IJCST Vol. 2, Issue 1, March 2011 ISSN : 2229-4333(Print) | ISSN : 0976-8491(Online) Design and Simulation of Magic Tee and Ring Hybrid Coupler using Ansoft HFSS Parul Dawar Dept. of ECE, Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology, Rajouri Garden,New Delhi, India Abstract HFSS is a high-performance full-wave electromagnetic (EM) field simulator for arbitrary 3D volumetric passive device modeling.It employs the Finite Element Method (FEM), adaptive meshing, and brilliant graphics. This paper reports for Magic Tee that a signal incident on the difference port splits equally between ports 2 and 3, but the resulting signals are 180 degrees out of phase.Also, Ring Hybrid junction is a four-port network with a 180 degree phase shift between two output ports but it can also be operated so that output ports are in phase. Both the structures are first designed using HFSS and then simulated. Keywords Microwave, HFSS, Microstrip couplers, Active circuits, Power dividers I. Introduction Ansoft HFSS is the tool of choice for high-productivity research. It uses “Finite Element Method” which involves subdividing a large problem into individually simple constituent units which are each soluble via direct analytical methods, then reassembling the solution for the entire problem space as a matrix of simultaneous equations as ahown in Fig. 1. Fig. 2: Constructional details of Magic Tee Fig. 3: Constructional details of Ring Hybrid Coupler B. Principle of operation Fig. 1 : Procedure to simulate devices in HFSS. II. Designing A. Construction Let us design Magic Tee and Ring hybrid coupler as shown in Fig. and Fig. respectively. w w w. i j c s t. c o m 1. A magic tee is a four-port, 180 degree hybrid splitter, realized in waveguide as shown in Fig. Like all of the coupler and splitter structures, the magic tee can be used as a power combiner, or a divider. It is ideally lossless, so that all power into one port can be assumed to exit the remaining ports. Port 1 is the (sum) port, and is sometimes called the H-plane port, and sometimes called the P-port for “parallel”. A signal incident on port 1 equally splits between ports 2 and 3, and the resulting signals are in phase. Ports 2 and 3 are sometimes called the co-linear ports, because they are the only two that are in line with each other. Port 4 is the (difference or delta) port, and is sometimes called the E-plane port, or the S-port for “series”. A signal incident on the difference port splits equally between ports 2 and 3, but the resulting signals are 180 degrees out of phase. International Journal of Computer Science and Technology 199 IJCST Vol. 2, Issue 1, March 2011 Fig. 4: Magic Tee ISSN : 2229-4333(Print) | ISSN : 0976-8491(Online) Fig. 6:For odd mode excitation 2. Ring Hybrid junction is a four-port network with a 180 degree phase shift between two output ports but it can also be operated so that output ports are in phase. The 180 degree ring hybrid can be constructed in several forms such as planar form or other forms like wave guide forms. Fig. 5: For even-mode excitation Now consider a unity amplitude wave incident at port 4 (difference port),as in Fig.of the ring hybrid junction. The two wave components on the ring will arrive in phase at ports and 3, with a net phase difference of 180 degree between these ports. The two wave components will be 180 degree out of phase at port1. Fig. 7 : Top arm Create Wave Port Excitation 1 Picking the port face: Select the menu item Edit > Select > Faces Graphically select the top face of the arm at Z=75mm To assign wave port excitation as in Fig. Select the menu item HFSS > Excitations > Assign > Wave Port Wave Port : General Name: p1 Click the Next button Wave Port : Modes Click the Next button Wave Port : Post Processing Click the Finish button C. Steps of Construction 1. Magic Tee Create Top Arm Select the menu item Draw > Box Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the box position X: -25.0 25.0, Y: -10.0 10.0, Z: 0.0 0.0, Press the Enter key Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the opposite corner of the base rectangle: dX: 50.0 50.0, dY: 20.0 20.0, dZ: 75.0, as in Fig. First consider a unit amplitude wave incident at port 1, as in Fig. the sum port, of the ring hybrid. at the ring junction this unit wave will divide into two