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Visual Aids in Language Classrooms: An Essay

This essay explores the use of visual aids in class. They are resources used by the
teachers to enhance students’ communicative skills in English language classroom.
In addition, they are tools used for presenting complex subject matters in class.
Visual aids help students to keep and retain variety of information as well as help
students to develop the willing of communicating in the classroom without fear or
losing face due to the fact that, these instruments being motivating, assists the
students to be engaged in the lessons or specific topic, and helping them to keep
information for a long period of time. Visual aids are, in this way, crucial in the
teaching and learning process. Thus, visual aids must be selected and designed
taking into account the interests, the background of the students, the level of the
student so that it can enhance motivation and meaningful representations of the tools
in the real life. Nevertheless, the essay aims at exploring the notion about the use of
visual aids (e.g., pictures, flashcards, overhead projectors and language cards).
Specifically, this paper has the purpose of stating the concepts of visual aids and the
importance of using visual aids brought by different scholars such as Doff, Harmer in
the context of language classroom, and finally to identify the types of visual aids,
describe and explain how they can be designed and used in the classroom. As for
the accomplishment of this essay, the researcher served himself by gathering and
reading different sources such as books, articles and journals and by analysing them.
However, the researcher analysed and compared the information in order to bring the
general understanding about the use of visual aids in the classroom.
Key words: Visual, aids, classroom.
Contents page
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................. 3
2. The concept of key terms ........................................................................................ 4
3. Using Visual Aids in Class ....................................................................................... 4
3.1. What is the importance of using visual aids in class ......................................... 6
3.2. Why using visual aids in English language classroom ...................................... 7
3.3. Types of visual aids ........................................................................................... 8
3.3.1. Pictures and images ................................................................................... 9
3.3.2. The flip chart ............................................................................................... 9
3.3.3. Realia and language cards ....................................................................... 10
3.3.4. Power point slides, overhead transparencies ........................................... 10
3.4. How can teachers design effective visual aids? .............................................. 12
4. Conclusion............................................................................................................. 15
5. Reference list ........................................................................................................ 16
1. Introduction
Visual aids are resources teachers need to take into consideration for inculcating in
the teaching and learning environment. The resources are relevant for developing
students’ language abilities towards English language in the classroom. In addition,
these tools encompass things that we see and give teachers and students sort of
information, pictures. In English language teaching and learning, the relevance lies
on the fact that students are required to get acquainted on the aspects or areas
related to listening, reading, speaking and writing.
Visual tools are in fact used to call students’ attention and motivate them to
participate in an English language classroom, because learners can surely see what
is being taught or discussed in the classroom in the target language, at the same
time, encourage them to use the language for different purposes. However, using
visual aids is one of the most elements in the learning process teachers must take
into account for helping students to promote speaking in English language. It not only
helps students in the learning process, but also helps students in the development
social and cognitive skills.
For the accomplishment of this essay the researcher proposes that the main
objective of the paper is to explore the topic concerning the use of visual aids in
class. In addition, the specific objectives are as follows: to state the concepts and the
importance of using visual aids brought by different scholars in the context of
language classroom, and finally to identify the types of visual aids, describe and
explain how they can be designed and used in the classroom.
2. The concept of key terms
Visual refers to an image, some ones can see, a picture or graphic.
Aids are anything that can assist an individual in certain social environment. In
education, an aid is the material that is going to help both students and teachers
to successfully conduct the teaching and learning process.
In the perrispective of P. G. College & Anshul Chandra, (s.d, p. 3) Teaching aids
‘‘are tool and equipment used in teaching as a supplement in class room
instruction to enhance the interest of students.’’
Visual aids are all the visual teaching materials that are used as bridge for an
effective and memorable teaching and learning process to take place. It includes all
the teaching materials that students can experience visually by observing them such
as pictures, flash cards, wall charts, realia (real objects), charts (flip charts), maps,
boards and other visual materials that can bring variety in the classroom.
Shabiralyani, Hasan, Hamad, & Iqbal, (2015, p. 226) corroborating with Burton and
Kinder, S. James state that “Visual aids are those sensory objects or images which
initiate or stimulate and support learning”. Furthermore, Kinder, S. James; describe
visual aids as “Visual aids are any devices which can be used to make the learning
experience more real, more accurate and more active”.
