Ver. 3.1.2 Maersk Training - DP Training Manual Ver. DPMAN.0400.04 Page intentionally left blank TABLE OF CONTENT COPYRIGHT ............................................................................................................................... 7 Complaint procedure.................................................................................................................... 7 Health and Safety ........................................................................................................................ 7 Contact Maersk Training .............................................................................................................. 7 Chapter 1 - Course Descriptions .......................................................................9 Disclaimer .................................................................................................................................... 9 DP Induction/Basic Course ........................................................................................................ 11 DP Simulator / Advanced Course .............................................................................................. 14 DP Sea Time Reduction / NI Shuttle Tanker Course C.............................................................. 16 Chapter 2 - Glossary and Abbreviations ..........................................................19 Chapter 3 - Introduction to DP ..........................................................................23 Background................................................................................................................................ 23 The Mohole Project .................................................................................................................... 26 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 27 Chapter 4 – Principles of DP .............................................................................29 The DP/Vessel System .............................................................................................................. 29 Vessel Movement ...................................................................................................................... 30 Positioning Principles ................................................................................................................. 32 Chapter 5 - The KONGSBERG DP System .......................................................33 Block Diagram of a Kongsberg DP System ............................................................................... 33 The Vessel Model ...................................................................................................................... 34 K-Pos 11/21/31 system layout ................................................................................................... 39 Integrated Kongsberg System ................................................................................................... 43 Kongsberg DP system main modes ........................................................................................... 44 Chapter 6 - The Marine Technologies DP System ...........................................45 The Power Supply System......................................................................................................... 46 The Fail-safe Communication Network ...................................................................................... 47 The Fail-safe Control Computer (CC) ........................................................................................ 49 The Fail-safe Operator Station (OS) .......................................................................................... 50 The Thruster Controller (TC)...................................................................................................... 50 Operational Flow Chart .............................................................................................................. 52 Chapter 7 – Other Manufacturers of DP Systems ...........................................53 AutoNav IVCS 2000 ................................................................................................................... 53 EasyDP 100 ............................................................................................................................... 54 Rolls-Royce - Icon ..................................................................................................................... 55 Wärtsilä – DPI, Dynamic Positioning Inc. - Platinum .................................................................. 56 Chapter 8 – Planning, Setup and worksite approach ......................................57 Operation planning .................................................................................................................... 57 Activity Operational Planning - CAMO / TAM / ASOG ............................................................... 58 Contingency planning ................................................................................................................ 61 Risk Assessment ....................................................................................................................... 63 Worksite Approach .................................................................................................................... 65 Page 3 Chapter 9 - Thrusters........................................................................................ 69 Thruster Types ........................................................................................................................... 69 Thruster failure modes ............................................................................................................... 73 Chapter 10 – Environmental Sensors .............................................................. 75 Wind Sensors ............................................................................................................................. 75 Tide or Current ........................................................................................................................... 80 Roll & Pitch................................................................................................................................. 80 Chapter 11 – Position Reference Systems...................................................... 83 Notes for use of Position Reference Systems ............................................................................ 83 The Hydro-Acoustic Position Reference System........................................................................ 84 The Artemis Microwave Position Reference System .................................................................. 91 The Taut Wire position reference system ................................................................................... 97 Fanbeam System ..................................................................................................................... 107 Fanbeam Maintenance............................................................................................................. 111 CyScan system ........................................................................................................................ 112 RadaScan system – FMCW principle ....................................................................................... 113 RADius system – FMCW principle ........................................................................................... 114 GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System) - Overview ............................................................ 117 GPS History ............................................................................................................................. 117 GPS System Description .......................................................................................................... 118 Glonass History ........................................................................................................................ 128 Glonass System Description .................................................................................................... 129 Galileo History .......................................................................................................................... 134 Gallileo System Description ..................................................................................................... 134 DARPS (Differential Absolute and Relative Positioning System) ............................................. 138 Sources of Errors in GNSS systems ........................................................................................ 139 Sum of errors ........................................................................................................................... 144 Differential GNSS ..................................................................................................................... 145 SBAS - Satellite Based Augmentation System......................................................................... 148 Chapter 12 – Positioning Weighting .............................................................. 153 Position-reference systems Handling ....................................................................................... 153 Establishing Reference Origin .................................................................................................. 155 Messages, warnings and Alarms ............................................................................................. 156 Tests on position measurements ............................................................................................. 156 Weighting ................................................................................................................................. 163 Operator Considerations .......................................................................................................... 163 Position Information in the Kongsberg DP systems ................................................................. 165 Marine Technologies Reference Systems ................................................................................ 167 Chapter 13 – The UTM Coordinate system ................................................... 173 Universal Transverse Mercator ................................................................................................ 173 Chapter 14 – DP Operations........................................................................... 179 Pipelay Operations ................................................................................................................... 179 S-lay Operations ...................................................................................................................... 181 J-lay Operations ....................................................................................................................... 182 Reel-lay Operations.................................................................................................................. 182 Seabed Tractors and Trenchers ............................................................................................... 183 Page 4 Rockdumping operations ......................................................................................................... 184 Dredging operations ................................................................................................................ 185 Cable lay and repair operations ............................................................................................... 186 Dive support operations ........................................................................................................... 187 Survey and rov support vessels ............................................................................................... 191 Shuttle tanker........................................................................................................................... 193 Submerged turret loading operations ....................................................................................... 198 FPSO unit operation ................................................................................................................ 199 Loading Operations From FPSO Units .................................................................................... 199 Offshore support vessel operation ........................................................................................... 201 Riser angle monitoring ............................................................................................................. 202 Chapter 15 – Power Systems .......................................................................... 205 Power generation, Power management and distribution systems ........................................... 205 Diesel engines ......................................................................................................................... 205 Switchboards ........................................................................................................................... 205 Power management ................................................................................................................. 206 Electric system single line diagram from Maersk Achiever ...................................................... 208 Simplified electric system single line diagram from DSS 21 semi sub ..................................... 209 Chapter 16 – The UPS system ........................................................................ 213 UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply)....................................................................................... 213 DNV requirement for numbers of UPS ..................................................................................... 213 Chapter 17 – Shallow / Deep Water and Tides ............................................... 215 Shallow water .......................................................................................................................... 215 Deep water .............................................................................................................................. 218 Solitons .................................................................................................................................... 219 Chapter 18 – Rule and Regulations ................................................................ 221 Disclaimer ................................................................................................................................ 221 Redundancy rules and regulations offshore safety .................................................................... 223 Consequence classes .............................................................................................................. 224 IMO, Equipment Classes ......................................................................................................... 224 Overview of authorities ............................................................................................................ 227 Client Requirements ................................................................................................................ 229 Chapter 19 – Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA)....................................... 231 FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS FOR DPS ......................................................................... 231 Chapter 20 - Human Factors in the DP operation .......................................... 235 Project 1................................................................................................................................... 235 Project 2................................................................................................................................... 240 Chapter 21- DP incidents ................................................................................ 251 IMCA DP Event bulletin2016: .................................................................................................. 252 Classic DP incident .................................................................................................................. 255 Chapter 22 – Read more, Various links .......................................................... 256 Chapter 23 – Drawings .................................................................................... 257 Dan Swift – cable layout .......................................................................................................... 258 NB 190 – cable layout .............................................................................................................. 259 Page 5 NB 190 – Cable Layout C-Joy system...................................................................................... 260 NB 190 – Cable Layout Position Reference Systems .............................................................. 261 NB 190 – Cable layout DP Alert system ................................................................................... 262 NB190 – Single Line Diagram Power Set Up ........................................................................... 263 Kongsberg – Power and wiring for panel.................................................................................. 264 Kongsberg – Network Structure 2xOS and DPC2 .................................................................... 265 Kongsberg – Principle block diagram DPC 2 ........................................................................... 266 Kongsberg – Principle Block Diagram I/O signals DPC2.......................................................... 267 Kongsberg – Power and wiring diagram DPC2 ........................................................................ 268 Kongsberg – Power and wiring diagram RBUS A and B section.............................................. 269 Kongsberg –cC-1 principle block diagram and I/O ................................................................... 271 Page 6 COPYRIGHT This manual is the property of Maersk Training and is only for the use of course participants at Maersk Training conducted or approved courses. This manual shall not affect the legal relationship or liability of Maersk Training with or to any third party and neither shall such third party be entitled to reply upon it. Maersk Training shall have no liability for technical or editorial errors or omissions in this manual; nor for any damage, including but not limited to direct, punitive, incidental or consequential damages resulting from or arising out of its use. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any shape or form or by any means electronically, mechanically, by photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Maersk Training. Copyright MaerskTraining Prepared by: TMM Modified & printed: October 1st 2016 Version no.: DPMAN.0400.04 Revision History: Revision History.xlsx Internal reference: \\MTDKSVB-FILE\Data\Coursemat\01 Maritime\1 General MARITIME\01 DP\02 Course materiale\01 Manuals\DP manual\DPMAN.0400.04 DP Training Manual.doc Complaint procedure Maersk Training are operating a complaint procedure system. Please contact Maersk Training as mentioned below, in case of any complaint you might feel have not been handled during the course Health and Safety Health and safety information will be provided by your instructor during the start of the course. If you are in doubt of any health and safety issues or have comments, please contact your instructor or Maersk Training below. Contact Maersk Training Maersk Training Dyrekredsen 4 Rantzausminde 5700 Svendborg Denmark Phone: +45 70 263 283 Fax: +45 70 263 284 Email: Homepage: Page 7 Chapter 1 - Course Descriptions Course descriptions for course accredited by The Nautical Institute are reproduced below, due to requirements by The Nautical Institute. Please notice Disclaimer below. Course description for special courses, can be handed out upon request. Course descriptions for other open course in which this manual is used can be found on . Disclaimer The below course descriptions are to be considered as uncontrolled copies. Please look up the latest version of the course descriptions at Page 9 DP Induction/Basic Course Purpose At the end of the course the student should: • Have acquired knowledge of the principles of DP. • Have acquired a basic understanding of how to set up a DP system. • Have an understanding of the practical operation of associated equipment, including position reference systems. • Be able to recognise the various alarm, warning and information messages. • Be able to relate the DP installation to the ship system, including (but not limited to) power supply, manoeuvring facility, available position reference systems and nature of work. • Be able to relate DP operations to the existing environmental conditions of wind, sea state, current/tidal stream and vessel movement. Content The training is based on the program outlined by the Nautical Institute Scheme of Training. Training is a mix of theoretical sessions and practical exercises on Kongsberg DP standalone simulators. All training is conducted as classroom training. • DP CONTROL STATION. • POWER GENERATION AND MANAGEMENT. • PROPULSION UNITS. • POSITION REFERENCE SYSTEMS (PRS). • SENSORS. • DP OPERATIONS. • PRACTICAL OPERATION OF A DP SYSTEM. Objective Clear objectives are set in Nautical Institute’s Training Scheme. These objectives can be summarised as follows; By the completion of the training session, the trainee must be able to: • DP CONTROL STATION o Define Dynamic Positioning and use of same. o Define main components in the DP system and role of same, including advantages and disadvantages in the use of the DP. o Discuss concept of mathematical model, and consequence analysis. • POWER GENERATION AND MANAGEMENT o Describe the power generation and distribution arrangements in a typical hybrid diesel/diesel-electric DP vessel. (Main CPP or Az drive which are direct drive), with particular reference to system redundancy as described in IMO MSC Circ. 645 and vessel FMEA. o Describe the functions of a power management system as installed on Class 2 and Class 3 DP vessels and explain the concept of available power and spinning reserve in worst case failure. o Describe the provision of uninterruptible power supply to the DP system. Page 11 • PROPULSION UNITS o Describe the types of propulsion systems commonly installed in DP equipped vessels: Main propellers and rudders, azimuth thrusters, Azipod thrusters and tunnel thrusters, common failure modes and where to detect/monitor the values of same. • POSITION REFERENCE SYSTEMS (PRS) o Describe the operation, principles and limitations of position reference systems in general, including differential corrections and inertial navigation. • HEADING AND MOTION REFERENCE SYSTEMS o See sensors. • ENVIRONMENTAL REFERENCE SYSTEMS o See sensors. • SENSORS (HEADING, MOTION,ENVIROMENTAL AND EXTERNAL) o Describe all sensor inputs, how they work, what they do and limitations. o Describe the use of external force reference systems such as hawser tension, plough cable tension and pipe tension monitoring. • DP OPERATIONS o Describe/explain the need for procedures, checklists and logbook entries, emergency and contingency planning. o Describe the alarm messages provided on the DP system displays and on the DP printer, and recognize the alarms/warnings associated with loss of redundancy after worst case failure. o Explain the use of worksite diagrams using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates, projections and datum. o List various providers of documentation and classification societies. o Describe the hazards associated with DP operations conducted in areas with very deep water, shallow water and/or strong tidal conditions. • PRACTICAL OPERATION OF A DP SYSTEM o Demonstrate the correct procedure for setting up on DP, and maneuvering in the different modes. Assessment In order to be awarded a certificate of completion for the Induction course the trainee must pass an online assessment at the training center. The exam is composed of 40 multiple choice questions and shall be completed in 1 hour and 15 minutes. 70% of the questions must be answered correctly. Students who fail the first attempt are allowed to have another two attempts within six months of the first attempt; however, the second attempt must be undertaken within 24 hours of the first attempt. Failing these three initial attempts, the student is required to repeat the Induction course and undertake the assessment again. Page 12 Admission Requirements Minimum requirements for entering the DPO scheme are: The participants must hold either a STCW Regulation II/1 ‐ II/2 ‐ II/3 Deck, Regulation III/1 – III /2 – III/3 – III/6 Engine or Regulation III/6 for ETOs. Certificate must be presented on the first day of the course as proof. Participants with alternative appropriate marine vocational qualifications (MVQs)* are allowed to participate on the course if holding a NI DPO request letter to enter in the DP scheme approved by the NI. *Marine Vocational Qualification: is a non-STCW Certificate of Competency issued by a white list Maritime Administration for use in the administration’s local waters only. Prospective Offshore DPOs on the new scheme who are in the process of training for an STCW certificate may complete, the Induction course (Phase A), the 60 days DP sea time (Phase B) and the Simulator course (Phase C). The remaining 60 days of DP sea time training (Phase D) and the subsequent suitability sign-off (Phase E) may only be completed after they hold an appropriate STCW Certificate of Competency. A letter from an employing company or approved college or a cadet seaman’s book must be presented on the first day of the course as proof. Duration 4 days. Participants Maximum 8 pr. instructor Language Course material is in English Course is conducted in Danish or English Venue Maersk Training Svendborg Page 13 DP Simulator / Advanced Course Purpose To give the student knowledge of the practical aspects of DP operations. He/she should be capable of planning and conducting any DP operation, including risk assessment, contingency planning and assessment of vessel capability. He/she should also be able to recognise conditions which will cause degraded operational status or emergency status, and alarms and warnings associated with worst case failure. Content The training is as outlined by the Nautical Institute Scheme of Training. The Simulator course principally involves simulated DP operations including errors, faults and failures, giving the participants the opportunity to apply the lessons learned in both the Induction course and the 60 DP sea time days required for completion of qualifying DPO training tasks. It covers the following topics: • Practical operation of the DP system • DP operations, including planning • DP alarms, warnings and emergency procedures • Refresher of theory: o Elements of the DP system o DP Block diagram o Basic rules and guidelines o Position reference Systems, their limitations and handling in the DP system Objective • By use of simulator equipment, the student must demonstrate ability to set up and operate DP system, including special functions as Auto track, follow target, minimum power heading mode, sensors and associated Position reference systems. • The student must demonstrate ability to carry out a DP operation. All elements of the operation must be adequately covered. This includes planning using all relevant information, contingency planning, worksite approach, use of checklists, communication, DP watch schedule, DP hand over and DP log book requirements. • The student must describe the limitations of the DP systems during operations in shallow and deep waters. • The student must be able to recognise conditions that will cause degraded or emergency status, and recognise warning and alarms associated with Worst Case Failure. • The student must demonstrate correct behaviour in connection with failures and take appropriate action to stabilize the vessels position after a failure. Assessment The DP Simulator Course has a three part assessment process. • Practical assessment, according to DP set up practical assessment skills table • Online multiple choice exam. (From 1/1/2017) • The third part of the assessment process is the feedback given to students throughout the course, based on their performance during simulator exercises. The assessment is according to NI Standards. Page 14 Admission Requirements Participants must have attended an approved Dynamic Positioning induction course (DP basic course) and passed the NI online examination. For participants entered on the scheme AFTER 1st January 2015: Minimum 60 DP sea time days after the induction course and completion of all tasks in the “Task Section” – and signing of relevant section by vessel master - onboard a certified DP class/ unclassed or class zero vessel + Company confirmation letter. Logbook must be presented on the first day of the course as proof. For participants entered on the scheme BEFORE 1st January 2015: Documented minimum sea-going DP familiarisation (30 days) and completion of relevant task section – and signing of relevant section by vessel master - onboard a certified DP class / unclassed or class zero vessel + Company confirmation letter. Logbook must be presented on the first day of the course as proof. All participants must hold either a STCW Regulation II/1 ‐ II/2 ‐ II/3 Deck, Regulation III/1 – III /2 – III/3 – III/6 Engine and Regulation III/6 for ETOs. Certificate must be presented on the first day of the course as proof. Participants with alternative appropriate marine vocational qualifications (MVQs)* are allowed participating on the course if hold a NI DPO request letter to enter in the DP scheme approved NI. *Marine Vocational Qualification: is a non-STCW Certificate of Competency issued by a white list Maritime Administration for use in the administration’s local waters only. Persons who have a DP Basic / induction course dated before January 1st 2012 can join the course, if he/she completes DPO training within a 5 year period. Duration 4 days. Participants Maximum 4 Students per instructor/Simulator. Language Course material is in English. Course conducted in Danish or English. Venue Maersk Training Svendborg. Page 15 DP Sea Time Reduction / NI Shuttle Tanker Course C Purpose For participants following the Nautical Institute Offshore scheme: The purpose of the course is to reduce the period of DP watchkeeping required in order to apply for a DP operator certificate by use of a full mission bridge simulator with full redundant DP installed. Successful completion of the course will reduce the required supervised DP sea time as follows: If DP education has been started before 1 January 2015: 5 days intensive simulator training = 42 DP sea time days. (Out of required 180 days) If DP education has been started after 1 January 2015: 5 days intensive simulator training = 30 DP sea time days. (Out of required 60 days) Following the DP Sea Time Reduction course any DPO trainee is required to do a minimum of 30 days additional DP sea time before applying for a DP operator certificate. For participants following the Nautical Institute Shuttle Tanker scheme: The course is a prerequisite to complete the Nautical Institute shuttle tanker scheme. The course is a Training course ‘C’ according to Nautical Institute rules and can be taken either as phase 5, 7 or 9 in the shuttle tanker scheme. Content The course is designed to give the participant the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge of: • Operation of a DP System: Analyse trends and other information. Evaluate and respond to alarms. • DP Operation: Subsea construction operations. Dive operations. ROV operations. OSV operations. Cable lay. Communication and teamwork skills. Use of correct procedures and checklists. • Emergency Procedures: Communication and teamwork skills. Objectives Clear objectives are defined in NI Standards for the Sea Time Reduction Course (Standard: DYNAMIC POSITIONING OPERATOR TRAINING SCHEME ACCREDITATION STANDARD, January 2016 vers. 1.2). These objectives can be summarised as follows: • Operation of a DP system: Page 16 Demonstrate the ability to set up and operate the DP in different modes using position reference systems, sensors and peripheral equipment associated with the DP system, including manoeuvring in different modes. • DP Operation: Demonstrate the capability to plan and conduct any DP operation, including risk assessment, contingency planning and assessment of vessel capability. Demonstrate compliance with procedures and other relevant industry publications. Evaluate the various information and warning as well as alarm messages communicated to the operator. • Emergency Procedures: Recognise the conditions that will cause degraded operational status or emergency status by means of warnings/alarms and FMEA. Carry out procedures to stabilise the vessel position and heading following a variety of system failures and take appropriate decisions and actions as to continuing or abandoning the operation. Assessment There is no assessment on this course. The participants will be evaluated during the course by the instructors, against objectives of the course, following The Nautical Institute Requirements Admission Requirements For participants following the Nautical Institute Offshore scheme: If DP education has been started before 1 January 2015: Successful completion of the DP Simulator/Advanced course followed by 30 DP sea time days logged in the Nautical Institute logbook. If DP education has been started after 1 January 2015: Successful completion of the DP Simulator/Advanced course. For participants following the Nautical Institute Shuttle Tanker scheme: Successful completion of the DP Simulator/Advanced course followed by 24 days sea time as practical time on board AND participation in 2 complete offshore loading operations. Duration 5 days. Participants Maximum 6. (Ratio: 3 students per instructor and simulator) Language Course material is in English. Course is conducted in Danish or English. Venue Maersk Training Svendborg. Page 17 Chapter 2 - Glossary and Abbreviations A & R winch A & R wire Abandon Dive Abandonment & Recovery winch on a pipe laying vessel. Abandonment & Recovery wire on a pipe laying vessel. Equivalent to red alert when divers return to the bell immediately and bell is brought back to the surface. ADS Atmospheric Diving Suit Advisory Status A status in between Green and yellow (degraded), defined in the ASOG or WSOG ARA Acoustic Riser Angle system ARP Alternative Rotation Point Artemis Radio system used to measure vessels position. System operates using a microwave frequency and measures the range and bearing of the vessel from a fixed station that is generally installed on a platform. ASOG Activity Specific Operation Guideline Back up DP A physically separate DP control system that will be available in the event of a total failure of the main DP control system. Beacon Free running device on seabed that generates acoustic pulses that are received by the HPR system and used to establish the vessels position. Blackout Loss of all main electrical power. BOP Blowout Preventer CALM buoys Catenary Anchored Leg Moorings CAM / CAMO Critical Activity Mode / Critical Activity Mode of Operation Capability Plot A theoretical polar plot of the vessel’s capability for particular conditions of wind, waves and current from different directions. These can be performed for different thruster combinations and should be produced in accordance with IMCA document CCTV Closed Circuit Television. CCW Counter- clockwise CG Centre of Gravity COS Common Operator Station CP Controllable Pitch. CW Clockwise DGPS Differential GPS,a GPS supplied with a differential correction by one or more reference stations. DP Dynamic Positioning: automatic control of vessel’s location with respect to one or more fixed references. DP Blackout Loss of electrical power that prevents the DP control system operating. DP Control System The part of the DP system that calculates position and provides thruster commands. DP Incident A DP incident is a loss of position to the surprise of the DP System All equipment that supports automatic position control. DPC DP Controller DPO Operator of the DP Control System. DPVOA DP Vessel Owners Assosiation DQI Differential Quality Indicator DSV Diving support vessel: a vessel from which divers are deployed. Duplex DP DP control system with full redundancy and a smooth automatic changeover between the two systems. EBL Electronic Bearing Line ECR Engine Control Room ERA Electrical Riser Angle system Environmental Regularity Number ERN Page 19 ERO ESD ETO FMEA Footprint Electronic Radio Officer Emergency Shutdown and Disconnection for shuttletankers Electrical Technical Officer Failure Mode Effects Analysis A graphic illustration of a set of real observations of a vessel’s DP station keeping ability in particular environmental conditions. FP Fixed-pitch. FPSO Floating Production, Storage and Offloading vessels GPS Global Positioning System GPS Global Positioning System using satellites to establish a vessel’s position. Green Alert Normal Operational Status; adequate DP equipment is on line to meet the required performance within the declared safe working limits. HDOP Horizontal Dilution Of Precision HiPAP High Precisition Acoustic Positioning system HPR Hydroacoustic Position Reference HPR Hydroacoustic Position Reference system. I/O Input/Output Independent Joystick A joystick that is independent of the DP control system. Joystick Positioning facility that uses a single lever for surge, sway and yaw control. LBL Long Base Line Limit Alarms Selectable values of position and heading excursion at which the operator wants an alarm. LTW Light- weight Taut Wire Manual Control Use of thruster controls other than those associated with the DP Control System. Microfix Radio system used to measure a vessel’s position using range/range techniques. System operates using a microwave frequency to measure the ranges of the vessel to a number of fixed stations. MLBEs Mooring line buoyancy elements for monitoring purposes for shuttletankers. MOB Mobile transponder MRU Motion Reference Unit NMD Norwegian Maritime Directorate Offshore Loading Terminals OLT Operator Any member of the vessel’s compliment involved with DP equipment e.g. DP operator, Master, Duty Engineer, Chief Engineer, Electrician, Taut Wire Operator, Radio Operator. OS Operator Station OT Operator Terminal PCB Printed Circuit Board (an assembly of mounted electronic components that form part of a system that can be quickly repaired by replacement). Platform Any structure that is fixed relative to the DP vessel. Plough Towed unit generally used to bury communications cable. PMS Power Management System PRS Position Reference System PS Process Station Pseudo Expression used when a position measurement system is interfaced to a DP control system as another position reference. RCVS Remotely-controlled submersible camera vehicles. Red Alert DP Emergency Status: i.e. there is a loss of position, or position loss is inevitable. Responder A transponder except the interrogation is by an electronic pulse sent down a cable. This is generally fitted to an ROV and interrogated down the ROV’s umbilical. RMS Root Mean Square ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle ROV Remotely operated vehicle that is launched to operate subsea from a vessel. Page 20 RPM Revolutions Per Minute Safe Working Limits The environmental limits that a vessel sets for safely working on DP taking into account specified equipment failures. SBC Single Board Computer SBC Single board computer. SBL Short Base Line SDP Simrad Dynamic Positioning Shallow Water Less than 50m water depth. SIMOPS Simultaneous Operations Simplex DP DP control system with no redundancy. SJS Simrad Joystick System Spar buoys Large floating tower structures for offtake tanker loading SPS Simrad Planning Station SSBL Super Short Base Line STC Simrad Thruster Control SVC Simrad Vessel Control Syledis Radio system used to measure vessel’s position that uses range/range techniques from fixed stations. TAM / TAMO Task Appropriate Mode / Task Appropriate Mode of Operation Taut wire A position reference using a tensioned wire to a seabed weight (vertical) or to a fixed object nearby (horizontal). THR Thruster Thruster Any propulsion device used by the DP system. TMS Tether Management System Transponder Device on the seabed that responds to acoustic interrogation from the HPR on the vessel. The timing and phase of the acoustic reply is used to calculate vessel position. Trencher Subsea vehicle used for pipe or control line burial. Triplex DP A triple DP control system that is able to vote on all inputs and all outputs and processors to identify a faulty unit. Umbilical Connection carrying life support and communication systems between a support vessel and a diving bell, an ROV or similar device (also divers umbilical between diver and bell). UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply - unit to provide electricity continuously to DP control system in the event of a blackout of the main ship’s power. USBL Ultra Short Base Line UTC Universal Time Coordinated UTM Universal Transverse Mercator VRS Vertical Reference Sensor VRU Vertical Reference Unit WGS World Geodetic System WOP Wheel Over Point Worst Case Failure The worst case failure of a DP system is the failure that has been the basis of the design and proved by the FMEA. In static terms this usually relates to a number of thrusters and generators that are also used in consequence analysis. WP Waypoint WSOG Well Specific Operator Guideline Yellow Alert Degraded DP Operational Status for which the DP vessel has a pre-planned response to prepare for the risks associated with a DP red alert. Page 21 Chapter 3 - Introduction to DP Background Petroleum products play an important part in our modern civilisation, but even in Noah's time, tar was used to stop leaks in boats and ships. Later mankind has discovered more and more ways of taking advantage of these products. Oil was first found near the Caspian Sea. The oil was discovered on land, but as time went on it was found that these oil fields extended into the sea. As early as the beginning of the 18th century a well was drilled about 30 m off the coast line near Baku. Even though this was not a success, it was still the start of an era. In 1925 the first oil producing well was drilled in the Caspian Sea. Sicilian sailors 'fishing" for oil - Painting of Johannes Stradanus (1523-1605) The oil fields in California were also found to be extending into the sea, so the oil wells were gradually moved into the sea here as well. These wells were connected to shore by piers, see picture below. At first these piers or platforms were built of wood, but soon steel took over. These piers could measure over 400 m. Summerland, California 1902 Page 23 It did not take long before the piers were replaced with free-standing oil platforms in the sea. The following shows the development from these piers to today's drilling platforms: 1869 The Americans, Thomas F. Rowland and Samuel Lewis respectively, took out a patent on a jack-up platform and developed a project for a jack-up vessel. 1897 Oil drilling from a wooden drill tower, connected to shore by a pier in Summerland, California. 1906 The coast of Summerland: 200 oil producing wells offshore. 1924 The first oil well in Lake Maracaibo, Northwest Venezuela. 1934 The first steel oil rig installed in the Caspian Sea, near Artem Island. 1947 Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico at a depth of 6 m. The platform could not be seen from shore (Louisiana) except with binoculars. 1963 The jack-up platform Le Tourneau was constructed for drilling at a depth of 75 m. 1976 The Hondo Field platform was installed off South California at a depth of 260 m. 1978 The Cognac Field platform was installed off Mississippi at a depth of 312 m. Weight around 59 000 ton steel. A platform made of concrete was installed at the Ninian Field in the North Sea at a depth of 138 m. 1988 The Bullwinkle, a jack-up platform, was installed in the Gulf of Mexico at a depth of 411 m (world record). Weight around 77 000 ton. The installation of these platforms was expensive and it was even more expensive to move them from place to place, so that test drilling for shorter periods was not interesting. The restrictions they had with respect to water depth (normally 300 m) made it necessary to look for other ways of extracting oil from the sea. The industry needed methods for drilling in deep water, and an easier and less expensive way of moving the drilling activity from place to place. This gradually led to the method of anchoring drilling vessels and portable platforms. Several anchors or weights were used to keep the vessel/rig in place, which at the same time minimised the movements. Page 24 The following is a list of some of the offshore operations where anchoring systems have been used: 1953 SUBMAREX, the first drilling vessel to use anchoring. This took place off the coast of California at a depth of 120 m. 1954 The first drilling vessel in the Gulf of Mexico. 1962 The first semi-submersible drilling platform, C.P. BAKER, constructed in the USA. 1970 Test drilling at a depth of 456 m from the drilling vessel WODECO 4. 1976 A world record in deep water drilling was set by the anchored vessel DISCOVERER 534 at a depth of 1055 m off the coast of Thailand. 1987 New world record in deep water drilling set by DISCOVERER 534 at a depth of 1985 m. 2002 Passed a depth of 2500 meters. The anchoring systems have, however, their weak points. Elasticity in the anchoring system, poor hydrodynamic damping, etc., expose the vessel or the rig to movements made by waves, wind and current. In addition, drilling at such depths requires a lot of equipment (winches, anchors, wires, etc.) with the result that vessels using this type of system lose a great deal of their manoeuvring capability. The cost and time taken to lay the spread of, maybe eight anchors, together with the associated costs of the anchor-handling tugs, is very high. These costs start to escalate if any of the anchors fails to hold when tensioned, and piggy-backing has to be resorted to. (Piggy-backing is where a second anchor is laid behind the first dragging one, to back it up). If the water is deep then the amount of ground tackle becomes great with commensurate increases is weights of gear deployed, line lengths and power requirements of tugs. The rig, once anchored, has a certain amount of movement due to the flexibility inherent in the mooring spread, but there is a distinct lack of flexibility of the manoeuvrability of the rig. If a position shift is needed, then some or all anchors may need to be lifted and relaid. Small position changes may be made by means of winch spooling, adjusting the line lengths, but there is a lack of precision in this. Likewise, heading changes are limited. Other problems which may affect vessels/barges/rigs using spread moorings and anchors concerns the hazards represented by any existing underwater installation, such as pipelines. These hazards may exist in any water depth, of course, and may influence the choice of positioning method even where mooring would be otherwise ideal. In some fields there is a partial or total bar upon the use of anchors and moorings. Page 25 The Mohole Project The very first dynamic positioning system was used in 1961 in connection with the American Mohole project. The purpose of this project was to drill into the so-called Moho layer, that is, through the outer shell of the earth. To succeed in this the drilling was to be done where this shell is at the thinnest, and that was where the great oceans are at the deepest. The depth was around 4 500 m, and that was far too deep for the usual anchoring systems. The problem was solved by installing 4 manoeuvring propellers/thrusters onboard the barge, CUSS 1. The position in relation to the seabed was found by lowering a transmitter down to the seabed which transmitted signals up to the barge (some form of hydro acoustic reference system). The position in relation to the transmitter could be read on a display onboard the barge. In addition, 4 buoys anchored around the vessel were used. These transmitted radio signals to a radar onboard. By using different combinations of thrust and direction for the 4 propellers, it should be possible to keep the barge in position above the place of drilling. 