°C: C ðsolÞ + CO2 ðgÞ ¼ 2 CO ðgÞ Exercise 8 (Chapter 2) What is the molar percentage of NO (g) in air at equilibrium at 2200 K at a total pressure of 1.00 bar? (Air contains 79% N2 and 21% O2 at 25°C). Data: N2 ðgÞ + O2 ðgÞ ¼ 2 NO ðgÞ K2200 ¼ 1:10 103 Exercise 9 (Chapter 2) It is proposed to reduce Fe2O3 at 1273 K in an atmosphere where pH2/pH2O ¼ 1.00. What will be the reaction product, Fe, FeO, Fe3O4, or Fe2O3? Data: Fe + 0:5 O2 ¼ FeO 3 FeO + 0:5 O2 ¼ Fe3 O4 2 Fe3 O4 + 0:5 O2 ¼ 3 Fe2 O3 H2 + 0:5 O2 ¼ H2 O o ΔG1273 ¼ 189:78kJ o ΔG1273 ¼ 138:13kJ o ΔG1273 ¼ 68:49kJ o ΔG1273 ¼ 178:13kJ Exercise 10 (Chapter 2) Ignoring kinetic constraints, calculate the minimum pressure required to transform graphite to diamond at 25°C? Data: CðgraphiteÞ ¼ CðdiamondÞ o ¼ 2866Jmol1 ΔG298 Densities : ρ ðdiamondÞ ¼ 3:52gmL1 ρ ðgraphiteÞ ¼ 2:25gmL1 353 354 Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS Exercise 11 (Chapter 2) The ratio pH2S/pH2 at equilibrium with pure solid Ni and pure solid Ni3S2 has been measured at several temperatures: T (°C): pH2S/pH2 103: 700 1.90 800 2.69 900 3.35 1000 3.99 1100 4.41 Calculate ΔGo of the following reaction at each temperature. 3 Ni ðsolÞ + 2 H2 S ðgÞ ¼ Ni3 S2 ðsolÞ + 2 H2 ðgÞ Calculate ΔHo and ΔSo of the reaction over each hundred degree temperature interval. Is ΔCoP of the reaction positive or negative? Exercise 12 (Chapter 2) In the P-T phase diagram of Fe, is the slope dP/dT of the univariant line between the phase fields of α (bcc) and γ (fcc) positive or negative? Exercise 13 (Chapter 3) A copper matte and slag are in equilibrium with a gas phase at a constant temperature and total pressure. Assume that the matte is a liquid solution Cu-Fe-S, that the slag is a liquid ionic solution Cu2O-FeO-SiO2 and that the gas phase consists of O2, N2, S2, SO2, and other oxysulfide species. At equilibrium, there will be a small amount of Si and O dissolved in the matte and some S in the slag. Suppose that all the thermodynamic properties of all phases are precisely known as functions of temperature and composition. Show that it is possible, at least in principle, to calculate the compositions of all phases if pSO2, pO2, and the Cu content of the slag have been measured. Exercise 14 (Chapter 4) In a gas phase at equilibrium with pure C at 900°C, pCO2 ¼ 0.0295 bar, and pCO ¼ 0.9705 bar. A mixture of CO and CO2 is circulated slowly at 900°C over a sample of plain carbon steel at a total pressure of 1.00 bar. It is observed that the steel is decarburized if the CO2 content is >6.6% and is carburized if it is <6.6%. Calculate the activity of C in the steel. Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS Exercise 15 (Chapter 4) Aluminum is produced by electrolysis at 1293 K in a bath of liquid cryolite which is a solution of NaF and AlF3. If the activities of NaF and AlF3 in a given bath are 0.414 and 4.562 104, respectively (with respect to the pure liquids as standard states), calculate the Na content of the liquid Al that is produced in equilibrium with the cryolite. Data: Na ðliqÞ + 0:5 F2 ¼ NaF ðliqÞ Al ðliqÞ + 1:5 F2 ¼ AlF3 ðliqÞ o ΔG1293 ¼ 440:37 kJ o ΔG1293 ¼ 1117:13 kJ γ oNa ðHenrian activity coefficientÞ ¼ 165 in liquid Al at 1293 K Exercise 16 (Chapter 4) In a certain Cu-Ni alloy at 700 K, the activities of Cu and Ni are, respectively, 0.88 and 0.172. The alloy is placed in an atmosphere of S2 at a pressure of 1.0 bar at 700 K. Which sulfide is formed, Cu2S or Ni3S2? The sulfides are solid and immiscible. Data: 4 Cu ðsolÞ + S2 ðgÞ ¼ 2 Cu2 S ðsolÞ o ΔG700 ¼ 219:24 kJ 3 Ni ðsolÞ + S2 ðgÞ ¼ Ni3 S2 ðsolÞ o ΔG700 ¼ 216:73 kJ Exercise 17 (Chapter 4) The activity coefficient of Zn in liquid Cd-Zn alloys has been measured at 435°C and fitted by the following equation: 2 3 0:30XCd ln γ zn ¼ 0:87XCd Find an expression for lnγ Cd as a function of composition. Exercise 18 (Chapters 2 and 4) You read in a paper that a binary solution A-B has been evaluated/optimized and that a regular solution model has been applied as follows: Δhm ¼ XA XB ð5000 + 20:0 T Þ J mol1 sE ¼ XA XB ð3:5Þ J mol1 K1 What is wrong with this? 355 356 Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS Exercise 19 (Chapter 4) 40.00 mol of pure liquid A and 60.00 mol or pure liquid B are mixed in a calorimeter at constant T to form a homogeneous solution. A heat effect (exothermic) of 100.00 kJ is observed. Next, 1.00 mol of pure B is added to the solution at the same constant T, and a heat effect (exothermic) of 670 J is observed. (i) What is the integral molar enthalpy of mixing? (ii) Calculate, approximately, the partial relative enthalpy of B. (iii) Calculate, approximately, the partial relative enthalpy of A. Exercise 20 (Chapter 4) Is the boiling point of a solution of NaCl in H2O higher or lower than that of pure H2O? Exercise 21 (Chapter 4) A homogeneous liquid solution at 1000°C contains 500.0 mol Mg and 500.0 mol Al. The volume of the solution is 13.7728 L. When 10.0 mol of pure Mg is added to the solution, the volume increases to 13.9341 L. A further addition of 20.0 mol of pure Al is made. What is the final volume? Exercise 22 (Chapters 4 and 5) LiCl-KCl is a simple eutectic system with no solubility in the terminal solid phases and no intermediate compounds. The liquid phase is a regular solution with Δhm ¼ 17:86 XLiCl XKCl kJ mol1 sE ¼ 1:46 XLiCl XKCl J mol1 K1 Calculate the temperature and liquid composition at the eutectic point. Data: 0 ðLiClÞ ¼ 883 K Δhofusion ðLiClÞ ¼ 19:87 kJ mol1 at Tfusion 0 ðKClÞ ¼ 1045 K Δhofusion ðKClÞ ¼ 26:57 kJ mol1 at Tfusion Assume that Δhofusion is constant, independent of T, for both components. That is, assume that cP(sol) cP(liq). Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS Exercise 23 (Chapters 4 and 5) Hf and Zr are miscible at all compositions in both the solid and liquid state, and the solutions are nearly ideal. Consequently, the phase diagram is of the simple lens shape like in Fig. 5.1. Calculate the compositions of the liquidus and solidus at 2273 K. Data: o ð Hf Þ ¼ 2488 K Δhofusion ð Hf Þ ¼ 25:10 kJ mol1 at Tfusion o ðZrÞ ¼ 2125 K Δhofusion ðZrÞ ¼ 23:00 kJ mol1 at Tfusion Assume that Δhofusion is constant, independent of T, for both components. That is, assume that cP(sol) cP(liq). Exercise 24 (Chapters 4 and 5) The eutectic temperature in the Pb-Sn system is 453 K. At this temperature, a liquid of composition XSn ¼ 0.73 is in equilibrium with a Sn-rich terminal solid phase containing a small amount of dissolved Pb. The liquid solution is regular with Δhm ¼ 5520 XPbXSn and sE ¼ 0. Assume that the Sn-rich solid phase obeys Raoult’s law. Calculate the composition of the solid phase in equilibrium with the liquid at the eutectic temperature. Data: 0 ðSnÞ ¼ 505 K Δh0fusion ðSnÞ ¼ 6:99 kJ mol1 at Tfusion Assume that Δh0fusion is constant, independent of T. That is, assume that CP (sol) CP (liq). Exercise 25 (Chapter 5) Nitrogen dissolves in liquid Fe monatomically. At pN2 ¼ 1.00 bar, the solubility is 0.18 atom % at 1600°C. What is the nitrogen content at 1600°C when pN2 ¼ 5.00 bar? Assume that Henry’s law applies. Exercise 26 (Chapter 5) When a metal A is only slightly soluble in another metal B, one finds that a plot of ln XA (where XA is the solubility of B in A) versus 1/T (K1) is nearly linear. Explain this observation and derive an equation for the slope. Assume that the solid in equilibrium with the saturated liquid is pure A. 357 Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS Temperature 358 Liquid Liquid +β Ttr p(XB = X′B) Liquid + α Mole fraction B Fig. 19.1 Phase diagram of a system A-B. Exercise 27 (Chapter 5) A partial phase diagram of a system A-B is shown in Fig. 19.1. Calculate an expression relating the change in slope of the liquidus at point p to the transition temperature Ttr, the composition XB0 at point p, and the enthalpy of the α ! β transition of B at Ttr. Exercise 28 (Chapter 5) A phase diagram of the Co-Ni-O2 system at 1600 K is shown in Fig. 19.2. Assume that the oxide and metal solutions are ideal. Calculate the molar ratio Ni/(Co + Ni) on the phase boundaries when log pO2 ¼ 107. Exercise 29 (Chapter 5) A phase diagram of the Ag-Cu-Cl2 system at constant T ¼ 1000 K is shown in Fig. 19.3. The liquid phase is an ideal solution. Calculate the activity coefficient of Cu in the saturated Ag-rich solid alloy and of Ag in the saturated Cu-rich solid alloy. Exercise 30 (Chapter 14) In a solution of components A-B-C, the integral excess Gibbs energies in the three binary subsystems are E gAB ¼ XA XB ða1 + b1 ðXB XA ÞÞ Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS pO2 = 3.47 × 10−7 −6.4 CoO-NiO solid solution −6.6 log10 p(O2) (bar) −6.8 −7 −7.2 −7.4 −7.6 −7.8 Co-Ni solid solution −8 pO2 = 1.10 × 10−8 −8.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Molar ratio Ni/(Co+Ni) 0.8 1 Fig. 19.2 Co-Ni-O2 phase diagram at T ¼ 1600 K. −8 AgCl-CuCl (liquid) −8.5 −9.5 −9.62 log pCl2 = −9.78 −10 0.808 0.104 −10.5 −11 0.967 Cu (solid) Ag (solid) log10 p(CI2) (bar) −9 −11.5 −12 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Molar ratio Cu/(Ag+Cu) Fig. 19.3 Phase diagram of the Ag-Cu-Cl2 system at T ¼ 1000 K. 0.8 1 359 360 Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS E gBC ¼ XB XC ða2 + b2 ðXC XB ÞÞ E gCA ¼ XC XA ða3 + b3 XC Þ Using the Toop-Muggianu approximation with A as the asymmetrical component, give an equation for gE in the ternary solution. Exercise 31 (Chapter 14) You are using a simple geometric model to estimate the properties of a ternary solution from the optimized properties of the binary subsystems. You find that your estimation predicts a ternary solution that is somewhat too stable. That is, the activities of the components predicted by your model are too low. Accordingly, you add a ternary term aX1X2X3 to your expression for gE with a positive adjustable parameter a in order to increase the activities. You are subsequently disappointed to find that in certain composition regions, this term actually decreases the activity of a component. Explain this by calculating an equation giving the contribution of this ternary term to the partial excess Gibbs energy of component 1, gE1 . Exercise 32 (Chapter 14) In a dilute solution of component 1 in an ideal binary solution of components 2 and 3, the partial excess Gibbs energy of component 1, gE1 , varies linearly with the ratio X3/(X2 + X3) between its value when X2 ¼ 1.0 and when X3 ¼ 1.0. Suppose now that the 2-3 binary solution is not ideal but is regular, with E ¼ α23 X2 X3 g23 Show that the deviation of gE1 from the linear variation is opposite in sign to the parameter α23. Explain this in words. Exercise 33 (Chapter 14) Cu-Mn alloys are miscible at all compositions in both the solid and liquid state. The solidus/liquidus exhibits a minimum as in Fig. 5.5 at 1140 K at a composition XMn ¼ 0.37. Assume that the liquid solution is ideal and that the solid solution is subregular with sE ¼ 0 and Δhm ¼ XCuXMn(0L + 1L(XCu XMn)). Calculate the coefficients oL and 1L. Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS Data: o ðCuÞ ¼ 1357 K Δhofusion ðCuÞ ¼ 13:054 kJ mol1 at Tfusion o ðMnÞ ¼ 1517 K Δhofusion ðMnÞ ¼ 14:644 kJ mol1 at Tfusion Assume that Δhofusion is constant, independent of T, for both components. That is, assume that cP(sol) cP(liq). Exercise 34 (Chapter 14) Using the Temkin model, calculate the liquidus temperature of an ideal ionic liquid solution containing 90 mol% Na2CO3 and 10 mol% Li2CO3. The liquid is in equilibrium with pure solid Na2CO3. Data: o ¼ 1131 K Δhofusion ðNa2 CO3 Þ ¼ 29:665 kJ mol1 at Tfusion cP ðsolÞ ¼ 192:094 J mol1 K1 cP ðliqÞ ¼ 189:535 J mol1 K1 Exercise 35 (Chapter 15) Consider a reciprocal ternary solution (A,B)(X,Y) with a Gibbs energy given by Eq. (15.3) with all binary and ternary excess terms equal to zero. That is, only the first two terms in square brackets are nonzero. As shown in Section 15.1, if ΔGexchange as given by Eq. (15.7) is sufficiently negative, then a miscibility gap will result centered along the AX-BY stable diagonal of the composition square. Derive an equation giving the consolute temperature of the miscibility gap as a function of ΔGexchange. Exercise 36 (Chapter 15) Ferropseudobrookite, FeTi2O5, is a ceramic with two cation sublattices. The first sublattice is occupied by Fe2+ ions and the second sublattice by Ti4+ ions as (Fe2+)(Ti4+)2O5. The ceramic Ti3O5 has the same structure and can be represented as (Ti3+)(Ti3+, Ti4+)2O5. Ti3+ and Ti4+ are randomly distributed on the second sublattice. Solid solutions of FeTi2O5 and Ti3O5 are represented as (Fe2+, 3+ Ti )(Ti4+, Ti3+)2O5 with the ions mixing randomly on each sublattice. 