THE PSYCHOANALYTIC APPROACH FREUD SIGMUND THE NEOPSYCHOANALYTIC APPROACH CARL JUNG THE LIFE SPAN APPROACH ERIK ERIKSON THE BEHAVIOURAL APPROACH B.F. SKINNER THE SOCIAL LEARNI9NG APPROACH ALBERT BANDURA THE HUMANISTIC APPROACH ABRAHAM MASLOW THE TRAIT APPROACH CARL ROGERS ALLPORT ADVANCES IN PERSONALITY THEORY RAYMOND CATTELL ROTTER GORDAN JULIAN THE PSCHOANALYTIC APPROACH INSTINCTS THE LEVELS OF PERSONALITY THE STRUCTURE OF PERSONALITY ANXIETY DEFENSE MECHANISMS PSYCHO SEXUAL STAGES OF PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT IN FREUDS THEORY PSYCHO ANALYSIS: Sigmund Freud’s Theory of Personality and System of Therapy for treating mental disorders INSTINCTS: They are the basic elements of personality, the motivating force that drive behavior and determine its direction Instincts are a form of energy It connects the body’s need with mind’s wishes For eg: TYPES OF INSTINCTS LIFE INSTINCTS: It serves the purpose of survival of the individuals by seeking to satisfy the need for food, water, air & sex The Psychic Energy manifested is the Libido The libido can be attached to objects called Cathexis DEATH INSTINCTS: The unconscious drive towards decay, destruction and aggression It is a unconscious wish to die Aggressive Drive: The compulsion to destroy, conquer or kill THE LEVELS OF PERSONALITY CONSCIOUS: It includes all the sensations and experiences that we are currently aware of. PRECONSCIOUS: Store house of memories, perception and thoughts that are not consciously aware but could be recalled easily. UNCONSCIOUS: It consists of the instincts, those wishes and desires that direct our behavior. STRUCTURE OF PERSONALITY ID EGO SUPER EGO ID The reservoir for instincts and libido Supplies all the energy for Ego and Super ego Does not tolerate gratification and has no awareness of reality Id operates on PLEASURE PRINCIPLE Primary thought process, the child like thinking by Id to satisfy the instinctual drives. EGO The rational aspect of personality responsible for directing and controlling the instincts. Ego mediates between the id and super ego It operates on the REALITY PRINCIPLE Secondary thought process, mature thought process needed to deal rationally with the outside world SUPER EGO The internalization of parental and societal values and standards Learned by the age of 5 or 6 It operates on the MORALTY PRINCIPLE Ego ideal, good behaviors for which children are praised Conscience, behaviors for which children are punished