9 th March 1961 the CUSS 1 was able to maintain position by the help of dynamic positioning at a depth of 948 m off La Jolla, California (picture below). Sometime later the vessel did 5 drillings at a depth of 3 560 m, while maintaining position within a radius of 180m. CUSS 1, the first vessel to be dynamically positioned in connection with the Mohole project in 1961. Page 26 Overview CUSS 1 was the first vessel which had some kind of DP system onboard. The system functioned with manual control. But the manual control of the thrusters was a very complicated function, and the idea of developing a control unit to take care of that function was born. Later that year (1961) the Shell Oil Company, USA, launched the drilling vessel EUREKA. Very soon equipment which automated the thruster commands was installed. In 1964 another vessel, CALDRILL 1, was delivered to Caldrill Offshore Company, USA, with similar equipment onboard. Both the EUREKA and CALDRILL projects were successful. EUREKA drilled at a depth of 1 300 m with 6 m high waves and a wind of up to 21 m/s. CALDRILL could drill at depths of maximum 2 000 m and was equipped with 4 manoeuvrable thrusters, each with 300 hp. The position was found using two taut wire reference systems. French engineers watched the American projects closely. France had interests in companies laying pipelines in the Mediterranean, and dynamic positioning could make these operations safer and more efficient. In 1963 the first dynamically positioned French vessels, namely Salvor and Terebel, were laying pipelines in the Mediterranean. A few years later the oil adventure started in the North Sea, and Norway and the UK became interested in dynamic positioning. British GEC Electrical Projects Ltd equipped in 1974 WIMPEY SEALAB, an old cargo vessel converted to a drilling vessel, and in 1977 UNCLE JOHN, a semi-submersible platform, with equipment similar to that which the Americans and Frenchmen had named Dynamic Positioning (DP) System. By the late 1970's, DP had become a well established technique. In 1980 the number of DP capable vessels totalled about 65, while by 1985 the number had increased to about 150. Today it is very rare that an offshore vessel is build without DP. It is interesting to note the diversity of vessel types and functions using DP, and the way that, this has encompassed many functions unrelated to the offshore oil and gas industries. A list of DP functions would include the following: - exploration drilling (core sampling) production drilling diver support pipelay (rigid and flexible pipe) cable lay and repair multi-role support vessels accommodation or "flotel" units hydrographic survey pre- or post-operational survey wreck survey, salvage and removal dredging rockdumping (pipeline protection) subsea installation cranebarge operations well stimulation and workover supply vessel operations shuttle tanker operations FPSO (floating production, storage and offloading vessels) Page 27 - heavy lift cargo vessels cruiseliners container vessels mine countermeasures vessels oceanographical research seabed mining operations rocket launch pad and support vessel military support vessels (repair and maintenance support) Some of the above categories relate to single vessels only, at present. The rocket launch facility consists of the converted semisubmersible drilling rig "Ocean Odyssey" rebuilt to provide an equatorial launch capability for satellites. An accompanying support vessel has been built, and both are DP- capable. Over the years, DP systems have become more sophisticated and complicated, not to mention more reliable. Computer technology has developed beyond all recognition since its childhood and modern systems make full use of the improvements. Position reference systems and other peripherals are now more numerous and reliable. Redundancy is provided in the vessels intended to conduct the higher-risk operations. This redundancy includes every element of the DP system, not just the electronics, to the point where a modern DP vessel of the highest class should maintain her position keeping capability subsequent to a total loss of all function in a machinery space, or the bridge (or any other single compartment). Over the years a number of manufacturers have been engaged in the design and supply of DP systems. Some of the early systems were of US origin, such as Honeywell and AC Delco. Other systems were of French origin (Alcatel and Thomson). Current production is shared by Kongsberg in Norway (previously Simrad but originally Kongsberg Albatross), with a smaller share of the market held by Marine Technologies, Navis, Rolls Royce and Nautronix. The Nautronix manufacture stemmed from the American Honeywell operation, the rights of which were sold to Nautronix of Australia in the early 1990's. A few other manufacturers have produced systems on mainly a one-off basis. The Finnish Hollming group produced a small number of DP systems, while a system was specially developed by Vosper for the mine countermeasures vessels built by them for the Royal Navy and the Navy of Saudi Arabia. Page 28 Chapter 4 – Principles of DP Dynamic Positioning can be defined as a system that automatically controls a vessel to maintain her position and heading exclusively by means of active thrust. (definition) SATELITE NAVIGATION DIFFERENTIAL CORRECTION DP CONSOLE COMPUTERS GYRO VRS RADIUS ARTEMIS FANBEAM RUDDERS AND PROPELLLERS OR AZIMUTH PROPELLERS TAUT WIRE THRUSTERS HYDROACOUSTIC POSITION REFERENCE By using the word "automatically" we exclude systems which are reliant upon a joystick or other operator input in order to maintain control over the vessel, although manual control is one of the functions of a DP system. In addition to controlling the vessel to maintain a given (or "set point") position and heading, the system also caters for changes to position and/or heading being implemented by a variety of means. The DP/Vessel System In simple terms, a DP system consists of a central processor linked to a number of position reference and environment reference sensors. The ship is provided with sufficient power and manoeuvrability by means of a variety of thrusters and propellers. The measured position of the vessel is compared to the desired or set point position, the computers then generates appropriate thruster commands to maintain or restore vessel position. Effects of wind forces and other environmental forces are taken into account. A bridge control console allows the operator to communicate with the system and vice versa, and vessel control to be effected. It is essential to realise that the DP system does not simply comprise the computers and other electronics that may be supplied by the DP system manufacturer. DP is a whole-ship system, comprising those elements but including the vessels power plant, electrical system and propulsionsystem. Also to be included in this concept is the human element. Vessel personnel are an essential element of the system; those identified as "key" to the DP function must be Page 29 fully competent. Competence is contributed to by means of individual's background, experience and training, and competence is witnessed by means of personnel qualifications. The "key" staff mentioned above includes the vessel's Master and watch keeping officers / DPOs, her Chief and watch engineers, and the ETO or EROs. Vessel Movement The movement of a vessel may be described under six different classifications, known as the SIX FREEDOMS OF MOVEMENT. Three of these are rotations, with the vessel turning about various axes, while the other three are translations, or bodily movement in various directions. PITCH YAW HEAVE SURGE SWAY ROLL The six freedoms of vessel movement Surge – Along ship Is described as a translation in a fore and aft direction, or fore-and-aft bodily movement of the vessel. This movement is measured, monitored and controlled by the DP system. Sway – Athwardship Is described as a translation in an athwartships direction, or port-and-starboard bodily movement. Like Surge, Sway is also measured, monitored and controlled by the DP system. Yaw – Heading Is described as a rotation about a vertical axis, or change of heading of the vessel. Yaw is the third movement monitored and controlled by the DP system. Page 30 Monitoring and control of the three freedoms of movement mentioned above constitute Dynamic Positioning as defined earlier. Control of these three variables is dependent upon the manoeuvrability of the vessel, provided by propellers, thrusters, etc. as will be described later. Measurement of Surge and Sway requires an accurate position reference system, but measurement of Yaw requires only a heading reference in the form of a gyro compass. With no position reference, DP may automatically control the heading of the vessel while vessel position remains under manual control (joystick for Surge and Sway). Pitch Is described as vessel rotation about the athwartships axis. Roll Is rotation about the fore-and-aft axis. Neither of these two movements can be controlled (although Roll, may be dampened by active or passive stabilisation) but they must be measured and monitored with precision. This is necessary for accurate position referencing. Pitch and Roll are measured by means of a Vertical Reference Sensor or Vertical Reference Unit (VRS or VRU). Heave is described as vessel translation in the vertical, or up-and-down movement of the vessel. Heave is generally ignored by the DP system, although the more sophisticated VRU's will output a value for Heave. This may be monitored by other ship systems where, for instance, heave compensation is required for cranes or diving bell. The DP console has MAN/JOYSTICK and AUTO buttons giving mode of DP Control. In AUTO, all three (Surge, Sway and Yaw) movements are controlled automatically. In MAN/JOYSTICK, control is affected manually by means of a joystick (Surge and Sway) and a "rotate" control knob for manual control of Yaw. Additionally, in the Kongsberg systems, while in MAN/JOYSTICK (manual control) three further buttons (SURGE, SWAY and YAW) allow the operator to select automatic control of one or more movements individually. The operator may thus select any combination of manual and automatic control at will e.g. auto Yaw and Sway, manual Surge auto Yaw and Surge, manual Sway auto Surge, manual Sway and Yaw etc. For example, when approaching station alongside a platform, the operator may make his approach on Joystick control. Once in the vicinity of the platform and stabilised upon the desired heading, the operator can engage auto Yaw control, leaving Surge and Sway under manual control. Once position reference has been established, the Surge may be transferred to auto control, then finally Sway. Now under fully automatic control, final adjustment to position and heading may be made. While on station, the function of the DP is to maintain the vessel's position and heading, counteracting any external forces such as wind and current that will continually be trying to set the vessel away from the required position. In particular, rotation of the vessel will be induced by wind forces upon asymmetric hull and superstructure configurations. The DP must induce compensating surge, sway and yaw vectors in order to restore and maintain position and heading. Page 31 In addition to maintaining station and heading, the DP may be utilised to achieve automatic change of position or heading, or both. The operator may choose a new position using a display cursor, also choosing a speed. Once this is done he initiates the move, and the vessel takes up the new position at the speed selected. Similarly, the operator may input a new heading. Upon initiation, the vessel will rotate to the new heading while maintaining station. Automatic changes of position and heading may be conducted simultaneously. Positioning Principles FINAL SETTLED SITUATION WIND CURRENT VESSEL OFFSET BY EXTERENAL FORCES The resultant vector will compensate for the Surge, Sway and Yaw vectors. Page 32 Chapter 5 - The KONGSBERG DP System Introduction The Kongsberg Dynamic Positioning (DP) systems are computerised systems enabling the automatic position and heading control of a vessel. Set-points for heading and position are specified by the operator and are then processed by the DP system to provide control signals to the vessel's thruster and main propeller systems. The DP system always allocates optimum thrust to whichever propeller units are in use. Several configurations of DP system are produced, covering the requirements for different levels of redundancy. Block Diagram of a Kongsberg DP System Page 33 NOTE! Text in capital letters in the following description refers to items in the block diagram The Vessel Model The DP system is based on a Vessel Model which contains a hydrodynamic description of the vessel, including characteristics such as drag coefficients and mass data. This model describes how the vessel reacts or moves as a function of the forces acting upon it. The Vessel Model is provided with information describing the forces that are acting on the vessel: - A Wind Model uses a set of wind coefficients for various angles of attack to calculate the WIND FORCE as a function of the wind speed and direction. - A Thruster Model uses force/pitch/rpm characteristics to calculate the THRUSTER FORCE according to the feedback signals from the thrusters/propellers. Using the vessel characteristics and the applied forces, the Vessel Model calculates the ESTIMATED SPEED and the ESTIMATED POSITION AND HEADING in each of the three horizontal degrees of freedom - surge, sway and yaw. During sea trials, the Vessel Model is tuned to optimise the description of the vessel characteristics. Vessel Model Update The Vessel Model can never be a completely accurate representation of the real vessel. However, by using a technique known as Kalman Filtering, the model estimates of position and heading are continuously updated with measured position information from positionreference systems and gyrocompasses. The PREDICTED POSITION AND HEADING from the Vessel Model are compared with the MEASURED POSITION AND HEADING to produce a POSITION AND HEADING DIFFERENCE. Since these differences may be caused by noise in the measured values, they are filtered before being used to update the Vessel Model. Together, the Vessel Model and the Kalman filtering technique provide effective noise filtering of the heading and position measurements and optimum combination of data from the different reference systems. If the reference system measurements are completely lost (position or heading dropout), there is no immediate effect on the positioning capability of the system. The Vessel Model will continue to generate position estimates even though there are no further model updates. This "dead reckoning" positioning will initially be very accurate but will gradually deteriorate with time. Error Compensation Force Even if appropriate Thuster/propeller forces are applied to counteract the effect of the measured forces on the vessel, the vessel would still tend to move out of position due to forces that are not measured directly, such as waves and sea current (together with any errors in the modelled forces). These additional forces acting on the vessel are calculated over a period of time according to the filtered POSITION AND HEADING DIFFERENCE to produce an ERROR COMPENSATION FORCE, which is added to the modelled forces to represent the total EXTERNAL FORCES. Page 34 The error compensation force is presented to the operator as being entirely due to sea current since this is the main component. Force Demand The force demand that is required to keep the vessel at the required position is composed of the following parts: - The Force Demand for axes that are under automatic control - The Force Demand for axes that are under manual control - The Feed Forward Force Demand for Axes under automatic Control Consists of two parts: - A force demand that is proportional to the deviation between the estimated position and heading and the position and heading setpoints - A force demand that is proportional to the deviation between the wanted and actual speed The POSITION AND HEADING SETPOINTS, specified by the operator, are compared with the ESTIMATED POSITION AND HEADING from the Vessel Model. The differences are multiplied by gain factors that are calculated and adjusted to optimize the station keeping capability with minimum power consumption. The wanted speed is compared with the ESTIMATED SPEED from the Vessel Model. If the vessel is to maintain a stationary position, the wanted speed will be zero. This part of the force demand therefore acts as a damping factor in order to reduce the vessel's speed to zero. Force Demand for Axes under manual Control When any of the axes are not under automatic control, you can use the joystick to manually control the force exerted by the thrusters/propellers in those axes. Feed Forward In order to counteract changes in the external forces as soon as they are detected, rather than first allowing the vessel to drift away from the required position, the calculated EXTERNAL FORCES are fed forward as an additional force demand. Thruster Allocation The force demand in the surge and sway axes (the directional force demand), and in the yaw axis (the rotational moment demand), are distributed as pitch and/or rpm setpoint signals to each thruster/propeller. The demand is distributed in such a way as to obtain the directional force and rotational moment required for position and heading control, while also ensuring optimum thruster/propeller use with minimum power consumption and minimum wear and tear on the propulsion equipment. If it is not possible to maintain both the rotational moment and the directional force demand due to insufficient available thrust, priority is normally set to obtain the rotational moment Page 35 demand (heading). If required, you can request that the priority is changed to maintain position rather than heading. If a thruster/propeller is out of service or deselected, the "lost" thrust is automatically redistributed to the remaining thrusters/propellers. Power Overload Control The load on the main bus or on isolated bus sections is monitored, and power is reduced on the connected thrusters/propellers by reducing the pitch/rpm demand if the estimated load exceeds the nominal limit. The reduction value is shared between the connected thrusters/propellers in such a way that the effect on the position and heading control is minimised. This function acts as an addition to the vessel's own Power Management System (PMS). The power reduction criteria are set at lower overload levels than the load reduction initiated by the PMS system. The Extended Kalman Filter The Extended Kalman Filter estimates the vessel’s heading, position and velocity in each of the three degrees of freedom - surge, sway and yaw. It also incorporates algorithms for estimating the effect of sea current and waves. The Extended Kalman Filter uses a mathematical model of the vessel. The mathematical model itself is never a 100% accurate representation of the real vessel. However, by using the Extended Kalman filtering technique, the model can be continuously corrected. The vessel’s heading and position are measured using the gyrocompasses and positionreference systems, and are used as input data to the DP system. These measurements are compared with the predicted or estimated data produced by the mathematical model, and the differences are then used to update the mathematical model to the actual situation. The Controller The controller calculates the resulting force to be exerted by the thrusters/propellers in order to keep the vessel on position and heading (surge, sway and yaw). In station-keeping operations, the DP Controller can be working in several of the following modes, all with special characteristics: • • • High Precision control Relaxed control Green control The High Precision control provides high accuracy station-keeping in any weather condition at the expense of power consumption and exposure to wear and tear of machinery and thrusters. The Relaxed control uses the thrusters more smoothly, at the expense of station-keeping accuracy. However, this type of control cannot guarantee that the vessel will stay within its operational area, and is only applicable for calm weather conditions. The Green control uses very different control technology, called non-linear Model Predictive Control, optimised for precise area keeping with minimum power consumption. The Green control is applicable in all weather conditions. The transition between DP controller modes is bumpless. Page 36 High Precision and Relaxed Control The controller consists of the following parts: • Excursion Feedback The deviation between the operator-specified position/heading setpoints and the actual position/heading data, and similar deviations with respect to the vessel’s velocity/heading rate, drive the excursion feedback. The differences are multiplied by gain factors giving a force demand (restoring demand and damping demand) required to bring the vessel back to its setpoint values while also slowing down its movements. The main difference between High Precision and Relaxed control is the restoring characteristics of the two controller types as indicated in the figure below • Wind Feed-Forward In order to counteract the wind forces as quickly as possible, the feed-forward concept is used. This means that the DP system will not allow the vessel to drift away from the required position, but counteracts the wind-induced forces as soon as they are detected. • Current Feedback The excursion feedback and wind feed-forward are not sufficient to bring the vessel back to the desired setpoints due to unmeasured external forces (such as waves and current). The system evaluates these forces over time, and calculates the force demand required to counteract them. Green control In the Green control mode, the system maintains the vessel within an allowed area with minimum use of power. The controller design consists of two main parts, each giving its contribution to the control: • The Environment Compensator is designed to compensate for the averaged environmental forces. This demand will maintain the required position under averaged conditions. • The Model Predictive Controller (MPC) uses a prediction (Position Predictor) of the vessel movement as input for the control. The demand occurs during more drastic changes in the external forces. When the operational boundaries are predicted to be exceeded, the controller reacts to ensure that the vessel stays within the operational area Page 37 Vessel under Green control in the operational area The smooth control actions reduce wear and tear on mechanical parts of the power and thruster system and reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gases. Due to its nature, this controller will not instantaneously react to sudden changes in external forces, such as wind gust, unless the Position Predictor detects that actions must be taken immediately. Unnecessary sudden use of thrust is therefore avoided. The Position Predictor is made using the mathematical model of the vessel used in the External Kalman Filter of the DP. The predicted position and heading are found step-by-step for the whole prediction horizon (1 to 2 minutes). The non-linear Model Predictive Controller is an online optimisation function, finding the best compromise between using thrust and predicted overstepping of operational boundaries. Page 38 K-Pos 11/21/31 system layout K-Pos DP 11 Layout Page 39 K-Pos DP 21 layout Page 40 K-Pos DP 31 Layout Page 41 Kongsberg IMO Equipment class 3 System Page 42 Integrated Kongsberg System Page 43 Kongsberg DP system main modes This paragraph should be read in conjunction with the Kongsberg DP Operator Manuals provided. For detailed instructions for the operation of the DP system, please refer to those manuals. The main modes of operation of a DP system are: • Stand-by • Manual or joystick • Mixed Manual/Auto position and heading mode • Automatic position and heading Other modes of operation include • Autotrack • Follow Target • Auto pilot • Weathervane* • Auto-Approach* *Functions are associated with Shuttle tanker operations. On the Kongsberg DP panel are located pushbuttons for Stand-by, Manual/Joystick and Auto. There are also buttons allowing selection of individual control axes, i.e. Surge, Sway and Yaw. In STAND BY mode the system is kept at a state of readiness. The system can be prepared for operation in Stand By mode, but otherwise no operation is possible. While in Stand By mode, sensors may be enabled, an Alternative Rotation Point may be selected and thrusters/propellers may be enabled for use. If in AUTO or MANUAL/JOYSTICK, then returning to STAND BY requires a double push on the Stand By button. Reverting to "Stand By" causes the mathematical model to be lost. In the MANUAL/JOYSTICK mode, the vessel is under the control of the Joystick for manoeuvring. While operating in MANUAL/JOYSTICK mode, it is possible to select any one of the three control axes (Surge, Sway or Yaw) for automatic control. Thus it is possible to operate with Manual (joystick) control of Surge and Sway, with automatic control of Yaw (heading) by pressing the "Yaw" button while in "Manual" mode. Likewise, the Operator may select automate control of Surge and/or Sway. Further, it is possible to select two axes simultaneously for automatic control (e.g. Yaw and Surge, leaving Sway on the joystick). Selection of all three axes will cause the system to enter AUTO DP mode. Important: In order to select Surge, or Sway, or both for automatic control, it is necessary to enable a Position Reference system. Page 44 Chapter 6 - The Marine Technologies DP System The Marine Technologies DP system is composed of a number of different hardware modules that communicate on a computer network. The number of modules used in the DP system depends on the system class. A DP I configuration has no redundancy, whereas an IMO Class II DYNPOS system is designed to be able to hold position in case of a single failure situation based on a redundancy philosophy. Both double- and triple redundancy philosophies are applied in the DP II design: The double redundancy philosophy uses two different sources of the same information. When these sources are compared it can be determined if one source is faulty but not necessarily which one. In cases where it cannot be determined which source is faulty the operator has to assess the sources and select the source to be used. The triple redundancy philosophy uses three different sources of the same information. When comparing these, failure is detected when the output from one source deviates from the other two sources. This is also denoted 2 out of 3 voting (2oo3). System Modules The DYNPOS system consists of the following modules: The power supply system (PS) The fail-safe communication network (CN) The sensor pack (SP) The fail-safe control computer (CC) The fail-safe operator station (OS) The thruster controller (TC) The block diagram in Figure 1 below shows the basic modules of the DYNPOS system. The different modules and the interfaces between them are described in more detail in this section. Figure 1: System Modules Page 45 The Power Supply System The components of the DYNPOS system are powered from two independent uninterruptable power supplies (UPS). Each UPS is fed by the ship power system and will continue to feed the DP system from its battery pack if the power source is lost. The battery pack is able to supply power to the system for at least 30 minutes after loss of ship power. The 110V AC power distribution is shown in Figure 2. The figure shows which components that are fed by each UPS. Figure 2: 110V AC Power Section Page 46 A redundant supply system for 24 V power is also used. Important 24 V power consumers (sensor- and thruster IO HW) have hardware logic to perform the switching from one power source to another if one power source fails. The 24V power supply system is shown in Figure 3: Figure 3: 24 V Power Distribution The Fail-safe Communication Network Communication between the different modules is done by means of an Ethernet network. For a DP I system a single network will be used whereas for DP II or higher a dual-, or fail-safe communication network is used. All communication between the different system modules takes place on both networks simultaneously. If a network failure results is broken communication between two system nodes, the communication will continue uninterruptedly on the secondary Page 47 network. A conceptual drawing of the fail-safe communication network is shown in Figure 4 below. Figure 4: The fail-safe communication network The Sensor Pack The number of sensors in the DP sensor pack depends on the system class. For a class 1 system there is typically no redundancy in the sensors, whereas the sensor pack for a DP2 system is composed of a double or triple set of sensors in order to provide redundancy for all measurements. If any single unit is to fail there is always a backup sensor. Failure of a unit is detected by the CC and reported to the OS alarm system. The sensors are interfaced to the DP system via the General Purpose IO Board HW module and data is transmitted to the CC by the fail same communication network. For a DP2 system a double set of IO hardware is employed to avoid loss of all sensors if one interface unit fails. The DP2 sensor pack typically consists of: Position reference systems (Normally three units) Page 48 Gyro compasses (Normally 2 units) Vertical reference sensors (Normally 2 units). Wind sensors (Normally 2 units) The Fail-safe Control Computer (CC) The number of control computers (CC) in the MT DP system depends on the system class. A class 1 system has one CC whereas a DP2 system uses three control computers (denoted CC1, CC2 and CC3) running in parallel, meaning that all three units are performing the same operations and running the same algorithms. In brief all CCs calculate the thruster command signals (pitch command, rpm command, azimuth command) for all thrusters based on the same sensor inputs. For a class 2 system the output of the CC computers (thruster commands in surge, sway and yaw) to the thruster controllers (TC) is constantly monitored by the TC. If one unit starts to output commands that deviate from the two other units, it is voted out and the computer is discarded. An alarm is issued to the operator to inform of the erroneous computer. Some of the essential SW modules that constitute the control algorithm are: • signal processing (sensor verification and voting) • motion state estimator (Kalman Filter) • reference model • DP controller (thrust requirement algorithm) • thruster allocation algorithm • power overload prevention algorithm Signal Processing All sensors are checked for timeout in order to reject information from a sensor that has stopped sending data. An alarm will be issued to notify the operator if a sensor times out. A voting algorithm is also applied to all sensor data in order to detect and possibly identify erroneous sensor data. Position and orientation information provided by reference systems and gyros are compared to the “official” vessel position and orientation calculated by the motion state estimator. If the sensor data exceeds a defined limit it will be considered faulty. For reference systems a triple redundancy philosophy is typically used (for DP2) to identify and reject the faulty unit. The same principle applies for Gyros if three units are used instead of two. If only two sensors of the same kind are used the operator is asked to choose which sensor to reject. The Motion State Estimator The motion state estimator employs the Kalman Filter algorithm to generate the system state vector. The system state vector contains the “official” position/orientation and speed of the vessel. The motion state estimator employs a mathematical model of the vessel. The positions and velocities estimated by the state estimator are considered the “true” states of the vessel and used as reference to determine the validity of the position provided by the reference systems and heading provided by the gyrocompasses. Page 49 Reference Model The reference model generates the velocity references picked up by the controller to generate a thrust command during a DP maneuver. A maneuver can be a position- or heading move operation or a turn in a tracking operation. The Controller (thrust requirement algorithm) The controller algorithm calculates the forces to be applied (the force command vector) to keep the vessel in the desired position based on the motion state vector and wind force estimates. Thruster Allocation The thruster allocation algorithm calculates the individual thruster commands for all available thrusters based on the total thrust requirement values for surge, sway and yaw provided by the controller. A thruster is considered available if it is selected for use by the operator and not detected as faulty by the system (typically by providing a digital running and ready signal). Power Overload Prevention The power overload prevention algorithm compares allocated thruster force with available power and reduces the thruster command if the allocated forces exceed the available power. The objective is to be proactive and reduce the thruster command such that an overload situation (shutdown of generator due to overload) will never occur in the first place. Normally the max power the DP system is allowed to use is 95 % of the available power of the generators. The Fail-safe Operator Station (OS) The Operator Station (OS) provides the man-machine interface (MMI) that enables the operator to monitor- and interact with the DP system. No critical DP calculations are performed by the OS. For a DP2 system there will at least be two independent OS units working in parallel. It is possible to operate the system from both units. If one of the units fails the operator can take command on another unit and proceed monitoring- and interacting with the system. The Thruster Controller (TC) The thruster controller (TC) outputs digital and analog signals (DO, AO) to the thruster control unit based on thruster allocation data received from the CC computer in command. It also provides the feedback to the CC computers from digital- and analog signals received from the thruster control unit. All communication between the TC and the CC units is done over the failsafe communication network. A DP2 system will normally be equipped with one TC per thruster to provide the necessary redundancy. If any one unit fails only one thruster will be un-accessible for the DP system. A DP2 vessel is designed to be able to continue operation and maintaining necessary thrust capacity if any one thruster fails. The interface between the TC and the thruster/thruster controller unit is illustrated in Figure 5: Page 50 In order for the DP system to use a thruster the following conditions must be met: • The main mode switch is activated (MODE CONTROL ON BRIDGE) • The thruster controller is running properly (Watch dog relay) • The TC requests the thruster (Thruster select relay) • The thruster is running properly. The thrusters are designed in such a way that an electrically open input control signal or an internal fault in the thruster will force the thruster to give zero thrust. Thruster output signals like Ready and Running will then indicate that the thruster is not available. In case of a faulty thruster controller the watch dog relay will let the thruster fall back to the manual handles. As mentioned previously the thruster controllers also have an additional role in monitoring the control computers by comparing the data received from each one. If one CC unit output data that deviate from that of the others, it will be considered faulty. The TC sends the CC status information back to the DP system (to the CC) and the appropriate response is handled from the OS. Page 51 Operational Flow Chart The system modules described in the previous chapter work together as shown in the block diagram in Figure 6 below. Figure 6: Operational Flow Chart Page 52 Chapter 7 – Other Manufacturers of DP Systems AutoNav IVCS 2000 AutoNav IVCS 2000 sets new industry standards for easy of use, accuracy and minimum power consumption. Positional accuracy of + / - 1 ft (30cm) is typically achieved in moderate sea conditions with duty cycles of less than 1/2 of those previously obtained with current industry standard products. Offshore supply vessels Cable / pipe laying vessels Survey vessels Rescue vessels Drill ships Diver support vessels Research vessels Fire fighting vessels Ferries Tankers and cargo vessels Mine sweepers Heavy lift vessels Page 53 EasyDP 100 EasyDP 100 is a new generation station keeping system designed to meet the requirements for : • Supply and support vessels Survey Buoy laying Yacht Cruise liners and ferries EasyDP is able to drive the entire range of actuators : •Azimut thrusters •Voith-Schneider propellers •Tunnel thrusters •Classical propellers •Waterjets propellers Ideal for easy handling of ship at low speed, station keeping work, stand-by waiting periods Page 54 Rolls-Royce - Icon Icon Compact dynamic positioning (DP) systems from Rolls-Royce are an extension of traditional joystick systems, providing dynamic positioning capability. The DP range is designed to meet IMO specifications and requirements from the class of societies. Products range from independent joystick systems and single IMO OP class 1 systems to sophisticated redundant systems satisfying the requirements of the IMO DP Class 2 and 3. All positioning systems use common control platform architecture and are of modular design. The systems are integrated with propulsion operation for maximum station capability and utilise the latest controls and estimation technology. Page 55 Wärtsilä – DPI, Dynamic Positioning Inc. - Platinum Platinum Dynamic Positioning The Platinum Dynamic Positioning (DP) System provides a simple and efficient solution for vessel control, maneuvering and station keeping applications. The redesigned UI offers intuitive operation, increasing safety and efficiency. Based on a modular and scalable design concept, systems can be offered for virtually any platform in the industry. This system is designed to satisfy class notation requirements for Class 0, 1, 2 and 3, with enhanced redundancy to meet the most demanding customer requirements. Page 56 Chapter 8 – Planning, Setup and worksite approach Operation planning With any DP vessel operation, comprehensive planning is essential. The operational requirements of the task in hand must be thoroughly discussed with the client, and a detailed plan of the preferred sequence of events compiled. The plan must include the approach to the worksite and setup, together with the positional requirements of the task itself. At all stages there must be adequate contingency plans made allowing for escape manoeuvres under degraded status. Many factors must be taken into account when preparing the detailed planning. The DPO's must be familiar with the details of the worksite and of the task in hand. In many operations the vessel is simply providing a working platform for the client's operation, but it is essential that the marine staffs are familiar with the detail of the operation, together with any possible hazards. Factors to be taken into account will include the following: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Position on the worksite, proximity of subsea, surface and overhead hazards. Degree to which manoeuvrability or escape routes are impeded by fixed structure location, or by any aspect of the operation. Any operation-related external forces which will reduce the position-keeping capability of the vessel (e.g. pipe tension). Expected weather conditions on the worksite. Predicted tidal rates and directions, and the reliability of these predictions. Power of the vessel and her thruster configuration. Depth of water on and around the worksite. Equipment Class of the vessel, and that required for the operation. Relating to the above, level of redundancy required and available. Availability of position references, backup position references, and any factors which might cause position references to become unavailable. Any restrictions upon manoeuvring, or placing underwater hardware, that might be enforced by the field operator. Proximity of other vessels or barges at any stage of the operation, and the effects upon the manoeuvrability of own vessel or the integrity of her position references. Ability of own vessel to react to changes in weather or power status Configuration for the Critical Activity Mode of Operation (CAMO) or, where appropriate the Task Appropriate Mode (TAM). (see description later) Preparation of the Activity Specific Operating Guidelines (ASOG), including onboard discussion with all relevant stakeholders as part of the pre-project execution/ activity. SIMOPS and marine vessel interaction and consequences arising from change of status (Green to Blue, Yellow or Red). Initiating “Positioning Standby” • (Positioning standby is a condition that is triggered during the execution of the Industrial Mission when warranted. Positioning standby is initiated to bring all station keeping critical elements (Equipment, People, and Processes) to a higher state of readiness, for a defined period, with the objective of preventing a loss of position) f the worksite is within an oilfield then during the approach to the worksite, contact will be made with the platform OIM to obtain update information regarding the progress of the task. Page 57 Traffic and ETA data will be exchanged, and any changes to the pre-determined plan discussed. On arrival in the area, permission will be obtained to enter the 500m exclusion zone around the installation, or similar compliance with local requirements and regulations. This permission must be logged with date and time. The Work Permit will be obtained from the Client. The Bridge staff will obtain the latest meteorological reports and forecasts, relating these to the operation in hand, particularly if weather conditions are expected to deteriorate or if any stage of the operation is critically weather or sea-state dependent. At this stage the DP system must be thoroughly checked, with a checklist to be completed. Computers may need to be started up or reloaded. All position reference and other peripherals will be inspected for readiness. Gyro compasses will be checked and a value determined for compass error. A check also needs to be made on the magnetic compass, as this is occasionally the only independent indication when two gyros disagree. The engine room staff will need to be informed of the requirements regarding the level of redundancy and MCR manning. They will have their own pre-DP checklist to complete. The availability of generators must be discussed and agreed with the engineers. Activity Operational Planning - CAMO / TAM / ASOG Activity Operational Planning has been introduced to allow for a vessel to operate in different modes based on the activity being carried out. This could be a DP class 3 vessel, operating in DP class 2 mode during less critical activities. Critical Activity Mode of Operation (CAMO) Any DP vessel, including DP Class 2 and 3, can have the redundancy concept defeated if its systems and equipment are not configured or operated in the correct way. Critical Activity Mode of Operation (CAMO): This is generally a tabulated presentation of how to configure the vessel’s DP system, including power generation and distribution, propulsion and position reference systems, so that the DP system, as a whole is fault tolerant and fault resistant. The CAMO table also sets out the operator actions should the required configuration fail to be met. The term Safest Mode of operation (SMO) has been previously used to describe CAMO. The CAMO sets out the required equipment configurations and operational standards necessary for the vessel to meet its maximum level of redundancy, functionality and operation so that no single failure will exceed worst case failure. Every DP vessel/ rig has a unique configuration (aka Critical Activity Mode Configuration) which must be determined from a detailed understanding of the vessel’s DP FMEA and its operational characteristics. The CAM configuration should be the default operational mode for a DP vessel when conducting activities deemed or identified as critical. A detailed review of the DP FMEA is done with a view to identify critical activity mode. It is suggested that the results of this review are summarised in a vessel overview document. Marine Technology Society Dynamic Positioning Committee – The CAMO/TAM is presented in a tabulated format and shows two conditions (GREEN – NORMAL) and (BLUE – ADVISORY) for each item, as follows: Page 58 Task Appropriate Mode (TAM) ‘Task Appropriate Mode’ (TAM) is a risk based mode: Task Appropriate Mode is the configuration that the vessel’s DP system may be set up and operated in, accepting that a failure could result in effects exceeding the worst case failure such as blackout or loss of position. This is a choice that is consciously made. This mode may be appropriate in situations where it is determined that the risks associated with a loss of position are low and will not result in damage to people, environment or equipment. The conditions under which a DP Project and Construction Vessel may operate in TAM are defined and are usually associated with operating well clear of the 500 m zone of floating or critical subsea assets and where the consequences of a loss of position are evaluated and deemed acceptable. Page 59 Activities where TAM is considered should have documented risk assessments carried out. (Note - Task Appropriate Mode (TAM) in this context is not to be confused with Thruster Assisted Mooring) ASOG Activity Specific Operating Guidelines (ASOG) The ASOG differs from the CAM and TAM in that it relates specifically to a known location and activity and, in the case of a DP drilling vessel/ rig, to a specific well operation. The ASOG performs the same function as Well Specific Operating Guidelines (WSOG), which relate to drilling activities. The ASOG differs from the CAM and TAM in that the ASOG sets the operational, environmental and equipment performance limits for the DP vessel in relation to the specific activity that it is undertaking, whereas the CAM and TAM may not be location specific. An ASOG should be developed for every activity and location. A central component in the ASOG is proven knowledge of black out recovery time. Reference should also be made to relevant studies/analysis (if applicable) for an activity being undertaken (e.g. analysis related to riser transfer operations, heavy lift operations, permanent mooring connection operations). The ASOG is presented in a tabulated format and shows four conditions (GREEN – NORMAL), (BLUE – ADVISORY), (YELLOW – ACTIONABLE) and (RED – EMERGENCY), as follows; Page 60 Contingency planning As a corollary of the above, it is important that the planning of the worksite approach includes assessment of the various escape routes and options, and planning of otherwise unforeseen contingencies. The worst contingency will be a power shortage caused by partial blackout. This is the "worst case" failure mode and the diligent DPO will have taken such an event into account, and will have prepared contingency escape options accordingly. In all cases the DPO must keep in mind his least-power escape manoeuvre. The contingency planning will also need to take into account the planned operation, as escape routes must also exist after the initial approach. Page 61 Page 62 Risk Assessment A formal Risk Assessment of the DP operation must always be conducted. Each company has it’s own Risk Management System, which must be followed. The methods could vary accordingly but how ever more or less formal they are, they should be well organised and planned. Page 63 ISO 8402:1995 / BS 4778 define risk management, which includes maritime risk assessment as: “The process whereby decisions are made to accept a known or assessed risk and/or the implementation of actions to reduce the consequences or probability of occurrence.” • Identification of hazards • Assessment of the risks concerned • Application of controls to reduce the risks • Monitoring of the effectiveness of the controls The identification of hazards is most important since in determines the course of actions to be followed thereafter. Observation of the activities helps in achieving perfect accuracy and completeness which again can only be accomplished by a systematic process. For this it is necessary to have professional training and instruction to assure its application in a thorough and consistent manner. Also it is important to keep in mind that hazards must not be confused with incidents whereas incidents must not denote consequences. The marine risk assessment helps in evaluation of each hazard associated with the risks in terms of the likelihood of harm and its potential aftermath. This assists in enabling the company to imply priorities and exploit its scarce resources for greatest effect. While settling with the application of controls, it is essential to take the frequency of the activity into account so that a potential moderate risk may be more important to be addressed upon than a rare but substantial risk. The most relevant risks to monitor are: Page 64 • • • Health and safety issues of individuals involved directly or indirectly in the activity, or those who may be otherwise affected The environment Property of the company and others Risk assessment should be continual, flexible, reviewed regularly to improve safety and preventing pollution. Since ‘risk’ is never a constant or concrete entity, the divergence of the nature of perception and anticipation the level of danger from the risk undertaken is resolved by experience, training and disposition. Human behaviour towards issues, general awareness, and constant vigilance of those involved, all play a vital role in the organisation’s decision-making process in the risk assessment in DP operations. Worksite Approach Initial DP Setup Prior to the operation commencing, the vessel may be set up on DP outside the 500m exclusion zone while a number of checks are made. Any worksite approach must be made in a slow-but-sure manner with adequate planning, proper completion of checklists, proper consideration of contingency plans and adequate time for the building of the mathematical model. At some point during the approach, transfer of control must be made from the navigation bridge to the DP console location. In some vessels these two locations are adjacent but often the DP system occupies a separate control room, e.g. the After Bridge in a DSV or ROV survey vessel, Page 65 or the Bow House in a shuttle tanker. The vessel will normally be stopped well clear of any obstructions, usually outside the 500m zone, and the transfer effected. A checklist should cover transfer procedure. Items to be checked or tested include main engine/thruster control functions, communications (external vhf/internal) radar and navigation aids, compass repeaters and steering systems. In addition, checks must be made on specialist operational items, such as the telemetry systems and ESD systems in a shuttle tanker. Thrusters and main propellers must be "proved" by taking manual control and trying each thruster each way, checking response and feedback. This step is important as, occasionally it happens that control of a thruster will not transfer as selected. At the outset of DP operations it will be necessary to inform various parties of the intention to set up on DP. The Engine Room staff will have their own pre-DP checks and preparations, and it may be necessary to discuss redundancy requirements with them. It will be necessary to ensure that the engine room or MCR be continuously manned for many types of operation. Depending upon the type of DP system installed it may be necessary to load or re-load the computer or computers. Normally these are never switched "off', but left in a "stand-by" mode when not on DP. This ensures that the systems do not suffer from humidity as the ventilation fans run continuously. The range of position references to be used will be decided. For an Equipment Class 1 vessel a single position reference system (PRS) may be adequate, while for more critical function work, three PRS are the standard. Which PRS to use will, of course, depend upon what is available and the requirements of the task in hand. In the early stages of the operation a longrange PRS needs to be established, one that will provide uninterrupted cover during the moves to the working location. This will usually be DGPS. Once a PRS is established, then control of the manoeuvring may be transferred from the manual thruster control panel to the DP panel or "desk". The control facilities for this will consist of switches or buttons selecting "manual levers" or "DP" for each thruster, with associated indicator lamps. Once control has been transferred, the operator must check that the DP console is showing "ready" lamps for each thruster running, before selecting each thruster into DP control by pressing "Enable" buttons for each. Once thrusters are enabled on the console, they may again be proved, with the DP in manual mode. The joystick and rotate control are operated, and the correct and expected response observed from the individual thrusters. The bridge team will be starting to fill out a "pre-DP" checklist at about this time. It is important that this be done correctly and thoroughly. Checks will be undertaken on all DP and peripheral equipment such as Gyros, VRS, Position References and Wind Sensors, together with the power plant and thruster systems. The vessel control may now be passed to the DP, usually by selecting the Auto Yaw function first, stabilising the heading but leaving position control (Surge and Sway) under the Joystick. In some DP systems this is known as "JSAH" (Joystick control with Automatic Heading). Next, the system can be given the control of position by pressing the Auto Surge and Auto Sway buttons. Before pressing either of these buttons it is important to reduce the movement in each respect to as close to zero as possible, otherwise the system will issue instant large thruster commands which may cause partial blackout. Page 66 Once in full Auto DP, it is normal to allow some time for the vessel and system to settle down, before continuing with the approach to the worksite. This time will allow the DPO to satisfy himself that all systems are operating correctly, and that the vessel is maintaining a satisfactory position and heading. The power management will be checked to ensure that sufficient power is available, with sufficient power reserves in hand. Thruster outputs must also be within acceptable limits. At this stage stopping one or more thrusters and noting the effect on the position-keeping capability may test Thruster redundancy. For operations at Equipment class 2 or 3 it will be necessary to stop all thrusters connected to one section of busbar, ensuring that the vessel is able to maintain position subsequently. After ten minutes or so the vessel should have settled to the current position, and the DP mathematical model will have become established. The DPO will check that wind sensors are indicating correct wind values and are agreeing with each other. It may happen that one wind sensor is shadowed by structure. Comparison of values must be made and any discrepancy accounted for. The most appropriate wind sensor should be selected for input to the DP. The DPO must also determine that the value shown on-screen for the tide vector is approximately that observed. Any large discrepancy here may indicate a separate fault within the system. The vessel is now on Auto DP, perhaps 250 - 500m away from the working position. All systems having been checked, it is now possible for the approach to the worksite to continue. It is best that from now on all movements be made in Auto DP. At this stage the DPO will need to deploy further position reference systems. For operations of Equipment class 2 or 3 a minimum of three PRS must be deployed, preferably each of a different operating principle. The choice of PRS will depend upon circumstances and availability but it is advisable to have two PRS deployed when within 200m of fixed structure and three PRS when within 100m. Vessel/Company/Client operating procedures may advise more stringent requirements than this. While locating into the final working position it is good practice to move the vessel in short steps with a few minutes settle time between each move. The final 50m may be done in a series of 10m moves with the last two or three moves being of no more than 5m. The speed of the vessel must be carefully controlled at this stage. A typical approach velocity may be 0.25 m/s (0.5 knot) reduced progressively to 0.2m/s (0.4 knot) then 0.lm/s (0.2 knot) for the last few moves. It is good seamanship to be on the cautious side for these stages of the operation. During this period it is important that the DPO concentrates upon the DP system desk and does nothing else. The other bridge watchkeeper should be carrying out all other bridge functions associated with the approach and set-up such as handling all communications monitoring all instrumentation other than the DP console and keeping a lookout. Particular care must be taken when the working location is alongside a structure that is not fixed. Examples may be semisub drilling rigs, crane barges, accommodation flotels, pipe laying