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IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 46, NO. 6, JUNE 1998 A New Improvement to the Powell and Chau Linear Phase IIR Filters Bojan Djokić, Miodrag Popović, and Miroslav Lutovac Abstract—In this correspondence, an improvement to the realization of the linear-phase IIR filters is described. It is based on the rearrangement of the numerator polynomials of the IIR filter functions that are used in the real-time realizations recently proposed in literature. The new realization has better total harmonic distortion when sine input is used, and it has smaller phase and group delay errors due to finite section length. I. INTRODUCTION Recently, a notable interest has been shown in real-time implementation of IIR filters having linear phase. Powell and Chau [1] have devised an efficient method for the design and realization of the real-time linear-phase IIR filters using suitable modification of the well-known time reversing technique [2]. In their method, which is shown in Fig. 1, the input signal is divided into L-sample segments, time-reversed, and twice filtered using two IIR filter blocks whose transfer functions are the same, e.g. H1 (z ) = H2 (z ) = H (z ). The transfer function H (z ) is usually of elliptic type, giving the best selectivity. It has been shown that the proposed procedure is much faster than previous methods, having at the same time low distortions of amplitude and phase characteristics. The performance of this technique has been further improved by Willson and Orchard in [3], where double zeros on the unit circle have been separated, giving better amplitude response in the stopband and slightly smaller amplitude and phase distortions. The transfer functions H1 (z ) and H2 (z ) are different but have the same denominator. In this correspondence, a new improvement to the Powell–Chau and Willson–Orchard methods is described, based on the reordering of polynomials in the numerators of the filter transfer functions. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW METHOD Let the transfer functions of the two IIR filter blocks in Fig. 1 be H1 (z ) = A(z ) D(z ) (1) H2 (z ) = B (z ) D(z ) (2) where the polynomials A(z ) and B (z ), whose zeros lie on the unit circle, may be equal, as in [1], or different, as in [3]. In general, they have no influence to the phase characteristic. However, the phase error, which is caused by the segmentation of input sequence into length-L segments, may be influenced by the numerator polynomials, as can be concluded from the results in [1] and [3]. In addition, it may be noticed that the effects of the segmentation of the input signal are concentrated into the time-reversed part of the block diagram, Manuscript received June 8, 1995; revised August 8, 1997. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was Dr. Victor E. DeBrunner. B. Djokić is with MOBTEL BK-PTT, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. M. Popović is with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. M. Lutovac is with IRITEL, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Publisher Item Identifier S 1053-587X(98)03929-4. 1685 where infinite impulse responses of the blocks are interrupted after L samples. Following the results obtained by Willson and Orchard in [3], it is interesting to examine whether some other rearrangements of polynomials A(z ) and B (z ) into transfer functions H1 (z ) and H2 (z ) may be better with respect to truncation noise, phase, and amplitude errors. First, truncation noise, which is noise caused by truncation to Lsample segments, of several realizations will be examined. Since the truncation noise depends only on the realization of H1 (z ), the spectrum of the signal f (n) (at the output of the time-reversing part of the diagram in Fig. 1) will be analyzed. As in [1], the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the signal f (n) is measured in response to a single frequency input x(n) = sin(!0 n); 0 n N 0 1. The input signal frequency !0 is chosen so that an integer number of periods is contained in the N input samples, e.g., !0 = 2l=N . In this case, we have used the values l = 37; N = 4096; and section length L = 200. The THD of the input signal alone is approximately 0150 dB. Some representative results are shown in Fig. 2, where effects of placing the polynomial B (z ) before or after time-reversed section H1 (z ), or included in H1 (z ), are examined. In all examples, the