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Name: Christian Paul B. Almerez
Year: First Year
Code: 381
Week 4
Activities (Formative)
Title: Case Study: On the different tourist destination with natural disaster causes
Things to do:
1. Find a journal or cases about the different tourist destination with natural disaster causes.
2. Submit your reflection about the case.
1. I have found two example of different tourist destination that got affected by natural
disaster first is the the volcanic eruption at Montserrat, a caribbean island located south
east of Puerto Rico. This place was once thriving as a tourist destination until the
Soufriere Hills volcano erupted in 1995. The volcanic ash buried entire streets and
tourism declined. However today, it offers volcano tourism where tourists can walk
around the main city to explore the ruins. This has been immensely popular therefore
tourism companies should learn to adapt to changes that occur as a result of natural
disasters. The second is the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami occurred in
December 26, 2004 with an epicenter off the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia
It was an undersea megathrust earthquake that registered a magnitude of 9.1–9.3 Mw,
reaching a Mercalli intensity up to IX in certain areas.
2. Many died in both natural disasters, and it also had a big effect on the tourism
industries of both countries. The number of visitors has heavily decreased since the
natural disasters happened, and a lot of people employed in tourism have lost their
jobs. The country that most depends on the tourism industry suffers a big toll in terms
of tourism infrastructure and its attractions. It also affects the economies of the
countries that are affected by natural disasters. The overall tourism industry of both
countries suffers a big loss because people are afraid to come to their countries because
of the disaster that happened, so the overall tourism industry of both countries
decreases and it will take a lot of years before it heals the effects of the natural disaster
before people start coming again to their countries and the tourism industry of both
countries will bloom again.