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Grade 7 Exam: Listening, Search, Websites, Sources, Summaries

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region
Schools Division of Surigao del Sur
Matho, Cortes, Surigao del Sur
Directions: Read each question carefully. Write
the letter of your answer on a separate sheet,
preferably a whole sheet of paper.
1. These are techniques which contribute
directly to the comprehension and recall of
a listening input.
a. Bottom-up strategies
b. Listening strategies
c. Listening styles
d. Top-down strategies
2. These are considered listener-based
strategies. In these strategies, the listener
uses background knowledge of the topic,
the situation or context, the type of the text
and the language to make sense of what
he/she is listening to.
a. Bottom-up strategies
b. Listening strategies
c. Listening styles
d. Top-down strategies
3. These are considered text-based strategies.
When using these strategies, the listener
attempts to make sense of the language
sound by sound or word by word, with less
use of background knowledge.
a. Bottom-up strategies
b. Listening strategies
c. Listening styles
d. Top-down strategies
4. It is the act of a person giving attention to a
sound or attention.
a. Hearing
b. Listening
c. Speaking
d. Talking
5. The following are top-down listening
strategies except for:
a. Drawing inferences
b. Listening for specific details
c. Summarizing
d. Taking down notes
6. The following are bottom-up listening
strategies except for:
a. Listening for main idea
b. Recognizing cognates
c. Recognizing word-order patterns
d. Recognizing word sounds
7. Which of the following situations employ
the top-down listening strategy?
a. A friend tries to explain how you can go
on a trip to Palawan for the first time.
You make sure you do not miss out any
important details and instructions about
the trip.
b. Mr. Cruz, your English teacher, asked
you to read some information about a
certain topic. Then, he instructed you to
listen to a recorded material to find out
whether or not the same points are
c. Your mother gave you a call and you
were asked to buy some items at the
grocery store. Since you were not
familiar with the items she cited, you
made sure to remember specific details
she mentioned.
d. While listening to a lecture, you saw
one of your classmates taking down
important notes. This classmate of
yours also made a word map to connect
those words and phrases that he/she
8. It is a program that searches for words or
phrases in documents, most often in
articles, web pages, and published materials
in the Internet. It is similar to a library in an
online setting as it gives you access to
millions of domain names that store vast
amounts of information.
a. General search engine
b. Meta search engine
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region
Schools Division of Surigao del Sur
Matho, Cortes, Surigao del Sur
c. Online search engine
d. Specific search engine
9. These refer to wide-ranging search engines
capable of searching millions upon millions
of sites for specific information. These
include the likes of MSN, Ask.com, Yahoo!
and Google.
a. General search engines
b. Meta search engines
c. Online search engines
d. Specific search engines
10. This search engine works by actually using
other search engines to find the needed
information. It works the same way when
you use a website to help find the best deals
on a particular product or say, flight
booking for your trip.
a. General search engine
b. Meta search engine
c. Online search engine
d. Specific search engine
11. This search engine is a much smaller and
more specific type and is designed more
specifically for certain users’ needs. A good
example for this type is a periodical
database on culture, history, politics, and
government which are usually accessed for
research purposes.
a. General search engine
b. Meta search engine
c. Online search engine
d. Specific search engine
12. Bing, from Microsoft, is an example of:
a. General search engine
b. Meta search engine
c. Online search engine
d. Specific search engine
13. Dogpile is an example of:
a. General search engine
b. Meta search engine
c. Online search engine
d. Specific search engine
14. The following are specific search engines
except for:
a. Academic Search
b. Blingo
d. LexisNexis
15. This refers to a collection of web pages
usually grouped and connected together in
a number of different ways.
a. Header
b. Homepage
c. Sliders
d. Website
16. This is the opening page which does the job
of welcoming the website visitors; makes
them feel they are in the right place; and
immediately explains what the website does
or is made for.
a. Header
b. Homepage
c. Sidebar
d. Sliders
17. This is the content area at the top of the
website which bears the logo, as well as the
navigation menu. This part likewise
includes the taglines, addresses, contact
numbers, or buttons used to sign up and log
a. Header
b. Homepage
c. Sidebar
d. Sliders
18. The following statements are true except
a. A website must, first and foremost, be
easy to navigate.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region
Schools Division of Surigao del Sur
Matho, Cortes, Surigao del Sur
b. Font size and font style do not matter
when designing a website.
c. It is essential for a website to look clean
and simple.
d. One of the most essential parts of a
website is the “call to action”.
19. The following statements are false except
a. A website is just another term for
b. Loud and intense colors should be used
when designing a website.
c. The footer is always placed at the
topmost part of a website.
d. Websites need to have reliable and upto-date content.
20. Most websites have the following parts
except for:
a. Address bar
b. Call to action
c. Headers
d. Navigation menu
21. These sources of information include
firsthand accounts, raw data, and other
original materials on which other
researches are based.
a. Auxiliary sources
b. Primary sources
c. Secondary sources
d. Tertiary sources
22. These are often information written or
presented by authors who did not
personally witness an event or occurrence.
a. Auxiliary sources
b. Primary sources
c. Secondary sources
d. Tertiary sources
23. These are used to organize and locate
primary and secondary sources. This
classification includes indexes, abstracts,
bibliographies, directories and databases.
