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ENG5811 Critical Analysis Essay Literature Analysis Framework (the University of Sydney)

Dear Dr. S Ludewig from the University of Sydney:
I am writing to inform you about an essay that I wrote for one of your students
as a ghostwriter for their PMGT5811 critical and systems thinking essay
assignment. However, the student refused to pay for the essay and claimed it
was unacceptable. To prevent any misuse of my work, I am posting this article
publicly. If you come across any similarities between this article and the
submitted assignment, it indicates that this student has committed plagiarism
by using my work without proper citation. On the other hand, if there is no
similarity between this article and the submitted assignment, it shows that this
student did not use my work and was unsuccessful in their assignment.
I believe that everyone should take responsibility for their actions, and I have
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ENG5811 Critical Analysis Essay
Literature Analysis Framework
Use this template before you write the essay and submit in the same document above your
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Line of argument
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you ask ChatGPT?
Briefly paraphrase
its response and
To what extent has
ChatGPT constructed
Explain how you
have verified
Explain how you intend
to use the findings of
explain how you
intend to use it for
your own argument.
Or explain the
reason for not
wanting to use it.
and supported its
ChatGPT’s claims
and citations.
your analysis for your
Academic Journals
Brief Overview
Line of
Limitations &
Place the
short form
here and
the full
Style in the
list of your
Briefly paraphrase the
main ideas of each article
and explain why you
consider them main ideas
How have the
and supported
their line of
What evidence
do they use?
What was
the research
What do the
suggest is
the value or
strength of
Do the authors
set out any
What are they?
What did the
researcher believe was
learned from this
study? What
conclusions do they
reach and what
recommendations do
they make?
Tam et al.,
The main factors that
contribute to the success
of agile software
development projects are
team competence" and
program success factors
go beyond EI
Surveyed 216
people who
contribute to
the success of
agile software
Developed a
model of
The study was
conducted in
Pakistan only,
which may have
Project managers
understand and decide to
act on uncertain changes
in projects when they are
constantly changing the
Based on
and Geraldi
What limitations
do you observe?
Here you may
refer for
example in
relation to their
construction of
over-reliance on
certain authors
Explain how you
intend to use the
authors findings and
recommendations to
support your own line
of argument
Team Capability and
Engagement Factors
are both important
factors for project
My essay
demonstrates that
there is more than
just EI that influences
project success.
Can be used
to develop
Only theoretical
model, not
proven in real
In a practice where
the outcome of
project activities is
evidence suggests
Zhu et al.
management project
portfolio, which can affect
project performance.
theory and
selected to
study the
portfolios and
their project
Emotional intelligence is
considered important for
project managers to
influence project
performance, but
emotional intelligence
does not always play an
effective role.
To explore the
impact of
intelligence on
based on
This paper
guidance on
how project
can handle
in different
that operational
flexibility becomes
very important for
project success. This
can be used in my
essay to demonstrate
the importance of
critical thinking.
EI measurement
method is too
Project manager
emotional intelligence
affects project
performance through
the mediating role of
project commitment,
and project
complexity negatively
moderates the effect
of project manager
emotional intelligence
on project
commitment. This can
be used in my essay to
demonstrate that EI is
not the most
significant factor in
determining project
Critical Analysis:
Following instructions set out in the assessment guide and integrating your findings above,
present your essay below the headline. Your essay must include appropriate full citations
using Harvard referencing style. The essay needs to be entirely your own work. This
excludes copy and pasting AI generated text, re-cycling your own work, editing, translating,
composing, thinking and any other contributions from someone else. Your submission must
be on this template, adhere to the requirements and limitations that are explained in the
template, be submitted as a Word Document (not a PDF or other variant), use text and not
Assignments that do not meet these conditions will be reported to the university’s Academic
Integrity Unit for follow up.
Critical Analysis Essay
Project managers' emotional intelligence and critical thinking are only some of the
factors that contribute to project success, which is influenced by a combination of
Based on research and evidence, (1) critically analyse the paper on Emotional Intelligence
(EI) by Max Dalton (17 March 2023) Link, Download Link, and based on your findings (2)
critically analyse the claim that for project managers it is not time or cost but the use of EI
and critical thinking (CT ) that determine project success.
The article begins by defining emotional intelligence. The article explains the importance of
emotional intelligence for project managers, explains how it can benefit both managers and
projects, and provides ways to improve it. Emotional intelligence is crucial for project
managers because it allows them to better manage their teams and resolve disputes.
However, the author does not provide enough research or survey data to support his view.
He only illustrates the importance of emotional intelligence through some assumptions and
does not delve into how emotional intelligence affects project success. A project manager's
high emotional intelligence does not necessarily comfort the group's emotions, because the
group's emotions are more related to his own emotional intelligence, and the link between
the group's and the project manager's EI is not explained in the article. Similarly, the
relationship between the project manager's high emotional intelligence and the project's
success was not explained by the authors. Therefore, there is not enough evidence and data
to support the article's credibility. In addition, the authors do not mention the limitations
and challenges that exist with emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is not a perfect
solution, and it has some drawbacks and limitations. For example, EI takes time and effort to
improve, and not everyone can improve EI easily, and we are not even sure if EI can be
improved through acquired exercises. The authors ignore the limitations and challenges of
emotional intelligence, but try to make a connection between project managers' emotional
intelligence can definitely be improved by exercise and projects have can definitely be
successful, while the reasons and proofs for the effectiveness of these methods are missing
in the authors' suggestions for improving emotional intelligence. zhu et al. ( 2021) study also
alerted to the possible failure of the plan advocated in Max Dalton's article to achieve
project performance improvement by training project managers in emotional intelligence.
The exploration of emotional intelligence should clarify the research context and theoretical
model, and not over-interpret the role of emotional intelligence. The authors also ignore the
fact that project success is influenced by many factors, of which the level of emotional
intelligence of project managers is only one part, and the extent of this factor is unknown.
Finally, the conclusions of the article also lack depth and insight. The author simply
summarizes the importance of emotional intelligence and calls on project managers to
improve it. He does not provide further thoughts or explore, for example, how to better
apply EI in project management, improve EI in different contexts, etc. This also reduces the
value of the article. In summary, Max Dalton's article emphasizes the importance of
emotional intelligence in project management, but his view lacks support from evidence and
ignores the limitations of emotional intelligence and other factors that influence project
success. In order to assess how emotional intelligence impacts project success and how it
can be applied to improve project management effectiveness, readers need more
information and empirical evidence.
In light of Max Dalton's paper, a reasonable conclusion would be that for project managers,
emotional intelligence and critical thinking are important, but they are not decisive. First,
emotional intelligence and critical thinking are indeed very significant factors in project
management. Emotional intelligence helps project managers manage their teams better and
deal with conflict and communication issues. Critical thinking helps project managers better
analyze problems and make informed decisions. Critical thinkers organize information to
arrive at sound conclusions. Finding reasonable conclusions involves evaluating data
sources, facts, and other research. Critical thinking for project managers means sorting
through useful and arbitrary details to come up with an impact or solution to a problem.
Improving problem-solving skills: Critical thinking helps project managers analyze problems
in greater depth and look at them from a different perspective, rather than following a
textbook management approach to project management. This requires project managers to
discover new ideas and approaches that promote innovation. By analyzing and thinking
deeply about the problems, project managers can find creative solutions that promote
innovation and project development. At the same time, it can help project managers to
make more informed decisions. Through in-depth analysis and reflection on problems,
project managers can better evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of various decision
options and thus make more informed decisions. Martinsuo and Geraldi (2020) rejected
previous theories that project management should be more formalized to manage
complexity and uncertainty. The key finding of the study is that previous research
acknowledges that uncertainty and turbulence are factors that influence the way projects
are managed. Project managers understand and act on the situation as they continually
construct and modify the management portfolio. The findings of this article are valuable
because it provides evidence through research that analyzes theory based on the context
and applicability of the project portfolio and analyzes research on project portfolios related
to theory, demonstrating the limitations of traditional project management approaches in
innovative projects that require project managers to master the ability to deal with
uncertainty, which provides a new approach to developing project portfolios. The article has
substantial implications for solving complex and uncertain project management problems.
However, this article is based on a theoretical study that does not necessarily predict future
trends in actual projects, so the reliability of the findings needs to be further evaluated.
These capabilities can help project managers better manage their projects and increase the
probability of project success.
However, this does not mean that other factors that affect project success are not
important. Time and cost are very important factors in project management, and time, cost,
and quality, known as the iron triangle of project management are the metrics used to
assess project success (Project Management Institute, 2021, pp. 15-28), and considering the
project life cycle, these metrics are used as project implementation phase Their viability and
success are directly related. In order for a project to be feasible and sustainable, all factors
must be considered. Projects that ignore time and cost are likely to fail due to overbudgeting or running late. Similarly, Zhu et al. (2021) found that emotional intelligence has a
limited effect on project success. Based on resource conservation theory, this study
investigated the impact of project managers' emotional intelligence on project
performance. When project complexity is low, the emotional intelligence of a project
manager can influence project performance through project commitment. However, project
complexity negatively modifies emotional intelligence's impact on project commitment.
Using emotional intelligence effectively can significantly impact conflict management. It is
dependent on both the project manager's emotional intelligence and the extent of the
project manager's personal commitment to the project. This determines how effective a
conflict manager's use of emotional intelligence is in conflict management. There is no
denying the importance of emotional intelligence as a managerial skill that helps regulate
self-perceptions and build relationships between individuals and organizations.
Furthermore, emotional intelligence did not significantly affect project performance in this
study. However, this study is subjective in its research on project managers' emotional
intelligence, which may be subject to error. Moreover, Tam et al.'s (2020) study provides
further evidence that EI is not the only factor in project success, and that team competency
and customer engagement are the main factors contributing to the success of ongoing agile
software development projects. It is critical for managers and teams to understand what
factors are truly critical to success in order to prioritize and improve project outcomes.
Stakeholder engagement can also affect project success. Despite only examining agile
software development projects, the nature of the projects may vary. However, it can be
concluded from the above study that project managers' emotional intelligence and critical
thinking are only some of the factors for project success and are not determinants; project
success is influenced by a combination of factors.
Reference list
Dalton, M. (2023). How to Be an Emotionally Intelligent Project Manager. [online] Max Dalton
Tutorials. Available at: https://maxdalton.how/project-management/how-to-be-an-emotionallyintelligent-project-manager/.
Martinsuo, M. and Geraldi, J. (2020). Management of Project portfolios: Relationships of Project
Portfolios with Their Contexts. International Journal of Project Management, 38(7).
Project Management Institute (2021). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge
(PMBOK® Guide) – Seventh Edition and the Standard for Project Management. 7th ed. Project
Management Institute, pp.15–28.
Tam, C., Moura, E.J. da C., Oliveira, T. and Varajão, J. (2020). The Factors Influencing the Success of
on-going Agile Software Development Projects. International Journal of Project Management,
[online] 38(3), pp.165–176. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijproman.2020.02.001.
Zhu, F., Wang, X., Wang, L. and Yu, M. (2021). Project manager’s Emotional Intelligence and Project
performance: the Mediating Role of Project Commitment. International Journal of Project
Management, 39(7). doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijproman.2021.08.002.