3. DESIGN PROFESSIONALS can use this guide as a reference manual. it as a reference manual to support students in their learning process. Due to its complexity, designing requires a structured and systematic approach, as well as moments of heightened creativity. In this guide, you will find 11 perspectives on what design can do, 6 models that describe how design happens, 12 approaches that describe a comprehensive process for design that spans across phases, and around 68 purposeful and goaloriented design methods. Some are unique to Delft, but many are more commonly known and widely used. They are all described in a practical one-page text, with illustrations and reading suggestions. UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY / FACULTY OF INDUSTRIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING PER S PECTIVES - MODELS - APPROACHES - METHODS THE DELFT DESIGN GUIDE SERVES THREE GOALS PER S PECTIVES - MODELS APPROACHES - METHODS use it as a reference manual in their design projects, managing their personal development. The Delft Design Guide presents an overview of design perspectives, models, approaches, and design methods used in the Bachelor 2. and Master curriculum at the faculty of Industrial Design DESIGN Engineering in Delft. TUTORS can use DELFT DESIGN GUIDE 1. DESIGN STUDENTS can DELFT DESIGN GUIDE PREFACE The Delft Design Guide originated from the need for a more comprehensive overview, deeper insight, and stronger assistance in choosing and understanding the right perspective while establishing the design goal, understanding theoretical models, and selecting appropriate approaches and methods that help with the actual development of products, services, and other manifestations of a creative process. We are truly pleased to know that the book is now used in many different places around the world, both in the educational institutions and in practice. The book has also helped in shaping a common image and language that contributes to the Delft design culture that has found its way around the world through this book. Additionally, the graphic design and layout of the book helped to make it an inspiring and accessible reference work, and for this we thank Yvo Zijlstra of Antenna-Men. As a result, the Delft Design Guide is currently used in various design disciplines and at different schools around the world. Thanks to one of our Chinese alumni, the Delft Design Guide has even been published in Chinese since 2014. Since 2015, there is also a Japanese version. This is a completely revised Delft Design Guide. Like the first edition, published in 2013, this book once again offers a collection of perspectives, models, approaches, and methods that are used in the design education at TU Delft. The book offers a toolbox, an important asset for designers and it offers insight into the distinct Delft Design Thinking. We are proud that the Delft Design Guide is a project of co-creation and the result of a bottom-up approach, in which we created the content together with our many colleagues. Our field is rapidly changing; after six years, we deemed that the time was ripe for a comprehensive review and renewal. The integration model of People, Technology, and Organisation is still central. The discipline is shifting from a focus on mostly physical products and individual users to a zoomed-out level in which products and individuals are part of a larger system. Non-physical designs, such as in services, and indirect users also play a role in that larger system. There is also more attention to the effect of design on people, the environment, and society: the raison d’être of design. Design therefore becomes increasingly complex and requires new or adapted working methods. Microcosm diagram of the mind designed by physician Robert Fludd, beginning 17th century; below an exploded view of a modular smartphone, beginning 21st century. The new Delft Design Guide distinguishes itself from the previous edition on several points. First, more than one-third of this book consists of new content and pages. Second, this book is organised into a clearer structure with distinctive categories (perspectives, models, approaches, and methods). Third, some topics have been removed, whereas others have been merged. Finally, all subjects are improved and enriched with the ‘mindset’ component that explains the underlying values and principles. We wish everyone good luck and an enjoyable learning experience with the new Delft Design Guide! Editors Annemiek van Boeijen Jaap Daalhuizen Jelle Zijlstra 9 DELFT DESIGN GUIDE PERSPECTIVES - MODELS - APPROACHES - METHODS ORGANISATION INTRODUCTION METHODS: DISCOVER 5 Introduction Foreword 9 Preface 10 Acknowledgements 11 Table of Contents 12 A Guide to the Delft Design Guide --------------------------------------- 83 METHODS: DEVELOP & DELIVER 7 85 161 PERSPECTIVES Design for Health & Wellbeing Design for Sustainability 23 Design for Behavioural Change 25 Design for Emotion 27 Design for the Majority 29 Culture-Sensitive Design 31 Speculative Design 33 More-Than-Human Design 35 Skilful Co-design 37 Visualising Interactions 39 Design Drawing as a Language --------------------------------------19 PEOPLE 21 TECHNOLOGY DELFT UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF INDUSTRIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING MODELS Reasoning in design 45 Basic Design Cycle 47 Product Innovation Process 49 Agile Design & Development 51 Integrated Creative Problem Solving 53 Needs and Aspirations for Design & Innovation --------------------------------------43 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This book could not have been written without the contributions and expertise, inspiration, and skills of design researchers and design educators and the support of the faculty management team. Our special thanks go to the contributors of this book who all worked as staff members, former staff members or students in the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering in Delft. The editors hope that the book will justify their dedicated work. Cheers! Aadjan van der Helm, Anton Jellema, Arjen Jansen, Armaĝan Albayrak, Arnold Vermeeren, Bas Flipsen, Bert Deen, Carlos Cardoso, Chen Hao, Chèr van Slobbe, Conny Bakker, Corné Quartel, Corrie van der Lelie, Dirk Snelders, Elif Ozcan Vieira, Ellis van den Hende, Elisa Giaccardi, Elmer van Grondelle, Elvin Karana, Ena Voûte, Erik Jan Hultink, Erik Roscam Abbing, Esther Zijtregtop, Frido Smulders, Froukje Sleeswijk Visser, Gerd Kortuem, Gert Pasman, Gert Hans Berghuis, Giulia Calabretta, Ingrid de Pauw, Jan Buijs (in memoriam), Jan Schoormans, Jan Willem Hoftijzer, Jasper van Kuijk, Jeroen van Erp, Johan Molenbroek, Joost Vogtländer, Jos Kraal, Lilian Henze, Lianne Simonse, Katrina Heijne, Koos Eissen, Maaike Kleinsmann, Marc Tassoul, Marcel Crul, Marieke Sonneveld, Marielle Creusen, Marina Bos-De Vos, Mathieu Gielen, Matthijs van Dijk, Mieke van der Bijl-Brouwer, Nazli Cila, Nancy Bocken, Norbert