Based on these two insights brought forward, it becomes clear that visual aids are of
a paramount importance for making learning process effective and promoting
qualified knowledge dissemination, because students understand better by observing
in reality what they learn. Moreover, they are stimulating, motivating and
extraordinary teaching aids for all the ages, especially children because they want to
concretize the knowledge they are acquiring so that they can build their language
competence and consequently enhance their fluency. Additionally, visual aids are
those materials indispensable for encouraging language acquisition, in an interesting,
easier and motivating natural environment.
3. Using Visual Aids in Class
Visual aids are crucial for supporting teachers and students in the teaching and
learning process. Additionally, Visual aids are said to be images and words
presented in different forms to bring the target participants in the context of
classroom draw their imagination on the contents presented. Therefore, it is a need
that teachers have to integrate visual resources to complement the words they wish
to deliver in the classroom.
According to Harmer (2007, p.176) states that ‘’a range of objects, pictures, cards
and other things, such as Cuisenaire rods, can be used for presenting and
manipulating language, and for involving students in activities of all kinds.’’ In the
same perspective highlighted by Harmer, Doff (2005, p.35) corroborates that
‘’teacher needs to have a wide range of resources in the classroom for his/her
students´ development in the learning process. And these resources must include
pictures, cards, flashcards and all the material needed. The author highlights that
things that we see have an enormous importance in affecting and giving us
Doff, in his views regarding visual aids, maintains that:
The emphasis has to be made on giving the students “a reason” for listening,
reading, writing or speaking. Visuals elements are, in this way, a very good
“reason” in order to motivate students to interact with the foreign language
because they can clearly “see” the language in use by means of meaningful
elements which call their attention and, at the same time, motivate them to use
the language in different ways. Moreover, the activities in which there are
several skills practiced, or in which several things can be done, are more
suitable for using them in the classroom than others in which there is only one
possible task for students. (ibid, p.35)
Visual aids are used to inspire teaching and learning process in the classroom. As
Singh (2005) cited by Shabiralyani1 et al (2015, p.02), define that ‘’visual aids extend
the students' preparation for the lesson, and make it easier and motivating.’’
However, from the ideas presented, it is observed that all the aspects that students
are able to see are, in fact, relevant for using in English language classroom due to
the fact that students can, from the lessons planned for discussion, see the linguistics
elements highlighted through images. Nevertheless, it invites learners to imagine the
context in which they are in order to expand the knowledge of language and create
comfortable atmosphere in the classroom as well as extend the willing to participate
in the classroom without fair.
3.1. What is the importance of using visual aids in class
Visual aids are really encouraging tools for students to actively participate in the
lesson. It is to figure that when students observe and teacher ask them to produce a
physical or oral response toward the image observed already, they will be able to
react positively and highly participate during the lessons.
Gower et al (n/d, p.70), indicate that that ‘’visual aids can take many forms, but the
most common are real objects, and pictures or photographs’’. As stated by Harmer
(2007, p.177) in his book The Practice of English Language Teaching ‘’objects that
are intrinsically interesting can provide a good starting-point for a variety of language
work and communication activities’’.
Hence, visual aids are used for illustrating the language area of the lessons, colours
or for demonstrating the meaning of the words in relation to the communicative
activities proposed for the students. As stated by Gower et al using visual aids has a
number of advantages such as:
 Illustrating meaning more directly and quickly than through verbal explanation,
that is, they cut down unnecessary teacher talking time;
 Stimulating interest and enthusiasm in students;
 Creating a meaningful context;
 Attracting students’ attention and aid concentration;
 Adding variety and interest to the lesson;
 Helping to make the associated language memorable;
 Offering students opportunity for communicating in the classroom;
 Helping to make a classroom a stimulating and attractive place in which to
 Giving students an amusing desire for learning.