Auxiliary sources
Primary sources
Secondary sources
Tertiary sources
24. The following are not primary sources
a. Almanacs
b. Bibliographies
c. Commentaries
d. Diaries
25. The following are secondary sources
except for:
a. Commentaries
b. Interviews
c. Magazine reviews
d. Textbooks
26. It is defined as a brief statement that
presents the most important points of an
original material.
a. Framework
b. Outline
c. Plan
d. Summary
27. This refers to restating someone else’s work
or idea in your own words at roughly the
same level of details.
a. Annotating
b. Marking
c. Paraphrasing
d. Summarizing
28. This involves putting the main ideas of a
certain work into your own words,
including only the big picture or the main
a. Annotating
b. Marking
c. Paraphrasing
d. Summarizing
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region
Schools Division of Surigao del Sur
Matho, Cortes, Surigao del Sur
29. Which of the following statements is not an
important guideline in writing summaries?
a. A summary should be based on the
original piece.
b. A summary should be kept short and
c. A summary needs not to be concise.
d. Keep the objectivity.
30. All of these are true about the main idea of
a text except:
a. It gives supporting details.
b. It has the topic.
c. It is a complete sentence by itself.
d. It summarizes the details of the
31. Social media accounts and contact details
are often placed in this part of the website:
a. Footer
b. Header
c. Homepage
d. Navigation menu
32. You put your website’s logo and taglines in
this part of the website.
a. Footer
b. Header
c. Homepage
d. Navigation menu
33. When researching about the experiences of
soldiers in combat, which documents below
give you the most reliable information?
a. Diary of a war veteran himself
b. His biography
c. Magazine articles about the war
d. Textbooks
34. When trying to find different information
sources discussing about earthquakes,
which of the following is your best option?
a. Almanacs
b. Commentaries
c. Indexes
d. Magazine articles
35. “It was beginning to get dark. We were still
not home yet. I bet Dad is going to be mad
at us, I thought. I yelled at my brother to
ride his bike faster, but it was difficult to
ride bikes uphill. I was so tired that every
muscle in my legs were burning. My
brother finally got off his bike and sat
down. I stopped and went back to help him.
Suddenly, there was a car coming toward
us. I could see headlights. It was Dad. He
had come to look for us, since we were so
late getting home. I knew I was going to get
into trouble, but at least we were safe. Dad
picked us up and took us home.”
What is the BEST summary of this
a. Two boys got into trouble. They were
very late getting home. They could not
ride their bikes anymore.
b. Two boys were late getting home. Dad
came looking for them. He took the
boys home.
c. He took the boys home. Dad came
looking for them. Two boys were late
getting home.
d. The two boys were got into trouble and
got lost. Their dad got mad and sent the
police to find them.
36. “Is it an ant, you wonder, or a termite? Ants
resemble termites, but they are quite
different and can be easily distinguished. In
contrast to termites, ants are usually dark in
color, are hard bodied, and have
constriction between the thorax and
abdomen. Termites are light in color and
shed their wings. Flying ants do not shed
their wings. Also, ants and termites belong
to different orders.”
Select the best summary of this paragraph.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region
Schools Division of Surigao del Sur
Matho, Cortes, Surigao del Sur
a. Termites are lighter in color and
loose their wings at a certain stage
of development.
b. Ants are dark in color, hard bodied
and belong to a different order than
c. Ants and termites are both insects
and have many things in common
d. Although ants resemble termites,
they have differences that can be
easily seen
37. The following show analogies of shared
abstraction except:
a. English is to language as
Mathematics is to arithmetic.
b. Life is like a box of chocolates
and you never know what you're
going to get.
c. Raising children is like
gardening, nurturing them and
being patient.
d. What soldiers do for the
country, white blood cells do
inside the body.
38. The following show either similes or
metaphors except:
a. Her smile beams like the sun.
b. He is as thin as a stick.
c. Teaching students requires the same
passion you would give to plants in a
garden. Nurture them, care for them, let
them experience both light and dark.
Soon, they will grow and bloom like
you expect them to be.
d. This problem is a death sentence.
39. The following are types of non-linear texts
a. Line graph
b. Story
c. Table
d. Venn diagram
40. The following are types of linear texts
a. Essays
b. Poems
c. Pie graphs
d. Speeches
For items 41-45, select the analogy that best
express a relationship similar to the original.
41. Slave: submissive
a. murderer: vicious
b. circus: absurd
c. professor: ignorant
d. specialized: bossy
a. bottle : wine
b. artery : paint
c. vein : blood
d. nozzle : hose
a. judge : legal
b. cynic : critical
c. parent : feminine
d. novice : skilled
a. rifle : weapon
b. instrument : violin
c. pattern : plaid
d. airplane : spacecraft
a. master : slave
b. storm : blizzard
c. sonnet : poem
d. tribe : family
Below are situations which require appropriate
non-linear texts. Choose the proper one from the
given choices.
46. School’s report on the number of enrolment
from 2018 – 2020
a. Bar graph
b. Linear graph
c. Pie graph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region
Schools Division of Surigao del Sur
Matho, Cortes, Surigao del Sur
d. Venn diagram
47. A paragraph discussing the similarities and
differences between two persons
a. Bar graph
b. Linear graph
c. Pie graph
d. Venn diagram
48. Comparison on the sales of Kapeng Barako
in three different cities
a. Bar graph
b. Linear graph
c. Pie graph
d. Venn diagram
49. A paragraph explaining how a Filipino
teenager spends his weekend
a. Bar graph
b. Linear graph
c. Pie graph
d. Venn diagram
50. Survey report showing how much time
Filipinos spend on social media
a. Bar graph
b. Linear graph
c. Pie graph
d. Venn diagram