Abstract - E-UTRAN Radio Access Bearer (ERA important parameter in LTE Key Performance In improvement on it. This parameter is formed by S1 bearer and the corresponding radio bearer. that this function is related to the E-RAB ID and Identifier. The E-RAB ID parameter is used to d ERAB on the S1 interface. In a mobile network, that affect the quality of service, such as Bit Err end to end delay. These values define the QCI planned improvements are not easy; hence the is composed of these different complex parame ERAP and parameters related to the Handover proposed solutions of the results. As a result fo uplink, ERAB Call Drop Rate is 0.05 and 72.41, Also, SINR Intra Frequency Handover is 337 an respectively. All of these initiatives were succes Keywords - Mobile network, LTE, radio access optimization. I. INTRODUCTION he completion of 4G technology is calculat earliest in 2015. For this reason, 3G techn developed. Then, LTE technology is obtain C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal these studies. While this technology is call is stated that it is the last step in the field o before 4G [1]. High-definition television ser multiplayer comes from interactive gaming requires an HD-TV 10 - 20Mbit / s commun Mbit/s for Blue Ray standards). However, t well above the capacity of the previous tec This situation revealed the delay problem. interactive gaming systems have great sen In this low latency issue, LTE has a 10ms simultaneous gamers has provided a comp Considering that the HSPA has a latency o seen how great it is. The channel bandwidth increased from 1.2 MHz in LTE. One of the major deficiencies communication systems used is the interru communication and loss of data transmiss high speeds. With 100Mbit/s with 4G data 1Gbit/s are expected [3]. Performance in a communications depends on improvement C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal system. Recently for effective communicat system, such as high speed, high reliability communications antenna technologies tha organs are emerging. Nowadays, many tra can be proposed to meet the increasing da communication. Spatial multiplexing has gained importance conservation and power efficiency in LTE t multiplexing requires the deployment of a w antennas in the transmitter and receiver. In can be transmitted simultaneously from all increases the speed of the data in a very la different layers with an equal number of tra antennas. This is called multi-input multi-o communications (MIMO). Furthermore, rel transmission of high-speed data in the pow can be improved by using more antennas receiver. Transmission-reception differenc spatial multiplexing can be classified into s techniques that do not require channel info C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal transmission. Another category is closed lo technology that uses channel information i [5]. In this paper, an effective and fast optimiza obtained for solving network quality proble network. These have been applied in the a specific region and the effects of the optim sites have been determined. The rest of the paper is organized as follow describes measurement methods and DT provides the brief discussion of the results before and after optimization to see perfor and finally Section 4 provides our conclusi II. MEASUREMENT AND DRIVE TEST TEMS is mobile equipment (ME) to use in communications by Ericsson that includes information on uplink and downlink signals interface. It covers all kinds of information level and quality between the station and t to determine the performance of the optim C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal drive tests are performed before and after (DT) tool is given in Figure 1. It should be n block diagram is shown instead of the test it is not allowed by the mobile operator. He ME used in active and passive mode, USB connection of laptop and ME, GPS receive charger to determine location and coordina for to obtain all frequencies in operating ba An effective soluti A.GENC1 1 Isparta University of Applied Science, Isp T International Conference on Engineering T Konya, Turkey, October 25-27, 2019 E-ISBN: 978-605-68537-9-1 ## ______________________________________ C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal Figure 1: Drive test tool and map As the DT Methodology, DT is performed u are 2 different measurement methods. All made in Singapore. In Figure 3, the DT rou problematic points determined during DT i conducted according to the optimization st Figure 2: Cluster DT route (Planned) III. RESULTS E-UTRAN Radio Access Bearer (ERAB) is parameter in LTE KPI analysis. This param combining the S1 bearer and the correspo can be noted that this function is related to Quality Class Identifier (QCI). The E-RAB used to determine the ERAB on the S1 inte network there are values that affect the qu (QoS), such as Bit Error Rate (BER) and e These values define the QCI in LTE. Another issue that makes ERAB paramete effect on RRC Success Rate in LTE. Here Radio Resource Control. RRC Success Ra C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal service of the mobile network. And a Beare bearer is usually defined as Data QCI9 by QCI1 as dedicated. As a result, Mostly ER addition of the default bearers. As seen in Figure 3, suspected handover ( PCI_85 to PCI_437 caused RRC connectio request from UE that eNodeB rejected. So abnormally. As a result of looking after nei sites are neighbor each other and also H/O PCI_85 is preceded correctly. The solution to add site id to neighbor list to increase ac mobile network in site of PCI_85. International Conference on Engineering T Konya, Turkey, October 25-27, 2019 E-ISBN: 978-605-68537-9-1 ## ______________________________________ Figure 3: ERAB Abnormal Rel. Analysis (DL Po With point 2, also suspected H/O failure fro site 3161 to PCI_86 in same site caused R C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal reestablishment request that eNodeB rejec released abnormally. Both sectors are neig These two abnormal release are all related strongly suspected having unknown proble disconnection of RRC connection is increa transmitter antenna to remain of received U Figure 4: DL ERAB Abnormal Rel. Analysis (DL Point suspected H/O failure from PCI_86 t caused RRC connection reestablishment r International Conference on Engineering T Konya, Turkey, October 25-27, 2019 E-ISBN: 978-605-68537-9-1 ## ______________________________________ eNodeB rejected. So that ERAB released a result of looking after neighbor list, both sit each other and also H/O from PCI_404 to correctly. On site of PCI_404 the antenna increased to prevent overshooting problem Figure 5: UL ERAB Abnormal Rel. Analysis (UL C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal During the UL Test, we faced up frequent U problem. After the HW check, it is observe connector problem on site. When the conn with new one, UE disconnected problem is point 4 in Figure 6. Figure 6: UL ERAB Abnormal Rel. Analysis (UL The Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of th network is given Table 1. The optimization proposed solutions have yielded good resu conducted after optimization can be seen a International Conference on Engineering T Konya, Turkey, October 25-27, 2019 E-ISBN: 978-605-68537-9-1 ## ______________________________________ have improvement. The SINR Intra Freq H ERAB Accessibility Rate, Intra Freq HO Su ERAB Accessibility Rate have the 100% su Therefore, it is seen that these parameters results in the sites where optimization chan C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal for downlink and uplink ERAB Call Drop R 72.41, respectively. Table 1: Performance results overview after opt Type of load way KPI Statistics Attempt Success Percentage Download Inter FreqHO Success Rate - - SINRIntra FreqHO Success Rate 337 337 100 ERAB Accessiblity Rate 34 34 100 Upload Inter FreqHO Success Rate - - Intra FreqHO Success Rate 406 406 100 ERAB Accessiblity Rate 29 29 100 Type of load way Performance ERAB Abnormal Release ERAB Setup Success Rate C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal Download ERAB Call Drop Rate 2 34 0.05 Upload ERAB Call Drop Rate 21 29 72.41 Mobile operators attach importance to the different departments listed in Figure 7 to a for network quality. Although the regions a which these various departments study are directly affect each other's performance. F should study efficiently within the boundary instantly with other units. However, they sh productively and result-oriented. This prov power and time. Mobile technologies start process. In this process, simulation softwa planning and wave propagation is used. Th station can be applied to which region is de the planning stage, the location of the stati target average signal level is determined fr simulation. In the third stage of implementa vendors make implementation of devices a site. Then optimization engineers check th making optimization to improve the quality C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal Last they inform mobile operator the proce Figure 7: DT route IV. CONCLUSION E-UTRAN Radio Access Bearer (ERAB) is parameter in LTE KPI analysis. Also, it dire RRC Success Rate of the mobile network. engineers work with RF planners to improv However, this improvement is not always e immediately. Therefore, the optimization m to the network should be as accurate and e In this study, the solutions proposed in the found to provide improvements in ERAB va parameters. As a result The SINR Intra Fre ERAB Accessibility Rate, Intra Freq HO Su ERAB Accessibility Rate have the 100% su Therefore, it is seen that these parameters results in the sites where optimization chan for downlink and uplink ERAB Call Drop R 72.41, respectively. REFERENCES C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal [1] S.M.A. El-Atty, Z. M. Gharsseldien, Performance a heterogeneous mobile network architecture with multi layers, Wireless Networks, vol. 23, pp. 1169-1190, 20 [2] Calculating limits of base station emission power in GSM, Automatika, vol. 57, p ### [3] A. Huerta-Barrientos, M. Elizondo- Optimizing the network planning process for in-building coverage usi Appl. Res. Technol., vol. 11, pp. 912-919, 2013. [4] S. Wang, C. Ran, Rethinking cellular network plan optimization, IEEE Wireless Commun., vol. 23, pp. 11 [5] A. Awada, B. Wegmann, I. Viering, A. Klein, Optim network parameters of the long term evolution system method, IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 60, pp. 3825 [6] R. Kadiroglu, Y. 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Manjunath View Show abstract Predicting the Accuracy of Accessibility of LTE Network Using ANN Chapter ####### Abhishek Tyagi Asmita Singh Sindhu hak gupta Mukesh Mishra View Show abstract Recommendations Discover more Article Full-text available Troubleshooting of Handover Problems in 900 MHz for Speech Quality September 2020 · Wireless Personal Communications Ibrahim Bahadir Basyigit Habib Doğan Although Long-term Evolution (LTE) technology has currently being used in data and voice transmission, reserv View full-text Article Full-text available Quality of Service Evaluation: A Study on the Optimization Performance for a Mobile Network Operator... October 2019 · European Journal of Science and Technology Abdullah Genc Ibrahim Bahadir Basyigit Habib Doğan It is significant that each mobile network is under control to maintain and improve its performance. Optimization View full-text Article Calibrating Radio Propagation Models