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2. Biology of individu al development
1. Studying ovocytes of a woman under the microscope the scientist saw that
conjugating chromosomes intertwine and chiasma – crossing-over occured
between them. What stage of a prophase of the first meoitic divisions was it?
А) zygoneme;
В) pachytene;
С) leptoneme;
D) diakinesis;
E) diploneme.
2. During studying of human spermatocyte division the researcher observed
behavior of chromosomes in metaphase of the first mitotic division. How many
chromosomes were in every spermatocyte?
А) 92;
В) 23;
С) 22;
D) 46;
E) 10.
3. People living in different Earth areas differ phenotypically: Negroids,
Mongoloids, Caucasoids. It can be explained by next type of selection:
A) artificial selection;
B) motorial selection;
C) stabilizing selection;
D) disruptive selection;
E) sexual selection.
4. Clinical death was registered at the person. What vital functions ceased at
A) self-maintenance of cells;
B) metabolic processes;
C) DNA replication;
D) heart beating and breathing;
E) motility.
5. A person is diagnosed with preliminary diagnosis – multiple sclerosis, as a
result of immunodysfunction. This disease can be referred to:
A) infectious diseases;
B) invasive diseases;
C) genomic diseases;
D) chromosomal diseases;
E) autoimmune diseases.
6. Physiological connection between blood vessels of mother and fetus are
established at the certain stage of human ontogeny. This function is carried by next
provisional organ:
A) placenta;
B) yolk sac;
C) amnion;
D) serosa;
E) allantoic sac.
7. The anlage of embryo ectoderm was broken in women who became
pregnant during mass use of pesticides in rural area. The innate defects of
development of what system or organs can arise in new-born in this situation?
A) muscle;
B) skeleton;
C) nervous;
D) livers;
E) pancreas.
8. At skin allotransplantation to the man of 23 years in 8 day rejection
occured. What cells can recognize the foreign tissues of transplants?
А) eosinophils;
В) В-lymphocytes;
С) basophils;
D) Т-lymphocytes;
E) monocytes.
9. At examination of the child of 6 years insufficiency of B-system
development is revealed. Thymocytes are kept, but the organism does not produce
antibodies because of absence of (in blood):
А) gamma globulins;
В) basophils;
С) eosinophils;
D) neutrophils;
Е) erythrocytes.
10. During embryogenesis the epithelial band also known as vestibular plate
gives rise to development of vestibule of mouth. What biological mechanism of the
programmed death of cells provides growth of buccolabial sulcus from epithelial
A) amitosis;
B) necrosis;
C) meiosis;
D) paranecrosis;
E) apoptosis.
11. Blood of a child and putative father was referred to forensic medical
examination for affiliation. What chemical components should be identified in the
blood under study?
B) transfer RNA;
C) ribosomal RNA;
D) messenger RNA;
E) snRNA.
12. Action of teratogenic factors during embryogenesis lead to the formation
of developmental defects. What conformity to natural laws about the severity of
influence of such exogenous factors in this period does exist?
А) the earlier a lesion, the heavier malformation;
В) does not depend on time of the influence of factors in the period of
С) depends only on the strength of the teratogenic influence;
D) influencing of exogenous factors in this period have identical defects of
Е) ontogenesis of the nervous system is disturbed.
13. A boy was born with the tail part of spine. A doctor explained parents, that
during 1,5-3 months of embryogenesis human embryo has 8-11 tail vertebrae,
nevertheless, part of them is reduced before the birth. There are only 4-5 vertebrae
left, they form coccyx. Abnormalities of the processes of their reduction are the
reason of the described defect, which doctor suggested to remove surgically. With
abnormality of what anlage is this defect connected?
А) dermatome;
В) myotome;
С) sclerotome;
D) splanchnotom;
Е) chorda.
14. A child has severe inherited disease of skin – absence of sudoriferous
glands (anhidria). As a result important functions of skin – sweating and
thermoregulation – are disturbed. It is the effect of abnormality of anlage of:
А) splanchnotom;
В) myotome;
С) sclerotome;
D) ectoderm;
Е) dermatome.
15. The process of mesoderm anlage of fetus during embryogenesis was
broken in the toxoplasmosis patient. Pathology of what system or organ can be in
the new-born?
