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Earthquake After-Effects: Structural Damage & Tsunamis

March 20,2023
After Effects Of An Earthquake
Earthquakes take place due to the constant moving of tectonic plates under the surface of the earth when
the edges get stuck due to friction and when the stress becomes more than the friction, the energy is
released in waves which causes shaking which we know as earthquakes. According to the website
research done at the University of California San Diego and the website OpenText.bc, there can be many
effects that come after an earthquake strikes. Such common effects include structural damage to
infrastructures, slope failures, tsunamis, liquefaction, etc. These effects depend on the Richter scale,
the number of currents, the radius of the earthquake, and where it is. A recent example of an earthquake
would be in New Zealand’s nomadic islands with 6.8 magnitudes.
When an earthquake occurs then everything in its way will be
destroyed because of this many people have lost their homes and
their lives are now miserable or even destroyed if not gone.
In accordance with the website riddlelife.com, an earthquake
occurred in Tohoku in 2011 in which over 17900 people died
and 50,000 people had become homeless. An earthquake is one
of the most expensive natural disasters as it tears apart the
ground and if it strikes once there is a high chance it will come
again. Earthquakes have a high chance of striking again due to liquefaction in which loose water-logged
sediments lose their strength because of the constant shaking due to earthquakes, this will now cause
more earthquakes in the area and hence mass destruction will come, and apart from lives, the economy
will be disrupted. It is reported earthquakes also cause another natural disaster which is tsunamis as
naa.gov reported that most tsunamis are due to earthquakes. “Earthquakes have long been feared as
one of nature’s most damaging hazards. Earthquakes continue to remind us that nature still can
strike without warning and, after only a few seconds, leave casualties and damage in their wake.”
Earthquakes are natural disasters that cause chaos wherever it strikes and as of now, we aren’t even
close to stopping or preventing such a powerful natural disaster. The problem isn’t only the mass
destruction that comes with this natural disaster but to fix the damages the government would have to
spend a huge amount of money to recover from it and even if they somehow manage to recover from it
there is still a high chance that the natural disaster will strike again.