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Modèle CV

Poste: Expert en Sciences de Gestion
Nom du candidat :
NDIEFFE Raymond Laurent
Non de l’employé: HYDRAC
Profession : Directeur de Societé
Diplôme : BA (Hons) French and English, MBA - Major in Finance
Date de naissance: 3 janvier 1954
Nombre d’années d’emploi par le candidat :
Nationalité : Camerounais
Affiliation à des associations/groupements professionnel : Affiliation to the association of
Petroleum marketers during my career with TEXACO and CHEVRON. Have acted as chairman and
CEO in several countries. (See below)
Attributions Spécifiques : Médailles d'Honneur de Travail
Principales Qualifications :
April 2005 to January 2009 - Chairman and Area General Manager TEXACO East Africa in
charge of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Reunion and Mauritius –
Please note some of these qualifications (g to k) apply to positions held in other countries
a) Leadership in managing various teams (marketing, supply...)to determine through the use of linear
programming the crude oil that will best maximize the demand of white oils.
b) Order through the bidding process, crude oil to match the demand.
c) Ensure through communications and planned meetings with the refinery (KENYA PETROLEUM
REFINERIES LTD - KPRL -) that production based on crude ordered will meet our demand.
d) Basis processing fee paid to the refinery ensure through the functional teams that we update the cost
ex refinery of each of the white product to be marketed.
e) Excess production of refined products is sold either locally in the local market to other marketer
basis production cost or the Platt when possible or exported on the Platt basis.
f) Each white product processed by the refinery is transferred through pipeline in the marketer
terminal. At this level, another price build up is prepared to account for additional costs (customs
duties, taxes, storage fees, insurance, product leakages, marketer margin...).
g) Key responsibility in building profitable volume and market share in both regulated and unregulated
markets through margin rebate for more volume.
h) Procurement: bidding process for all purchases exceeding 1 million FCFA to ensure we have the
best price and payment terms.
i) Selection process for companies elected to bid for Capital Expenditures initiatives (CAPEX).
Prior to committing to any CAPEX expenditure, an extensive review and write up is made to define
and justify the project, its components as well as the total cost, the yield of the project mainly the
payback period, the return on capital employed as well the cash flow generation.
J) Right sizing: critical role in right sizing human resource to match organizational growth and
downturn in crunch times. This entails a review of all functional areas of the business.
k) Strategic plan, business plan: these plans entail all the functional areas of the organization.Built as
an income statement, it stands as a qualitative and quantitative road map to measure the performance
of both management and all functional areas (sales, cost, operating expenses
- be it controllable or non-controllable - capex...profit, cash flow).
Formations :
Univertsity of Yaoundé
Atlanta University
University of Yaoundé
University of Paris II
Dec 1981
Remarks(including specialization, degrees ,
BA (Hons) French and English
MBA-Major in finance1st year law(1974)
2nd year law-Correspondence courses (1975)
Various training allthrough my career in several key aspects of the business namely:
Brand management, marketing entries, capex and opex controls, credit management, fundamental of
supply and trading, operational excellence, safety, environment and health...
Please, note trainings in Miami in 93 and 94 in Miami.
Expérience Professionnelle :
02/2009 till date
Brief Job Description
Consultant and Entrepreneur
• Consultant at Petroleum in BENIN
Review of CAPEX especially for service station. Site
selection and determination of profitability (payback, return
on capital employed and cash flow generation).
Preparation of Business Plan.
• Currently working, on behalf of Petroleum as the Strategic
and Financial Expert with a team to put up a proposal to
restructure SONACOP (the National Oil Co of Benin).
Such proposal include:
• The review of all terminals namely tanks, pumps and
other equipment
- Cost of investment to upgrade these terminals
- Review of safety, health and Environmental policy
- Review of other lines of business (retail, LPG, lubricant,
Review of Human Resource requirements (right sizing)
Redefine based on the findings the future strategy and
perimeter of SONACOP
activities as well as a transition plan with deadline to
implement and deliver the desired outcome.
• Advisor to the CEO on trading and staffing matters.
• Entrepreneur and investor in Hotel venture (Denver Plaza
Design and implementation of the minimum service level
(clean facility, welcoming of customers, and permanent
availability of clean water through a bore hole).
Chairman and Area General Manager Chevron East
Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Egypt, Reunion, Mauritius).
•Leadership in implementing all Operational Excellence
(OE/HES) initiatives such as the OEMS, the Safe WORK
Practice and also the LPS while delivering planned OEAT
and streamlining OPEX.
• Leadership to a multifunctional team (SOG, Logistic,
Marketing). Aim: development and implementation of a
smooth product supply and demand model throughout East
Africa. Critical variables: demand, supply, allocation of
products and transportation means to each depot and a daily
constant follow up through meetings.
