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Case Analysis Paper: Social Work Client Study

Case Analysis Paper
SWK 652
Sara Beth French
Dr. Poole
Client History
My client is A Chuck, this is a false name for reasons of privacy. She is a Caucasian female, and she is
32. She is in a relationship that she says is unhealthy with a 30-year-old African American. They
currently live in a home that the mother is renting. She describes her relationship with her mother as
good but recently there is a lot of fighting surrounding the boyfriend. In the house they live in it is A, her
boyfriend, her mom, her mom’s boyfriend, and a friend of her mothers. Everyone in the house wants
A’s boyfriend to leave. It had been said that he is using drugs and stealing from neighbors.
She has three children. The oldest is a 14-year-old male that lives with the biological father, and she
has not heard from him since he was 7. She let the father have custody with no fight because she did
not feel she was ready to be a mother. The middle child is 12 and lives with a cousin and their last
interaction was when she was 8. She was taken from A abruptly by the cousin who said she was taking
her or calling DSS. A did not fight this. The cousin has had her since she was 4 and in the past year has
sought out child support for the first time. The youngest child is now 7. She has been placed with a
foster family since she was 2 and they adopted her. They do have an open adoption with A.
A’s dad walked out on them when she was 4. She only remembers good memories of him. She has
had a hard time with him leaving throughout her life. He has never tried to contact her since he left.
She does not trust easily and that has impacted her relationships. Her mom then moved in with a sister
and husband. A’s uncle started sexually abusing her at the age of 7. Her mom learned about it roughly
one year later and felt sorry for what was happening to A but did not leave the home because she said
she could not afford to get her own place. At age 15 they finally left the house and the abuse had taken
place that whole time (8 years). Her mom got her own place that she stated was just for her and A and
then moved a boyfriend into their new place within a week. A has lost many important people in her life
including several father figures that are good to her while they are in a relationship with her mother but
end the relationship when it ends with her mother.
A dropped out of school when she was in 10th grade. Two years ago, she signed up for the GED. She
took the pre-test and signed up for classes but never went to them. About one month ago she reenrolled for the GED. She had to take the tests again. This time she scored two levels higher on all parts
compared to the time before. This was a huge motivator for her. At the current moment she is taking
online GED classes and doing well.
A has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, general anxiety disorder, and severe depression. She
was given this diagnosis at Daymark in Rockingham County. She has been hospitalized once at the
behavioral health hospital in Greensboro in 2017 but had to abruptly leave because the police showed
up and escorted her to a location where her youngest daughter was taken away from her for abuse and
neglect at the age of 2. Her physical health has also taken a toll recently. A has also told me that she
has used meth a couple of times with her boyfriend. She states that she doesn’t like it and that she
thought she was dying which is why she is not doing it anymore. The boyfriend is addicted. She knows
they need to separate but this is hard for her.
She lives in a rural area. She does not work but she does have a history of working in the food
industry pre-covid. There is no public transportation and no one in the home has a car. She stays
homes all day and states that she is either on the computer or on her phone most of that day. She has
recently reconnected with her sister and that is her support system. However, this is also a little tricky
because the mother and sister do not get along, so A is often put in the middle other their arguments.