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Positive Student Discipline: Turning Classroom into Home

Is this
On school property
One or more times in
the last 12 months
Or injured by a
weapon, gun, knife, or
Missed at least 1
day in previous 30
days because they
felt unsafe going to
or while at school
*2019 Survey of High
School Students
Effective Communication
Mutual Respect
• Adults model firmness
by self-respect and
needs of situation.
• Adults model kindness
by respecting the needs
of the child
Identify the Belief Behind
the Behavior
• Recognize the reasons
by kids do what they do
• Change the beliefs
rather than change
Discipline that Teaches
• Not Punitive
• Not Permissive
• Focuses on solutions
Encouragement not Praise
• Effort & Improvement
• Builds long-term self• Esteem empowerment
Effective Problem Solving
Goal is conformity to a set of rules
You need not understand the rules
Rules do not need to make sense
Submit to authority
Obey without question
Do not think for yourself
Goal is socially acceptable behavior
Understanding of rules critical
Rules guide student behavior
Rules promote consistency
Learning environment predictable
Rules are the safety net
Teaching the Social and Life
Skills necessary for developing
young people into contributing
members of a community.
Examples of Skills
1. Self-respect
2. Respect for others
3. Concern for others
4. Problem-solving
5. Accountability
6. Contribution to society
7. Cooperation/collaboration
They have the discipline data and have
authority to set discipline policy must
support in order to be successful
Begins With
Parents must know what is expected,
have a voice in creating policy.
Students know what is expected
Teachers and staff will implement and
therefore must know what to do as
well as help to create the policy
Bad behavior does not just happen in schools. It spills out into
the community. These leaders have an interest in what
happens in school and should be part of the process
What kinds of behavior problems are we having?
Who is doing it?
When is it taking place? (Before/After school? Between Classes?)
Where is it taking place on campus?
Have other schools had the same problems?
What did they do about them?
Were they successful?
Review and Revise the Rules-with student involvement
Improve classroom management-provide training if needed
Look for new ways to engage students in learning
Choose evidence based programs
Involve community to support school & students
Engage parents as valued partners in the process
• Promote new program
• Inform all stakeholders
• Set up information meetings
Teachers need training on new program
Provide professional development on classroom management
Parents/students will also need training
Make sure everyone has the implementation timeline
• Promotional materials
• Signs etc.
• Allow enough time to complete training and promotional
• Follow the implementation plan and schedule
• Revise as needed
the Plan
No implementation goes perfectly
Be available to handle problems
Be positive and reassure those with concerns
Be quick to respond
• Did you accomplish what you set out to do?
• Gather data and analyze
• Boredom source of many problems
• Training on student engagement
• Active participation in learning
• Have only a few
• Allow for discretion
• Cover several
• Save suspensions for
most serious safety
• Teachers feel inadequate
• Training on respect for teacher
• Look for proven programs
• Difference between working
harder and smarter
• Look for community
programs that can help
address underlying social
• Family members need to be involved in
meaningful ways as real partners
• Maintain your work ethic and
always do your best. (High School)
• We complete our work on time and
always do the very best we can.
(Middle School)
• We always do our best. (Elementary
• Completing all work
• Positive attitude even when work is
• Being organized
• No cheating on homework or tests
• Working on good behavior
• Participating in class activities
Create a positive learning climate
Supportive of student learning
• Teacher and students are partners
in the learning process
• Teacher’s attitude critical to
establishing a positive climate
• Teacher needs to remain positive at
all times.
• Teacher provides ample amounts of
inspiration and encouragement