DISASTER DRILL COMPETITION T.1. HO5e Laying and Replacer••nt of eun«a a» 1.2. Bucket Relay 1.3. FIBmrriable tiquid Fira Mlngulshment 2 ’' ’^" •’ - 20% °*^ t¢am Iflayers / members per event 88 ! *J - Hose Laying end ReplacemeN of Busted Hose £iV6 {5) Ho86Wn. One (I) Nozzle man, One (J) Engineman - (6 Males and J Female) and OGCiaI learn Caach Evem 42 - Bucket Relay Ten (1018uckM Handlers (7 Males and 3 fierrules) and Official ream Coach Flammable Liquid Fire Minguishment Two (2) Fire Minquisfier Handlers (Male & Feuule) end Official Team Coach gon CIO) 9rscuers /7 Molec and 3 flemolefil. One (1) Vicfim fnot less than SO kgs.), L2. A teem shall be composed of FNtasn (1$) mmbars (madmum): 2J.1 Ten (10 ers - males and 3 fomeles , 2-Z-Z Fwo fz) alternate players - (mafo and f•male 2J.8 Ona (1) muse (optional) z 2J.J One (\) team manager 2J.5 One (1) team coach 13. Team members must be at least 18 years old. 2.4. Team members must be physically and mentally fit as certified by a competent medical doctor/physician. Any members of thg team/s who fails to provide their medical certificate will not be allowed to join in any of the event 2.5.No Team shall be allowed to compete with less than the required number of participant per event. 2.6. Finish all events. 3.1 All participating Teams shall wear their respective unifqrm during competition proper. 37 Minimum uniform requirements; 3A1 Team uniform preferably Long Sleeves Shirt 3.2.2 Standard Maong long pants (or equivalent type of textile and not synthetic type) 323 Preferably safety shoes and/or combat boots 3J4 Hard Hats [ 8 pcs.] 3.Z.S Safety Mask [at least 2 pcs.] 3a6 Safety goggles [at least 4 palrs) 4.1.l Fire Hose 4 'zt 4.1.2 Vari dia. x S0 fL, 4.1.3 Target - 2 ptg 4.1.d Hard 4.1,6 Fire *"”*”" "’” ’““ ”*” - 6 lengtljs & ^8WtlY’ ¥et at 120 psi 4J 9UCR5T R€LAY 4.2. $ 8ucket (2.5 liters cap.) - IO pct 4.2.Z D um Iss Hals. cap.) 3 pcs. 4.MJ Meter stick - 1 pc. *'* Premium Gasolirie - 2 liters '4.3.3 Diesel Oil - 2 liters 4.3.4 Graduated Container - 4 pcs. 4.3.5 File Extinquishers, Stored Pressure Type, - 3 units Note: Dry Chemical, 10 lbs. cap. (2 officid. I spare) 4.3.6 Ignition Stick (7 ft) - 2 pcs. 4.3.7 Hard hats, safety shoes. protective mask. goggln J.J RESCUE ANO TRANSFER RELAY OPERATION {TIE-BRMKER EVENT) 4.4.1 Hard I•Iat rv/ chin strap Each Team sßa// practice on their own. 7ney could seek the assistance of the Cie:y/Municipal Fire Marshal or any competent trainer. • Players without MedJ<•f G•rURcms will not be allowed to play. • Point system Shall be based on the speed, approach, proper use/handling of firefighting equipment and proper technique executed by the team. A point deduction or addition will be credited IO dCh team Score standing based on tach e 'ent Mtes and regulations. • ln case of a tie in an event. this will be resolved by playing the tie-breaker Event (Rescue and Transfer Relay Operation). • Participano must obsetve proper conduct and discipline before, during and after tAe competitioit • The ofßcial starting signal of any event is a ”WHlSTk£” blow comin9 from the Toumament £vent Judge. • • The basis for detenTiining team standing is by the clock performance and SWI*C @^•hy fmPosed by the Toumamem Evem Judgw The Ol4lflol Tonm Jh iS allowed inside the playing area during their tum to give guidence and insbucüops ONLY an o ist any player/a each and every offic e team‘s score '”• the team will be si•en penaityyies for point shall be dedu gg tpp regarding any appeal, Injury, p’otest or complatms, which concems the went. • All non-playing PüftiCipar\Q shall not be alfowed to go beyond the fire line. J iOÏ@ion Of this rule shall be metcd with a 10-second penaky per individual i€*f'BWiOR B0d Wig\ be edded to the team’s clock performance. • UPS rt smanlike behaviour by any member of the perfofwti US SUCH W" pushing. elbowing, distracting, spraying of water, d”irecting the fire extinguisher/s, uttering unsavoury remarks, pointing dirty fingers. challenging