The Interregnum, The Restoration, Glorious Revolution 1649-1688 The Interregnum 1649-1660 Time between two monarchial periods Military Dictatorship under Cromwell – – – – – Lord Protector Ruled with 12 major generals – one for each district Ignored the Instrument of Government Dissolved the Rump Parliament Religious tolerance for all but Roman Catholics Ruthlessly instituted this in Ireland – State control of press, forbade sports, theaters closed The Restoration Charles II 1660-1685 – Early acts of Long Parliament reinstated – He worked well with Parliament – The early Cabinet System: “Cabal” Two Problems remain: 1. Still need to resolve religious issue: Puritans and Catholics 2. What is the official relationship between King and Parliament? James II A Catholic!! Ignores the Test Act and appoints Catholics to position of government 1688 produces a male heir Declares religious freedom for all English fear – a Catholic Dynasty – coming true Glorious Revolution English throne offered to James’ Protestant daughter, Mary, and her Dutch husband, William of Orange James II and family fled to France – Destruction of divine-right monarchy – Sovereignty divided between king & Parliament – King rules with the consent of the governed – Bill of Rights