361 362 Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS Write an expression for the Gibbs energy of FeTi2O5-Ti3O5 solutions as a function of composition using the compound energy formalism. Ignore excess terms. Draw the reciprocal composition square and show the path of charge neutrality. Relate the go values of the end-members to go of pure real FeTi2O5 and go of pure real Ti3O5. Write an expression for the Gibbs energy of mixing of FeTi2O5 and Ti3O5. Exercise 37 (Chapter 16) Using an ideal Temkin “complex anion” model as in Section 16.3.1, calculate the activity of Na2O in a molten oxide solution of composition XCaO ¼ 0.75, XSiO2 ¼ 0.15, XNa2O ¼ 0.05, and XFeO ¼ 0.05. Exercise 38 (Chapter 16) Liquid salt solutions are usually modeled with a two-sublattice model. Strictly speaking, this is an approximation because a liquid, lacking long-range ordering, cannot be said to consist of more than one sublattice. (i) Write an equation for the extensive Gibbs energy of a molten salt solution of NaCl and KCl, in the Bragg-Williams approximation using a two-sublattice model, as a function of the numbers of moles and mole fractions of NaCl and KCl (nNaCl, nKCl, XNaCl, and XKCl) and of the molar Gibbs energies of the pure salts, goNaCl and goKCl. Ignore excess Gibbs energy terms. (ii) Write an equation, using the quasichemical model, for the extensive Gibbs energy of a solution of Na, K, and Cl atoms on one sublattice as a function of the numbers of moles of the atoms (nNa, nK, nCl); the numbers of moles and mole fractions of the nearest-neighbor pairs (nNaNa, nNaCl, nKK, nKCl, nClCl, nNaK; XNaNa, XNaCl, XKK, XKCl, XClCl, XNaK); the molar Gibbs energies goNa, goK, and goCl; the FNN coordination number Z; and the Gibbs energy changes ΔgNa-Cl and ΔgK-Cl of the pair-exchange reactions: ðNa NaÞ + ðCl ClÞ ¼ 2 ðNa ClÞ; ΔgNaCl ðK KÞ + ðCl ClÞ ¼ 2 ðK ClÞ; ΔgKCl (For the pair-exchange reaction (Na Na) + (K K) ¼ 2 (Na K), assume that ΔgNa-K ¼ 0.) (iii) In the limit where ΔgNa-Cl and ΔgK-Cl are extremely negative and along the stoichiometric join between NaCl and KCl Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS (i.e., where (nNa + nK) ¼ nCl) show, by making the appropriate substitutions, that the quasichemical equation of part (ii) reduces to the two-sublattice Bragg-Williams approximation of part (i) when Z ¼ 2. 19.2 Solutions to Exercises Exercise 1 The vapor pressure is defined as the partial pressure in equilibrium with the liquid. Hence, 25.0°C is the temperature where the partial pressure becomes equal to the vapor pressure. pH2 O V ¼ nH2 O RT where nH2O is the number of moles of H2O in the container. pH2 O ð10:0Þ ¼ ð0:230=18:00Þð0:008314Þð298:15Þ ¼ 0:0317 bar Exercise 2 H ¼ U + PV ΔH ¼ ΔU + ΔðPV Þ ΔðPV Þ of the solid phases is negligible: ΔðPV Þ of the gas phase ¼ ΔðnRT Þ ¼ RT ð1 3Þ ΔH ¼ ΔU 2RT ¼ 1140 2ð0:008314Þ298:15 ¼ 1145 kJ The gas phase has been assumed to be ideal. Since the pressure in the bomb is generally very high, the gas is not actually ideal. However, as the total correction is only 5 kJ out of 1140 kJ, the assumption is justified. Exercise 3 The reaction occurs over a range of temperature as the limestone is heated. However, enthalpy is a state property, and so, the total ΔH is independent of the process path. Hence, for purposes of the calculation, we choose a hypothetical path whereby the calcination occurs at 298.15 K and the products are subsequently heated to 800°C. 1073 ð ΔHtotal ¼ + 177:8 + ðcP ðCaOÞ + cP ðCO2 ÞÞdT ¼ 253:4kJ 298 363 364 Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS Exercise 4 Solidification occurs over a range of temperature from 900 to 932 K. However, enthalpy is a state property, and so, the total ΔH is independent of the process path. Hence, for purposes of the calculation, we choose a hypothetical path whereby the liquid is first heated from 900 to 932 K and then a fraction x of the Al solidifies at 932 K. The total process is adiabatic. Hence, the total enthalpy is zero. 932 ð ΔHtotal ¼ 0 ¼ cP ðliquidÞdT xΔhof 900 x ¼ 0:087 Exercise 5 Calculate initial and final volumes. Vi ¼ nRT=Pi ¼ 3ð0:08314Þð300Þ=20 ¼ 3:74L Vf ¼ 37:4L Ð Ð (a) Wrev ¼ PdV ¼ nRT (1/V)dV ¼ nRT ln(Vf/ Vi) ¼ 17,230 J In an ideal gas, U is a function only of the kinetic energy of the molecules. Hence, ΔU ¼ 0 for the isothermal expansion of an ideal gas ΔU ¼ Q + W ¼ 0 Qrev ¼ 17, 230 J ΔS ¼ Qrev =T ¼ 57:45JK1 : The surroundings see only a reversible transfer of heat at constant temperature. ΔSsurr ¼ Qsurr =T ¼ 17, 230=300 ¼ 57:45 J K1 Hence, ΔStotal ¼ 0 as is the case for all reversible processes. (b) Since the initial and final states are the same as in (a) and since S is a state property, ΔS ¼ 57:45JK 1 ð Wnonrev ¼ Pexternal dV ¼ 2:0ð37:4 3:74Þ ¼ 67:32 L bar ¼ 6732 J ΔU ¼ Q + W ¼ 0 Q ¼ 6732 J Qsurr ¼ 6732 J Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS Although the process is irreversible, the surroundings still see only a reversible transfer of heat. Hence, ΔSsurr ¼ Qsurr/T ¼ 22.44 J K1 ΔS total ¼ 57:45 22:44 ¼ 35:01JK1 ΔStotal > 0 as is the case for all spontaneous processes: Exercise 6 (a) At the equilibrium melting point, the process is reversible. ΔS ¼ Qrev =T ¼ 7280=693:15 ¼ 10:50Jmol1 K1 ΔSsurr ¼ Qsurr =Tsurr ¼ + 7280=693:15 ¼ +10:50Jmol1 K1 ΔStotal ¼ 0 (b) At 400°C, the process is not reversible. ΔS must be calculated by a hypothetical reversible path. We first heat the liquid reversibly from 400 to 420°C, then solidify it reversibly at 420°C, and then cool the solid reversibly to 400°C. 693:15 ð ΔS ¼ 10:50 + ½ðcP ðliqÞ cP ðsolÞÞ=T dT ¼ 10:44Jmol1 K1 673:15 Similarly, at 400 °C, 693:15 ð ΔH ¼ 7280 + ðcP ðliqÞ cP ðsolÞÞdT ¼ 7237 J mol1 : 673:15 The surroundings see only a reversible transfer of heat at constant T. Hence, ΔSsurr ¼ Qsurr =T ¼ + 7237=673:15 ¼ 10:75Jmol1 K1 ΔStotal ¼ 10:44 + 10:75 ¼ +0:31Jmol1 K1 > 0 as for all spontaneous processes. Note that the terms in (cP(liq)-cP(sol)) are of secondary importance. The main difference between the total entropy at 420 and 400°C is due to the denominators T in the terms Qsurr/T. Exercise 7 When only SrCO3 and SrO are present, the following calcination equilibrium is established: SrCO3 ¼ SrO + CO2 ; K ¼ pCO2 ¼ 0:00325 bar 365 366 Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS If C is also present, pCO2 is still equal to 0.00325 bar because it is fixed by the above equilibrium. A second equilibrium is also established: C + CO2 ¼ 2 CO; K ¼ p2CO =pCO2 where pCO ¼ Ptotal pCO2 ¼ 0:225 0:00325 ΔG o ¼ RT ln K ¼ 25; 390 J Exercise 8 N2 + O2 ¼ 2NO Start with 79 mol N2 and 21 mol O2 at 25°C and heat to 2200 K where the reaction attains equilibrium with the formation of 2x mol NO, leaving (21 x) mol O2 and (79 x) mol N2. For an ideal gas, from Dalton’s law, pi ¼ XiPtotal ¼ (ni/ntotal)Ptotal pNO ¼ ð2x=100Þð1:00Þ pO2 ¼ ð21 xÞ=100 pN2 ¼ ð79 xÞ=100 K ¼ p2NO =pN2 pO2 ¼ 2x=ð79 xÞð21 xÞ ¼ 1:10 103 x ¼ 0:66 XNO ¼ 2x=100 ¼ 0:0132 %NO ¼ 1:32% Exercise 9 The H2/H2O ratio fixes pO2. ¼ RT ln K H2 ¼ 0:5 O2 ¼H2 O; ΔG o ¼ 178:13 0:5 ¼ RT ln pH2 O =pH2 pO 2 pO2 ¼ 2:42 1015 bar 0:5 Fe + 0:5 O2 ¼ FeO; ΔG ¼ ΔG o + RT ln pO ¼ 11, 620 J < 0 2 Hence, FeO is more stable than Fe. 0:5 3 FeO + 0:5 O2 ¼ Fe3 O4 ; ΔG ¼ ΔG o + RT ln pO 2 ¼ 40; 030 J > 040030 J > 0 Hence, Fe3O4 is less stable than FeO. Therefore, FeO will be the only reaction product. It can be seen from this calculation that only one solid phase can be stable at equilibrium. This can also be demonstrated from the Phase Rule. Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS Exercise 10 The molar volumes of graphite and diamond are. vgr ¼ 12:00=0:00225 ¼ 0:005333L=mol vdi ¼ 0:003409L=mol: At 25°C and P ¼ 1.0 bar, ΔGo > 0. That is, graphite is stable. As P increases, diamond becomes progressively more stable because it has the smaller molar volume. The minimum pressure P at which diamond becomes more stable is the temperature at which ΔG becomes zero. Since G is a state property independent of the process path, we select a hypothetical path in which the pressure on the graphite is first reduced from P to 1.0 bar, the reaction then occurs at 1.0 bar, and the pressure on the diamond is then increased to P. From Eq. (2.71) for a process at constant, T: dG ¼ VdP. Hence, ð1 o ΔGP ¼ ΔGP¼1 + vgr vdi dP ¼ 2866 vgr vdi ðP 1Þ ¼ 0 P P ¼ 14:7 kbar Exercise 11 ΔG o ¼ RT ln K ¼ RT ln ðpH2 =pH2 S Þ2 From the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation, Eq. (2.59), d(ΔGo)/ dT ¼ ΔSo. Approximate d(ΔGo)/dT by Δ(ΔGo)/ΔT for each interval of ΔT ¼ 100. Then, ΔHo ¼ ΔGo + TΔSo. T o ðC Þ ΔG o ðkJ Þ 700 101.37 800 105.59 900 111.15 1000 116.92 1100 o ΔSaverage kJK1 o ΔHaverage ðkJÞ 0.042 60.5 0.056 60.1 0.058 43.1 0.069 29.1 123.82 ΔCP ¼ dðΔH o Þ=dT > 0 367 368 Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS Exercise 12 From Eq. (2.71), dgα ¼ vα dP sα dT dgγ ¼ vγ dP sγ dT : Along the univariant line, α and γ are in equilibrium. Therefore, dgα ¼ dgγ. Hence, dP/dT ¼ (sγ sα)/(vγ vα). This is known as the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. For Fe, the γ-phase is stable at higher T, and the α-phase is stable at lower T. Therefore, (sγ sα) > 0. The close-packed fcc phase is denser than the bcc phase. Therefore, (vγ vα) < 0. Consequently, dP=dT < 0: Exercise 13 Take the components as the elements (Cu, Fe, Si, O, S, and N). Hence, C ¼ 6. There are three phases (matte, slag, and gas) at equilibrium. Hence, P ¼ 3. From the Phase Rule, Eq. (3.1), F ¼ C P + 2 ¼ 5. The total pressure and temperature are fixed and pSO2, pO2, and one composition variable of the slag are known. This fixes five variables leaving zero degrees of freedom. Exercise 14 C + O2 ¼ 2CO; K ¼ p2CO =ðpCO2 aC Þ With pure C, aC ¼ 1.0; K ¼ (0.9705)2/0.0295 ¼ 31.928. With the steel, K ¼ 31.928 ¼ (1 0.066)2/(0.066 aC) aC ¼0.414. Exercise 15 The exchange reaction between the metal phase and the cryolite bath is. 3 Na + AlF3 ¼ 3 NaF + Al; ΔG o ¼ 1117:13 3ð440:37Þ ¼ RT ln K 3 K1293 ¼ 1:742 108 ¼ aAl a3NaF = γ oNa XNa aAlF3 Setting aAl 1:00, XNa ¼ 5:8 107 ¼ 58 ppm: Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS Exercise 16 4 Cu + Ni3 S2 ¼ 2 Cu2 S + 3 Ni ΔG ¼ ΔG o + RT ln a3Ni a2Cu2 S = a4Cu aNi3 S ¼ ð219:24 + 216:73Þ +RT ln 0:1723 1:0= 0:884 1:0 ¼ 52:9 kJ where the activities of the sulfides are set to 1.0 because they are immiscible. Because ΔG < 0, Cu2S is stable. Note that only one sulfide can be formed at equilibrium because Cu2S and Ni3S2 are immiscible. Compare with Exercise 15 where Na and Al form a solution. Exercise 17 From the Gibbs-Duhem equation, XCd d ln γ Cd + XZn d ln γ Zn ¼ 0 2 dX XCd d ln γ Cd ¼ ð1 XCd Þ 1:74XCd 0:90XCd Cd ð 2 3 ln γ Cd ¼ ðXCd 1Þð1:74 0:90XCd Þ ¼ 1:74XCd + 1:32XCd 0:30XCd +C where C is a constant of integration. If the equation for lnγ Zn is valid up to XCd ¼ 1, then we can use the fact that ln γ Cd ¼ 0.0 when XCd ¼ 1.0 to evaluate C ¼ 0.72. Otherwise, some independently measured value of ln γ Cd at some composition is required in order to evaluate C. Exercise 18 The Gibbs-Helmholtz equation, Eq. (2.61), is not satisfied. Exercise 19 (i) Δhm ¼ 100/100 ¼ 1.00 kJ mol1 (ii) ΔhB ¼ d(ΔH)/dnB Δ(ΔH)ΔnB ¼ 6.70/1.0 ¼ 670 J mol1 (iii) Δh ¼ XA ΔhA + XB ΔhB 1000 ¼ 0.4 ΔhA + 0.6(670) Δh A ¼ 1495 J mol 1 369 370 Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS Exercise 20 H2 O ðliqÞ ¼ H2 O ðgasÞ; K ¼ pH2 O =aH2 O Adding NaCl lowers aH2O and thus lowers the equilibrium vapor pressure at any temperature. Hence, the boiling point (defined as the temperature where the vapor pressure equals 1.0 bar) is increased. Exercise 21 vMg ¼ ∂V =∂nMg ð13:9341 13:7728Þ=10:0 ¼ 0:0161300Lmol1 v ¼ 13:7728=1000 ¼ XAl vAl + XMg vMg ¼ 0:5 vAl + 0:5ð0:0161300Þ vAl ¼ 0:0114156 ¼ ∂V =∂nAl ΔV =20:0 ΔV ¼ 0:2283 Final V ¼ 13.9341 + 0.2283 ¼ 14.162 L. Exercise 22 Along the LiCl-liquidus from Eq. (5.6), RT ln aLiCl ¼ ΔhofðLiClÞ + T ΔsfoðLiClÞ RT ln XLiCl + RT ln γ LiCl ¼ ΔhofðLiClÞ 1 T =TfoðLiClÞ From Eq. (4.45), μELiCl ¼ RT ln γ LiCl ¼ X2KCl (17,860 + 1.46 T) J mol1. RT ln XLiCl + X2KCl(17,860 + 1.46 T) ¼ 19,870(1 T/883). Similarly, along the KCl-liquidus, 2 RT ln XKCl + XLiCl ð17, 860 + 1:46 T Þ ¼ 26, 570ð1 T =1045Þ The two liquidus curves meet at the eutectic point. Therefore, these two equations in the two unknowns T and XLiCl ¼ (1 XKCl) can be solved simultaneously to give TE ¼629 K and XE(LiCl) ¼0.58. Exercise 23 For equilibrium along the solidus/liquidus from Eq. (5.6), RT ln aHf ðliqÞ RT ln aHf ðsolÞ ¼ Δhofð Hf Þ + T Δsfoð Hf Þ Δhofð Hf Þ 1 T =Tfoð Hf Þ Evaluating at T ¼ 2273 K and setting aHf(liq) ¼ XHf(liq) and aHf(sol) ¼ XHf(sol) give Rð2273Þ lnðXHf ðliqÞ=XHf ðsolÞÞ ¼ 25:10ð1 2273=2488Þ Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS Similarly for Zr, R(2273) ln(XZr(liq)/XZr(sol)) ¼ 23.00 (1 2273/2125) Solving the two equations (with XZr ¼ 1 XHf ) gives X Hf ðliqÞ ¼ 0:4008 X Hf ðsolÞ ¼ 0:4496 Exercise 24 For equilibrium along the solidus/liquidus from Eq. (5.6), RT ln aSn ðliqÞ RT ln aSn ðsolÞ ¼ Δhof + T Δsfo Δhof 1 T =Tfo