the tournament officials, competing team, audience or rñW'^ people and other similar acts shall be gith a U IndMdual lzzfzn€tïon and will be added to the team’• ctock performance. upon by The Toumemena Chalrmaw suM} • All technica) questions/problems UW Wd/ äfiS9 ÖU**g which is not under the present rules shall be evaJuated by the TouMament Technical Commij ne and final decision will be d r V the Toumam^ ygy pjyjc;pj tabu/ation of results shall be signed by the Tournament Chairman, MIS Chairman and Operations Manager. Oectaration ottfm {ggg $gg}/ announced by the Operations Manager. 7.1.1 Team preparations should not exceed five (5) minutes. Beyond the allotted time, an additional 60 seconds penalty shall be added to the team’s actual performance lima 7.IJ Seven (7} Players, (6 Males and 1 Female) and Official Team Coach shall composed the performing team. All the needed equipment and accessories shall be retrieved’by the performing team members and st+ould be placed at the designated location Team shall assemble at the starhng line (SL), which (S 45 fL away from the esignated 7.1.6 A fire truck sfsaff t›e usøct shall rignal the Fire Pump “’ *° set the Engine Th'rottłe to 12O psi r.ț.7 When the designated offlcIał give the •jgØ• øțg ø¡{ ț$y$g-j jjjø țø memÒe¢s shall pick-up the equlprheriț Şp/tj țøø øtø/t¡gg pø'gț p¡ø ø ^ *^ !*^ designat d 8 area and connect the hoses and nozzłø. The "LAPAGHATAK" TSC H IQ*J 8 ^ all be used in unrolling the fire hoses. Any deviation especially. hose throwing or dropping of a DONUT ROLLEO Bra hose will be penalized With ftUø (5) seconds additional time per ínfraCtio0. per incident and per individual. 7.1.8 Only four (4) lengths of 1 ’ń• diameter x 50 ft. fire hose shall be laid-out The ńfth (Sth) and sixth f6th) hoses shall be used as SPARE HOSE REPLACEMENT for the presumed "DEFECTIVE/ BUSTED HOSE". The connected hoses W^!’ be charged with water from the source. 7.1.9 The Team's nozzle man should hit and ¥to. 1) flat with respect to the ground charged with pressurized water. 7.1.10 7.1.11 Simultaneously, the assigned pump man pall Shut-o& US tcuck to allow disconnection and replace ^t defective/bustecl hoses tHoset o. 2 ancl nose rao. ał. The completed connections shall be charged with watCF from the source second (Znd) fire an¢ł the nozzle had áf MW ÔW*@N/89Ó B8W 8! tø/-gøt {yyøgæg Ago, 2y with water stream. z. . z upon hitting and turning down the 2nd fire target, the clock wilî bø stopped. signifying the end of the team’s performance. 7.1.13 PM+zafUes: a. Exceeded the allowable preparation time, +60 sacoztds b. Unofficial adjustment of throttle. +60 seconds c. Beyond the allotted five (5) minutes playing time, the committee shall stop the team’s performance Maximum Penalty - “Stop Performance• (equivalem to 5 minutes playing timed d. Stepping on the line e. False starting or running ehead of time before the tournament official declares the "GO SIGNAL". f. Dropping of nozzle, fire hose couplings Including personal protective equipment, during or before the end of performance 9• Improper placement of hose, incŁudfng coupling connecUonc íoutsłde h. assistance being Provided behind the nozzle man before hitting me two (2) fire targets. No assista ø being i. PÆvtded behind the nozzle ma • w•fa hitting the j. Nozzle man go•s b k T Succesfifi Qty tumed g holdin9 t• vch ng g Spare Fire Target the personnel, m. Failure to ‹epfaC e thy Busted Hose - TJ4 & TJ6. •2» seconds per Spar• Hose 7.2.1 The besis for determining the team standing is by the height of water tra"sferred from a S5 gallon fire drum to empty SS gallon drvm. *'*-* 8quipment to be used must be properly checked and defective equiprneM Shall be replaced by tournament officials immediately prior to the start of the team’s performance. ’-*+ T••eta› m•mb«s \7 males and s fe‹naicsj ana tf›e offici•/ T••m Co••h s^•lI COIN @ the performing Team. 7.2.4 The distance betwwn the starting line and the bucket is 50 !