barges, offshore loading buoys, spar buoys or floating production units. Since these installations are of necessity mobile it is necessary to assess the degree of movement involved and adjust the planning accordingly. The minimum separation between the vessel and such a structure must be set at a safe distance. Account must also be taken of any underwater structure such as anchor/mooring lines. Not only their charted or planned locations but where they actually are at the time of the operation. Mooring line catenaries will depend upon line tensions. These must be checked before the approach if any hazard is anticipated. The client should supply a catenary diagram with Page 67 predicted line profiles for a variety of line tensions. Actual tensions should be checked along with predictions due to weather, tidal and operating factors. The DPO must include in his planning the required and expected clearances from all mooring or other lines from vessel structure, downlines and probes. In this context the vessel must verify that the anchored unit is not actually moving. Good permit-to-work procedures are necessary in such cases. Final DP Setup Once the vessel is in the final working position, then a number of tasks must be completed before giving the go-ahead to commence the operation. A settling period of about thirty minutes should be allowed, ensuring that the DP system has time to settle the vessel into the location and build the mathematical model to its optimum state. During this time the bridge watch keepers should complete the pre-operational checklist and verify that preoperational checklists are complete at other locations (e.g. the engine room staff will have checklists of their own). Part of this check includes verifying that power generation levels are adequate to cover existing and expected demands with the required levels of redundancy and that thrusters and propulsion systems are operating correctly and within acceptable limits. Once the vessel is stabilised and settled to her working position the DPO should take careful note of the magnetic compass heading corresponding to the gyro set point heading The DPO should also note the mean thruster outputs, both azimuth and pitch (or rpm) for each propeller while the vessel is in a static situation. These values will change over time as the wind, sea state and tide change but information of this type is invaluable if all DP function is lost without warning and manual manoeuvring has to be resorted to. These thrust settings are a good "starting point" for the manual positioning of the vessel which may be necessary for some time whilst the job is aborted prior to undertaking any escape manoeuvres. The bridge team must be aware of the significant change in status once the go-ahead or green light is given for the operation to commence. Irrespective of the type of operation, prior to this moment the emergency contingency plan is one of safe escape from the location and its hazards. Once, however, the "green light" is given, the contingency plan must allow for the vessel to maintain position and heading under all circumstances until the task is aborted. Page 68 Chapter 9 - Thrusters Thruster Types The thrusters provide the manoeuvring capability of the vessel. In general, three main types of thruster are fitted in DP vessels; main propellers, tunnel thrusters and azimuth thrusters. Main propellers, either single or twin screw, are provided in a similar fashion to conventional vessels. In DP vessels where such main propulsion forms part of the DP function, propellers are often of the Controllable Pitch (CP) type, running at constant rpm. This facilitates the use of shaft driven alternators, as these could not be used if the shaft drive is not at constant rpm. Page 69 PITCH CHANGE COMMAND AHEAD PROP BLADE PUMP CRANK RING SPOOL VALVE CRANK PIN AHEAD HYDRAULIC FLUID ACTUATOR CYLINDER ASTERN HYDRAULIC FLUID ACTUATOR PISTON OIL MANIFOLD CROSSHEAD PROP BLADE PUMP CRANK RING SPOOL VALVE CRANK PIN AHEAD HYDRAULIC FLUID ACTUATOR CYLINDER ASTERN HYDRAULIC FLUID ACTUATOR PISTON OIL MANIFOLD CROSSHEAD Page 70 A more recent development is the installation of frequency control systems allowing variable speed ac motors to be used in conjunction with fixed-pitch (FP) propellers. Conventional rudders and steering gear usually accompany main propellers. Often the DP system does not include rudder control; the auto pilot being disconnected and the rudder set amidships when in DP mode. In many installations, however, the DP system includes rudder control. In addition to main propellers, any DP vessel will employ a variety of thrusters for manoeuvrability. Typically a monohull Class 3 DP vessel will use six thrusters; three at the bow and three aft. Forward thrusters tend to be tunnel mounted, operating athwartships. Here a cp or fp propeller (or impeller) is mounted in a tunnel. Drive is from above using a bevel gearing, from an electric motor or diesel engine. Pitching the blades port or starboard, or modulating the rpm and direction produces thrust. Usually two or three tunnel thrusters are fitted in the bow, with control applied identically to all. The resultant turning moment applied to the vessel is most marked if the vessel does not have appreciable headway - or sternway. Once the vessel is making way the effect of tunnel thrusters drops off radically. Page 71 Tunnel thrusters may be used at the stern also. These units consist of a cp or fp propeller mounted in a short tunnel. Azimuth thrusters The unit projects beneath the bottom of the vessel and can be rotated to provide thrust in any direction. Propeller drive is by bevel gearing from above. The whole unit may in some cases be retracted into the hull. Azimuth thrusters have the advantage that they can provide thrust in any direction (compared with tunnel thrusters) and are often used as main propulsion. However, they are more troublesome to locate satisfactorily. If fitted below the bottom of the hull they increase the draught considerably and need to be retractable, and to state the obvious, if they are retracted in shallow water, their power is not available. Page 72 A wide employ Azimuth or Compass Thrusters. range of azimuth thrusters is available from a number of manufacturers, ranging from 600kW to 7500kW (800 H.P. to 10,000 H.P.) with propeller diameters ranging from around 2.0m to over 5.0m. Another development in the thruster field is the podded propulsor. An example of this is the Azipod, produced by Aquamaster of Finland. This thruster resembles an Azimuth thruster, but the drive motor is contained within the pod, beneath the hull. This obviates the need for shaft lines and bevel gearing. The propeller is a Fixed Pitch unit, with power supplied through frequency convertors. Azimuth control over the full 360° is available. The propeller is configured as a "pulling" unit, deflecting wake water past the pod that acts as the rudder. Podded propulsion is currently being fitted in a variety of vessels, including a number of DPcapable ships. A further type of thruster occasionally found in DP- capable vessels, is the Jet thruster, manufactured by the Elliott-White company in the UK. These units consist of an impeller fitted into a U-tube tunnel in the vessel's bottom. The discharged water passes through a deflector element, giving it a horizontal vector, producing thrust. This unit is able to act as an azimuth thruster, while being wholly contained within the hull. Generally, the thrust performance from Jet thrusters is less than that obtained from Tunnel or Azimuth units. Thruster failure modes Thrusters are complex, and as such are vulnerable to a variety of failures. The variety of failure modes is dependent upon the type of unit, i.e. a fixed pitch propeller has fewer failure modes than a fixed pitch azimuth thruster. More failure possibilities are associated with cp units, and many of these failures are only repairable in dry dock. This is expensive, and thruster repairs cannot be properly tested out until the vessel is again afloat. Any propeller is vulnerable to fouling by ropes and underwater objects. Particular damage may be caused to seals. Any leaking seal will result in contamination of gearbox or actuator oil, which will further result in mechanical damage and failure. Typically, a cp azimuth thruster has six seals; one on each blade, one on the shaft, and one on the hull mounting. The DPO must take every precaution to ensure that his propellers remain clear. A fouled propeller or thruster immediately degrades or destroys the vessel's position-keeping capability. If a thruster fails, the failure may be a pitch/revs freeze, or "fail-as-set", or it may fail to any pitch/revs combination. It is important that the operator stops the thruster immediately, as a runaway thruster can very quickly destabilise the vessel positioning capability. Many propellers, particularly cp, have a "fail-safe" failure mode, usually relating to a loss of controlhydraulics situation. This fail-safe mode should be zero pitch, but it is important to realise that other failure modes may leave the propeller failed to residual full pitch. Page 73 Page 74 Chapter 10 – Environmental Sensors Wind Sensors Wind sensors are provided to give the system a continuously updated value for wind direction and strength. Short-term variations in both must be compensated for if precise positioning is to be achieved. Wind sensors or transmitting anemometers are fitted, usually in duplicate, to provide feed-forward computer signals direct to the thrusters to compensate for wind induced movement of the vessel from its set point position and heading. Ultra Sonic Wind Sensor A newer model is the Ultra Sonic Wind Sensor. When the distant between the sending and the receiving element is known it is possible to calculate the wind speed due to the measured delay or the speed up of the signal. This provides the wanted 2 axis wind measurement. The elimination of moving parts, together with a rugged stainless steel construction, means that is maintenance free and requires no calibration on site. The heated head keeps the unit free from ice and snow, providing continuous use in the most extreme weather conditions. Page 75 The Wind Observer ll. Wind sensor problems Problems arise associated with wind sensors due to wind shadow of the sensor element by ships structure or from adjacent platform structure. This will be particularly pronounced if the vessel is downwind of a structure. It may happen that the wind sensor at masthead height is wind shadowed by the platform topside, while the bulk of the vessel hull and superstructure is less wind shadowed by the lattice structure of the platfom jacket. GALE FORCE WIND WINDSENSOR PLATFORM TOPSIDE WINDSHADOW VESSEL HULL AND SUPERSTRUCTURE EXPOSED TO FULL FORCE OF WIND THROUGH LEGS OF PLATFORM Page 76 DOWNDRAFT FROM HELICOPTER ROTOR BLADES MAY CAUSE WINDSENSOR TO INPUT FALSE HIGH VALUES THUS DESTABILISING THE DP CAPABILITY Other wind sensorproblems arise due to helicopter disturbance, particularly if the wind sensor installation is close to the helideck. Helicopter downdraft can induce false momentary wind sensor inputs, which are not representative of the wind forces acting upon the ship as a whole. Since wind sensor input has an immediate feed forward effect, the result may be a rapid drive-off as the DP attempts to compensate for apparent gusts. Often two wind sensors are fitted, allowing the operator to select which input is likely to be the most representative. The two sensors may be fitted at different heights on the mast, or at opposite ends of an athwartships yard. In the latter case the operator would probably select the windward sensor in order to avoid as much as possible disturbance caused by ships structure. One suggested remedy to the problem of wind shadow from adjacent upwind platform structure is to deselect the wind sensors from the DP altogether, however, caution must be exercised here since there will be no wind feed forward available. Page 77 WIND WIND WINDSENSOR EXPOSED FORCE OF WIND EXAGGERATED AT WINDSENSOR PLATFORM VESSEL HULL AND SUPERSTRUCTURE IN WINDSHADOW STRUCTURE WINDSENSOR EXPOSED TO FULL FORCE OF WIND VESSEL IN LEE OF PLATFORM EVERY GUST CAUSES VESSEL TO DRIVE TOWARD PLATFORM AND LOSE HEADING VESSEL EXCURSION Problems will arise when changes in wind speed and/or direction occur, resulting in deterioration in positioning of the vessel. It must also be remembered that while all wind sensors are deselected the processor will continue to use the model values for the wind, i.e. the values last recorded. If, when a wind sensor is reselected into the system, there are different wind values obtaining (which is likely) then a temporary loss of position control may be expected. LOADING TERMINAL Windsensor located here may suffer turbulence from the loading tower Better Location for the windsensor Page 78 In vessels where the helideck is adjacent to the wind sensor location, or where helicopter wind sensor disturbance has been observed, it is common to deselect wind sensor input during helicopter movements. In some cases this will necessitate temporary suspension of the operation in progress. Shuttle tankers in Weather Wane mode can also have turbulence in lee of the loading tower , FPSO etc. WINDSENSOR LOCATION WINDSENSORS LOCATED IN POSITIONS 1 AND 2 WILL GIVE INPUT DISTORTED BY TURBULENCE FROM STRUCTURE LOCATIONS 3 AND 4 ARE BETTER BUT INPUT MAY NEED TO BE SCALED DOWN DUE TO ALTITUDE EXAGGERATING THE WIND STRENGTH 3 1 4 2 Page 79 Tide or Current A vector is shown on the PosPlot display pages indicating the set and rate of the tide. It is important to realise that this is not a measured value; there is no tide sensor deployed, but a derived vector determined from a summation of differences between predicted positions and measured positions. This displayed vector will not necessarily be accurate, as it will contain elements of residual errors within the system. In modern DP systems, a facility is provided allowing a more rapid determination of the current value; this facility is called "Quick Model Update". When selected, this facility allows the operator to accelerate the process of building the mathematical model, and thus the current vector, for a limited period of time. This facility might be used to advantage immediately after the turn of the tide. If the tide has turned quickly, the DP system may become less stable due to the model value of the tide still relating to the old value. Applying the Quick Current Update facility may bring about a rapid improvement in the system response. However, it is important to realise that the accuracy of the current determination will be in inverse proportion to the length of time involved in the model update period. Use of the Quick Model facility may result in larger errors showing in the tidal indications. Roll & Pitch It is necessary to provide an input to the processor regarding vessel attitude, i.e. angles of roll and pitch, on a continuous basis. Several of the Position Reference systems function by measuring angles relative to the shipboard sensor element. Roll and pitch of the vessel will introduce errors into these angle inputs that will translate into position errors. By providing the system with constant roll and pitch angle data, the position reference input data may be corrected to the true vertical. Roll and Pitch information is provided from a Vertical Reference Unit or Sensor (VRU or VRS). Page 80 From Kongsberg Seatex two types of vertical reference sensor are available. The simplest type yields angular information regarding roll and pitch. A more complex type utilises more accelerometers to yield values for vessel Heave (vertical bodily movement) also. Although a consideration of heave is not essential to the DP function, this output can be utilised elsewhere, in heave compensation for diving bells or crane hook, or in fire monitor stabilisation. Page 81 Chapter 11 – Position Reference Systems Notes for use of Position Reference Systems Extracts of IMO, INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANISATION MSC/Circ. 645 GUIDELINES FOR VESSELS WITH DYNAMIC POSITIONING SYSTEMS 3.4.3 Position reference systems 1. Position reference systems should be selected with due consideration to operational requirements, both with regard to restrictions caused by the manner of deployment and expected performance in working situation. 2. For equipment classes 2 and 3, at least three position reference systems should be installed and simultaneously available to the DP-control system during operation. 3. When two or more position reference systems are required, they should not all be of the same type, but based on different principles and suitable for the operating conditions. 4. The position reference systems should produce data with adequate accuracy for the intended DP-operation. 5. The performance of position reference systems should be monitored and warnings provided when the signals from the position reference systems are either incorrect or substantially degraded. 6. For equipment class 3, at least one of the position reference systems should be connected directly to the back-up control system and separated by A-60 class divisions from the other position reference systems. Page 83 The Hydro-Acoustic Position Reference System A number of manufacturers are involved in the production of HPR equipment. We will confine our remarks mainly to the Kongsberg systems. The principle of position measurement involves communication at hydroacoustic frequencies between a hull-mounted transducer and one or more seabed located transponders. The system is based upon the Supershort baseline (SSBL) principle with all acoustic transmit/receive elements mounted in a single transducer unit. Alternatively, Long baseline acoustics may be used. In the SSBL system, an interrogating pulse is transmitted from the transducer. This pulse is received by the transponder on the seabed, which is triggered to reply. The transmitted reply is received at the transducer. The transmit/receive time delay is proportional to slant range. The hull mounted transducer is able, by means of its supershort baseline configuration, to determine the angles of the incoming reply with respect to the vertical, both longitudinal and athwartships. These angles and range define the position of the ship relative to that of the transponder. A number of corrections are automatically made. The angles must be compensated for values of roll and pitch (from the VRS). The determined position will be the position of the transducer, and offsets will be allowed for to give the position of the Centre of Rotation (CR) of the vessel. If the Centre of Rotation is changed, or if a different transducer is used, then the offsets within the DP system automatically change to provide correct coordinates Page 84 The basic elements of an HPR system are shown above. Frequencies used are in the 20-40 KHz range. The Kongsberg HPR 400 system uses a discrete range of channels of transponder communication, each channel has two designated interrogation frequencies, and one reply frequency. Position reference may take place from a single transponder laid on the sea bed. Greater reliability and accuracy can be obtained from using more transponders. Any number of transponders can be used provided they operate upon different channels, the limitation being the number of channels the HPR system installed is capable of working with (normally 5). A similar HPR system, the Nautronix ATS uses transducers and transponders as described above, but greater reliability in acoustic communication is obtained from interrogating the transponder by means of a "chirp". The chirp is a multi-frequency interrogation signal, which will have greater ability to survive attenuation or noise pollution in difficult acoustic conditions. The HPR system is very versatile; it is not simply used for position reference of DP vessels. It is also used for position monitoring of seabed or subsea vehicles, also for marking for relocation of subsea features, e.g. wellheads, pipelines etc. It may also be used for buoy and valve control functions for offshore loading operations, and for the location and monitoring of the position of a diver or diving bell. SSBL HPR Principles Transducers are fitted to the bottom of the vessel in the form of a probe, able to extend approximately four metres below the shell plating. Accordingly they are provided with means to extend and retract (electric motordriven Hull Unit) with controls both local and remote (at the HPR display unit). A ships bottom sea chest or gate valve is provided to ensure the watertight integrity of the vessel when the probe is withdrawn into the hull. The probe is normally raised when the HPR is not in use, particularly when the vessel is underway. The positioning is by "Ultra Short Baseline Interferometry". The transceiver emits an acoustic "ping" at the channel-designated frequencies. This "ping" is projected by the transducer down to the transponder on the sea bed. The transponder emits a reply at the designated frequency; this reply is received by the transducer. Slant range is determined from the delay time while the transducer head is able to determine the direction from which the reply originated. A number of Transducer types are available; the Standard unit and the Tracking type, also the more accurate HiPAP type. Often a vessel is fitted with more than one transducer. Each unit is able to operate in several different beamwidth modes. The SSBL Narrow beam has a scope of about 45° while Wide beam has about 160°. An intermediate "Medium" beamwidth of 110° is also available. The HiPAP uses a directional Page 85 narrow beam of 10° within a 180° coverage area. The Tracking transducer has the facility of being able to direct its narrow beam in azimuth and elevation (or depression) angles so as to follow a selected transponder. This gives greater ranges on a particular transponder, and also helps prevent interference from other sources. If the angle between the vertical and the acoustic path to the transponder exceeds 45°, then better results will be obtained if the HPR system is operated in "Fixed Depth" mode, or if a depth sensing transponder is used. The operator is able to select the interrogation rate of the system. A high rate of interrogation is used where the vessel or transponder may be moving, or where three or less transponders are active, and ranges are relatively short (up to about 250 metres). Typical high interrogation rates may be 1.0 sec intervals, or 2.0 sec or 4.0 sec. Low interrogation rates with intervals of 8.0 sec to 40.0 sec may be used where the position situation is fairly static, where long ranges to the transponder dictate lower rates, or where it is necessary to save transponder battery capacity. Under normal circumstances, the operator would select "wide" beam operations until transponder communication is established, then he may transfer to "narrow". If transponder communication is lost then the system automatically reverts to the "wide" mode. Some systems also operate in a "medium" beam mode. A typical CRT display runs on Windows NT, and has a number of facilities. It is able to portray the ship in the display centre either Relative or True. Relative may display ships head up, or in the case of the HPR forming part of a DP console fitted into the after bridge of a vessel, hence aftfacing, Relative mode would then display stern-up. True display, when selected, will put North at the top of the screen, but this necessitates a gyro feed. Display range in metres may be selected by the operator. When in use, the display shows the vessel at screen centre, and deployed transponders in their appropriate locations. Each transponder has a symbol which appears on the CRT accompanied by a table of positional coordinates. The co-ordinate mode may be selected by the operator as Polar, in which case the coordinates displayed would be Range, Bearing and depth (horizontal range in metres, relative bearing in degrees, depth in metres). The operator may alternatively select Cartesian co-ordinates such that the three values displayed represent x, y and z offsets (distance starboard in metres, Page 86 distance forward in metres, depth in metres). The operator also has the facility of placing a selected transponder at the display centre. Once communication with one or more fixed transponders has been established, the position data may be fed through to the DP system by means of a suitable interface, for position reference. Again, compensation is made to allow for the offset distances between the transducer sensor and the rotation centre of the vessel. If more than one transponder is in use, then the DP pooling logic is able to resolve the best positional data from each. It may happen that one (or more) of the transponders selected is not in a fixed position, e. g. one is mounted upon an ROV. Since the DP must ignore position-reference indications from this transponder the operator is able to "mobile select" that transponder. Thus, it will appear on HPR and DP displays such that the operator can monitor its position, but its input will be ignored by the DP as regards position measurement. Long Baseline Systems Another system; the long baseline system, uses an array of three or more transponders laid on the seabed in the vicinity of the worksite. One transducer upon the vessel interrogates the transponder array, but instead of measuring range and angular information, ranges only are measured. Position reference is obtained from range geometry from the transponder locations. This principal provides greater accuracy than the super short baseline (SSBL) system since the baseline length is not limited by ship dimensions, but it is reliant upon two-way acoustic communication. This system is dependant upon the vessel calibrating the positions of the individual transponders forming the seabed array, before use. One current system from Kongsberg, their HPR 418 is able to operate both in Super-short baseline mode, with one or more transponders, or in Long baseline mode using three or more transponders for greater accuracy. With the Long Baseline (LBL) system, it is necessary for the array of transponders to be laid and then calibrated. This calibration is done by allowing each transponder in turn to interrogate all the others in the array, in turn. If, at the same time, the vessel has a DGPS or other geographically referenced positioning system, then the transponder array may also be geographically calibrated. Long Baseline systems are more suitable for deep water operation, where SSBL systems would suffer from long information update rates. Accuracy is also superior to the SSBL method. LBL systems have a typical accuracy of 0.2% - 0.4% of water depth. Page 87 Short Baseline System The Honeywell/Nautronix short baseline system uses a single acoustic Beacon placed on the seabed, transmitting continuously. On board ship the acoustic pulses are received by a number (usually four) of passive hydrophones placed at different locations. Since the physical locations of the hull mounted hydrophones are known, then the times of arrival of individual pulses at each hydrophone can be compared, and the time differences will define the direction and distance of the pinger from the vessel. Transponders A number of different types of transponder are available for different functions and situations. The Kongsberg MPT transponder may be configured for SSBL or LBL positioning, array calibration, and with telemetry commands. These commands include sensor readings for depth, temperature, inclination and heading, plus acoustic release. It is also possible to switch transponder channel by telemetry command from the surface. The SPT transponder is used in SSBL positioning, while the RPT transponder is used for ROV or Tow fish positioning. A standard transponder may be secured by bracket to subsea structure, or it may be moored to the seabed. The recommended method of mooring is to fit the transponder with a divinycell float, and attach it to a 150kg sinker by means of 1-2 metres of mooring chain. The unit is then deployed onto the seabed by means of a light wire line, either from the deck of the ship or from a small boat, with the wire buoyed off, or simply left slack. Another method of deploying a transponder is to secure it into a purpose built tripod which is then lowered to the seabed on a wire rope. Once located, sufficient slack is paid out to accommodate subsequent vessel movement. Deployment and recovery is by a winch and davit arrangement. Other transponder functions are available for use in special circumstances. An Acoustic Release Transponder may be laid upon the seabed without a down-line. Operating normally the transponder provides position reference. After use the transponder can be recovered by Page 88 acoustic command, releasing it from the seabed. The transponder floats to the surface and can be recovered by boat or from the ship. An Inclinometer transponder facility provides information not only for position reference but also regarding angular attitude. A unit of this type may be used in subsea installation, or in drilling. In the latter case the transponder would be secured to the lower flex joint of the marine riser. In a DP drillship information upon flex-joint angle is used to position the vessel, the object being to maintain the riser vertical at the seabed in the face of constantly varying tides. A standard transponder may be approximately 1 metre in height by 120mm in diameter. For small vehicles, such as RCVS (remotely-controlled submersible camera vehicles) miniature transponders are available, of much smaller dimensions. Transponders such as these can also be carried by a diver. For ROV positioning, more reliable communications may be obtained by using a Responder instead of a transponder. A responder is used where a hard-line umbilical is available. Vehicles of this type are usually very noisy, providing poor acoustic conditions for HPR Using a Responder eliminates one through-water journey for the acoustics. A spare umbilical channel is used to trigger the responder. The foregoing notes apply to the Kongsberg HPR system. A UK company, Sonardyne, manufactures and markets a similar SSBL system with common channels to the Kongsberg system. Thus Sonardyne and Kongsberg transponders are compatible, but carry different identification numbers. A further USBL system, the Nautronix ATS has already been referred to. Factors affecting acoustic positioning HPR is a versatile and widely used position reference for DP and other purposes. It does, however, suffer from some limitations. Typical factors affecting HPR are: •Noise •Transmission losses •Reflection of signals •Ray bending caused by variations in sound velocity Operationally, noise and aeration are the main problems. Acoustic (noise) interference may originate from the ship's machinery or thrusters, from other vessels or nearby installations, or from any sub-sea operation in progress (e.g. drilling or ROV work). Aeration from any cause will result in a loss of signal. Common causes of aeration are thrusters (vessel or ROV), mud or stone dumping, divers' breathing gases or rough seas. Careful positioning of transponders by the operators can obviate many of these anticipated problems. Other problems result from acoustic refraction, particularly at long horizontal ranges from the transponder, caused by temperature or density layers in the water. Further problems arise in shallow water, where vessel and thruster noise may be a major problem, and also where vertical separation between transducer and transponder is limited. Page 89 System accuracy is dependant upon a number of factors, some of which cannot be allowed for such as water temperature. In general, accuracy can be taken to be between 1% and 3% of slant range for SSBL systems, and 0.2% to 0.4% of water depth for LBL systems. Horizontal range should not exceed water depth for best accuracy; at larger horizontal ranges than this there is an increased risk of loss of signal due to refraction. Page 90 The Artemis Microwave Position Reference System In this system, position reference is obtained by means of communication at 9 GHz (Xband, 3cm wavelength) radio waves, or microwaves. The system described is the Dutch ARTEMIS system and involves two stations; one located on board the DP vessel itself and the other at some fixed location ashore, or upon a platform or FPSO installation. The position reference is in the form of range and bearing. The station on board ship is referred to as the 'Mobile' station, while that ashore is the 'Fixed' station. Position data is thus obtained as the range and bearing of the Mobile station with reference to the Fixed station. Each station consists of an Operating Unit and an Antenna Unit. The principle is simple. The two antennae automatically train so as to face each other at all times when a c.w. microwave link is established. The Mobile station transmits a signal, which is received by the Fixed station and retransmitted as a reply. The time lapse between Mobile station transmission and reply reception is proportional to range between antennae. The azimuth or bearing is measured at the Fixed station and is transmitted, encoded, as part of the reply. The signal used is a very brief interruption or occultation in a continuous wave transmission; this interruption being detected at the Fixed station and a similar reply interruption initiated. For accuracy, successive displayed ranges are obtained by averaging a great number of observed time lapses (one thousand or ten thousand, depending upon function selected). Position reference is thus obtained in a continous, reliable, accurate manner utilising only one external (Fixed) station. Once a microwave link is established then voice communications are possible using handsets. Position reference can be obtained whenever there is a line-of-sight between the Fixed and Mobile stations which gives the system greater operating ranges than BPR or Tautwire. Typical maximum range is about 30km, but for DP purposes 5km is a more realistic figure. At ranges greater than this the bearing Page 91 accuracy of about 0.03 degrees leads to a deterioration in positional accuracy inadequate for DP purposes. Range accuracy of around 0.5 metres is obtained. Range and bearing obtained are then passed into the DP system by means of a suitable interface and corrections are applied for vessel roll and pitch values (which cause the antenna to move) and for antenna offsets relative to the rotation centre locations. The Artemis Fixed station is often set up permanently, or as a temporary installation upon a fixed or floating production platform or similar. Before use the Fixed station must be calibrated for bearing. To do this it is necessary to obtain a visual reference direction - to identify some fixed object nearby (another platform perhaps) to which the bearing can be obtained by reference to terrestial co-ordinates. A small telescope is shipped into a mounting on the Fixed station antenna, and the antenna trained by hand until the reference object lies on the cross-wire in the telescope. The antenna is thus trained onto the reference bearing, which bearing is entered into the unit display. The reference bearing may be referred to True North or any local grid North. Subsequent to such calibration the telescope can be unshipped and bearing readout for any antenna direction should follow correctly. The Fixed station may be a temporary installation, placed upon a platform for one particular job of limited duration. In this case it is necessary for the equipment to be installed, taking care that the antenna will cover the sea area of the DP vessel's worksite, also that the antenna can rotate without fouling platform structure. It is also necessary to ensure that the antenna position will not interfere with other platform functions. A power supply must be obtained, preferably with a redundant battery back-up supply, and platform staff will need to be instructed in the operation of the system. If the vessel is to work all round the platform then two or maybe more Fixed stations will need to be installed to cover the 360 degrees. The elevations of the Fixed station antennae must be compatible with that of the Mobile station, since, with only a 22 degrees vertical beamwidth it is possible, at close ranges, for the signals to be lost if Fixed and mobile antennae are at different heights. Page 92 Artemis Operation Pair number 0 1 2 3 Mobile Station 9200 MHz 9300 MHz 9230 MHz 9270 MHz Fixed Unit* 9230 MHz 9270 MHz 9200 MHz 9300 MHz The Artemis has 4 frq. Pair for multi user operation. The Mobile and Fix stations are operated via the keyboard and display of the operating panels. Once a link has been established between the two stations, the complete system can be controlled from one station, generally the Mobile station. Operator interaction between the keyboard and the display of the operating panel is via a menu structure. This is basically the same for both the Mobile and Fix station. 1 2 3 <MAIN MENU> OPERATE MODIFY MONITOR MOB WAKE UP FIX WAKE UP Main menu Mobile station 4 5 6 1 2 3 <MAIN MENU> OPERATE MODIFY MONITOR FIX WAKE UP MOBILE CONFIG 4 5 6 Main Menu Fix station From the main menu a selection can be made from the six categories by keying in the number adjacent to the category. OPERATE is selected to display the position parameters distance and azimuth. MODIFY is selected to read and/or change station parameters, location parameters, autosearch scan angles, clock, operating mode, communication parameters and voice channel volume. MONITOR is selected to monitor supply voltages, mixer crystal currents, Automatic Gain Control, tuning and servo signal readings, temperature of wave guide and distance measuring circuit. WAKE-UP is selected to define the time and date the station is to switch itself on, this function is normally not used. FIX (if Mobile station) is selected at the Mobile station to remotely access the Fix menu structure to read and/or modify Fix station parameters. MOBILE (if Fix station) is selected at the Fix station to remotely access the Mobile menu structure to read and/or modify Mobile station parameters. CONFIG is selected to configure an ABU before it is put into operation for the first time. Page 93 ANTENNA INDICATOR DISPLAY The antenna indicator display shows: a) b) c) The ANTENNA DIRECTION marker, which indicates the direction of the antenna with respect to the chosen reference direction. When the EOP is connected to the Mobile station, the marker indicates the relative antenna bearing. When connected to the Fix station, the marker indicates the azimuth. The MAIN BEAM marker, if signal containing the correct address code is received and the antenna is locked to the counter station. The AUTOSEARCH SCAN SECTOR marker, if the autosearch operating mode is selected and an autosearch scan sector is set. The unshaded area indicates the actual scan sector. ARTEMIS OPERATIONAL From the viewpoint of the DP operator, the major advantage of Artemis compared with many other PRS is its range. When approaching the worksite the Artemis link can be established when a mile or more away, and provided line-of-sight is maintained then position reference is available immediately DP is engaged. However, there are drawbacks. Interference can be experienced from radar transmissions from other vessels (or from ones own!) at 3cm frequency. Also, loss of signal will occur due to any line of sight break, such as a vessel passing through the beam, or personnel on the platform working in the vicinity of the Fixed antenna. Precipitation may also cause loss of signal. An operational disadvantage is the lack of control over the Fixed station. Being sited upon a remote platform it is not of immediate access to ships staff and is subject to interference from unauthorised platform staff. occassionally for example, the batteries are "borrowed" for another purpose and not replaced Page 94 ARTEMIS DIP ZONES PRODUCT 800 H1 x H2 H1 = Mobile antenna height H2 = Fixed antenna height 6000 10000 14000 18000 22000 26000 30000 26000 30000 700 600 500 DIP ZONES 400 300 6000 10000 14000 18000 22000 DISTANCE (metres) At certain ranges, mutual interference will cause loss of signal. These are known as "Dip zones". A table of Dip zones is provided, entered with elevations of Fixed and Mobile antennae, and yielding Dip zone ranges. ARTEMIS BEACON BASE POSITION ARTEMIS BEACON ARTEMIS MOBILE ANTENNA ARTEMIS MICROWAVE LINK THE BEACON IS SIMPLY A TRANSPONDER. NO BEARING DATA TRANSMITTED OFFSHORE LOADING TERMINAL WITH ROTATING TURNTABLE BEARING MEASURED AT MOBILE ANTENNA SHUTTLE TANKER DURING APPROACH TELEMETRY LINK ALLOWS TURNTABLE AZIMUTH TO BE TRANSMITTED TO THE VESSEL SUCH THAT BEACON OFFSET CAN BE COMPENSATED FOR, CORRECTING THE RANGE TO THE BASE LOCATION Under some circumstances it may not be possible to establish an Artemis Fixed Station. This may be where the fixed station location is not positively "fixed" in position. An example of this situation is an offshore spar buoy used for shuttle tanker loading. Increasingly such tankers are fitted with DP for positioning during the loading operation, and Artemis is used Page 95 for position reference. The spar buoy, however is mobile to a certain extent and may be able to rotate. In this case the Fixed Station is replaced by an Artemis Beacon. The Beacon is a transponder with a broad beam antenna. The antenna itself is fixed. The system is used in exactly the same manner as the standard Artemis, a microwave link may be established without personnel assistance on the installation. This is essential since many Offshore Loading Terminals using Artemis beacons are unmanned. Range data is obtained in the same way as with a Fixed station with identical accuracy. Bearing is obtained at the Mobile station end, using the Mobile antenna direction and gyro heading reference. Bearing accuracy is thus reduced, being only as good as the gyro compass - perhaps 0.25 to 0.5 degrees. For this reason it is suitable for shorter range operations. Page 96 The Taut Wire position reference system Taut Wire differs from other position reference systems by being chiefly mechanical in principle, not reliant upon radio or acoustic transmissions. 15.1 Taut Wire system principle CENTRE OF ROTATION x y D D CENTRE OF ROTATION DEPRESSOR WEIGHT Y Y = D tan + X y X = D tan + x A Taut Wire system consists of a constant tension winch unit fitted on deck, with a boom or 'A'-frame projecting over the side of the vessel. Wire from the winch drum passes over a sheave at the end of the boom, through a sensor head, and terminating in a depressor weight on the seabed. Position reference is obtained from measurements of wire angle and water depth, the position of the vessel being defined relative to the location of the stationary depressor weight. Page 97 Bandak Mk. VIII A typical Taut Wire system is the Bandak Light Weight Taut Wire Mark VIII. In this system the depressor weight has a mass of 350 kg, while 500m of 5mm wire is provided. Maximum wire angle is 30 degrees to the vertical in any direction, and the maximum water depth for use is 350m. The motor and drive unit is mounted on deck at the side of the ship, with the system control panel adjacent. The deployment method uses an ‘A’ frame, which stows in the vertical position. To deploy, the ‘A’ frame is lowered to the horizontal, projecting overside. The weight is then lowered to the seabed. Once at the seabed the system automatically puts the winch into tension or "mooring" mode. At this moment the wire length deployed is read by the system. Subsequent movements of the vessel are accommodated by the spooling of the winch, while wire angles to the vertical, both in the longitudinal (fore-and-aft) and in the athwartships plane are continuously monitored by the sensor units at the end of the boom. Taut wire signals are fed back to the DP through a suitable interface and can be accepted by the operator at the DP console. The system continually corrects input data for values of roll and pitch such that wire angles are relative to the true vertical instead of the local ship vertical. Corrections are also applied to allow for the offset distance of the position of the sensor head relative to the Centre of Rotation of the vessel. Frequently, the Taut Wire system is fitted with remote controls such that the DP operator may deploy the boom and weight from the bridge. Often, however, this facility is not used unless the operator can actually see the system he is deploying; it is not a particularly safe practice to remotely operate the Taut Wire without being able to see what is happening. Page 98 A Taut Wire system is particularly robust and reliable, together with being accurate. Maintenance is necessary but this is under the control of the vessel operators - there is no remote and inaccessible equipment involved. Spare wires and depressor weights can be carried and the system may be regularly oiled and serviced to schedule. A worn, stranded or frayed wire can be replaced. In constant use the wire may wear at the same spot all the time. To overcome this problem the wire can be unshipped from the weight and cropped back approximately ten metres every couple of weeks or so. This brings a new portion of wire onto the sheaves when working and also freshens the connection to the depressor weight another point of possible failure. It is important to log the remaining wire length at each "crop". Taut Wire range limitations MOONPOOL TAUT WIRE NO BILGE KEEL LIMIT BUT VERY LIMITED RANGES IN SHALLOW WATER SHORTER RANGE IN SHALLOW WATER BILGE KEEL LIMIT LONGER RANGE IN DEEPER WATER One drawback of the system is its limited operating range, due to the 30-degree wire angle limit. This limit is imposed due to the increasing risk of dragging the weight at larger angles. A dragging weight could, of course, lead to immediate position errors from the system. The operating range is thus dependent upon water depth; the deeper the water the greater the range of cover. Another limit is imposed by the bilge keel of the vessel impinging upon the wire before the 30-degree angle is reached. Often a vessel is fitted with two Taut Wire systems, one on each side, allowing the operator to select the most advantageous system for the circumstances. If the vessel is working close alongside a platform, with divers or ROV deployed into the platform, then the Taut Wire on the side away from the platform will be used. This keeps the wire away from the operation and also allows the vessel to deploy the Taut Wire before making her final move onto the worksite without the wire coming onto the bilge keel. In some vessels the Taut Wire system is fitted at the forward extremity - right on the bow of the vessel. One problem associated with this location is the large accelerations experienced Page 99 in moderate to rough seas due to vessel pitching. Occasionally system dropout will result from the winch spooling rate being unable to cope with the pitching. Tautwire deployment TAUTWIRE DEPLOYED ON SIDE AWAY FROM PLATFORM OR STRUCTURE THE TAUT WIRE SHOULD BE DEPLOYED WITH A POSITIVE OUTWARD ANGLE SUCH THAT POSITION REFERENCE FROM IT IS MAINTAINED DURING THE EARLY STAGES OF A MOVE AWAY TW ANGLE LIMIT IF THE TAUT WIRE IS DEPLOYED PLUMB TW ANGLE LIMIT VERTICAL WITH THE VESSEL ON THE WORKING POSITION, THEN ANY MOVE AWAY WILL RESULT IN TAUTWIRE DROPOUT AS THE WIRE CONTACTS THE BILGEKEEL DEPRESSOR WEIGHT When using Taut Wire as a position reference, it is necessary to plan with care the position for deployment of the depressor weight. The seabed can be a cluttered place and often a field operator will stipulate that there must be nothing placed on the seabed within a certain distance (perhaps ten or twenty metres) of pipelines, control lines or other seabed installations. In addition to this constraint the operator would aim to place the weight in a position so that the final working position of the vessel does not result in the wire angle almost at its 30-degree limit. This would prevent the vessel moving in one direction. In practice, a working limit of 20 degrees is recommended. A further drawback of the Taut Wire system is that there is no geographical reference for position. It is never known with certainty exactly where, in terms of geographical co-ordinates, the depressor weight landed. Since position reference is from the weight then exact coordinates for the ship are not available as they would be if using a UTM-referenced position reference such as DGPS. Page 100 Effects of strong tides on Taut Wire VESSEL OFFSET POSITION OF VESSEL AND WIRE WITH NO TIDE TIDE EFFECTS EXAGGERATED FOR ILLUSTRATION THE WIRE MAY ALSO OSCILLATE OR VIBRATE IN STRONG TIDES WIRE BENDING DUE TO TIDE An other drawback of the Taut Wire system is that the current / tide can bend the wire and subsequently make an error in the positioning. The wire may also oscillate or vibrate in storng tide. The Taut Wire requires a continuous power supply and it uses a fairly large amount of power when compared with other position references. As such it is not connected to the UPS system powering the remainder of the DP but is wired directly into the main switchboard. Several other types of Taut Wire system are in use. The Taut Wire Mk 8-22 from Bandak has a deep-water capability down to 500m. This unit is provided with a computer, modelling the curve in the wire caused by tidal forces. Typical accuracy is around 10m, deteriorating to 20 - 30m at 500m depth. Page 101 An other model from Bandak is the Mk 12. This model does not have the hydraulic weight catcher but use depressor weight with a special shape. Page 102 For some types of vessel a platform type of Taut Wire can be used. This may be fitted in a bridge or cellar deck of a semi-submersible vessel where access to the sea is available directly beneath the Taut Wire location platform. While similar to the type already described, this unit dispenses with the extending telescopic boom. Instead the weight simply lowers directly away from its housing structure. Often, this type of Taut Wire is housed in a deckhouse structure, so it is protected from the elements when in use and at other times. Page 103 For some vessels a Moonpool Taut Wire is suited. This unit is mounted inboard with a depressor weight deployed through the bottom of the vessel through a small moonpool or wet well. The sensor head is incorporated into an elevator unit that is lowered from the tweendeck stowage level down to the keel level. The depressor weight and wire are then lowered onwards from there. Hydraulic accumulator provides movement compensation and positional data is obtained and processed in exactly the same way as in the types previously described. The function of a Moonpool Taut Wire is to enable a DP vessel to operate in surface ice conditions. It also has the advantage of obviating the bilge keel angular limit. A disadvantage arises, with this type of installation, in shallow water, since the sensor head is that much closer to the seabed than with a deck mounted unit. This further reduces the horizontal scope of the system, already limited in shallow water. Page 104 Another style of taut wire is the Horizontal or Surface Taut Wire system. This unit gives position reference relative to a fixed structure. The wire is passed across to the platform adjacent and secured. The geometry is different to the Vertical Taut Wire but principles are the same. No boom is needed, instead the sensor is located atop a short vertical tower. Range is limited to about 100 m wire length but the wire is wholly "in view" unlike the Vertical Taut Wire system. Page 105 Taut wire display page Kongsberg DP Page 106 Fanbeam System Fanbeam is an auto tracking laser system for one or a number of targets. Used with DP, only one target is tracked at a time. Scanner unit Control unit The system is made up of 4 parts: • Scanning head • Control unit • Display • Power supply Power unit Display unit The scanning head is placed on the top viewing. The laser has two lenses, one the right-hand lens when facing forward must be kept clean. When the laser is will face astern. The laser can be tilted vertically so that point towards the target. A telescope is the laser for this use. The laser is Class 1 laser, the same as the laser used in a CD player. of the mast to achieve full 360° for transmitting and one for receiving, being the transmitter. The lenses parked, the lenses the centre axis will mounted on top of classified as a Targets Page 107 The targets must be equipped with reflectors, preferably retro prisms that return incoming light inside ±30° of the centre of the prism. Reflective tape, “Diamond Grade White Reflective Tape” is recommended, can be used at short range only because the quality of the return signals is poor. The longer the distance, the more prisms must be used, stacked on top of each other. • • • For distances up to 1 km three prisms should be used. For distances over 1 km six prisms should be used. To make a target visible from all angles the prisms should be formed as a circle consisting of 8 prisms and the circles stacked on top of each other. Range Measurements The laser measures range with great accuracy. Theoretical maximum range = 30.000 m Theoretical minimum range = 3,75 m The laser beam: 20° vertical fan shape (± 10°) from the centre axis of the lens. The fan shape is made by the lens. Due to loss, this fan will be reduced to approx. 