The solid is Raoultian, so aSn(sol) ¼ XSn(sol). The liquid is a regular solution with gE ¼ Δhm TsE ¼ 5520 XPbXSn. From Eq. (4.45), μESn ¼ RT ln γ Sn ¼ 5520X2Pb(liq). RT ln XSn ðliqÞ + 5520ð1 X Sn ðliqÞÞ2 RT ln XSn ðsolÞ ¼ 6:99ð1 T =505Þ Substituting XSn(liq) ¼ 0.73 and T ¼ 453 K gives XSn(sol) ¼ 0.983. Exercise 25 2 2 N2 ðgasÞ ¼ 2 N; K ¼ γ oN XN =pN2 ¼ γ oN ð0:0018Þ =1:00 2 ¼ γ oN XN =5:00 XN ¼ ð0:0018Þð5=1Þ0:5 ¼ 0:0040 X N ¼ 0:40% Exercise 26 The solubility curve is the liquidus of A. That is, it is the composition of the liquid in equilibrium with pure solid A. From Eq. (5.6), in the saturated liquid, RT ln aA ¼ ΔhofðaÞ T ΔsfoðaÞ ¼ RT ln XA + ΔhA TsEA where ΔhA and sEA are the relative partial molar properties. ln XA ¼ ΔhofðaÞ + ΔhA =RT + ΔsfoðaÞ + sAE =R In dilute solution, Henry’s law applies. That is, ΔhA and sEA are approximately independent of composition. If ΔhA and sEA are approximately independent of T and Δhof(a) and Δsof(a) are also approximately independent of T (that is, if cP(liq) cP(sol)), then a plot of ln XA versus 1/T will be linear. 371 372 Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS Exercise 27 From Eq. (5.6), on the liquidus, At T > Ttr, ln aB ¼ ln XB + ln γ B ¼ Δgof (β)/RT. ln aB ¼ ln XB + ln γ B ¼ Δgof (α)/RT ¼ (Δgof (β) + At T < Ttr, o Δgtr(α ! β))/RT. Hence, at T ¼ Ttr, ðd ln XB =d ð1=T ÞÞT>Ttr ðd ln XB =d ð1=T ÞÞT<Ttr ¼ d Δgtro =RT =d ð1=T Þ ¼ Δhotr =R (from the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation, Eq. 2.61). Hence, ðdXB =d T ÞT>Ttr ðdXB =d T ÞT<Ttr ¼ XB0 Δhotr =RT 2tr Exercise 28 Co + 0:5 O2 ¼ CoO; 0:5 0:5 K ¼ 1:10 108 ¼ XCoO =XCo 1:0 107 Ni + 0:5 O2 ¼ NiO; 0:5 0:5 K ¼ 3:47 107 ¼ XNiO =XNi 1:0 107 XNi ¼ ð1 XCo Þ ¼ 0:813 XNiO ¼ ð1 XCoO Þ ¼ 0:439 Exercise 29 0:5 Ag + 0:5 Cl2 ¼ AgCl; K ¼ aAgCl =aAg pCl 2 For pure Ag and AgCl, log K ¼ 8.42/2 ¼ 4.21. At the invariant, aAgCl ¼ (1 0.808) ¼ 0.192. Therefore, 4.21 ¼ log(0.192) log aAg + 9.78/2 aAg ¼ 0.919 Cu + 0:5 Cl2 ¼ CuCl log K ¼ ð9:62=2Þ ¼ log ð0:808Þ log aCu + 9:78=2 aCu ¼ 0:971 In the saturated Ag-rich solid, aCu ¼ γ Cu XCu γ Cu ¼ 0:971=0:104 ¼ 9:34. In the saturated Cu-rich solid, aAg ¼ γ Ag XAg γ Ag ¼ 0:919=ð1 0:967Þ ¼ 27:85. Exercise 30 g E ¼ XA XB ða1 + b1 ð1 2XA ÞÞ + XC XA ða3 + b3 ð1 XA ÞÞ + XB XC ða2 + b2 ðXC XB ÞÞ Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS Exercise 31 g E ¼ aX 1 X2 X3 G E ¼ ðn1 + n2 + n3 Þg E ¼ aðn1 n2 n3 Þ=ðn1 + n2 + n3 Þ2 g1E ¼ ∂G E =∂n1 n2,n3 ¼ an2 n3 ðn1 + n2 + n3 Þ2 2n1 ðn1 + n2 + n3 Þ1 ¼ aX 2 X3 ð1 2X1 Þ g1E < 0 when X1 > 0:5 Exercise 32 The binary term makes the following contribution to the excess Gibbs energy of the ternary solution: g E ¼ α23 X2 X3 G E ¼ α23 ðn1 + n2 + n3 ÞX2 X3 ¼ α23 n2 n3 =ðn1 + n2 + n3 Þ g1E ¼ ∂G E =∂n1 n2, n3 ¼ α23 n2 n3 =ðn1 + n2 + n3 Þ2 ¼ α23 X2 X3 Exercise 33 For equilibrium along the solidus/liquidus from Eq. (5.6), assuming Δhof is independent of T: RT lnðaCu ðliqÞ=aCu ðsolÞÞ ¼ ΔhofðCuÞ 1 T =TfoðCuÞ ¼ RT lnðXCu ðliqÞ=XCu ðsolÞγ Cu ðsolÞÞ RT lnðaMn ðliqÞ=aMn ðsolÞÞ ¼ ΔhofðMnÞ 1 T =TfoðMnÞ ¼ RT lnðXMn ðliqÞ=XMn ðsolÞγ Mn ðsolÞÞ In the solid solution, gE ¼ Δhm TsE ¼ XCuXMn(0L + 1L(XCu XMn)) 0.0. From Eqs. (14.11) and (14.12), 0 2 L + 1 LððXCu XMn Þ + 2XCu Þ RT ln γ Cu ðsolÞ ¼ XMn 2 0 RT ln γ Mn ðsolÞ ¼ XCu L + 1 LððXCu XMn Þ + 2XMn Þ At the solidus/liquidus minimum, XMn ðsolÞ ¼ ð1 XCu ðsolÞÞ ¼ XMn ðliqÞ ¼ ð1 XCu ðliqÞÞ ¼ 0:37 Substitution into the above equations then gives 0L ¼ 10.63 J mol–1 and 1L ¼ 3.04 J mol–1. 373 374 Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS Exercise 34 Na+ and Li+ ions form an ideal solution on the cationic sublattice. Each mole of Na2CO3 contributes 2 mol of Na+ ions. Hence, it is convenient to take the components as Na(CO3)0.5 and Li(CO3)0.5 with a(Na(CO3)0.5) ¼ X(Na(CO3)0.5) ¼ 0.90. Along the liquidus, from Eq. (5.6), RT ln a NaðCO3 Þ0:5 ¼ RT ln 0:9 ¼ Δgfo ðNaðCO3 Þ0:5 ¼ 0:5Δgfo ðNa2 CO3 Þ 2 3 ðT ¼ 0:5 Δhof T Δsfo ¼ 0:5 4Δhofð1131Þ + ðcP ðliqÞ cP ðsolÞÞdT 5 1131 2 0:5T 4Δhofð1131Þ =1131 + ðT 3 ððcP ðliqÞ cP ðsolÞÞ=TÞdT 5 T ¼ 1064K 1131 Exercise 35 00 00 Along the AX-BY diagonal, let XA0 ¼ XX ¼ x and XB0 ¼ XY ¼ (1 x). Then, along the diagonal, o o o o + ð1 xÞ2 gBY + xð1 xÞ gAY + gBX g ¼ x2 gAX + 2RT ðx ln x + ð1 xÞ ln ð1 xÞÞ o o o o + 2gBY 2 gAY + gBX ∂2 g=∂x2 ¼ 2gAX + 2RT ð1=x + 1=ð1 xÞÞ ¼ 2ΔGexchange + 2RT ð1=x + 1=ð1 xÞÞ By symmetry, TC is at x ¼ 0.5 when ∂2g/∂ x2 ¼ 0 T C ¼ ΔG exchange =4R Exercise 36 See Fig. 19.4. Let X0 Ti3+ (on first sublattice) ¼ x X00 Ti3+ (on second sublattice) ¼ y. Abbreviate the four end-members as A, B, C, and D as shown on the figure. g ¼ ð1 xÞð1 y ÞgAo + ð1 xÞyg oB + xð1 y ÞgCo + xyg oD + RT ðx ln x + ð1 xÞ ln ð1 xÞ + 2y ln y + 2ð1 y Þ ln ð1 y ÞÞ Along the neutral line, x ¼ 2y. Substitute into the equation for g. Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS D = [(Ti3+)(Ti3+)2O5]−1 B = [(Fe2+)(Ti3+)2O5]−2 (Ti3+)(Ti3+,Ti4+)2O5 y ine ll tra eu N A = (Fe2+)(Ti4+)2O5 x C = [(Ti3+)(Ti4+)2O5]+1 Fig. 19.4 Composition square for FeTi2O5-Ti3O5 solutions. i g o =2 + g o =2 + 2RT ð0:5 ln 0:5 + 0:5 ln 0:5Þ D C + ð1 xÞðx=2Þ g o + g o g o g o B A D C g ¼ ð1 xÞg o + x A h + RT ðx ln x + ð1 xÞ ln ð1 xÞ + x ln x + ð2 xÞ ln ð2 xÞÞ + RT ðx ln x + ð1 xÞ ln ð1 xÞ + x ln x + ð2 xÞ ln ð2 xÞÞ ¼ ð1 xÞg o + xg o FeTi2 O5 Ti3 O5 + xð1 xÞΔG exchange =2 One of goB, goC, or goD can be selected arbitrarily. The model parameters are goFeTi2O5, goTi3O5, and ΔGexchange. Exercise 37 n(Ca2+) ¼ 0.75 n(Na+) ¼ 2(0.05) ¼ 0.10 n(Fe2+) ¼ 0.05 ntotal (cations) ¼ 0.90 n SiO4 4 ¼ 0:15 n(O2) ¼ (0.75 + 0.05 + 0.05) 2(0.15) ¼ 0.55 ntotal (anions) ¼ 0.70 2 aðNa2 OÞ ¼ XNa+ XO2 ¼ ð0:10=0:90Þ2 ð0:55=0:70Þ ¼ 0:636 Exercise 38 Let nij ¼ moles of component and ni-j ¼ moles of (i-j) pair bonds. Let Xij ¼ mol fraction of component and Xi-j ¼ mol fraction of (i-j) pair bonds. 