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English Language Exam Samples: Kart Racing Analysis

English Language 1 (2019)
Question 2
Sample 1
2)When he started to race karts, he dedicated much time to work on his vehicle. What is
more, instead of doing his homework, he spent his evenings carrying out maintenance of
the whole kart. He stated that karting had been a fascination for him. (44 w.)
---Sample 2
The kart changed his life not only because he found his vocation but also because his success
provoked jealousy in his classmates. Besides that, he could not dedicated the necessary time to
his studies something that worried and regretted.
---Sample 3
Question number 2: Mention how the kart made a change in his life.
At first, he wasn´t happy because he had to take some time off school and work harder. He
seemed to be the one thinking like that because, when he was sent to Holland, some boys beated
him due to jealousy. Then, he started to work on the kart and to win races and found it amazing.
---Sample 4
As the writer tells us, he was really good at racing karts and even though this brought him some
complications, this helped him to grow up as a person. He learned that being really good at
doing something doesn´t mean you are better than others and that you can always overcome
--Sample 5
2. It changed his life because at an early age he had to put all his effort on the kart instead of
doing homework like all the other kids. Also, he had a lot of pressure when he was chosen to
represent his country in a race since it was a big responsibility.
--Sample 6
The kart changed the writer’s life in both negative and positive ways. While he was attending
school, he would get beat up by older boys because they were jealous he was allowed time off
to work on his kart to race. Despite the negative side of it, he found joy and passion in kart
racing and ultimately won many important races.
English Language 1 (2019)
Question 3
Sample 1
In that context, the writer means he has always focused on himself rather than
comparing his work to others’ or picking on opponents. That has been mostly
because he trusts his skills and what he does, specially in a field where being at the
top of one category is being at the bottom of the next.
--Sample 2
This quote means that he never tried to antagonise with anyone or even believed to
be better than any of his classmates. Winning some competitions did not meant for
him to be the best at racing karts. With this statement the writer shows how humble
he was as a child.
--Sample 3
3- With that fragment, the boy is trying to say that he has never been competitive.
Actually, he thinks that all people who work hard to achieve their goals are in similar
situations in the sense that nobody is more important than the rest.
--Sample 4
I guess that what he wants to say through this phrase is that instead of being a selfish
kid, he prefers to be kind with everybody and not think that he is better than anyone.
Because as he says, he only is trying to achieve what he wants doing his best.
---Sample 5
3. The phrase reflects the attitude of the writer when competing. He preferred not to
be arrogant about his success but rather learn and improve constantly. He didn´t
compare himself to other competitors or thought he was better than them as he
realised that being better than someone wouldn´t guarantee infinite success.
--Sample 6
3) That phrase means that he had never been arrogant or egocentric even though he
was very good at every activity he did; He obtained good marks at written classes and
school sports. Also, he didn´t act like that when that jealous boys bothered him for
being different.