Roozenburg, Nynke Tromp, Paul Hekkert, Peter Vink, Petra Badke-Schaub, Pieter Desmet, Pieter Jan Stappers, Pinar Cankurtaran, Remco Timmer, Remke Klapwijk, Renee Wever, Richard Goosens, Roos van der Schoor, Roy Bendor, Ruud Balkenende, Sicco Santema, Stefan van de Geer, Stella Boess, Sylvia Mooij, Thomasz Jaskiewicz, Valentijn Visch, Wilfred van der Vegte, Wouter Kersten, Wouter van der Hoog, Students of the master course Design Theory Methodology 2018-2019 APPROACHES 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 User-Centred Design Social Implication Design Co-design & Co-creation Anthropometric Design Vision in (Product) Design Context Variation by Design Service Design Persuasive Game Design Lean Start-up Material Driven Design Data-Centric Design Design Roadmapping Contextmapping Thing Ethnography 87 Cultural Probes 89 User Observations 91 Interviews 93 Questionnaires 95 Focus Groups 97 Ecodesign Strategy Wheel 99 Ecodesign Checklist 101 Fast Track Life Cycle Analysis 103 SWOT & Search Areas 105 Trend Foresight 107 Brand DNA 109 WWWWWH 111 Design Drawing to Discover --------------------------------------- METHODS: DEFINE 115 117 119 121 123 125 127 129 131 133 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 149 151 153 155 157 Persona Cultura Problem Definition Function Analysis Product Life Cycle List of Requirements Mind Mapping Journey Mapping Product Journey Mapping Project Value Modelling Business Modelling Sustainable Business Modelling Future Visioning Ansoff Growth Matrix Segmentation-TargetingPositioning VRIO Analysis Porter’s Five Forces Perceptual Map Collage Storyboarding Written Scenario Design Drawing to Define Analogies & Metaphors Biomimicry 165 Synectics 167 Brainstorming & Brainwriting 169 Braindrawing 171 Morphological Chart 173 SCAMPER 175 How-Tos 177 Harris Profile 179 EVR Decision Matrix 181 C-Box 183 vALUe, IR & PMI 185 Datum Method 187 Weighted Objectives 189 Storytelling 191 Usage Analytics 193 Comfort Evaluation 195 PrEmo & Photo-Elicitation 197 Role-Playing 199 Product Usability Evaluation 201 Product Concept Evaluation 203 Cost Price Estimation 205 Prototype Reflection Cards 207 Cinematic Prototyping 209 Design Drawing to Develop 211 Experience Prototyping 213 Wizard of Oz 215 Design Drawing to Deliver 217 3D Physical Models 219 Technical Documentation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - 163 FINALE 222 224 Index Colophon 11 A guide to the Delft Design Guide You have the completely revised and extended Delft Design Guide in your hands. This guide is meant for everyone that is - or aspires to be - a designer. It should help you to understand how a designer thinks, what a designer does and how this is done, the Delft way. The diversity of perspectives and methodologies presented in this guide shows that design is a rich field with many applications and a network of ways of working and tools to use. The Delft Design Guide offers you a set of perspectives, models, approaches, and methods that serve four distinct purposes. First, to help you to diverge or converge in your design project in a structured way, identifying and selecting options to solve your design challenges. Second, to help you determine what information and knowledge to find and use to allow you to make decisions and progress the design process. Third, to document and communicate a way of working that helps others to participate and collaborate with you. Finally, to develop yourself as a designer with a strong identity and rich toolbox to tackle the challenges ahead! BUILD A MINDSET The domains and application areas that design contributes to are becoming increasingly complex and turbulent. For example, designing interventions that help bring about positive change in the healthcare system, or that change our relationship with the climate are immensely complex and require skills, creativity and thoughtful actions, and productive collaboration. The content of this book can help you in achieving impact, yet it is not enough on its own. Much of what is needed is embedded in the culture and values of our faculty, the missions of the design challenges we collectively work on, and can be identified in the principles of our way of working. In these we can see a strong common denominator that is what makes up the Delft designer. For example, we believe in being human-centric and evidencebased. We also believe in iteration and co-creation. Methodology provides the building blocks, yet you and the people working with design need to build a design mindset to bring these together into effective and meaningful ways of working. This is why we have added a section on mindset to each method in this new edition. These mindsets help you understand how and why a method can contribute to achieving a certain goal. Your first priority however, should always be to succeed in solving your design challenge and to have maximum impact for your cause. BE REFLECTIVE We see design as a goal-directed discipline aimed at creating change. This is not a new idea: Nobel Laureate Herbert Simon already wrote in 1996 in his book The Sciences of the Artificial: ‘To design is to devise courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones’. Design is inherently uncertain and this can be traced back to the core elements in Simon’s definition. Designers explore new and sometimes untrodden territories when they ask: what would be a preferred situation? They discover and define opportunities for innovation and improvement. They ask what would be meaningful and valuable for people in their context and dare to take a stance to steer innovation. Designers challenge the way tasks or problems are framed and formulated when they ask what is problematic about the existing situation? They will keep asking questions until they find root causes and core values that form the starting point for good design. Designers facilitate and drive the development of design solutions that can realise the preferred situation when they ask: what courses of action will best realise the preferred situation and who should I involve to make it happen? They make ideas and visions tangible 13 17 PERSPECTIVES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘Let us get used to looking at the world through the eyes of others.’ B RUNO MUNARI Perspectives are descriptive in nature. That is, a perspective focuses on specific intended effects and qualities to strive for when doing design. For example, Design for Sustainability describes the intended effect of the design and explains its importance. Many perspectives are linked to an approach and/or one or more methods that help to achieve the desired effect when doing design. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 Design for Health & Wellbeing Design for Sustainability Design for Behavioural Change Design for Emotion Design for the Majority Culture-Sensitive Design Speculative Design More-Than-Human Design Skilful Co-design Visualising Interactions Design Drawing as a Language PERSPECTIVES More-Than-Human Design More-Than-Human Design considers the knowledge and behaviour of non-human entities – from plants to animals to intelligent things – and it aims to craft new capacities for meaning and action at the intersection of humans and non-humans. The Māori tribes in New Zealand do not consider themselves masters of the universe but part of it. They fought a 140 year-long legal battle to grant the Whanganui River the same legal rights as a human being. They finally won the case in 2017 meaning that it would be treated as a living entity, as an indivisible whole, instead of treating it from the perspective of ownership and management. That perspective is not an anti-development, or anti-economic use of the river but one that begins with the view that a river is a living being, and then consider its future from that central belief. (wickimedia commons) 1850 1900 1950 WORLD ECONOMIC GROWTH 2000 1850 1900 1950 2000 EXTINSION OF SPECIES Graphs of economic growth are deeply political. They simplify and exclude a more troubling and complex reality. Apart from a few hiccups we’ve been moving upwards over the past hundred years. Moving up to no idea where. When seen against another graph, but this time that of species which have gone extinct in the same period, one realizes that this kind of progress can only be celebrated as a victory in isolation. (source: University of Idaho) TIPS & CONCERNS The development of a design sensitivity to non-human scales and types of knowledge is a major challenge for designers using a More-Than-Human perspective. WHAT & WHY? Through design, we are transforming the planet to meet user needs and desires. While it is reasonable to assume a beneficial intent to design, the -------consequences of design are not always positive and such consequences can range For example, what does it mean from climate change to resource depletion to surveillance capitalism. A more-thanto access the knowledge of human perspective acknowledges that humans are more than users: they are part a river that has existed and of an ecosystem. Within this ecosystem, it is not exclusively humans who act and has played a role in a specific produce effects; in fact, plants, animals, and intelligent things can create new context for hundreds of years? possibilities too. What are the boundaries of the investigation? How can we map -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------insights in a way that they can MINDSET: More-Than-Human Design promotes the idea that to explore the futures we might face, we need to inquire what happens when we step out of be discussed in multi­d isciplinary an anthropocentric view of the world. Such an inquiry is necessary not because teams? humans matter less but that society has largely become a sphere that threatens -------inclusion, diversity, and well-being due to the design ideal that humans are users of Develop skills for recognising, products to be consumed. understanding, and making palpable the potential discom-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and possibly challenging human blind fort, tension, and compromise HOW? With a More-Than-Human Design spots and biases, specifically at the approach, you can experiment with ways that is required to forge new to access and include the knowledge and intersection of the data and trajectories alliances with non-human entities behaviour of non-human entities in design that non-humans give access to and in design. How can animals be work. In doing so, the method contributes the theoretically informed analysis that enlisted as participants without humans bring to it. to the development of a next generation being harmed? What data can be An example in this guide is the Thing of co-design methods. Non-human collected and used with respect Ethnography approach, which can be perspectives are the ‘views’ of plants, to people’s privacy? applied when designing connected animals, or intelligent things, namely --------------------------------------products that can sense data, exchange what they can ‘see’ and contribute to LIMITATIONS them, and autonomously act upon the the understanding of a context. Such Our understanding is inherently data across decentralised computational perspectives are usually included in the limited by what we humans design process by means of multispecies networks. The aim of the method is to know regarding the actions ethnography and science and technology map the interdependencies of a product and behaviour of living and studies, and this can be realised with the ecosystem and its potential societal computational organisms. We can impact. However, the methods in this aid of intelligent cameras, computational gather a lot from a More-Thanguide that are originally developed for or bio-based sensors, and algorithms. It Human perspective, but this kind human-centred design could be extended should be noted that this is not about of consideration concerning the to explore and articulate the knowledge how to see like a pigeon and how to impact of design on the interplay and behaviour of animals, plants, and empathise with the pigeon. It is about between human and non-human intelligent things as well. critically enhancing, complicating, systems is far from trivial. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REFERENCES & FURTHER READING: Clarke, R., Heitlinger, S., Light, A., Forlano, L., Foth, M., & DiSalvo, C., 2019. More-Than-Human Participation: Design for Sustainable Smart City Futures. Interactions26 (3), 60-63. / DiSalvo C., & Lukens, J., 2011. Nonanthropocentrism and the Nonhuman in Design: Possibilities for Designing New Forms of Engagement with and through Technology. In M. Foth, L. Forlano, C. Satchell, & M. Gibbs (Eds.). From Social Butterfly to Engaged Citizen. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. / Giaccardi, E. & Redström, J., Technology and More-than-Human Design. Design Issues. 33 41 MODELS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘Have no fear of perfection -- you’ll never reach it.’ SALVA DOR DALI Models are descriptive in nature. That is, they describe how design happens. For example, the Basic Design Cycle describes how designers fundamentally think while designing. A model offers a generic description of design activity, often in a non-normative manner. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------43 45 47 49 51 53 Reasoning in Design Basic Design Cycle Product Innovation Process Agile Design & Development Integrated Creative Problem Solving Needs and Aspirations for Design & Innovation MODELS Basic Design Cycle VALUES NEEDS FUNCTIONS The Basic Design Cycle is a model that represents the fundamental reasoning steps in the process of designing. It consists of a sequence of conscious reasoning steps that are repeated in empirical cycles. The knowledge of both the problem and the solution increases with each cycle. Analyse 5. APPROVED DESIGN Iterate 1. Decide CRITERIA 4. VALUE OF THE DESIGN Synthesise Evaluate 2. PROVISIONAL DESIGN Simulate 3. EXPECTED PROPERTIES The basic building block of the design process is this circle of thought, action and decision. Designing is like a fractal: zooming in or out results in a similar image. Designing is an iterative process where you sometimes have to take a few steps back – ‘back to the drawing board!’ – in order to go a step forward later on. Being aware of the basic cycle that you are going through, up to a few times per minute, helps you as a designer to organise your thoughts and design activities. (After Roozenburg and Eekels, 1995) TIPS & CONCERNS Do not confuse the five reasoning steps with the phases of a design process. The Basic Design Cycle is a model describing the fundamental reasoning steps and their relative WHAT & WHY? The model describes the different basic reasoning steps a designer goes through when solving a design problem purposefully and consciously. Theoretically, you logical order, which happen can go through only a single cycle, but you usually perform many cycles across the various throughout any conscious, phases of any design process. The basic design cycle consists of five reasoning steps goal-directed design that are logically connected. Novice or naïve designers often tend to ‘jump’ over some of process. the steps, which might harm the quality of the design outcome. For example, one might ---------immediately ‘jump to solutions’ when presented with a design brief, without thoroughly This means that there is analysing the problem. This reasoning might result in a design that does not address the not one phase in which you actual problem. Ideally, you spiral from problem to solution, from abstract to concrete, and synthesise, but that you from function to product geometry. This process is usually iterative, in which you sometimes must engage in synthesis have to take a few steps back – ‘back to the drawing board!’ – to go a step forward later throughout the design on. You might also enter into the cycle at different steps, as long as you complete the cycle process. each time. Being aware of the basic cycle that you are going through on different resolution ---------levels – from a cycle within the time span of a minute to cycles that span several weeks – When you ‘get lost’ in your helps you to organise your thoughts and design activities. ideas and thoughts, you might find it helpful to -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------consider which step of the MINDSET: The Basic Design Cycle represents a fundamental cycle of reasoning that is inherent in conscious, purposeful design problem solving. This means that a designer who basic cycle you are in and desires to do so needs to critically reflect on how his or her own thinking corresponds to identify which reasoning basic reasoning logic. steps you might have missed that might get you -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------back on track. HOW? The model describes five reasoning (elements of) design proposals. Simulation steps, each with its own purpose. As yields representations either in your mind ---------mentioned, these steps can happen, for or externalised with which you can evaluate Discussion with others example, in a span of a few seconds or their potential value. often helps in effectively over a period of weeks depending on the doing these reflections. ---------------resolution level you take. Evaluate: In this step, you reason about ----------------------------the potential value of design proposals LIMITATIONS ---------------through their simulated representation. ‘Analyse’ is the first step in Analyse: In this step, you examine the This happens in relation to design criteria. aspects related to your design goal or a this model, and this might design problem. Overall, analytical reasoning Evaluation produces an understanding of suggest that it should also the current value of (an element of) your yields information that informs your design be your point of departure. design proposal and informs design making. criteria and eventually the requirements. However, that step is not necessarily your preferred ------------------------------Decide: In this step, you reason about the point for starting your Synthesise: In this step, you generate posrelative value of (an element of) your design sible solutions. Synthesis yields (elements design cycle. proposal and you decide on how to proceed. of) design proposals that potentially offer ---------valuable (parts of) solutions to the problem. Decision making informs the next cycles of Depending on your design: whether to repeat a cycle, proceed preference, you can enter ---------------to (an element of) your design proposal, or into the cycle at different Simulate: In this step, you create imagined, focus on other elements instead. digital, or physical representations of points. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REFERENCES & FURTHER READING: Roozenburg, N.F.M. & Eekels, J., 1995. Product Design: Fundamentals and Methods. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. / Roozenburg, N.F.M. & Eekels, J., 1998. Product Ontwerpen: Structuur en Methoden. 2nd ed. Utrecht: Lemma. 45 APPROACHES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘Your work isn’t a high stakes, nail-biting professional challenge. It’s a form of play. Lighten up and have fun with it.’ SOL LE WIT T Approaches are prescriptive in nature. That is, they describe ways for how to go about a design activity. An approach offers a comprehensive process for design that spans across phases. Many approaches are linked in turn to a set of methods and tools that are appropriate to use in combination, for example, because they adhere to the same mindset as the overall approach. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 User-Centred Design Social Implication Design Co-design & Co-creation Anthropometric Design Vision in (Product) Design Context Variation by Design Service Design Persuasive Game Design Lean Start-up Material Driven Design Data-Centric Design Design Roadmapping 55 APPROACHES Anthropometric Design Anthropometric Design is an approach to be used through the design process to ensure the optimal fit of products to the people using them. Doing so will help you to design and make decisions on adjustability, size, and shape throughout the design process. The myth of designing for the ‘average’ person - since there are no people whose body dimensions are all at the 50th percentile. Body dimensions aren’t linearly correlated so people with short arms don’t necessarily have short legs. While the use of the 5th and 95th percentiles on one body dimension may exclude 10% of the population, the use of these on 13 dimensions actually can exclude 52% of the population. TIPS & CONCERNS It is important to mention that the size, weight, and shape of the population in the world is continuously changing (secular trends) due to ageing, lack of nutrition, overeating, WHAT & WHY? The interior of a car, a train