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Digital Literacy: Staying Safe Online - Presentation

Digital Literacy
Chapter 2
Staying safe online
Topic 2.1
Collecting data
 Online data Collection
 Internet/website Cookies
Play Time
How data is collected online
 Online registrations
 Online shopping
Is this site secure?
What is a cookie?
Essential cookies
Performance cookies
Functionality cookies
Advertising cookies
What are the Cookies used for?
Cookies and the law
Activity pg. 37
Good Uses of Cookies
Bad Uses of cookies
Topic 2.3
Danger Online
Course Content
• Cybercrime and
• Cybercrime Methods
Identity Theft
• Types of hacker
• Test: What type of hacker
he is?
• Malware
Cybercrime and cybercriminal
• Cybercrime is any illegal activity done using computer or
a network.
• Cybercrime is criminal activity that either targets or uses
a computer, a computer network or a networked device.
Most, but not all, cybercrime is committed by
cybercriminals or hackers who want to make money.
Cybercrime is carried out by individuals or organizations.
• Rarely, cybercrime aims to damage computers for reasons
other than profit. These could be political or personal.
Cybercrime Methods
Identity Theft
1. Identity theft
• Identity theft is the crime of obtaining the personal or
financial information of another person to use their
identity to commit fraud, such as making unauthorized
transactions or purchases. Identity theft is committed in
many different ways and its victims are typically left with
damage to their credit, finances, and reputation. Types of
Identity theft are
Financial identity theft
Social Security identity theft
Medical identity theft
Synthetic identity theft
2. Phishing
• A phishing campaign is when spam emails, or other
forms of communication, are sent, with the intention of
tricking recipients into doing something that undermines
their security or the security of the organization they
work for.
• Phishing campaign messages may contain infected
attachments or links to malicious sites. Or they may ask
the receiver to respond with confidential information
2. Phishing cont…
• A famous example of a phishing scam from 2018 was one
which took place over the World Cup. According to
reports by Inc, the World Cup phishing scam involved
emails that were sent to football fans.
• These spam emails tried to entice fans with fake free trips
to Moscow, where the World Cup was being hosted.
People who opened and clicked on the links contained in
these emails had their personal data stolen.
• A criminal sends out an email that asks for money by
different methods. Email may contains a threat that you owes
money and will have to go to court if you don’t pay debt.
• They might get in touch by phone, postal mail, text, or social
media. Protect your money and your identity. Don't share
personal information like your bank account number, Social
Security number, or date of birth.
• It can also offer something at a very low price or ask for
• or tell you that your relative died who lived somewhere else
and has left money for you. You have to pay the transaction
fee or legal procedure fee.
• Hacking means compromising computer systems,
personal accounts, computer networks, or digital devices.
• Criminals breaks into a computer. Usually to steal files or
Personal information.
• Hacking term basically was used for people use high level
skill to overcome a challenge or hurdle.
• In 1986 this terms was used for computer hackers when
computer became available to general public.
Types of hacker
• Black hat
• White hat
• Gray Hat
Test: What type of hacker he is?
Choose your answer
• White Hat
• Black Hat
• Gray Hat
Image From A Hacked Internet-Enabled Baby Monitor In A
Home In Cincinnati, Ohio Where A Man Was Screaming
“Wake Up Baby!” At A 10-Month-Old Girl
• Malware is a software that a criminal
installs on a computer.
• A malware attack is where a computer
system or network is infected with a
computer virus or other type of malware.
• A computer compromised by malware
could be used by cybercriminals for several
purposes. These include stealing
confidential data, using the computer to
carry out other criminal acts, or causing
damage to data.
• Virus spreads and infects files that it meets. Some of
them are harmless as they only cause pop up messages
other might destroy data or steal personal information.
• In computing, a Trojan horse[a] (or simply trojan)[b] is any
malware which misleads users of its true intent. The term is
derived from the Ancient Greek story of the deceptive Trojan
Horse that led to the fall of the city of Troy.
• . A Trojan is designed to damage, disrupt, steal, or in general
inflict some other harmful action on your data or network.
