SelfCare Journal 5 Day Challenge GRATITUDE DAY 2 POSITIVITY DAY 3 MENTAL HEALTH DAY 4 KINDNESS DAY 5 CREATIVITY TABLE OF CONTENTS DAY 1 The purpose of this journal is for you to explore and get to know yourself, express your thoughts and feelings, and do some life-skill building! Each day there is a different focus containing journal prompts, activities and creative outlets for you to explore! Use this time and this journal to know and grow the most important person in your life, YOU! Happy Journalling! Gratitude Day 1 an understanding Definition: The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. What does gratitude mean to you? List 5 ways that you like to show gratitude: 1. 2. 3. What character trait, or quality of yourself are you most grateful for? 4. 5. Today I am most grateful for: (write, draw or create!) Gratitude Day 1 Tree of gratitude think of the leaves on the tree below as those in your life that you are most grateful for, family friends, animals, inspirations, places, experiences. use the leaves and write down who or what in your life you are most grateful for! Gratitude Day 1 letter of gratitude Close your eyes, think of someone or something that you would like to show gratitude for. use the template below to write a letter! You can cut along the dotted line to remove it from the journal! Dear, Sincerely, Positivity Day 2 An Understanding definition: the practice of being or tendency to be positive or have an optimistic in attitude. it is difficult for me to have a positive attitude when: my 3 positive statements: 1 2 i can help myself to find a positive outlook by: 3 Positivity Day 2 positive light What are some things that light you up? make you feel uplifted and inspired? use the light beams above to express them! Positivity Day 2 positive mindset The things that make me the most awesome are: I'm most proud of myself when: I feel strong when: Positivity Day 2 thumbprint the image below is your thumbprint. each of our thumbprints are unique. in between the lines of your thumbprint, write down something that makes you unique! Use as many colours as you wish! Mental Health Day 3 an understanding Definiton: Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices These are the people that help support mental health: This is how I like to take care of my mental health: I'm feeling calm how would you rate your mental health today? I'm really struggling Mental Health on my mind These are the things that are on my mind today Day 3 Mental Health Day 3 Positive Self-Talk Our brains give us so much! Like our memories, thoughts and feelings! most of the time, we have an inner self-talk. these are the things we tell ourselves that no one outside can hear. these thoughts can sometimes lead to negative feelings about ourselves when we are experiencing a challenge. using positive self-talk, we can help our brains to give us a pep talk during these moments. I believe in myself I can't do this ADD your own! no one cares I am enough I can work through this! Colour in the positive selftalk speech bubbles! I'm not smart I am strong Mental Health Day 3 coping strategy thermometer Imagine that this thermometer is your mental health, the bottom is when you are calm and happy and the top is when you are angry, hurt and upset. Crisis using the coping strategy bank, or creating your own, fill in some coping strategies that you would use as the thermometer rises Cr e t a t e Ar Cry- release Calm Coping strategy bank: walk away emotion deep breaths l is t e n to posi m us i t iv e s e lf -ta l k c reach out- ask for help Kindness Day 4 An Understanding Definition: the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. he t s s o r c t u o s d r wo in d f u o y s a the m! Braver y Community Word List C a r in g E mp a compassion thy ag r u o c e K in d n optimism ess P o s it iv love it y Kindness Day 4 Storytelling Don't forget to illustrate! think about a time when someone showed you kindness when you really needed it, or when you showed kindness to someone else, tell the story: Kindness Day 4 Random Acts of Kindness Challenge of the day: create these random act of kindness cards. fill them out with some ways you can show kindness to others. once completed, use them and pass them onto others to try! random act of kindness! random act of kindness! complete and pass it on! complete and pass it on! Random act of kindness! random act of kindness! complete and pass it on! complete and pass it on! random act of kindness! random act of kindness! complete and pass it on! complete and pass it on! Creativity Day 5 Definition: the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of artistic work I feel most creative when: my favourite creative outlet is: Draw a self-portrait: Creativity Day 5 Zen tangle Colour in this zen tangle, use some colours that you feel emotionally connected to, explore what those colours mean to you, how they make you feel and what pattern you choose to use them on. Creativity Day 5 Art Expression! Use this page to create! No instructions! Creativity Day 5 Creative Coping Cube! Glue / Tape Glue / Tape Glue / Tape Glue / Tape Glue / Tape Glue / Tape Cut me out! design each side with as many colours and designs as you wish! add in one creative coping strategy on each side of the cube. next build the cube folding on the lines, and using glue/tape to secure! when you feel like you need a creative outlet, role the cube and see where it lands for some inspiration! Glue / Tape You Did It! Congratulations on completing the 5-day self-care journal challenge, below is your final challenge: What are some things you learned about yourself throughout this journey : look back at this journal when you would like to reflect, or take the challenge again another time to see how much you've grown! Great Job!