6° (± 3°) at 2 km. 2 cm horizontal beam. Laser is parallel light beams. Bearing Measurements The scanner contains a motor which rotates the laser in the horizontal axis and an encoder which measures the bearing. To find the bearing the system has to find the target centre. This is achieved through the laser scanning the target in a specified sector. Based on the reflected light the target’s horizontal centre of gravity is calculated. The system will automatically adjust the centre of the sector to the target’s centre of gravity. The sector has to be large enough for the system to be able to follow the target if the vessel suddenly changes heading, and the effects of pitch and roll. The laser’s horizontal bearings are measured with an optic encoder with a resolution of 0,01°. This makes the accuracy better than 0,02°. At a distance of 1 km the inaccuracy will be 35 cm. The system gives bearing and range to target relative to the vessel. To find the vessel’s position the DP system must know the vessel’s heading. The accuracy of the measurements of an ordinary gyro is approx. 0,5°. At a distance of 1 km the inaccuracy will be 8,8 m, and thus making the gyro the limiting factor for the system. In addition, the scanning head’s position in relation to the vessel’s centre of gravity must be corrected for pitch and roll by VRS signals. Operation The operation is simple: 1. Search for targets 2. Select a target 3. Park the laser after use Page 108 Use the arrows to go between the different commands, and select command by pressing the ENT button. On older versions with a plasma display, the command line refers to buttons just underneath the display, or function keys (F keys) on a keyboard when using a PC. Main Menu The main menu consists of 4 commands: If you suspect that you have changed something that should not have been changed, switch the system off and on, the values will then be reset. • 1. Setup • - used for initial setup as data out put, Alarms Colours and Vessel Outline Page 109 • • 3. Park 2. Track - used when searching and selecting target - used when the laser returns to parked position 4. The COMMAND menu used for different command functions Page 110 Fanbeam Maintenance Control and wash scanning head regularly. Wash with a mild detergent. Clean lenses using a proprietary lens cloth. The connectors to be greased with silicon grease. Every 6. month the shaft seal has to be lubricated. Apply a grease gun to the nipple under the laser until grease is just seen appearing from the upper lip. Use lithium based multipurpose grease. If greasing is neglected, the shaft seal has to be replaced. The result might also be ingress of water with resulting problems. Page 111 CyScan system CyScan is a high performance, laser based, location tracking system specifically engineered to aid the automatic positioning of vessels in marine applications. It can serve as the primary or back-up location device and is applicable to virtually any type of vessel. CyScan comprises a scanning sensor system and associated PC based data processing software. The system is usually permanently installed on a vessel as an integrated part of its navigation or dynamic positioning system. The scanner takes range and bearing measurements to pre-positioned passive retro-reflective targets with high precision. The target(s) are typically located in the vicinity of a required docking station or on another vessel. The measurements are used to determine the vessel’s position and heading in relation to the target location. Readings can automatically feed into the vessel’s navigation control system via an industry standard data interface. Typical applications include dynamic positioning, docking control, shuttle mooring , tanker berthing, diver / ROV support and hydrographic surveying. Page 112 RadaScan system – FMCW principle RadaScan is an advanced position reference system for use in DP and other vessel control applications. It has been specifically designed for the offshore sector with a usable range out to 1000m under all weather conditions. Its typical measurement accuracy is 0.05%. The system comprises an FMCW (Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave) radar operating in the 9.25 GHz maritime radiolocation band. This picks up reflections from pre-mounted retroreflective targets. These are non-powered and introduce a unique code into the reflected signal allowing realiable identification of the targets by digital signal processing. A network interface provides a convenient connection to any DP system. Page 113 RADius system – FMCW principle RADius is a relative positioning system developed for operation in harsh and demanding environment utilising radar technology. New technology RADius represents a new way of utilising FMCW (Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave) radar technology in short range and direction monitoring. The system is primarily designed for use in harsh and demanding offshore environments where GPS may be inaccurate, and the need for an accurate, independent and available system is crucial. A typical application for RADius is to control or assist the dynamic positioning of a vessel next to a platform or in alongside operations. Applications As a stand-alone system, or interfaced with dynamic positioning or integrated bridge systems, RADius provides an extremely accurate and responsive aid to loading and unloading procedures for operations in all weather conditions. Docking and oil loading procedures are also applications that can take advantage of the RADius system. Page 114 Transponder #1 Transponder #3 distance azimuth Transponder #2 Interrogator The RADius system measures distance and angle to the transponders. It can operate on one transponder alone or up to five simultaneously. Transmitted signal time Reflected signal time Transponder Distance = ½ • Fb/Fs • Ts • c Velocity = ½ • D • L Fb – beat frequency RADius measures range based on FMCW (Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave) principle It sweeps the frequency transmitted and mix the transmitted signal with the received signal. The transmitted signal has changed frequency during the flight time of the received signaled and it is the difference between the transmitted frequency and the received frequency that is measured. This frequency difference is proportional to the distance to the transponder. Page 115 Transponder Patch Path 11 d α Path 22 Patch φd = s • s= d *s in( α) 2π λ , Phase difference, patch 1 and 2 RADius determines angle to target by utilization of several receiver antennas. The principle is then based on measuring the phase of the carrier simultaneously on the different antenna elements shown in the picture. When the signal source is right in front of the antennas, the carrier will be equal on all the elements showing that the angle to the transponder is 0. When the transponder is off center of the antennas, the radio beam will hit the antennas different. The difference is then used to determine the angle to the transponder. Page 116 GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System) - Overview GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) is a satellite system that is used to pinpoint the geographic location of a user's receiver anywhere in the world. Two GNSS systems are currently in operation: the United States' Global Positioning System (NAVSTAR or GPS) and the Russian Federation's Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS). A third, Europe's Galileo, is being developed for future use. Each of the GNSS systems employs a constellation of orbiting satellites working in conjunction with a network of ground stations. All GNSS systems can be divided into three basic segments: Space segment (satellites) Control segment (control stations) User segment (Receivers) This will be discussed in the following. GPS History The GPS System was created and realized by the American Department of Defense (DOD) and was originally based on and run with 24 satellites (21 satellites being required and 3 satellites as replacement). Nowadays, about 30 active satellites orbit the earth in a distance of 20200 km. GPS satellites transmit signals which enable the exact location of a GPS receiver, if it is positioned on the surface of the earth, in the earth atmosphere or in a low orbit. GPS is being used in aviation, nautical navigation and for the orientation ashore. Further it is used in land surveying and other applications where the determination of the exact position is required. The GPS signal can be used without a fee by any person in possession of a GPS receiver. The only prerequisite is an unobstructed view of the satellites (or rather of the sky). The correct name of the system is NAVSTAR (Navigation System for Timing and Ranging), but commonly it is referred to as GPS (Global Positioning System). 1973 Decision to develop a satellite navigation system based on the systems TRANSIT, TIMATION und 621B of the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Navy. 1974 - 1979 System tests 1977 First receiver tests are performed even before the first satellites are stationed in the orbit. Transmitters are installed on the earth’s surface called Pseudolites (Pseudo satellites) 1978 - 1985 A total of 11 Block I satellites are launched in this period. 1980 Launching of the first Block I satellite carrying sensors to detect atomic explosions. This satellite is meant to control the abidance of the agreement of 1963 between the USA and the Soviet Union to refrain from any nuclear tests on the earth, submarine or in space. 1979 Decision to expand the GPS system. Thereupon the resources are considerably shortened and the program is restructured. At first only 18 Page 117 satellites should be operated. 1988 the number of satellites is again raised to 24, as the functionality is not satisfying with only 18 satellites. 1980- 1982 The financial situation of the project is critical, as the usefulness of the system is questioned again and again by the sponsors. 1983 When a civilian airplane of the Korean Airline (Flight 007) was shot down after it had gone lost over Sovjet territory, it was decided to allow the civilian use of the GPS system. 1986 The accident of the space shuttle "Challenger" means a drawback for the GPS program, as the space shuttles were supposed to transport Block II GPS satellites to their orbit. Finally the operators of the program revert to the Delta rockets intended for the transportation in the first place. 1989 The first Block II satellite was installed and activated. 1990 - 1991 Temporal deactivation of the selective availability (SA) during the Gulf war. In this period civil receivers should be used as not enough military receivers were available. On July 01, 1991 SA is activated again. 08.12.1993 The Initial Operational Capability (IOC) is announced. In the same year it is also definitely decided to authorize the world wide civilian use free of charge. March 1994 The last Block II satellite completes the satellite constellation. 17.07.1995 Full Operational Capability (FOC) is announced. 01.05.2000 Final deactivation of the selective availability and therefore improvement of the accuracy for civilian users from about 100 m to 20 m. 20.03.2004 Launching of the 50st GPS satellite. 25.09.2005 Lauch of the first IIR-M GPS-satellite. This new type supports the new military M-signal and the second civil signal L2C. GPS System Description Space Segment The space segment consists of at least 24 satellites. Number of Satellites Number of orbital planes Satellites pr. Plane Orbital inclination Orbital Radius Orbital Period Repeat ground track 24 + spares 6 4 55 deg. 20.180 km 11 h 58m 23 h 56m Page 118 The first of the satellites was brought to its orbit as early as 1978. During the years the satellites became more and more sophisticated and meanwhile five different types of these satellites exist (Block I, Block II, Block IIA, Block IIR(M) and Block IIF). Block I Satellites From 1978 to 1985 11 Block I satellites were launched from California, each having a weight of 845 kg. None of those still operates today. The lifespan was supposed to be 4.5 years, but all of them exceeded this lifespan with about 5 years. The oldest of the satellites, in the beginning designed as prototype for the testing of the system, has been operating for 13 years. All signals of the Block I satellites were accessible for civil users. GPS-Block I Satellite Block II Satellites GPS-Block IIF Satellite GPS-Block IIA Satellite Block II satellites weigh more than 1500 kg and have a wingspan of approximately 5.1 m. The first of these satellites were launched in 1988 from Cape Canaveral. They are constructed for a service life of 7.5 years. In 1990 the first Block IIA satellite (A for "advanced") was launched. A total of 9 Block II and 18 Block IIA satellites were launched till September 1996. Although the satellites are still in six different orbits, each with the same angle to the equator, the newer Block IIA satellites have a slightly different constellation in space. Block IIRs began replacing older Block II/IIAs in July 1997. There are currently thirteen Block IIR satellites on orbit, the last being a modernized IIR (IIR-M). The Block IIR satellites boast dramatic improvements over the previous blocks. They also have reprogrammable satellite processors enabling problem fixes and upgrades in flight. In September 2005, the first satellite of a new generation (IIR-M, Replacement-Modernized) was successfully launched. The satellites of this type have the capacity to implement a second civil signal (L2C) and a new military signal with a new code (M-code on L1M and L2M). The satellite now weighs 2 tons and costs $ 75 million. Initially, the satellites of the Block IIR generation should be brought to their orbit in groups of three by space shuttles. But after the challenger catastrophe in 1986 it was decided to take the satellites to the orbit in pairs with Delta rockets. Page 119 Paradoxically, the first two satellites launched with a Delta rocket were lost when the rocket had to be destroyed due to a malfunction shortly after the lift off. This was the first malfunction ever of a rocket of this type. Block II satellites have a couple of further features which are not related to the GPS system. For example they are equipped with sensors capable of detecting atomic explosions. The fourth generation (Block IIF) is planned to provide a third frequency for civil use (L5), allowing position determinations with even higher precision. Status Status of the GPS system is best followed from the official web site for the Glonass system; Timing Timing is essential for the system to work. Therefore each satellite is equipped with two rubidium and two cesium atomic clocks. From the base frequency of the atomic clocks (10.23 MHz) all other frequencies that are required for the GPS-satellite are derived. The newer satellites of Block IIR and IIR-M are equipped with three rubidium atomic clocks. Their extreme precision of ± 1 second in 1 million years is absolutely necessary for the functioning of the system. Page 120 Satellite Orbits The satellites orbit the earth with a speed of 3.9 km per second and have a circulation time of 12 h sidereal time, corresponding to 11 h 58 min earth time. This means that the same satellite reaches a certain position about 4 minutes earlier each day. The mean distance from the middle of the earth is 26560 km. With a mean earth radius of 6360 km, the height of the orbits is then about 20200 km. Orbits in this height are referred to as MEO – medium earth orbit. In comparison, geostationary satellites like Inmarsat – satellites orbit the earth at 42300 km, which is about twice the distance of GPS satellites. The satellites are arranged on 6 planes, each of them containing at least 4 slots where satellites can be Orbits of the GPS-Satellites arranged equidistantly. Today, typically more than 24 satellites orbit the earth, improving the availability of the system. The inclination angle of the planes towards the equator is 55°, the planes are rotated in the equatorial plane by 60° against each other. This means that the orbits range from 55° north to 55° degrees south. (Block I satellites had an inclination of 63° against the equator.) By this arrangement of the orbits it is avoided that too many satellites are to often over the north and south pole (like it was the case in the TRANSIT system, where the satellites ran on polar orbits). However the orbits run far enough to the north and south to guarantee GPS availability in Polar Regions. Furthermore this arrangement leads to a rather stable constellation, as orbit disturbing factors like solar winds and gravitation fields have about the same influence on all of the satellites. Inclination of the orbital planes The number and constellation of satellites guarantees that the signals of at least four satellites can be received at any time all over the world. The closer you get to the poles, the lower over the horizon the satellites are located. They can still be received very well, but in no case they are directly above. This may lead to a - typically insignificant - loss of the precision of the position determination. This effect, caused by the geometry of the satellite arrangement, happens from time to time on any spot of the earth surface and can be forecasted. Control Segment (Monitor Stations) The GPS-System is controlled by the US Army. The “master control station” (Schriever Air Force Base) and five additional monitoring stations (on Hawaii, Cape Canaveral, Ascension Islands, Diego Garcia and Kawajalein) are set up for monitoring the satellites. During August and September 2005, six more monitor stations of the NGA (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency) were added to the grid. Now, every satellite can be seen from Page 121 at least two monitor stations. This allows calculating more precise orbits and ephemeris’s data. For the end user, a better position precision can be expected from this. In the near future, five more NGA station will be added so that every satellite can be seen by at least three monitor stations. This improves integrity monitoring of the satellites and thus the whole system. Position of the monitor stations and the master control (Note Cape Canaveral not shown) The passive monitor stations are GPS receivers which track all satellites in their range and collect data of the satellite signals. The raw data are then sent to the mater control station where the data are processed. The stations on Ascension Islands, Diego Garcia and Kwajalein are also transmitting stations for correction data. Satellite-tracking-station on Hawaii The "master control station" is located on the Schriever Air Force Base (formerly Falcon AFB), about 20 km south of Colorado Springs. Here the data from the monitor stations are processed 24 h a day in real time. As results, information about orbits and clocks of the satellites are obtained. Doing this, possible malfunctions can quickly be detected. Additionally, from the raw data new ephemeris data are calculated. Once to twice a day, these data and other commands are sent back to the satellites via the transmitting antennas on Ascension Islands, Diego Garcia or Kwajalein. Block IIR satellites are capable of exchanging data with other satellites and can correct their orbit data on their own. In theory they only need a contact to a ground station every 180 days. Schriever AFB, Colorado User Segment (GPS-Receiver) Page 122 The user segment consists of the GPS receiver situated at the user. Seatex DPS 700 Transmitted GPS Signals The GPS signal is quite complex and offers the possibility of determining the following parameters: one-way (passive) position determination, exact distance and direction determination (Doppler effect), transmission of navigation information, simultaneous receiving of several satellite signals, provision of corrections for ionospheric delay of signals and insusceptibility against interferences and multi path effects. In order to fulfil all these requirements, the signal structure described below was developed. Each GPS satellite transmits two carrier signals, designated as L1 and L2. The L1 frequency (1575.42 MHz, wavelength 19.05 cm). The L1 frequency carries the C/A code (see below). In addition to the C/A code navigational information is modulated into the L1 signal. The information contains data like satellite orbits, clock corrections and other system parameters (information about the status of the satellites). These data are constantly transmitted by each satellite. From these data receiver gets its date, the approximate time and the position of the satellites. The L2 frequency (1227.60 MHz, wavelength 24.45 cm) The L2 frequency carries the P code and is only used by receivers which are designed for PPS (precision positioning code). Mostly this can be found in military receivers. Modulation of the carrier signals The L1 and L2 frequencies are the carrier signals, which are modulated by phase modulation as follows: C/A and P (Y) Code The carrier phases are modulated by three different codes: 1. The C/A code (coarse acquisition). The C/A code is the base for all civil GPS receivers. The C/A code is a pseudo random code (PRN) which looks like a random code but is clearly defined for each satellite. It is repeated every millisecond. Pseudo Randum Numbers (PRNs) Each satellite have a unique number and the satellites are identified by the receiver by means of PRN-numbers. GPS satellites are numbered from 1 – 32. These PRN-numbers of the satellites appear on the satellite view screens of many GPS receivers. Page 123 2. The P code (p = precise). It modulates the L1 as well as the L2 carrier frequency and is for special users. (Military). For protection against interfering signals transmitted by an possible enemy, the P-code can be transmitted encrypted. 3. Y-code During this anti-spoofing (AS) mode the P-code is encrypted in a Y-code. The encrypted code needs a special AS-module for each receiving channel and is only accessible for authorized personnel in possession of a special key. The P- and Y-code are the base for the precise (military) position determination. Since January 31, 1994 the AS-system is operating continiously and the P-code is only transmitted as Y-code. Position Determination with GPS. In a considerably simplified approach, each satellite is sending out signals with the following content: I am satellite X, my position is Y and this information was sent at time Z. In addition to its own position, each satellite sends data about the position of other satellites. These orbit data (ephemeris and almanac data) are stored by the GPS receiver for later calculations. For the determination of its position on earth, the GPS receiver compares the time when the signal was sent by the satellite with the time the signal was received. As explained earlier, each satellite transmits a pseudo random code (PRN) which is known to the receiver. The receiver can now compare the PRN in the receiver memory with the PRN it just received. The following graph shows two identical codes. The colored rectangles symbolize binary 1, white gaps symbolize 0. The violet rectangles are the signal from the satellite; the orange rectangles are the signal from the receiver. Now it is determined how “far” the signals have to be shifted until they are aligned. The distance corresponds to a time – the runtime of the signal from the satellite to the receiver. By means of this runtime the distance between the satellite and receiver can be calculated. Comparison of two signals. Top: shifted; Bottom: aligned Knowing the position of the satellite in space and receiving data from other satellites, the present position can be calculated by trilateration (meaning the determination of a distance from three points). This means that at least three satellites are required to determine the position of the GPS receiver on the earth surface. The calculation of a position from 3 satellite signals is called 2D-position fix (two-dimensional position determination). It is only two dimensional because the receiver has to assume that it is located on the earth surface (on a plane twodimensional surface). By means of four or more satellites, an absolute position in a three dimensional space can be determined. A 3D-position fix also gives the height above the earth surface as a result. In the following an explanation is given, how the position determination by GPS works. For simplification, in the first step we assume that the earth is a two-dimensional disk. This allows us to do some understandable sketches for illustration. The principle can then be transferred to the model of a three-dimensional globe. Page 124 In the example on the left, the time needed by a signal to travel from the first of two satellites to the receiver was determined to be 4 s. (In reality this value is far too high. As the signals travel with the speed of light (299 792 458,0 m/s), the actual time span for signals from the satellite to the receiver lies in the range of 0.07 s.) Based on this information, we state that the receiver is positioned somewhere on a circle with a radius of 4 s around the first satellite (left circle). If we perform the same procedure with a second Position determination with two satellites satellite (right circle), we get two points of intersection. (in a 2-dimensional world) On one of the two points the receiver must be situated. Now we have used two satellites. But the process is called trilateration, not dilateration so don't we need a third satellite? We may use a third satellite but we could also assume that the receiver is located somewhere close to the earth's surface and not deep in space, so we can neglect point B and know that the receiver must be found on point A. The area in the picture above which shaded grey is the region in which GPS signals are supposed to be “realistic”. Positions outside this area are discarded, so is point B. This assumption replaces the third satellite which would in theory be required for the process of trilateration. In this example a position is obtained from only two satellites. So we just need a third satellite for a third dimension and that's it? Well, in principle yes. But… The problem lies in the determination of the exact runtime of signals. As explained above, satellites impose a sort of time stamp on each transmitted data package. We know that all clocks of satellites are absolutely precise (they are atomic clocks after all) but the problem is the clock in our GPS receiver. Atomic clocks being to expensive, our GPS receivers are based on conventional quartz clocks which are comparatively inaccurate. What does this mean in practice? Let's stick to our example and suppose the clock in our receiver is 0.5 seconds early compared to the clock in the satellite. The runtime of the signal seems to be 0.5 s longer than it actually is. This leads to the assumption that we are on point B instead of point A. The circles that intersect in point B are called pseudoranges. They are called “pseudo” as long as no correction of the synchronisation errors (bias) of the clocks has been performed. 2D position determination with 2 satellites and clock error Page 125 Depending on the accuracy of the clock in the GPS receiver, the determined position will be more or less wrong. For the practice of GPS based navigation this would mean that no determined position can ever be of any use, as the runtimes of the signals are so short, that any clock error has an overwhelming influence on the result. A clock error of 1/100 second, which is difficult to imagine but quite common from car races or skiing races, would in GPS navigation lead to a mistake in the position of about 3000 km. To achieve an accuracy of 10 m of the position, the runtime of the signal must be precise to 0.00000003 seconds. As atomic clocks are no option in GPS receivers, the problem is solved in another and quite elegant way: If a third satellite is taken into account for the calculation of the position, another intersection point is obtained: in case that all clocks are absolutely precise, point A would be obtained, corresponding to the actual position of the receiver. In case of the receiver clock being 0.5 s early, the three intersection points B are obtained. In this case the clock error stands out immediately. If now the time of the receiver clock is shifted until the three intersection points B merge to A, the clock error is corrected and the receiver clock is synchronized with the atomic clocks in the satellites. The GPS receiver can now be regarded as an atomic clock itself. The distances to the satellites, formerly regarded as pseudoranges, now corresponds to the actual distances and the determined position is accurate. 2D position determination with 3 satellites and corrected clock In case of the example – a two dimensional disc world – we error therefore need three satellites for an unequivocal determination of our position. In the real world which has one additional dimension (the height), we would need a fourth satellite. Well, then why is it always said that three satellites are enough? In practice you get a two-dimensional position determination (2D-fix) with three satellites. The position is bound to be located on the earth's surface. The fourth satellite is the geocenter; the distance to the “fourth satellite” corresponds to 6360 km (the radius of the globe). Therewith the fourth satellite necessary for the calculation is given, but the calculation is restricted to locations on the earth surface. However the earth is not a perfect sphere. The surface of the earth in this case means the earth geoid, corresponding to sea level. If the receiver is located on a mountain, the determined position again is afflicted with an inaccuracy, as the runtime of the satellite signals is wrong. Conclusion: 3 satellites solution = 4 (or more) satellites solution = 2D position, Solution: Latitude, longitude and time 3D position – Solution: Latitude, longitude, height and time Page 126 Carrier Phase Carrier phase is another processing technique that gathers data via a carrier phase receiver, which uses the radio signal (carrier signal) to calculate positions. The carrier signal, which has a much higher frequency than the pseudo-random code, is more accurate than using the pseudorandom code alone. The pseudo-random code narrows the reference then the carrier code narrows the reference even more. After differential correction, this processing technique results in sub-meter accuracy. Carrier phase follows the same general concept as described earlier, but uses the satellite's carrier as its signal, not the messages contained within. The improvement possible using this signal is potentially very high if one assume a 1% accuracy in locking. For instance, the GPS C/A signal broadcast in the L1 signal changes phase at 1.023 MHz, but the L1 carrier itself is 1575.42 MHz, over a thousand times faster. This corresponds to a 1% accuracy of 19 cm using the L1 signal, and 24 cm using the lower frequency L2 signal. The difficulty in making a carrier phase system is properly aligning the signals. The navigation signals are deliberately encoded in order to allow them to be aligned easily, whereas every cycle of the carrier is similar to every other. This makes it extremely difficult to know if you have properly aligned the signals, or are "off by one" and thus introducing an error of 20 cm or a larger multiple of 20 cm. This integer ambiguity problem can be addressed to some degree with sophisticated statistical methods that compare the measurements from the C/A signals and by comparing the resulting ranges between multiple satellites. Generally this means that the receivers locks on to the code in order to find the correct. Page 127 Glonass History Glonass (Global'naya Navigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema or in english: GLObal NAvigation Satellite System) is a radio-based satellite navigation system, developed by the former Soviet Union and now operated for the Russian government by the Russian Space Forces. Its United States' counterpart is the Global Positioning System (GPS). Development on the GLONASS began in 1976, with a goal of global coverage by 1991. From 1982 through April 1991, the Soviet Union successfully launched a total of 43 GLONASSrelated satellites plus five test satellites. In 1991, twelve functional GLONASS satellites in two planes were available; enough to allow limited usage of the system. Following the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, continued development of GLONASS was undertaken by the Russian Federation. It was declared operational on September 24, 1993 by then-president Boris Yeltsin, however the constellation was not completed until December 1995. In the six years following completion, Russia was unable to maintain the system. By April of 2002, this resulted in only eight satellites remaining in operation, which rendered the system almost useless as a global navigation aid. With GLONASS falling rapidly into disrepair, a special-purpose federal program named "Global Navigation System" was undertaken by the Russian government. According to it, the GLONASS system was to be restored to fully deployed status (i.e. with 24 satellites in orbit and the global continuous coverage) by 2011. The New York Times reported that Russia had committed to accelerated launches, with eight satellites scheduled to be orbited in 2007 and a goal of reaching global coverage in 2009. As of April 2007, the number of operational satellite had increased to twelve, in addition to one new satellite in its commissioning phase. Cooperation with the Indian government In January, 2004 the Russian Space Agency (RSA) announced a joint venture deal with India's space agency, the Indian Space Research Organization, where-in the two government agencies would collaborate to restore the system to constant coverage of Russian and Indian territory by 2008 with 18 satellites, and be fully operational with all 24 satellites by 2010. Discussions with United States government Following the December 2006 meeting in Moscow of the GPS-GLONASS Interoperability and Compatibility Working Group (WG-1), an announcement appeared on both US and Russian government websites stating both sides had made significant progress in understanding the benefit to the user community of changing GLONASS to a signal pattern that is in common with GPS and Galileo. On May 18th 2007, Russian president Vladimir Putin signed a decree officially providing open access to the civilian navigation signals of the GLONASS system, to Russian and foreign consumers, free of charge and without limitations. Page 128 Glonass System Description Space segment Fully deployed the GLONASS system would consist of 24 operating satellites within three orbital planes spaced longitudinally by 120 degrees. Each satellite plane is nominally inclined to the equator by 64.8° a somewhat higher inclination compared to GPS thus making the coverage better for higher latitude sites. An illustration of this effect can be found in the below figures, where the GLONASS satellites help to reduce the gap in the sky. Polar plot of GPS satellite sky tracks as seen from latitude 57.4 N for a period of 24 hours The midpoint of the plot is equivalent to the zenith direction with the elevation decreasing to zero at the outer edges of the figure. Due north is upwards in the figure. Polar plot of GLONASS+GPS satellite sky tracks as seen from latitude 57.4 N , for a period of 24 hours Number of Satellites Number of orbital planes Satellites pr. Plane Orbital inclination Orbital Radius Orbital Period Repeat ground track 24 + spares 3 8 64.8 deg. 19.130 km 11 h 15m 8 days* * Due to the constellation, a fully operational Glonass system will (on same location) show a satellite in the same direction and altitude every 24h. Page 129 Each satellite is identified by its slot number, which defines the orbital plane and its location within the plane. The 1st orbital plane has slot numbers 1…8, the 2nd orbital plane - slots 9…16, and the 3rd orbital plane - slots 17…24. None of the first launched Glonass satellites are in use today. Since the decision to focus on the repair of the Glonass system, there have been sent up several new generation Glonass satellites have been launched: December 2004: 3 satellites, December 2005: 3 satellites, December 2006: 3 satellites. The 2nd generation Glonass satellites (Glonass-M) satellite have better signal characteristics, a 2nd civilian signal, as well as a longer design life (7-8 years instead of the current 3 years). Glonass-K satellites is the 3rd generation Glonass satellites that was put into service. These satellites will have increased characteristics, a 3rd civilian signal and improved lifespan (10-12 years) Page 130 Status Status of the Glonass constellation can be followed at the official web site: Timing Just as the GPS system, timing is essential for the system to work. GLONASS time is based on an atomic time scale similar to GPS and Glonass satellites carries atomic clocks. This time scale is UTC as maintained by Russia (UTC (SU)). There is a difference in the time tags of GPS and Glonass satellites. Page 131 Ground Segment The ground control segment of GLONASS is entirely located within former Soviet Union territory. The Ground Control Center and Time Standards is located in Moscow and the telemetry and tracking stations are in St. Petersburg, Ternopol, Eniseisk, Komsomolsk-naAmure. The fact that all ground stations are within the former Sovjet Union can lead to update of satellites being “old” when not in sight from a ground station. This problem will be less and less, with new generation satellites, being able to autonomous operations without being in contact with a ground station. User Segment (Glonass-Receiver) The user segment consists of the Glonass receiver situated at the user. Seatex DPS 700 (DPS200 only) Transmitted Glonass Signals and position determination Just as the GPS signal, the Glonass transmits signals on 2 frequencies, called L1 and L2. There is a difference in the frequencies from the GPS. As the GPS, several signals are transmitted on the frequencies: The SPS, standard positioning service and the PPS, precise positioning service together with navigation signals. There is a difference in the way the satellites are recognized by the receiver. Glonass uses so called FDMA - Frequency Division Multiple Access – system. This means that the codes of the satellites are the same for each satellite, but the Page 132 frequency is different for each satellite, giving the receiver the information of which satellite is sending the signal. For GPS the military P-code is encrypted to a so called Y-code a method known as AS or antispoofing. This is not done for GLONASS although the Russian authorities advise not to use the military code for navigational purposes due to military reasons. The determination of the position is working on the same principles as the GPS system. Page 133 Galileo History Galileo will be Europe’s own global navigation satellite system, providing a highly accurate, guaranteed global positioning service under civilian control. It will be inter-operable with GPS and GLONASS, the two other global satellite navigation systems. The European Union and European Space Agency agreed on March 2002 to introduce their own alternative to GPS, called the Galileo positioning system. The total cost of the system was expected to be about GBP £2.4 billion. The first experimental satellite was launched on 28 December 2005. Galileo is expected to be compatible with the modernized GPS system that will be operational by after 2012. The receivers will be able to combine the signals from both Galileo, Glonass and GPS satellites to greatly increase the accuracy. At present (2007) there is some uncertainty regarding the future funding of the project. The time span of a fully operational system goes beyond 2010 and maybe even later. Gallileo System Description Space segment The Galileo space segment will comprise thirty satellites in a Walker constellation with three orbital planes at 56° nominal inclination. Each plane will contain nine operational satellites, equally spaced, 40° apart plus one inactive spare satellite to replace any of the operational satellites in case of failures. The spare, nonoperational satellite in each orbit plane, ensures that in case of failure the constellation can be repaired quickly by moving the spare to replace the failed satellite. This could be done in a matter of days, rather than waiting for a new launch to be arranged which could take many months. Page 134 The orbit altitude of 23 222 km results in a repeat a constellation repeat cycle of 9 days 23 hours 20 min. during which each satellite has completed seventeen revolutions. Number of Satellites Number of orbital planes Satellites pr. Plane Orbital inclination Orbital Radius Orbital Period Repeat ground track 27 + 3 spares 3 9 (10 with spares) 56 deg. 23.222 km 14 h 05m 9 days 23 hours 20 min. Control segment The core of the Galileo ground segment will be the two control centres. Each control centre will manage “control” functions supported by a dedicated Ground Control Segment (GCS) and “mission” functions, supported by a dedicated Ground Mission Segment (GMS). The GCS will handle spacecraft housekeeping and constellation maintenance while the GMS will handle navigation system control. The GCS will use a global network of nominally five TTC stations to communicate with each satellite on a scheme combining regular, scheduled contacts, long-term test campaigns and contingency contacts. The TTC Stations will be large, with 13-metre antennas operating in the 2 GHz Space Operations frequency bands. During normal operations, spread-spectrum modulation (similar to that used for TDRSS and ARTEMIS data relay applications) will be used, to provide robust, interference free operation. However, when the navigation system of a satellite is not in operation (during launch and early orbit operations or during a contingency) use of the common standard TTC modulation will allow non-ESA TTC stations to be used. Mission control segment The Galileo Mission Segment (GMS) will use a global network of nominally thirty Galileo Sensor Stations (GSS) to monitor the navigation signals of all satellites on a continuous basis, through a comprehensive communications network using commercial satellites as well as cable connections in which each link will be duplicated for redundancy. The prime element of the GSS is the Reference Receiver. The GMS communicates with the Galileo satellites through a global network of Mission Up-Link Stations (ULS), installed at five sites, each of which will host a number of 3-metre antennas. ULSs will operate in the 5 GHz Radionavigation Satellite (Earth-to-space) band. The GMS will use the GSS network in two independent ways. The first is the Orbitography Determination and Time Synchronisation (OD&TS) function, which will provide batch processing every ten minutes of all the observations of all satellites over an extended period and calculates the precise orbit and clock offset of each satellite, including a forecast of predicted variations (“SISA”, Signal-in-Space Accuracy) valid for the next hours. The results of these computations Page 135 for each satellite will be up-loaded into that satellite nominally every 100 minutes using a scheduled contact via a Mission Up-link Station. User Segment (Receiver) The user segment consists of the receiver situated at the user. Transmitted Signals and position determination Galileo receivers receive the signals broadcast by the Galileo satellites and process them to compute position. Through this processing, the receivers extract measurements giving an indication of the distance from the user to the satellite. They also decode the Galileo navigation data, which contain fundamental pieces of information for computing the user position such as the position of the satellites or the satellite clock errors as determined by the Galileo ground segment and up-linked regularly to the Galileo constellation. The frequencies used by the satellites are within the 1.1 to 1.6 GHz band; a range of frequencies particularly well suited for mobile navigation and communication services. Each Galileo satellite will broadcast 10 different navigation signals making it possible for Galileo to offer the open (OS), safety-of-life (SOL), commercial (CS) and public regulated services (PRS). A distinction is made between signals containing navigation data (the data channels) and signals carrying no data (pilot channels). In the diagram this is highlighted by plotting the data channels and the pilot channels in orthogonal planes, a means of indicating that the signals of the data and pilot channels are shifted by 90 degrees in phase, which allows for their separation in the receivers. Galileo signals have codes All the satellites transmit at the same frequency, that is, the Galileo signal at L1 is broadcast at 1575.42 MHz from any satellite. To allow the receivers to distinguish which satellites the signals are coming from and to allow the receivers to measure the time it took the signal to travel from the satellite to the receiver (the basic measurements used for position determination), a code is added to the signal. This code is different for each satellite and its design is one of the many arts involved in making a good satellite navigation system. A long code would allow tracking of very faint signals, such as those received inside a building, but it would be very difficult to acquire because a receiver acquires the signal by searching for the delay of the received code and for a long code there are more possibilities than for a shorter code. Shorter codes are good for achieving fast acquisition but may lead to false acquisitions of satellites when a receiver confuses the signal between two satellites. This is because the capability of a receiver to distinguish between two different codes is inversely proportional to the length of the codes. The code is like a key. When a receiver attempts to acquire a satellite signal, it compares the code of the received signal with a local replica stored on the receiver. When the two codes match, the receiver channel is open, otherwise the receiver tries with another code corresponding to another satellite till it succeeds. Page 136 However, not all the elements of the code need to match precisely and it is sufficient if the two codes are close enough. This means that the more complex the keys are, that is, the longer the codes, the more difficult it is to confuse keys, and therefore to mix up satellites. Why so many different Galileo signals ? In the end, a good engineering compromise has been found, but since those compromises may not satisfy all type of users (an indoor, static user may like long codes, while outdoor, fastmoving users would prefer short codes), the solution has been to provide alternative codes with different characteristics on the various Galileo signals. This is one of the reasons why there are so many signals. In GPS only one signal is available, which does not allow the kind of optimisation performed for Galileo. This will be overcome with the GPS modernization programme where more GPS signals will be made available. Another reason for having so many signals in Galileo is to allow the receiver to estimate the ionospheric delay error. This error is due to the delay that the navigation signals suffer when they travel through the ionosphere. This delay, makes the distance from the satellite to the user, as measured by the receiver, appear longer than it actually is and if not corrected would lead to large positioning errors. Fortunately, this delay is proportional to the frequency of the signal, with lower frequency signals experiencing a longer delay than higher frequency signals. Therefore, by combining measurements to the same satellite at two different frequencies it is possible to produce another measurement where the ionospheric error has been cancelled out. This cancellation becomes more effective as the separation between the two frequencies increases. This is the reason why Galileo services are generally realized using pairs of signals. The open services are realized by using the signals at L1, E5a and E5b, whether data or pilot. Several combinations are also possible, such as a dual frequency service based on using L1 and E5a (for best ionospheric error cancellation) or single frequency services (at L1, E5a, E5b or E5a and E5b together) in which case the ionospheric error is removed using a model, and even triple frequency services using all the signal together (L1, E5a and E5b), which can be exploited for very precise centimetric applications. The safety of life services are based on the measurements obtained from the open signal and use the integrity data carried in special messages designated for this purposed within the open signals. The safety of life service is like a data channel within the open signals. The Commercial service is realized with two additional signals in the 1278.75 MHz band plus also the capability to include commercial data within the open signals. The Public Regulated Service is realized by two signals in the 1575.42 MHz and the 1278.75 MHz band. The signals are encrypted allowing the implementation of an effective access control scheme. Finally, the distinctive shape of the spectrum of the signals is due to the special modulation adopted for Galileo. This modulation has been adopted to avoid interference with other satellite navigation systems within the same band, which is indeed the case of GPS at L1. The modulation adopted is the so called BOC(1,1), meaning Binary Offset Carrier of rate (1,1). This kind of modulation allows GPS and Galileo signals to occupy the same frequency while avoiding mutual interference. This makes building receivers that use both GPS and Galileo simpler because GPS and Galileo use the same frequency. Page 137 DARPS (Differential Absolute and Relative Positioning System) Some DP functions require the positioning of a vessel relative to a moving, rather than fixed, position. An example of this is the operation of a DP shuttle tanker tandem loading via a bow loading hose from the stern of a floating production vessel (FPSO). The FPSO may be turretmoored and in a continuous weathervane mode. As well as the FPSO having a certain amount of positional wander, the stern of the FPSO describes the arc of a circle providing a complex positioning problem for the shuttle tanker. The Seatex DARPS system (Differential Absolute and Relative Positioning System) is configured to handle this problem. The storage tanker or FPSO uses DGPS to monitor its absolute position using the Network DGPS. This enables the shuttle tanker to determine both its Absolute and its Relative position. For the measurement of relative position differential corrections are not used, as the errors are the same for the shuttle tanker as they are for the FPSO. A DARPS transponder is placed on the point of reference (FPSO) and telemeters received GPS data to the UHF transceiver aboard the shuttle tanker. A computer aboard the shuttle tanker then makes a comparison between the GPS position of the transponder and the GPS position of the tanker, deriving a range/bearing vector which may be input to the DP system as position reference. When the shuttle tanker is in the approach mode it will initiate the UHF comms with its transceiver, activating the FPSO DARPS transponder. This link has a range of some 2 - 3 km. and remains active until loading completes and the tanker moves off, when the system can be switched off. RELATIVE GPS FPSO USING THRUSTER ASSISTED MOORING ON A WEATHERVANE HEADING SHUTTLE TANKER THE SHUTTLE TANKER RECEIVES GPS DATA DIRECTLY ANDTELEMETERED FROM THE FPSO, THUS RELATIVE POSITION IS DETERMINED 20.6 Page 138 Sources of Errors in GNSS systems Selective Availability The most relevant factor for the inaccuracy of the GPS system is no longer an issue. On May 2, 2000 5:05 am (MEZ) the so-called selective availability (SA) was turned off. Selective availability is an artificial falsification of the time in the L1 signal transmitted by the satellite. For civil GPS receivers that leads to a less accurate position determination (fluctuation of about 50 m during a few minutes). Additionally the ephemeris data are transmitted with lower accuracy, meaning that the transmitted satellite positions do not comply with the actual positions. In this way an inaccuracy of the position of 50 – 150 m can be achieved for several hours. While in times of selective availability the position determination with civil receivers had an accuracy of approximately 100 m, nowadays 20 m or even less is usual. Especially the determination of heights has improved considerably from the deactivation of SA (having been more or less useless before). The reasons for SA were safety concerns. For example terrorists should not be provided with the possibility of locating important buildings with homemade remote control weapons. Paradoxically, during the first gulf war in 1990, SA had to be deactivated partially, as not enough military receivers were available for the American troops. 