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Economics Knowledge Map: Micro, Macro, International

Knowledge Map - Microeconomics
This updated version of the Knowledge Map is based on the NEC Qualifying Test (both regional and national) in past years.
Economic Principles
Demand and Demand Curve
Pre Division
Supply and Supply Curve
AS Division
Explain the meaning of scarcity
Explain the meaning of scarcity
Explain the meaning of scarcity in relation to
Factors of production
Identify examples of natural resources, human
resources, and capital goods
Identify and explain the four factors of
Identify and explain the four factors of
Opportunity cost
• Explain why a choice must be made
• Describe the trade-offs
• Identify the opportunity cost
Explain the meaning of opportunity cost
• Explain the meaning ot opportunity cost and its
relationship to choice and free goods
• Distinguish between opportunity cost and
other costs using examples
Basic economic questions
Identify basic economic questions
Identify basic economic questions
Methods of economics
Distinguish between positive and normative
Distinguish between positive and normative
Economic systems
Distinguish between market economy and
command economy, especially in terms of
resource allocation
Distinguish between economic systems
Distinguish between economic systems
Production possibility curve (PPC)
• Understand the concept of PPC
• Identify factors that shift the PPC
• Explain economic growth by using PPC model
• Explain the different points in, on and out of
the PPC line
Draw a diagram to illustrate increasing and
constant opportunity cost in the PPC model
The law of demand
Identify the law of demand
Identify the law of demand
Explain the law of demand
The demand curve
Identify the demand curve
Identify the demand curve
Identify the demand curve
The non-price determinants of demand
(factors that change demand or shift the demand Identify factors that change demand
Identify and analyse factors that change demand Distinguish factors that change demand
Movements along and shifts of the demand
Identify movements along and shifts of the
demand curve
Examine the movements along and shifts of the
demand curve
Analyse demand functions, demand schedules
and graphs
Apply linear demand functions, demand
schedules and graphs
Identify movements along and shifts of the
demand curve
Linear demand functions, demand schedules
and graphs
How Market
DR Division
The law of supply
Identify the law of supply
Identify the law of supply
Explain the law of supply
The supply curve
Identify the supply curve
Identify the supply curve
Identify the supply curve
Identify and analyse factors that change supply
Distinguish factors that change supply
The non-price determinants of supply (factors
Identify factors that change supply
that change supply or shift the supply curve)
Movements along and shifts of the supply
Identify movements along and shifts of the supply Identify movements along and shifts of the supply Examine the movements along and shifts of the
supply curve
Linear supply functions, equations and graphs
Market Equilibrium, Disequilibrium and
Equilibrium (Comparative Static Analysis)
Changes in Equilibrium
Analyse supply functions, equations and graphs
• Understand how the market force (supply and
demand) determine the price of goods
Apply changes in Equilibrium
• Explain the meaning of market equilirium
Apply linear supply functions, demand schedules
and graphs
Calculate market Equilibrium, Disequilibrium and
Changes in Equilibrium
Consumer and Producer Surplus
Understand the definition of consumer and
producer surplus
Calculate producer and consumer surplus
according to the diagram
Allocative efficiency
Distinguish between allocative efficiency and
productive efficiency
Distinguish between allocative efficiency and
productive efficiency
• Analyse price elasticity of demand and its
• Distinguish applications of price elasticity of
• Identify cross-price elasticity of demand and
• Identify applications of cross-price elasticity of
• Identify income elasticity of demand and its
• Distinguish applications of income elasticity of
• Analyse price elasticity of supply and its
• Distinguish applications of price elasticity of
• Analyse price elasticity of demand and its
• Distinguish applications of price elasticity of