375 376 Chapter 19 EXERCISES WITH SOLUTIONS o o (i) G ¼ (n NaClgoNaCl + noKClgKCl)o+RT(nNaCl ln XNaCl + nKCl ln XKCl) (ii) G ¼ nNa gNa + nK gK + nCl gCl + ðΔgNaCl =2ÞnNaCl + ðΔgKCl =2ÞnKCl + ðΔgNaK =2ÞnNaK + RT ðnNa ln XNa+ nK ln XK +nCl ln XCl Þ 2 =XNa + nKK ln XKK =XK2 + RT nNaNa ln XNaNa 2 + nNaCl ln ðXNaCl =2XNa XCl Þ + nClCl ln XClCl =XCl + nKCl ln ðXKCl =2XK XCl Þ + nNaK ln ðXNaK =2XNa XK Þ (iii) Along the NaCl-KCl join when ΔgNaCl and ΔgKCl are extremely negative, there are only (Na-Cl) and (K-Cl) FNN pairs. That is, all ni-j and Xi-j are zero except when (i-j) ¼ (Na-Cl) or (K-Cl). Along the join, XNaCl ¼ XNaCl XKCl ¼ XKCl : nNa ¼ nNaCl nK ¼ nKCl nCl ¼ ðnNaCl + nKCl Þ XNa ¼ XNaCl =2 XK ¼ XKCl =2 XCl ¼ 0:5 nNaCl ¼ ZnNa ¼ ZnNaCl nKCl ¼ ZnK ¼ ZnKCl o o o o o ΔgNaCl ¼ gNaCl gNa gCl gKo gCl =Z ΔgKCl ¼ gKCl =Z Substitution into the MQM equation in (ii) gives o o + nKCl gKCl + RT ðnNaCl ln XNaCl + nKCl ln XKCl Þ G ¼ nNaCl gNaCl + ðnNaCl + nKCl Þ ln ð2ðZ 2ÞÞ This is the same as the BW expression in (i) when Z ¼ 2. The reason for this is the fact that the entropy expression in the MQM is only exact when Z ¼ 2 as discussed in Section 16.2. INDEX Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures and t indicate tables. A Absolute enthalpy, 16 Activity aqueous solutions, 78 component, 46 dilute metallic solutions, 77–78 single ion, 78–79 solution phase, 79–80, 80f Activity coefficient, 49–50 Henrian, 73–74, 77 Raoultian, 77 Adjoining phase regions, law of, 105–106 Aqueous phase diagram. See True aqueous phase diagram Associate model, 257–260 molten oxide solutions, 325–326 Asymmetrical salt solution, 200, 249–250 solid vs. liquid, 251–252 Asymmetrical solution, 200 Auxiliary functions, 28–29, 31, 118–122 Avogadro’s number coordination equivalent fractions, 220–221 ideal Raoultian solution, 48 limiting liquidus slope, 349 regular solution, 50–51 B Binary compounds, 89–90 Binary eutectic reaction, 63–64, 141–143 Binary temperaturecomposition phase diagrams eutectic systems, 63–65 geometric units, 81f eutectic invariant, 80–81 extension rule, 82 peritectic invariant, 82 grain size, effect of, 83 Henrian ideal solution, 73–76 immiscibility, 67–69 intermediate phases, 70–73 minima and maxima, 59–60 miscibility gaps, 61–63 regular solution theory, 65–67 solid-solid transformation, 56–57, 57f strain energy, 83 tangent construction, 55 Bivariant region, 36 Boltzmann’s equation, 11, 47 Borate solutions, 328–330 Bragg-Williams models. See Multiple sublattice random-mixing; Singlelattice random mixing C Catatectics, 81 Cell model, molten silicates, 327 Ceramic solutions, 246–249 Charge compensation effect, 327–328, 329f Charge equivalent ionic fractions, 124f, 129 Charge equivalent site fractions, 249–250 Chemical potential, 12, 29–30 excess, 197 ideal Henrian solution, 75 relative, 44–45 standard state, 77–78 Cluster-site approximation (CSA), 340 Cluster variation method (CVM), 297, 340 Coherent boundary, 83 Complex anion model, 273–274 Component activity, 46 activity coefficient, 49–50 choice of variables, 127–128 Composition-dependent coordination numbers, 269–270, 279 Composition square order-disorder transitions, 334, 334f quadruplets, 301, 301f (Fe,Cr)(C,Va) solution, 240–241, 241f spinel, 246, 247f Composition triangle, 85–86 Compound, 72 Compound energy formalism (CEF), 240 ceramic solutions, 246–249 interstitial solutions, 240–241 molten oxide solutions, 334 nonstoichiometric compounds, 241–245 Configurational entropy, 47 associate model, 258–259, 259f ionic liquid model, 293 limiting liquidus slope, 349 modified quasichemical model, 261, 263f Raoultian ideal solutions, 194 Reddy-Blander capacity model, 331–332 two-sublattice MQM, 305–308 377 378 INDEX Congruently melting compound, 72 Conode. See Tie-line Constant composition section. See Isoplethal sections Constituent diagrams, 139–140 Coordination equivalent fractions, 199, 219–222 Corresponding extensive variable, 104 Corresponding phase diagrams, 114–118 Corresponding variable pairs, 130, 130t Crystallization path equilibrium and ScheilGulliver solidification, 141, 142t polythermal liquidus projection, 88 Curie temperature, 159–160 D Dalton’s law, 18–19 Darken’s quadratic formalism, 202–203 Debye-Davies equation, 176, 177f Deoxidation equilibria, steel, 342–345 Dilute Henrian solution, 201 Double ZPF lines, 110 E Eh-pH diagram equilibrium constant, 169–170 Henrian ideal solution, 168–169 H2O-Fe system, 167–168, 168f vs. hydrogen potential, 170, 171f Nernst equation, 169 vs. oxygen potential, 170, 170f Ellingham diagram, 24, 24f End-member, 231, 239 Enthalpy, 13–16 absolute, 16 alkaline-earth silicates, 321–324, 322f associate model, 258, 258f Enthalpy change, 26 Enthalpy-composition phase diagrams, 117–118 Entropy, 11 alkaline-earth silicates, 321–324, 323f excess, 48 in liquid Al-Sc solutions, 253–255, 256f of liquid Mg-Sn solutions, 253–255, 255f third law method, 26–27 Entropy of mixing configurational, 194 nonconfigurational, 194 Entropy paradox, 258–259 Equilibrium ideal gas, 18–20 nonideal gas, 20–22 predominance diagrams, 22–24 Equilibrium constant, 19–20 molten oxide solutions, 342 Reddy-Blander capacity model, 330 Equilibrium cooling, 37 Equilibrium solidification calculated amounts of phases, 133–134 crystallization paths, 141–143, 142t invariant reactions, 134–135 quasi-invariant reactions, 135–136 Eutectic phase diagram, 63–65 Eutectic reaction binary, 63–64 equilibrium solidification, 134–135 Scheil-Gulliver cooling, 139 Eutectic temperature, 63 Eutectoids, 81 Evaporation paths, 165–167 Excess Gibbs energy, 48–49 Excess stability function, 341, 341f Extension rule binary phase diagrams, 82 polythermal projections, 131 ternary tie-triangle, 94f, 95 Extensive variable, 104, 105t F FactSage, 134, 160, 174 Fe-Cr-C system full equilibrium phase diagram, 150, 150f paraequilibrium phase diagram, 151, 151f Ferromagnetic transition, 163–164 First-melting projection, 98 First-nearest-neighbor (FNN) pair modified quasichemical model single-lattice, 260 two-sublattice, 297 two-sublattice solution, 235–236 First-order transitions, 159 Five-component system modified quasichemical model, 282, 283f single-lattice random mixing, 217, 217f Fraction lines, phase, 126f, 131 Fugacity, 21, 21f Fusion reaction, 15 Fusion temperature, 37 G Galvanic cell, 13, 25 Geometric rules extensive variable, 104, 105t law of adjoining phase regions, 105–106 potential variables, 104–105, 105t Schreinemakers’ rule, 107–108, 122 Gibbs-Duhem equation, 30–31 excess property, 49 ideal Henrian solution, 74 single-lattice random mixing, 199 single-phase region, 121 INDEX Gibbs energy, 16–18 excess, 48–49 of mixing, 41–42 of pure substance, 27–28 two-sublattice MQM, 303–305 Gibbs energy change, 25 Gibbs-Helmholtz equation, 26, 197–198 Gibbs phase rule, 4–5 applications Al2SiO5 system, 38 Cu-SO2-O2 system, 39 Fe-Cr-S2-O2 system, 40 Zn-Mg-Al system, 38–39 binary T-X phase diagrams bivariant region, 36 equilibrium cooling, 37 fusion temperature, 37 three-phase invariants, 37–38 tie-line, 35–36 univariant region, 36 components, 33–34 composition variables, 34 degrees of freedom, 34 number of phases, 34 H Helmholtz energy, 28 Henrian activity coefficient, 73–74, 77 Reddy-Blander capacity model, 331 Henrian ideal solution, 73–76 Eh-pH diagrams, 168–169 Henry’s law, 74, 76, 348 Homogeneity range, 70–72 I Ideal gas equation, 18–19 Ideal Raoultian solution, 46–48, 194–195 Immiscibility, 67–69 Incongruently melting compound, 72–73 Intermediate phases, 70–73 Interstitial solutions, 240–241 Invariant reaction, 64–65, 134–135 Ionic liquid model, 292–293 Isobaric temperaturecomposition phase diagram, 105–106, 105f Isoplethal phase diagram, 3, 5f, 144–147, 146–147f Isoplethal sections, 95–97 Isothermal phase diagram, 3, 4f Scheil-Gulliver solidification, 144, 146f solid and liquid phases, 60, 60f J €necke coordinates, 116–117 Ja K Kohler model, 208f, 209–210, 210f L Lattice stabilities, 75–76, 201 Law of adjoining constituent regions, 147 Law of adjoining phase regions (LAPR), 105–106, 149 Lens-shaped phase diagrams, 53–55 Lever rule, 36, 38 binary eutectic system, 65 oxide phase diagrams, 124 ternary isothermal sections, 91–93 Limiting liquidus slope, 346–349 Liquidus isotherms, 88 Liquidus projection LiF-NaF-KF system, 213–214, 213f quaternary phase diagrams, 99–100 reciprocal ternary system (Li,K)(F,Br), 232, 233f (Na,K)(F,Cl), 232, 234f Scheil-Gulliver constituent diagrams, 140–141, 140f, 143–144, 143f ternary phase diagrams, 88–91 two-sublattice MQM (Li,Na)(F,Cl) system, 315–316f, 317 379 (Na,Ca)(F,Cl) system, 316–317f, 317 Long range ordering (LRO), 162–163, 229, 333 M Magnetic contributions, 346 Magnetic ordering. See Ferromagnetic transition Majority defects, 241 Mechanical mixing energy, 231–232 Metastable phase boundaries, 190 Minimum Gibbs energy phase diagrams Fe-Ni-Cr system, 157, 157f Ni-Cr system, 155–157, 156f Miscibility gap, 61–63 Bragg-Williams vs. MQM, 290f critical points, 114–116 liquid-liquid, 67 liquid-liquid island, 232 Modified quasichemical model (MQM) and Bragg-Williams expression, 264–268 vs. Bragg-Williams model, 288–291 closed explicit form, 286–287 composition-dependent coordination numbers, 269–270 enthalpy of mixing, 262, 263f equilibrium distribution, 262 first-nearest-neighbor, 260 Mg-Sn system optimization, 270–272 molten oxide solutions, 324–325 multicomponent solution composition-dependent coordination numbers, 279 database, 287–288 interpolation formulae, 280–286 pair-exchange reaction, 278 380 INDEX Modified quasichemical model (MQM) (Continued) standard Gibbs energy, 280 pair-exchange reaction, 260 polynomial expansion, 264, 268–269 Molar enthalpy, 44 liquid Al-Ca solutions, 253–255, 254f liquid Al-Sc solutions, 253–255, 255f liquid Mg-Sn solutions, 253–255, 254f Molar Gibbs energy of mixing, 41, 42f Mole fraction, 41 ideal Raoultian solution, 46 integral and partial, 42, 42f Molten oxide solutions alkaline-earth silicates enthalpy of mixing, 321–324, 322f entropy of mixing, 321–324, 323f associate model, 325–326 boron, network forming, 328–330 CaO-SiO2 system phase diagram, 321–324, 323f structure, 319–321, 320f cell model, 327 charge compensation effect, 327–328, 329f modified quasichemical model, 324–325 nonoxide anions, 330–333 PbO-SiO2 melts, Qi species, 321, 322f reciprocal ionic liquid model, 326–327 Reddy-Blander capacity model, 330–333 SiO2 system network modification, 321f structure, 319, 320f Molten salt solution liquid-liquid mixing, 272–273 multiple sublattice randommixing, 252 single-lattice random mixing, 200 single-lattice SRO, 274, 275f two-sublattice modified quasichemical model, 300–301 Monotectic reaction, 68 Monotectics, 81 MQM. See Modified quasichemical model (MQM) Muggianu model, 208f, 209–212 Muggianu-Redlich-Kister model, 211–212 Multicomponent solution, 52, 189 Multiple sublattice randommixing compound energy formalism, 240 ceramic solutions, 246–249 interstitial solutions, 240–241 nonstoichiometric compounds, 241–245 end-member activities, 239 Temkin model, 249–252 three-sublattice model, 230–231 two-sublattice solution, 231 polynomial expansion, 232 reciprocal excess term, 235–239 (Li,K)(F,Br) reciprocal ternary system, 232, 233f (Na,K)(F,Cl) reciprocal ternary system, 232, 234f Multisublattice model, 200 N Nernst equation, 25, 169 Network modifiers, 321 Network formers, 321 Neumann-Kopp rule, 272 Node, 107–108 Nonconfigurational entropy of mixing, 194 Nonideal gas, equilibrium, 20–22 Nonstoichiometric compound, 72, 241–245 O One-component system, 106f, 119 One-sublattice Bragg-Williams model, 272 Order-disorder transition, 162–163, 162f Au-Cu phase diagram, 337, 337f composition square, 334, 334f compound energy formalism, 334 equilibrium value, 336, 336f equimolar line, 335–336, 335f first-order, 338, 339f long range ordering, 333 second-order, 337f three ordered phases, 340 Orthogonal Legendre polynomials, 198 Oxide phase diagrams FeO-SiO2 system, 124f, 125 Fe2O3-SiO2 system, 123f, 124 Fe3O4-SiO2 system, 122–123, 123f phase fraction lines, 126f, 127 P Pair-exchange reaction, 260, 274 Pandat, 137, 190 Paraequilibrium, 8 Paraequilibrium phase diagram Fe-Cr-C-N system, 154, 155f Fe-Cr-C system molar ratio vs. molar ratio, 152–153, 153f molar ratio vs. temperature, 151, 151f, 154f law of adjoining phase regions, 150 Paraequilibrium state, 149 Partial excess Gibbs energies, 197 Partial molar enthalpy, 348 Partial molar Gibbs energy, 43 INDEX Partial molar properties, 43–44 Peritectic reaction, 70 equilibrium solidification, 134–135 Scheil-Gulliver cooling, 139 Peritectics, 82 Peritectoids, 82 Phase diagrams Al2SiO5 system, 3, 7f compilations, 183–184 definition, 3 Fe-Cr-S2-O2 system, 3, 7f Fe-Cr-V-C system, 3, 6f Fe-Ni-O2 system, 3, 6f general rules, 6–8 isoplethal, 5f isothermal, 4f single-valued, 110–114 temperature composition, 4f Phase Diagrams for Ceramists, 184 Phase fraction lines, 126f, 127, 131 Physical vapor deposition (PVD), 155 Point defects, 241 Polynomial expansion, 197 Polythermal liquidus projections, 133–134 Al-Sc-Mg system, 288, 289f extension rule, 131 Potential variable, 104–105, 105t, 153–154 Pourbaix diagram. See Eh-pH diagram Predominance phase diagrams, 22–24 Pressure-composition (P-X) phase diagram, 58–59 Proeutectic/primary constituent, 63–64 Q Quasi-binary phase, 96–97 Quasichemical model, 314 Quasi-invariant reactions, 135–136 Quasi-peritectic reaction, 90, 133–135 Quasi sublattices, 229–230 