Course Title: Introduc1on to Environmental Science Course Code: ENV101 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: None Course Descrip1on: This course provides an overview of environmental science, focusing on the interac7ons between humans and the natural environment. Through lectures, readings, and discussions, students will explore the scien7fic principles and concepts that underlie current environmental issues. Topics covered will include ecology, climate change, energy, pollu7on, and sustainability. Addi7onally, students will develop an understanding of the social, economic, and poli7cal factors that influence environmental decision-making. Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, students will be able to: • Iden7fy and explain the key environmental issues facing the world today. • Understand the scien7fic principles and concepts underlying those issues. • Analyze the social, economic, and poli7cal factors that influence environmental decisionmaking. • Evaluate the effec7veness of different solu7ons to environmental problems. • Communicate effec7vely about environmental issues through wriIen assignments and class discussions. Assessment: • Class par7cipa7on: 10% • WriIen assignments: 40% • Midterm exam: 20% • Final exam: 30% Required Textbook: Environmental Science: Toward a Sustainable Future, 14th edi7on, by Richard T. Wright and Dorothy F. Boorse. Course Schedule: • Week 1: Introduc7on to Environmental Science • Week 2: Ecology and Biodiversity • Week 3: Climate Change • Week 4: Energy and Natural Resources • Week 5: Pollu7on and Waste Management • Week 6: Sustainability and Conserva7on • Week 7: Environmental Policy and Poli7cs • Week 8: Review and Final Exam Prepara7on Note: This syllabus is subject to change as needed throughout the course.