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Math 10 Lesson Plan: Circles, Chords, Arcs, Angles

Learning Competency:
Content Standard:
Derives inductively the relations among chords, arcs, central
angles, and inscribed angles. (M10GE-IIc-1)
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of
Performance Standard:
The learner is able to formulate and find solutions to challenging
situations involving circles and other related terms in different
disciplines through appropriate and accurate representations.
Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students shall be able to:
 Identify the chords, arcs and central angles of a circle.
 Derive inductively the relations among chords, arcs and central angles
 Determine the measures of arcs and central angles
II. Learning Content:
Chords, Arcs, and Central Angles
References: Mathematics 10 LM pp. 127-177, Teacher’s Guide pp. 126-154
Mathematics 10 LM & TG, Worksheets, PowerPoint Presentation, laptop, TV
Strategies: Individual Work, Group work, Pair work, Discussion
Value Focus: Cooperation, Critical Thinking, Accuracy
III. Learning Procedure:
A. Daily Routine
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom Management
 Checking of Attendance
B. Motivation
Pics-One Word
The students will guess the missing word using the pictures.
C. Learning Activities
1. Activity
Know My Name (Group work)
The students will be group into 2 groups (Male & Female)
Using the figure that will be flashed on the TV monitor, each group will identify and
name the parts related to the figure (Circle A). The first group to reach 5 points will
considered as the winner.
2. Analysis
Processing Questions:
 How did you find the activity?
 Were you able to identify the parts related to circles especially the chords,
arcs and central angles?
 How did you identify them?
 Have you discovered the relationship among arcs and central angles?
 How are arcs and central angles related to each other?
3. Abstraction
The teacher will commence the discussion on introducing circles. The discussion is
centered on identifying chord, arcs, and central angles through an illustration.
 What is a circle?
 What are the parts of a circle?
 How can you identify and name that it is a chord, semicircle, major arc, minor
arc and central angle?
 What can you say about the relationship of chords, arcs and central angles?
 Does the measures of chords, arcs and central angles really matters on
deriving their relation?
4. Application (Pair work)
Each pair will think of the things around them that show the concepts of chords, arcs,
and central angles in real life. Explain why you believe these concepts were used in
those situations.
The content of explanation will be scored using the rubric below.
Descriptors for the Content
The explanation is correct, substantial, specific, and convincing.
The explanation is correct, substantial, and specific but not convincing.
The explanation is correct and substantial but not specific and
The explanation is correct but not substantial, specific, and convincing.
There is explanation but it is not correct, substantial, specific, and
IV. Evaluation.
(Individual work)
A. Identify what is being asked in the given items. Refer to ⊙𝐶.
1. The angle intercepting arc 𝐺𝐴
2. The angle intercepting 𝐷𝐻
3. The arc intercepted by ∠𝐴𝐶𝐻
4. The angle intercepting 𝐹𝐴
5. The arc intercepted by ∠𝐸CI
B. Determine the measures of the given arcs and angles. Refer to ⊙𝐶 to the right. All the
other points are points on the circle.
1. Measure of ∠PCR
2. Measure of 𝑃𝑅
3. Measure of 𝑃𝑂
4. Measure of ∠4
5. Measure of ∠8
V. Agreement
Let the students wrap up their learning by answering the question:
 How are arcs and central angles related to each other?
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher