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Work Stress Management Research Methodology

3.1 Research Design
The study employed the use of descriptive survey research
design. Descriptive survey deemed suitable for this study as it's
aimed at collecting data and describing in a systematic manner
of assessment of work stress management and its influence on
presenteeism, propensity and productivity in the banking
sector within Jos Metropolis, Plateau State.
3.2 Study Area
Twelve bank will be selected within the Jos Metropolis area of
Plateau State. The employees there speak English but a few
such as the cleaners and security personnels speak Hausa which
is generally spoken in the Northern part of the country.
3.3 Population of the Study
The study population consists of adult members of some
selected offices in the bank that have worked there for at least
two(2) years.
3.4 Instrument for data Collection
The data will be collected using a self-designed questionnaire
containing relevant questions with response options by the
researcher. The employees that are literate in English language
will be allowed to fi the questionnaires themselves but for
those that are not literate in English language will be asked the
questions in local language (Hausa) and their responses will be
filled by to the researcher.
HO- Stressful working conditions has effects on productivity,
propensity and presenteeism.
HI- Stressful working conditions has no effect on presenteeism,
propensity and productivity.