¥ L One (IQ minute performing time shall be si •rs for each team tO trarIW^ from a water filled fire drum to an empty fire drum ss'ith the uW OfS U fire buckets. GB ) 7.Z.6 When the loud official signals -GO- €bg ¥ III. 726.1 The players should run to get the empty buckets the/t y 6. yacfii member will throw away the water from the bucketto the empty drum with the distance of Sft and place down the bucket 7.2.6.d m• players should position themselves to perfo+m the rolay pperat¡on, wltb one (JJ or two t2l assi9ned as buckot runner 7 6.y Transfer the buckets filled with watar in sequMti8l Ord6r. 7.2.7 Once the time signals "STOP". only oz+a (1) pall from the last man shall be allowed to be poured. 7J.8 Tke level of water transferred on the empty drum shall be rf+easured using a meter stick (Metric Measurement). 769 Penaftln ef two fzj c•ntlmeoas ef wat•t sf•all be daducead for emry kdracUom committed 0y emry' player o’tha tamn: False starting or running ahead of time befora the toumamrm official declares the GO signal *by a WHISTLE•. 7A9J Throwing of buck¥'t (With or without water) inside the drum. 7R9.3 M dmu of two f27 usnnars are allowed to return the used buckets otheMica, * penalty' shall be impos g per additional runner. 829.4 Wrong sequence {bypacs) 77.9.S Dropping and accidental falling of bucket/s 7C9•6 S On the line at the marked throwing mpoi’ition of tbt shall be declared winner. 7.3.1 Two (2 y, 8’^W^ (Male and remale) shall come the Team to extinguish 7.3.Z Fire extinguisheF5 to be and InuSt bg property checked to ensure reIiabilîty/Opergtj¡|¡ 7.3.3 SLlbStitution may only he allowed in case of injury or due to inability of thé OffiClally designated fire extinguisher handlers (playeJ) !^ continue the event due to injury or unforeseen event. 7.3•4 Each teaM player $ T\ p @ two (2) units Of 10.0 lbs. Dry Chemical (ABC), Stored Pressure Type fiire MinguiShefS CO¢tt6i¢IiF*g " Ammonium Phosphate. dotnc - Using other type chemical and copacii:y a(fire u”uhers heæin sholl not be ollowed in fhe rom,oetition. - Porfoôte Fire exfingtzu ” ' ets muet be provided öy each Bo6oMgoy TM • 7J.5 The position of fire extinguisher players is 75 IL away from the 6W flammable fire container, and 2S fL away from the 2nd flammaDfe 8 container. 7.3.6 Substitution is allowed oñiy b• fore che Team’s pe 8^€ ^- Upon signa{ td @ysignated toumament CommÎTtee memÔers Shall pour cp„iainer fra oiin water to2oi. The ‹ire s•tteP 5haII simultaneously light-up the flammable fin Container allowing 10 seconds pre-burning. K3.9 when the tournament Official Signals“GO•. {CHISELS} the players shall pick up the fire extinguishers at the designated places and proceed to extinguish the fire at a distance not closer than fou t4) feet km as ir+dicated by the perimeter line the flammable fire coMainer 7.3.10 The two (2) players must help each other in extinguishing the fire Both fare extinguishers must be used in extinguishing the fire 7.3.11 Upon totally extinguishing the fire, both players shall return the fire extinguishers to each original location and raise his/her both hands upon reaching the finish line facing the flammable liquid cgntainer to indicate the end of their performance and the clock Shall be stopped. Falluza so zatss 7.3.12 In case of re-flash. the dock will cominue umil it is 1\ilfy extinguished by the 7J.13 A tan (10) se<o@ False starting (running ahead of time or earlier than the official starting signal). 7.3.13 a Stepping on the perimeter line of the fire container. Dropping of fire extinguisher. Wrong placement/positioning of fire extinguisher. 7.3.13.S Removing or breaking the warranty seal before the start of W performance. Dropping of Personal Protective Equipment (I t9/f+N Goggles). improper use of fire extinguishers (i.e. Shotgun Style) W additional per player Official Team Coach’s violation in assisting the pit/ holding/touching the personnel, equipmerrU'accessories tl ba declazod tho winner. F.3.1s • west rzsnrstnp t lm o @