• Identify cross-price elasticity of demand and
• Identify applications of cross-price elasticity of
• Identify income elasticity of demand and its
• Distinguish applications of income elasticity of
• Analyse price elasticity of supply and its
• Distinguish applications of price elasticity of
Analyse Price ceilings (maximum prices):
rationale, consequences and examples
Calculate price ceilings (maximum prices):
rationale, consequences and examples
Analyse price floors: consequences and examples
Calculate price floors (minimum prices):
rationale, consequences and examples
Market Efficiency
Price elasticity of demand and its determinants
Applications of price elasticity of demand
Cross price elasticity of demand and its
Elasticity and its Application
Applications of cross price elasticity of demand • Explain the concept of price elasticity of
demand and price elasticity of supply
• Simple calculation of the price elasticity of
Income elasticity of demand and its
Applications of income elasticity of demand
Price elasticity of supply and its determinants
Applications of price elasticity of supply
Price ceilings (maximum prices): rationale,
consequences and examples
Controls on Prices (Ceiling and Floor)
Price floors (minimum prices): rationale,
consequences and examples
Negative externalities of production and
Positive externalities of production and
Externalities and Market Failure
Social costs and benefits
Cost-Benefit Analysis
The Economics of
Public Sector
• Understand the concepts of price ceilings and
price floors
• Analyze the price ceilings and price floors:
rationale, consequences and examples
• Define and calculate social costs (SC) as the
sum of private costs (PC) and external costs
(EC), including marginal social costs (MSC),
marginal private costs (MPC) and marginal
Define positive and negative externalities of both external costs (MEC)
consumption and production
• Define and calculate social benefits (SB) as the
• Explain the concepts of marginal benefit and
sum of private benefits (PB) and external
marginal cost
benefits (EB), including marginal social benefits
• Identify the marginal benefit and marginal cost
(MSB), marginal private benefits (MPB) and
Define social costs and benefits
of a certain consumption
marginal external benefits (MEB)
• Explain the concepts of positive and negative
externalities and being able to give examples
• Define marginal cost and marginal benefit
Use of costs and benefits in analysing decisions
• Apply the concepts of to analyzing externalities (knowledge of net present value is not required)
Define positive externality and negative
Dead-weight Loss
Calculate the deadweight loss caused by price
Direct & Indirect taxes
Define direct and indirect taxes and draw the
graphs for them
Define subsidies and draw the graphs for them
Government Intervention
Specific (fixed amount) taxes and ad valorem
(percentage) taxes
Public Goods and Common Resources
Explain the impact of taxation on consumers,
The impact of taxation on consumers, producers,
producers, government and economy as a whole. government and economy as a whole.
• Identify different types of goods
• Describe key features of different types of
• Identify different types of economic goods
Describe the nature and definition of free goods
• Distinguish between economic goods and free and private goods (economic goods), public
goods, merit goods and demerit goods
Describe asymmetric information and moral
hazard of costs and benefits
Asymmetric information
Short-run production function:
• fixed and variable factors of production
Define Total cost (TC), average total cost (ATC), • definition and calculation of total product,
fixed cost (FC), variable cost (VC), average fixed average product and marginal product
• law of diminishing returns (law of variable
cost (AFC), average variable cost (AVC).
The Production Function
Short-run cost function:
• definition and calculation of fixed costs (FC)
and variable costs (VC)
• definition and calculation of total, average and
marginal costs (TC, AC, MC), including average
Calculation of TC, ATC, FC,VC, AFC and AVC.
cost (ATC), total and average fixed costs (TFC,
Definition, drawing and interpretation of
diagrams that show how changes in output affect AFC) and total and average variable costs (TVC,
costs of production.
