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Cambridge Secondary 1 English Exam Paper

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The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
The total number of marks for this paper is 50.
This document consists of 8 printed pages and 1 insert.
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Section A: Reading
Spend 30 minutes on this section.
Read Text A, a website article about a famous tightrope walker, in the Insert, and then answer questions
Which phrase in line 1 means alias?
Stage name
Give one word from the first paragraph (lines 1–4) that is an example of irony.
Give one word from the first paragraph that is an example of a pun.
Explain in your own words how this pun is effective.
It is effective because it means something literally and metaphorically. Saying he took the art
form to new heights as well as the tightrope itself to new heights.
Give two words or phrases from the third paragraph (lines 9–14) that are examples of emotive
Became enthralled
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He felt compelled
What does the phrase ‘… which may have been an understandable reaction, …’
16) suggest about Gravelet’s father? Tick () one box.
(lines 15–
He tried to discourage his son.
He reacted in a predictable way.
He felt the danger was acceptable.
He was more ambitious than his son.
Gravelet was given various names during his career.
Which was the first name he was given? Tick () one box.
The Great Blondin
The Daredevil Wire Walker
The Prince of Manila
The Little Wonder
Give the one-word metaphor in the last paragraph (lines 27–32).
Explain in your own words two reasons why local people objected to Blondin’s request to walk
across Niagara Falls.
People were afraid it would make the wonder of the falls nothing less than cheap entertainment.
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The local officials were afraid something would happen to Blondin while he was crossing.
Look at this phrase ‘… a crowd of 100 000 people witnessed Blondin’s historic triumph.’ (Lines 31–
What two things does the phrase above suggest about what people felt about Blondin’s stunt?
They felt it would be a spectacle they would have to witness.
They felt he would succeed in crossing the falls.
10 Look at the last paragraph (lines 27–32).
How does the final sentence differ in tone from the rest of the paragraph?
The final sentence has a much more positive tone than the rest of the paragraph.
11 What type of text is this extract an example of? Tick () one box.
Read Text B, a tourist board promotion about Niagara Falls and the surrounding region, in the Insert,
and then answer questions 12–16.
12 What are the two main purposes of Text B?
To inform you about the things you can do in Niagara.
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To persuade you to visit Niagara.
13 What is the best title for Text B?
Tick () one box.
When it’s best to visit Niagara
Why you shouldn’t miss Niagara
What it’s like living near Niagara
Where to stay in Niagara
14 What does the word thundering (line 4) suggest about Niagara Falls?
It suggests that the falls are large and loud.
15 What effect does the writer achieve by using the sentence ‘The secret’s out!’? (Line 9)
one box.
Tick ()
sense of luxury
a sense of mystery
a sense of discovery
a sense of danger
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16 (a) List the outdoor activities that you can do if you visit Niagara Falls and the region.
Hike on Canada’s oldest and longest footpath.
Take your time walking around one the many beaches.
There are miles of cycling trails and lots of places for mountain biking.
You can visit the outdoor open-air spas.
There are activities for people of all ages. Children can play in the many water parks and
adults can explore the many museums and outdoor heritage sites that highlight significant
historical events which have built Canada.
Niagara has a dedicated golf course and 48 courses.
Write a summary of up to 50 words about the outdoor activities
that you can do when visiting the region of Niagara Falls.
Include at least five points from your list. Use your own words
as much as possible.
In Niagara, you can hike on the oldest and longest footpath in Canada. Or take your time
walking around one of the many beaches. Or play through Niagara’s dedicated golf course
and 48 courses. There are also lots of places for mountain biking. Finally, you can visit the
open-air spas.
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Section B: Writing
Spend 30 minutes on this section.
17 Some people think that it is irresponsible to do dangerous or risky activities. Other people think that
these activities are exciting and great experiences to have. What do you think?
Write an essay giving your opinion.
You could include some of the following:
examples of risky activities
what can go wrong
how people benefit from them.
Space for your plan:
1. Introduction:
Introductory Sentence
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Write your essay on the next page.
[25 marks]
Many people believe it is irresponsible and not worth it doing risky activities. However, others
believe they are exciting and a fun way to live your life. I believe that both can be true, depending on the
circumstances and the activity being talked about. For example, some might say that tightrope walking
is dangerous and should not be done. However, I would say that if the tightrope is not high or there is a
net under it, it would not be dangerous.
There are many kinds of risky activities. Such as tightrope walking, rock climbing, canopy walks
and extreme sports. There are also various degrees of risk and danger involved with different activities.
For example, in rock climbing the risk would depend on how high the rocks are and whether you are
using a rope or not.
Most people think that risky activities are bad because they could end up injuring themselves.
However, many people do not think of the fact that those performing the activities take the danger into
account and perform them carefully and in many cases, they will add certain things to prevent
themselves from getting hurt. For example, using a net when tightrope walking. However, if you do not
take these things into account, you could easily hurt yourself. Also, doing these activities might cause
others to want to do them and they may not do so carefully.
For many people the appeal comes from the excitement and the fun of the activity. The risk
involved is what makes it exciting for people and often, fun activities can be dangerous. Risky activities
also provide jobs for people. Such as people who act as instructors for things like tightrope walking or
extreme sports or people who entertain others by doing things like tightrope walking.
In conclusion, I believe that although risky activities can be dangerous, they can also be quite
exciting, fun and, in some cases, can become a source of income for people and in general, the pros
outweigh the cons.
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