10000 civil receivers were acquired (Magellan and Trimble instruments), making a very precise orientation possible in a desert with no landmarks. Meanwhile SA is permanently deactivated due to the broad distribution and world wide use of the GPS system. The following two graphs show the improvement of position determination after deactivation of SA. The edge length of the diagrams is 200 m, the data were collected on May 1, 2000 and May 3, 2000 over a period of 24 h each. While with SA 95 % of all points are located within a radius of 45 m, without SA 95 % of all points are within a radius of 6.3 m. Plot of the position determination with and without SA Page 139 "Satellite geometry" Another factor influencing the accuracy of the position determination is the "satellite geometry". Simplified, satellite geometry describes the position of the satellites to each other from the view of the receiver. If a receiver sees 4 satellites and all are arranged for example in the north-west, this leads to a “bad” geometry. In the worst case, no position determination is possible at all, when all distance determinations point to the same direction. Even if a position is determined, the error of the positions may be up to 100 – 150 m. If, on the other hand, the 4 satellites are well distributed over the whole firmament the determined position will be much more accurate. Let’s assume the satellites are positioned in the north, east, south and west in 90° steps. Distances can then be measured in four different directions, reflecting a “good“ satellite geometry. The following graph shows this for the two-dimensional case. If the two satellites are in an advantageous position, from the view of the receiver they can be seen in an angle of approximately 90° to each other. The possible positions are marked by the grey circles (Errors on position). The point of intersection A of the two circles is a rather small, more or less quadratic field (blue), the determined position will be rather accurate. If the satellites are more or less positioned in one line from the view of the receiver, the plane of intersection of possible positions is considerably larger and elongated- The determination of the position is less accurate. DOP – Dilution of Precision To indicate the quality of the satellite geometry, the DOP values (dilution of precision) are used. Based on which factors are used for the calculation of the DOP values, different variants are distinguished: Page 140 GDOP (Geometric Dilution Of Precision); Overall-accuracy; 3D-coordinates and time PDOP (Positional Dilution Of Precision) ; Position accuracy; 3D-coordinates HDOP (Horizontal Dilution Of Precision); horizontal accuracy; 2D-coordinates VDOP (Vertical Dilution Of Precision); vertical accuracy; height TDOP (Time Dilution Of Precision); time accuracy; time HDOP-values below 4 are good, above 8 bad. HDOP values become worse if the received satellites are high on the firmament. VDOP values on the other hand become worse the closer the satellites are to the horizon and PDOP values are best if one satellite is positions vertically above and three are evenly distributed close to the horizon. Satellite Orbits Although the satellites are positioned in very precise orbits, slight shifts of the orbits are possible due to gravitation forces. Sun and moon have a weak influence on the orbits. The orbit data are controlled and corrected regularly and are sent to the receivers in the package of ephemeris data. Therefore the influence on the correctness of the position determination is rather low, the resulting error being not more than 2 m. Multipath effect The multipath effect is caused by reflection of satellite signals (radio waves) on objects. It was the same effect that causes ghost images on television using antennae on the roof. For GPS signals this effect mainly appears close to platforms (reflections) or with low satellites reflecting signal onboard the vessel. The reflected signal takes more time to reach the receiver than the direct signal. The resulting error typically lies in the range of a few meters. . If the reflected signal is very strong, the GPS receiver might lose lock on the satellite. Multipath is difficult to detect and sometime hard to avoid. Page 141 Atmospheric effects One of the biggest sources of inaccuracy is the reduced speed of the signal in the troposphere and ionosphere. While radio signals travel with the velocity of light in the outer space, the speed in the ionosphere and troposphere is slower. In the ionosphere in a height of 80 – 400 km a large number of electrons and positive charged ions are formed by the ionizing force of the sun. The layers of electrons and ions in the ionosphere refract the Influenced propagation of radio waves through the earth's atmosphere electromagnetic waves from the satellites, resulting in an elongated runtime of the signals. These errors are mostly corrected by the receiver by calculations. The receivers have a build in model of the standard ionospheric conditions, giving possibility to calculate the delay of the radio signal for standard conditions. Theses variations are taken into account for all calculations of positions. However single frequency receivers are not capable of correcting unforeseen runtime changes, for example by strong solar winds. The effect of ionospheric activity is very much depending on the solar activity. The solar activity goes in cycles of 11-12 years. Signals with lower frequencies are slowed down more than signals with higher frequencies. If the signals of higher and lower frequencies which reach a receiver are analysed with regard to their differing time of arrival, the ionospheric runtime elongation can be calculated. Dual GPS receivers use the signals of both frequencies (L1 and L2) which are influenced in different ways by the ionosphere and are able to eliminate another inaccuracy by calculation. Dual frequency receivers can to a large extend eliminate the effect of ionospheric activity. Due to the phenomenon known as Ionospheric scintillations, the effect of the ionosphere can vary locally. Irregularly structured ionospheric regions can cause diffraction and scattering of trans-ionospheric radio signals. When received at an antenna, these signals present random temporal fluctuations in both amplitude and phase. This is known as ionospheric scintillation. Page 142 Ionospheric scintillations can cause the receivers to loose track – or lock - of satellites. The L2 frequency is more vulnerable to scintillations due to the techniques used. The tropospheric effect is a further factor elongating the runtime of electromagnetic waves by refraction. The reasons for the refraction are different concentrations of water vapour in the troposphere, caused by different weather conditions. The error caused that way is smaller than the ionospheric error, but can not be eliminated by calculation. It can only be approximated by a general calculation model. The following two graphs visualize the ionospheric error. The left data were collected with a one-frequency receiver without ionospheric correction, the right data were collected with a twofrequency receiver with ionospheric correction. Both diagrams have approximately the same scale (Left: latitude -15 m to +10 m, longitude -10 m to +20 m, Right: latitude -12 m to +8 m, longitude -10 m to +20 m). The right graph clearly shows less outliers. Clock inaccuracies and rounding errors Despite the synchronization of the receiver clock with the satellite time during the position determination, the remaining inaccuracy of the time still leads to an error of about 2 m in the position determination. Rounding and calculation errors of the receiver sum up approximately to 1 m. Relativistic effects The following section shall not provide a comprehensive explanation of the theory of relativity. In the normal life we are quite unaware of the omnipresence of the theory of relativity. However it has an influence on many processes, among them is the proper functioning of the GPS system. This influence will be explained shortly in the following. As we already learned, the time is a relevant factor in GPS navigation and must be accurate to 20 - 30 nanoseconds to ensure the necessary accuracy. Therefore the fast movement of the satellites themselves (nearly 12000 km/h) must be considered. Whoever already dealt with the theory of relativity knows that time runs slower during very fast movements. For satellites moving with a speed of 3874 m/s, clocks run slower when viewed from earth. This relativistic time dilation leads to an inaccuracy of time of approximately 7,2 microseconds per day (1 microsecond = 10-6 seconds). The theory of relativity also says that time moves the slower the stronger the field of gravitation is. For an observer on the earth surface the clock on board of a satellite is running faster (as the Page 143 satellite in 20000 km height is exposed to a much weaker field of gravitation than the observer). And this second effect is six times stronger than the time dilation explained above. Altogether, the clocks of the satellites seem to run a little faster. The shift of time to the observer on earth would be about 38 milliseconds per day and would make up for an total error of approximately 10 km per day. In order that those error do not have to be corrected constantly, the clocks of the satellites were set to 10.229999995453 Mhz instead of 10.23 Mhz but they are operated as if they had 10.23 MHz. By this trick the relativistic effects are compensated once and for all. There is another relativistic effect, which is not considered for normal position determinations by GPS. It is called Sagnac-Effect and is caused by the movement of the observer on the earth surface, who also moves with a velocity of up to 500 m/s (at the equator) due to the rotation of the globe. The influence of this effect is very small and complicate to calculate as it depends on the directions of the movement. Therefore it is only considered in special cases. Sum of errors The errors of the GPS system are summarized in the following table. The individual values are no constant values, but are subject to variances. All numbers are approximate values. Ionospheric effects ± 5 meter Shifts in the satellite orbits ± 2.5 meter Clock errors of the satellites' clocks ± 2 meter Multipath effect ± 1 meter Tropospheric effects ± 0.5 meter Calculation- und rounding errors ± 1 meter Altogether this sums up to an error of ± 15 meters. With the SA still activated, the error was in the range of ± 100 Meter. Page 144 Differential GNSS Differential GPS (DGPS) or Glonass (DGlonass) systems are a way of correcting the received signal of the GNSS satellite in order to improve accuracy. The way it works includes 2 receivers, namely the one we have at the user end and one placed at a known point, normally a shore. As the receiver ashore - known as the reference station - have information of its own position and are receiving signals from a number of satellites, the position error at the reference station can be determined. This is calculated in to a correction for each satellite. Observed Position: Co-ordinates [Lat, lon, determined from GPS Surveyed Position: Antenna [Lat, lon, This correction is then send to the user by various means: — Maritime radio beacons (the IALA beacons) — HF, UHF or VHF radio systems — Satellite-based systems (Geo stationary Inmarsat & Spotbeam satellites) GPS sats. Providing positions to the Reference station (RS) AND User (vessel) Calculated correction for EACH satellite is transmitted by various means to the user and processed at the user end, optimizing the position. It is of utmost importance to understand, that the satellites used to send the corrections to the user are NOT GNSS satellites, but geostationary satellites in much higher orbits. Page 145 On board the vessel (user end), the corrections are processed and used on the same satellite and in that way optimizing the position. It is only possible to correct satellites which are visible to both the reference station and the user. Errors introduced to the GPS signals are often similar over large geographical areas. The DGPS principle therefore assumes that major errors like: • • Satellite clock and ephemeris errors Disturbances in the ionosphere and troposphere are of the same magnitude at both the reference station and the mobile station. The corrections, when processed and incorporated into measurements in the user GPS receiver, virtually eliminate errors common to both the DGPS reference station and the on-board GPS receiver. This is normally the case when the distance between user and reference station is relatively small. Distance between Reference station and user is small. Effected by same errors If the distance between user and reference station increases, the errors at the reference station and the user end is not the same. This is referred to as “spatial decorrelation” Spatial decorrelation can be described as a gradual increase in error as User/reference station distance increases. This error is due to differences in the path of the radio signal from the satellite to the reference station and user receivers. When the signal paths to reference station and user are not identical, the resulting differences show up as position errors that cannot be removed by differential correction (because this error is not common to base and rover). Usually such differences are the result of variation in the Earth's ionosphere and troposphere. Distance between reference station and user is big. Effected by different ionosphere and having different errors Due to the phenomenon known as Ionospheric scintillations, the effect of the ionosphere can vary locally. Irregularly sturctured ionospheric regions can cause diffraction and scattering of Page 146 trans-ionospheric radio signals. When received at an antenna, these signals present random temporal fluctuations in both amplitude and phase. This is known as ionospheric scintillation. Some reference stations around the equator have a dual receiver and are transmitting the error due to ionosphere to the user. When the user has a dual receiver, this error can be calculated onboard and the information from the reference station used to improve accuracy even more. Dual receivers and dual corrections improves accuracy, but does not totally removes the effects of scintillations. FUGRO On board DP vessels these corrections are bought from companies specialized in optaining and distributing corrections. One of these companies are Fugro Seastar. Fugro Seastar AS is situated in Oslo, Norway and is part of Fugro Norway AS. Fugro Norway AS is owned by Fugro N.V in The Netherlands, a multi-national group with approx. 7000 employees and over 250 offices in about 60 countries. DGNSS Infrastructure Management and Support Fugro operates a global DGNSS network. The network includes: 100 reference stations, an extensive data communication network and 3 manned network control centres (NCC) The reference stations are fitted with high quality GNSS (GPS/GLONASS) receivers and a data communications link. The differential correction data generated is gathered centrally at the NCC's, and then broadcast to the mobile users using 10 different communication satellites. These include the 4 Inmarsat operational satellites for use with conventional Inmarsat communications equipment and high power channels on a further 6 satellites. The main advantage of the high-power data broadcast is support for small omni-directional antennae systems. Fugro Seastar AS has management and operational responsibility for Fugro's DGNSS infrastructure in Europe, Africa and Middle East. The reference stations upload correction information to 3 Network control centers for quality control, and these stations transmits the corrections to the satellites. The signals are decoded at the user end with a special decoder – A demodulator. The decoded signal – the correction – is send to the receiver and used for differential correction. Page 147 SBAS - Satellite Based Augmentation System A Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) is a system that supports wide-area or regional augmentation through the use of additional satellite-broadcast messages. Such systems are commonly composed of multiple ground stations, located at accurately-surveyed points. The ground stations take measurements of one or more of the GNSS satellites, the satellite signals, or other environmental factors which may impact the signal received by the users. Using these measurements, information messages are created and sent to one or more satellites for broadcast to the end users. The two main SBAS systems at present (2007) are WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System) operated by USA and EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) operated by the European ESA, but more systems will be available eventually, giving a more or less global coverage of corrections. SBAS corrections do not need extra antennas or extra demodulators to be used by the receiver. The only thing needed is a SBAS prepared receiver. The area covered by WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS is expected to be bigger then the original plan due to many countries will participate ( e.g. China, India) or there will be installed Reference Station other places in the world ( e.g. Rio de Janeiro , Angola, Panama ) In the United States of America, the Federal Aviation Administration has taken the lead for developing its Wide Area Augmentation System or WAAS. The WAAS signal was made available for non-aviation users in 2000. It currently delivers accuracies of one meter horizontal and two meters vertical and supports aviation precision approach performance. An Initial Operational Capability (IOC) for aviation use started in July 2003 and its Full Operational Capability (FOC) is planned for the end of 2007. Japan is developing an SBAS founded on its Multi-function Transport Satellite (MTSAT) called the MTSAT Satellite Augmentation System or MSAS. The first phase based on single geostationary satellite coverage. Initial phase of MSAS were commissioned September 2007. Page 148 While the second phase is based on dual geostationary satellite coverage. We expect MSAS to deliver a Non Precision Approach capability, and this could be enhanced to provide precision approach performances Canada’s SBAS (known as CWAAS) strategy is based on an extension of the US WAAS coverage by deploying a network of reference stations and linking these to the US WAAS master control stations. The first international Wide Area Reference Station (WRS) was installed in Gander, New Foundland, Canada in June 2005. India’s SBAS, GAGAN (GPS and GEO Augmented Navigation), is being co-ordinated by the Indian Space Research Organisation and the Airports Authority of India. They are planning for an initial operational capability in 2006/7. The People’s Republic of China is deploying its Satellite Navigation Augmentation System (SNAS). There is also a high level of interest in Brazil and the African continent. There are currently (2006) 10 test stations in Africa – with two more planned for South Africa and Madagascar. More international installations will be installed in Mexico City, Merida, and Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; and at Goose Bay, Canada. Page 149 How does SBAS work In principle all SBAS systems are working the same way. The following is based on the WAAS system, but other systems have the same specifications. Similar to a beacon transmitter the WAAS system collects data from strategically placed and well characterized ground locations. However, unlike the standard DGPS a WAAS system cannot directly send corrections to the pseudorange data. This is because the unit has no idea where you are. Instead it attacks the problem by addressing the individual sources of error and sending corrections for each one of them. The biggest component of error is due to ionospheric delays followed by clock errors and ephemeris errors. In addition another significant error source was troposphere errors. To attack these error sources the WAAS system sends clock corrections, ephemeris corrections, and ionospheric corrections. It cannot compute tropospheric corrections due to the localized nature of this error but it does remove the tropospheric error component from the data it computes so that the local receiver can apply its own corrections based on an atmospheric model that is based on the current sky location of the SV. The ground stations do not send the data directly to a WAAS satellite for re-transmission but rather to a master ground station that analyzes the input and computes the full detailed error information. This fully correct data is then sent to the GEO satellite to be sent to the GPS receiver. Note that there is no correction done by the GEO satellite; the master ground station will even correct for errors produced by the GEO satellite itself. There are redundant master stations as well for system wide integrity. Clock errors can change rapidly so this data is update every minute if required, ephemeris errors and ionosphere errors don't change nearly so fast so they are only updated every 2 minutes and can be generally be considered valid for up to 3 times that period of time. Even this time is very conservative in practice. Clock and ephemeris data is specific to a satellite but ionospheric errors are specific to your location therefore they must be sent separately. After receiving raw data from each of the ground station the master station divides the country into a grid and then builds ionospheric correction information on a per grid location basis from the data received from each reporting station. It is this grid location that is used by the GPS receiver to determine the applicable ionospheric corrections. In addition the master station determines the validity of the data it receives and can indicate invalid data within 6 seconds to the GPS receiver. Of the forms of error correction supported by WAAS only the ionospheric data requires knowledge of the receiver position. Clock and ephemeris data is available for any receiver even if it is currently located outside the area covered by ionospheric correction data. In addition system integrity data can be used outside this area. The designers of WAAS developed a grid system of correction data that permits a receiver to use the data it needs for this correction. Here is what the grid system looks like. Page 150 The master ground station computes a correction for ionospheric data for each of the points on the grid based on field data it gets from the other ground units. Of course it is very unlikely that there will be data for all of the points on the grid over the entire earth so the GPS receiver downloads a grid mask that is part of the almanac data that tells it where to expect corrections. The mask is divided into bands as shown on the drawing and each band contains 201 grid points (except the last one which has 200). A single bit is used to represent the availability of data on each grid point so the entire band can be contained in a single packet of data. Each geo satellite can have data for up to a maximum of three or four bands but may have less. The master station will generate correction data or each of the grid points tagged in the mask. A receiver will locate its position relative to 4 grid points and interpolate the data from those 4 points based on their relative distance. If only 3 points have data then the receiver will compute a triangle of the 3 points and if it is inside the triangle it will use the 3 points to interpolate its correction. Otherwise, the use of any of the grid points for correction is undefined. It seems however that most GPS implementations will use the data from even a single point if it is "close" to the current location. In addition to correction data the WAAS system places a high degree of importance to system integrity. Each ground station and the master station has independent sources of critical data and can determine if an SV is out of calibration. Bad data can be identified and relayed to the receiver within about 6 seconds. The geosynchronus satellites that retransmit the data can even be used as regular GPS satellites as part of the regular GPS solution since they also relay regular satellite ephemeris data for themselves. This data like all of the other data, is generated Page 151 at the master station and can be turned off independent from the regular WAAS corrections if the satellite drifts too far. All of the data for a region is loaded into the WAAS SV, so only one is required to receive everything. A second provides redundancy. The geostationary satellites do provide a signals very similar to that of the GPS-satellites and on the same frequency. Therefore these satellites may be used for position calculation and additionally, the correction data sent out can be used to improve accuracy for position calculation with all GPS satellites. Page 152 Chapter 12 – Positioning Weighting It is of the outmost importance to the DP function to have: • • • Reliable Continuous Accurate - position reference systems. Reliable : Reliability is of vital importance, to operations where the loss of position reference can course risk to life and property. Continuous : A typical DP system requires positioning update once per second. Accuracy : Normal navigation systems in common use for navigation purpose do not always provide the necessary accuracy for DP operation The DP vessels Position Reference Systems (PRS) are specifically designed and provided for the DP operation purpose and normally independent of the vessel's normal navigation equipment. Position-reference systems Handling Following types of Position Reference Systems are in common used in DP vessels: Artemis - Hydroacoustic Position Reference - Taut Wire - Differential GNSS – Fanbeam / CyScan / SpotTrack - RADius / RadaScan (FMCW principle) SATELLITE NAVIGATION DIFFERENTIAL CORRECTION RADIUS ARTEMIS FANBEAM TAUT WIRE HYDROACOUSTIC POSITION REFERENCE The different position reference media Page 153 Early DP systems (c.1970's) did not utilise this pooling technique, and reliance at any time was upon one PRS only. Such a system may have been connected to two or more PRS, indeed, the operator may have two or more PRS activated and running, but the DP system could only accept one PRS input, operator selected. If that PRS failed, it was up to the operator to detect the failure, deselect the errant PRS, and engage an alternative. That process may have taken some time and could result in a considerable positional discontinuity. Each of these systems operates separately and independently of the DP system, and feed information to the DP by means of an interface. The DP system can handle the different PRS input, and by pooling / weighting the positions the DP obtain an accurate position. This process, is a function of the mathematical filtering the system. A modern DP system is able to pool position-reference data from two or more position-reference systems. If only one position reference system is enabled into the DP then it is simply calibrated, filtered and used, but if two or more are available, then some form of pooling is required. In the DP systems the pooling is reliant upon Weighted averaging. Various methods of weighted averaging are possible. Weighting may be manually achieved, or automatic. If automatic weighting principles are used, the basis for the weighting may be Variance. With Variancebased weighting, the weighting value will depend upon the spread or jitters exhibited of the positional data from each position-reference system, or it may be determined from the offsets observed between successive measurements compared with the DP model position. A weighting system based upon Variance-based principle may suffer problems. For instance, a very low value for Variance (thus high weighting) may result from a position-reference system, which is frozen, and has become a "perfect" position- reference system. Further, the data update rate must be taken into account, since a position-reference system with a high update frequency may appear to have a higher apparent Variance than one with a slow update. Kalman Filtering of Position Data The mathematical technique of Kalman filtering is to provide a method of combining measurements of data from different sources in a statistically optimum manner. The requirement of integrating two or more position-reference systems inputs in a DP system is an example of the use of Kalman filtering. In any DP system two principal factors must be combined. One of these is the software model of the vessel position. This is determined from knowledge of the previous position and of the forces acting on the vessel. The other factor is the position measured from the positionreference systems. These two, model and measured positions, are combined to determine a best estimate of the vessel position. This estimated position is then used to modify the model. The weighting within the Kalman filter upon model position and measured positions will depend upon the expected performance of the position-reference system. If the position-reference system is "noisy", i.e. the variance is large, then greater weight should be placed upon the model. If the position-reference systems are accurate, then greater weighting should be allocated on them. Page 154 The following description of the weighting between different position-reference systems and different tests relates to the Kongsberg’s K-Pos systems. Position reference system Selection and Monitoring In the K-Pos systems you can enable and disable position-reference systems by using the buttons in the Sensors button group. Each button has a status lamp that shows the status of the reference system: Lamp Off: Disabled Lamp flashing: Either enabled and calibrating, or enabled and calibrated but no longer accepted Lamp on: Enabled and accepted (acceptable position measurements are received) Alternatively the position reference systems can be enabled and disabled from the Reference System dialog box. In newer Software this dialog box also provides an option to only monitor a position reference system. The monitored system will not influence the DP model (zero weight). Establishing Reference Origin Several different position-reference systems are normally used with the K-Pos systems. Each position-reference system provides measurements relative to a known reference point specific for that reference system (e.g. GPS reference point is 0.0° N – 0.0° E). The reference point of the first position-reference system that is selected and accepted for use by the K-Pos systems, becomes the reference origin. This position becomes the origin in an internal Cartesian coordinate system to which all position information is calibrated according to. All computed position information is defined by this co-ordinate system. When the first position-reference system is selected, the K-Pos systems system takes the first position measurement and uses this to establish reference origin. The position reference system that defines the reference origin is marked with an asterisk on the Refsys view. On the Posplot view, (if within the range of the view), the position of the reference origin will be indicated by a small circle around an asterisk. As long as no other reference system is selected, the position of the reference origin will be calibrated and continuously established in the centre of all measurements. It is therefore recommended to wait a couple of minutes before enabling other reference systems, to allow an accurate calibration of the reference origin. It should be avoided to enable other position-reference system immediately after the first one. The vessel should be kept at low speed during this calibration. When the second position-reference system is selected, the calibration of the reference origin stops, and the coordinate system is locked to the established reference origin. Note that the position-reference system that becomes the reference origin is not treated as being better or more reliable than any other position-reference system. It concerns only the location of the reference origin. You should select the reference origin that is most appropriate to your operational requirements. If your operation require positioning on absolute positions it is recommended to choose the most accurate and reliable system as the reference origin. Changing the Reference Origin The first position-reference system that is selected remains as the reference origin until you deselect all position-reference systems and select a new system as the first one. Page 155 Calibration of other position reference systems In newer Software all new position-reference systems that are enabled will be calibrated relative to the position of the DP model. The calibration of the new position-reference system is finished when the position co-ordinates have settled to a defined precision. The acceptance limit for calibration (limit for the accepted variance) is derived from the “Expected Accuracy” for the reference system. This is a value usually set to 2.24m as default. This value can be changed in the Reference System Set-up dialog box. This value also influence levels for reference system tests and alarms. Messages, warnings and Alarms There are many messages related to position-reference systems, which could be reported to the operator. Not all will be mentioned and explained in this chapter. All messages are explained in the Help menu on the K-Pos systems. This is some of the alarms, warnings and messages that may be given related to position-reference system handling in the K-Pos systems: Calibration Error No Reference System Active Position Dropout Reference High Noise Reference High Offset Reference High Variance Reference Median Deviation Reference Median Rejected Reference Prediction Error This is in addition to all the alarms, warnings and messages that are related to a specific position- reference system. Tests on position measurements There are several tests performed on the different position-reference system used in the K-Pos systems. The purpose of all the tests is to verify whether the position measurements are outside acceptable limits or not. If the measurements are outside the limits the position-reference system could be rejected by the and K-Pos systems. The K-Pos systems reports when the defined limits are exceeded. The following tests are carried out by the K-Pos systems: Freeze test Variance test inclusive spike detection Prediction test Divergence (Bias) test Median test Timeout / Failure in input - alarms Before any tests are performed the signal received from the PRS is checked by the K-Pos systems. Error situations that are detected and reported could be: Timeout (i.e. data are completely lost) Telegram checksum failure Page 156 - Serial line failures Status failures (such as no differential correction for GPS) Examples of messages are: GPS INVALID HPR NOT OK ARTEMIS SYSTEM TELEGRAM ERROR ARTEMIS COMMUNICATION ERROR Freeze test If a position-reference system has an internal error causing the same measurements to be continuously sent to the Vessel Model, the K-Pos systems could, if no precautions were taken, mistake the data for good and stable measurements. To prevent this position-reference system to be used, a freeze test is implemented. This test rejects the position-reference system if the variance between 4 subsequent measurements from the same position-reference system is approximately equal to zero. The system will provide the following alarm: REFERENCE POSITION FROZEN The freeze test is disabled for some position-reference systems (usually GPS and/or Artemis) due to the resolution in the data from these position-reference systems. Standard Deviation and the Variance test including spike detection For any position-reference system Kalman filtering technique is used. A circle is placed around a representative sample of position returns. The size of the circle relates to the variance or spread, in meters, of the samples of position measurements. The radius of the circle thus corresponds to where 67% of all the raw historical measurements is within. The value for the radius of the circle is called the “Standard Deviation”, SD. As mentioned under calibration of position-reference systems, the acceptance criteria for calibration are derived from the “Expected Accuracy” for the reference system. This is a value usually set to 2.24m as default. This value can be changed in the Reference System Set-up dialog box. This value also influence levels for reference system tests and alarms. GPS and HPR provide an estimate of the accuracy/variance of each position fix. The estimate is in the position telegram from the GPS to the DP if configured to do so, and in the HPR it is automatically forwarded to the DP system. For the Artemis and Fanbeam the estimate is based on a-priori information about the accuracy. The Variance is defined as (SD)². In the Variance test the variance of the raw measurements (Raw Var) is compared with the estimated variance (Estimated Var) for the specific position-reference system: If the Raw Var < Estimated Var ⇒ Combined Var = (Estimated Var + Raw Var)/ 2 If the Estimated Var < Raw Var ⇒ Combined Var = Raw Var Page 157 This means that if the Raw variance is more accurate than the Estimated variance, the Combined variance, which the K-Pos systems will use in the Variance test, is the sum of the two variances divided by two. If the Estimated variance is more accurate than the Raw variance, the K-Pos systems will use the Raw variance as the Combined variance in the Variance test. When the Combined variance is larger than 2.45 x Expected Accuracy (value in the Reference System Set-up dialog box.) The system will provide the following warning: REFERENCE HIGH NOISE The position-reference system is not rejected. When the Combined variance is larger than 3.0 x Expected Accuracy (value in the Reference System Set-up dialog box.) The system will provide the following warning: REFERENCE HIGH VARIANCE The position-reference system is rejected. Prediction test The prediction test detects sudden jumps in the measured values and immediately rejects those measurements that lie outside the limit. The test will also sooner or later reject a system that is drifting away from the other position-reference systems as the measurements are compared with the Vessel Model. The limit for the Prediction test for each position-reference system is derived from the calculated Standard Deviation of each position-reference system. The limit is not constant, but varies with the Standard deviation of the position-reference system and the position of the Vessel Model. The prediction error limit of the most accurate position-reference system at any time, called the Minimum Prediction Error Limit, is displayed on the Refsys view. The limit can be observed as a numerical value and as an unbroken grey circle with radius equal to the value. The limit of the prediction test is derived from the Standard Deviation. With continuously “noisy” measurements the Standard Deviation of that position-reference system will increase, and thus also the prediction test limit. The aim of the prediction test is to avoid validation of “noisy” positions. Therefore the prediction test limit is limited upwards. The prediction limit is also limited downwards, in order to avoid a very low prediction limit when the Standard Deviation is low. This is to avoid that perfectly acceptable measurements are rejected. The operator can change the minimum and maximum values of the prediction limit under the Validation page in the Reference System dialog box. Page 158 Choosing Acceptance Limit Narrow, relates to prediction test limit between 5 and 15 m. Choosing Acceptance Limit Normal, also relates to prediction test limit between 5 and 15 m. Choosing Acceptance Limit Wide, relates to prediction test limit between 8 and 25 m. Even though the minimum and maximum values for Low and Normal is equal, there is a difference in how the prediction test limit is computed, meaning that choosing Low allows smaller jumps in the measurements than choosing Normal. For instance transitory position dropouts due to rough sea will be allowed when choosing Normal. High Limit is default when sailing in the modes Auto Track High Speed and Autopilot/ Autosail. Note that not all vessels have the opportunity to change the Acceptance Limits. Then the limit is set to Normal as default value. If positions are rejected by the Prediction test, the system will provide the following warning: REFERENCE PREDICTION ERROR Slow drift tests There are two slow drift tests added in the K-Pos systems. The Divergence/Bias Test used for two or more position-reference system active, and the Median Test used for three or more position-reference system activated. Divergence test (Bias Test) The divergence test has been introduced in order to give an early warning of potential drift on position-reference systems. The Divergence Test is activated automatically when there are two or more position-reference systems calibrated and online in the K-Pos systems The Divergence test detects when measurements from one position-reference system drift from the others. Page 159 The same test as for the Prediction test is used, but the actual limit is scaled to a lower value. The test gives a warning before the system is rejected by the prediction test, if the drift speed is lower than 1.0 to 1.5 m per minute. The system will provide the following warning: REFERENCE HIGH OFFSET The drifting system is not rejected by the divergence test. If the drifting continues and the system is not deselected, the position-reference system will be rejected by the Prediction test. Median Test For redundant operation a DP vessel will usually (where possible) use three or more positionreference systems, allowing the DP system to apply Voting logic to the measurements. Voting could involve taking the average value, or the Median value of the three or more inputs. The Median is used, not the average, since if averaging was adopted, the inclusion of data from the erroneous system would pollute the average value. The good systems would then show excessive offsets, which might result in them being rejected also. The median test can be activated when three or more position-reference system is online in the K-Pos systems. When measurements from one position-reference system differ from the others, the median test detects this and if selected (by the Operator) it will give the Operator a warning and the position-reference system will be rejected. The offsets from the Median value for each position-reference system are examined and checked against a reject limit, called the Median Test Limit. The Median Test Limit is set to 80% of the Minimum Prediction Error Limit. The Median Test limit is displayed on the Refsys view. The limit can be observed as a numerical value and as an unbroken blue circle with radius equal to the value. A position-reference system exceeding the Median Test Limit will be rejected if “Warning and reject” is selected under the Validation page in the Reference System dialog box. The Median Test can be set to either “Off”, “Warning” or “Warning and reject”. The operator can switch on/off the median test in the Reference System dialog box: Page 160 The system will provide the following warning if “Warning” is selected: REFERENCE MEDIAN DEVIATION The system will provide the following warning if “Warning and Reject” is selected: REFERENCE MEDIAN REJECTED Considerations regarding Median test In some situation such as a combination of two DGPS’s and one HPR with both GPS’s drifting in the same direction, the selection of “Warning and Reject”, could result in the HPR to be rejected. The operator should consider the situation and in this situation the operator should have activated only “Warning” for the median test. Then the system would have notified the operator and the operator could have investigated the problem by using the Refsys view. Refsys view In the Kongsberg K-pos series equipment, a position reference display page, Refsys view, gives a graphic presentations of position-reference system data. The information is letter and colour- coded for each position-reference system. The centre of the plot is the present Vessel Model position. The Standard Deviation is shown as a broken circle for each position-reference system. The Minimum Prediction Error Limit is shown as an unbroken grey circle centred upon the display centre. A numerical value of the Minimum Prediction Error Limit is also displayed. Page 161 The Median Test Limit can be observed as a numerical value and as an unbroken blue circle centred on the median position, with radius equal to the value. The radius is defined as 80% of the Minimum Prediction Error Limit. For each position-reference system, the capital letter with no circle around it represents the last raw data measurement for this system. For each position-reference system, the small inner circle with a capital letter inside represents the filtered position for this system. By clicking on one of the position-reference systems names in the Refsys view, small crosses, “+”, will be displayed, representing a one-minute trace of the raw data for the selected positionreference system. The name of the selected position-reference system will be shown in the “Show Raw History” field, in this case the A *GPS-1. The position-reference system that is providing the Reference Origin is marked with an asterisk, in this case the A *GPS-1. Page 162 For more detailed description of all the options in the Refsys view, it is referred to the K-Pos Systems Operator Manual. The weighting of position-reference systems is described below. Weighting Each position-reference system is assigned a Weighting value. The Weighting values are shown in the Refsys view. The different weightings are based on the calculated variance for each position-reference system. In this way, the system is able to place more emphasis on the position-reference systems that are providing the most accurate measurements. The higher the system’s variance, the lower its weighting factor. Most emphasis is placed by the K-Pos systems on the position-reference system with the highest weighting factor. The earlier mentioned Combined Variance is used in the calculation of weighting factors. Raw position measurements are filtered in the way that the new filtered position is equal to nine times the old filtered position plus the new measurement, divided by ten. The statistical mix of two or more position-reference systems, in order to provide the calculation of the vessel position, can simplified be explained in this manner: Three position-reference systems are enabled: Artemis, HPR and Taut Wire. In this example the Artemis is exposed to some noise. The LTW is very steady, while the HPR system is subject to very much noise and is close to the Minimum Prediction Error Limit. For illustration we look separately at Northings: PRS System Northing Weight Product No_____________________________________________________ 1 Art -22.0m 0.3 = - 6.6 2 LTW -20.0m 0.7 = -14.0 0.0 3 HPR -27.0m 0.0 = ________________________________________________________ Weight sum: 1.0 = -20.6 The weighting values always total 1.0. Thus, from the above we can see that the noisy measurements from the HPR are not affecting the final position, and that the position is dependant upon measurements from both Artemis and Taut Wire, with a bias towards the more accurate system. Operator Considerations If two position-reference systems are used, one good and one poor, then it is possible for the relative weightings to be 0.99 and 0.01. Under these circumstances the poor reference could frequently be rejected. There is no link between accuracy and reliability. If the Taut Wire is represented with the weighting of 0.99 and the HPR weighted 0.01, it could happen that the depressor weight of the Taut Wire then starts to slowly drag through soft mud on the seabed. The DP system knows only that the relative calibration is no longer correct, thus the system with the lower weighting could be rejected - in this case, the HPR. Thus, with two position-reference systems only, there is a danger that a good position-reference system could be rejected while a poor or erroneous one could be retained and used for positioning. This is a good argument for the use of three position-reference systems in any operation where positioning is vital or critical. Page 163 It must be mentioned that when using HPR as a position-reference system the DP system will treat each transponder as a separate position-reference system, each with it's own weighting. The DPO, however, must treat HPR as one position-reference system only. This is because the same transducer is used to position on all transponders. However more transponders will give more reliability than just one, since you may loose contact with one transponder while remaining contact with another one. The positioning is also calmer with more than one transponder, with less thruster use. A drilling rig often uses two HPR transponders located on the wellhead. One of these will be active, with the other one ready for use if necessary. It should be considered to use both simultaneously. If two separate and independent HPR systems are in use, each interrogating different transponders on the seabed, it could be treated as two position-reference systems. Even if three position-reference systems are used, with Median test on, it is possible to defeat the redundancy in the system through poor working practice. One common practice was to deploy the Taut Wire, and locate a HPR transponder on the depressor weight before lowering. This gives two position-reference systems on the same downline, which is most convenient. The third positionreference system may be the Artemis system. The DP accepts all three position-reference systems in the normal way, giving three steady lights on the console. Then the Taut Wire weight starts to drag; the transponder goes with it, and the position-reference system that is rejected is the Artemis - the only good one! The DP believes the vessel is on location, with good HPR and Taut Wire measurements. The reality is that the ship is drifting off. The DPO should use caution in his choice of position-reference systems. For any critical operation it should be considered to utilise more than two position-reference systems. Two position-reference systems are not adequate, since there will arise the question as to which one has failed when contradictory reference data is received from the two systems. Three systems will give more security against this possibility, especially if the DP system is programmed to apply a Median test. Where three position-reference system are required, the DPO should choose systems, which have differing principles, e.g. HPR, DGPS and Fanbeam; i.e. one acoustic underwater system, one radio/satellite system and one optical laser system. This reduces the probability of Common-mode failure, where one event may result in the failure of multiple position-reference systems. Common-mode failure is more likely to occur in situations where the choice of position-reference system has included two or more of the same systems, i.e. two taut wires and one Artemis. Even though the taut wires are separately located and powered through independent protected supplies, it is possible for a vessel movement to cause both taut wires to drop out of angular limits together, leaving the vessel with one position-reference system only. Page 164 Likewise, a violent roll may cause the spool-rate of the winches to be exceeded and (both) taut wires to break. Despite the above comments, the DPO may be obliged to use a less-than satisfactory combination of position-reference systems simply because a better option is not available. In these circumstances it is necessary that great care is taken in the deployment and operation of the available position-reference systems, to ensure that they are not jeopardised for any foreseeable reason. Some operations require three position-reference systems. Any reduction in position-reference system input will result in the operation being suspended. It should therefore be considered to use four position-reference systems as the norm. This may seem a little excessive but there is a logical reason. If we consider a deep water drilling operation with riser connected, working fully redundant with three position-reference systems. The rig's procedures will demand a riser disconnection for any degradation within the positioning capability. This disconnection represents a considerable cost in terms of lost time. With three position-reference systems, degraded status is obtained if one of the three is lost. If, however, four position-reference systems were deployed, then the loss of one of them leaves the vessel operational. There is no lost time, and slightly less urgency in getting the