A) secretory;
B) nervous;
C) epithelium of intestine;
D) livers;
E) pancreas.
16. Six women who had a viral disease of rubella in first third of pregnancy,
born children with the innate defects of heart, deafness and cataract. What action of
virus is the result of?
A) genes combinations;
B) carcinogenic;
C) teratogenic;
D) malignization;
E) genocopy.
17. An operation of transplantation of the left kidney was prescribed to the
patient because of kidney’s hydronephrosis. The donor of kidney is his
monozygous twin. What is the name of this type of transplantation?
A) allotransplantation;
B) heterotranplantation;
C) autotransplantation;
D) isotransplantation;
E) xenotransplantation.
18. A forty five years old patient was operated on malignant tumour and left
kidney was removed. Ultrasonic research exposed that right kidney increased in
size approximately in one and a half times in two years. Results of global analysis
of urine and other laboratory researches found out the gradual improvement of
functioning of right kidney. What type of regeneration processes did take place in
this case?
A) regeneration hypertrophy;
B) compensatory hypertrophy;
C) morpholaksis;
D) epimorphosis;
E) heteromorphosis.
19. A boy, the whole body of which was covered with hair (hypertrichosis),
was born into a family. A doctor-geneticist defined that this defect in genealogy of
family was evident in the female line. It means that numerous hair follicles are
anlaged at the stage of organogenesis, nevertheless, later, in the process of
embryogenesis, their greater part is reducted. Reason of origin of this congenital
malformation is insufficient reduction of superfluous amount of structures,
described above. It is the effect of abnormality of anlage of:
А) myotome;
В) ectoderm;
С) sclerotome;
D) splanchnotom;
Е) dermatome.
20. A new-born has five pairs of nipples of mammary glands (polythelia),
which though have especially cosmetic value, nevertheless, it worries parents.
Doctor explains that at the beginning of embryogenesis five pairs of nipples are
anlaged, four from which are reduced before the birth of a child. Abnormality of
what anlage is this defect of development?
А) dermatome;
В) myotome;
С) sclerotome;
D) splanchnotom;
Е) ectoderm.
21. There are four sons and three daughters in the family. They differ in
phenotype on many signs. Reasons of this are different combinations of
chromosomes that get into any of parents’ gamete during the process of
gametogenesis. Sign the stage of meiosis, during which it takes place:
А) anaphase II of meiosis;
В) anaphase I of meiosis;
С) metaphase I of meiosis;
Д) prophase I of meiosis;
Е) prophase II of meiosis.
22. The connection was created between two Х-chromosomes of the
secondary ovocyte, from which an ovule appears in future, under the influence of
unknown mutagen. To formation of what set of chromosomes in an ovule can it
А) 22 or 23 chromosomes;
В) 22 or 24 chromosomes;
С) 23 or 24 chromosomes;
Д) 21-22 chromosomes;
Е) 24-25 chromosomes.
23. At the biology exam teacher asked:”What is the connective link between
the generations of eukaryotic organisms?” A student answered:” Zygote”. What
should the answer be?
А) gametes;
В) zygote;
С) spermatozoa;
Д) ovules;
Е) karyotype.
24. Recombinant variability is of great importance in evolutional process as it
provides the variety of individuals in population. In what type of reproduction will
amount of recombinations be the greatest?
А) sexual without impregnation;
В) sexual with impregnation;
С) vegetative;
Д) bud reproduction;
Е) sporogenesis.
25. In practical medicine of Ukraine over thirty years problem of
transplantation is decided by use of organs and tissues of animal origin (valves of
heart of connective tissue of pork and bovine origin etc.) because of lack of human
donor material. What type of transplantation is it?
A) isotransplantation;
B) xenotransplantation;
C) allotransplantation;
D) autotransplantation;
E) heterotranplantation.
26. For the purpose of myocardium infarction treatment a patient was injected
with embryonal stem cells derived from this very patient by means of therapeutic
cloning. What transplantation type is it?
A) xenotransplantation;
B) allotransplantation;
C) autotransplantation;
D) isotransplantation;
E) heterotransplantation.
27. Following exposure to radiation a lot of mutant cells appeared in a patient.
Some time later most of them were detected and destroyed by the following cells
of the immune system:
A) T-lymphocytes-supressors;
B) plasmoblasts;
C) T-lymphocytes-killers;
D) B-lymphocytes;
E) stem cells.
