“Society and Population” Name: KRISTAL D. BARBOSA AB-1A WEEKEND MARCH 12, 2023 Instructor: MS. ROTCHEL AMIGO ACTIVITY 1 1. Define the following: a. Sociology Is the study of human society. The word sociology is derived from a Latin term “socius” which means companion or associate and logos a Greek term for study. b. Sociological imagination Is the ability to connect one’s personal experiences to society at large and greater historical forces. Using our sociological imagination allows us to “make the familiar strange” or to question habit or customs that seem “natural” to us. c. Group Usually defined as a collection of humans who share certain characteristics, interact with one another, accept expectations and obligations as members of the group, and share common identity. Using this definition, society can appear as a large group. 2. Why is sociology important in your field of specialization? Sociology degree will not only help you focus on a particular area but could also help make you more employable within specialized fields. Sociology also can help us prepare for specific careers, by studying particular sectors of society. CRITICAL QUESTION 1. What makes sociology a science? It involves the same data collection methods as the hard sciences, testing hypothesis to establish theories and validity, can produce measurable results based on those things that can help society understand itself better and help aid in it’s progress.