fourth position-reference system back on-line. Position Information in the Kongsberg DP systems Position data may be received from position-reference systems in a number of different forms: Global systems, such as DGPS giving data in Lat./Long format. Global systems, such as DGPS giving data in UTM format Local references such as Taut Wire and HPR giving position data in local Cartesian (XY) coordinates with reference to a local reference-origin. PRS dialog boxes A number of dialog boxes allows the Operator to set up the required parameters for the handling and display of position data. The following dialog boxes relates to position-reference system handling in the K-Pos systems: Reference System Set-up Navigation Position The Reference System Set-up dialog box allows the Operator to specify, for individual positionreference systems, the input datum, false Northing and Easting values required, fixed values of offset between antenna or sensor from the vessel’s CG, and any fixed offset values which may be applied to the reference system origin. The Navigation dialog box allows the Operator to specify among other things the datum and UTM zone used internally by the controller. This is to normalise global reference systems, which may use different datum. This is necessary when using anything other than local reference systems. The Position dialog box within the Display Units menu, where the Operator may select the presentation datum of position information. The Operator may also select different presentations Page 165 of position format (e.g. Geographic - Lat./Long, UTM or Cartesian XY - N/E offsets from a local Origin). For more detailed information on the handling and display of position information, it is referred to the K-Pos system’s Operator Manual. Page 166 Marine Technologies Reference Systems A reference system is a sensor that provides measurements of vessel position. Since there is a bit more to the usage of reference systems than the other sensors, a dedicated chapter has been devoted to this subject. Enabling/Disabling Reference Systems The dialog used to enable/disable reference systems is similar to the Sensor dialog. It can be accessed from the Sensor menu on the menu bar or by clicking on the reference system symbol in the lower left corner of the screen. The status of the different reference systems will be indicated in the dialog. The dialog is shown in Figure 71. A reference system can also be enabled and disabled by pushing the different buttons representing the reference systems on the upper panel. Figure 71 Navigator/Reference System Dialog Box The local reference systems (Fanbeam, CyScan etc.) will always be calibrated before they become enabled, due to the fact that they do not know the global position (Lat, Lon) of the vessel. These systems will be calibrated in accordance with the “official” vessel position, as estimated by the vessel state estimator. The state estimator is not active in Standby mode, and therefore the local systems will not be calibrated unless the vessel is in Joystick or DP mode. To make sure that the vessel state estimator is updated by global position data, at least one global system (GPS) should be enabled before entering Joystick or DP mode. Reference System Philosophies As for the heading sensors, two different philosophies are applied to the usage of reference systems. Which philosophy to use is either pre-set for a specific DP system or made available for the operator to select (in Reference System Setup dialog, as described later in this chapter). The user interface for reference systems on the OS (e.g. the dialog in Figure 71) will change according to the selected philosophy. The different philosophies are described below. Page 167 Primary/Secondary/Auxiliary When using this philosophy the vessel model is only updated by the reference system that is currently “In Use”. The other reference systems, if enabled, will still be used in the voting algorithm, but the “official” position will be estimated based on reference system “In Use” only. The reference system “In Use” will always be the reference system selected by the operator as “primary”. If the primary reference system fails, the secondary system will become the one “In Use”. If the secondary is “In Use” and the primary reference system again becomes available, the operator has to manually transfer control back to the primary system. This can be accomplished by opening the reference system dialog and pushing the apply button with the desired reference systems set to primary and secondary. Navigator Weighting When using the navigator weighting philosophy all reference systems will be taken into account when estimating the “official” vessel position. Each reference system will be assigned a weight based on its accuracy. The weight of a reference system will determine how much influence it has on the official position. From the refsys view dropdown menu it is possible to open a dialog showing the relative weight (in %) of the different systems. This dialog is shown in Figure 72. In this example all four reference systems are equally accurate. Figure 72: Navigator Weight dialog Note: When using the “primary, secondary” approach it is an underlying assumption that the operator is actively involved to make smart choices of reference systems to be used as primary, secondary and auxiliary. Failing to do so can have serious consequences for the safe operation of the vessel. As an example, when staying close to a rig it would often be considered a smart choice to select a laser based local reference system as the primary system, as these are normally more accurate and due to the fact that close proximity to the rig can result in blocking of satellites and loss of correctional data for GPS systems. Reference System Setup From the Sensor menu on the menu bar the operator can open the Reference System Setup dialog to make changes in settings for the reference systems. The dialog is shown in Figure 73. Page 168 Figure 73: Reference System Setup Dialog The reference system location refers to the location of the antenna/sensor on the vessel. The position has its reference to the stern and port side of the vessel. The height of the reference system gives the distance from the waterline with a negative value as the positive z-axis is pointing downward. During commissioning of a vessel the location of the reference system antennas is always configured as part of the systems settings. However, it is possible that antenna locations at some point are changed without updating the system settings of the vessel. In that case the incorrect location of the antenna will typically be reflected in the refsys view, with a large distance between the reference system symbols. The location of the antenna should be verified with these settings and service personnel should be notified if it is incorrect. From the dialog the DPO can select the limits for different criteria used to trigger alarms for poor DGPS conditions. The quality indicators used for a GPS are the number of satellites is sees, the HDOP value and the number of seconds passed since it last received differential corrections Page 169 (for a DGPS). The DPO can also choose what action the system should take when any of these limits are exceeded. By default the system will reject a reference system under poor conditions. The DPO can however temporarily override these settings and set the system to only issue an alarm when ant of the criteria are unsatisfying. These settings are only temporary and will be reset to default if system is rebooted. From the reference system setup dialog the operator can also select the filter parameter to be used for the reference systems. The meaning of this parameter is described in the coming chapter. Reference System Filtering From the reference system setup dialog the operator can select the filter parameter to be used for the reference systems. Just as for the other active sensors (Gyro, Wind, VRU), this parameter determines how much the system should filter the incoming measurements from the reference systems. High filtration (slider to the right) means that the system will rely heavily on the mathematical model of the vessel as opposed to heavy reliance on the measurements. High filtration will give a more smooth, calm operation of the vessel as wave induced motion of the vessel will be prevented from entering the feedback loop. On the other hand, low filtration will typically result in a more “stressed” vessel with more thruster activity. Sonardyne Setup Form the sonardyne setup the DPO can change the limit of time out for the signal from the sonardyne system. This is the limit in seconds since last measurement received from the system to it is detected faulty. Also the noise value can be changed. This value indicates how noisy the signal is. If the signal is noisy this value can be increased. This will allow the system to go further away from the other without rejecting it, but it also means that it is not so trusted. It will be given a lower weight in a weight solution. Differences in Reference System data A pre-set acceptance limit for the reference systems will determine how big a deviation between two or more reference systems that is necessary before a system is considered invalid. If only two referenced systems are available and the difference between these exceeds the predefined limit, a dialog will pop up and prompt the DPO to choose which system to use (see Figure 74). When selection is made, this reference system is used, and the other is disabled. If three or more systems are used the DP system will determine which system is invalid and vote this out, based on the distances between all systems enabled. In that case an alarm will indicate to the operator that the reference system is voted out. Page 170 Figure 74: System Select Dialog Box Loss of Position data (Dead Reckoning) If the DP system looses input from a PRS an alarm will be issued to inform the DPO that the reference system is lost, and the status of the PRS will be set to unavailable. If all PRS are lost an alarm will indicate to the DPO that all reference systems are lost. In that case the vessel will go into a mode called Dead Reckoning (DR), where the DP system is solely running on the internal vessel model. The DP system should be able to hold position reasonably well for a few minutes, long enough for the DPO to respond to the situation. Page 171 Chapter 13 – The UTM Coordinate system Universal Transverse Mercator The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection is used extensively for survey and other offshore work. Much DP related navigation will be based on the UTM system, so a description is given here. UTM is a grid system based upon Northings and Eastings, in metres. The intention is to reduce the distortion present in the traditional Mercator projection, based upon Latitude, Longitude and True North. UTM is, like Mercator, a cylindrical projection, but in UTM the axis of the cylinder runs along the plane of the equator, the line of contact between the cylinder and the sphere is thus a meridian and its anti-meridian. Obviously a single cylindrical projection of this type cannot be used to chart the whole terrestrial surface, and if the difference in longitude between the contact meridian and the charted area were great, then distortion would be great also. The useful scope of the projection consists of a zone 6 degrees of longitude in width, centred upon the contact meridian, known as the CENTRAL MERIDIAN. Within this zone distortions are minimal. Zones are numbered from the 180° meridian eastward. Thus zone 1 spans 180 ° to 174° West, with the Central Meridian on 177° West. The North Sea is mostly within zone 31 (Greenwich to 6 ° East, Central Meridian 3 ° East). Within a particular zone, the Northings and Eastings (in metres) are arranged to increase in a Northward and an Eastward direction, respectively, irrespective of position upon the globe. For Northings the datum is the equator, with Northern hemisphere Northings having a value of Page 173 zero on the equator, and increasing northwards. For the Southern hemisphere, a false Northing of 10,000,000 is established on the equator, with Northing values decreasing from this as one moves south. This resolves the problem of requiring positive values increasing northwards throughout. For Eastings, a value of zero is found on the Central Meridian, however, this would result in negative values to the West of the Central Meridian. To overcome this problem a False Easting value of 500,000 is established on the central meridian, with Easting values increasing in an easterly direction. This allows the whole zone to be covered by positive Easting values. Because UTM is a grid system there is no convergence of meridians and the map graticule is a true 90 degree square grid. There is thus a difference in direction between Grid North and True North, and this difference itself will vary across the area. The difference will be zero on the Central Meridian. For DP work it is important that this difference is a known value, and also whether Artemis fixed stations are calibrated to True or Grid bearings. For short range work, or relative, long range work there is no problem, but if a worksite location is being established by a DP vessel at a long range from an Artemis reference origin, using Artemis co-ordinates, then considerable positional error can appear. It is important to realise that UTM co-ordinates from one zone (i.e. based upon a particular central meridian) will not in any way match up with co-ordinates for the same location based upon another central meridian. When planning a task it is necessary to check that all worksite diagrams and plans supplied are drawn to the same projection and central meridian datum. POSITION INFORMATION Position data may be received from position-reference systems in a number of different forms: Global systems, such as DGPS giving data in Lat/Long format. The applicable datum must be known (e.g. WGS84, ED87 etc.) Global systems, such as DGPS giving data in UTM format Local references such as Taut Wire and HPR giving position data in local cartesian (x,y) co-ordinates with reference to a local reference-origin. Page 174 Meridian Convergence = Grid North – True North For high precision navigation the meridian convergence can be taken into account . Page 175 UNIVERSAL TRANSVERS MERCATOR ZONE TABLE WEST OF GREENWICH MERIDIAN U.T.M Zone Central Meridian LONGITUDINAL BORDERS From To EAST OF GREENWICH MERIDIAN U.T.M Zone Central Meridian LONGITUDINAL BORDERS From To 30 3 deg. West 0 deg. West 6 deg. West 31 3 deg. East 0 deg. East 6 deg. East 29 9 deg. West 6 deg. West 12 deg. West 32 9 deg. East 6 deg. East 12 deg. East 28 15 deg. West 12 deg. West 18 deg. West 33 15 deg. East 12 deg. East 18 deg. East 27 21 deg. West 18 deg. West 24 deg. West 34 21 deg. East 18 deg. East 24 deg. East 26 27 deg. West 24 deg. West 30 deg. West 35 27 deg. East 24 deg. East 30 deg. East 25 33 deg. West 30 deg. West 36 deg. West 36 33 deg. East 30 deg. East 36 deg. East 24 39 deg. West 36 deg. West 42 deg. West 37 39 deg. East 36 deg. East 42 deg. East 23 45 deg. West 42 deg. West 48 deg. West 38 45 deg. East 42 deg. East 48 deg. East 22 51 deg. West 48 deg. West 54 deg. West 39 51 deg. East 48 deg. East 54 deg. East 21 57 deg. West 54 deg. West 60 deg. West 40 57 deg. East 54 deg. East 60 deg. East 20 63 deg. West 60 deg. West 66 deg. West 41 63 deg. East 60 deg. East 66 deg. East 19 69 deg. West 66 deg. West 72 deg. West 42 69 deg. East 66 deg. East 72 deg. East 18 75 deg. West 72 deg. West 78 deg. West 43 75 deg. East 72 deg. East 78 deg. East 17 81 deg. West 78 deg. West 84 deg. West 44 81 deg. East 78 deg. East 84 deg. East 16 87 deg. West 84 deg. West 90 deg. West 45 87 deg. East 84 deg. East 90 deg. East 15 93 deg. West 90 deg. West 96 deg. West 46 93 deg. East 90 deg. East 96 deg. East 14 99 deg. West 96 deg. West 102 deg. West 47 99 deg. East 96 deg. East 102 deg. East 13 105 deg. West 102 deg. West 108 deg. West 48 105 deg. East 102 deg. East 108 deg. East 12 111 deg. West 108 deg. West 114 deg. West 49 111 deg. East 108 deg. East 114 deg. East 11 117 deg. West 114 deg. West 120 deg. West 50 117 deg. East 114 deg. East 120 deg. East 10 123 deg. West 120 deg. West 126 deg. West 51 123 deg. East 120 deg. East 126 deg. East 9 129 deg. West 126 deg. West 132 deg. West 52 129 deg. East 126 deg. East 132 deg. East 8 135 deg. West 132 deg. West 138 deg. West 53 135 deg. East 132 deg. East 138 deg. East 7 141 deg. West 138 deg. West 144 deg. West 54 141 deg. East 138 deg. East 144 deg. East 6 147 deg. West 144 deg. West 150 deg. West 55 147 deg. East 144 deg. East 150 deg. East 5 153 deg. West 150 deg. West 156 deg. West 56 153 deg. East 150 deg. East 156 deg. East 4 159 deg. West 156 deg. West 162 deg. West 57 159 deg. East 156 deg. East 162 deg. East 3 165 deg. West 162 deg. West 168 deg. West 58 165 deg. East 162 deg. East 168 deg. East 2 171 deg. West 168 deg. West 174 deg. West 59 171 deg. East 168 deg. East 174 deg. East 1 177 deg. West 174 deg. West 180 deg. West 60 177 deg. East 174 deg. East 180 deg. East Page 176 Page 177 Chapter 14 – DP Operations Pipelay Operations Dedicated lay barges or pipe laying vessels have laid the majority of offshore oil and gas pipelines. The commonest method of installation is the on-board construction of the pipeline by means of sequential welding of sections of the pipe string. The vessel moves forward as the pipeline descends to the seabed in an S-curve, partly supported by a Stinger, or support gantry overhanging the stem of the lay vessel. Other methods of pipe laying are shown below, J-lay, used for deep water operations, and Reel-lay, or Drum-lay, where the pipe is preconstructed at a shore factory and reeled aboard the vessel. Pipe is constructed in a linear pipe fabrication facility called the "Firing Line". Pipe is brought up from hold storage and is prepared for fabrication and welding. Often, 12 metre pipe lengths are welded into 24 metre double joints prior to arrival at the firing line. In the firing line, a number of stages of welding take place, both externally and internally within the pipeline. Each operation is conducted at a "station". Further stations conduct X-ray and NDT testing on the welded joints, anti-corrosion coating, and weight coating if necessary. Each station is equipped with a button controlling indicator lamps. When all the buttons, at each station have been pressed, a "green line" shows on the DP bridge, and the DPO initiates a move ahead a distance equivalent to the joint-length. Once the move ahead has been completed, the firing-line operations continue. It is essential that tension be maintained on the pipeline. At the back end of the firing line, the pipe is controlled by a number of pipe tensioners. These consist of sets of caterpillar tracks clamping the pipe, either top-and-bottom, or side located. The tensioners control the Page 179 movement of the pipe, maintaining a set tension on the pipe string. The pipe is supported aft of the firing line by the stinger, which is an open lattice gantry extending beyond the stem of the vessel, sloping downwards. The stinger contains a number of sets of support rollers adjusted and positioned to support the pipe in the area known as the "overbend". This is the area of greatest stress on the pipe, and the area most vulnerable to buckling damage. The tension on the pipe helps to reduce the likelihood of pipe buckle at this point. The pipe takes up a catenary profile, or "sagbend" between the end of the stinger and the seabed. The set tension is to ensure a smooth transition from the unsupported sagbend to the touchdown point on the seabed. If tension is lost, then damage will occur at the touchdown area, and the pipe will have to be recovered for repair. It can be seen that pipe tension is an all-important factor in the lay operation. Pipe tension values are communicated to the DP system by means of loadcells incorporated in the tensioners. The DP system is continually working with this external force, using thruster power to maintain tension. In adverse sea states, the tensioners are working hard to maintain tensions on the pipe string within set criteria, and the DP system must also play its part in this tension control. Page 180 S-lay Operations A pipe laying operation may begin with a lay-down adjacent to a fixed platform. It may happen that the pipeline end is simply being laid down within a specified 'box' or area on the seabed, or it might be necessary to carry out a pull-in to a J-tube or similar. If the operation involves a J-tube pull-in, the J-tube will have already been installed on the platform, and a pull-in wire will be rigged through it. A pull-in winch will be fitted on the platform to handle the job. The vessel will position itself in the correct location, lined up with and the correct distance from the J-tube. The end of the pipe is fitted with a pull-head, to which can be shackled the pull-wire, which is passed across from the platform by messenger or crane hook. The platform pull-in winch takes the load onto the pipe tensioners, and the pipe end moves out from the vessel down to the J-tube. Once the mating is complete, the vessel can start to move ahead, laying pipe as she goes. During the pipe laying operation, the vessel will be moving ahead under DP control in steps equal to the joint length, often 24 metres. It is vital that these moves are conducted precisely, rapidly, and with no overshoot and consequent back-up. The DPO must be provided with effective position reference at all times. Some of the surface, and sub-sea references are not suitable due to the distances travelled by the vessel, and the limited ranges available. Dual DGPS is a common facility, backed up by two Taut Wires. If it should be necessary to abandon the lay operation due to adverse weather, then the procedure is to use the A & R (Abandonment & Recovery) winch. A temporary lay-down head is welded to the end of the pipe, and to this is attached the A & R wire. This is passed down the stinger maintaining tension with the A & R winch just as if it was pipe being laid. The end of the pipe may be laid on the seabed, and the A & R wire slacked off. The vessel may then weathervane and ride out the storm with the A & R wire still attached but kept slack, or alternatively the wire may be buoyed-off. When the weather abates, the procedure is reversed, the pipe recovered to the stinger, tensioners re-engaged. The lay-down head can be burnt off and the lay operations continue. Page 181 J-lay Operations If the water depth is great, unacceptable stresses and strain levels are imposed on the pipe during the overbend stage. This can be avoided by using the J-lay technique. In many operations, the stinger is configured as a tower, angled between the vertical, and up to 20 degrees from the vertical. Pipe lengths are pre jointed into triple or quadruple joints before being raised to the vertical for welding onto the pipe string. Reel-lay Operations This type of operation varies from those described in that the pipe string is prefabricated in one length at a shore-based factory. The vessel loads the pipeline straight from the factory, spooling it onto its reel or carousel. The lay ramp is used to guide the pipe onto the drum, and if the pipe is a rigid steel construction it is pre-radiused onto the reel. This configuration is commonly used for the lay of flexible pipelines. In these cases the lay spread may be mobilised onto any suitable vessel for the duration of the contract. Page 182 Seabed Tractors and Trenchers Trenchers are used for carrying out pipeline bury operations. One such is the "Digging Donald" operated by the vessel "Trenchsetter". This vehicle weighs around 140 tonnes, depending upon how it is configured, and is handled by a gantry over the stern of the "Trenchsetter". A typical operation involves burying a pipeline previously laid. The pipeline may be a 20" diameter rigid steel pipe, required to be buried to a depth of 1.5 metres. The "Trenchsetter" will position herself with her stem over the pipeline, heading 90° across the pipeline direction. The trencher is prepared and deployed over the stern and lowered to just above the seabed. Trencher deployment is aided by heave-compensation on the handling system. The trencher carries cameras, lights and sonar facilities, and can be rotated on its suspension hooks. Once the trencher is correctly lined up with the pipeline, the position may be accurately adjusted by extending or retracting the trencher gantry. When location has been confirmed, the trencher is lowered onto the seabed over the pipeline. The weight of the trencher remains mostly on the gantry, being controlled by heave-compensation gear on the gantry. Only about 40 tonnes of the weight should rest on the seabed. The position reference of the vessel is now transferred to the Trim-Cube sensors on the trencher support wires, which remain vertical. The position of the vessel is now being controlled by the movements of the trencher, with the Trim-cube feeding back wire angle data to the DP system. The DP, in turn, is correcting the position of the vessel in order to keep the trencher wires vertical. The DP system would be configured with the centre-of-rotation located on the trencher. Heading can thus be adjusted according to the environment or any other constraints. A typical operation of this type would have the trencher vehicle configured for trenching for a run of one or two kilometres, after which the vehicle would be recovered and reconfigured with back-hoe blades for a second pass over the same ground to complete the bury operation. The handling frame that carries the trencher can also be configured to install protection mattresses, and to lift and clear boulders from the seabed prior to mattress installation. Page 183 Rockdumping operations A small fleet of vessels exists for the purpose of dumping rock on the seabed for a variety of purposes. They range from large bulk-carrier style vessels, able to carry out precision bury operations using fall pipes, to smaller deck-loading vessels mainly used for erosion rectification projects. The commonest types of vessels are the fall pipe rock dumping vessels. Of mini bulk-carrier construction, they are fitted with self-unloading hopper and conveyor facilities. A fall pipe derrick is located at one side of the vessel, fed with stone from a hopper. At the bottom end of the fall pipe is an ROV built into the fall pipe structure. The ROV has an aperture through the middle, through which the rock falls, onto the seabed. The ROV is heave-compensated, and is motorised with thrusters enabling precision positional control. Facilities contained aboard the ROV may include optical TV cameras, sidescan sonar, lights, and seabed pipe tracker unit, acoustic transponder and responders, and depth meters. For a linear operation, such as the protection of a specified length of pipeline, a three-pass sequence may be adopted. The vessel tracks along a line allowing a rock lay-down alongside the pipeline. At the end of that pass, the vessel will be traversed a few metres to the other side of the pipeline; she will then backtrack to the "start" position, laying down rock on the opposite side of the pipeline to the previous pass. The third pass will be centred over the pipeline to fill in between the previous two passes. This should completely cover the pipeline. A comprehensive survey spread of tracking and recording equipment allows the whole operation to be monitored and controlled from the ROV Control and Survey shack. Obviously, the vessel will be under the control of the DP system during all rock dumping operations. A commonly used feature is the Auto Track function, allowing the vessel to track accurately along a line defined from pre-set way points. The Track Offset facility allows the DPO the ability to adjust the tracking by any desired amount to allow for any mismatch between the listed co-ordinates of the pipeline target and its actual position. The ROV can be offset itself a limited distance from the vertical, depending on the water depth. Another function for vessels of this type is to carry out bury operations for pipeline crossovers, or to bury a pipeline prior to the installation of a crossing line. Page 184 Dredging operations Most new dredgers, of whatever type or function, will feature DP capability, the precision positioning available from DP is an insurance against expensive mistakes. Most dredgers are of the trailing suction type, and the vessel will move along parallel tracks. The tracks must be close together in order to provide continuity, but overlap between tracks must be minimised. DREDGING In a DP system optimised for dredger operations, the system's functions measure the dredging forces, suction pipe elevation and azimuth, and automatically compensates for the draghead forces. In addition, the DP system handles failure in draghead force measurements in order to avoid loss of positional control and subsequent damage to the dragheads. The Draghead Position Control function, in combination with the Low Speed Auto Track function allows the operator to specify precisely the track followed by the draghead. Effectively, this places the vessel Centre of Rotation on the draghead, even though the position of the draghead may not be fixed relative to the hull. Sensors attached to the suction pipes provide the system with angular data allowing the determination of the position of the draghead relative to the vessel at all times. Tension measurements allow the dredging forces to be directly compensated by the DP system. The tension measurements allow the DP to calculate the horizontal force, its direction and turning moment. This is to prevent any possibility of astern movement of the dragheads, which would result in damage. Dedicated display pages on the DP system allow the DPO to monitor all vital information such as draghead speed and forces, vessel speed, heading, position and cross-track error relative to the way points. Page 185 Cable lay and repair operations All modern cable-lay vessels are DP-capable. Cable may be laid by plough or crawler vehicle. In the case of the former the vessel tows the plough by hawser, and the plough trenches, lays and covers the cable all in one operation. Plough hawser tension can be fed back to the DP system for direct compensation. The vessel may use Follow-Sub or Auto Track techniques as appropriate. If the cable to be laid is a short one (i.e. between two offshore platforms) then the cable may be handled by a seabed crawler vehicle. Cable repair operations may involve lengthy search patterns being conducted, then a period on DP in deep water away from land while the cable is repaired. The use of DGPS as a position reference is valuable. DP also serves to position the vessel when carrying out a shore-end connection. Since this is often done in shallow water there may be a problem obtaining position reference. Again, DGPS serves as a valuable PRS here. Page 186 Dive support operations M.S.V. CHALLENGER DIVING DIAGRAM SCALE - 1:500 CHALLENGER CHALLENGER LOWESTOFT MOONPOOL No 3 Thruster 22 24 AIR DIVING STATION 10 No 5 Thruster 27 METRES BELOW DWL 30 20 MAXIMUM MOONPOOL UMBILICAL EXTENSION DEPTH metres 10 20 30 40 50 UMBILICAL metres 17 19 24 31 40 26 28 33 40 49 No 3 Thruster running No 3 Thruster stopped 29 MAXIMUM CAGE/WET BELL UMBILICAL EXTENSION 37 36 DEPTH metres 30 44 45 40 53 50 10 20 30 40 50 UMBILICAL metres 22 25 32 39 48 28 31 38 45 54 No 5 Thruster running No 5 Thruster stopped DP/SIM/D/C/008.01 Page 187 There are three modes of underwater operation. Up to a depth of 50m the technique is "air diving", i.e. the diver's breathing gas is compressed air. The diver may be deployed from a basket over the side of the vessel, or from a wet-bell, or from a mini-bell. The latter two methods represent increased safety to the diver in the most hazardous diving zone. One requirement of the air-diving set-up, from a DP vessel, is that the amount of umbilical the diver may be given, measured from the tending point (basket or bell) must be no more than 5m less than the distance to the nearest thrusters. This is to ensure that the diver cannot be drawn into a thruster. Below 50m the diver must be deployed from a diving bell and his breathing gas will be a helium/oxygen mix (Heliox). The diving bell maintains the diver at the pressure of the working depth, and mates with a hyperbaric complex on board the vessel. The divers live in this hyperbaric chamber, also maintained at the pressure of the working depth, for up to 28 days, travelling "to work" in the diving bell. This technique is known as "saturation diving". The bell is usually deployed through the moonpool, an open well in the centre of the vessel. A typical "bell run" would consist of three divers (two swimmers and a bell-man) operating for an eight hour shift. The swimmers are provided with all gas, hot water for heating, and communications through umbilicals connected to the bell and ultimately to the vessel. Emergency supplies of breathing gas are carried on the bell, and each diver has a bale-out bottle on his back - for dire emergencies only. The bell-man remains in the bell to tend to the swimmer's umbilical and to assist in an emergency. At present the practical limit for bell diving is about 400 - 450m. At greater depths than this, ROV or a diver in an Atmospheric Diving Suit (ADS) must do the work. ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles), or unmanned submersibles may be very sophisticated units able to operate a wide variety of tooling, sensors and other instrumentation. Atmospheric Diving Suits are used to place a diver in very deep water. The suit is a pressure vessel, with air at atmospheric pressure inside. The diver is able to operate claws, manipulators, tooling etc., to carry out a wide variety of operations. He is not subjected to the pressure of the working depth so has no breathing gas and decompression problems. Several different types of ADS are in use; some, like the "Newt Suit" have legs so the diver can walk, others are fitted with thrusters allowing the diver to "fly". Many DSV operations entail positioning the vessel close to a platform structure, enabling the divers to access the structure, wellheads etc., for inspection and maintenance. In some vessels it is possible to operate two diving "spreads" simultaneously. Each diving operation is under the control of a dive supervisor, operating from the dive control cabin. The dive supervisor has all the communications and bell control to his fingertips, and he is able to start or stop a dive at any time. The safety of the divers is his responsibility. The dive supervisor for each shift is under the overall control of the Dive Superintendent. There will be a dive status/alert system in force, with green, flashing amber and flashing red status' and alarms. Green status is 'normal'; dive able to proceed. Flashing Amber alarm indicates a degraded status; divers to return to the bell and obtain a seal. Flashing Red alarm indicates a dive emergency status resulting from a vessel loss of position; divers to return to the bell and be recovered to the surface. Before engaging in diving operations from a DP DSV, the DPO must ensure that all his systems are functioning correctly with full redundancy available in all areas. The vessel Page 188 must be stabilised on her location, and must have had at least 30 minutes to settle and build the mathematical model into the system. All pre- DP and pre-dive checklists must be complete and the status board marked up. Warnings should be promulgated in the vessel and on the platform to inform that diving operations are taking place. In many cases the diving operation will need to comply with the permit-to-work system. The bridge team need to appraise themselves of the number of divers in the water, their location, depth and work situation, particularly whether they are working on an open seabed or in a tightly constricted site, also the number of the emergency transponder on the bell, and that on the ROV. All diving operations are hazardous but some more so than others. Shallow water air diving from DP vessels is particularly difficult; the proximity of the thrusters, the amount of noise from thrusters and the strength of tide all providing problems which must be overcome. Sometimes diving operations may only take place at slack water, when the tidal rate is less than about 0.9 knot. Under these circumstances the in-water time is precious and the DP vessel must be fully prepared for each dive window. Diving is particularly hazardous in the vicinity of underwater mooring lines and anchor chains. Sometimes an anchored pipe lay barge is moving slowly ahead under the control of its anchor wires. Because these wires are moving it is not possible for a DSV to set up within the catenary due to the hazard of fouling the bell cables on the mooring lines. It is necessary for the barge to stop before divers can be deployed on the stinger. A further hazard to divers working from DP DSVs is the presence of the Taut Wire position reference. It is possible for the diver to pass clear of the wire on his way out to the worksite, and to return on the wrong side of it. This would prevent the diver from returning to the bell. Usually this problem is averted by the deployment of the Taut Wire system on the side of the vessel away from the worksite, but otherwise it may be possible to mark the wire with a light-stick. Page 189 Another particularly hazardous technique is Habitat diving. A Habitat is a compartment placed over a seabed operation, like an inverted shoebox. Gas is pumped into the habitat until the interior is de-watered and dry. The divers enter the habitat, either by locking the bell directly onto it, or from the water, accessing from underneath. The habitat may be located on a joint in a pipeline needing welding. However, the operation is totally dependent upon the presence of the support vessel above. If this is a DP DSV, and she has a run-off then the habitat may be dragged with consequent major survivability problems for the divers. Page 190 Survey and rov support vessels Vessels of this type may perform a multitude of tasks from hydrographic survey, wreck investigation, underwater recovery, site survey pre-lay (pipe or cable), installation inspection and maintenance. Although the task itself may indicate a relatively nonhazardous job, it must be remembered that the location itself may imply considerable hazard. A location up-tide of a fixed installation, or in the "blow-on" position may be unsuitable for a non-redundant vessel. An ROV may be deployed direct from a gantry or `A' frame at the side or stern of the vessel, or from a Tether Management System incorporating a cage or garage. If deployment is directly overside then great care must be taken to ensure that the umbilical does not foul the thrusters or propellers. Communication with the vehicle will generally be via acoustic responder, with the interrogation signal travelling down the umbilical. This is more secure than using transponders, as the vehicle is usually acoustically noisy. At least one transponder should be located on the vehicle in addition to the responder or the responder should have an emergency battery, in case the vehicle becomes lost due to a parted umbilical. ROV TETHER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ROV DECK UNIT HOIST CABLE TETHER ROV GARAGE WITH TETHER REEL ROV ROV CARRIES RESPONDE Page 191 The Follow Target mode enables the vessel to automatically follow a moving target and keeps the vessel within a “position window” relative to the target. In Multi Target mode it is also possible to keep the vessel heading within a “heading window”. The moving target must be equipped with a mobile reference transponder or laser reflector in order for the SDP system to monitor its relative position. If, for example, the moving target is a Remotely Operated Vehicle, then the vessel must be equipped with a Hydro-acoustic Position Reference (HPR) system in order for the SDP system to monitor its relative position. In addition to a mobile reference transponder on the target, an additional fixed positionreference system (such as DGPS) is required. Alternatively a fixed transponder (deployed on the seabed) can be be used. Page 192 Shuttle tanker Offtake or shuttle tankers have made use of DP capabilities since 1981. The requirement arises out of the problems associated with the export of crude oil from offshore fields. Many fields export via pipelines but this option is an expensive one. If circumstances do not allow the provision of a pipeline, then another export method must be found. The commonest method is to provide a system of offshore storage for oil, and one or more tankers to transport the oil to a destination. The problems arise when considering loading arrangements in the more environmentally exposed locations in the North Sea and elsewhere. In bad weather, a tanker moored to a buoy or tower arrangement will impose heavy loads on the mooring lines and terminal structure. SURFING YAWING FISHTAILING COMBINED WITH HEAVY SWELLS PLACE EXCESSIVE LOADINGS UPON HAWSER AND TOWER STRUCTURE In a mooring system, the vessel movements iving rise to problems are fishtailing, yawing, surfing and heave motions. With the exception of the heave component, these vessel movements may be stabilised or controlled by the use of DP techniques. Accordingly, tankers intended to load at Offshore Loading Terminals (OLTs) will be fitted with systems very similar to those in any other DP-capable vessel, but configured specifically for the offshore loading function. The installations, which need to support offtake tanker loading, vary from field to field. Some loading terminals consist of CALM buoys (Catenary Anchored Leg Moorings). Other installations are Spar buoys, which are large floating tower structures moored by a spread of mooring lines. Spar buoys usually carry a rotating turntable at the top to handle vessel moorings and hose handling equipment. Examples of Spar installations include the Page 193 Kittiwake Spar in the North Sea. Another configuration is the Articulated Tower, which is connected to a seabed located gravity base by means of a universal joint. Yet another configuration is the rigid tower, which like the Spar and Articulated configurations, exports through rotating turntable heads. The F3 OLT in the Dutch sector is an example of a rigid tower export terminal. OFFSHORE LOADING TERMINAL CONFIGURATIONS ARTICULATED TOWER CALM BUOY SUBMERGED TURRET LOADING TURRET DOCKING PORT FIXED TOWER SPAR UKOLS LOADING BUOY HOSE A facility which does not have any surface hardware shows greater levels of vessel safety than the above arrangements. The UKOLS facility in the Statfjord field has a long loading hose connected to a mid-water buoy. The buoy is positively buoyant and is moored at a fixed depth, above a gravity base housing the Pipeline End Manifold (PLEM). Vessels using this facility have no need for a mooring hawser; the only connections to the buoy consist of the hose. Hawserless systems are common nowadays, being used in a variety of OLT configurations. A more recent development is the Turret Loading system, where the loading connections are located in a neutrally-buoyant turret. The turret is mated into a docking port built into the forebody of the vessel, and carries the flow line connections to the vessel. Once locked into position, the vessel is able to weathervane around the turret. Shuttle tanker arrangements Broadly speaking, shuttle tanker operations may be divided into four groups; systems with hawser moorings, hawserless systems, STL systems and those vessels configured to load directly from FPSO installations (Floating Production, Storage and Offtake vessels). The earliest offshore loading arrangements feature hawser moorings as part of the system. The hawser is regarded as an insurance against failure of the DP capability. The mooring arrangement consists of a heavy mooring hawser, comprising a nylon grommet, secured to the OLT at its standing end, with a short length of chain next to the stopper plug. The chain is provided as an anti-chafe measure where the mooring runs through the fairlead or roller. Page 194 Located on the foredeck is the stopper with hydraulic, remotely controlled latching for the hawser plug. Immediately abaft the stopper is the traction winch, which handles the heavy messenger. The messenger is spooled onto a take-up storage drum after coming off the traction winch. The messenger is streamed out from the OLT prior to the arrival of the vessel by work boat, or by the previous tanker on the terminal laying it out in the required direction. The messenger is buoyant, but is provided with buoys and lights for visibility. Recovery of the messenger may be assisted by the work boat, or may be direct from the bow of the tanker. Once the messenger has been recovered, the vessel is manoeuvred towards the OLT location, picking up slack in the messenger all the time. During this stage the vessel control may be under the DP system, or may still be in Manual control. If the DP system is being used at this stage, then preparations will have been made beforehand, transferring control to the DP console, acquiring thrusters and references and proving all correct by means of checklist procedures. Some vessels have all control elements located in the forebridge, with a transfer procedure laid down for taking control forward from the main bridge. In other vessels, the DP system is located in the mainbridge. The DPO will select the correct OLT location in the DP system menu ("Select buoy"). This allows the DP system access to the details of the OLT being approached. Each OLT has different criteria regarding position co-ordinates, position circle and alarm limit specifications, Position reference availability and offset values, and movement characteristics of the OLT. OLT APPROACH AND POSITION CIRCLES All radii values shown are for illustration only OUTER LIMIT at 74m (ESD 3) INNER LIMIT at 64m (ESD 1) INNER ALARM at 37m (ESD 3) VESSEL IN AUTO-APPROACH ON WEATHERVANE HEADING OLT POSITION CIRCLE at 48m POSITIONING CIRCLE DEFINED BY OPERATOR - BETWEEN 44m AND 52m SETPOINT RADIUS CIRCLE ADJUSTED BY DPO TO EFFECT APPROACH IN 'AUTO APPROACH' MODE The vessel may be placed into DP control for the whole of the approach operation, using the "Auto-Approach" facility. In this case the heading of the vessel is set to the Weathervane function, and the DPO inputs the radius of the set point circle. This circle will be gradually decreased in radius by the DPO, in steps to allow the vessel to approach the Page 195 OLT under control. The Set Point Circle is the locus of the bow reference point of the vessel. The position on that circle that the vessel is being controlled towards is determined by the weathervane heading, keeping the OLT location directly ahead. The speed of the vessel is under the control of the DPO, so by using these facilities a totally controlled approach to the OLT location may be made. Once the hawser is latched into the stopper and the vessel is located onto the Set Point Circle of the designated radius for that OLT location, the system may be transferred to the "Mooring" mode. In this mode, the position of the vessel is constrained to the defined set point circle, on the calculated weathervane heading. Loadcells in the bow stopper assembly measure the hawser tensions and feed this data back to the DP system for automatic force compensation. This is an important function, since if these measurements were not available, then hawser tension would be interpreted by the DP system as a current, which would adversely affect the calculation of the weathervane heading. Any error in the calculation of weathervane heading could lead to an unplanned breakaway from the OLT. The same considerations apply to the wind sensor input to the DP system. If the wind values input is significantly in error, due perhaps to wind shadow from the OLT itself, then the weathervane heading may be incorrectly calculated. Once the hawser has been stoppered, the hose is connected. Usually, the hose is connected to the end of the hawser, and is handled automatically by hydraulic actuators to locate it into and secure it to the hose coupler. ARTEMIS BEACON LOADING TERMINAL LOADING HOSE ARTEMIS MOBILE ANTENNA MOTION CHARACTERISTICS OF BOTH VESSEL AND TERMINAL CONTAINED IN MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOREBRIDGE MOORING HAWSER HPR TRANSDUCER TUNNEL THRUSTERS TUNNEL THRUSTER MAIN PROP (C.P. CONSTANT R.P.M.) RUDDER AMIDSHIPS OR ACTIVE HPR TRANSPONDERS VESSEL IN CONTINUOUS "AUTO HEADING SELECT" DP SYSTEM LOCATED IN FOREBRIDGE WITH SLAVE SYSTEM ON MAIN BRIDGE HAWSER TENSION MEASURED BY STOPPER LOADCELLS AND FED TO DP SYSTEM FOR COMPENSATION AS AN EXTERNAL FORCE DESIRED HAWSER TENSION SET BY DPO USING THE PROPELLER BIAS INPUT CONTROL. DP SYSTEM ADJUSTS SURGE VALUE TO MAINTAIN Page 196 The DPO may adjust the surge value of the vessel position by inputting a new value of Set Point Circle radius. With the system in "Mooring" mode, there is a preferred radius, with a small amount of leeway for the DPO to make adjustment, i.e. Designated radius 44m, with a DPO input adjustment of 44 - 49m. In bad weather conditions, the separation distance to the OLT may thus be increased marginally. Alternatively, the adjustment may be by a function known as "Propeller Bias", in which the DPO is able to input plus or minus values in tonnes, which are changes required to the hawser tension. The DP system will then automatically adjust the surge (i.e. set point circle radius) in order to achieve the input tension value. The vessel must be ready to break off the operation at any time and get underway. To this end, three emergency status are defined and alarmed; ESD1, 2 and 3. ESD stands for Emergency Shutdown and Disconnection. The vessel and field operating handbooks will specify the criteria under which any ESD status is raised, and the accompanying actions. Often the OLT is unmanned, and the vessel initiates ESD functions by means of a simple bridge-mounted selector switch. Local (on-board) controls carry out the necessary ESD functions in the vessel, while off-vessel functions are carried out by telemetry control. In general ESD1 results in the export pumping being stopped and key valves being closed in readiness for a breakaway. ESD2 initiates the hose being uncoupled; also a drencher system will envelop the bow area with water spray reducing the risk of explosion or fire from any sparks that could be struck. ESD3 initiates the unlatching of the hawser. Vessels operating without hawser connections will not have an ESD3 position on the switch Hawserless OLT arrangements WATER DEPTH - 42m NO HAWSER REMOTE POWER ROTATION ON POSITION REFERENCES - DGPS, ARTEMIS & HPR ARTEMIS BEACON ALL DP AND CONTROL EQUIPMENT PLACED ARTEMIS ANTENNA IN BOW BRIDGE HOUSE CARDISSA LOADING HOSE TWIN TUNNEL THRUSTER HPR TRANSDUCER STERN TUNNEL THRUSTE MAIN PROPELLE AND HPR TRANSPONDER The installation described above is for a vessel using a mooring hawser. In fact, the hawser is not only a redundant element, it provides added complications. Its tension values need to be measured and directly compensated for. The function of the hawser is mainly that of positioning insurance. Page 197 More modem OLT installations are designed as hawserless. The only physical connection to the OLT is the hose, and this is kept slack at all times. This simplifies the business of approach and connection, and the DP system does not have the complication of having to deal with the external force represented by hawser tension While on DP loading operations, the DPO will monitor the turntable azimuth and compare it with the heading of the vessel. If there is significant misalignment, he can rotate the turntable by telemetry, by using a "left/right" control in the bow house. If the misalignment exceeds 20° then an automatic ESD is initiated. Submerged turret loading operations A small number of DP-capable shuttle tankers are designed for DSL (Direct Shuttle Loading) operations from a submerged turret. Fields configured for this type of operation includes the Harding and Heidrun fields in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. In the Submerged Turret Loading system (STL), a submerged buoy is secured to the seabed by means of a catenary mooring system. The buoy is connected to the loading pipeline from the production platform, via the Pipeline End Manifold (PLEM) adjacent the buoy location on the seabed. The buoy will be located by means of an acoustic transducer installed in the forepart of the vessel, and a transponder on the buoy. These are linked to the HPR system interfaced as position reference to the DP system on the bridge. Once the messenger and turret POSITION REFERENCE FROM HPR & DGPS RETRIEVAL LINE RECOVERED BY TANKER. MESSENGER LED TO LOADING CONE TURRET LOCATED AND DOCKED INTO CONE. VESSEL INTO THRUSTER ASSISTED MOORING WITH AUTOMATIC WEATHERVANING EXPORT RISER LOADING CONE SUBMERGED TURRET MOORING LINES TRANSPONDER PIPELINE END MANIFOLD (PLEM) Page 198 wire have been recovered, the buoy will be raised