Uploaded by Taylor Verhoeven

Many Worlds Interpretation Script

Many Worlds Interpretation Script
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you made a different choice at a critical moment
in your life? What if I told you every possible outcome of that decision actually occurred in a
separate parallel universe. This may sound like science fiction, but according to the Many
Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics, it's what happens every time a quantum event
occurs. But what is a quantum event? Quantum events are everything that occurs at the
quantum scale, meaning atoms and subatomic particles. Quantum events are governed by the
principles of quantum mechanics, which is the branch of physics that describes the behavior of
matter and energy at this scale. Quantum events are typically characterized by the fact that they
are inherently probabilistic. In other words, the outcome of a quantum event cannot be predicted
with absolute certainty, but rather only with a probability. This probability is able to be calculated
using the Schrödinger equation, formulated by Erwin Schrödinger in 1925. The Schrödinger
equation describes the behavior of a quantum system over time. It is a mathematical equation
that relates the wave function of a quantum system to its energy and momentum. The wave
function of a quantum system contains all the information that can be known about the system,
including its position, momentum, and other properties. The Schrödinger equation allows us to
calculate the probability of finding the system in a particular state when the system is observed,
such as a particular location or energy level. Physicists currently use the Copenhagen
interpretation to understand quantum mechanics, which states that a quantum particle does not
exist in one state or another, but instead is in a superposition, where it exists in all of its possible
states at the same time. When the particle is observed, the wave function collapses, and the
particle appears in a defined state with a defined location, velocity and momentum. Since the
conception of the Schrödinger equation, physicists hated the idea that an observation of a
physical system changes its quantum state. Even Schrödinger himself pointed out the
ridiculousness of expecting a quantum superposition to collapse just because we look at it. In a
paper he published in 1952 he wrote that it is “patently absurd” that the wave function should
“be controlled in two entirely different ways, at times by the wave equation, but occasionally by
direct interference of the observer, not controlled by the wave equation.” Despite many
physicists playing with similar ideas, it wasn’t until Hugh Everette in 1956 that the many worlds
theory and the universal wave function was published to the public. The many worlds
interpretation states that every possible outcome of a quantum event actually occurs in a
parallel universe, and when a quantum event occurs the universe is divided into different
versions for each possible outcome. This means that instead of the wave function collapsing
when a system is observed the wave function and the Schrödinger equation remains intact, and
instead the universe is divided when the event occurred. An easy way to visualize this is
through the Schrödinger's Cat thought experiment. A cat is placed in a closed box with a vial of
poison, and a machine that measures the decay of a subatomic particle. If the particle decays,
the vial of poison is broken, killing the cat. But if it doesn’t decay, the cat remains alive.
According to Schrödinger's equation, it is said that the particle has a 50/50 chance of decaying
or not decaying, so according to the Copenhagen Interpretation, the particle is said to be both
decayed, and intact simultaneously. Because the cat’s wellbeing is entangled with the decay of
the particle, it is said to be both dead and alive, until someone opens the box and observes the
state of the experiment, and the wave function collapses. According to the Many Worlds
Interpretation, when the experiment is started, the universe is split into 2, one reality where the
cat is dead, another where the cat is alive. This concept allows Schrödinger's equation and the
wave function to remain intact, as instead of breaking the wave function when the experiment is
observed, we are only able to observe one possible outcome, despite the other outcomes
predicted by the wave function existing in alternate realities. If our universe was part of a many
worlds reality, what would it change? Well, nothing really. It doesn’t change any of the math or
predictions involved in quantum mechanics, it just allows for a different interpretation of them.
Many Worlds means that quantum mechanics is deterministic, and not probabilistic. Every
possible outcome of every quantum event actually happens, but in a different parallel universe.
This means that there is no randomness or chance in quantum mechanics; everything is
predetermined, just in separate realities. Using the Many Worlds Interpretation, Physicists might
be able to grasp a greater understanding of quantum events, or in the future possibly even
predict events with certainty. It challenges our intuitions about the nature of reality, and our
knowledge on the nature of consciousness. It suggests that consciousness may be a
fundamental aspect of the universe, rather than an emergent property of complex systems.
Overall, the Many Worlds Theory is an important theory to consider because it challenges our
assumptions about the nature of reality, provides a way to explain some of the paradoxes in
quantum mechanics, and has implications for our understanding of consciousness. While it
remains controversial and unproven, it offers a fascinating and thought provoking perspective on
the nature of the universe.