Therefore, visual aids, among other things, are used for arising interest of the
students and concentrate them at the beginning of the lesson; they are also used to
elicit the language that is already known in English language classroom and by
illustrating the language item or vocabulary item. Not only, visual aids create the
need for the new language, which the teacher then satisfies and stimulate discussion
and participation in the classroom. (Gower et al, n/d, Teaching Practice p.70).
However, these tools can be used not only for children, but also for teenagers,
adults, depending on the teacher’s imagination and teachers can make their own
authentic material for using in the classroom.
Additionally, Nawir, Abubakar, & Meidaryanti, (2022, p.145) citing Patesan, Balagiu,
and Alibec (2018) agree that ‘‘visual aids are powerful tools that can be used by
teachers to assist students in teaching a foreign language’’. Furthermore, Bright
ideas emphasizes that (2021) ‘‘students with disabilities may require visual support in
order to communicate with their teachers, peers, and to promote independence’’ so
visual aids can strengthen these set of students to learn effectively. Therefore, the
students are found encouraged to participate and communicate in the classroom in a
joyful and effetive manner. So using visual aids, students have high chance to be the
center of the lesson.
Munadi (2008) cited by Nawir, et al, (2022, p.146) analyses visual aids as ‘’tools that
encompasses the sense of sight.’’ Following this line of ideas, it is clear that as the
students see or observe an image or a video about the topic they are learning, they
can spontaneously speak in the classroom, memorize new concepts, internalize and
practice vocabulary or language structure. The only limitations for the use of visual
aids is that teachers are required to be much creative, always observing the size of
the class and students tolerance, especially with those students that are not child.
3.2. Why using visual aids in English language classroom
There is a need of joining the students into realistic lessons inviting them to capture
the lessons not all based on the spoken words, that is, they need to go beyond what
the teacher delivers in the classroom for the students. Thus, most students are more
likely to understand the lessons by paying close attention to the objects or images
that are exposed.
According to Kang (2010, p.03) cited by Balcesco (2018, p.358), ‘’visual aids ”are
designed to help the learner, bringing the prior knowledge to a conscious level in the
form of an organizational structure. They help enhancing comprehension and
learning, as well as eliciting, explaining and communicating information’’. It is also
believe that ‘’students are capable of understanding English language as the visuals
used will “provide conceptual scaffolding, through cultural context or other clues, and
it helps with the natural associations of images and words”. (Nation and Newton
2009, p.39, cited by Balcesco, 2018, p.358).
Fotos (2001, cited by Balcesco, 2018, p.358) considers that:
The input the students receive in an English language classroom can be
handled in order to make it easier to understand, fitting their needs and level”.
The author goes further in arguing that “teachers have been doing it over the
years, with different strategies such as simplifying the grammar activities or
physically highlighting the important points of a particular topic (grammar
structures or vocabulary) in them presentations or in the prints that they hand
to them.
Based in the ideas described in the exert above, teachers should incorporate visual
aids in the classroom, if they want to promote students learn the language and
participate in the classroom. Thus, using real objects and photographs serve as basis
for foundation input. In addition integrating visual aids into the classroom arises when
teacher plans lessons that use objects and photographs in meaningful and relevant
3.3. Types of visual aids
The information that we experience daily become captured in our brain that any time
of life they can be retrieved clearly and neatly to convey a meaningful message about
that set of situation in which the memory is called to explain. The same applies to the
visual learning in the classroom. Students tend to recall the information they have
seen in the classroom or when the teacher calls the attention of the students to
remember about particular event and then associate that particular event to certain
language context. Studies reveal that most of the students better understand and
remember the concepts that they have experienced visually rather than a mere
explanation destitute of any visual demonstration.
Additionally, visual aids can bring variety and flexibility, and never monotonous
lessons in the classroom. And there are different sources to obtain visual aids of
different sizes adjusted to a variety of situation of the classroom.
3.3.1. Pictures and images
According to Harmer (2001, p.134), ‘’language teachers use variety of teaching aids
to explain language meaning and construction, engage students in a topic, or as the
basis of whole activity’.
Teachers always use pictures or graphics, whether drawn, taken from books,
newspapers and magazines or photographs to facilitate learning. In addition,
the pictures can be in the form of flashcards (smallish cards which can hold up
for the students to see), large wall pictures (big enough for everyone to see
details), and cue card (small cards which students use in pairs or group work.