• A Trojan acts like a bona fide application or file to trick you. It
seeks to deceive you into loading and executing the malware
on your device. Once installed, a Trojan can perform the
action it was designed for.
• Ransomware is a type of malware used to extort money
by holding the victim’s data or device to ransom.
WannaCry is type of ransomware which targeted a
vulnerability in computers running Microsoft Windows.
• When the WannaCry ransomware attack hit, 230,000
computers were affected across 150 countries. Users were
locked out of their files and sent a message demanding
that they pay a BitCoin ransom to regain access.
• Worldwide, the WannaCry cybercrime is estimated to
have caused $4 billion in financial losses.
• Spyware is loosely defined as malicious software designed to
enter your computer device, gather data about you, and
forward it to a third-party without your consent. Spyware can
also refer to legitimate software that monitors your data for
commercial purposes like advertising.
• Step-by-step, spyware will take the following actions on your
computer or mobile device:
1. Infiltrate — via an app install package, malicious website, or file
2. Monitor and capture data — via keystrokes, screen captures, and
other tracking codes.
3. Send stolen data — to the spyware author, to be used directly or
sold to other parties.
• Adware is unwanted software designed to throw
advertisements up on your screen, most often within a
web browser.
• Adware generates revenue for its developer by
automatically displaying online advertisements in the
user interface of the software or on a screen that pops
up in the user’s face during the installation process. And
that’s when you start seeing dubious miracle weight loss
programs, offers for get-rich-quick secrets, and bogus
virus warnings that invite your click.
2.3 Protect your computer
Anti-Virus Software and its
• Antivirus software scans your computer for malware and
monitors your system for activity associated with viruses.
• A firewall is software or firmware that
prevents unauthorized access to a
network. It inspects incoming and
outgoing traffic using a set of rules to
identify and block threats.
• Firewalls are used in both personal and
enterprise settings, and many devices
come with one built-in, including Mac,
Windows, and Linux computers. They
are widely considered an essential
component of network security.
How does a firewall works
• A firewall establishes a border between an
external network and the network it
guards. It is inserted inline across a
network connection and inspects all
packets entering and leaving the guarded
network. As it inspects, it uses a set of
pre-configured rules to distinguish
between benign and malicious packets.
• Rule sets can be based on several things
indicated by packet data, including:
• Their source.
• Their destination.
• Their content.
Test: Which police women is AV
an which one is firewall
Using your computers safely
Test: What should we do
• You were surfing on internet
and this message suddenly
• Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital
devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets.
Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, Text, and apps, or
online in social media, forums, or gaming where people
can view, participate in, or share content. Cyberbullying
includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful,
false, or mean content about someone else. It can include
sharing personal or private information about someone
else causing embarrassment or humiliation. Some
cyberbullying crosses the line into unlawful or criminal
Cyberbullying places
• The most common places where cyberbullying occurs are:
• Social Media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and
Tik Tok
• Text messaging and messaging apps on mobile or tablet
• Instant messaging, direct messaging, and online chatting over
the internet
• Online forums, chat rooms, and message boards, such as
• Email
• Online gaming communities
• Harassing someone is a
common method of online
bullying. Participating in
text wars or text attacks,
which occur when bullies
gang up on the victim and
send thousands of texts.
• Posting rumors, threats,
or embarrassing
information on social
networking sites such as
Facebook, Twitter, and
• Change the target’s online
profile to include sexual,
racist, or other
inappropriate things.
• Develop a screen name
that is similar to the
victim’s screen name and
then post rude or hurtful
remarks while pretending
to be the victim.
• It is the act of
intentionally singling
out and leaving a
person out from an
online group such as
chats and sites
• Dissing refers to the act of a
bully spreading cruel untrue
information about their
target through public posts
or private messages to either
ruin their reputation or
relationships with other
people. In these situations,
the bully tends to have a
personal relationship with
the victim, either as an
acquaintance or as a friend.
• Cyberbullies may use photos and
images to cyberbully others.
• Posting embracing pictures on
photo sharing sites for anyone on
the internet to view and download.