• explanation of shape of short-run average cost
and marginal cost curves
Short-Run Production Costs
The Cost of Production
Firm Behavior and
the Organization of
Long-Run Production Costs
• Define and calculate total cost (TC), average
total cost (ATC), fixed cost (FC), variable cost
(VC), average fixed cost (AFC), average variable
cost (AVC). Marginal cost (MC)
• Define calculate total revenue (TR), average
revenue (AR) and marginal revenue (MR)
• Understand the goal of a firm- profit
maximization, and how to achieve it
Long-run production function:
• no fixed factors of production
• returns to scale
Long-run cost function:
• explanation of shape of long-run average cost
• concept of minimum efficient scale
Understand the relationship between economies
of scale and decreasing average costs, internal
and external economies of scale and
diseconomies of scale
Production in the long run: returns to scale
Total revenue, average revenue and marginal
Profit Maximization of the Firm
Introduction of Competitive Market
Introduction of Monopoly
Define Total revenue (TR) and average revenue
Define and calculate the revenues: total, average
and marginal revenue (TR, AR, MR), normal,
subnormal and supernormal profit
Economic profit (sometimes known as
abnormal profit) and normal profit (zero
economic profit occurring at the break- even
Profit maximization in the short run
Survival, social welfare, profit maximisation and
Assumptions of the model
Identify perfect competitive market based on its Identify perfect competitive market based on its
Revenue curves
Identify the revenue curves in a perfect
competition market
Identify the revenue curves in a perfect
competition market
Profit maximization in the short run
Identify profit maximization point in the short
Draw a diagram to illustrate the profit
maximization point in a perfect competition
market in the short run
Profit maximization in the long run
Draw a diagram to illustrate the profit
Identify profit maximization point in the long run maximization point in a perfect competition
market in the long run
The Efficiency of competitive market
Explain various types of efficiency in a perfect
competition market
Explain and identify various types of efficiency in
the diagrams of perfect comptition market
Assumptions of the model
Identify and explain the characteristics of
Identify and explain the characteristics of
Barriers to entry
Explain the barries to entry
Explain the barries to entry
Revenue curves
Identify and explain the revenue of a monopoly
• Identify the profit maximizing point of output
and price
• Apply cost curves to monopoly market
Natural monopoly
Explain the meaning of natural monopoly
Explain the meaning and characteristics of
natural monopoly
Monopoly and efficiency
• Draw and explain the diagrams of monopoly
• Explain price discrimination in a monpoly
• Draw and explain the diagrams of monopoly
• Identify consumer surplus, producer surplus
and deadweight loss in a monopoly diagram
Policies to regulate monopoly power
Identify policies to regulate monopoly power
Explain the rationale and effects of regulating
Compare and contrast monopoly and perfect
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of
Abuse of monopoly power
Explain the abuse of monopoly power
Explain the abuse of monopoly power
Assumptions of the model
Identify and explain the characteristics of
monopolistic competiton market
Distiguish the characteristics between
monopolistic competition and perfect
Revenue curves
Explain the meanings of revenue curves
Apply revenue and cost curves in monopolistic
Profit maximization in the short run
Identify the profit maximization point in a
monopolistic market in the short run
Draw a diagram to illustrate the profit
maximization point in a monopolistic
competition market
Profit maximization in the long run
Identify the profit maximization point in a
monopolistic market in the long run
Draw a diagram to illustrate the profit
maximization point in a monopolistic
competition market
Non-price competition
Identify non-price competition
Explain non-price competition
Monopolistic competition and efficiency
Identify various efficiency point in monopolistic
Distinguish efficiency between monopolistic
competition and other types of market structure
The advantages and disadvantages of monopoly
compared with perfect competition
Market Structure
Explain the application and effectiveness of
measures to tackle different forms of market
failure, subsidies
• Explain the application and effectiveness of
measures to tackle different forms of market
failure, specific and ad valorem indirect taxes
• Identify other government intervention: price
controls, production quotas, prohibitions and
licences, regulation and deregulation, direct
provision, pollution permits, property rights,
nationalisation and privatisation, provision of
information, behavioural insights and ‘nudge’
• Understand why certain kinds of goods and
services are provided by government
• Understand the role of taxes
Impacts on market outcomes
Classification of goods and services
Identify deadweight welfare losses arising from
positive and negative externalities, asymmetric
information and moral hazard
Identify different market structures and their
Introduction of Monopolistic Competition
Monopolistic competition compared with
perfect competition and monopoly
Explain traditional profit-maximising objective of
Compare and contrast monopolistic competition Comment on monoplistic competition in
and other types of market structure
relation to perfect competition and monopoly
Assumptions of the model
Describe the assumptions of oligopoly
Describe the assumptions of oligopoly
Interdependence and game theory
Explain interdependence and game theory
Apply game theory in oligopoly model
Collusive and non-collusive oligopoly
Explain the meaning of collusion
Explain the meaning of collusion
Evaluating oligopoly
Describe the strategies of oligopolies
Explain the strategies of oligopolies
Introduction of Oligopoly
Knowledge Map - Macroeconomics
This updated version of the Knowledge Map is based on the NEC Qualifying Test (both regional and national) in past years.