up until it is locked into a mating cone in the double bottom space forward. Once locked, the loading connections can be secured and loadings commence. The vessel is able to rotate around the turret without placing any positional loads on it. All position and heading control is from the DP system and the thrusters/propeller. Position reference is obtained from DGPS and LBL acoustics. The buoys are located by means of USBL acoustics, as are the MLBEs (mooring line buoyancy elements) for monitoring purposes. FPSO unit operation Floating Production, Storage and Offtake units (FPSOs) consist of a floating unit, either shipshape, or semisubmersible, containing all the facilities for producing crude oil, and sometimes gas. A number of FPSO units are of the monohull configuration, with Turret Mooring facilities. With this arrangement, the FPSO is positioned by means of an array of anchors. The mooring lines are handled by the turret, which is a large circular centre-section of the vessel's hull located amidships or forward of amidships. The FPSO is thus able to weathervane around the turret maintaining her heading into the weather conditions and sea state. Arrangements vary from installation to installation. Some FPSOs rely totally on their mooring spread for positioning, with heading control effected simply by allowing natural weathervaning. In a number of FPSOs, however, a heading-assist function is provided by thrusters. An added complication is the limited range of heading change available. It may be possible to allow heading to change a maximum value (e.g. 270°) either side of the base heading. This is especially the case where the FPSO is handling more than one riser. Loading Operations From FPSO Units TURRET-MOORED FLOATING PRODUCTION VESSEL FPV USING THRUSTER-ASSISTED MOORING ON A WEATHERVANE HEADING SHUTTLE TANKER RISERS MOORING Page 199 With any FPSO/offtake tanker operation, the tanker will experience a more severe positioning problem than with more conventional operations. A number of factors contribute to this problem, not the least of which is the harsh environment on some of the more exposed FPSO locations In addition to problems associated with the environment, offtake tankers will have other difficulties in maintaining station on a moving target. The offtake vessel must keep position within a circle defined by the length of the loading hose. Most of the FPSO/tanker operations are hawser-assisted. The base position is the hose terminal point on the stern of the FPSO, and the tanker must maintain position on a circle around this base position, with the expected minimum and maximum warning and alarm criteria established. But, the stern of the FPSO is not a fixed location. The mooring and positioning system in the FPSO allows a degree of movement, especially in deep water. Further, the FPSO may be continually weathervaning, so the stem may be moving laterally, relative to the tanker. The base location for this movement is the turret axis, and since this is located forward of amidships, or even at the bow, the stem may exhibit considerable and rapid movement. Surge and fishtail movements may result in up to 30m of movement in the reference position in the FPSO. The most critical stage is often when an almost fully loaded shuttle tanker is working with an almost empty FPSO. The vessel's positioning strategy will depend upon the characteristics of the FPSO configuration. The set point position circle is set at a defined radius to suit the loading arrangement. The set point circle is centred upon the reference position, which is the hose boom end on the FPSO. This position itself is subject to considerable movement, but the use of a relative position reference should reduce problems in this area. The required position on the set point circle is determined by the heading of the vessel. This heading may be a calculated weathervane heading, calculated by the DP system in the tanker without reference to the FPSO, or it may be the FPSO heading obtained by means of telemetry. In the latter case the two vessels should maintain the same heading at all times. Further limitations arise due to the maximum allowable angular offsets between the alignment of the hose and the heading/position of the tanker. For positioning, vessels of this type will use a relative GPS (DARPS) position reference as the prime positioning aid, yielding position information reduced to range/bearing data from the FPSO terminal location. The other preferred position reference is Artemis, with an Artemis fixed station located on the FPSO, the mobile station located on the tanker. A weak link identified in these arrangements relates to the FPSO gyro. This heading data is transmitted to the tanker via the DARPS uhf link, meaning that the operation of the DARPS and input heading are both reliant upon the one uhf link; if this link is lost the whole positioning strategy is jeopardised. Page 200 Offshore support vessel operation Supply Vessels alongside FPSO/Rig By using both the a laser/radar system and the DGPS/-Glonass system there can be a disagreement between PRS’s due to the FPSO/Rig is moving in her chains. The laser/radar system will tell the DP to follow the FPSO/Rig and on the other hand the DGPS/-Glonass system will tell the DP to stay in global grid. If the OSV only are using one target in a laser/radar system there is a risk that the OSV and the FPSO can have a collision when the FPSO is changing heading due to the weather. Multi targeting The Follow Target mode with Multi Targeting enables a DP vessel to follow a moving structure or vessel equipped with two or more mobile transponders. The moving structure can be followed both with respect to position and heading. Page 201 Riser angle monitoring Riser Angle Monitoring (RAM) allows optimised vessel position during drilling operations. The various functions are described in the following subsections. Text in capitals refers to items in Figure 1. The BOP is a fixed structure on the seabed. The angle between the centre line of the BOP and a vertical line is called the BOP ANGLE (also known as the riser reference angle). This angle is either measured by sensors attached to the BOP or specified manually. The riser, which is assumed to be a rigid structure, is connected to the vessel at the UPPER FLEXJOINT, and to the BOP at the LOWER FLEXJOINT. The RISER ANGLE, at the lower flexjoint, between the riser and a vertical line, is measured by sensors attached to the riser. The RISER DIFFERENCE ANGLE, at the lower flexjoint, between the riser and the centre line of the BOP, should be kept to a minimum to reduce mechanical wear. This angle is zero when the vessel is located at the ADVISED RISER POSITION. The sensors may be either Electrical Riser Angle systems (ERA) or Acoustic Riser Angle systems (ARA). Page 202 The monitoring is based on measurements of the RISER DIFFERENCE ANGLE. To provide redundancy in the angle measurements, there are usually at least two riser and two BOP sensors. The riser sensors and BOP sensors are generally configured in pairs, each pair being mounted in corresponding monitoring positions on the riser and BOP. The RISER DIFFERENCE ANGLE, and therefore the ADVISED RISER POSITION, is computed for each riser/BOP sensor pair. Each sensor pair is given a name (such as Yellow and Blue). The BOP and riser sensors usually provide measurements in twodifferent coordinate systems. Both coordinate systems have their origin at the lower flexjoint, with the Z axis vertically downwards, but the X and Y axes may be rotated. For each BOP sensor, you must specify the orientation of the sensor coordinate system in relation to North (unless the sensor measurements incorporate a compass measurement). For each riser sensor, you must specify the orientation of the sensor coordinate system in relation to the coordinate system of the corresponding BOP sensor or the manually-entered BOP position. The sensors may provide measurements in the following forms: Inclination (angle from the vertical) in the X direction, and inclination in the Y direction. Inclination in a specified direction (bearing) in relation to the X axis. To allow for inaccuracies in the installation of the sensors, you can specify bias values for the angle measurements. Position Advisory function The Position Advisory function uses the riser angle measurements to calculate the vessel position that will bring the RISER DIFFERENCE ANGLE to zero. The Position Advisory function gives one zero-angle position for each interfaced and enabled angle sensor set, and also a composite position which is calculated using the average of the accepted sensors selected for composite zero-angle-position calculation. Emergency Joystick Advisory (EJA) function The Emergency Joystick Advisory function (EJA) can be activated in Auto Position (during position dropout) and Joystick modes. The EJA provides a graphical indication on a relative Posplot view, of the direction in which joystick thrust must be applied to move the vessel towards the advised position. This position is calculated by the Position Advisory function. Hold Flexjoint Angle (HFA) function When this function is active, the system will try to position the vessel to retain the lower flexjoint angle as it was when the function was entered. Based on measured riser angles and estimated riser angle response to vessel movements, the HFA function will adjust the vessel’s position setpoint to maintain the lower flexjoint angle. Page 203 Chapter 15 – Power Systems Power generation, Power management and distribution systems As we have mentioned before, power requirements in DP vessels are often much higher than in conventional ships. The commonest type of power installation is diesel-electric, with all thruster, power and services supplied from electric motors. Direct-drive diesel is not suitable due to the uncertainties in starting and stopping. It is, however, possible to apply direct-drive diesel to a controllable pitch thruster, with all thrust control obtained from blade pitch angle. A few DP vessels are equipped with individual direct-drive diesels coupled to each thruster, the propeller in each case being c.p. Diesel engines Diesels are frequently used to provide power to turn propeller shafts, often through clutches and couplings, or to drive electrical alternators in diesel-electric installations. In vessels where main diesels are used to drive propeller shafts, auxiliary diesel engines are provided to generate electrical power, otherwise the vessel may utilise Shaft Alternators for the generation of electrical power. Diesels usually run on Diesel Oil or Gas oil. In general, DP vessels do not run on Heavy fuel oil. Thruster motors are usually constant rpm a.c. motors driving c.p. propellers, with all thrust control provided by the pitch control. A more recent development is the synchro-motor drive, in which a synchro-converter provides a variable frequency voltage supply to the a.c. motor. Varying the frequency has the effect of varying the r.p.m. of the motor, thus this type of drive is suitable for DP installations with fixed-pitch propellers. This type of has installation virtually superceded the cp propeller. Almost all new-build DP vessels having a diesel-electric power plant feature fixed-pitch propellers and variable-frequency drive. In a diesel-electric installation, a number of generators provide power to a switchboard on a "power station" basis. Typically the voltage generated in a diesel-electric installation is hightension, e.g. 6 kV or 6.6kV, although some large drillships run at voltages up to 12 kV. Main and auxiliary switchboards run at 440V or 240V with power fed from the HV switchboard via transformers. The generators are driven by diesel engines, each of which should be provided with independent services such as fuel, cooling and lubrication. The provision of a number of generators lends itself to the principle of redundancy. Failure of one generator will leave a number of others on-line, and normal margins of working should ensure that loss of one generator does not result in an emergency status. The number of generators running can be changed to match the power requirements. In favourable conditions, fuel can be conserved by shutting down generators, keeping them ready for instant start-up upon deteriorating conditions. Switchboards Beside the direct driven propellers all power generated on board has to go through a switchboard. In order to provide redundancy there are at least two main switchboards and one emergency switchboard. Different equipment is connected to either one of the main switchboards and normally in a way so as to provide greatest redundancy, e.g. Bowthruster 1 on switchboard No. 1 (BUS 1) and Bowthruster 2 on switchboard No. 2 (BUS 2). The same consideration gapplies with for radar 1 and radar 2, and again fuel pump 1 and fuel pump 2, etc. Page 205 For each equipment there are a fuse protecting the switchboard if there is a short-circuit somewhere in the system, like the power line to the deck crane. The fuse will then cut off the power on this line and also avoiding loss of power to the place with the short-circuit. Between the two main switchboards BUS 1 and BUS 2 there is a big switch, the BUS Tie which enables the two switchboards to be linked together. In DP operations this Tie switch is normally open (Not switched), and the ship can still have power on one switchboard if there is a problem on the other. For Equipment Class 3 operations, it is a requirement that the switchboards be isolated, i.e. the Bus Tie be open. For Equipment Class 2 operations, the Bus Tie may be open or closed. In DP operations which are deemed not to be safety-critical the switchboards may be linked together with the Bus Tie closed, and with only one generator running the ship can still run all equipment, whether connected to Bus No. l or No. 2. In DP operations a situation might arise where there are three bow thrusters. Nos 1 and 3 are connected to Bus 1, while bow thruster No 2 is connected to Bus 2. If Bow thruster No 1 OR 3 fails, the vessel may still have sufficient forward thrust and redundancy allowing the operation to continue. If, however, bow thruster No 2 was to fail, the vessel is no longer redundant. The subsequent loss of Bus 1 would leave the vessel with no thrust capability forward. The DP operator has to decide whether he can continue the operation or not, and under these circumstances he must decide to abort the operation. Many vessels utilise combined diesel direct drive and electric drive. Arrangements vary, but often there will be twin screws, controllable pitch in a conventional arrangement, together with a variety of thrusters. The screws will be driven at constant r.p.m. by one or more diesels, also driving shaft alternators providing electrical power onto the switchboard. Additional electrical power is provided by diesel alternators. Thrusters are electrically powered, or driven by their own independent diesels. A common (simplified) setup for direct driven vessel with shaft generators. Power management Central to the concept of safe operation and redundancy is the monitoring of available power. For the purposes of safety, DP operations should not be carried out when power demand Page 206 exceeds 80% of power available, or when output from any individual thruster exceeds 80% of its maximum thrust. In general, there should be sufficient power available to provide current demand with a spinning reserve equivalent to one generator. This protects against critical situations arising as a result of the loss of one generator. In cases where one or more generators are stopped and on stand-by, "auto start" facilities are provided to automatically start and bring on-line those generators at some pre-set limit of available power. Alarms are provided within the DP system when the power limits are reached and exceeded. Power Management Systems (PMS) are intended to ensure that critical power shortages or blackout situations are avoided. A simple power management arrangement is a form of Blackout Prevention, ensuring that circuits are tripped off the switchboard under overload conditions. More complex systems contain a number of levels of load shedding. At a predetermined load value "start-blocking" will be initiated on large motors. This is to ensure that a blackout is not inadvertently tripped by the action of starting a motor when there are insufficient reserves. The starting current on a motor is far in excess of its full-load running current. Load shedding will occur as power reserves dwindle. Circuits will be dropped off the board in reverse order of importance. The DPO needs to be familiar with the load shedding routine, as he needs to know what reserves he has available after a power shortage problem. In some vessels, the power management is poorly organised such that, after tripping, the thrusters are still in the system but the thruster control system has tripped out. Thus the thrusters are still running but cannot be controlled! For operations under Equipment Classes 2 and 3, the level of redundancy required is such that the power available for position keeping should be sufficient to maintain position subsequent to worst case switchboard failure, i.e. the loss of one complete section of switchboard and the generators supplying it. Vessels of Equipment Class 2 may have busbar sections connected by bus tie breakers, but these breakers must separate automatically upon overload or short circuit failure within one section. Vessels of Equipment Class 3 must operate with bus tie breakers open, with each section of busbar isolated from the remainder. As technology develops, more and more systems are intended for operations with a closed bus bar, but the industry has not yet fully accepted class 3 operations with a closed bus bar. It is essential that the various switchboard protection devices, intended to prevent switchboard failure resulting from overload, over-volt or reverse-current conditions, are properly maintained and regularly tested. Page 207 Page 208 Electric system single line diagram from Maersk Achiever Page 209 Gener ator #4 Gener ator #3 Gener ator #2 Gener ator #1 11 kW 11 kW 11 kW 11 kW 11 kW 11 kW 11 kW 11 kW Thruster #4 Thruster #3 Thruster #2 Thrus ter #1 Thrus ter #5 Thruster #6 Thrus ter #7 Thrus ter #8 11 kW 11 kW 11 kW 11 kW 11 kW 11 kW 11 kW 11 kW Ge nerator #5 Ge nerator #6 Ge nerator #7 Generator #8 Simplified electric system single line diagram from DSS 21 semi sub Page 210 Page 211 Chapter 16 – The UPS system UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) Part of the power system to the DP system is the UPS which is a battery pack supplying continently power to vital equipment such as DP Control unit, Position Reference Systems and Environmental Sensors. As the power is limited e.g. the LTW can not run on the UPS but DGPS, HPR etc. have less consumption and is therefore connected to the UPS . Due to the required redundancy in class 2 and 3 vessel the different DP Control unit / PRS / Sensors are connected to different UPS. The electrical power onboard are generated on a number of generators and switching between them on the switchboard can cause minor disruption in the power, and a few seconds without the right voltage can result in one of the system mentioned above can drop out. Here will the UPS provide a steady current to connected equipment. Be aware of that the UPS is build for a certain power consumption and when changing equipment or adding new equipment which exceed the power the UPS is build for can damage the UPS, and cutting the power to all connected equipment. DNV requirement for UPS is that the battery installed for each UPS is to be able to provide nominal output power for 30 minutes after loss of charger. DNV requirement for numbers of UPS AUTS (0) 0 AUT (1) 1 AUTR (2) 2 AUTRO (3) 2 + 1 in separate compartment Page 213 Chapter 17 – Shallow / Deep Water and Tides Shallow water DP-capable vessels experience a number of problems when operating in shallow waters. Depending on vessel function (e.g. diver support, pipe laying, cable laying, crane barge, etc.) these problems may hamper or stop the vessel from working. Positon reference systems Any subsea position reference system is vulnerable to problems in shallow water. A Taut Wire system will have limited range due to the relatively short vertical side of the triangle and the small (about 35 degrees) maximum wire angle available. A DP cable laying vessel making the shore end connection may only have a few metres under the keel. Other position reference systems may not be available, and a Taut Wire has a maximum range under these circumstances of only two or three metres. MOONPOOL TAUT WIRE SHORTER RANGE IN SHALLOW WATER NO BILGE KEEL LIMIT BUT VERY LIMITED RANGES IN SHALLOW WATER BILGE KEEL LIMIT LONGER RANGE IN DEEPER WATER Since this is roughly the limit of the position-keeping capability of the vessel, the Taut Wire sensor will soon reach its angular limit, at which point the DP system will reject it as a position reference. The bilge keel limit makes this problem worse in a conventional monohull vessel. A moonpool Taut Wire may be even more limited since, although avoiding the bilge keel limit, the wire sensor and origin point is closer to the seabed, being located at keel level. Page 215 Underwater acoustic position reference systems (HPR) are also particularly vulnerable in shallow water. When it is considered that the transducer stick out some 4 to 5 metres below the keel, and the transponder is located at up to 5 metres above the seabed, then the vertical separation between the two becomes considerably less than the water depth. Since HPR range is largely dependent upon vertical separation between transducer and transponder, then this will be adversely affected in shallow water. Also there will be proportionally more noise and interference from the vessel and its operation in shallow water. The above factors are worsened if the shallow water area experiences strong tide, as is frequently the case. A strong tide will cause the Taut Wire to bow, resulting in inaccuracy. This, in itself, is will get worseif quantities of kelp are allowed to foul the wire, again, frequently the case in shallow water. In strong tides the vessel's thrusters will be working harder, providing more noise and air bubbles to further reduce the reliability of the HPR signals. For the reasons given above, DP operations such as diver support, requiring full redundancy, should use at least one surface position reference system within the spread of (minimum three) systems in use, particularly if the divers are working inside a jacket or other structure. This is less important if the diver is working in an open-water location, where a spread of, say two Taut Wires and an HPR is satisfactory. The DP operator should have a further position reference system available and ready to deploy if one of the existing systems becomes unusable due to any shallow water-related problem. In very shallow water there is, of course, the possibility of the HPR transducer head boring into the sand, but hopefully we can discount this as a practical problem! Position keeping capability In shallow water it may be found that the vessel will not "settle" to her position as readily as she would in deeper water. This will certainly be a problem if the tide is strong, since the thrusters will be working harder to compensate for the tidal flow. The vessel will be working closer to the limits of its environmental capability, with consequent reductions in reserve power and thrust availability. In strong tides there will be an element of added mass to the vessel due to the drag factor of the moving water. This added mass factor itself will reduce the position keeping capability of the vessel, and there may also be effects of "squat" caused by the close proximity of the seabed. This squat results from the reduction in pressure of the water beneath the hull, due to the water velocity, with a consequent increase in draught and a possible further loss of position keeping ability. In shallow water, the tide will often turn very quickly. Since DP systems deduce the tide from the vessel estimator, or mathematical model, then a rapid change in tidal conditions will result in deterioration in position keeping. In a diving or ROV support vessel this may cause the work to be temporarily abandoned during the period of the turn of the tide. In the southern North Sea and elsewhere, tidal conditions are such that diving and ROV operations can only take place for a limited period around slack water, and this interruption to this already limited diving window may cause serious delays. Many locations have tidal conditions only permitting operations from DP vessels around neap tide days. Page 216 E A B G D Summery: A. Excessive thruster noise causing interference with acoustic reference. B. Reduced vertical separation between transducer and transponder reduces the working range of HPR systems. C. Strong tides and greater turbulence result in poor acoustic conditions. D. Strong tides causing thrusters to work harder with less power in reserve. E. Strong tides causing use of more generators with less power in reserve. F. Strong tides causing thrusters to work harder generating more noise giving worse signal / noise ration. G. Limited horizontal range of LTW. As a result of these problems the positioning-keeping capability of the vessel is often degraded in shallow waters. Page 217 Deep water Numerous DP operations take place in deep water. Many of the Brazil and Gulf of Mexico oilfields are in deep water areas, as are the more recently developing fields west of Shetland in the UK sector and several locations in West Africa. Problems in these areas relate to the difficulty in obtaining suitable reliable position references, and in maintaining position in strong tides. In deeper water, subsea position references may be unreliable or inaccurate. Taut wire systems are useful up to depths of 300-500m; at greater depths problems of deteriorating accuracy appear. Specialised taut wire systems are designed to work down as deep as 2000m, but here the accuracy will be poor due both to the angular resolution at such depths, and to wire bending in strong tides. Bending of the wire will be more pronounced in areas where tide shear causes a number of different tide vectors to affect the wire profile at different depths. Other problems will affect hydroacoustic position references, and specialist high-power transducers and seabed beacons may be used. The choice of acoustic PRS in deep water should be made on the basis of suitability. Long Baseline systems provide high accuracy but a low update rate ( up to 10 seconds ), while SSBL and Short baseline systems have lower accuracy, especially in deep waters, although SBL systems have faster update rates. The use of an acoustic system in combination with a dual DGPS is common, however, it is possible for the dual DGPS to be lost, leaving a vessel reliant upon a possibly low accuracy acoustic system. Similarly, if dual DGPS is interfaced together with an LBL system, a position jump caused by the DGPS systems both changing constellation simultaneously may not be detected by the LBL acoustics for a number of seconds, due to the low update rate of LBL systems. A more satisfactory solution may be to use dual DGPS in combination with a dual acoustic system. The dual acoustic system may be a combination of SSBL and LBL. It may be considered preferable to avoid altogether the use of subsea references, and to use a combination of DGPS and other radio references instead. In deeper waters, of course, there is less likelihood of there being a nearby platform on which to base reference system. On the other hand, because of the depth, it is often the case that pinpoints positional accuracy is not vital; if the water is a mile deep and a search operation for a crashed aircraft is being undertaken, the vessel has considerable positional leeway before the operation is affected. Page 218 Solitons The occurrence of Solitons in areas worked by DP-capable vessels is a cause for concern, as they can be a major factor in the destabilisation of position-keeping. Solitons are described as localised nonlinear internal waves in the ocean, i.e. waves that propagate beneath the ocean's surface along the boundary layer between water of greater and lesser density. This description does not mean much to the average ships' officer, but a better description may be that of localised areas of high rates of current, occurring at frequent irregular intervals, and lasting for short time periods. SURFACE THERMOCLI NE DIRECTION OF MOVEMENT SEABED SOLITON A very interesting study of Solitons was presented by Captain Sanjai Jatar, of the Offshore Support Vessel "CSO Venturer", His experiences were based on observations during projects carried out in the South China Sea. The occurrence of Solitons was of a major concern. The characteristics of Solitons are listed: - - The waves radiate from a small region They travel substantial distances Swift currents and areas having bathymetry like sills on the seabed are required for their generation They travel in packets, with the leading waves being of maximum intensity They are influenced by tidal variations, sea currents and thermal structure of the water column They travel at approximate velocities of 2 to 4 knots Solitons in shallower waters further along the direction of travel were observed frequently but did not appear to have the same speed of travel, or effect on the positioning of vessels. This was possibly due to waves travelling from deeper water to shallower water Solitons are observed as distinct bands of choppy water with short, steep, randomly oriented waves Page 219 - They can be detected and identified in light sea conditions on a 3cm radar up to ranges of 3 to 4 n.m. They are stronger in intensity during Spring Tides In a particular area they always approach from approximately the same direction The effects of the passage of a Soliton on a DP vessel are a sudden surge of the vessel causing excursions of position and heading. There is insufficient time for the current to update within the system's mathematical model. The vessel may remain unstable in terms of position and heading for some time after, overshooting and hunting the setpoint values. At the same time, unreliable results will be obtained from subsea position references. Both tautwire and HPR systems will be degraded due to velocity of surface and subsea water, and additional noise and aeration (air bubbles) from thrusters. Excursions can be as much as 100 metres or more. There is a more pronounced effect on semisubmersible vessels due to their greater draughts. If operating in areas where Solitons are known to be prevalent, then there are a number of precautions that may be taken by DPOs. A careful watch should be kept on 3cm radar which might give early warning of the onset of a Soliton. Careful watch also on Doppler Log, to give early indication of change in vessel speed. Position reference should be obtained from surfaceorientated systems as far as possible. Additional generators should be kept online to compensate for rapid power needs with the onset of a Soliton. If possible the vessel heading should be altered into the direction from which the Soliton is approaching. With the detection of a Soliton the diving operation should be abandoned and the bell recovered, or other steps taken to mitigate the effects of a position/heading excursion. ROV operations should be terminated and the ROV recovered or landed on the seabed. Care must be taken when handling suspended loads underwater, crane operations, downlines, etc. Page 220 Chapter 18 – Rule and Regulations Disclaimer In this chapter you will find documents and extracts of documents from the different Rules and Regulations and other DP related issues. These documents will not give a full understanding of the mentioned regulations Please refer to the original documents Page 221 Redundancy rules and regulations offshore safety For many DP operations, the provision of redundancy is not required, and is not cost effective. The function of redundancy is to provide greater system reliability in the face of component failures, by means of the provision of back-up facilities, or an over-capacity of systems. The requirement for redundancy will be highlighted by a Risk Assessment undertaken for the task in hand. Risk analysis is a technique required within the Safety Case for all offshore installations, and must include ship operations within the installation's 500m. exclusion zone. Depending upon the consequences of a loss of vessel control, the required level of redundancy is specified. The main functions of system redundancy are; (i) to prevent a catastrophic failure of the system resulting in a collision with the installation, and, (ii) to allow the vessel to maintain position in a degraded status subsequent to a loss of any single part of the DP system. Note that the word 'system' includes all components involved in the positioning of the vessel, including thrusters, generators, switchboards as well as the DP electronic fit. For all DP vessels, all failure modes and their effects should be considered in a formal FMEA (Failure Mode Effects Analysis) study. The modes that should be considered are the sudden loss of major items of equipment, the sudden or sequential loss of several items of equipment with a common link, and various control instability failures. Faults that can be hidden until another fault occurs should also be considered. Also to be considered are the methods of detection and isolation of the fault mentioned. Operator responses to the types of failure considered should be reflected in the vessel's operations manual. The FMEA should consider likely operational scenarios of the vessel, such as shallow water, high tidal stream rates and limited provision of position reference. Some of the Classification Societies require the vessel to maintain a FMEA document as part of the DP Class notation. Levels of redundancy for a range of different types of DP vessel are given in the "Guidelines for the design and operation of Dynamically Positioned vessels" published by IMCA. Further guidance is given in an IMO document entitled "Guidelines for vessels with Dynamic Positioning systems" which is an internationally recognised and agreed document, applicable to new vessels, (constructed on or after 1st July 1994). How much redundancy is required in a DP system? The location in which a DP vessel is allowed to work and the scope of the work it is going to carry out should be governed by the amount of redundancy the vessel has in its DP system. This was originally addressed by the NMD (Norwegian Maritime Directorate) and IMO and led to the introduction of “Consequence Classes” and “Equipment Classes”. Page 223 Consequence classes The NMD used to group the “consequence” of failure into four classes: • Consequence Class 0 operations, which are operations where loss of position keeping capability is not considered to endanger human life or cause damage; • Consequence Class 1 operations, which are operations where damage or pollution of small consequence may occur in case of failure of the positioning capability; • Consequence Class 2 operations, which are operations where failure of the positioning capability may cause pollution or damage with large economic consequence, or personnel injury; and • Consequence Class 3 operations, which are operations where loss of position keeping capability will probably cause loss of life, severe pollution and damage with major economic consequences. IMO, Equipment Classes Instead of ‘consequence classes’, The IMO Guidelines specify three Equipment Classes, Class 1, 2 and 3. Class 1 includes none redundant vessels. Class 2 vessels are those that will not suffer a loss of position as a result of a single fault or failure in any active component or system. Class 3 vessels are those that will not suffer a loss of position as a result of any single failure, including all components in one fire subdivision, and all components in one watertight compartment, from fire or flooding. The guidelines detail the level of redundancy in the various elements of the DP installation for each equipment class, and outlines the FSVAD or Flag State Verification and Acceptance Document which states the equipment class complied with for the vessel. Provision of redundancy arrangements may take a number of forms. The simplest level is to merely duplicate an element, with a manual selection of one or other components. This may be the case with windsensors where the operator may choose port or starboard windsensor selected into the system. This is acceptable since there is no possibility of a catastrophic failure pending the loss of windsensor input. The DP is able to function quite happily without windsensor input for a short period of time providing there are no large variations in wind direction and strength. The above arrangement is not suitable for more vital elements of equipment. When considering the control system computer a more comprehensive arrangement is required. In many installations, two complete identical computers are fitted, both working in an operating mode but only one of which is "on-line" and the other on stand-by. Upon failure of the online computer, the stand-by unit takes over. Arrangements are made for each computer to monitor the other to ensure that both contain identical data. This allows for a true "bumpless transfer" as far as the operator is concerned, and complies with the requirements for Equipment Class 2, DP(AA) and Dynpos (AUTR). Another approach to the problem is to provide triple redundancy or "triplex" operation. This is the arrangement seen in the Kongsberg K-Pos 31 system where three computers are Page 224 provided, all operational and on-line. Three computers in a triad perform exactly the same job operating on exactly the same data from sensors etc. If one of the computers fails this is automatically detected and isolated. The voting logic of the system allows the malfunctioning unit to be identified The advantage of this configuration is that the operation can continue subsequent to a failure since there are two operational units remaining giving a measure of redundancy. This also gives rise to the facility of "hot repair" to the malfunctioning unit. The triplex philosophy is carried through the whole DP system so that all major sensors are triplicated (VRS, Gyro, etc). Whilst increasing the level of reliability of the system it must be pointed out that triplicating systems is more expensive than duplicating them so there is usually a cost penalty. This arrangement does not, of itself, fulfil the requirements of DP(AAA) or Dynpos AUTRO classifications for Equipment Class 3. In Class 3 vessels, a separate control computer must be fitted in a remote location to back up the main, duplex or triplex, computers. Redundancy of position reference systems is broadly achieved by using two or three PRS together. As mentioned previously, a modern DP system is able to pool position reference data and achieve a "best fix" from several different sources. If three PRS are used together then the loss of one of them is not catastrophic. The operator should not subject himself to common mode failure by deploying two PRS of the same type since it is then possible for both units to fail simultaneously due to the same cause; for instance, two taut wire PRS can fail together if the vessel rolls violently such that the winches cannot match the accelerations. In all cases the PRS should be safeguarded against loss of power supply. Redundancy of power supply arrangements is a more complex subject. It is necessary to provide sufficient power, whether diesel-electrical plant is installed or direct-drive diesel, such that the vessels operational capability can be maintained subsequent to the failure of any single power unit. Power management arrangements must be provided so that when consumption of power reaches the level of power available then non-essential loads are shed in reverse order of their importance. In a diesel-electric installation with a number of diesel alternators providing power, then a "spinning reserve" must be maintained of the equivalent of at least one alternator capacity. Power distribution arrangements must be made such that no single fault within the switchboard, cabling and distribution network can prevent sufficient thruster supply to maintain vessel position and heading. The electrical arrangement of main and auxiliary busbars is normally sufficiently versatile to allow power to be maintained despite a considerable amount of failure within the system. The DP system itself is supplied from an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) which is redundant within itself, takes power from two separate busbars and also has a 30 minutes battery back-up. The UPS, it must be stressed, only supplies the DP system (console, computers, reference systems) and not thrusters. The provision of thrusters and propellers for the vessel must also take on board the need for redundancy. In simple terms this means that the vessel must have sufficient thruster capability so as to be able to remain on station and heading subsequent to losing thrust from any one thruster. Fully redundant DP vessels generally are fitted with a minimum of six thrusters. The system has alarm functions set at 80% of thruster output. This warns the DP operator that he is reaching the point at which he would be short of thrust if for any reason one thruster were lost. The situation becomes more complicated again when considering vessels having a direct-drive diesel element to the manoeuvring arrangements. Consider the case where twin diesels are coupled to c.p propellers, with electrical power Page 225 generated from shaft alternators, additional power being provided from separate diesel alternators. A single fault could immobilise one main diesel, stopping that propeller and leaving the vessel deficient in electrical power since that shaft alternator capacity has also been lost. This is a "worst case" and must be allowed for in the documented capability levels for the ship. For Equipment Classes 2 & 3, the arrangements must be such that the vessel will remain on station on DP after loss of all thrusters supplied from one section of the switchboard. If the vessel is working to Equipment Class 3 the divided power system should be located in separate watertight spaces with A-60 fire subdivision. It must be realised that the best arrangements possible regarding redundancy cannot achieve total reliability. Redundancy arrangements can be negated by the physical location of equipment. In multi-computer systems the two, three or four computers are usually located in the same compartment. It is common to see both gyro compasses and VRSs side by side, likewise the two elements of the UPS are usually located adjacent each other. System cabling is often grouped together in a common trunking. This arrangement is prone to fire, explosion or flood damage. Likewise, a fire on the bridge which destroys the bridge console is likely to knock out the DP in its entirety. Similarly, the best redundancy arrangements cannot allow for multiple simultaneous failures. It is well known that "things always go wrong in threes" and this is especially true shipboard, with a harsh environment. Severe weather conditions with water flying about can result in many failures in a short time. Page 226 Overview of authorities International Maritime Organization (IMO) Marine Safety Comitte (MSC) has issued guidelines based on input from the industry: • MSC/Circ.645, 6 juni 1994, Guidelines for Vessels with Dynamic Positioning Systems based on IMCA M113 • MSC/Circ. 738 Guidelines For Dynamic Positioning System (Dp) Operator Training And Experience based On IMCA M117 The Nautical Institute Administer a DP Training scheme Offshore Service Vessel Dynamic Positioning Authority (OSVDPA) Administer a DP Training Scheme International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) Issues operational and competence guidelines for DP and other offshore work. Marine Technology Society – DP committee Issues operational and competence guidelines for DP and other offshore work. Guidelines for Offshore Marine Operations (G-OMO) Guidelines for Offshore Marine Operations is a guideline covering general offshore operations DNV/GL - Administer a DP Training Scheme based on DNV/GL standards. - Issues Rules for classification of ships and MODU’s with notation for vessels with dynamic positioning systems. - Issues several other documents as OS (Offshore Standards) or RP Recommended Practices Lloyd's Register of Shipping - Issues Rules for classification of ships and MODU’s with notation for vessels with dynamic positioning systems. ABS - American Bureau of Shipping - Issues Rules for classification of ships and MODU’s with notation for vessels with dynamic positioning systems. Other classification societies also have notations for DP systems Page 227 Client Requirements Clients will normally have requirements for DP equipment and also competences of DP operators included in contracts for the vessels. Below is an example of the requirement from Petrobraz, for Drilling vessel/semi on DP received November 2005. This has been freely Translated by Maersk. 4. DYNAMIC POSITIONING SYSTEM 4.1 System of Controllers with estimate algorithm and predictive type control (Kalman filters) and triple configuration (three computers) for the controllers and consoles, including video monitor, keyboards joysticks. It shall be accepted a double configuration (two main controllers), as long as the Unit is provided with a back-up DP controller system completely independent (including “software”), separated from the main controllers.… 4.2 Systems for Reference of Position (SRP) configured in number, type and degree of such technological updating that guarantee reliability and accuracy in the whole range of contractual water depth. In addition to this: 4.2.1 Minimum of two (02) hydro acoustic systems which shall feed the DP controllers simultaneously, as system for reference of position totally independent…… 4.2.2 A minimum of two (02) systems of positioning by satellites, independent, with minimum accuracy of three (03) meters. At least one of the primary receivers must have capacity to receive GPS dual frequency (L1/L2) signals, besides a minimum of one (01) GLONASS receiver. Each system must possess double redundancy in the system of reception of differential signal, in the following way: two (02) different systems via satellite (example: “Inmarsat” and “Spot Beam”) and two (02) different systems via radio (distinct frequencies and redundant broadcasting stations, with range reaching all the operational scenario of the Unit – examples: IALA-MRB and UHF)…… 4.3. Systems for Measurement of the Drilling Riser Angle: 4.3.1. Two independent systems type ERA (“Electric Riser Angle”), with data transmission via pods of the BOP and connected simultaneously to the DP System…. The transponders ARA must posses as accessory function, the possibility of reconfiguration (via submarine telemetry) for hydro acoustic positioning transponders, operating in one of the SSBL/USBL/SBL mode. 4.4. Sensor Systems constituted of, a minimum of, 03 gyroscopic compasses, 03 VRU’S (Vertical Reference Units) or MRU´S (Movement Reference Units) and 03 anemometers. …. 4.5 System of Continuous Supply of Power (“UPS´S” of the DP): a minimum of three (03), feeding the Controllers, Systems of Reference of Position and Sensors, with redundancy in the feeding by distinct bus circuits and with changer over and alarm, by-pass, in a shared way and batteries with capacity for a minimum of 30 minutes of operation in case of cut of the primary supply of power….. Page 229 4.7. Print Outs systems of the screens of the DP controllers and acoustic systems, in a color printer (connected to the UPS). 4.8. The Alarm Printers of the DP system must possess redundancy (a minimum of two in parallel, being one in operation and the other one in stand by mode, with automatic change-over in case of failure or manual with alarm, both connected to the UPS). 4.10. System of Alarms of the DP status: the Unit must possess visual and sound alarm indicators of the dynamic positioning system [green (optional)/yellow/red], controlled manually by the DP operator from the bridge/and or DP room(s) (it shall not be accepted automatic alarms activated directly by the DP controllers). 4.13. The Unit must comply with the recommendations of the IMO defined by the MSC/CIRC 645, from 06/06/1994, “Guidelines for Vessels with Dynamic Positioning Systems”, in addition to the requirements of the Classification Society to which is subordinated. 4.14. The Dynamic Positioning System must have been submitted to a preliminary reliable analysis type FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) carried out in a recent period (one year maximum prior to the beginning of the Contract) by institution recognized by the IMO….. 