• Sending mass emails or text
messages that include degrading
photos of the victim
Posting rumors, threats, or embarrassing information on social
networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is
A. Exclusion
B. Photographs
C. Harassment
D. Dissing
That’s Right
Harassing someone is a common method of online bullying.
Participating in text wars or text attacks, which occur when bullies gang
up on the victim and send thousands of texts.
Posting rumors, threats, or embarrassing information on social
networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Wrong Answer
Harassing someone is a common method of online bullying.
Participating in text wars or text attacks, which occur when bullies gang
up on the victim and send thousands of texts.
Posting rumors, threats, or embarrassing information on social
networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Describe the picture
Intellectual Property
Intellectual property (IP)
refers to creations of the
mind, such as inventions;
literary and artistic works;
designs; and symbols, names
and images used in
commerce. (www.wipo.int)
• Intellectual property (IP) is a
category of property that
includes intangible creations
of the human intellect.
Types of Intellectual Property
• Copyright
• Means we have the right to copy our work.
• Other people must ack permission before they can use it.
• It helps the copyright owner to control reproduction,
performance, adaptations, and distribution of the work.
Examples of such works are- literature, drawings, paintings,
songs, music, computer software, films, photos, web content,
• We automatically have the copyright of any work we create
• Like I have the copyright of this powerpoint.
Types of Intellectual Property
• Trade mark
• It protects brands.
• Under the law, a trademark is anything by
which customers recognize a brand or the
source of a product.
• A trademark offers legal protection for logo,
design, symbol, phrase, wordmarks, or a
combination of those that represents a source
of goods or services.
Credits: Legalwiz
Types of Intellectual
• Patent
• Inventors use patents to
protect their inventions.
• A patent stops other
people form copying
and invention and
claiming it as their own
Types of Intellectual Property
• Registered design
• This is used to protect designs like wall papers and
carpet patterns.
• Registered Design refers to the configuration, pattern,
or ornamentation which when applied to a product
gives the product a unique appearance.
• we can register a design but it must be new and
• The Coca Cola bottle, even without any text or
branding was registered in 2009 in Japan being the
first of its kind.
What could be the trade mark of
• Their specific purple color
What copyright mean to us
• We can legally use someone's work if
• We have purchased their work like a game or music, they
will give us a license. Which helps us to know what we
can do and can’t do with the work
• The owner had given permission, he/she will tell us what
we can do and can’t do with the work
Software piracy
• Copyright theft is a type of cyber crime.
• Criminals make copies of music, games and films.
• When software is illegally copied and sold, its called
software piracy.
How does it effects creator?
• Copy an image of giraffe from internet and paste it in MS word file.
Creative Common
• This license is one of several public copyright licenses
that enable the free distribution of an otherwise
copyrighted "work".
• A CC license is used when an author wants to give other
people the right to share, use, and build upon a work
that the author has created.
Giving Credit
• Giving credit to the sources we used creating a text is important for
several reasons.
1. It adds to our own credibility as an author by showing we have
done appropriate research on your topic and approached your work
2. It gives credit to the original author and their work for the ideas we
found to be useful, and in giving them credit it helps we avoid
unintentionally plagiarizing their work.
3. It gives our readers additional resources that they can go to if they
want to read further our topic.
How to give credit
• Credit includes these four pieces of information
Article or webpage title
Publishing Date of article
• For the previous slide credit will look like this;
• Openoregon press books, Crediting and Citing Your
Give credit for the picture you
have copied
• https://us.norton.com/
• https://en.wikipedia.org/
• https://www.ecomputerz.com/private-vpn.html
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trojan_Horse
• https://www.kaspersky.com/resourcecenter/threats/spyware
• https://www.malwarebytes.com/adware
• https://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/definition/firewall
• https://www.helpguide.org/articles/abuse/bullying-andcyberbullying.htm
• https://www.educationalappstore.com/blog/common-wayscyberbullying/
• https://www.stopbullying.gov/cyberbullying/what-is-it
• https://www.wipo.int/aboutip/en/#:~:text=Intellectual%20property%20(IP)%20refers%2
• https://justcreative.com/copyright-patents-trademarks-registereddesigns/
• https://openoregon.pressbooks.pub/wrd/chapter/crediting-yoursources/