Uploaded by Marcus Boring

Letter of Recommendation for Maribel Garcia-Hernandez

Marcus Boring
Mission Hills HS
cell: 760-576-9922
March 26, 2023
To Lake San Marcos Kiwanis Club
It is with the most sincere enthusiasm that I write this letter of recommendation for
Maribel Garcia-Hernandez. I rst met Maribel a a freshman in my Algebra 1 class four
years ago. Though she struggled a bit in my class she never let her frustrations get in the
way of her positive attitude and caring personality. Then over the next 4 years Maribel
has consistently made a point to come by my classroom to visit, bring a birthday gift or
drop of one of my favorite treats. Every time she enters my room it’s with a smile and a
warm greeting, I have treasured each time. To be frank, the Covid epidemic and
changed the atmosphere of my school. Students seem disconnected and a sense of
apathy has plagued much of the student population. Yet Maribel seems immune to this
disheartening change. She is one of the few students I regularly see that is respectful,
gracious and motivated. I can’t think of any other student that is more deserving of a
scholarship to continue her education. Through my 21 years of teaching I have been
lucky to teach and get to know some amazing students. Of those, I have had a few that
hold a special place in my heart and help me keep sight of why I became a teacher.
Maribel is de nitely someone that I will continue to remember and will always put a smile
on my face long after she has graduated. I am so grateful that I was her teacher 4 years
ago and I am proud of the amazing person she has become.
Please accept my whole hearted recommendation of Maribel Garcia-Hernandez and
know that she will make you as proud as she has made me.
Marcus Boring M. Ed.
Math Teacher
Mission Hills High School