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Democracy: The Best Way to Govern a Country

Democracy is the best way to govern a country
In the words of John Kay - The people who own the country ought to govern it. This is not just a famous
quote I’m using to begin my essay today, it’s the principle behind how our country and in fact most of the
countries are governed.
This principle has translated as a methodology of governance to the term we know as Democracy. It is
sometimes easier to understand the idea of democracy in terms of what it definitely is not. Democracy,
then, is not autocracy or dictatorship, where one person rules; and it is not oligarchy, where a small
segment of society rules. Democracy in principle is as said by Abraham Lincoln - a government of, by
and for the people. And this is why democracy rules. Apologies for the pun.
Essentially, the idea of democracy derives its moral strength – and popular appeal – from two key
principles, which are
1. Individual autonomy that is no-one should be subject to rules which have been imposed by others.
People should be able to control their own lives but within reason. and,
2. Equality.
A "democracy" is incomplete without a thorough-going respect for human rights. Taking part in
government, in a genuine way, is almost impossible to do without people having other basic rights
However, nothing and no one is flawless and keeping with that, even democracy has its issues.
Democracy doesn't mean much if you are hungry or homeless, or have no health care or your children
can't go to school; even if you have a vote, democracy is not effective.
That being said, even with some of its shortcomings, Democracy is still a far superior model of
governance than any other. It is not an end in itself but rather means to achieve a better end. A system of
governance is only as good (or as bad) as its people. Democracy allows itself for self correction and
Democracy is the only form of government that gives the same chance to the weak as to the strong. It
ensures that there is no guaranteed power in the hands of few individuals and that always, the worth and
the dignity of the individual are held as the most important.
I’ll end how I started - The people who own the country ought to govern it. And Democracy is a damn
good way to accomplish this.