Quaternary phase diagrams liquidus projections, 99–100 solidus projections, 100–102 R Raoultian activity coefficient, 77 Raoult’s law, 77, 241 Reciprocal salt system, 128–129 Reddy-Blander capacity model, 330–333 Redlich-Kister polynomials, 198, 346 Regular solution theory, 50–52 binary phase diagrams, 65–67 single-lattice random mixing, 195–196 Relative chemical potential, 44–45 Reversible work, 12–13, 17 S Saddle points, 90, 136 Saturation limit, 165 Scheil-Gulliver constituent diagrams, 137 Al-Li system, 137–140 Au-Bi-Sb system isoplethal phase, 144–147, 146–147f isothermal phase, 144, 146f liquidus projection, 140–141, 140f, 143–144, 143f microstructural constituents, 144, 144t geometrical properties, 147–148 Scheil-Gulliver solidification, 8 crystallization paths, 141–143, 142t nonequilibrium, 136–137 Schreinemakers’ rule, 95, 107, 122 Scientific Group Thermodata Europe (SGTE), 183 Second-nearest-neighbor (SNN) pairs, 237–238, 308–309 Second-nearest-neighbor SRO 381 complex anion model, 273–274 enthalpy of mixing, 272–273, 273f in molten KCl-CoCl2 solutions, 274, 275f Second-order transition definition, 160 heat capacity of α-Fe, 160, 161f order-disorder, 162–163, 162f T-composition phase diagram, 160, 161f Short-range ordering (SRO) first-nearest-neighbor, 297, 314 second-nearest-neighbor, 308–309 complex anion model, 273–274 enthalpy of mixing, 272–273, 273f in molten KCl-CoCl2 solutions, 274, 275f Single ion activity, 78–79 Single-lattice random mixing coordination equivalent fractions, 219–222 Darken’s quadratic formalism, 202–203 ideal Raoultian solution, 194–195 interaction parameter formalism e23, 224–225 molar ratio representation, 225 unified, 224 Wagner’s, 222–223 lattice stabilities, 201 phase diagram optimization algorithms, 206 concept of, 203 NaNO3-KNO3 system, 204, 204–205f virtual data, use of, 206–207 polynomial expansion, excess Gibbs energy, 196 caveat for optimizations, 199–200 382 INDEX Single-lattice random mixing (Continued) equivalent fractions, 198–199 Gibbs-Helmholz equation, 197–198 Redlich-Kister polynomial, 198 quaternary solution binary terms, 216–218 partial excess Gibbs energy, 219 ternary terms, 218–219 regular solution theory, 195–196 ternary solution geometric models, 207–209, 208f Kohler vs. Muggianu model, 212–213 liquidus projection, 213–214 polynomial expansion, 207, 209 terms, 214–216 thermal vacancies, 226 Single-sublattice modified quasichemical model associate models, 257–260 and Bragg-Williams expression, 264–268 characteristic of solutions, 253–256 closed explicit form, 286–287 composition-dependent coordination numbers, 269–270 enthalpy of mixing, 262, 263f equilibrium distribution, 262 first-nearest-neighbor, 260 vs. ideal random mixing, 274–277 Mg-Sn system optimization, 270–272 pair-exchange reaction, 260 polynomial expansion, 264, 268–269, 277–278 second-nearest-neighbor complex anion model, 273–274 enthalpy of mixing, 272–273, 273f in molten KCl-CoCl2 solutions, 274, 275f Single-valued phase diagrams, 110–114 Site exchange energy, 247 Solid ionic salt solution, 229 Solidus projections quaternary phase diagram, 100–102 ternary phase diagram, 97–99 Solvus lines, 63 3D space model, ternary, 86–87 Spinel solution, 229, 246, 247f Spinodal curve, 62–63 Spinodal points, 62–63 Stability criterion, 120 Stable diagonal, 232–235 Stable pair, 232–235 Standard Gibbs energy, 18, 280, 330–331 Standard molar enthalpy, 14–16, 14f Standard state, 45 chemical potential, 77–78 of gas, 21 Stirling’s approximation, 47, 349 Stoichiometric compound, 72 Straight tie-lines, 129 Strain energy, 83 Subregular solution, 196 Sulfide capacity model, 332–333, 333f Symmetrical salt solutions, 233–234f, 249–250 Syntectics, 82 T Tangent construction, 43 Taylor expansions, 236–237, 277–278 Temkin model multiple sublattice randommixing, 249–252 single-lattice random mixing, 200 Temperature-composition phase diagram, 3, 4f, 117–118 bivariant region, 36 equilibrium cooling, 37 fusion temperature, 37 K2CO3-Na2CO3 system, 60, 61f second-order transition, 160, 161f three-phase invariants, 37–38 tie-line, 35–36 univariant region, 36 Ternary temperaturecomposition phase diagrams composition triangle, 85–86 isopleth, 95–97 isothermal section Bi-Sn-Cd system, 91, 92f lever rule, 91–93 topology, 93–95 polythermal liquidus projection, 89–90, 89f crystallization path, 88 liquidus isotherms, 88 peritectic reaction, 91 quasi-peritectic reaction, 90 Zn-Mg-Al system, 91, 92f solidus projections/firstmelting, 97–99 space model, 86–87 Ternary terms, 214–216 Thermal vacancies, 226 Thermo-Calc, 137, 190 Thermodynamics, 4–5 auxiliary functions, 28–29 first law, 10 fundamental equation of, 12–13 nomenclature, 10 real gases, 21 second law, 11–12 third law, 26–27 Thermodynamic variable, 3 Third-order transition, 160 Three-phase invariants, 37–38 Tie-line, 35–36 isoplethal section, 96 INDEX paraequilibrium phase, 152–153 reciprocal salt system, 128f, 129 straight, 129 ternary isothermal section, 91–93 Tie-triangle, 90–91, 94f Toop approximation, 208f, 210–211 Transitions ferromagnetic, 163–164 first-order, 159 order-disorder, 162–163, 162f second-order, 160 third and fourth-order, 160 Tricritical point, 160 Triple point, 38–39 True aqueous phase diagram Debye-Davies equation, 176, 177f Eh-pH coordinates, replotting of, 180–181, 181–182f equilibrium composition, 174, 175t, 176 H2O-O2-CO2-Cu-HCl system, 180, 180f H2O-O2-CO2-Cu system, 178–180, 179f H2O-O2-HCl-Cu-Au system, 178f H2O-O2-HCl-Cu system, 178, 179f H2O-O2- HCl-NaOH-Cu system, 172, 173f hydrogen potential, 177f Pourbaix diagram, Cu-H2O system, 172, 173f system size, 172 ZPF lines, 172 Two-dimensional phase diagram, 104 Two-sublattice modified quasichemical model, 296 complexes/molecules, 300–302 configurational entropy, 305–308 coordination equivalent, 298 FNN pairs, 297, 314 Gibbs energy equation, 303–305 liquidus projection (Li,Na)(F,Cl) system, 315–316f, 317 (Na,Ca)(F,Cl) system, 316–317f, 317 383 pair positions, 296–297 quadruplets, 297, 297f, 299–300 salt solution, 296 second-nearest-neighbor pairs, 308–314 U Unified interaction parameter formalism, 224 Univariant region, 36, 87 V Vacanconium, 245 Virtual data, 206–207 W Wagner’s interaction parameter formalism, 222–223 Z Zero constituent fraction (ZCF) lines, 148 Zero-phase-fraction (ZPF) lines, 108–110, 131 binary T-composition phase diagram, 109f double, 174–176 true phase diagrams, 172