Some teachers also use project slides, images from an overhead projector, or
project computer images as well as teachers can draw pictures on the board
to help with explanation and language work (ibid, p.134).
From the above, it can be observed that pictures and images can be used for a
variety of activities that involve putting the students to communicate, especially
activities such as drawing and describing. It can also be used for presenting and
checking understanding of the students concerning a piece of writing or listening. Not
only, it can be used for making the environment more appealing and let the students
predict the following lessons.
Aligned with this light of idea, different scholars suggest different types of visual aids
that can be used in the classroom, but all the viewpoints suggested by them can be
summarized in the light of Rodger et.al. ( 2009) cited by Raiyn, (2016, p. 115) who
states that ‘‘Visual information is presented in different formats, such as images,
flowcharts, diagrams, video, simulations, graphs, cartoons, colouring books, slide
shows/PowerPoint decks, posters, movies, games, and flashcards’’.
Using the aforementioned materials and others such as videos, realia, pictures,
maps, photographs, wall charts, flipcharts, and the teacher him/herself (as teaching
aid to demonstrate some physical response activities) teachers can foster language
acquisition naturally and easy to understand and recall the information effortlessly.
3.3.2. The flip chart
Harmer (2007, p.186), stresses that ‘’flip charts are very useful for making notes,
recording the main points in a group discussion, amending and changing points, and
for the fact that individual sheets of paper can be torn off and kept for future
reference’’. Hence, flip charts are easy to carry, relatively cheap and demand no
technical expertise. It best helps the teacher, group leader to record the points that
are crucial to be presented; it also helps the participants due to the fact that they can
see what is being presented and can take notes. Harmer argues tthat:
When possible, it is ideal if groups can each have flip charts of their own. When an
activity is finished, students can walk round the room seeing what the different
groups have written (or what points they have noted down). Flip charts can also be
posted at different points in the room, each flip chart standing for a topic or a point of
Therefore, based on what is written on the flipchart, students can add, comment the
ideas and suggest changes, their opinions, disagreeing or merely corroborate ideas
with other students.
3.3.3. Realia and language cards
Equipment such as Realia and language cards can be termed as being bits and
pieces that the teacher can bring into the classroom; objects that can call students
raise students’ willing to communicate in the classroom. As stated by Harmer (2001):
They are real or lifelike items useful for teaching the meaning of words’’. In
addition, ‘’many teachers put a varied of cards and posters that have notes
about language items around the classroom, such cards can also be used by
students to write about themselves on the card and pout their photographs
next to what they have written’’ (ibid, p.140).
Nevertheless, using such bits and pieces will help students relate the abstract
concepts they are learning with the visual information they are observing or write on
the card right at the moment, and consequently stimulate students to actively interact
with the teacher and their peers.
3.3.4. Power point slides, overhead transparencies
It is of paramount importance using overhead projectors that projectors (OHPs) as
stated by Harmer (2001, p.136), ‘’they are extremely useful pieces of equipment that
allow teachers to prepare visual or demonstration material a little technical
knowledge, and are usually easy to carry around. They can be put through a
photocopier or get printed from any computer’’. These devices are for all sizes of
classes, cost-effective and motivating materials, because they create curiosity in the
students soon they see these tools in the classroom by their teacher, secondly they
encourage students to respond to them freely and naturally and finally teachers have
great probability to accomplish the lesson objectives in the sense that the students
will learn from their own and the teacher’s presence will be solely to guide the
students to build their knowledge as well as help retain the concepts and disseminate
their critical thinking abilities.
Wiyati & Marlina, (2021, p. 16) citing Dolati, R., & Richards (2010) propose the
following uses of each visual aid according to the learning context:
Types of
Role of
Role of
Flash card
Double sided
cards with
picture and
up Organizing and
providing the
Recognizing the
words and
Movies &
Persuading and
Core participants
triggering the
in following the
Simulating the
role plays
conversation in
different contexts
Surfing and
Familiarize the
Exploring new
getting into
students with
useful websites
Getting familiar Presenting and
Exploring new
organs: e.g.,
with the
simplifying the
the human
function and
location of
Table 1:. Categorization of Visual Learning Aids (Dolati, R., & Richards, (2010) cited
by Wiyati & Marlina, 2021, p. 16).
