LO: To talk about vacations SC All will be able to identify the key vocabulary used to describe vacations Most will be able to understand reading passages and respond to questions Some will be able to frame their own paragraphs to talk about their vacations Cross Curricular Links English/MSC LO: To talk about vacations Key vocabulary LO: To talk about vacations Starter- SA-Match Je voudrais… to do a Safari in Africa faire un Safari en Afrique I would like… voir des gorilles en liberté to go down the Amazon on a canoe passer des vacances sur un île déserte to see gorillas essayer des sports extrêmes to spend holidays on a deserted island faire de la plongée sous-marine to try extreme sports traverser le Sahara à dos de chameau to do diving descendre l’Amazone en canoe to cross the desert on a camel LO: To talk about vacations Starter- SA-Match- Check LO: To talk about vacations Reading LO: To talk about vacations LO: To talk about vacations Read and Respond LO: To talk about vacations AFL –Quiz SC All will be able to identify the key vocabulary used to describe vacations Most will be able to understand reading passages and respond to questions Some will be able to frame their own paragraphs to talk about their vacations • 1.Open joinmyquiz.com2 • And enter this code • 1344 2407 • https://quizizz.com/join?gc=13442407 Write your score in your notebook LO: To talk about vacations Listen &Respond-Check in pairs LO: To talk about vacations Comment voudrais-tu passer tes vacances de rêve? Write a paragraph on how you would like to spend your dream vacations, Use any of these for support-A ,B or C A C B https://www.lightbulblanguages.co.uk/resources/French/studio3pp78-79-SB-flowchart.pdf LO: To talk about vacations Plenary SC All will be able to identify the key vocabulary used to describe vacations Most will be able to understand reading passages and respond to questions Some will be able to frame their own paragraphs to talk about their vacations