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Environmental Law Assignment: Namibia & Environmental Crimes

Faculty of law
The issue relating to enforcing environmental crimes is well elaborated in the writing
of James H. Lynch2, he states the following:
On the one hand, is a traditionally perceived 'criminal', a burglar, on the other
hand, is an environmental criminal. One forced entry into your home and stole
your television while you were away from home, a property crime for which you
may either get your TV back or replaced by your insurance.
The other,
however, dumped a chemical waste that got into your drinking water, and you
didn't know it. The waste likely may be harmful to you and your family's health.
If the latter 'act' was done intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or negligently, I
submit to you, which act is really criminal? Historically, the burglar goes to jail,
and the environmental criminal goes uninvestigated and unprosecuted. People
are dying today in our state and in our country. It's time!!
Pursuant to the statement above, critically discuss the advent of environmental crimes
in Namibia, you may refer to case law of neighboring countries and best practices in
if ANY in their plight to fight environmental crimes3.
Lecturer: Ms. Elize Shakalela
James H. Lynch, is a Senior Environmental Investigator, Indiana Department of Environmental Management,
Indianapolis, Indiana. Available at http://www.inece.org/1stvol2/lynch.htm last accessed 10/11/2015.
This assignment should be typed in Arial font 12, 1.5 spacing. Reference to pieces of relevant legislations and
case law is added advantage. The Assignment is out of 50 marks and will be converted in to a mark out of a
percentage. The assignment MUST not be more then 10 pages of content; nor should it be less then 7 pages of
Content. The lecturer will not mark any assignment that is bellow and or above the stipulated pages. Pay attention
to your referencing style! Strick reliance on due date as will be announced in class.
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