components, which both arrive in phase at ports 2 and 3, and 180 degree out of phase at port 4. Using the even-odd mode analysis technique we can decompose this case into a superposition of two simpler circuits which are considerably easy to analyze. Fig. 8 : Assign waveport wxcitation Set Object Selection 1. Select the menu item Edit > Select > Objects and Create Arm 2 as in Fig. 9 and then 3 and 4 as in Fig.10. Fig. 9 200 International Journal of Computer Science and Technology Fig. 10 w w w. i j c s t. c o m IJCST Vol. 2, Issue 1, March 2011 ISSN : 2229-4333(Print) | ISSN : 0976-8491(Online) 2. Ring Hybrid Coupler Set Default Material To set the default material as shown in Fig.: Using the 3D Modeler Materials toolbar, choose Select Select Definition Window: Click the Add Material button View/Edit Material Window as in Fig.: For the Material Name type: My_Sub For the Value of Relative Permittivity type: 2.33 For the Value of Dielectric Loss Tangent type: 4.29e 4.29e-4 Click the OK button Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the radius: dX: 22.345mm/cos(30*pi/180), dY: 0.0 , dZ: 0.0 , Press the Enter key 4. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the height: dX: 0.0 , dY: 0.0 , dZ: 2.286 , Press the Enter key Segment Number Window Number of Segments: 6 Create Trace Select the menu item Draw > Rectangle Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the rectangle position X: -0.89154 , Y: 0.0 , Z: 0.0 , Press the Enter key Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the opposite corner of the rectangle: dX: 1.78308 , dY: 22.345 , dZ: 0.0 , as in Fig.. Fig.15, Fig. 16 III. Analysis Result Fig. 11 : A. Analysis Setup For Magic Tee 1. Select the menu item HFSS > Analysis Setup > Add Solution Setup Solution Setup Window: Click the General tab: Solution Frequency: 4.0GHz : Maximum Number of Passes: 5 Maximum Delta S per Pass: 0.02 To add a frequency sweep: Select the menu item HFSS > Analysis Setup > Add Sweep Assign the Perfect E boundary and Create Wave Port Excitation as in Fig. 12 Select Solution Setup: Setup1 Click the OK button Edit Sweep Window: Sweep Type: Fast 2. Frequency Setup Type: Linear Count Start: 3.4GHz Stop: 4.0GHz Count: 1001 Save Fields: _ Checked 3. Click the OK button Analyze To start the solution process: Select the menu item HFSS > Analyze Fig. 13 : Perfect E boundary and Create Wave Port Excitation Create the remaining Traces and Wave Ports as in Fig.14 and inner ring as in Fig. 15 and 16 Fig.17 :Shows the E-field vectors for signals entering the sum port Fig.14 Fig. 15 Fig. 16 Create Substrate Select the menu item Draw > Regular Polyhedron Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the center position X: 0.0 , Y: 0.0 , Z: -1.143 , Press the Enter key w w w. i j c s t. c o m International Journal of Computer Science and Technology 201 IJCST Vol. 2, Issue 1, March 2011 ISSN : 2229-4333(Print) | ISSN : 0976-8491(Online) The Device is perfectly matched equal power division PERFECTLY ISOLATED PORT 3. Fig. 18: how the delta port excites opposing phases in the CO-linear arms. The next plot shows the phase of the transmission coefficients out the CO-linear ports, when driven by the delta port. Note the 180 degree difference Fig.21 : Fig. shows that there is 180 DEGREES phase difference between output arms. References [1] Minggang Liu; Zhenghe Feng; "Microwave Conference, 2008.,APMC 2008, Page(s): 1 - 4 ,” A novel hybrid planar SIW magic Tee .” [2] Fig.19: phase of the transmission coefficients out the CO-linear ports B. Analysis Setup for ring Hybrid Coupler 1. Select the menu item HFSS > Analysis Setup > Add Solution Setup Solution Setup Window: Click the General tab: Solution Frequency: 4.0 GHz : Maximum Number of Passes: 20 Maximum Delta S: 0.02 Adding a Frequency Sweep To add a frequency sweep: Select the menu item HFSS > Analysis Setup > Add Sweep Select Solution Setup: Setup1 Click the OK button Edit Sweep Window: Sweep Type: Fast Frequency Setup Type: Linear Step : Start: 2.0 GHz Stop: 7.0 GHz Step: 0.05 GHz Save Fields: _ Checked 3. 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She has attended and published various papers in National and International Conferences. Fig.20 : Fig. shows that at design Frequency: 202 International Journal of Computer Science and Technology w w w. i j c s t. c o m