Gen Z, Tech, and Pandemic: Adapting to New Normal

Changing Tides
I am John Terrence B. Recio, born at year 2001 and part of the Generation Z or what they called
as “Zoomers”. A research about my generation entails about the role of ICT through us which we have
been exposed to an unprecedented amount of technology specifically mobile devices. With the invention
of this technologies I have gradually involved in using apps and social media platforms which would
eventually help me connecting to my personal networks. But eventually an unprecedented phenomenon
has happen. It is the time of the pandemic which paralyzes our natural way of communication with other
people. Video conferencing apps such as Microsoft teams and Google meet has become a trend which
relates to the idea of “Temporal Structure”.
As a college student which use to a face to face interaction it has been difficult for me to adjust
asynchronously from my daily habits. Consequently this gives me an anxiety on how I would adapt this
changes provided by the “New Normal”. That is why I trained myself to become adaptable with video
conferencing apps specifically google meet which they made it accessible to its users by having two
mediums. Which is the software and mobile app. Thus, this also becomes an avenue for me to further
search about its distinct features which is unknown for a novice like me. An example of this is the use of
video conferencing apps in M.I.C.E or Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Events at the height of the
pandemic I was in charge by my family to create a way of communicating at the same time staging an
event which some members of our family could attend even though they are situated at a different
location. Due to this developments I was able to use my experience in our events management course.
But this left me thinking as we take a leap from this innovation. Were the authorities able to monitor
how does the corporate giants put safeguards on its software’s and apps in terms of data privacy. This
initiative is considered to be vital part for every user’s personal privacy. Moving on academically, being
asynchronously away with our instructors is also one of the major adjustments I have to make. Recorded
lectures and instructions through google meet and Microsoft teams make students cope with the
current lesson asynchronously. For me this innovations help me at my time management. But the latter
is synchronous communication is still way more effective than the former.