• Ensure we meet challenges in a deregulated market
environment with constant transfer price fluctuation.
• Chairman AOC: chair regular meeting to ensure alignment
of the functional model to our enterprise view in terms of
OE, profitability...
• Key role in Project Tamarind or the divestment of EA :
coordination in the collection and integrity of business data,
participation in the valuation of our business
Country Manager CVX Haiti (01/03-12/03), President
(Guadeloupe / Martinique).
• Job description includes safe delivery of the business plan
for the Retail and the C&I Business, legal representation of
the business entity and overall responsibility in assisting
other business segments such as aviation for the renewal of
our airport refueling contract.
• Major initiatives in expense reduction and control through
the zero base budgeting approach, review of all operating
contracts and subsequent termination of contract not
favorable to the company. Overall responsibility for the
preparation of the Business Plan for the Unit as well as the
implementation of Marketing Programs.
• As a legal representative, one of my roles was to maintain
contacts with local Governmental authorities and major
C&I customers for PR purpose, lobby and follow up of
critical issues such as margins, major past due or
uncollected account receivables
Advisor to the General Manager CVX West Africa
Overall responsibility: profitable growth through the
• Congo Market Entry: as a team leader, we successfully
CPDEP through the first four phases. Conducted extensive
marketing research in the Congo, coordinated and presented
the project to the DRB, the Peer Assists and successfully
obtained all the approval. Led the lengthy negotiations with
the Congolese Government and officials, lobbied for
favorable terms and conditions, contributed in the writing
and compilation of the contracts and signed on behalf of
CVX the Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U) and the
purchase agreement both for our Retail assets and the Joint
Terminal assets. Also signed the Logistic piece on behalf of
all the other marketers.
• Implementation and execution phase through my
participation in the designing of the appropriate
organizational structure, hiring of employees, selection of
members of the multifunctional team in charge of training
the new hired employees.
• As the President of the Board of Directors of the joint
logistic Co, I presented the plan and budget to the
shareholders and obtained their approval for execution.
• Trading Business: through our Benin operation, which I
had the opportunity to implement in 99/00
Country Manager CVX Togo & Benin
Responsibility: manage the business as the Legal
Representative on the one hand, grow market share and
profitability on the other.
Profitable growth: through aggressive promotions,
rehabilitations and new build, we successfully grew our
retail market share from 16% to 23% and overall market
share from 15% to 20%. Our net Income (5000) grew from
$150 to $700 in year 2000, $800 in 2001, $1,900 in 2002,
and $2 million in 2003.
Benin Market Entry: successful Market Entry through
Lubricant distribution, low cost service stations and the
aviation refueling facility. Net Income (5000) for the first
year of operation (2000) was $9, $318 in 2001, $1,300 in
2002 and $2,841 in 2003.
Marketing and Planning Coordinator Texaco
• Marketing and Promotional Programs : successful
contribution in the preparation, implementation and review
of Marketing and Promotional namely the Retail Network
Campaign (emphasis on the Mystery Shopper and other
SFMS components), the Star Mart / Food Mart Campaign
(emphasis on boosting, shops sales through premiums
remitted on volume of purchase), the Texaco Brand build
up Campaign in Kindergarten schools (emphasis on color in
Texaco S$ drawings by matching the appropriate color to
SS components), the Back to School Campaign, the End of
Year Campaign...
• TRND: improvement of our Retail Network efficiency
(4% volume increase).
• LPG Sales: reorganization of our LPG network through
the expansion of network, follow up by a dedicated
employee and close inventory control. Result: 20% volume
• Planning: preparation of the Strategie, Tactical Marketing
Plan as well as performance review
• Brand Marketing: trained 97% of employees on "Total
Brand Management System"
Training in Coral Gables, Florida
Aim of the training: have a clear understanding of key
information requested by top management for decision
making purpose, namely political and economic
information, assessment and evaluation of these info, the
decision to Invest, risk mitigation...
Job description includes review of Strategic and Tactical
Plan submitted by the Business Units, preparation of
presentations and monthly flash reports for top
management, reinforcement of my leadership skills
through training courses such as Star Mart
Management, Presentation Skills.
Decision Making...
Connaissances informatiques :
Langues :
French & English
Fluency Business Technical Speaking writing
High fluency
Reading (average), speaking (below average)
Attestation :
Je, soussigné, certifie, en toute conscience, que les renseignements ci-dessus rendent fidèlement
compte de ma situation, de mes qualifications et de mon expérience.
Date ……………………jour/mois/année
Nom de l’employé : NDIEFFE Raymond
Représentant habilité : …………………………………………………………………
(Signature de l’Employé et Représentant habilité du consultant)