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V. Dance and its
Health benefits of dancing
• Dancing can be a way to stay fit for people of all ages, shapes and
sizes. It has a wide range of physical and mental
of your heart and lungs
•increased muscular strength, endurance and motor
•increased physical confidence
•increased aerobic fitness
•improved mental functioning
•improved muscle tone and strength
•improved general and psychological
•weight management
•stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis wellbeing
•greater self-confidence and self-esteem
•better coordination, agility and flexibility
•better social skills.
•improved balance and spatial awareness
Getting started with dancing
• You can dance in a group, with a partner, or on your own
• There are lots of different places where you can enjoy dancing, for example, at dance schools,
social venues, community halls and in your own home. Dancing has become such a popular
way to be active and keep fit, that most fitness clubs now offer dance classes in their group
exercise programs.
• Dancing can be done both competitively and socially. It can be a great recreational and
sporting choice, because anyone of any age can take part. It doesn’t matter whether it is cold
or raining, as dancing is usually done indoors.
• The gear you need for dancing will depend on the style of dancing you choose. For example,
tap dancing will involve buying tap shoes, however many forms of dance do not need special
equipment or footwear.
• To get started, simply choose a style you enjoy, or would like to try, look online for dance
schools in your local area and join a class.
Types of dance
• A.Ballroom Dance
• B. Folk Dance
• C.Hip- hop
• D.Modern
Physical Benefits of Ballroom Dance
• There are many health benefits involved with ballroom dancing. It
provides exercise in the form of aerobics, helps to promote balance
and flexibility, and reduces stress relief. The movement involved is
great for the cardiovascular system and weight loss.
• The ability to learn and perform the different dance steps helps to
stimulate the brain and keep the memory sharp. Stress relief can
be reduced by concentrating on the music and dance steps,
keeping one’s mind off of any stressful situations which may be
interfering with good health.
Physical Benefits of Ballroom
• Ballroom dancing, whether taking lessons or
going to a party, keeps one in constant
contact with other people, creating the
perfect social outlet. It enables one to meet
new people and make new friends. It creates
a fun, happy environment with great, lively
music, and graceful movements,
Physical Benefits of Ballroom
• The confidence that ballroom dancing can create is enormous. As one
learns the difficult dance steps, they become more confident in their
ability to learn and perform. The added benefit of obtaining good posture
also helps to portray one to be more confident.
• Ballroom dancing can also benefit the elderly by keeping them physically
fit and happy. It has been noted that ballroom dancing is associated with
a lower risk of dementia. This results from the challenge of learning
complex dance moves and learning to move in time with the rhythm of the
music. The added benefit of being around other people and socializing
helps to keeps the elderly happy and free of depression.
Folk Dance
• Folk dances are usually danced at social gatherings (which can be
formed spontaneously or during yearly celebrations) that can but are not
required to have a particular dancing stage and are almost always so
simple to dance that new dancers and amateurs are encouraged to start
dancing with everyone else. Such dances almost never have an official
governing body that is keeping the development of folk dance in check.
Instead of that, the morphing of the folk dances in their countries and
local regions happens spontaneously by the changes with local traditions.
Modern dances that have developed spontaneously such as hip hop are
not regarded as folk dance, and they are often called as “street dances”.
Different Types of Folk Dance
Some of the most notable folk dances from all around the world are:
Ball de bastons – Weapon dance from Spain and Portugal
Céilidh – Gaelic folk dance originating from Scotland and Ireland
Clogging – Folk dance that features beating of heavy footwear on the
• English country dance – Traditional English folk dance that is also
danced in France and Germany
• Fandango – Traditional Spanish couples dance that is accompanied by
guitars and clapping hands or castanets.
Different Types of Folk Dance
• Georgian folk dances – They include dances such as Kartuli, Khorumi, Acharuli, Partsa, Kazbeguri,
Khevsuruli and many others.
• Greek dances – Rich Greek history has borne over 100 of traditional folk dances, including a dozen that
was danced at ancient feasts such as Angelica, Carpaea, Cordax and others.
• Hora - Traditional folk dance of Balkans, danced in Montenegro, Macedonia, Bulgaria and several other
• Kolo – Folk dance of that is danced in South Slavic countries such as Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia,
and Slovenia.
• Irish Dance – Traditional folk dance that has several forms of dancing, including popular Irish Step Dance.
• Italian folk dance – Italy is a home of many popular folk dances such as Tarantella, Pizzica, Monferrina,
Calabrian Tarantella and Ballu tundu.
• Jota – Popular Spanish folk dance. etc
Folk Dance Benefits
• Benefits in folk dancingDancing will help people of all ages, styles,
and sizes keep healthy. It has many physical and mental
advantages, including:• improved condition of your heart and
lungs• increased muscular strength, endurance and
motor fitness Benefits in folk dancingDancing will help people of
all ages, styles, and sizes keep healthy.
What is Hip Hop Dance?
• What is hip hop dancing? It’s a form of street dance that began as a freestyle
dance, that uses body movement to create rhythm while performing hip hop
History of Hip Hop Dance and Culture
• Hip-hop dance history dates back to the late 1970s in the Bronx, New York. Like
now, young people were dealing with poverty and crime.