The Economy’s Income and Expenditure
The Circular Flow of Income
Real v. Nominal GDP
Limitations of GDP
GDP and economic growth
Draw and label a circular flow diagram and
explain the interrelated roles of households,
businesses, and government in the economy
CPI and Inflation
Causes and Types of Inflation
Explain the causes and consequences of
economic growth
• Explain the concept of inflation
• Understand the concept of CPI
• Identify the causes of inflation
• Calculate the rate of inflation
Costs of Inflation
The Real Economy
in the Long-run
Market and Welfare
Comment on GDP in measuring economic
Distinguish among GDP, GNP and GNI
Identify economic growth in various economic
Distinguish between short-term and long-term
growth in various economic models
Explain the causes and consequences of
economic growth
Explain the causes and consequences of
economic growth
Explain various measures of CPI; calculate CPI
Calculate inflation and deflation
Describe problems of CPI in measuring
economic behaviour
Evalutate CPI as an important economic
Explain the problems of CPI in measuring
economic behaviour
Discuss the problems of CPI in measuring
economic behaviour
Explain the costs of inflation to various
economic agents
Evaluate the costs of inflation to various
economic agents
• Describe unemployment
• Calcualte the unemployment rate
Describe unemployment
Types and Causes of Unemployment
Identify various types of unemployment
Distinguish various types of unemployment
Distinguish and explain various types and causes
of unemployment
Explain the relationship between unemployment Evaluate the relationship between
and inflation
unemployment and inflation
Measuring Economic Inequality (Lorenz Curve,
Gini Coefficient)
• Explain the concept of aggregate demand
• Identify the diagram of an AD curve
The AD Curve
The Components of AD
Short-Run Aggregate Supply (SRAS)
Describe phillips curve
Apply phillips curves in evaluating unemployment
and inflation
• Understand and describe lorenz curve
• Understand the relationship between lorenz
curve and gini coefficient
Understand and describe lorenz curve
Understand the relationship between lorenz
curve and gini coefficient
Identify reasons behind the shape of curve
Identify the components of AD
The Determinants of AD or Causes of Shifts in
the AD Curve
Distinguish between real and nominal GDP
Measuring Unemployment
The Phillips Curve
Aggregate Demand and its Curve
Apply circular flow of income model in
• Distinguish between employment and
• Apply economic models in measuring
unemployment; claculate unemployment rate
The Relationship between Unemployment and
Economic Inequality
Draw and label a circular flow diagram and
explain the interrelated roles of households,
businesses, and government in the economy
Explain the meaning and significance of economic Explain the meaning and significance of economic Explain the meaning and significance of economic
Measuring Inflation and Deflation
Problems of CPI
AS Division
Distinguish among GDP, GNP and GNI
Short-term v. Long-term Growth
Causes and Consequences of Economic
DR Division
• Identify the components of GDP
Distinguish between real and nominal GDP
• Explain what is included in each component of
• Distinguish between real and nominal GDP
• Determine the GDP per capita for a certain
Identify the components of GDP
The Meaning and Significance of Economic
Measuring of a
Nation’s Income
and the Cost of
Pre Division
Identify the determinates of AD
• Explain the concept of aggregate supply
• Identify the diagram of an AS curve
Long-Run Aggregate Supply (LRAS)
Identify reasons behind the shape of curve
• Identify reasons behind the shape of AD curve,
SRAS curve and LRAS curve
• Identify the components and determinants of
• Identify and explain the causes and effects of
shifts in AD curve, AS curve and changes in ADAS model
Identify the types of fluctuations
Identify the different parts of business cycle
Identify reasons behind the shape of curve
Aggregate Supply and its Curve
Changes in the AD–AS Model in the Short Run
Equilibrium in the Aggregate Demand–
Aggregate Supply (AD–AS) Model
Economic Fluctuations
Fiscal Policy
Business Cycle, Short-term Fluctuations and
Long-term Trend
• Explain the concept of a business cycle
• Identify different phases of a business cycle
Fiscal policy and short-term demand
• Explain the concept of fiscal policy
Identify which policy to use to correct
• Identify different tools and the respective goals
of fiscal policy
Identify which policy to use to correct
Identify which policy would cause which impact
on potential output
Fiscal policy and its impact on potential output
Identify the advantages and disadvantages of
different fiscal policies
Evaluation of fiscal policy
The Money Market
• Identify which policy would cause which impact
on potential output
• Calculate and analyze the impact
Explain the concept of money supply and
monetary policy
Understand the definition of money supply and
monetary policy
Explain the definition of monetary policy, use the
tools of monetary policy: interest rates, money
supply and credit regulations
Definition, Measurement, and Functions of
• Define changes in interest rates, money supply
and foreign
exchange rates
Explain the definition and the functions of money
• Explain how monetary policy measures may
enable the government to achieve its
macroeconomic aims
Understand the quantity theory of money (MV =
PT), broad and narrow money supply, sources of
money supply in an open economy, transmission
mechanism of monetary policy
Banking and the Expansion of the Money
• Describe the role of central banks as
regulators of commercial banks and bankers to
• Understand that central banks are usually made
responsible for interest rates in order to achieve
macroeconomic objectives.