28. A patient in a transplantation centre underwent heart transplantation. The
organ was taken from a donor who died in a road accident. Foreign heart can be
rejected as a result of development of transplantation immunity. It is usually
prevented by means of:
A) enzymes;
B) chemotherapy;
C) ultrasound;
D) immunosuppressors;
E) X-ray therapy.
29. The transgene pigs were created by method of genetic engineering for
using animals as donors of organs for people. Their cells are deprived one of basic
antigens, which causes graft rejection in man. What is the type of such
А) homotransplantation;
В) allotransplantation;
С) autotransplantation;
D) xenotransplantation;
Е) isotransplantation.
30. Twelve-year girl was ill with leukemia and doomed to death. Searching of
donor’s bone marrow was unsuccessful. The girl's parents were advised to give
birth to the second child with hope on that embryonic blood from umbilical cord
will become source of antigen-compatible stem hemopoetic cells and help to
prevent rejection. What type of transplantation helped to save a girl?
А) isotransplantation;
В) xenotransplantation;
С) allotransplantation;
D) autotransplantation;
Е) heterotransplantation.
31. A newborn child has microcephalia. Doctors consider this to be the result
of mother's taking actinomycin D during pregnancy. What embryonal leaf was
influenced by this teratogen?
A) entoderm and mesoderm;
B) all leaves;
C) entoderm;
D) mesoderm;
E) ectoderm.
32. Examination of a pregnant woman who has been taking alcohol revealed
disturbed anlage of ectoderm during fetal life. What derivatives of this leaf have
A) sexual glands;
B) kidneys;
C) bowels epithelium;
D) liver;
E) neural tube.
33. During examination of a two month boy a pediatrician noticed that the
child's cry sounds like cat's mewing; he revealed also microcephalia and valvular
defect. By means of cytogenetic method he determined the child's karyotype – 46
ХY, 5р-. At what stage of mitosis was the patient's karyotype analyzed?
A) prometaphase;
B) metaphase;
C) prophase;
D) anaphase;
34. During patient examination lack of immunoglobulin was revealed. Function of what cells of immune
system can be the reason of it?
+ plasma cells
35. In the western regions of the Europe almost half of all developmental congenital anomalies are
accounted for by those newborms who were conceived during period of intensive applications of pesticides
in these areas. What influence is the reason of such conditions of children?
- cancerogenic;
+ teratogenic;
36. A woman had been working for the manufacture connected harmful working conditions (using of
radioactive isotopes). She gave birth to a child with cleft lip and palate (cheilognathopalatoschisis). factor
served as the reason for with What progress of this defect?
+ radiation;
37. Microfilaments and microtubules are known to include tubulin proteins, which take part in the
formation of the division spindle. In what period of the mitotic cycle are tubulin proteins synthesized?
Postsynthesis period (G2) of interphase
38. According to the rule of the permanent chromosomes number, each animal species can be
characterized by a specific and permanent number of chromosomes. What mechanism provides this feature
during sexual reproduction?
+ Meiosis
39. To diagnose human chromosomal disorders in order to analyse the karyotype, a cell culture is influenced
by colchicine a substance which destroys the spindle of division. At what mitotic stage is the karyotype a
substance which studied?
+ Metaphase
- Anaphase
41. The study of the body of a Pamir resident revealed a high level of basal metabolism, lengthening of long
tubular bones, enlargement of the thorax, increased oxygen capасity of the blood due to the increase in red
blood cells, and a high content of hemoglobin. What is the kind of adaptive type of this person?
А. Mountain
42. A doctor takes case-history about postembryonic period of ontogenesis of a person from birth to
puberty. In this case we are talking about:
А. The second period of adulthood
В. The first period of adulthood
C. Senile age
D. Juvenile period
E. Elderly age
43. Students study the stages of gametogenesis. They analyze a cell with haploid number of chromosomes,
whith cach chromosome consisting of two chromatids. The chromosomes are located in the equatorial
plane of the cll. Such situation is typical of the following stage of meiosis:
А. Prophase of the first division
В. Metaphase of the first division
С. Anaphase of the first division
D. Anaphase of the second division
Е. Metaphase of the secound division