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The Types and Treatment of Glaucoma among Adults.edited

The Types and Treatment of Glaucoma among Adults
Keyword: Treatment for glaucoma in adults
PDF, WC: 400
There are four major types of glaucoma
Such as open-angle glaucoma, Angle-closure glaucoma (it is also known as closed-angle glaucoma),
Congenital glaucoma, and secondary glaucoma.
Glaucoma blocks or slows the flow of fluid which eventually cause excess pressure in the affected
In open-angle glaucoma, pressure increases gradually, and it is relatively small. On the other hand, in
closed-angle glaucoma, it suddenly increases with high pressure.
But both of these will damage the optic nerves in a different ways.
What is Open-angle glaucoma?
It is a very common type of glaucoma, it happens to every elderly person who suffers from chronic
disease. Here the eye pressure gradually increases over time and starts damaging the optic nerve.
But the patient won't feel it. The open-angle glaucoma is pretty generic. It means you will be at
higher risk if your parents or grandparents had open-angle glaucoma. The outcome of optic nerve
damage is patients see a blind spot in their vision.
What is Closed-angle glaucoma?
Closed-angle glaucoma happens when the fluid gets blocked suddenly, and can't flow from the eyes.
It triggers a quick, severe rise in eye pressure.
Some special kinds of drops like dilating drops may cause closed-angle glaucoma.
It is a very emergency case, so one should consult with doctors immediately.
If a patient has acute glaucoma in one eye, then it will tend to get to another eye.
What is Secondary glaucoma?
It happens as a side effect of any chronic disease or medication. Both open and closed-angle
glaucoma can be secondary glaucoma. The reason may include:
Overconsumption of medicines like Corticosteroids
Uveitis (Inflammation of the middle layer of the eyes
What is Congenital glaucoma?
It is glaucoma in babies. It present since birth. Doctors said it is quite a genetic issue. Congenital
glaucoma takes place when the eyes don't develop in the womb normally.
Advanced treatments of Glaucoma among adults:
Laser therapy:
It is also known as laser trabeculoplasty, pronounced as ( Truh-Bek-U-Low-Plas-Tee) and is the
cutting-edge treatment of glaucoma, it is safe, minimally invasive, and quick healing. Even it is a
good treatment option for patients who can't tolerate eye drops.
Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS)
It is another advanced treatment of glaucoma, medically also termed MIGS. Eye surgeons used to
perform this procedure to reduce eye pressure. It has less risk than a trabeculectomy or using a
drainage device. It is a very suitable treatment for glaucoma in adults. There are many types of
MIGS techniques available, which your doctor performs according to your eye condition.