• Youngsters wanted an outlet to express themselves and escape reality. They
created art forms like graffiti art, street fashion, breakdancing, and rapping.
elements are what make up hip-hop culture today
What Are the Benefits of Dancing Hip Hop
• Here’s a list of some of the benefits associated with dancing hip hop:
• It Helps You Lose Weight
• Dancing burns calories! Studies show that hip hop dancers lose weight
faster than those who don’t dance.
• It Improves Your Balance and Coordination
• Hip hop dancers need to be able to move quickly and stay balanced,
improving coordination and balance.
What are the Characteristics of Hip Hop Dance
• Hip hop dance, what is it? Here are the most common features:
Individual Expression
• Hip hop dancers use their bodies to convey meaning, emotion, and character.
• When dancing hip hop, you must work together to create cohesive work that shows off
individual skills.
Dance Moves that Emphasize Rhythm
• The dancers love working with music and incorporating rhythms into their movements
whenever possible!
Hip Hop Dance Styles
The most common hip-hop dance styles include:
It features acrobatic moves, including headspins, handstands, and freezes. Breakdancing is often associated with rap music.
The dance style is characterized by loose body movements and freestyle rhyming lyrics.
In this dance, the dancers tend to use their bodies in ways that appear violent or chaotic but are carefully controlled.
Locking focuses on technical precision with smooth movements that seamlessly flow together without pauses between steps or turns.
Popping is another popular form of hip hop dance characterized by fast movements with the feet and hands.
Hip-Hop Dance Benefit
A major benefit of hip hop dancing is that it’s a full-body
workout. Generally, a class of about 60 minutes can have you
dripping in sweat, which actually depends on the intensity of
the dance.
• Modern dance is a form of dance which focuses on the serious
expression of inner emotions, using a free-flowing, interpretive
style, rather than following the rigid rules characteristic of many
dance disciplines. When modern dance first developed at the turn
of the 20th century, it was considered extremely radical and
iconoclastic; over the years since, modern dance has become more
closely mingled with other disciplines like jazz dance, ballet, and
tap, and some dancers work in both modern and classical dance
styles, drawing techniques from both.
History of Modern Dance
• Modern dancers still rely on many ballet steps as part of their
choreographed modern dance routines. Modern dance is deeply
embedded in ballet syllabus. Historically, modern dance began as
free form style lyrical ballet among a community of professional
ballet dancers who refused to stop dancing. Isadora Duncan and
Ruth St. Denis promoted modern dance as a way of continuing their
dance careers, according to their biographies.
History of Modern Dance
• . The first modern dances choreographed required no dancing en
pointe or rigid adherence to ballet movement.
• A historical study of modern dance makes evident three phases of
this dance style:
• The early period from 1880 to 1923
• The middle period from 1923 to 1946
• The late modern dance period from 1946 to the present
Basic Movements of Modern Dance
• Basic movements in modern dance are fluidly free style. The ballet step,
arabesque, in modern dance is often performed with oblique angles of the body
and in turns. Other ballet steps like chasse, pas de bourree and port de bra of the
arms are similar ballet movements used in modern dance choreography. Certain
modern dance steps are performed on half pointe in bare feet or in modern dance
sandals for stage performances.
• Modern dance may include chaine tour (chain turns), glissade (gliding steps) that
predicate jetes (jumps) and tour de basque (leaps) and front-to-back and side-toside steps, like the ballet step "chasse". In groups, modern dance choreography
often includes geometric shapes like triangular, rectangular and circular shapes
using from dancers' bodies. The use of geometric shapes in modern dance helps
the audience to "see" the theme and subject of each modern dance routine.
Basic Movements of Modern Dance
• Today, modern dance is often confused with "jazz dance", a
dissimilar dance form that also relies on basic ballet movement. It
is performed to faster tempos in contemporary music.
• The difference between modern dance and jazz is that modern
dance choreography is performed with a theme in mind. Jazz dance
is free form and employs a variety of sharp turns, hops, jumps,
leaps and jazz walks set to an upbeat style of music. In modern
dance, these movements are softer and more fluid.
The Benefits of Modern Dance
• Creative Thinking - The impact that artistic training in general,
and modern dance training specifically, can have on a student’s life
is often grossly underestimated. Whether your student plans to
become a professional dancer, an attorney, a teacher, or a
mechanical engineer, they’ll have a distinct advantage over
competitors. In study after study, employers list creative thinking as
one of the employable skills they want most, and the total of a
candidate’s employable skill set weighs as heavily in their hiring
decisions as job-specific skills, training, and experience.
The Benefits of Modern Dance
• Stress Reduction - Modern dance classes contribute to healthier
kids today and better-balanced adults in the future by teaching
students to access their emotions and translate them into physical
motion. Both physical exercise and introspection help to alleviate
stress, and even on days when students come to class feeling the
weight of the world on their shoulders, they’ll leave class in a more
positive mood, less prone to anxiety and depression. The
endorphins produced as a result of a dance class will give the
student a sense of peace, well-being, and optimism.
The Benefits of Modern Dance
• Self-Expression - Not only does modern dance training teach students
how to access their emotions and give them physical conditioning and
training to express them, but it also gives them a sense of empowerment.
Creatively rendering emotion and thought into physical movement gives
students a kind of unique “voice” with which to express themselves, so
they can find ways to express themselves, even when words aren’t
sufficient. This can be especially helpful for shy students or students with
learning disabilities and builds confidence in students who might
otherwise feel invisible and unheard.
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