• Describe the role of central banks as
regulators of commercial banks and • bankers to
• Explain that central banks are usually made
responsible for interest rates and exchange rates
in order to achieve macroeconomic objectives.
• Describe the role of central banks as
regulators of commercial banks and bankers to
• Explain that central banks are usually made
responsible for interest rates and exchange rates
in order to achieve macroeconomic objectives.
Explain how the loanable funds market models
the financial sector and the orthodox
economists understand thrift to be an important
source for economic growth
The Loanable Funds Market
Monetary Policy
Monetary policy and short-term demand
Identify different tools and the respective goals
of monetary policy
Able to distinct between expansionary and
contractionary monetary policy
Explain how changes in interest rates can
influence the level of aggregate demand in an
• Able to distinct between expansionary and
contractionary monetary policy
• Explain how changes in interest rates can
influence the level of aggregate demand in an
• Conduct AD/AS analysis of the impact of
expansionary and contractionary monetary
policy on the equilibrium national income and
the level of real output, the price level and
Monetary policy and Inflation
Explain that central banks of certain countries,
rather than focusing on the maintenance of both
full employment and a low rate of inflation, are
guided in their monetary policy by the objective
to achieve an explicit or implicit inflation rate
Evaluation of monetary policy
Evaluate the effectiveness of monetary policy
through consideration of factors including:
• the independence of the central bank,
• the ability to adjust interest rates
• the ability to implement changes in interest
rates relatively quickly,
• time lags,
• limited effectiveness in increasing aggregate
demand if the economy is in deep recession and
conflict among government economic objectives.
Explain the definition of supply-side policy
Identify possible supply-side policy measures
include education and training, labour market
reforms, lower direct taxes, deregulation,
improving incentives to work and invest, and
Supply-side policies and the economy
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of SupplySide Policies
Investment in human capital
Explain how investment in education and training
will raise the levels of human capital and have a
short-term impact on aggregate demand, but
more importantly will increase LRAS.
Investment in new technology
Explain how policies that encourage research
and development will have a short-term impact
on aggregate demand, but more importantly will
result in new technologies and will increase
Investment in infrastructure
Explain how increased and improved
infrastructure will have a short-term impact on
aggregate demand, but more importantly will
increase LRAS.
Industrial policies
Explain that targeting specific industries through
policies including tax cuts, tax allowances and
subsidized lending promotes growth in key areas
of the economy and will have a short-term
impact on aggregate demand but, more
importantly, will increase LRAS.
Policies to encourage competition
Explain how factors including: deregulation,
privatization, trade liberalization and
antimonopoly regulation are used to encourage
Labour market reforms
Explain how factors including
• reducing the power of labour trade unions,
• reducing unemployment benefits and
• abolishing minimum wages
are used to make the labour market more
flexible (more responsive to supply and
Supply Side Policy
Explain how factors including personal income
tax cuts are used to increase the incentive to
How supply-side policy measures may enable the
work, and how cuts in business tax and capital
government to achieve its macroeconomic aims.
gains tax are used to increase the incentive to
Incentive-related policies
Evaluate the effectiveness of supply-side policies
through consideration of factors including:
• time lags,
• the ability to create employment,
• the ability to reduce inflationary pressure,
• the impact on economic growth,
• the impact on the government budget,
• the effect on equity,
• the effect on the environment.
