CICM Missionary Life: Reflections and Challenges

Ebilane, Florence
BS in Chemical Engineering – Block 4 | Year 2
CFE 104 | 3173
1. What does this reality say about the life of CICM Missionaries?
It shows that even though they travel to many countries, CICM Missionaries doesn’t
have the leisure to enjoy and pick where they want to go. I realized that they devoted
their time to serve the people no matter what race and colour. They don’t get to choose
who they serve, but CICM Missionaries get to help their whole being as long as they
wanted to.
2. What does this reality about missionary life tell us as Louisiana missionaries?
I realized that being a missionary is no joke. You get to experience different cultures,
which may or may not cause you culture shock. It is also challenging because being a
missionary requires us to detach or go far away from our love ones. It is hard because
our love ones are most likely to be our source of strength.