Based on Smartphone Measurements for Geo-Aware Cellular Network... July 2015 · IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Bernd Gloss Jens Gebert Yanfei Quan Using the data treasure from mobile networks is a promising approach for cellular network operators to optimize Read more Conference Paper User satisfaction classification for Minimization of Drive Tests QoS verification Sep-13 Fedor Chernogorov Jani Puttonen C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal In wireless mobile networks quality of user experience changes dynamically and depends on large variety of fac Read more Article Full-text available Performance Evaluation of Major Mobile Network Operators in Owerri Metropolis of Nigeria Nov-16 Gordon Ononiwu Bukola O H Akinwole James ondoma Onojo Mobile Network Operators (MNO) can significantly improve their profitability growth rates and financial stability b View full-text Recruit researchers Join for free Login Company About us News Careers Support Help Center Business solutions Advertisin g Recruiting C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal Bearer (ERAB) is an rformance Indicator is formed by combining the adio bearer. It can be noted RAB ID and Quality Class is used to determine the bile network, there are values ch as Bit Error Rate and the ine the QCI in LTE. The y; hence the ERAB parameter plex parameters. In this paper, e Handover are improved by s a result for downlink and 5 and 72.41, respectively. ver is 337 and 406, were successfully completed. adio access network, is calculated at the , 3G technology is gy is obtained as a result of C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal logy is called 3.9G or Pre4G, it n the field of communication levision service (HD-TV) and ive gaming service. This / s communication speed (18 However, this technology is revious technology, HSPA. y problem. Multi-player e great sensitivity to delay [2]. as a 10ms latency for ded a complete key feature. a latency of 60ms, it can be ed from 1.25 20 MHz to 100 eficiencies of the s the interruptions in transmission while moving at h 4G data transfer rates of mance in antenna provements in an antenna C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal ommunication in the 4G gh reliability and long series ologies that affect multiple s, many transmission programs creasing data rate needs of data importance with bandwidth cy in LTE technology. Spatial yment of a wide range of receiver. Independent currents sly from all antennas [4]. This in a very large number of umber of transmit and receive put multi-output ermore, reliability in the a in the power-down channels antennas in the transmitter or n difference and transmission sified into space-time coding hannel information in C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal is closed loop multi-antenna formation in the transmitter ast optimization study is ality problems in LTE ied in the area serving a f the optimization study on the ed as follows: Section 2 ds and DT details; Section 3 the results, comparison of see performance of this study, ur conclusions. ) to use in mobile and cellular at includes all the field ink signals in the Airnformation about the signal ation and the ME [8]. In order f the optimization, two separate C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal e and after the study. Drive test should be noted that the of the test tool in real time as perator. Here, it can be seen mode, USB Cable for PS receiver, laptop and nd coordinates. Scanner is used perating band. solution of ERAB pro cience, Isparta/Turkey, abdullahgenc@isparta. gineering Technologies (ICENTE'19) 2019 __________________________________________ C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal performed using TEMS. There ethods. All measurements are the DT route is given. The during DT in this region are mization study of this paper. r (ERAB) is an important This parameter is formed by e corresponding radio bearer. It s related to the E -RAB ID and he E-RAB ID parameter is the S1 interface. In a mobile fect the quality of service BER) and end to end delay. LTE. B parameter important is its LTE. Here the RRC is the Success Rate is required for C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal And a Bearer can do that. The a QCI9 by default and VoLTE Mostly ERAB is formed by the handover (H/O) failure from C connection reestablishment ejected. So that ERAB released ng after neighbor list, both nd also H/O from PCI_437 to he solution of this problem is ncrease accessibility of gineering Technologies (ICENTE'19) 2019 __________________________________________ lysis (DL Point1) O failure from PCI_85 of e caused RRC connection C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal NodeB rejected. So that ERAB ors are neighbor each other. e all related to PIC_85 that own problem. The redress of on is increasing the power of f received UE data in site 3161. Analysis (DL Point2) m PCI_86 to PCI_404 blishment request from UE that gineering Technologies (ICENTE'19) 2019 __________________________________________ B released abnormally. As a ist, both sites are neighbor CI_404 to PCI_86 is preceded e antenna down tilt is ng problem. Analysis (UL Point3) C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal p frequent UE disconnected is observed that there is en the connector is changed problem is solved for UL Analysis (UL Point4) s (KPI) of the mobile ptimization study by applying d good results. The statistics n be seen and most of the KPIs gineering Technologies (ICENTE'19) 2019 __________________________________________ ntra Freq HO Success Rate, Freq HO Success Rate and he 100% success rate. parameters have high and good zation changes are made. Also