3.4. How can teachers design effective visual aids?
A picture or video on its own does not give worthy information, so there is a need of
the teacher’s creativity in order to design materials that meet the students’ objectives
and when scaffolding by the teacher they are going to transmit exactly the message
which the teacher aims to convey to the students.
Visual aids can be made and designed in a varied number of ways. They can be
taken from magazines and stick on the card; they can be drawn by the teachers, or
can be bought reproductions, photographs and posters from shops or photocopy
them from variety of sources, considering and checking the copyright law before
(Harmer, 2001, p.136). In addition, the scholar suggests that ‘’the choice and use of
pictures and other teaching aids is very much a matter of personal state, but teachers
should bear in mind three qualities they need to possess of they are to engage
students and be linguistically useful. However, they need to be appropriate not only
for the purpose in hand but also for the classes they are going to be used for,
because, if students in the class are too childish, they may not like them, and if they
are culturally inappropriate, they can offend the students (ibid, p.36). Consequently,
teachers should think about the students’ age, interest, cultural background, and their
level of proficiency to design and use visual aids in class. Harmer still argues that:
The most important thing for visual aids in the end is that they should be
visible and big enough so that all students, taking into account the place they
will be sitting can see the necessary detail. In addition, the teacher needs to
make them durable so that they do not have them destroyed in small amount
of time. Perhaps they can be stuck to the cards and protected with transparent
In the perspective of (CENTRE, 2003) a teacher need to pay attention on the
following principles: chunk information, organise the content, check the relevance of
the information conveyed, organise them in order of importance, visual effectiveness
and finally the appropriateness of the visual information. The ideas outlined in the
article (Centre, 2003,p.3) point that researchers propose six principles to take into
account when designing visual aids
 Chunk information: put similar materials together in manageable, sensible
chunks. If information must be split over a number of slides or screens,
consider reducing the size of the chunks you have.
 Organize the content: use the basic principles such as simple to complex,
known to unknown, knowledge to application. Include any image as close to
the relevant content as is possible.
 Relevance: be sure that the information or visual that you are using is relevant
to the topic. Be able to give a rational reason for something to be in the visual.
Just because the technology exists isn't a good enough reason to use a visual.
Over use of PowerPoint is a common student complaint.
 Importance: place the most important information early in your slides or
visuals. Call attention to it in some way. Be sure it really is an important idea to
 Appropriateness: consider the audience receiving the information, the
material being presented and the medium you are using.
 Visual effectiveness: keep your visuals simple so that they have the most
Besides, Visual aid are also said to be non-authentic materials, which means
teachers can create on their own, adjusting them according to the lesson, level
and interest of the student; therefore, they can be found everywhere from cheap
material, elaborated with handwriting along with the help of teacher’s creativity,
too expensive and more elaborated materials using information technology tools.
4. Conclusion
Using visual aids in class play an important role for supporting the students to keep
the subject matter for a long period of time. Almost all the contents can be covered
by means of visual aids. For this reason, most of the language teachers preferred to
develop the lesson not limiting themselves on the use of blackboards. Therefore, bits
and pieces such as flip charts, realia are used for the ease of the lessons.
Furthermore, not all students have the capability to only hear and retain information,
some students understand the subject matter based on prompts that they can see,
and then be able to retain the contents for a long period of time.
It was possible to notice in the role of the essay that visual tools can be a resource
for motivating and call the students’ attention. As for this, language four basic skills in
that language listening, speaking, reading and writing can be developed. As
discusses along the essay, students are more sensitive to things they are able to see
so that they can give enormous importance in the subject matter the teachers
prepare for them. The
Using visuals resources in class are, in this way, a very good strategy teachers can
adopt to motivate students to be active participants in English language class, simply
because they can clearly match the images and words they see with the world they
are to use language by means of meaningful items which call their attention and
motivate them to use the language in different contexts.
5. Reference list
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