polynomials A(z ); B (z ); and D(z ) are synthesized to satisfy the requirements from [1, Example 6] Fp = 0:3; Fs = 0:325; p = 00:01 dB; s = 070 dB: (3) In Fig. 2, only the envelopes of spectra of all examined realizations are plotted. First, the curve a represents the spectrum of the time-reversed section H1 (z ) = A(z )=D(z ) [without direct section H2 (z ) = B (z )=D(z )] of the original solution [1]. If the FIR part of the direct filter B (z ) is implemented before the time-reversed section H1 (z ), the input signal in H1 (z ) is increased, and consequently, the truncation noise at the output of H1 (z ) is increased at all frequencies (curve b). On the contrary, if B (z ) is realized after the time-reversed section H1 (z ), the truncation noise is filtered by B (z ), and the noise at higher frequencies is more attenuated (curve c). Finally, when B (z ) is included in the time-reversed section H1 (z ), the noise is considerably decreased at lower frequencies (curve d). As can be seen in Fig. 2, this realization produces the lowest truncation noise in the passband and slightly larger noise in the stopband than the solution represented by curve c. It should be noticed that the noise of the last realization in the stopband is still below the noise at the passband edge frequency. Hence, from the truncation noise point of view, the following choice of time-reversed and direct transfer functions is optimal. H1 (z ) = H2 (z ) = A(z )B (z ) D(z ) 1 D(z ) (4) (5) where the numerator polynomials A(z ) and B (z ) and denominator polynomial D(z ) are the same as in [1] or [3]. In Fig. 3(a) spectra of output signals y (n) [after the direct block H2 (z ) in Fig. 1] are shown, both for the original realization using (1) and (2) and for the new realization using (4) and (5). The input signal x(n) and the polynomials A(z ); B (z ); and D(z ) are the same as in the previous example. The spectrum of the Powell–Chau technique is shown by the thin line, whereas the spectrum for the new realization is shown by the thick line. It can be easily seen that the harmonic distortion produced by the new realization is smaller by 1053–587X/98$10.00 1998 IEEE 1686 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 46, NO. 6, JUNE 1998 Fig. 1. Block diagram of the Powell–Chau implementation of linear phase IIR filter. (a) Fig. 2. Envelopes of single frequency responses. l = 37; N = 4096; L = 200. Time-reversed sections are designated by z 01 , anddirect section by z . (a) A(z 01 )=D (z 01 ). (b) B (z )[A(z 01 )=D (z 01 )]. (c) [A(z 01 )=D (z 01 )]B (z ). (d) [A(z 01 )B (z 01 )]=D (z 01 ). 20–40 dB in most of the passband. This means that the finite section length produces smaller harmonic distortion when both numerator polynomials are concentrated in the time-reversed section, as in (4). The new realization also compares favorably with the Willson–Orchard solution [3], as can be seen in Fig. 3(b), where the comparison between the new solution and Willson–Orchard solution is made. In this example, the polynomials A(z ); B (z ); and D(z ) are synthesized to satisfy the requirements from [1, Example 3]. Fp = 0:15; Fs = 0:2; p = 00:005 dB; s = 082 dB (6) that were used for comparison in [3]. This choice of the transfer functions H1 (z ) and H2 (z ) also has positive influence on the decrease of the impulse response, as shown in Fig. 4(a). As can be seen, after few samples of impulse response that are larger than in the original realization [1], the remaining samples become significantly smaller. This fact is a consequence of the increased number of zeros in the time-reversed transfer function H1 (z ). In order to better explain this behavior of the impulse response, we can decompose the time-reversed transfer function H1 (z ) into FIR and IIR parts as H1 (z ) = A(z ) AI (z ) = AF (z ) + D(z ) D(z ) AI (z ) = remainder A(z ) : D(z ) (7) Consequently, the impulse response is also the sum of two responses [finite impulse response hFIR (n) and infinite impulse re- (b) Fig. 3. Spectra of output signals obtained for single frequency input. l = 37; N = 4096; L = 200. New realization—thick line, old realization—thin line. (a) Comparison with Powell–Chau technique [1]. (b) Comparison with Willson–Orchard technique [3]. sponse hIIR (n)], where hFIR and hIIR are impulse responses of AF (z ) and AI (z )=D(z ), respectively. The first part of impulse response hFIR is very short. The rates of decrease of the infinite impulse responses hIIR of realizations according to (1) and (4) are the same due to same denominators D(z ) in both realizations. However, the new solution has a smaller amplitude of impulse response hIIR , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 46, NO. 6, JUNE 1998 1687 (a) (a) H (b) Fig. 4. Impulse responses. (a) 1 (z ) = A(z )=D (z )—thin line, H1 (z ) = [A(z )B (z )]=D (z )—thick line. (b) AI (z )=D (z ); AI (z ) = remainder (A(z )=D (z ))—thin line, AI (z ) = remainder ([A(z )B (z )]=D (z ))—thick line. (b) which is caused by the numerator AI [the numerators of realization according to (1) and (4) are different]. This is shown in Fig. 4(b). The faster decrease of the impulse response of the new realization produces less significant negative effects of the truncation to Lsample segments. Having reduced truncation noise in the passband, we can also expect that the phase response will be improved in the passband. In the second experiment, the phase errors, which are produced by this method, and methods in [1] and [3] are compared. The same filter, which satisfies (3), was excited by a unit pulse sequence having 4096 samples. The results are presented in Fig. 5(a) for the new realization (thick line) and old realization [1] (thin line). As can be seen, the phase error in the passband is very small, having the maximum of about 2 1 1006 rad. Compared with the previous realization, the new realization produces 2–3 times smaller maximum phase error in the passband. This experiment was performed again using the impulse response of a high-order allpass filter as the input signal with very similar results. In addition, the comparison with the Willson–Orchard method [3], based on (3) and presented in Fig. 5(b), shows similar results in favor of the new method. Fig. 5. Comparison of the passband phase responses. N = 4096; L = 200. New realization—thick line, old realization—thin line. (a) Comparison with Powell–Chau technique [1]. (b) Comparison with Willson–Orchard technique [3]. The new choice of the direct and time-reversed transfer functions has some effect on the complexity of the realization. In order to achieve the lowest possible number of multipliers, H1 (z ) is realized as a cascade connection of the FIR filter B (z ) and the IIR filter A(z )=D(z ). The IIR filter A(z )=D(z ) is realized as in [1]. The second IIR filter 1=D(z ) can be realized as a cascade connection of the second-order sections without direct branches or even with the same realizations as in [1] by proper selection of the output node. The number of multipliers for A(z )=D(z ) and 1=D(z ) is the same as in [1] for A(z )=D(z ) and B (z )=D(z ), respectively. Since an additional multiplier is required for every second-order section of FIR filter B (z ), in the analyzed example, the number of multipliers is increased from 21 in [1] to 27 in the new realization, as shown in Table I. In addition, the use of the new technique that combines several multipliers into multiplier blocks [4] can drastically reduce 1688 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 46, NO. 6, JUNE 1998 TABLE I MULTIPLIERS AND NOISE GAIN, . (a) H1 = H2 = A=D. (b) H1 = A(A=D); H2 = 1=D. NUMBER OF [5] M. D. Lutovac and L. D. Milić, “Design of computationally efficient elliptic IIR filters with a reduced number of shift-and-add operations in multipliers,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 45, pp. 2422–2430, Oct. 1997. [6] B. Djokić, M. D. Lutovac, and M. Popović, “A new approach to the phase error and THD improvement in linear phase IIR filters,” in Proc. 1997 IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Process., Munich, Germany, Apr. 21–24, 1997, pp. 2221–2224. Generalized Digital Butterworth Filter Design Ivan W. Selesnick and C. Sidney Burrus the complexity of the cascade realizations of 1=D(z ) and B (z ) (a single block can be used for each second-order section [4]). Thus, the number of multiplier blocks of the new realization is approximately the same as that corresponding in [1], and the complexity of the new realization can be the same as in [1]. The number of multipliers in allpass sections can be also reduced; half of the multipliers can be implemented with a shifter and an adder or a shifter only [5]. Since B (z )=D(z ) is realized as two different filters [B (z ) and 1=D (z )], the quantization noise due to multiplication is increased, as shown in Table I. The very high quantization noise of the filter 1=D (z ) can be reduced by appropriate selection of transfer function [6]. In addition, by