The strengths and weaknesses of supply-side
Knowledge Map - International Economics and Current Event
This updated version of the Knowledge Map is based on the NEC Qualifying Test (both regional and national) in past years.
Measurement of terms of trade
DR Division
Explain the terms of trade
AS Division
Explain and calculate the terms of trade
Causes and consequences of changes in terms Explain the causes and consequences of changes
Explain the causes and consequences of changes in terms of trade
of trade
in terms of trade
International trade
The benefits of trade
Explain the causes and benefits of trade
Evaluate the costs and benefits of trade
Absolute and comparative advantage
Distinguish absoluate and comparative advantage Calculate absolute and comparative advantage
Trade agreements and Trading blocs
Explain trade agreements and trade blocs
Evaluate trade agreements and trade blocs
Types of trade protection
Identify types of trade protetion
Explain types of trade protetion
Effects of trade protection
Explain the effects of trade protetion
Evaluate the effects of trade protetion
Arguments for trade protection
Explain arguments for trade protetion
Evaluate arguments for trade protetion
Arguments against trade protection
Explain arguments against trade protetion
Evaluate arguments against trade protetion
The components of the balance of payments
• Identify the components of the current account
of the balance of payments – trade in goods,
trade in services, primary income and secondary
• Calculation of deficits and surpluses on the
current account of the balance of payments and
its component sections.
• Identify the components of the balance of payments
accounts (using the IMF/OECD definition): current account; capital and financial account; balancing
• Explain the meaning of balance of payments equilibrium and disequilibrium
• Identify the causes of balance of payments disequilibrium in each component of the accounts
• Explain the consequences of balance of payments
disequilibrium on domestic and external economy
Implications of a persistent current account
Explain the reasons for deficits and surpluses.
Explain the reasons for deficits and surpluses.
Restrictions on free trade
The balance of payments
The relationship between the current account Discuss the impact on GDP, employment,
and the exchange rate
inflation and foreign exchange rate
Identify the relationship between current account and the exchange rate
The relationship between the financial account
and the exchange rate
Identify the relationship between financial account and the exchange rate
Policies to achieve balance of payments
Identify the range of policies available to achieve
Identify the range of policies available to achieve balance of payments stability and how effective
balance of payments stability and how effective
they might be
they might be
Understand the definitions and measurement of
Understand the definitions and measurement of exchange rates – nominal, real, trade-weighted
Determination of freely floating exchange rates exchange rates – nominal, real, trade-weighted
exchange rates
exchange rates
Causes of changes in the exchange rate
Including changes in demand for exports and
imports, changes in the rate of interest,
speculation, and the entry or departure of
• Identify the determination of exchange rates – floating, fixed, managed float
• Identify the factors underlying changes in exchange rates
The effects of exchange rate changes
• Define depreciation/appreciation
• Define devaluation/revaluation
• Identify the effects of foreign exchange rate
fluctuations on export and import prices and
spending on imports and exports via the PED.
• Explain the effects of changing exchange rates on the domestic and external economy using AD,
Marshall-Lerner and J curve analysis
• Define and explain depreciation/appreciation
• Define and explain devaluation/revaluation
Fixed exchange rates
Identify different types of exchange systems
Evaluations of different types of exchange system
Real and Nominal Exchange Rate
Exchange Rate
How Policies and Events Affect an Open
Equilibrium in Managed exchange rate system
Evaluation of different exchange rate systems
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
The meaning of FDI and MNCs
Foreign Aid and Multilateral Development The roles of the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) and the World Bank
Identify the consequences and effects of incidents on currency exchange rate (on graphs)
Identify the differences between, and the
advantages and disadvantages of, a floating
foreign exchange rate and a fixed foreign
exchange rate system
Identify the difference between, and the advantages and disadvantages of, a floating foreign
exchange rate and a fixed foreign exchange rate system
• Understand the definition of foreign direct investment
• Distinguish between foreign direct investment and foreign portfolio investment
• Explain different roles of IMF and World Bank
• Explain different roles of IMF and World Bank in the development of global economy
in the development of global economy
• Understand the brief history of IMF and World Bank
• Understand the brief history of IMF and World
• Distinguish IMF and World Bank between other international organizations