C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal Call Drop Rate is 0.05 and iew after optimization 37 337 100 6 100 C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal 34 0.05 9 72.41 nce to the work of the igure 7 to achieve KPI goals e regions and methods in ts study are different, they can ormance. For this, each unit e boundary and communicate ver, they should work . This provides ease of work, ogies start with Design tion software related to radio is used. Thus, what kind of region is determined. Then, in of the stations according to the termined from the map of implementation the mobile of devices and components to rs check the performance of the quality of related sites. C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal r the process is done or not. r (ERAB) is an important Also, it directly effect of the e network. So, optimization s to improve this parameter. ot always easy, and not mization method to be applied urate and effective as possible. osed in the results section is in ERAB value and HO NR Intra Freq HO Success Rate, Freq HO Success Rate and he 100% success rate. parameters have high and good zation changes are made. Also Call Drop Rate is 0.05 and C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal Performance analysis of advanced ure with multiple small cell 169-1190, 2017. atika, vol. 57, pp. 774-781, ptimizing the cellular coverage using simulation, J. 9, 2013. network planning and vol. 23, pp. 118-125, 2016. . Klein, Optimizing the radio olution system using Taguchi's . 60, pp. 3825-3839, 2011. Quality of service assessment: a ng of cellular network operators Engineering & Computer , G.F. Pedersen, Measurement of llular Network Bands, IEEE p. 2260-2263, 2018. abi, GSM quality of service onal Journal of Computer gineering Technologies (ICENTE'19) 2019 C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal __________________________________________ IJCSEA), vol. 7, pp. 29-40, a, M. Tomala, B. Gyula, B. Sebire, GPP, IEEE Commun. Mag., produced by the radiated em, IEEE Trans. Electromagn. age Analysis of Mobile Network in rsonal Communications, vol. gineering Technologies (ICENTE'19) 2019 __________________________________________ C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal d voice transmission, reserved frequency bands for GSM is still in use due to its strengthen against multipath fading and it p rk Operator... performance. Optimization is basically the most effective way to monitor the network by examining statistics data in detail a Cellular Network... etwork operators to optimize their networks and to enter into new business models. We use geographically resolved cellular C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal pends on large variety of factors. Because of that mobile operators are willing to timely and effectively evaluate provided Qu ates and financial stability by constantly monitoring, analyzing and optimizing the radio network performance to provide bet C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal B problems in LTE c@isparta.edu.tr __________________________________________ C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal __________________________________________ C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal __________________________________________ C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal __________________________________________ C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal __________________________________________ __________________________________________ C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal nst multipath fading and it provides wider coverage area. Poor coverage problems caused by low signal level directly reduc ing statistics data in detail and obtaining/analyzing drive test results. This enables network growth and capacity developme graphically resolved cellular measurements from smartphones as defined since LTE Release 10 in 3GPP TS 37.320 for the C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal ctively evaluate provided Quality of Service (QoS) in their networks. Nowadays the main tool for monitoring network state an performance to provide better subscriber quality. A real time non-intrusive performance evaluation of the network allows th C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal LTE _______________ C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal _______________ C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal _______________ C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal _______________ C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal _______________ _______________ C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal w signal level directly reduce network performance and cause undesirable cases for voice transmission. The aim of this stu wth and capacity development, problems in the operation and maintenance unit of the mobile network are ... [Show full abst 0 in 3GPP TS 37.320 for the »Minimization of Drive Tests» (MDT) to calibrate radio propagation models and to use these m C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal monitoring network state and performance is drive testing. To replace this expensive and mostly manual procedure, concep ion of the network allows the operator to identify performance issues and administer quick corrective actions in order to ... [ C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal smission. The aim of this study is ... [Show full abstract] twork are ... [Show full abstract] models and to use these models to ... [Show full abstract] C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal y manual procedure, concept ... [Show full abstract] ctive actions in order to ... [Show full abstract] C2 – Vodafone Idea Internal