increasing the wordlength in the last section only, the quantization noise is reduced, and it can be made lower than the noise caused by truncation to L-sample segments. III. CONCLUSION In this correspondence, a new improvement to the realization of the linear-phase IIR filters is described. It is based on the rearrangement of the numerator polynomials of two IIR filter functions that are used in the real-time realizations in [1] and [3]. The new realization has better total harmonic distortion when sine input is used and smaller phase error due to finite section length. It enables shorter sample delay for the same phase error or lower phase error and THD improvement for the same sample delay. The considerable improvement in phase response and lower truncation noise are obtained at the expense of a slightly increased number of multipliers and increased wordlength. REFERENCES [1] S. R. Powell and P. M. Chau, “A technique for realizing linear phase IIR filters,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 39, pp. 2425–2435, Nov. 1991. [2] J. J. Kormylo and V. K. Jain, “Two-pass recursive digital filter with zero phase shift,” IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-30, pp. 384–387, Oct. 1974. [3] A. N. Willson and H. J. Orchard, “An improvement to the Powell and Chau linear phase IIR filters,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 42, pp. 2842–2848, Oct. 1994. [4] A. G. Dempster and M. D. Macleod, “Multiplier blocks and complexity of IIR structures,” Electron. Lett., vol. 30, no. 22, pp. 1841–1842, Oct. 1994. Abstract—This correspondence introduces a new class of infinite impulse response (IIR) digital filters that unifies the classical digital Butterworth filter and the well-known maximally flat FIR filter. New closedform expressions are provided, and a straightforward design technique is described. The new IIR digital filters have more zeros than poles (away from the origin), and their (monotonic) square magnitude frequency responses are maximally flat at ! = 0 and at ! = . Another result of the correspondence is that for a specified cut-off frequency and a specified number of zeros, there is only one valid way in which to split the zeros between z = 1 and the passband. This technique also permits continuous variation of the cutoff frequency. IIR filters having more zeros than poles are of interest because often, to obtain a good tradeoff between performance and implementation complexity, just a few poles are best. 0 I. INTRODUCTION The best known and most commonly used method for the design of IIR digital filters is probably the bilinear transformation of the classical analog filters (the Butterworth, Chebyshev I and II, and Elliptic filters) [9]. One advantage of this technique is the existence of formulas for these filters. However, the numerator and denominator of such IIR filters have equal degree. It is sometimes desirable to be able to design filters having more zeros than poles (away from the origin) to obtain an improved compromise between performance and implementation complexity. The new formulas introduced in this correspondence unify the classical digital Butterworth filter and the well-known maximally flat FIR filter described by Herrmann [3]. The new maximally flat lowpass IIR filters have an unequal number of zeros and poles and possess a specified half-magnitude frequency. It is worth noting that not all the zeros are restricted to lie on the unit circle, as is the case for some previous design techniques for filters having an unequal number of poles and zeros. The method consists of the use of a formula and polynomial root finding. No phase approximation is done; the approximation is in the magnitude squared, as are the classical IIR filter types. Another result of the correspondence is that for a specified number of zeros and a specified half-magnitude frequency, there is only one valid way to divide the number of zeros between z = 01 and the Manuscript received September 17, 1995; revised July 25, 1997. This work was supported by BNR and by NSF Grant MIP-9316588. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was Dr. Truong Q. Nguyen. I. W. Selesnick is with Electrical Engineering, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY 11201-3840 USA (e-mail: C. S. Burrus is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice University, Houston, TX 77251 USA. Publisher Item Identifier S 1053-587X(98)03928-2. 1053–587X/98$10.00 1998 IEEE View publication stats