seat, an office chair, safety equipment, or a or sedentary lifestyle. hand tool, should accommodate the variation in shape and size of the targeted users. -------As the average user in terms of size, weight and shape doesn’t exist, designers need Why not design for P0.1–P99.9? The to gain insight into the variation within their target group with the help of statistical standard use of P5–P95 to define measures such as percentiles and correlations between different body measurements. your target group will lead to the Using scientific databases that include anthropometric information requires exclusion of 10% of the population demographics about the users, such as birthday, age, and gender, because human size, per anthropometric variable. weight, and shape widely vary across populations. You also need to determine which -------anthropometric parameters are relevant for the design at hand. Therefore, you need to The closer the product needs to fit study the interaction between the human body and the product and describe how users on the body, the more important will handle the product, in what postures, and which movements they possibly will make. the knowledge about shape becomes. 3D scan data can be of -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------great help. MINDSET: Be aware of your user group and be aware of who will be excluded by certain design decisions. Children are very different from adults and so are people -------who are disabled in any type or form. An important principle is to always aim to Some industries have developed design for all within your user group; to practice inclusive design. On the other hand, advanced software representations a personalised design or a design made for a very limited user group might prove of humans (Digital Human Models). to be useful for a larger group of users. For example, an easy-to-open jar lid that is ------------------------------------------specifically designed for the elderley is easy to open for all. Such a well thought-out LIMITATIONS design strategy facilitates the comfortable, safe, and efficient use of products. Many modern products and systems integrate both physical -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and non-physical elements such as WHEN? Anthropometric data can be used in different stages of the design process, preferably right from the discovery phase because this ensures an optimal outcome, services and digital interfaces, for instead of trying to adjust the design at the end of the design process. which additional data are needed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HOW? First the future user group is defined. Then decide whether a product should be one-size-fits-all, have a size system, be made adjustable, or be fully personalised. Depending if the additional costs and complexity are worth the gain in ergonomics. The method involves 5 steps: -------- Step 1: Define the target population, taking into account demographic variables as well as relevant abilities and disabilities. Describe the context of use: posture, movements, and sequence of movements; socio-cultural influences; artefacts (clothing, tools, equipment) and physical environment. Observing how similar products are used can be very helpful in this stage. measurements for the missing data; otherwise, make estimations (based on the correlation between known variables). -------- Step 3: When all the data have been collected, add allowances for worn garments and use of tools and equipment For example, stature +20mm for shoe sole thickness. -------- Step 4: Establish the anthropometric design guidelines. Prototypes are needed to evaluate the fit, comfort, force exertion, interaction during short use or prolonged use, and interaction with the environment while using the tool. -------- -------- Step 2: Search for anthropometric data, for example, in the DINED database (dined.nl) or scientific papers. Consider representativeness (demographic variables), precision, and presentation type (1D, 2D, 3D). If no data are available, determine whether there is time and budget to perform Step 5: The use of statistics and databases is a simplification of the reality; the proper evaluation of the final concept based on a mock-up is necessary. This process is often iterative, and a fifth step to search for additional anthropometric data could be necessary. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REFERENCES & FURTHER READING: Jellema, A., Galloin, E., Massé, B., Ruiter, I., Molenbroek, J., & Huysmans, T., 2019, 3D Anthropometry In Ergonomic Product Design Education. In I. Whitfield (Ed.), In proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Glasgow. / Lee, W., Molenbroek, J., Goto, L., Jellema, A., Song, Y., & Goossens, R., 2019. Application of 3D scanning in design education. In S. Scataglini, & G. Paul (Eds.), DHM and Posturography, (1st ed., pp. 721-731). Academic Press. / Robinette, K. & Hudson, J., 2006. Anthropometry. In G. Salvendi (Ed), Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics (3rd ed, pp. 322-339). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. / Verwulgen, S., Lacko, D., Vleugels, J., Vaes, K., Danckaers, F., De Bruyne, G., & Huysmans, T., 2018. A new data structure and workflow for using 3D anthropometry in the design of wearable products. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 64, pp. 108-117. 63 METHODS DISCOVER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘A bird is an instrument working according to mathematical law, which instrument it is within the capacity of men to reproduce with all it’s movements.’ L EO NARDO DA VINCI A method offers a specific process for a design activity that is predominantly used within a specific phase of design. In this guide, these methods are categorised into the phases of a design process. However, many methods can be used in several phases, and an overlap occurs in practice. The methods in this section help you to discover, explore, analyse, and understand your design domain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 101 103 105 107 109 111 Contextmapping Thing Ethnography Cultural Probes User Observations Interviews Questionnaires Focus Groups Ecodesign Strategy Wheel Ecodesign Checklist Fast Track Life Cycle Analysis SWOT & Search Areas Trend Foresight Brand DNA WWWWWH Design Drawing to Discover 81 METHODS: DISCOVER Fast Track Life Cycle Analysis A Fast Track Life Cycle Analysis (Fast Track LCA) is a method for determining the total eco-burden of a product, service, or productservice system over its entire life cycle. A Fast Track LCA can be carried out when there is a limited amount of time. Ocean Plastic® produces a range of premium materials for the sports, fashion and luxury industries made from intercepted and upcycled marine plastic debris. These materials replace virgin materials and allow for the implementation of a long-term strategy: Avoid, Intercept, Redesign Each model is a simplification of a complex reality and as