4.15. Petrobras shall carry out regular annual inspections and tests on the Dynamic Positioning System, besides eventual tests in case of upgrade or in the occurrence of grave incidents related to the DP. Page 230 Chapter 19 – Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) FMEA is a highly important part of the delivery of a DP system. In MSC/Circ. 645 there is a requirement for testing of the DP system, which includes the FMEA and annual trial process. Below paper gives a short explanation of the FMEA. The FMEA process has developed since the very beginning and is continuously developing with technology. It is recommended to follow the developments in the subject on ongoing basis. FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS FOR DPS By Captain C.A. Jenman, B.Sc, MRINA, MRIN, MNI Director, Global Maritime Ltd There is an increase in the number of diving support vessels operating offshore and there is a number of such vessels nearing completion at several yards. In both the Norwegian and British sectors of the North Sea diving operations from DSVs have been influenced by the guidelines issued jointly by the Department of Energy and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate. One of the recommendations of the guidelines is that a failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) should be carried out for the main components of the Dynamic Positioning System. This recommendation has been followed by some operators and owners, sometimes for technical reasons, sometimes for safety or political reasons, and sometimes just for commercial reasons. The results of such work have been as mixed as the reasons for them being commissioned. The reason for this is simple; for high-quality results the engineers carrying out the analysis must have an overall understanding of the vessel to a depth almost equal to the designers of the individual systems. In addition, they must have a clear idea how the vessel will be put to work operationally. Such capabilities are rare. The analysis however can be greatly simplified if clear objectives and a methodical approach is adopted. What is an FMEA? For the want of a nail the shoe was lost For want of a shoe the horse was lost For want of a horse the rider was lost For want of a rider the battle was lost. This sums up and explains what FMEA is all about. The problem facing the engineers carrying out an FMEA of a sophisticated vessel is to identify the "nail" that is critical, prove that it is critical and show how the "criticality" can be reduced or avoided. Every piece of equipment can fail. Every system can fail. In an FMEA the various ways in which a piece of equipment or system can fail have to be considered to see which failure modes, if any have critical effects. To those familiar with fault tree analysis this will seem to be that kind of analysis under a different name. It is true that they are very close. The difference is that a fault tree approach is very much equipment orientated whereas an FMEA must cover equipment failures but then put them into operational perspective to give the effects. Generally only critical effects are really of interest and operators and owners are quick to act if they can be shown to be critical. Page 231 What is a critical failure? In offshore terms a critical failure is a red alert. In diving terms it means a rapid return to the diving bell and bell recovery. In dynamic positioning terms it is a loss of the ability adequately to control vessel position and/or heading. Of course the word adequately is vague, but it depends on the diving operation, the water depth and the nature of the failure. A "drive off" of Sm could be more critical than a "drift off' of 10 m. A yellow alert, although not immediately critical to safety, is commercially critical because the sub-sea work cannot continue and much diving work is carried out on a lumpsum basis. Generally a DP yellow alert implies loss of redundancy or a reduction in power margin such that a red alert is imminent or could occur from a simple single failure or trip. In these situations the diver(s) return to the bell; often the bell is recovered to await a diving "green" to resume. A significant loss in diving time is very costly, especially if there are many divers employed in the work. Where are critical failures found? There are several key areas where, in the author's experience, potential critical situations and failures are found. A few are highlighted below. Each DSV is designed with the intent of being able to maintain position whenever it is reasonably possible for divers to work. For most monohulls restriction on heading for higher sea states can be a limitation, but this limitation in comparison to a semi-submersible is well reflected in costs. Many DP DSVs also have a fire-fighting capability and thus the power generation is usually more than adequate for all the thrusters. The problems usually come in ensuring the thrusters can develop their full thrust while on DP. Reductions in effective thrust come from poor flow or thruster interference or from poor pitch control i.e., full pitch is not achieved although ordered by the computer or joystick. Inadequate thrust can also be the result of equipment not being available, generally thrusters or generators. When routine maintenance is considered at the design stage a reduction in availability of the vessel for drydocking, repairs and inspections is costed. When the vessel is in service a greater availability is often expected. If one generator is unavailable because of routine maintenance at sea or because of a failure, one side of the high voltage board is likely to have inadequate power in the event of an earth fault. An earth fault on a high-voltage switchboard is an unlikely event, but the guidelines state that no single fault should cause a catastrophic failure. This is where the risk of a critical failure needs to be put in perspective. Mechanical failures tend to give experienced operators many warnings. Electrical failures tend to give no warning. At the design stage many discussions on effective electrical supply redundancy, result in complicated power distributions to avoid a common supply to critical equipments. The designer's intent is not always achieved. The designer's intent is also sometimes modified on board for other reasons and redundancy is lost. These failure modes and effects are generally easy to find and simple to test. The more difficult problem is the identification of all hidden failures which, when combined with a simple single failure, cause a critical situation. An example is where there are two supplies Page 232 with a changeover relay. If the normal supply fails the relay operates and effectively ensures continuous supply. This changeover relay could be unused for years and sit in a failed condition so that when called upon the changeover does not happen. Loss of one or all thrusters could result. Sometimes great thought has been put into ensuring that fully redundant duplicate supplies are provided to a piece of critical equipment only for both to be terminated together on the same pair of pins, such that one loose termination gives the effect that all the duplication was meant to avoid. Most DP DSVs have several reference sensors both for position, and attitude (roll, pitch and azimuth). Usually the vertical reference units are duplicated, as are the gyro compasses. This does not mean that they are secure. It is possible for one to fail such that the operator is unable to know which is in error. It is also common that these duplicated units are positioned next to each other in a small compartment (often an electrical switch room); thus mechanical damage or fire results in the loss of both. A vessel with several position reference systems can also be quickly reduced to only one in some circumstances. For example, in shallow water or near an offshore structure some acoustic positioning systems are not suitable, a vertical taut wire is restricted and has to be picked up every few meters and an Artemis can be shielded, switched off at the fixed station or be interfered with. There are other analyses that can be carried out on DP DSVs and it is worth mentioning some of them. Hazard analysis - In many ways this analysis follows on from an FMEA. Situations and failure modes that are a hazard cab be quantified and, for example, the probability of a DVS colliding with a fixed structure be determined for various tasks close to the platform. Reliability analysis - The mean time between failures for various equipments and systems is useful when determining the level of redundancy that is cost effective. It is also essential to have reliability data to calculate the probability of various hazards occurring. In practice, when the design philosophy is that no single failure should cause a critical situation, cost effective redundancy studies on the systems associated with dynamic positioning are not carried out. Availability analysis - The availability of a system is the probability of the system being able to perform its intended task. Availability combines reliability, mean time to repair and maintenance downtime, it is ideally what is required for a vessel to quote a lumpsum price. To achieve a realistic assessment vessel availability has to be combined with the probability of various environmental conditions existing. This leads into downtime or operability analysis. An FMEA is a useful exercise to operators and owners of DP DSVs if carried out by capable engineers. Other studies can also be beneficial but the real question in the author's opinion is not being asked. The effects that these studies are designed to avoid are: 1. Death or injury to a diver. 2. Collision with a fixed platform. 3. Prolonged yellow alerts from equipment failure. Page 233 The diver wants to know that the risk of death or injury is very low or negligible. The owner (or operator) of the DSV and the operator (and partners) of the platform wants to know the risk of collision. The operator of the DSV wants to know the risk of downtime. These are the answers that consultants should strive to give the offshore industry. Page 234 Chapter 20 - Human Factors in the DP operation Human factors in the DP industry have had a high focus for many years. With the STCW 2010 amendments, this is believed to increase further. DP manufacturers are constantly seeking the best user interface, based on thorough research. This research can again be used for the benefit of the entire DP operation. Below are 2 projects reproduced as example of the research in human factors in the DP industry. Project 1 PILOT PROJECT By J. M. Hughes Global Maritime March 1996 Background The role of the human being in dynamic positioning (DP) has never bee taken for granted by the industry. Since the very early days of DP in offshore oil operations some 25 years ago it has been recognised that for vessels to operate successfully so close to offshore structures in adverse weather conditions and for such long periods requires the successful integration of a number of complex inputs, viz., • in the design, construction and reliability of DP equipment, • in the management and the operation of DP vessels and • in the role of human beings in maintaining and operating DP vessels Historical Development Design. Construction and Reliability In the early years a disproportionately large number of DP incidents were caused principally by hardware failure. Although figures are not available for the period before 1980 there is little doubt that inadequate control systems and equipment contributed to the majority of run-offs, platform collisions and subsequent accident. At that time the industry was on a steep learning curve and was, metaphorically, flying by the "seat of its pants". It was not until the 1980s that serious efforts were made to monitor and introduce effective controls in the industry. Statistics compiled for the Dept of Energy Diving Inspectorate for the period 1980-1988 identified equipment failure as the main cause in 54% of all DP incidents. The troublesome incidence of equipment failure did bring about improvement measures and led, for example, to the widespread recognition and implementation of the concept of engineering redundancy in the industry. Previously, many DP systems, despite apparent sophistication and technical complexity, were characterised by a large number of single point failures. Complex systems are of little value if the failure of one small component can result in a major breakdown and lead to a major incident. Design and technical improvements resulted in the introduction of back-up hardware, i.e. propulsion, power generation and distribution, back-up control systems, fail-safe systems, etc. The concept of redundancy is now central to DP operations, where, the higher degree of operational risk requires a similarly high degree of DP system and operational security, which, in turn, is attained by operating to a higher level of system redundancy. Page 235 In addition, a greater understanding of DP systems has been gained via system specific studies, such as Failure Modes and Effects Analyses, (FMEAs), which identify critical components and methods of introducing greater reliability and robustness. There is little doubt that in the past 25 years, the quality and reliability of hardware and, indeed, software have improved, not least because of the resources that have been directed towards achieving that improvement. Designers, manufacturers, industry associations and classification societies have all contributed. Statistics for the period 1989/90 compiled by the DPVOA of DP incidents on diving vessels indicates that equipment failure, including thrusters, electrical, references and computers accounted for 36% of the total. Although the statistical bases for the two periods are not identical, nevertheless and unquestionably, there have been improvements. Management and Operation Similarly, considerable resources have been invested in developing the management and operation of DP vessels. DP vessel owners and operators themselves have been particularly active in this area. Many have adopted management systems and have developed operational and project skills that would have been considered improbable some years ago. Client groups have also played a part. They are understandably anxious to protect their offshore investments, which they see as being exposed to considerable risk every time that a DP vessel is going about its legitimate business only a few metres away from their platform. Clients have tended to choose the vehicle of DP audits as the means of assessing the capabilities of DP vessels and thereby, limiting their exposure to risk. The use of DP audits in this way has not been a universally popular nor effective method of achieving the desired objectives. Perhaps the greatest single influence in establishing acceptable standards for DP operations was the implementation of a joint Norwegian / British document, "The Guidelines for the Specification and Operation of DP Vessels". The first edition was published in 1980 and was superseded soon after by an update in 1983. These comprehensive guidelines set standards not only for the provision of equipment but also, importantly, for the operation of equipment, the establishment of operating limits, assessment of DP capability, etc. In addition it is in this document that the fast attempts are made at addressing the people factor. Since their introduction many years ago these guidelines have served as an authoritative base for the development of many other codes and guidelines. The DPVOA has been the most energetic body in this area, providing the industry with numerous publications, standards and studies in aspects of equipment and safe DP operations. For example, the DPVOA "Guidelines for the Design and Operation of DP Vessels, 1989", provided the industry with the most comprehensive and authoritative set of standards so far. In addition the DPVOA has published authoritative equipment specific studies, including, studies on position reference systems, thruster failures, switchboards, etc. Human Element Page 236 The role of the human being, in particular the DP Operators, has always had a high profile in the industry. The emphasis has followed traditional lines of providing standards for training and qualification and then providing the means through which these standards can be achieved. For example, at the start of the 1980s a DP Operator training scheme was set up in association with shore based training establishments. The initiative for this came from the industry itself and the Nautical Institute. As a result there are now various centres that provide DP Operator training and issue appropriate certificates. Also, a DP Operator log book system was established some years ago, in which an operator's experience, including types of DP operation, types of DP systems, length of service, etc. are all recorded. This is modelled on diver's log books and aircraft pilot logs. It has also resulted in the establishment of DP Operator training courses, both onshore and shipboard. The industry's approach is set out in one of the DPVOA's recent publications, entitled, "Training and Experience of Key DP Personnel". This provides training standards and qualifications required for various positions within the DP industry. One other area where the human element appears is in the investigation of DP incidents, the results of which are regularly published and distributed to the industry. Analyses of DP incidents in the years 1980 to 1993, indicate that approximately 50% are caused in some way by human error. This statistic prompted the DPVOA to undertake a pilot study into the human factors aspects of DP operations. The timing of this initiative by the DPVOA coincided with a trend throughout the industrialised world to direct more resources towards understanding people and analysing human behaviour within an industrial context. The result has been an almost exponential growth in influence of such people-related disciplines as occupational psychology and the pseudo science of human factors. In choosing to start off a project on human factors the DPVOA decided to steer clear of the expert view. In keeping the initial part of the project "in-house", the DPVOA was following a strategy that that had served it well in the past, i.e. that of the industry's own people looking at its own problems, identifying particular areas of concern, defining the extent of the problems and establishing appropriate strategies and plans. Human Factors Pilot Project The impetus that brought about the human factors project was that the NMD formally asked the DPVOA what they had done to reduce the number of human errors in DP accident causation. Although the quoted percentage levels of human error are low when compared with some other industries, at approximately 50%, it is still a significant number. Literature Review and Identification of Problem Areas The stated objectives of the pilot project were, broadly, to identify human factors issues that have an effect on the safety of DP operation, identify problem areas and establish whether further investigative work was necessary. The project was carried out over a period of a few weeks in the Autumn of 1994. It consisted initially of a review of relevant human factors work in similar areas and assessment of the Page 237 implications for DP operations. The following studies and references were considered as particularly relevant, since they provided a maritime perspective. Human Element in Shipping Casualties - Tavistock Institute of Human Research Safer Ships Cleaner Seas - Lord Donaldson's Report on the "Braer" Grounding Fatigue and Stress at Sea - Medical Research Council - Prof LD Brown Accidents and Loss Prevention at Sea - Nautical Institute Conference, 1993 Following the review of the references five specific areas of interest were identified as being of particular significance to DP operations. They formed the basis of the project. They were; • • • • • Man/machine interface DP management issues Training and competence Identification of stressors Aspects of human behaviour In selecting the above five areas the project personnel were extending the expected original scope away from purely an examination of the activities of DP Operators standing or sitting at a DP console. In doing so they were acknowledging that the real scope for human factors extends across the whole spectrum of vessel and company operations and incorporates human participation in design construction, management and organisation as much as operational or hands-on errors. The resources available to the project were limited and did not permit detailed studies of the selected topics. To achieve validity and relevance within the resource constraints it was decided to concentrate on identifying and exploring the responses of DP Operators to the selected topics and to review their responses objectively. There are obvious pitfalls in carrying out a study in this way, because the project could become a channel for the expression of the subjective views of a particular group of people, thereby losing impartiality. The method of overcoming that pitfall was to ensure consistent standards were maintained in the conduct of the work and, especially, in the method of data collecting. Method of Data Collection In order to link the areas for consideration with the real world of DP operations it was necessary to undertake an objective and relevant data collecting exercise. Three different methods were considered, vim., observation, questionnaire, interview. The first, observation (fly on the wall), i.e. watching DP operators in action over a period, was discounted principally because the time available did not permit enough observation time on a wide enough range of vessels. There are also obvious disadvantages in this method. When under observation, human beings are liable to adjust their behaviour to something other than normality, giving a false picture of what they would normally do under other circumstances. A combination of questionnaire and interview was chosen. The questions were divided into the five selected areas. Half of the questionnaires were completed by DP Operators on their own. The other half were used in interview sessions. The questionnaire consisted of 108 questions, comprising open and closed questions, some of which required specific Yes/No type answers, Page 238 others required the participants to rank answers in order of preference, while others were open ended to encourage expansive answers. Statistical Range Given the time and resources available it was clearly not possible to obtain data from every DP vessel or every DP Operator. Out of a total of fifty DPVOA member vessels, four were selected as being representative of the industry as a whole in operational range and complexity. Two were dive support and two were specialist subsea and topside support vessels. Three were UK manned and one Dutch. Three were mono-hull and one semisubmersible. The DP Operators on two of the vessels were employed directly by the vessel operator and on the other two they were employed through manning agencies. In total fourteen DP Operators were involved in the project. The statistical sample of vessels was 8% of the total number operated by DPVOA members and 3% of DP Operators. Absolute confidentiality was a precondition of the exercise. The identity of the vessels, owners and DP Operators have not been disclosed and have remained anonymous throughout. Page 239 Project 2 Introduction to Human Factors Studies A large amount of research work has been carried out into human factors. Some of which have relevance to the world of DP operations. The following two examples provide a flavour of the range of opinion and diversity of approach. 1. Analysis of Human Actions In particular, the work of noted psychologists, (Prof. Reason and others), has considered human error in terms of three levels of action, i.e. skill based actions, rule based actions and knowledge based actions. According to their studies, it should be possible to determine the role of the human being in accident analysis and allocate it to one of these three actions. Throughout the course of the project the behavioural patterns of DP Operators were considered against these three elements of skills, rules and knowledge. Skill Based Actions In a skill based action, an action is pre-learnt and repeated, automatically, in pursuit of an objective. As far as application of the human mind is concerned a skill based action should be quite simple. Skill based actions are characterised as being capable of copy, repetition and, possibly, automation. There are many skill based actions in the world of DP operations from the general acquired skills of operating the DP console to the operation of a particular piece of equipment, such as DGPS, Artemis or even the remote operation of the taut wire unit. When doing accident investigation a failure to follow a skill based rule is normally readily identified and the fault pinned on the operator. Rule Based Actions In a rule based action, there are standardised or customary procedures for doing certain things, The procedures are consciously followed without considering possible alternatives. In the context of DP operations these procedures could refer to the DP setting up procedures or, in particular, the procedures adopted when the vessel is moving under DP control, possibly with a diver down. It is generally accepted that DP vessels are particularly vulnerable at these times. Failure to comply with the rule based action can lead to failure to control the vessel and subsequent DP incident. There is normally little difficulty in establishing rule based violations in the course of carrying out an accident investigation. Knowledge Based Actions In knowledge based actions, the role of the human being is more complex. In knowledge based actions the human being is required to exercise his powers of discretion and to carry out problem solving, planning and choosing between alternative courses of action. Knowledge based problems can not be resolved simply by resorting to a skill based solution or following a set procedure. Despite widespread attempts to turn most actions into the exercise of a skill or the compliance with a procedure, we still have not reached the stage where we can dispense with the rational human being, who is required to assess a situation and choose an appropriate course of action from a number of alternatives while still observing his acquired skills and Page 240 complying with relevant procedures. Human error in this context is still an identifiable factor. It is often expressed in the following manner, "You shouldn't have done it that way, you should have done it this way." I call this the Harry Enfield treatment" or, more conventionally, it can be expressed as the benefit of hindsight. Knowledge based errors that lead to DP incidents can be identified by accident analysis techniques, however, this requires a considerable amount of knowledge and understanding by the analyst. 2. Human Error in Perspective Recent studies of ship casualties carried out by Dr Hans Payer of Germanischer Lloyd considered human error against a background of other factors, in particular organisational and management. This approach moves away from analysis of the human being in isolation and requires human error to be put into context. In terms of accident causation, this requires the vertical causation line to be examined as well as the horizontal causation line. Dr Payer recognises that human beings are intuitively familiar with human error as a principal cause of accidents. In other words there is a tendency to look to the human fast and then to work out from there. This is expressed in the culture of blame that is so often associated with accident causation. This culture of blame is reinforced by society's way of dealing with the consequences of accidents, for instance, in this country and elsewhere there is a long and established tradition of adversarial court actions which is consciously set up to foster the blame culture, where one side blames the other. In accident cases in Scotland, e.g. the defender tries to place all the blame on the hapless injured party and the pursuer tries the opposite. In analysing accident reports that come through the system and which support this blame culture, it is evident that little attempt is made to seek out the real causes. It is often more a case of using the accident investigation in defending one's own position or promoting one's own interests. It is a fact that most severe accidents are caused by a catastrophic combination of errors, both human and organisational. Seldom are all the factors exposed in the normal investigation process. Human Error A typical range of human error types are given below: Fatigue Negligence Ignorance Greed Folly Wishful thinking Mischief Laziness Alcohol/drugs Lack of seriousness Misjudgement Sloppiness Physical Limits Boredom Inadequate training The potential for human error is intensified in times of stress and panic. Optimum performance requires a certain amount of pressure and even stress. But excessive pressure causes anxiety and hostility. In any case the normal thinking and decision making processes are impaired under too much pressure. Slackness, on the other hand also leads to too low performance. Both extremes can contribute significantly to human error. Page 241 Once a problem starts, the normal human objective is to return as soon as possible to the normal condition, before it reaches a critical level of no return. The typical reaction of man to a crisis is subdivided into three psychological ranges: perceiving thinking action The danger level can be reached by lack of sufficient reaction time, errors in perception, thinking and action. Such errors will either lengthen the time or increase the magnitude of the danger build up. After a problem starts there will be some kind of warning, either by observation or unintended changes in operation or by warning systems. After the warning is noticed, the source of the mishap has to be recognised. The thinking period ranges from the identification of the problem to the decision process for the best course of action to take, based on information available, experience of the operator, etc. Finally the corrective action is started usually following a plan so that the system is returned to normal operation as soon as possible. Otherwise the problem may escalate to a dangerous state, possibly leading to an accident. Organisational Errors Many accidents, in particular those that are tragic in nature, such as the Piper Alpha, Herald of Free Enterprise, and those that have been subject to impartial scrutiny invariably go beyond the narrow confines of examining the role of the human being and investigate organisational factors. Collections of individuals as well as individuals in organisations contribute to accident situations. One prime cause is that individuals as well as organisations are prepared to take calculated risks. Many failures, however, can be tracked back to organisational malfunctions that result in errors and bad decisions. A representative range of organisational failures is listed below: Time pressure Language problems Cost / Profit Incentives Morale Rules and Regulations Management style Incentives Communication Pressure of production All of the above factors have a possible negative effect on organisational reliability. This is an extremely complex issue and involves the interaction of human beings at many levels. One classic example in the world of DP operations is when the client applies pressure on the DP management team to continue operations in marginal conditions. Another example from the world of shipping is the Herald of Free Enterprise, where the company management commitment to safety was ineffective, almost to the point of criminal negligence. Further examples of organisational failures were exposed in the Piper Alpha disaster, where, not only were the platform operators at fault but also the regulatory authority, DEn, whose organisation and the exercise of its responsibilities in respect of safety inspection was considered by Lord Cullen as being superficial and ineffectual. Page 242 Conclusion The data collected in the pilot project gave a practical dimension to much of the human factors work carried out by Reason and Payer, in particular some of the organisational perspectives identified by Payer. The following results can be seen in the context of the human factors theory as well as providing the industry with a set of practical recommendations. SPECIFIC RESULTS 1. DP Consoles Physical overload of DP consoles is a potential problem. The growth of peripheral equipment around DP consoles can result in practical problems. For example, the siting of an HPR unit on one vessel required the DP Operators to overreach in order to operate the equipment. Normally this would not be of particular significance, however, on this vessel, when fully operational, it was necessary to operate the HPR every time the vessel moved and that was every two to three minutes. The combination of the frequency of repetitive vessel moves and the physical movements required by the DP Operators introduced a small yet perceptible risk of stumbling or tripping and a failure to keep up with operational requirements. There is little doubt that, had a DP incident occurred as a result of the DP Operator failing to complete the required manipulation on time, then the investigation of the incident would have identified human error as one of the contributing factors. Other examples existed of some consoles that were so overloaded with equipment and monitors that the DP Operator's view of the adjacent platform or the working deck was obscured. On other vessels, additional equipment was located in potentially dangerous situations, with one example being related of a VHF set and removable hand held receiver installed directly above the DP console, so that if the hand receiver fell from the unit it would fall directly onto the push buttons on the console. This arrangement was certainly convenient for the DP Operator, not having to reach very far to answer the VHF, but less than secure from the point of view of maintaining the integrity of the DP console. A DP incident caused by the hand held receiver slipping out of the grasp of the DP Operator would invariably identify human error as being of causal significance. Recommendation Companies to carry out assessments of the equipment overload at each DP console and assess the suitability of the control console environment, looking particularly at the consequences of typical movement or manipulative errors, that happen from time to time. 2. Work Overload and Under Stimulation The study identified that multi-tasking had become a feature of the work of DP Operators. This imposition of other responsibilities has the potential to result in work overload, particularly in the senior ranks. There was considerable amount of anecdotal evidence to support this. One senior officer is quoted as saying that his extra duties were excessive, resulting in work overload both when on duty at the DP console at other times. Such extra duties are many and varied and include responsibility for communications, shipboard administration, stability and ballast control, planned maintenance, safety administration, project and client liaison. Page 243 For most DP Operators, however, work overload is not a permanent problem. On the contrary, on many occasions DP Operators are under utilised and are mentally and physically under stimulated. This is characterised by long hours of enforced attendance at the DP console. These periods of calm and inactivity provide ideal conditions for lapses in concentration. Many DP Operators expressed the sentiment that their role was frequently downgraded to computer watching and interrupted by short periods of excessive demand. One DP Operator referred to such periods of excessive demand as being, "the madhouse hours" and are characterised by significant increases in stress levels. During periods of calm and little activity, when the DP Operators are not required to make vessel movements and when they are not actively involved in the conduct of the vessel's operation, there is possibility that the DP Operators can become mentally isolated from subsea or vessel activities. On such occasions the information and involvement of the DP Operators is at a minimum. It is possible for the diving control room to neglect the DP control area and for such critical information as the location of the diver to be kept from the DP Operators. This is a potentially dangerous phenomenon. Overload and under utilisation are recognised features of the work of a DP Operators. DP incident analyses should establish the workload of the DP Operator at the time and then ascertain whether it was a contributory factor. Recommendation Companies to assess the workload on DP Operators, identifying occasions of overload and under utilisation and assessing the consequences for the safety of DP operations. 3. Temporary Handover Arrangements In general shift handovers were found to be carried out in a thorough and effective manner throughout the sample. However, the same was not necessarily the case for short term handovers. Regardless of the circumstances and the duration of the handover it is necessary that they are carried out thoroughly so that the oncoming DP Operator is made fully aware of all relevant information. Serious DP incidents have occurred during temporary handovers, when the stand-in DP Operator was not made fully aware of the circumstances or of the status of the DP operation. Introducing a new person into the DP operating situation, even for a short period, can create instability and disrupt the teamwork that can be built up by the team of onboard DP Operators. This can be of particular relevance on occasions when the Master or a person of equivalent stature takes over temporarily from the on watch DP Operator to allow him to carry out another task. These occasions can provide an uneasy environment, especially for junior DP Operators, since mistakenly perhaps, some feel that their performance is being subjected to scrutiny. Recommendation Companies to assess DP Operator hand over procedures and to ensure that they are implemented effectively, establishing tighter procedures as necessary. This could be done by Page 244 documenting the methods for controlling handovers. There are precedents in other industrial environments, where proper controls are required, such as in the transfer of responsibility in a Permit to Work system. This is frequently done by use of a checklist. 4. Distracting Presence of Non-DP Personnel DP control areas are not normally segregated effectively. They are often considered as a convenient meeting area for personnel with no direct role in the DP operation of the vessel. On some ships the DP control area was freely accessible to other personnel. The following comments were made; 'There is continual distraction", "There are plenty of casual visitors", "The DP bridge is not an effectively closed of area", "Distraction is rarely absent" and "There is just too much noise ". This has the potential of distracting DP Operators, yet at the same time the presence of other personnel can have a stimulating effect on some DP Operators. Some DP Operators are more inclined to be distracted than others. It is vitally important that the DP control area offers an appropriate working environment. This should be one which is dedicated exclusively to the promotion of safe DP operations and is effectively free from all other distractions and influences. Analyses of accidents should consider these aspects and establish whether there is any causal relationship. Examples from other similar control environments indicate that this matter has been considered and measures taken to reduce or eliminate distractions. Similar environments include, diving control areas, airline cockpits and even passenger coaches. Recommendation Assess the arrangements on DP vessels for isolating outside distractions. Industry wide guidelines should be established, in much the same way as coach drivers and airline pilots are protected from external influences. 5. Inadequate Manuals / Documentation Peripheral equipment, in particular, is frequently supplied with inadequate documentary support, i.e. operations instructions, failure modes, etc., and it is frequently not user friendly. It is also widely recognised that training and familiarisation with new equipment are frequently inadequate. This has a particularly important human factors dimension, since, the ability to carry out the responsibilities and duties as a DP Operator are largely dependent on ensuring that personnel are provided with the necessary information and knowledge of systems. This is not always the case. Recommendation Companies to assess the arrangements on DP vessels as to the adequacy of documentary support. Where deficiencies exist appropriate corrective actions should be taken. 6. Risk Taking There is supporting evidence that the margins of operational safety as required by the various guidelines are being exceeded. Such guidelines include the industry standard 1983 NPD/DoE Page 245 guidelines, the DPVOA guidelines for the operation of DP vessels and the equipment requirements of the classification societies. It appears that the most frequent abuses are in the operation of position reference systems. The reasons for the failure to comply with accepted standards of operation are many and various. In some cases it is a question of wilful acceptance of the risks involved and in others there is ignorance of the requirement. Risk taking was also seen as expressing individualistic tendencies. The syndrome of "I know best" was certainly not commonplace but it was detected. Some were more liable to disregard the rules than others. The project established that there appear to be links between risk takers and certain personality traits, including bravado, over-confidence, showing off, disinterest and lethargy. However, some DP Operators expressed irritation at the question and assumed an air of righteous indignation at the underlying suggestion, asserting that, "standards of professionalism are too high to allow risks to be taking while I am on watch." The analysis of DP incidents should consider risk taking as a potential causal factor. Recommendation Companies should assess the frequency and the potential consequences of risk taking and where necessary, to implement stricter enforcement procedures. In addition, companies should consider the psychological suitability of DP Operators. 7. DP Incident Reporting Current DP incident reporting and communications procedures are based on a system set up by the DPVOA, where all member companies are encouraged to report a DP incident on an appropriate form and to forward the information, in confidence, to the secretariat of the DPVOA, where the incidents are analysed, conclusions drawn ands results published. In order to build up a comprehensive data base of incidents, it is important that all DP incidents are reported, for, failure to do so deprives the industry and the DP Operators with valuable information on failures. There, is evidence, drawn from the survey, that some DP incidents remain unreported, even within the vessel. There is also evidence to suggest that the published reports are not distributed to every DP vessel. The quality of the analysis of DP incidents is influenced by the quality and quantity of information that is provided by the company and the ship on the DP incident report form. There is evidence that some incident reports are intentionally slanted to provide a sanitised version of events, thus introducing inaccurate and misleading elements into the analysis. This potential to mislead is clearly an element that has its roots in human factors. It appears that there is a defensive mechanism at work that influences people to resort to doctoring tactics, the consequences of which are eventually to deceive the end users of the scheme, i.e. incident analysts and DP Operators to whom the information is of most use since they are able to learn from DP failures elsewhere. This defensive mechanism is in part influenced by the competitive market conditions that persist in the world of offshore DP vessel contracting, where DP incidents can reflect poorly on the DP vessel and the company and can lead to contractual difficulties with the client group. Page 246 Recommendation Companies to review the ways in which they implement the DPVOA incident reporting scheme, in terms of the quality and content of information that is relevant to the incident and in the distribution of the published reports. In addition, a climate of openness should be encouraged where errors, incidents and failures are shared between all individuals involved. 8. DP Operator Training and Competence The survey revealed that a considerable number of DP Operators interviewed considered that the off- vessel DP Operator training did not fully equip them for real life DP operations. Initial training was too general. Comparisons were made with other similar occupations, e.g. that of an airline pilot. Pilots are required to undergo regular land-based simulator training and competence assessment procedures. Application of similar schemes in the DP industry would be of immeasurable value in improving awareness and assisting in raising standards of DP Operator performance. There was a strong view in favour of using DP simulator training to stretch DP Operators to the limit, since to a large extent they are not put under sufficient pressurise in the training environment. DP Operators should be trained for emergencies and should have to undergo simulator programmes that provide extraordinary and emergency situations. It is evident from the survey that the most experienced DP Operators have gained most of their experience of coping with emergencies from real life emergencies. However, more recently trained DP Operators do not have the same level of experience, nor in many cases are they likely to. Improvements in the DP associated equipment and systems reliability have resulted in fewer DP incidents, with fewer opportunities to learn from real life situations. Training is generally considered to be one of the most powerful tools in ensuring the competency of DP Operators to deal with routine and extraordinary actions and is directly linked with the human factor element Recommendation The industry should assess the adequacy of current DP Operator training requirements and standards, comparing them with similar occupations, make changes as necessary. Competency standards and competency assessments should be established and implemented throughout the DP industry. 9. Knowledge Base - Vessel Specific All DP Operators should have an adequate knowledge of the vessel, on which they are serving. It became apparent in the course of the project that procedures for ensuring adequate vessel specific knowledge are haphazard with some DP Operators clearly having insufficient knowledge of their current vessel. In one case DP Operators had no knowledge at all of their vessel's FMEA. There are many reasons for carrying out analyses of DP failure modes and consequences, one of the principal being to provide the DP Operators themselves with detailed information on the specific idiosyncrasies of each vessel's DP system. No two systems are the same. The consequences of failures can not always be relied upon to be repeated from vessel to vessel. Page 247 Recommendation Companies to review the vessel specific procedures for ensuring that DP Operators are adequately knowledgeable about the vessel on which they are serving and to implement changes in management practices and standards as required. 10. Geographical Differences On the evidence of the survey, safety standards and expectations of performance are not applied consistently across the world. In particular, standards and expectations vary according to geographical location. The survey identified that there is considerable room for abuse of safety procedures in certain parts of the world, especially those where external controls such as those exercised by clients and national authority are less intrusive. Temptations to relax safety constraints is offset by the implementation of acceptable company specific standards and the professionalism of the DP Operators themselves. Recommendation Review the role of national governments, IMO and clients and provide acceptable and consistent standards and expectations throughout the world. 11. Fatigue There is clear evidence to suggest that the performance of DP Operators is affected by fatigue. Principal causes are sleep related, noise fatigue, operational stress, particularly when in bad weather or operating close to the limits of acceptable safety margins. All of these features can affect the ability of the DP Operator to perform his functions properly. Sleep related problems figure highly as the most significant cause of fatigue, especially night shift work. The shift pattern of 12 hours on followed by 12 hours off appears now to be the normal for DP vessels. The advantage of this pattern is that it normally gives DP Operators the opportunity to have a long spell off duty, during which they can pursue other interests, carry out some form of recreational activity and get adequate sleep and rest, however, the down side is the length of time on duty. This is especially significant in night shift working, i.e. 1800hrs to 0600hrs or 0000hrs to 1200hrs, where proper sleep is not always attained during the off-duty hours and where the on-duty time covers the period when the body and the mind would rather be asleep. The analyses of DP incidents should cover this aspect. Attempts should be made in the analysis to identify evidence to link time of day or fatigue with the DP incident. One of the customary ways of overcoming sleep related fatigue problems is to ensure that there are two on watch. On most DP vessels this is a requirement. DP diving vessels have operated the two man DP watch for many years and it is now enshrined in all DP diving operating guidelines. Increasingly, other DP vessels have also adopted this system. The two man watch has not been introduced specifically to overcome this problem yet, with two on watch it is expected that one will be able to monitor the other for signs of fatigue and will- respond accordingly if it is detected. However, this does not provide a cure for problems of this type and a fatigued DP Operator is just as likely to "nod off' while in control of the DP console at 2 o'clock in the morning on a two man watch as on a single man watch. Page 248 Fatigue related symptoms also arise when DP Operators are experiencing under stimulation, regardless of the time of day. The survey provided clear evidence to show that boredom, lack of vigilance and intrusive thoughts can all combine to undermine DP Operator performance. The question of fatigue should be considered in the analyses of all DP incidents. Recommendation Carry out further survey of incidence of fatigue on board DP vessels, assessing frequency and potential consequences. This can be done on a company or vessel specific basis. 12. Irresponsible Behavioural Patterns Although this was not considered by the DP Operators involved in the project as being of great significance, the fact is that most had direct experience of other DP Operators acting in a potentially dangerous manner, e.g. by violating rules, procedures and by taking risks. In line with expectations no DP Operators admitted behaving in an irresponsible manner themselves. Had anybody done so, it would have revealed an upright honesty bordering on insanity. However, in the analyses of DP incidents it is important to ensure that this aspect is considered thoroughly and with absolute impartiality. Recommendation Assess the extent of the problem and take appropriate remedial measures, including which, companies should consider means of assessing the suitability of DP Operators before appointment and during service. 13. Employment Conditions The overriding opinion is that the professionalism of DP Operators is of a high standard and that having accepted the professional responsibilities that go with the post, there is little likelihood that standards will be undermined by matters such as employment conditions. However, there was minority view that there is a correlation between terms and conditions of employment, job security, etc. and attitudes of the DP personnel that could have safety implications. Where morale is low, safety standards and general standards of operation can suffer. In analysing the answers from the target group it is self apparent that the level of morale is made up of a large number of variables. It is notoriously difficult to measure and it is very easy to confuse morale with other variables. However, the survey did provide evidence to indicate that where employment conditions are unfavourable and uncertain it is unlikely that morale among DP Operators will be high. The following quotes give an indication of the responses, - "Reduction in terms and conditions could lead to attitude problems with the job " - "Lack of motivation could result, " - "Pay peanuts and you get monkeys ". - "More stress means less safety". Recommendation Page 249 Companies should assess the methods they adopt for influencing the morale on board DP vessels and should assess the practical operational benefits from steps taken to improve morale. 14. Status of DP Operators in the Industry In the survey it was identified that there are not enough opportunities for DP Operators to contribute to the development of the industry. Their wealth of knowledge and experience are generally underutilised. Where efforts have been made to integrate DP Operators more positively into the management of the DP operation and in project planning and management there appear to have been favourable benefits. The company management of one of the DP vessels involved in the project had made considerable efforts to give DP Operators a prominent role and status, e.g. by involving them in project planning and management. This had resulted in a particularly positive attitude being displayed by the DP Operators, with high levels of job satisfaction and associated feelings of well-being as far as the onshore - offshore relationships were concerned. They were generally more satisfied. In the majority of cases, however, where the management style did not take such a positive line, it was evident that, generally, DP Operators were less inclined to show positive attitudes towards the company and were predisposed to express a more mercenary and utilitarian attitude towards their work. The relevance of this division, in terms of human factors, is that companies that take steps to motivate their people in a positive way are promoting self esteem, job satisfaction and, eventually improved performances and productive capacity. Recommendation Companies and the industry organisations should provide opportunities for DP Operators to contribute to the development of the industry as a whole, such as on technical, operational and training matters. Companies should also take heed of the obvious benefits that are associated with positive management styles, where real efforts are made to help develop human performance. This can be done by providing an appropriate management framework. Page 250 Chapter 21- DP incidents DP incidents happens every day. It is of vital importance for the continues improvement process in every company, that all incidents are reported and handled properly for learning the lessons, avoiding future incident and improving performance. IMCA has developed an incident reporting scheme, which is widely used as template by many companies in the industry. The DP reporting scheme can be found on IMCA web page. IMCA is also issuing quarterly and annual reports of DP incidents in order for the entire DP industry to learn and improve. Page 251 IMCA DP Event bulletin2016: Page 252 Page 253 Page 254 Classic DP incident ( Page 255 Chapter 22 – Read more, Various links IMO: The Nautical Institute: OSVDPA: IMCA: Marine Technology Society – DP Committee: DNV/GL: Lloyds: American Bureau of Shipping (ABS): IACS (other classification Societies): Guidelines for Offshore Operations (G-OMO): Kongsberg: Marine Technologies: Rolls Royce Icon Wärtsilä Page 256 Chapter 23 – Drawings On the next pages you will find examples of drawings from various DP systems and vessels. Page 257 Dan Swift – cable layout Page 258 NB 190 – cable layout Page 259 NB 190 – Cable Layout C-Joy system Page 260 NB 190 – Cable Layout Position Reference Systems Page 261 NB 190 – Cable layout DP Alert system Page 262 NB190 – Single Line Diagram Power Set Up Page 263 Kongsberg – Power and wiring for panel Page 264 Kongsberg – Network Structure 2xOS and DPC2 Page 265 Kongsberg – Principle block diagram DPC 2 Page 266 Kongsberg – Principle Block Diagram I/O signals DPC2 Page 267 Kongsberg – Power and wiring diagram DPC2 Page 268 Kongsberg – Power and wiring diagram RBUS A and B section Page 269 Kongsberg – 3 position change over switch system Page 270 Kongsberg –cC-1 principle block diagram and I/O Page 271