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Protein synthesis and mutations

Protein Synthesis and Mutations
1.5 Understand that a gene is a length of DNA
containing a sequence of bases that code for a
specific protein.
What is a gene?
• A gene is a small section of DNA that determines a particular feature. Genes determine
a person's characteristics by instructing cells to produce certain proteins.
• Genes code for a sequence of amino acids, which when combined, form a specific
• Amino acids are molecules that attach by peptide bonds to form proteins.
• A protein is a polymer made up of a long chain of amino acids. A protein can also be
called a polypeptide chain.
• This chain folds up into a specific shape, determined by the order of the amino acids.
This is what determines the structure and function of each specific protein.
• A codon (also known as a triplet) is a sequence of three nucleotides in a DNA or RNA
molecule that codes for a specific amino acid.
A codon of DNA bases codes for one
amino acid. A protein is a chain of amino
acids, folded into the correct shape.
Why do we need proteins?
• They are critical to most of the work done by cells and are required for the structure,
function and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs.
• Proteins are needed to repair body cells and tissues including recovery after illness or
• They produce enzymes that are needed for digestion.
• Produce hormones that control body functions.
• Also, can be a secondary source of energy.
1.6 Know that RNA is a second type of Nucleic acid that has the
following features;
Single stranded,
Contains ribose,
Contains uracil
That it is used to take information from DNA in the nucleus to the
ribosomes for the synthesis of proteins.
RNA – Ribonucleic
• Similar to DNA as they are both made up of Nucleotides. However the sugar in
RNA is different to the sugar in DNA. The sugar in RNA is Ribose.
• RNA is single stranded and therefore does not form the double helix structure.
• RNA does not have the base Thymine, instead this is replaced with the base
Uracil. Uracil will still bond with Adenine as its complimentary base pair.
• There are two types of RNA that are involved in the process of protein synthesis
which means making proteins.
• Messenger RNA = mRNA
• Transfer RNA = tRNA
Protein Synthesis
1.8 Describe Protein Synthesis as:
Transcription – The formation of mRNA in the nucleus
- The transfer of mRNA to ribosomes in the cytoplasm.
- Translation of the genetic code by tRNA from mRNA codons.
- The formation of a polypeptide chain using amino acids.
• Protein synthesis is the process of creating more proteins that the body needs to function.
• There are two key steps in protein synthesis which are called; Transcription and Translation.
• The first step of transcription is the unzipping of the double helix structure
of the DNA by breaking the weak hydrogen bonds between the base pairs.
This exposes both strands so that a copy of one can be made.
• The enzyme RNA polymerase attaches to the DNA in a non-coding region
just before the gene.
• RNA polymerase moves along the DNA strand. Free RNA nucleotides form
hydrogen bonds with the exposed DNA strand nucleotides by
complementary base pairing to form a strand of Messenger RNA (mRNA):
• REMEMBER - RNA nucleotides contain the same bases as DNA, except
that Thymine (T) is replaced by Uracil (U). So Uracil (U) will bond with
Adenine (A).
• Because the opposite base bonds with the exposed DNA bases, the
strand of mRNA is an opposite copy of the DNA strand (except that U
replaces T). We call this a complementary copy.
• The newly formed strand of mRNA is now ready to leave the nucleus and
travel to the ribosome.
• After transcription, the mRNA leaves the nucleus,
moves into the cytoplasm and binds to the ribosome.
The strand passes through the ribosome.
• Then Transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules that are
complementary to the mRNA arrive at the ribosome.
• The bases on the mRNA are read in three's (codon) and
code for specific amino acids.
• tRNA molecules transport specific amino acids to the
ribosome which they leave behind shortly after lining
up opposite the mRNA. Because there are three
mRNA bases for each tRNA molecule, we call these the
Anti codons.
• Used tRNA molecules exit the ribosome and collect
another specific amino acid.
• The amino acids then bond with each other and
polypeptides are formed.
After translation, the polypeptide is finally folded
into the correct shape and becomes a protein.
Peptide bonds form between the adjacent amino
acids to finalise the structure.
1.7 Understand that a DNA mutation involves a
change in the sequence of bases that could lead
to a change in the amino acid sequence and
phenotype of an individual.
• Mutations are rare, random changes in the
base sequences of DNA that can be
• They can lead to alterations in the
polypeptide chain which can lead to non
functional proteins or can lead to a change
in the phenotype.
• This could also be problematic in DNA that
codes for structural proteins. If a sequence
for a key structural protein is altered, it
may lead to big problems in the body.
• Mutations in non-coding DNA can also
cause problems as they can interfere with
and stop the transcription of DNA. Hence,
they can alter how genes are expressed.
Phenotype: The observable
characteristics in an individual resulting
from the expression of genes
Types of Mutations
• Sometimes, when DNA is replicating, mistakes are made and the
wrong nucleotide is used.
• The result is a gene mutation, which can change the sequence of
the bases in a gene.
• This can lead to the gene coding for the wrong amino acid in a
• There are four ways in which gene mutations can occur; Duplication,
deletion, substitution and inversion.
In duplication, the nucleotide is inserted twice rather than once.
This will alter the entire base sequence because each triplet after the
point where the mutation occurred is changed.
This leads to the whole gene being different and will code for a different
When a deletion mutation occurs, a whole nucleotide is missed
This will change the entire base sequence.
Each triplet after the mutation is altered and the whole gene is
This means the gene will now code for a different protien.
In a substitution mutation, a different nucleotide is used.
The triplet of bases where the mutation occurred is changed
and this might code for a different amino acid.
If it does the structure of the protein molecule will be different.
This may produce a significant change in how the protein
functions, or it may stop the protein from functioning at all.
However, most amino acids have more than one triplet code, so
the new triplet may not code for a different amino acid and
therefore could mean that the protein will have its normal
structure and function.
In an inversion mutation, the sequences of the bases in a triplet
are reversed.
The effects of this mutation are similar to those of substitution
because only one triplet is affected which means it may or may
not result in a different amino acid and altered protein
• Mutations that occur in body cells, such as the
heart, intestines or skin, will only affect the
particular cell in which they occur.
• If the mutation is very harmful, the cell will die, and
the mutation is lost.
• If the mutation doesn't significantly affect the
functioning of the cell, the cell may not die and then
when the cell divides, a group of cells containing the
mutant gene will form.
• When the person dies, the mutation will be lost.
• Mutations can only be passed onto the next
generation if they occur in the gametes (sex cells) or
in the cells that divide to form gametes.
• This is how genetic diseases begin.