with all simplifications this means that the reality will be distorted in some way. The challenge for an LCA practitioner is to develop the model in such a way that the simplifications and distortions do not influence the results too much. The best way to deal with this problem is to carefully define the goal and scope of the LCA study. COFFEE BEANS ALUMINIUM STEEL PLASTICS ALUMINIUM COPPER ROASTING & PROCESSING FORMING CUPS FORMING INJECTION MOULDING CASTING FORMING COFFEE CUPS ASSEMBLY PACKAGING TRANSPORT TRANSPORT ELECTRICITY USE WATER RECYCLING CUPS LANDFILL CUPS RECYCLING THE MACHINE LANDFILL MACHINE WASTE INCL. PACKAGING With the Idemat Light app you can make a simple LCA calculation according to the Fast Track method, using the data and the selection method. You can open an LCA, and add materials and processes to it with the required quantities. You can even calculate the eco-costs of products with an Environmental Declaration. (idematapp.com) TIPS & CONCERNS: Doing a Fast Track LCA is a modelling exercise. As with the saying ‘garbage in equals garbage out’, the same applies for LCA. Make sure you WHAT & WHY? The Fast Track LCA can give you a thorough and quantitative grasp of your know how an LCA works and design’s environmental impact. This method is a powerful predictor of the environmental understand the significance of impact of different solutions. It helps you to: the outcomes. • Find the environmental ‘hotspots’ of a product and lower its overall environmental burden. ----------• Compare different design and service solutions and thus make a substantiated choice You can also make an LCA for the product-service system design with the lowest environmental burden. from cradle-to-gate where only • Explore both the possibilities for making use of certain materials (such as recycled or the production of the product renewable materials) and other sustainable options along the product life cycle. is taken into account. This is - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - when the product does not MINDSET: Fast Track LCA is a very powerful tool for determining a product’s require any resources during environmental impact, but it needs to be used with caution. If you do not understand the the use phase. scientific background of LCAs, you may misinterpret their outcomes, which can lead to ----------misleading or wrong conclusions. Conducting an LCA requires an analytical mindset and It should always be combined a willingness to ‘sweat the details’. with end-of-life data, since - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - that has an important impact WHEN? You can use Fast Track LCA in the beginning of the Develop stage or earlier on the total eco-burden of a when analysing existing products. product life cycle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------product service system. Collect data such HOW? You can express the eco-burden If elements are missing, you as the weight and material use, energy and – emissions, materials depletion, and need to make an educated resources consumed during use. Determine land use – in terms of a single-impact guess by using comparable indicator using the Idemat database (www. the accuracy and relevance, and establish materials or production allocation rules and cut-off criteria. ecocostsvalue.com), which includes over processes or find data from ----------6000 materials and processes. These scientific literature. Never Step 5: Quantify the transport involved tables make LCA comparable to normal leave out a material because for the components or for the complete cost calculations; it is then a matter of of missing data. product to be assembled and shipped to adding up the eco-burden. -----------------------------------the consumer. Determine the routes and ----------LIMITATIONS: means of transport involved 1. for the Step 1: Establish the scope and the goal of Fast Track LCA is helpful when components to the assembly factory; 2. for assessing mature products. your analysis. the assembled product to the distribution ----------New and emerging products centre,; and 3. for the product’s ‘last mile’ Step 2: Establish a functional unit. Describe and processes may be more to the consumer. the main function or functionality of the difficult to assess because of product-service and a metric to measure this - - - - - - - - - - a lack of data. Step 6: Calculate the total impact, the functionality of the product-service. Validate ----------distribution of the impact over the different your metric by evaluating the current An LCA’s complexity is difficult life cycle phases (material, production, solution and an out-of-the-box solution. to communicate, which may transport, use, and end-of-life), and the ----------lead to an oversimplification distribution of impact over the different Step 3: Establish the system and the of the results. LCA does not components or material groups. system boundaries by describing which part consider rebound and other ----------of the life cycle is taken into account. social effects. Step 7: Interpret the results. Which parts --------------------of the life cycle are dominant in terms Step 4: Quantify the materials, and when LCA should be applied of eco-burden? How can you lower the applicable, quantify the use of energy or throughout the design process eco-burden most effectively? other resources during the use phase of the rather than at the end. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REFERENCES & FURTHER READING: European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability 2010. International Reference Life Cycle Data System Handbook: General guide for Life Cycle Assessment - Detailed Guidance. 1st ed. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. / ISO, 2006. ISO 14044 Environmental Management – Life cycle assessment – Principles and framework. 2nd ed. Geneva: ISO. / ISO, 2006. ISO 14044 Environmental Management – Life cycle assessment – Requirements and guidelines. Geneva: ISO. 101 METHODS DEFINE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘Mirrors would do well to reflect a little more before sending back images.’ JE A N COCKT E A U The methods in this section help you to define and articulate a design problem, direction or goal. For example, the Persona method helps you to structure and communicate insights into your intended users and define the user group that you want to represent and empathise with during the remainder of a design project. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------115 Persona 117 119 121 123 125 127 129 131 133 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 149 151 153 155 157 Cultura Problem Definition Function Analysis Product Life Cycle List of Requirements Mind Mapping Journey Mapping Product Journey Mapping Project Value Modelling Business Modelling Sustainable Business Modelling Future Visioning Ansoff Growth Matrix Segmentation-Targeting-Positioning VRIO Analysis Porter’s Five Forces Perceptual Map Collage Storyboarding Written Scenario Design Drawing to Define 113 METHODS: DEFINE KEY PARTNERS KEY ACTIVITIES VALUE PROPOSITION • • • • • delivering packages on bicycles • maintenance • acquisition • administration • planning • saving the customer’s time by offering an ecofriendly, fast, cost-effective and reliable bicycle courier service • taking care of: internal mail, PO-box delivery, express delivery and one-day service bicycle shop sponsors webprovider mobile phone provider KEY RESOURCES • • • • • • • • • workspace personnel smartphones website laptops bicycles (+ trailers) bags cycling clothes good physical condition COST STRUCTURE • • • • Workspace personnel bicycles + equipment insurance CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS CUSTOMER SEGMENTS • • • • • • anyone who needs packages and letters (max. 1 x 0.5 x 0.5 m and up to 50 kg) to be delivered quickly within a 15 km radius. face-to-face telephone e-mail newsletter, website CHANNELS • • • • • Mouth-to-mouth (social) media telephone pay online couriers REVENUE STREAMS • • • • maintenance laptops smartphones website • paying customers • shirt sponsoring Example of a business model canvas filled in for a bicycle courier service. (After Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010) Business Modelling Business Modelling is a method for developing the reason to exist of our designs from a business point of view. The Business Model Canvas serves as a checklist to generate business ideas; it also structures, discusses, and evaluates these ideas on a conceptual level. WHAT & WHY? Business Modelling enables you to see the economic relevance and context of the product or service that you are developing: What exactly is the added value of the product or service and for whom and how can you generate a revenue? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MINDSET: Business Modelling requires both an analytical and creative mindset, as well as an interest in how organisations ‘get things done’. Discussion with other stakeholders, prioritisation, and reflection are needed to fill in the blank spots. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WHEN? Business Modelling with the Business Model Canvas as a tool can be used in various stages of the development process. In the idea generation phase, it can help you in completing ideas or in evaluating them. The same goes for the conceptual phase where you need to choose between several business concepts: Which concept can be expected to generate the required turnover or profit? Which concept will strengthen the company’s competitive position? Making a perfectly detailed lamp might be your dream as a designer, but if it turns out to be affordable for a handful of buyers only, it might not make a lot of sense from a business point of view, even if it has a high profit margin. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HOW? The canvas, divided into nine areas, Group 3 – Customers (external): supports the method. Each area should be defined, and the relationship between these areas can be described using arrows and drawings. Preferably, the template should be printed on a large sheet of paper (minimum A3) so you can work on it with a team in a brainstorm-type setting. This stimulates analysis, discussion, and creativity in the group. These nine key elements of the canvas should finally be ‘aligned’ so that you can create a well-defined product-service proposal, though not necessarily in this order. The nine key elements can be structured in four clusters: • Customer segments • Customer Relationship • Channels: - Awareness: How do we raise awareness about our company’s products and services? - Evaluation: How do we help customers evaluate our company’s Value Proposition? - Purchase: How do we allow customers to purchase specific products and services? - Delivery: How do we deliver the product or service to customers? - After sales: How do we provide postpurchase customer support? ----------- ----------- Group 1 – Offering (reason to exist): What do you offer and how is that different from the offers of competitors? • Value Propositions ----------- Group 4 – Finances (input-output): What are the major costs and how are they covered? • Cost Structure • Revenue Streams Group 2 – Infrastructure (internal): What tasks and assets are important to deliver your Value Proposition? • Key Activities • Key Resources • Key Partners In a further stage, the external context of the business idea can be drawn up around the Canvas and more Canvases can be drafted to communicate the development of the new business over time. TIPS & CONCERNS Postpone criticism. New ideas and approaches should be welcomed, and if needed, adapt them in order to improve them. ----------If an idea is not realistic, change it. Or add a new idea to make it realistic. Often the trick is to turn the problem into a possibility. ----------When a business concept is chosen for further elaboration, draw a more detailed business plan. ----------This method focuses on the economic interest of organisations. You can also use it to identify social and environmental interests by adding categories to the canvas that you think are relevant, such as societal- or the environmental costs and benefits. ------------------------------LIMITATIONS Compared to a classic business plan, this Business Modelling method using the canvas represents a more conceptual level of thinking about new business development. ----------Ensure that the order and magnitude of the numbers are realistic enough. This could be a first step in working out several business ideas. ----------Do not try to put in exact numbers, such as the estimated turnover or running costs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REFERENCES & FURTHER READING: Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y., 2010. Business Model Generation. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc. 135 METHODS DEVELOP & DELIVER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘It is important to use your hands, that is what distinguishes you from a cow or a computer operator.’ PAUL RA ND The methods in this section help you to develop ideas and concepts and deliver them to stakeholders. For example, Brainstorming is a well-known method for generating ideas and weighted objectives to select ideas or concepts. Several methods for evaluating designs are available. For example, PrEmo assists in the evaluation of the emotional effect of a design. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------161 163 165 167 169 171 173 175 177 179 181 183 185 187 189 191 193 195 197 199 201 203 205 207 209 211 213 215 217 219 Analogies & Metaphors Biomimicry Synectics Brainstorming & Brainwriting Braindrawing Morphological Chart SCAMPER How-Tos Harris Profile EVR Decision Matrix C-Box vALUe, IR & PMI Datum Method Weighted Objectives Storytelling Usage Analytics Comfort Evaluation PrEmo & Photo-Elicitation Role-Playing Product Usability Evaluation Product Concept Evaluation Cost Price Estimation Prototype Reflection Cards Cinematic Prototyping Design Drawing to Develop Experience Prototyping Wizard of Oz Design Drawing to Deliver 3D Physical Models Technical Documentation 159 METHODS: DEVELOP AND DELIVER Morphological Chart The Morphological Chart helps designers generate solutions in an analytical and systematic way. It is based on the deconstruction of the overall function of a product or service into sub-functions. Morphology is the study of the evolution of form. Morphology originates from the biological study of animals and their functional body parts. In the design process it is used to deconstruct an overall function in sub-functions and to generate innovative combinations. SUPPORT KART 4 wheels A 4 wheels B 3 wheels A 3 wheels B 3 wheels C Direct drive Chain drive Belt drive Drive shaft Crankshaft Tire breaks Feet Parachute SUB-FUNCTIONS PUT KART INTO MOTION STOP KART Disk brakes Rim breaks Anchor CONTROL DIRECTION Central axis Ackermann SUPPORT DRIVER’S BODY Saddle Chair Plank Cloth Example of of a morphological chart for a pedal kart. In the left column the main functions are listed. On the right for each function all possible solutions are listed. The most promising combinations are selected to be used as starting points for further development. TIPS & CONCERNS A 10 x 10 matrix yields 10,000,000,000 solutions! To limit the number of options, analyse the rows critically WHAT & WHY? The Morphological Chart is a matrix of sub-functions and solutions – also and group the solutions referred to as parameters and components. While functions are abstract, solutions are together before making the concrete, but they do not need to have a definite shape or size yet. The matrix enables to combinations. describe possible principal solutions by combining solutions for each sub-function. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Use the design requirements MINDSET: Similar to methods such as Problem Definition, this approach is rather analytic, to rank the solutions per in that the deconstruction requires you to have a systematic and analytical way of working. sub-function in order of first Solutions for sub-functions need idea generation, so you also need a creative and free minds and second preference. for this process. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Group the sub-functions WHEN? The Morphological Chart is useful at the beginning of the idea generation phase after in groups of decreasing some ideas have been sketched. A Function Analysis is used as a starting point to break importance. At first only down the overall product function into sub-functions. In most cases, a number of solutions evaluate the most important to these sub-functions are already known, while others still need to be generated. ones. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Step 4: Fill the rows with solutions for a HOW? Start with a well-defined main function Choose one or more particular parameter. Solutions can be found of the product or service and its sub-functions. combinations of solutions for by analysing similar products or by thinking up evaluation. These describe all the product characteristics new principles for these sub-functions. Use needed to fulfill its function. Express these ----------evaluation strategies to limit the number of by an active verb and a measurable noun. For Draw all the solutions or principal solutions. example, a teapot: receives water; it contains components when you develop ----------tea, and allows for holding and pouring tea an idea or design proposal. Step 5: Create solutions by combining one in a cup. In a Morphological Chart, functions ----------solution per row for each sub-function. and sub-functions are independent and have Challenge yourself by making ----------no reference to material features. Through a counterintuitive combinations Step 6: Carefully analyse and evaluate careful selection and combination of a set of of solutions. all solutions with regard to the design solutions, a ‘principal solution’ is formed. ------------------------------requirements, and choose at least three ----------LIMITATIONS principal solutions. Step 1: Formulate the main function of the This method is initially ----------product or service. developed for design problems Step 7: Sketch possible ideas for the whole ----------in the field of engineering product based on each solution. Step 2: Identify all the functions and subdesign, but can also be ----------functions that are needed in the solution. applied to other design Step 8: Elaborate on a selection of the ideas ----------problems. by turning them into design proposals with Step 3: Construct a matrix with these sub----------more detail. For services, use methods such functions as rows. For example, in designing For service design, you need as roadmapping and scenarios to further detail to have a very clear goal and a pedal cart, its sub-functions could be: the best service ideas. put cart into motion; stop cart; control the a main function. Otherwise direction and support the driver’s body. use less systematic methods. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REFERENCES & FURTHER READING: Heijne, K.G. & van der Meer, J.D., 2019. Road map for creative problem solving techniques. Organizing and facilitating group sessions.Amsterdam: Boom / Roozenburg, N.F.M. & Eekels, J., 1995. Product Design: Fundamentals and Methods. Utrecht: Lemma. / Cross, N., 1989. Engineering Design Methods. Chichester: Wiley. / Steen, M. Manschot, M. & Koning, N. (2011) Benefits of co-design in service design projects, International Journal of Design, Vol. 5(2) August 2011 171 3. DESIGN PROFESSIONALS can use this guide as a reference manual. it as a reference manual to support students in their learning process. Due to its complexity, designing requires a structured and systematic approach, as well as moments of heightened creativity. In this guide, you will find 11 perspectives on what design can do, 6 models that describe how design happens, 12 approaches that describe a comprehensive process for design that spans across phases, and around 68 purposeful and goaloriented design methods. Some are unique to Delft, but many are more commonly known and widely used. They are all described in a practical one-page text, with illustrations and reading suggestions. UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY / FACULTY OF INDUSTRIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING PER S PECTIVES - MODELS - APPROACHES - METHODS THE DELFT DESIGN GUIDE SERVES THREE GOALS PER S PECTIVES - MODELS APPROACHES - METHODS use it as a reference manual in their design projects, managing their personal development. The Delft Design Guide presents an overview of design perspectives, models, approaches, and design methods used in the Bachelor 2. and Master curriculum at the faculty of Industrial Design DESIGN Engineering in Delft. TUTORS can use DELFT DESIGN GUIDE 1. DESIGN STUDENTS can DELFT DESIGN GUIDE